#include "Globals.h"
#include "SpawnPrepare.h"
#include "World.h"
class cSpawnPrepareCallback :
public cChunkCoordCallback
cSpawnPrepareCallback(std::shared_ptr<cSpawnPrepare> a_SpawnPrepare) :
std::shared_ptr<cSpawnPrepare> m_SpawnPrepare;
virtual void Call(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, bool a_IsSuccess) override
m_SpawnPrepare->PreparedChunkCallback(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ);
cSpawnPrepare::cSpawnPrepare(cWorld & a_World, int a_PrepareDistance, std::function<void()> a_PreparationCompletedCallback):
m_TotalChunks(a_PrepareDistance * a_PrepareDistance),
void cSpawnPrepare::PrepareChunks(cWorld & a_World, int a_PrepareDistance, std::function<void()> a_PreparationCompletedCallback)
auto PerformanceAnalysisObject = std::make_shared<cSpawnPrepare>(a_World, a_PrepareDistance, a_PreparationCompletedCallback);
auto HalfPrepareDistance = (a_PrepareDistance - 1) / 2.f;
auto NegativePrepareDistance = FloorC(-HalfPrepareDistance), PositivePrepareDistance = FloorC(HalfPrepareDistance);
for (int ChunkX = NegativePrepareDistance; ChunkX <= PositivePrepareDistance; ++ChunkX)
for (int ChunkZ = NegativePrepareDistance; ChunkZ <= PositivePrepareDistance; ++ChunkZ)
a_World.PrepareChunk(ChunkX, ChunkZ, cpp14::make_unique<cSpawnPrepareCallback>(PerformanceAnalysisObject));
void cSpawnPrepare::PreparedChunkCallback(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ)
m_NumPrepared += 1;
if (m_NumPrepared == m_TotalChunks)
if (m_PreparationCompletedCallback)
LOG("Preparing spawn (%s): completed!", m_World.GetName().c_str());
// Report progress every 1 second:
auto Now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (Now - m_LastReportTime > std::chrono::seconds(1))
float PercentDone = static_cast<float>(m_NumPrepared * 100) / m_TotalChunks;
float ChunkSpeed = static_cast<float>((m_NumPrepared - m_LastReportChunkCount) * 1000) / std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(Now - m_LastReportTime).count();
LOG("Preparing spawn (%s): %.02f%% (%d/%d; %.02f chunks / sec)",
m_World.GetName().c_str(), PercentDone, m_NumPrepared, m_TotalChunks, ChunkSpeed
m_LastReportTime = Now;
m_LastReportChunkCount = m_NumPrepared;
bool cSpawnPrepare::IsValidSpawnBiome(cWorld & a_World, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ)
auto Biome = a_World.GetBiomeAt(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ);
if ((Biome != EMCSBiome::biOcean) && (Biome != EMCSBiome::biFrozenOcean) && (Biome != EMCSBiome::biDeepOcean))
return true;
return false;
Vector3d cSpawnPrepare::GenerateRandomSpawn(cWorld & a_World, int a_PrepareDistance)
LOGD("Generating random spawnpoint...");
int ChunkX = 0, ChunkZ = 0;
for (int CurrentRadius = 0; CurrentRadius <= a_PrepareDistance; ++CurrentRadius)
// Iterate through right and left sides
for (int PerpendicularRadius = -CurrentRadius; PerpendicularRadius <= CurrentRadius; ++PerpendicularRadius)
if (cSpawnPrepare::IsValidSpawnBiome(a_World, CurrentRadius, PerpendicularRadius))
ChunkX = CurrentRadius;
ChunkZ = PerpendicularRadius;
goto IUsedAGotoEatThat;
if (cSpawnPrepare::IsValidSpawnBiome(a_World, -CurrentRadius, PerpendicularRadius))
ChunkX = -CurrentRadius;
ChunkZ = PerpendicularRadius;
goto IUsedAGotoEatThat;
// Iterate through top and bottom sides, omitting the corners
for (int PerpendicularRadius = -CurrentRadius + 1; PerpendicularRadius < CurrentRadius; ++PerpendicularRadius)
if (cSpawnPrepare::IsValidSpawnBiome(a_World, PerpendicularRadius, CurrentRadius))
ChunkX = PerpendicularRadius;
ChunkZ = CurrentRadius;
goto IUsedAGotoEatThat;
if (cSpawnPrepare::IsValidSpawnBiome(a_World, PerpendicularRadius, -CurrentRadius))
ChunkX = PerpendicularRadius;
ChunkZ = -CurrentRadius;
goto IUsedAGotoEatThat;
for (auto BlockX = ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width; BlockX != (ChunkX + 1) * cChunkDef::Width; ++BlockX)
for (auto BlockZ = ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width; BlockZ != (ChunkZ + 1) * cChunkDef::Width; ++BlockZ)
Vector3d Position;
Position.x = static_cast<double>(BlockX);
Position.z = static_cast<double>(BlockZ);
if (CanSpawnAt(a_World, Position.x, Position.y, Position.z))
Position += {0.5, 0.0, 0.5};
LOGINFO("Generated spawn position at {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f}", Position.x, Position.y, Position.z);
return Position;
int Height;
VERIFY(a_World.TryGetHeight(0, 0, Height));
LOGWARNING("Did not find an acceptable spawnpoint. Defaulted to spawn at the origin, elevation %i blocks", Height);
return { 0.0, static_cast<double>(Height), 0.0 };
bool cSpawnPrepare::CanSpawnAt(cWorld & a_World, double a_X, double & a_Y, double a_Z)
// All this blocks can only be found above ground.
