diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 51 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/MCServer/settings_apidump.ini b/MCServer/settings_apidump.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80227a713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MCServer/settings_apidump.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+; This settings file is used by the $/MakeLuaAPI.cmd script
+; It is copied over settings.ini so that the APIDump plugin gets loaded upon server start
+Description=MCServer - in C++!
+; World=secondworld
diff --git a/MakeLuaAPI.cmd b/MakeLuaAPI.cmd
index 6ea44c9fb..7054977a0 100644
--- a/MakeLuaAPI.cmd
+++ b/MakeLuaAPI.cmd
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ if "a%ftpsite%" == "a" (
:: Create the API documentation by running the server and stopping it right after it starts:
cd MCServer
+copy /Y settings_apidump.ini settings.ini
echo stop | MCServer
cd ..
diff --git a/Nightbuild2008.cmd b/Nightbuild2008.cmd
index f3f1ca4cb..8dcd5dc46 100644
--- a/Nightbuild2008.cmd
+++ b/Nightbuild2008.cmd
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ if "a%ftpsite%" == "a" (
:: Get the date and time into vars:
+:: This is locale-dependent!
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/. " %%a in ('date /t') do (
set MYYEAR=%%c
set MYMONTH=%%b
@@ -66,13 +67,11 @@ if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
:: Update the external plugins to the latest revision:
-cd MCServer\Plugins\Core
-git pull
-if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
-cd ..\ProtectionAreas
-git pull
+git submodule update
if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
-cd ..\..\..
:: Get the Git commit ID into an environment var
For /f "tokens=1 delims=/. " %%a in ('git log -1 --oneline --no-abbrev-commit') do (set COMMITID=%%a)
@@ -114,9 +113,23 @@ if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
+:: Generate the .example.ini files by running the server without any ini files:
+cd MCServer
+del groups.ini
+del settings.ini
+del webadmin.ini
+echo stop | MCServer
+cd ..
:: Copy all the example ini files into the Install folder for zipping:
-copy MCServer\*.example.ini Install\
+copy MCServer\groups.ini Install\groups.example.ini
+copy MCServer\settings.ini Install\settings.example.ini
+copy MCServer\webadmin.ini Install\webadmin.example.ini
:: Use 7-zip to compress the resulting files into a single file: