path: root/Core/web_serversettings.lua
diff options
authorAlexander Harkness <>2013-07-27 17:22:27 +0200
committerAlexander Harkness <>2013-07-27 17:22:27 +0200
commit66e837ecbc08ece3150a364976db87f56813d30b (patch)
tree1593ac9b849f3416aafa70c440694200c62e6b2c /Core/web_serversettings.lua
parentAdded the new core as a subtree. (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Core/web_serversettings.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 924 deletions
diff --git a/Core/web_serversettings.lua b/Core/web_serversettings.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 700d84ae1..000000000
--- a/Core/web_serversettings.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,924 +0,0 @@
--- Some HTML helper functions
-local function HTML_Option( value, text, selected )
- if( selected == true ) then
- return [[<option value="]] .. value .. [[" selected>]] .. text .. [[</option>]]
- else
- return [[<option value="]] .. value .. [[">]] .. text .. [[</option>"]]
- end
-local function HTML_Select_On_Off( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("1", "On", defaultValue == 1 )
- .. HTML_Option("0", "Off", defaultValue == 0 )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_Version( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("0", "Latest Version", defaultValue == 0 )
- .. HTML_Option("61", "1.5.2", defaultValue == 1 )
- .. HTML_Option("60", "1.5.0", defaultValue == 2 )
- .. HTML_Option("49", "1.4.5", defaultValue == 3 )
- .. HTML_Option("47", "1.4.2", defaultValue == 4 )
- .. HTML_Option("39", "1.3.2", defaultValue == 5 )
- .. HTML_Option("29", "1.2.5", defaultValue == 6 )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function ShowGeneralSettings( Request )
- local Content = ""
- local InfoMsg = nil
- local SettingsIni = cIniFile("settings.ini")
- if( SettingsIni:ReadFile() == false ) then
- InfoMsg = "<b style=\"color: red;\">ERROR: Could not read settings.ini!</b>"
- end
- if( Request.PostParams["general_submit"] ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Server", "Description",Request.PostParams["Server_Description"],false )
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Server_MaxPlayers"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Server", "MaxPlayers", Request.PostParams["Server_MaxPlayers"], false )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Server_Port"] ) ~= nil ) then
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Server_Port"] ) > 0 ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Server", "Port", Request.PostParams["Server_Port"], false )
- end
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Server_PortsIPv6"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Server", "PortsIPv6", Request.PostParams["Server_PortsIPv6"], false )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Server_Version"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Server", "PrimaryServerVersion", Request.PostParams["Server_Version"], false )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Authentication_Authenticate"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Authentication", "Authenticate", Request.PostParams["Authentication_Authenticate"], false )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Limit_World"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Worlds", "LimitWorld", Request.PostParams["Limit_World"], false )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["LimitWorldWidth"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Worlds", "LimitWorldWidth", Request.PostParams["LimitWorldWidth"], false )
- end
- if( SettingsIni:WriteFile() == false ) then
- InfoMsg = [[<b style="color: red;">ERROR: Could not write to settings.ini!</b>]]
- else
- InfoMsg = [[<b style="color: green;">INFO: Successfully saved changes to settings.ini</b>]]
- end
- end
- Content = Content .. [[
- <form method="POST">
- <h4>General Settings</h4>]]
- if( InfoMsg ~= nil ) then
- Content = Content .. "<p>" .. InfoMsg .. "</p>"
- end
- Content = Content .. [[
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Server</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">Description:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="Server_Description" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Server", "Description") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Max Players:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="Server_MaxPlayers" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Server", "MaxPlayers") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Port:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="Server_Port" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Server", "Port") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>PortsIPv6:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="Server_PortsIPv6" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Server", "PortsIPv6") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Shown Version:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_Version("Server_Version", SettingsIni:GetValueI("Server", "PrimaryServerVersion") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table><br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Authentication</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">Authenticate:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("Authentication_Authenticate", SettingsIni:GetValueI("Authentication", "Authenticate") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table><br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">LimitWorld</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">Limit World:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("Limit_World", SettingsIni:GetValueI("Worlds", "LimitWorld") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Max Chunks from spawn:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="LimitWorldWidth" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Worlds", "LimitWorldWidth") .. [["></td></tr>
- </table><br />
- <input type="submit" value="Save Settings" name="general_submit"> WARNING: Any changes made here might require a server restart in order to be applied!
