path: root/quora/
diff options
mode: <>2023-04-27 09:39:44 +0200
committerGitHub <>2023-04-27 09:39:44 +0200
commit16e85fff4ef530d482c8b7e19196d45c3d9e5a97 (patch)
treec33f04898e47d27df51b0b75cfe8fd0ea39f1ccf /quora/
parentMerge pull request #182 from naa7/patch-2 (diff)
parentMerge branch 'main' into feature/code_refactor (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'quora/')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/quora/ b/quora/
index 4c783137..d0ed302f 100644
--- a/quora/
+++ b/quora/
@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ from pathlib import Path
from random import choice, choices, randint
from re import search, findall
from string import ascii_letters, digits
-from typing import Optional
+from typing import Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import unquote
import as EC
+from fake_useragent import UserAgent
from pypasser import reCaptchaV3
from requests import Session
-from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver import Firefox, Chrome, FirefoxOptions, ChromeOptions
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from tls_client import Session as TLS
@@ -20,33 +21,48 @@ from tls_client import Session as TLS
from quora.api import Client as PoeClient
from quora.mail import Emailnator
+SELENIUM_WEB_DRIVER_ERROR_MSG = b'''The error message you are receiving is due to the `geckodriver` executable not
+being found in your system\'s PATH. To resolve this issue, you need to download the geckodriver and add its location
+to your system\'s PATH.\n\nHere are the steps to resolve the issue:\n\n1. Download the geckodriver for your platform
+(Windows, macOS, or Linux) from the following link:\n\n2. Extract the
+downloaded archive and locate the geckodriver executable.\n\n3. Add the geckodriver executable to your system\'s
+PATH.\n\nFor macOS and Linux:\n\n- Open a terminal window.\n- Move the geckodriver executable to a directory that is
+already in your PATH, or create a new directory and add it to your PATH:\n\n```bash\n# Example: Move geckodriver to
+/usr/local/bin\nmv /path/to/your/geckodriver /usr/local/bin\n```\n\n- If you created a new directory, add it to your
+PATH:\n\n```bash\n# Example: Add a new directory to PATH\nexport PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/directory\n```\n\nFor
+Windows:\n\n- Right-click on "My Computer" or "This PC" and select "Properties".\n- Click on "Advanced system
+settings".\n- Click on the "Environment Variables" button.\n- In the "System variables" section, find the "Path"
+variable, select it, and click "Edit".\n- Click "New" and add the path to the directory containing the geckodriver
+executable.\n\nAfter adding the geckodriver to your PATH, restart your terminal or command prompt and try running
+your script again. The error should be resolved.'''
# from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha
# solver = TwoCaptcha('72747bf24a9d89b4dcc1b24875efd358')
- "Sage": "capybara",
- "GPT-4": "beaver",
- "Claude+": "a2_2",
- "Claude-instant": "a2",
- "ChatGPT": "chinchilla",
- "Dragonfly": "nutria",
- "NeevaAI": "hutia",
+ 'Sage': 'capybara',
+ 'GPT-4': 'beaver',
+ 'Claude+': 'a2_2',
+ 'Claude-instant': 'a2',
+ 'ChatGPT': 'chinchilla',
+ 'Dragonfly': 'nutria',
+ 'NeevaAI': 'hutia',
def extract_formkey(html):
- script_regex = r"<script>if\(.+\)throw new Error;(.+)</script>"
+ script_regex = r'<script>if\(.+\)throw new Error;(.+)</script>'
script_text = search(script_regex, html).group(1)
key_regex = r'var .="([0-9a-f]+)",'
key_text = search(key_regex, script_text).group(1)
- cipher_regex = r".\[(\d+)\]=.\[(\d+)\]"
+ cipher_regex = r'.\[(\d+)\]=.\[(\d+)\]'
cipher_pairs = findall(cipher_regex, script_text)
- formkey_list = [""] * len(cipher_pairs)
+ formkey_list = [''] * len(cipher_pairs)
for pair in cipher_pairs:
formkey_index, key_index = map(int, pair)
formkey_list[formkey_index] = key_text[key_index]
- formkey = "".join(formkey_list)
+ formkey = ''.join(formkey_list)
return formkey
@@ -55,35 +71,35 @@ class PoeResponse:
class Completion:
class Choices:
def __init__(self, choice: dict) -> None:
- self.text = choice["text"]
+ self.text = choice['text']
self.content = self.text.encode()
- self.index = choice["index"]
- self.logprobs = choice["logprobs"]
- self.finish_reason = choice["finish_reason"]
+ self.index = choice['index']
+ self.logprobs = choice['logprobs']
+ self.finish_reason = choice['finish_reason']