// Apart from netherrack (as the Nether is technically a massive cave)
static const BLOCKTYPE ValidSpawnBlocks[] =
static const int ValidSpawnBlocksCount = ARRAYCOUNT(ValidSpawnBlocks);
// Increase this by two, because we need two more blocks for body and head
int HighestSpawnPoint;
VERIFY(a_World.TryGetHeight(static_cast<int>(a_X), static_cast<int>(a_Z), HighestSpawnPoint));
HighestSpawnPoint += 2;
const int LowestSpawnPoint = static_cast<int>(HighestSpawnPoint / 2.0f);
for (int PotentialY = HighestSpawnPoint; PotentialY > LowestSpawnPoint; --PotentialY)
BLOCKTYPE HeadBlock = a_World.GetBlock(static_cast<int>(a_X), PotentialY, static_cast<int>(a_Z));
// Is this block safe for spawning
if (HeadBlock != E_BLOCK_AIR)
BLOCKTYPE BodyBlock = a_World.GetBlock(static_cast<int>(a_X), PotentialY - 1, static_cast<int>(a_Z));
// Is this block safe for spawning
if (BodyBlock != E_BLOCK_AIR)
BLOCKTYPE FloorBlock = a_World.GetBlock(static_cast<int>(a_X), PotentialY - 2, static_cast<int>(a_Z));
// Early out - Is the floor block air
if (FloorBlock == E_BLOCK_AIR)
// Is the floor block ok
bool ValidSpawnBlock = false;
for (int BlockIndex = 0; BlockIndex < ValidSpawnBlocksCount; ++BlockIndex)
ValidSpawnBlock |= (ValidSpawnBlocks[BlockIndex] == FloorBlock);
if (!ValidSpawnBlock)
if (!CheckPlayerSpawnPoint(a_World, static_cast<int>(a_X), PotentialY - 1, static_cast<int>(a_Z)))
a_Y = PotentialY - 1.0;
return true;
return false;
bool cSpawnPrepare::CheckPlayerSpawnPoint(cWorld & a_World, int a_PosX, int a_PosY, int a_PosZ)
// Check height bounds
if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(a_PosY))
return false;
// Check that surrounding blocks are neither solid or liquid
static const Vector3i SurroundingCoords[] =
Vector3i(0, 0, 1),
Vector3i(1, 0, 1),
Vector3i(1, 0, 0),
Vector3i(1, 0, -1),
Vector3i(0, 0, -1),
Vector3i(-1, 0, -1),
Vector3i(-1, 0, 0),
Vector3i(-1, 0, 1),
static const int SurroundingCoordsCount = ARRAYCOUNT(SurroundingCoords);
for (int CoordIndex = 0; CoordIndex < SurroundingCoordsCount; ++CoordIndex)
const int XPos = a_PosX + SurroundingCoords[CoordIndex].x;
const int ZPos = a_PosZ + SurroundingCoords[CoordIndex].z;
const BLOCKTYPE BlockType = a_World.GetBlock(XPos, a_PosY, ZPos);
if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType) || IsBlockLiquid(BlockType))
return false;
return true;