- </form>]]
- return Content
-local function ShowMonstersSettings( Request )
- local Content = ""
- local InfoMsg = nil
- local SettingsIni = cIniFile("settings.ini")
- if( SettingsIni:ReadFile() == false ) then
- InfoMsg = "<b style=\"color: red;\">ERROR: Could not read settings.ini!</b>"
- end
- if( Request.PostParams["monsters_submit"] ~= nil ) then
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Monsters_AnimalsOn"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Monsters", "AnimalsOn", Request.PostParams["Monsters_AnimalsOn"], false )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["Monsters_AnimalSpawnInterval"] ) ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Monsters", "AnimalSpawnInterval", Request.PostParams["Monsters_AnimalSpawnInterval"], false )
- end
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Monsters", "Types", Request.PostParams["Monsters_Types"], false )
- if( SettingsIni:WriteFile() == false ) then
- InfoMsg = "<b style=\"color: red;\">ERROR: Could not write to settings.ini!</b>"
- else
- InfoMsg = "<b style=\"color: green;\">INFO: Successfully saved changes to settings.ini</b>"
- end
- end
- Content = Content .. "<form method=\"POST\">"
- Content = Content .. "<h4>Monsters Settings</h4>"
- if( InfoMsg ~= nil ) then
- Content = Content .. "<p>" .. InfoMsg .. "</p>"
- end
- Content = Content .. [[
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Monsters</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">Animals On:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("Monsters_AnimalsOn", SettingsIni:GetValueI("Monsters", "AnimalsOn") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Animal Spawn Interval:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="Monsters_AnimalSpawnInterval" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Monsters", "AnimalSpawnInterval") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Monster Types:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="Monsters_Types" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Monsters", "Types") .. [["></td></tr>
- </table><br />
- <input type="submit" value="Save Settings" name="monsters_submit"> WARNING: Any changes made here might require a server restart in order to be applied!
- </form>]]
- return Content
-local function ShowWorldsSettings( Request )
- local Content = ""
- local InfoMsg = nil
- local bSaveIni = false
- local SettingsIni = cIniFile("settings.ini")
- if( SettingsIni:ReadFile() == false ) then
- InfoMsg = [[<b style="color: red;">ERROR: Could not read settings.ini!</b>]]
- end
- if( Request.PostParams["RemoveWorld"] ~= nil ) then
- Content = Content .. Request.PostParams["RemoveWorld"]
- local WorldIdx = string.sub( Request.PostParams["RemoveWorld"], string.len("Remove ") )
- local KeyIdx = SettingsIni:FindKey("Worlds")
- local WorldName = SettingsIni:GetValue( KeyIdx, WorldIdx )
- if( SettingsIni:DeleteValueByID( KeyIdx, WorldIdx ) == true ) then
- InfoMsg = "<b style=\"color: green;\">INFO: Successfully removed world " .. WorldName .. "!</b><br />"
- bSaveIni = true
- end
- end
- if( Request.PostParams["AddWorld"] ~= nil ) then
- if( Request.PostParams["WorldName"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["WorldName"] ~= "" ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Worlds", "World", Request.PostParams["WorldName"], true )
- InfoMsg = "<b style=\"color: green;\">INFO: Successfully added world " .. Request.PostParams["WorldName"] .. "!</b><br />"
- bSaveIni = true
- end
- end
- if( Request.PostParams["worlds_submit"] ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Worlds", "DefaultWorld", Request.PostParams["Worlds_DefaultWorld"], false )
- if( Request.PostParams["Worlds_World"] ~= nil ) then
- SettingsIni:SetValue("Worlds", "World", Request.PostParams["Worlds_World"], true )
- end
- bSaveIni = true
- end
- if( bSaveIni == true ) then
- if( InfoMsg == nil ) then InfoMsg = "" end
- if( SettingsIni:WriteFile() == false ) then
- InfoMsg = InfoMsg .. "<b style=\"color: red;\">ERROR: Could not write to settings.ini!</b>"
- else
- InfoMsg = InfoMsg .. "<b style=\"color: green;\">INFO: Successfully saved changes to settings.ini</b>"
- end
- end
- Content = Content .. "<h4>Worlds Settings</h4>"
- if( InfoMsg ~= nil ) then
- Content = Content .. "<p>" .. InfoMsg .. "</p>"
- end
- Content = Content .. [[
- <form method="POST">
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Worlds</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">Default World:</td>
- <td><input type="Submit" name="Worlds_DefaultWorld" value="]] .. SettingsIni:GetValue("Worlds", "DefaultWorld") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- local KeyIdx = SettingsIni:FindKey("Worlds")
- local NumValues = SettingsIni:GetNumValues( KeyIdx )
- for i = 0, NumValues-1 do
- local ValueName = SettingsIni:GetValueName(KeyIdx, i )
- if( ValueName == "World" ) then
- local WorldName = SettingsIni:GetValue(KeyIdx, i)
- Content = Content .. [[
- <tr><td>]] .. ValueName .. [[:</td><td><div style="width: 100px; display: inline-block;">]] .. WorldName .. [[</div><input type="submit" value="Remove ]] .. i .. [[" name="RemoveWorld"></td></tr>]]
- end
- end
- Content = Content .. [[
- <tr><td>Add World:</td>
- <td><input type='text' name='WorldName'><input type='submit' name='AddWorld' value='Add World'></td></tr>
- </table><br />
- <input type="submit" value="Save Settings" name="worlds_submit"> WARNING: Any changes made here might require a server restart in order to be applied!
- </form>]]
- return Content
-local function SelectWorldButton( WorldName )
- return "<form method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='WorldName' value='"..WorldName.."'><input type='submit' name='SelectWorld' value='Select'></form>"
-local function HTML_Select_Dimension( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("0", "Overworld", defaultValue == 0 )
- .. HTML_Option("-1", "Nether", defaultValue == 1 )
- .. HTML_Option("1", "The End", defaultValue == 2 )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_Scheme( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("Default", "Default", defaultValue == "Default" )
- .. HTML_Option("Forgetful", "Forgetful", defaultValue == "Forgetful" )
- .. HTML_Option("Compact", "Compact", defaultValue == "Compact" )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_GameMode( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("0", "Survival", defaultValue == 0 )
- .. HTML_Option("1", "Creative", defaultValue == 1 )
- .. HTML_Option("2", "Adventure", defaultValue == 2 )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_Simulator( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("Floody", "Floody", defaultValue == 0 )
- .. HTML_Option("Noop", "Noop", defaultValue == 1 )