def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f"""<__main__.APIResponse.Completion.Choices(\n text = {self.text.encode()},\n index = {self.index},\n logprobs = {self.logprobs},\n finish_reason = {self.finish_reason})object at 0x1337>"""
+ return f'''<__main__.APIResponse.Completion.Choices(\n text = {self.text.encode()},\n index = {self.index},\n logprobs = {self.logprobs},\n finish_reason = {self.finish_reason})object at 0x1337>'''
def __init__(self, choices: dict) -> None:
self.choices = [self.Choices(choice) for choice in choices]
class Usage:
def __init__(self, usage_dict: dict) -> None:
- self.prompt_tokens = usage_dict["prompt_tokens"]
- self.completion_tokens = usage_dict["completion_tokens"]
- self.total_tokens = usage_dict["total_tokens"]
+ self.prompt_tokens = usage_dict['prompt_tokens']
+ self.completion_tokens = usage_dict['completion_tokens']
+ self.total_tokens = usage_dict['total_tokens']
def __repr__(self):
- return f"""<__main__.APIResponse.Usage(\n prompt_tokens = {self.prompt_tokens},\n completion_tokens = {self.completion_tokens},\n total_tokens = {self.total_tokens})object at 0x1337>"""
+ return f'''<__main__.APIResponse.Usage(\n prompt_tokens = {self.prompt_tokens},\n completion_tokens = {self.completion_tokens},\n total_tokens = {self.total_tokens})object at 0x1337>'''
def __init__(self, response_dict: dict) -> None:
self.response_dict = response_dict
- = response_dict["id"]
- self.object = response_dict["object"]
- self.created = response_dict["created"]
- self.model = response_dict["model"]
- self.completion = self.Completion(response_dict["choices"])
- self.usage = self.Usage(response_dict["usage"])
+ = response_dict['id']
+ self.object = response_dict['object']
+ self.created = response_dict['created']
+ self.model = response_dict['model']
+ self.completion = self.Completion(response_dict['choices'])
+ self.usage = self.Usage(response_dict['usage'])
def json(self) -> dict:
return self.response_dict
@@ -91,139 +107,135 @@ class PoeResponse:
class ModelResponse:
def __init__(self, json_response: dict) -> None:
- = json_response["data"]["poeBotCreate"]["bot"]["id"]
- = json_response["data"]["poeBotCreate"]["bot"]["displayName"]
- self.limit = json_response["data"]["poeBotCreate"]["bot"]["messageLimit"][
- "dailyLimit"
- ]
- self.deleted = json_response["data"]["poeBotCreate"]["bot"]["deletionState"]
+ = json_response['data']['poeBotCreate']['bot']['id']
+ = json_response['data']['poeBotCreate']['bot']['displayName']
+ self.limit = json_response['data']['poeBotCreate']['bot']['messageLimit']['dailyLimit']
+ self.deleted = json_response['data']['poeBotCreate']['bot']['deletionState']
class Model:
+ @staticmethod
def create(
token: str,
- model: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo", # claude-instant
- system_prompt: str = "You are ChatGPT a large language model developed by Openai. Answer as consisely as possible",
- description: str = "gpt-3.5 language model from openai, skidded by",
+ model: str = 'gpt-3.5-turbo', # claude-instant
+ system_prompt: str = 'You are ChatGPT a large language model developed by Openai. Answer as consisely as possible',
+ description: str = 'gpt-3.5 language model from openai, skidded by',
handle: str = None,
) -> ModelResponse:
models = {
- "gpt-3.5-turbo": "chinchilla",
- "claude-instant-v1.0": "a2",
- "gpt-4": "beaver",
+ 'gpt-3.5-turbo': 'chinchilla',
+ 'claude-instant-v1.0': 'a2',
+ 'gpt-4': 'beaver',
if not handle:
- handle = f"gptx{randint(1111111, 9999999)}"
+ handle = f'gptx{randint(1111111, 9999999)}'
client = Session()
- client.cookies["p-b"] = token
+ client.cookies['p-b'] = token
- formkey = extract_formkey(client.get("").text)
- settings = client.get("").json()
+ formkey = extract_formkey(client.get('').text)
+ settings = client.get('').json()
client.headers = {
- "host": "",
- "origin": "",
- "referer": "",
- "poe-formkey": formkey,
- "poe-tchannel": settings["tchannelData"]["channel"],
- "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
- "connection": "keep-alive",
- "sec-ch-ua": '"Chromium";v="112", "Google Chrome";v="112", "Not:A-Brand";v="99"',
- "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
- "sec-ch-ua-platform": '"macOS"',
- "content-type": "application/json",
- "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin",
- "sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
- "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
- "accept": "*/*",
