path: root/src/Bindings/PluginLua.h
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authorJulian Laubstein <>2016-02-06 11:37:34 +0100
committerJulian Laubstein <>2016-02-06 11:37:34 +0100
commit6fdd7194c81be7234a126bdc3b48f0291fce3567 (patch)
tree7d5ac74b7385ce4ebf77588d80549c884c2b993c /src/Bindings/PluginLua.h
parentMerge pull request #2958 from LogicParrot/fence (diff)
parentBulk clearing of whitespace (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Bindings/PluginLua.h')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/Bindings/PluginLua.h b/src/Bindings/PluginLua.h
index 59e56c0e7..db6612671 100644
--- a/src/Bindings/PluginLua.h
+++ b/src/Bindings/PluginLua.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class cPluginLua :
// tolua_end
/** A RAII-style mutex lock for accessing the internal LuaState.
This will be the only way to retrieve the plugin's LuaState;
therefore it directly supports accessing the LuaState of the locked plugin.
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ public:
cLuaState & operator ()(void) { return m_Plugin.m_LuaState; }
cPluginLua & m_Plugin;
/** RAII lock for m_Plugin.m_CriticalSection */
cCSLock m_Lock;
} ;
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ public:
typedef SharedPtr<cResettable> cResettablePtr;
typedef std::vector<cResettablePtr> cResettablePtrs;
cPluginLua(const AString & a_PluginDirectory);
@@ -169,18 +169,18 @@ public:
virtual bool OnWeatherChanging (cWorld & a_World, eWeather & a_NewWeather) override;
virtual bool OnWorldStarted (cWorld & a_World) override;
virtual bool OnWorldTick (cWorld & a_World, std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, std::chrono::milliseconds a_LastTickDurationMSec) override;
virtual bool HandleCommand(const AStringVector & a_Split, cPlayer & a_Player, const AString & a_FullCommand) override;
virtual bool HandleConsoleCommand(const AStringVector & a_Split, cCommandOutputCallback & a_Output, const AString & a_FullCommand) override;
virtual void ClearCommands(void) override;
virtual void ClearConsoleCommands(void) override;
/** Returns true if the plugin contains the function for the specified hook type, using the old-style registration (#121) */
bool CanAddOldStyleHook(int a_HookType);
// cWebPlugin overrides
virtual const AString GetWebTitle(void) const override {return GetName(); }
virtual AString HandleWebRequest(const HTTPRequest & a_Request) override;
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public:
/** Adds a new web tab to webadmin.
Displaying the tab calls the referenced function. */
bool AddWebTab(const AString & a_Title, lua_State * a_LuaState, int a_FunctionReference); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
/** Binds the command to call the function specified by a Lua function reference. Simply adds to CommandMap. */
void BindCommand(const AString & a_Command, int a_FnRef);
@@ -198,25 +198,25 @@ public:
cLuaState & GetLuaState(void) { return m_LuaState; }
cCriticalSection & GetCriticalSection(void) { return m_CriticalSection; }
/** Removes a previously referenced object (luaL_unref()) */
void Unreference(int a_LuaRef);
/** Calls the plugin-specified "cLuaWindow closing" callback. Returns true only if the callback returned true */
bool CallbackWindowClosing(int a_FnRef, cWindow & a_Window, cPlayer & a_Player, bool a_CanRefuse);
/** Calls the plugin-specified "cLuaWindow slot changed" callback. */
void CallbackWindowSlotChanged(int a_FnRef, cWindow & a_Window, int a_SlotNum);
/** Returns the name of Lua function that should handle the specified hook type in the older (#121) API */
static const char * GetHookFnName(int a_HookType);
/** Adds a Lua function to be called for the specified hook.
The function has to be on the Lua stack at the specified index a_FnRefIdx
Returns true if the hook was added successfully.
bool AddHookRef(int a_HookType, int a_FnRefIdx);
/** Calls a function in this plugin's LuaState with parameters copied over from a_ForeignState.
The values that the function returns are placed onto a_ForeignState.
Returns the number of values returned, if successful, or negative number on failure. */
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public:
int a_ParamStart,
int a_ParamEnd
/** Call a Lua function residing in the plugin. */
template <typename FnT, typename... Args>
bool Call(FnT a_Fn, Args && ... a_Args)
@@ -241,20 +241,20 @@ public:
/** Maps command name into Lua function reference */
typedef std::map<AString, int> CommandMap;
/** Provides an array of Lua function references */
typedef std::vector<cLuaState::cRef *> cLuaRefs;
/** Maps hook types into arrays of Lua function references to call for each hook type */
typedef std::map<int, cLuaRefs> cHookMap;
/** The mutex protecting m_LuaState and each of the m_Resettables[] against multithreaded use. */
cCriticalSection m_CriticalSection;
/** The plugin's Lua state. */
cLuaState m_LuaState;
/** Objects that need notification when the plugin is about to be unloaded. */
cResettablePtrs m_Resettables;
@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ protected:
/** Console commands that the plugin has registered. */
CommandMap m_ConsoleCommands;
/** Hooks that the plugin has registered. */
cHookMap m_HookMap;
/** Releases all Lua references, notifies and removes all m_Resettables[] and closes the m_LuaState. */
void Close(void);