- .. HTML_Option("Vaporize", "Vaporize", defaultValue == 2 )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_BiomeGen( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("MultiStepMap", "MultiStepMap", defaultValue == "MultiStepMap" )
- .. HTML_Option("DistortedVoronoi", "DistortedVoronoi", defaultValue == "DistortedVoronoi" )
- .. HTML_Option("Voronoi", "Voronoi", defaultValue == "Voronoi" )
- .. HTML_Option("CheckerBoard", "CheckerBoard", defaultValue == "CheckerBoard" )
- .. HTML_Option("Constant", "Constant", defaultValue == "Constant" )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_HeightGen( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("Noise3D", "Noise3D", defaultValue == "Noise3D" )
- .. HTML_Option("Biomal", "Biomal", defaultValue == "Biomal" )
- .. HTML_Option("Classic", "Classic", defaultValue == "Classic" )
- .. HTML_Option("Flat", "Flat", defaultValue == "Flat" )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_CompositionGen( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("Noise3D", "Noise3D", defaultValue == "Noise3D" )
- .. HTML_Option("Biomal", "Biomal", defaultValue == "Biomal" )
- .. HTML_Option("Classic", "Classic", defaultValue == "Classic" )
- .. HTML_Option("SameBlock", "SameBlock", defaultValue == "SameBlock" )
- .. HTML_Option("DebugBiomes", "DebugBiomes", defaultValue == "DebugBiomes" )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_Generator( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("Composable", "Composable", defaultValue == "Composable" )
- .. [[</select>]]
-local function HTML_Select_Biome( name, defaultValue )
- return [[<select name="]] .. name .. [[">]]
- .. HTML_Option("Ocean", "Ocean", defaultValue == "Ocean" )
- .. HTML_Option("Plains", "Plains", defaultValue == "Plains" )
- .. HTML_Option("Extreme Hills", "Extreme Hills", defaultValue == "Extreme Hills" )
- .. HTML_Option("Forest", "Forest", defaultValue == "Forest" )
- .. HTML_Option("Taiga", "Taiga", defaultValue == "Taiga" )
- .. HTML_Option("Swampland", "Swampland", defaultValue == "Swampland" )
- .. HTML_Option("River", "River", defaultValue == "River" )
- .. HTML_Option("Hell", "Hell", defaultValue == "Hell" )
- .. HTML_Option("Sky", "Sky", defaultValue == "Sky" )
- .. HTML_Option("FrozenOcean", "FrozenOcean", defaultValue == "FrozenOcean" )
- .. HTML_Option("FrozenRiver", "FrozenRiver", defaultValue == "FrozenRiver" )
- .. HTML_Option("Ice Plains", "Ice Plains", defaultValue == "Ice Plains" )
- .. HTML_Option("Ice Mountains", "Ice Mountains", defaultValue == "Ice Mountains" )
- .. HTML_Option("MushroomIsland", "MushroomIsland", defaultValue == "MushroomIsland" )
- .. HTML_Option("MushroomIslandShore", "MushroomIslandShore", defaultValue == "MushroomIslandShore" )
- .. HTML_Option("Beach", "Beach", defaultValue == "Beach" )
- .. HTML_Option("DesertHills", "DesertHills", defaultValue == "DesertHills" )
- .. HTML_Option("ForestHills", "ForestHills", defaultValue == "ForestHills" )
- .. HTML_Option("TaigaHills", "TaigaHills", defaultValue == "TaigaHills" )
- .. HTML_Option("Extreme Hills Edge", "Extreme Hills Edge", defaultValue == "Extreme Hills Edge" )
- .. HTML_Option("Jungle", "Jungle", defaultValue == "Jungle" )
- .. HTML_Option("JungleHills", "JungleHills", defaultValue == "JungleHills" )
- .. [[</select>]]
-function ShowWorldSettings( Request )
- local Content = ""
- local InfoMsg = nil
- local SettingsIni = cIniFile("settings.ini")
- if( SettingsIni:ReadFile() == false ) then
- InfoMsg = [[<b style="color: red;">ERROR: Could not read settings.ini!</b>]]
- end
- if (Request.PostParams["SelectWorld"] ~= nil and Request.PostParams["WorldName"] ~= nil) then -- World is selected!
- WORLD = Request.PostParams["WorldName"]
- SelectedWorld = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(WORLD)
- elseif SelectedWorld == nil then
- WORLD = SettingsIni:GetValue("Worlds", "DefaultWorld")
- SelectedWorld = cRoot:Get():GetWorld( WORLD )
- end
- local WorldIni = cIniFile(SelectedWorld:GetName() .. "/world.ini")
- WorldIni:ReadFile()
- if (Request.PostParams["world_submit"]) ~= nil then
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_Dimension"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "General", "Dimension" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "General", "Dimension", Request.PostParams["World_Dimension"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_Schema"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "General", "Schema" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "General", "Schema", Request.PostParams["World_Schema"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_SpawnX"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "SpawnPosition", "X" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "SpawnPosition", "X", Request.PostParams["World_SpawnX"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_SpawnY"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "SpawnPosition", "Y" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "SpawnPosition", "Y", Request.PostParams["World_SpawnY"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_SpawnZ"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "SpawnPosition", "Z" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "SpawnPosition", "Z", Request.PostParams["World_SpawnZ"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_Seed"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Seed", "Seed" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Seed", "Seed", Request.PostParams["World_Seed"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_PVP"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "PVP", "Enabled" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "PVP", "Enabled", Request.PostParams["World_PVP"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_GameMode"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "GameMode", "GameMode" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "GameMode", "GameMode", Request.PostParams["World_GameMode"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_DeepSnow"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Physics", "DeepSnow" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Physics", "DeepSnow", Request.PostParams["World_DeepSnow"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_SandInstantFall"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Physics", "SandInstantFall" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Physics", "SandInstantFall", Request.PostParams["World_SandInstantFall"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_WaterSimulator"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Physics", "WaterSimulator" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Physics", "WaterSimulator", Request.PostParams["World_WaterSimulator"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