path: root/docs/
blob: 89137ffc4d21bd8672b67f56b68f6c03c1bad618 (plain) (tree)

### G4F - Installation Guide

Follow these steps to install G4F from the source code:

1. **Clone the Repository:**

git clone

2. **Navigate to the Project Directory:**

cd gpt4free

3. **(Optional) Create a Python Virtual Environment:**

It's recommended to isolate your project dependencies. You can follow the [Python official documentation]( for virtual environments.

python3 -m venv venv

4. **Activate the Virtual Environment:**

- On Windows:


- On macOS and Linux:

source venv/bin/activate

5. **Install Minimum Requirements:**

Install the minimum required packages:

pip install -r requirements-min.txt

6. **Or Install All Packages from `requirements.txt`:**

If you prefer, you can install all packages listed in `requirements.txt`:

pip install -r requirements.txt

7. **Start Using the Repository:**

You can now create Python scripts and utilize the G4F functionalities. Here's a basic example:

Create a `` file in the root folder and start using the repository:

import g4f
# Your code here

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