_LavaSimulator"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Physics", "LavaSimulator" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Physics", "LavaSimulator", Request.PostParams["World_LavaSimulator"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_MaxSugarcaneHeight"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "MaxSugarcaneHeight" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "MaxSugarcaneHeight", Request.PostParams["World_MaxSugarcaneHeight"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_MaxCactusHeight"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "MaxCactusHeight" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "MaxCactusHeight", Request.PostParams["World_MaxCactusHeight"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_CarrotsBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsCarrotsBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsCarrotsBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_CarrotsBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_CropsBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsCropsBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsCropsBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_CropsBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_GrassBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsGrassBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsGrassBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_GrassBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_SaplingBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsSaplingBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsSaplingBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_SaplingBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_MelonStemBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsMelonStemBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsMelonStemBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_MelonStemBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_MelonBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsMelonBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsMelonBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_MelonBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_PotatoesBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsPotatoesBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsPotatoesBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_PotatoesBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_PumpkinStemBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsPumpkinStemBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsPumpkinStemBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_PumpkinStemBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_PumpkinBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsPumpkinBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsPumpkinBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_PumpkinBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_SugarCaneBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsSugarCaneBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsSugarCaneBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_SugarCaneBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( tonumber( Request.PostParams["World_CactusBonemealable"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Plants", "IsCactusBonemealable" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Plants", "IsCactusBonemealable", Request.PostParams["World_CactusBonemealable"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_BiomeGen"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "BiomeGen" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "BiomeGen", Request.PostParams["World_BiomeGen"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Biome"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ConstantBiome" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ConstantBiome", Request.PostParams["World_Biome"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapOceanCellSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapOceanCellSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapOceanCellSize", Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapOceanCellSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapMushroomIslandSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapMushroomIslandSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapMushroomIslandSize", Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapMushroomIslandSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapRiverCellSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverCellSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverCellSize", Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapRiverCellSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapRiverWidth"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverWidth" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverWidth", Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapRiverWidth"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapLandBiomeSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapLandBiomeSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MultiStepMapLandBiomeSize", Request.PostParams["World_MultiStepMapLandBiomeSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_DistortedVoronoiCellSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "DistortedVoronoiCellSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "DistortedVoronoiCellSize", Request.PostParams["World_DistortedVoronoiCellSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_DistortedVoronoiBiomes"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "DistortedVoronoiBiomes" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "DistortedVoronoiBiomes", Request.PostParams["World_DistortedVoronoiBiomes"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_VoronoiCellSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "VoronoiCellSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "VoronoiCellSize", Request.PostParams["World_VoronoiCellSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_VoronoiBiomesdVoronoiBiomes"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "VoronoiBiomes" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "VoronoiBiomes", Request.PostParams["World_VoronoiBiomes"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_CheckerBoardBiomes"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "CheckerBoardBiomes" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "CheckerBoardBiomes", Request.PostParams["World_CheckerBoardBiomes"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_CheckerBoardBiomeSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "CheckerBoardBiomeSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "CheckerBoardBiomeSize", Request.PostParams["World_CheckerBoardBiomeSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_HeightGen"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "HeightGen" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "HeightGen", Request.PostParams["World_HeightGen"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_FlatHeight"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "FlatHeight" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "FlatHeight", Request.PostParams["World_FlatHeight"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_CompositionGen"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "CompositionGen" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "CompositionGen", Request.PostParams["World_CompositionGen"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DSeaLevel"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Noise3DSeaLevel" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Noise3DSeaLevel", Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DSeaLevel"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DHeightAmplification"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Noise3DHeightAmplification" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Noise3DHeightAmplification", Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DHeightAmplification"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DMidPoint"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Noise3DMidPoint" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Noise3DMidPoint", Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DMidPoint"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DFrequencyX"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyX" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyX", Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DFrequencyX"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DFrequencyY"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyY" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyY", Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DFrequencyY"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DFrequencyZ"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyZ" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyZ", Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DFrequencyZ"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DAirThreshold"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Noise3DAirThreshold" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Noise3DAirThreshold", Request.PostParams["World_Noise3DAirThreshold"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicSeaLevel"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicSeaLevel" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicSeaLevel", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicSeaLevel"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBeachHeight"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBeachHeight" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBeachHeight", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBeachHeight"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBeachDepth"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBeachDepth" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBeachDepth", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBeachDepth"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockTop"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockTop" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockTop", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockTop"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockMiddle"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockMiddle" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockMiddle", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockMiddle"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockBottom"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockBottom" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockBottom", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockBottom"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockBeach"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockBeach" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockBeach", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockBeach"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockBeachBottom"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockBeachBottom" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockBeachBottom", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockBeachBottom"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockSea"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockSea" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "ClassicBlockSea", Request.PostParams["World_ClassicBlockSea"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_SameBlockType"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "SameBlockType" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "SameBlockType", Request.PostParams["World_SameBlockType"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_SameBlockBedrocked"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "SameBlockBedrocked" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "SameBlockBedrocked", Request.PostParams["World_SameBlockBedrocked"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Structures"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Structures" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Structures", Request.PostParams["World_Structures"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Finishers"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Finishers" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Finishers", Request.PostParams["World_Finishers"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_Generator"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "Generator" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "Generator", Request.PostParams["World_Generator"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsGridSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsGridSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsGridSize", Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsGridSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsMaxSystemSize"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsMaxSystemSize" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsMaxSystemSize", Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsMaxSystemSize"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsChanceCorridor"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsChanceCorridor" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsChanceCorridor", Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsChanceCorridor"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsChanceCrossing"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsChanceCrossing" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsChanceCrossing", Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsChanceCrossing"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsChanceStaircase"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsChanceStaircase" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "MineShaftsChanceStaircase", Request.PostParams["World_MineShaftsChanceStaircase"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_LavaLakesProbability"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "LavaLakesProbability" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "LavaLakesProbability", Request.PostParams["World_LavaLakesProbability"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_WaterLakesProbability"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "WaterLakesProbability" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "WaterLakesProbability", Request.PostParams["World_WaterLakesProbability"] )
- end
- if( ( Request.PostParams["World_BottomLavaLevel"] ) ~= nil ) then
- WorldIni:DeleteValue( "Generator", "BottomLavaLevel" )
- WorldIni:SetValue( "Generator", "BottomLavaLevel", Request.PostParams["World_BottomLavaLevel"] )
- end
- WorldIni:WriteFile()
- end
- Content = Content .. "<h4>World for operations: " .. WORLD .. "</h4>"
- Content = Content .. "<table>"
- local WorldNum = 0
- local AddWorldToTable = function(World)
- WorldNum = WorldNum + 1
- Content = Content .. "<tr>"
- Content = Content .. "<td style='width: 10px;'>" .. WorldNum .. ".</td>"
- Content = Content .. "<td>" .. World:GetName() .. "</td>"
- Content = Content .. "<td>" .. SelectWorldButton(World:GetName()) .. "</td>"
- Content = Content .. "</tr>"
- end
- cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(AddWorldToTable)
- Content = Content .. "</table>"
- Content = Content .. [[<table>
- <form method="POST">
- <br />
- <th colspan="2">General</th>
- <tr><td>Dimension:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_Dimension("World_Dimension", WorldIni:GetValueI("General", "Dimension") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Storage</th>
- <tr><td>Schema:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_Scheme("World_Schema", WorldIni:GetValueI("Storage", "Schema") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Spawn Position</th>
- <tr><td>X:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_SpawnX" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("SpawnPosition", "X") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Y:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_SpawnY" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("SpawnPosition", "Y") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Z:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_SpawnZ" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("SpawnPosition", "Z") .. [["></td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Seed</th>
- <tr><td>Seed:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Seed" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Seed", "Seed") .. [["></td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">PVP</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">PVP:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_PVP", WorldIni:GetValueI("PVP", "Enabled") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">GameMode</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">GameMode:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_GameMode("World_GameMode", WorldIni:GetValueI("GameMode", "GameMode") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Physics</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">DeepSnow:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_DeepSnow", WorldIni:GetValueI("Physics", "DeepSnow") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">SandInstantFall:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_SandInstantFall", WorldIni:GetValueI("Physics", "SandInstantFall") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">WaterSimulator:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_Simulator("World_WaterSimulator", WorldIni:GetValue("Physics", "WaterSimulator") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">LavaSimulator:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_Simulator("World_LavaSimulator", WorldIni:GetValue("Physics", "LavaSimulator") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Plants</th>
- <tr><td>MaxCactusHeight:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MaxCactusHeight" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Plants", "MaxCactusHeight") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MaxSugarcaneHeigh:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MaxSugarcaneHeight" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Plants", "MaxSugarcaneHeight") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">CarrotsBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_CarrotsBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsCarrotsBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">CropsBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_CropsBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsCropsBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">GrassBonemealabl:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_GrassBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsGrassBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">SaplingBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_SaplingBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsSaplingBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">MelonStemBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_MelonStemBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsMelonStemBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">MelonBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_MelonBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsMelonBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">PotatoesBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_PotatoesBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsPotatoesBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">PumpkinStemBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_PumpkinStemBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsPumpkinStemBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">PumpkinBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_PumpkinBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsPumpkinBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">SugarcaneBonemealabl:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_SugarcaneBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsSugarcaneBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">CactusBonemealable:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_On_Off("World_CactusBonemealable", WorldIni:GetValueI("Plants", "IsCactusBonemealable") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="2">Generator</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">BiomeGen:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_BiomeGen("World_BiomeGen", WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "BiomeGen") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">HeightGen:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_HeightGen("World_HeightGen", WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "HeightGen") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">CompositionGen:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_CompositionGen("World_CompositionGen", WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "CompositionGen") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Structures:</td>
- <td><input type="text" size="50" name="World_Structures" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Structures") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Finishers:</td>
- <td><input type="text" size="50" name="World_Finishers" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Finishers") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">Generator:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_Generator("World_Generator", WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Generator") ) .. [[</td></tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <table>
- <th colspan="1">Finetuning</th><br />
- </table>
- <table>
- ]]
- if WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "BiomeGen" ) == "Constant" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Biome Generator</th>
- <tr><td style="width: 50%;">ConstantBiome:</td>
- <td>]] .. HTML_Select_Biome( "World_Biome", WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ConstantBiome" ) ) .. [[</td></tr>]]
- elseif WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "BiomeGen" ) == "MultiStepMap" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Biome Generator</th>
- <tr><td>MultiStepMapOceanCellSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MultiStepMapOceanCellSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MultiStepMapOceanCellSize") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MultiStepMapOceanCellSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MultiStepMapMushroomIslandSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MultiStepMapMushroomIslandSize") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MultiStepMapOceanCellSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MultiStepMapRiverCellSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverCellSize") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MultiStepMapOceanCellSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MultiStepMapRiverWidth" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverWidth") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MultiStepMapOceanCellSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MultiStepMapLandBiomeSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MultiStepMapLandBiomeSize") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- elseif WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "BiomeGen" ) == "DistortedVoronoi" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Biome Generator</th>
- <tr><td>DistortedVoronoiCellSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_DistortedVoronoiCellSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "DistortedVoronoiCellSize") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>DistortedVoronoiBiomes:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_DistortedVoronoiBiomes" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "DistortedVoronoiBiomes") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- elseif WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "BiomeGen" ) == "Voronoi" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Biome Generator</th>
- <tr><td>VoronoiCellSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_VoronoiCellSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "VoronoiCellSize") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>VoronoiBiomes:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_VoronoiBiomes" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "VoronoiBiomes") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- elseif WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "BiomeGen" ) == "CheckerBoard" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Biome Generator</th>
- <tr><td>CheckerBoardBiomes:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_CheckerBoardBiomes" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "CheckerBoardBiomes") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>CheckerBoardBiomeSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_CheckerBoardBiomeSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "CheckerBoardBiomeSize") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- end
- if WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "CompositionGen" ) == "Noise3D" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Composition Generator</th>
- <tr><td>Noise3DSeaLevel:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Noise3DSeaLevel" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Noise3DSeaLevel") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Noise3DHeightAmplification:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Noise3DHeightAmplification" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Noise3DHeightAmplification") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Noise3DMidPoint:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Noise3DMidPoint" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Noise3DMidPoint") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Noise3DFrequencyX:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Noise3DFrequencyX" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyX") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Noise3DFrequencyY:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Noise3DFrequencyY" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyY") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Noise3DFrequencyZ:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Noise3DFrequencyZ" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyZ") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>Noise3DAirThreshold:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_Noise3DAirThreshold" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "Noise3DAirThreshold") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- elseif WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "CompositionGen" ) == "Classic" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Composition Generator</th>
- <tr><td>ClassicSeaLevel:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicSeaLevel" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicSeaLevel") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBeachHeight:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBeachHeight" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBeachHeight") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBeachDepth:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBeachDepth" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBeachDepth") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBlockTop:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBlockTop" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBlockTop") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBlockMiddle:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBlockMiddle" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBlockMiddle") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBlockBottom:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBlockBottom" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBlockBottom") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBlockBeach:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBlockBeach" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBlockBeach") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBlockBeachBottom:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBlockBeachBottom" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBlockBeachBottom") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>ClassicBlockSea:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_ClassicBlockSea" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "ClassicBlockSea") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- elseif WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "CompositionGen" ) == "SameBlock" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Composition Generator</th>
- <tr><td>SameBlockType:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_SameBlockType" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "SameBlockType") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>SameBlockBedrocked:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_SameBlockBedrocked" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "SameBlockBedrocked") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- end
- if WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "HeightGen" ) == "Flat" then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">Height Generator</th>
- <tr><td>FlatHeight:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_FlatHeight" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "FlatHeight") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- end
- if string.find( WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "Structures" ), "MineShafts" ) ~= nil then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">MineShafts</th>
- <tr><td>MineShaftsGridSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MineShaftsGridSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MineShaftsGridSize") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MineShaftsMaxSystemSize:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MineShaftsMaxSystemSize" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MineShaftsMaxSystemSize") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MineShaftsChanceCorridor:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MineShaftsChanceCorridor" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MineShaftsChanceCorridor") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MineShaftsChanceCrossing:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MineShaftsChanceCrossing" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MineShaftsChanceCrossing") .. [["></td></tr>
- <tr><td>MineShaftsChanceStaircase:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_MineShaftsChanceStaircase" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "MineShaftsChanceStaircase") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- end
- if string.find( WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "Structures" ), "LavaLakes" ) ~= nil then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">LavaLakes</th>
- <tr><td>LavaLakesProbability:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_LavaLakesProbability" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "LavaLakesProbability") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- end
- if string.find( WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "Structures" ), "WaterLakes" ) ~= nil then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">WaterLakes</th>
- <tr><td>WaterLakesProbability:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_WaterLakesProbability" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "WaterLakesProbability") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- end
- if string.find( WorldIni:GetValue( "Generator", "Finishers" ), "BottomLava" ) ~= nil then
- Content = Content .. [[
- <th colspan="2">BottomLavaLevel</th>
- <tr><td>BottomLavaLevel:</td>
- <td><input type="text" name="World_BottomLavaLevel" value="]] .. WorldIni:GetValue("Generator", "BottomLavaLevel") .. [["></td></tr>]]
- end
- Content = Content .. [[</table>]]
- Content = Content .. [[ <br />
- <input type="submit" value="Save Settings" name="world_submit"> </form>WARNING: Any changes made here might require a server restart in order to be applied!
- </form>]]
- return Content
-function HandleRequest_ServerSettings( Request )
- local Content = ""
- Content = Content .. [[
- <p><b>Server Settings</b></p>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="?tab=General">General</a></td>
- <td><a href="?tab=Monsters">Monsters</a></td>
- <td><a href="?tab=Worlds">Worlds</a></td>
- <td><a href="?tab=World">World</a></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <br />]]
- if( Request.Params["tab"] == "Monsters" ) then
- Content = Content .. ShowMonstersSettings( Request )
- elseif( Request.Params["tab"] == "Worlds" ) then
- Content = Content .. ShowWorldsSettings( Request )
- elseif( Request.Params["tab"] == "World" ) then
- Content = Content .. ShowWorldSettings( Request )
- else
- Content = Content .. ShowGeneralSettings( Request ) -- Default to general settings
- end
- return Content
-end \ No newline at end of file