- "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
- "accept-language": "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8",
+ 'host': '',
+ 'origin': '',
+ 'referer': '',
+ 'poe-formkey': formkey,
+ 'poe-tchannel': settings['tchannelData']['channel'],
+ 'user-agent': UserAgent().random,
+ 'connection': 'keep-alive',
+ 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="112", "Google Chrome";v="112", "Not:A-Brand";v="99"',
+ 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
+ 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
+ 'content-type': 'application/json',
+ 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
+ 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
+ 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
+ 'accept': '*/*',
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
+ 'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
payload = dumps(
- separators=(",", ":"),
+ separators=(',', ':'),
- "queryName": "CreateBotMain_poeBotCreate_Mutation",
- "variables": {
- "model": models[model],
- "handle": handle,
- "prompt": system_prompt,
- "isPromptPublic": True,
- "introduction": "",
- "description": description,
- "profilePictureUrl": "",
- "apiUrl": None,
- "apiKey": "".join(choices(ascii_letters + digits, k=32)),
- "isApiBot": False,
- "hasLinkification": False,
- "hasMarkdownRendering": False,
- "hasSuggestedReplies": False,
- "isPrivateBot": False,
+ 'queryName': 'CreateBotMain_poeBotCreate_Mutation',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'model': models[model],
+ 'handle': handle,
+ 'prompt': system_prompt,
+ 'isPromptPublic': True,
+ 'introduction': '',
+ 'description': description,
+ 'profilePictureUrl': '',
+ 'apiUrl': None,
+ 'apiKey': ''.join(choices(ascii_letters + digits, k=32)),
+ 'isApiBot': False,
+ 'hasLinkification': False,
+ 'hasMarkdownRendering': False,
+ 'hasSuggestedReplies': False,
+ 'isPrivateBot': False,
- "query": "mutation CreateBotMain_poeBotCreate_Mutation(\n $model: String!\n $handle: String!\n $prompt: String!\n $isPromptPublic: Boolean!\n $introduction: String!\n $description: String!\n $profilePictureUrl: String\n $apiUrl: String\n $apiKey: String\n $isApiBot: Boolean\n $hasLinkification: Boolean\n $hasMarkdownRendering: Boolean\n $hasSuggestedReplies: Boolean\n $isPrivateBot: Boolean\n) {\n poeBotCreate(model: $model, handle: $handle, promptPlaintext: $prompt, isPromptPublic: $isPromptPublic, introduction: $introduction, description: $description, profilePicture: $profilePictureUrl, apiUrl: $apiUrl, apiKey: $apiKey, isApiBot: $isApiBot, hasLinkification: $hasLinkification, hasMarkdownRendering: $hasMarkdownRendering, hasSuggestedReplies: $hasSuggestedReplies, isPrivateBot: $isPrivateBot) {\n status\n bot {\n id\n ...BotHeader_bot\n }\n }\n}\n\nfragment BotHeader_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n messageLimit {\n dailyLimit\n }\n ...BotImage_bot\n ...BotLink_bot\n ...IdAnnotation_node\n ...botHelpers_useViewerCanAccessPrivateBot\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotImage_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n ...BotImage_useProfileImage_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotImage_useProfileImage_bot on Bot {\n image {\n __typename\n ... on LocalBotImage {\n localName\n }\n ... on UrlBotImage {\n url\n }\n }\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotLink_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n}\n\nfragment IdAnnotation_node on Node {\n __isNode: __typename\n id\n}\n\nfragment botHelpers_useDeletion_bot on Bot {\n deletionState\n}\n\nfragment botHelpers_useViewerCanAccessPrivateBot on Bot {\n isPrivateBot\n viewerIsCreator\n}\n",
+ 'query': 'mutation CreateBotMain_poeBotCreate_Mutation(\n $model: String!\n $handle: String!\n $prompt: String!\n $isPromptPublic: Boolean!\n $introduction: String!\n $description: String!\n $profilePictureUrl: String\n $apiUrl: String\n $apiKey: String\n $isApiBot: Boolean\n $hasLinkification: Boolean\n $hasMarkdownRendering: Boolean\n $hasSuggestedReplies: Boolean\n $isPrivateBot: Boolean\n) {\n poeBotCreate(model: $model, handle: $handle, promptPlaintext: $prompt, isPromptPublic: $isPromptPublic, introduction: $introduction, description: $description, profilePicture: $profilePictureUrl, apiUrl: $apiUrl, apiKey: $apiKey, isApiBot: $isApiBot, hasLinkification: $hasLinkification, hasMarkdownRendering: $hasMarkdownRendering, hasSuggestedReplies: $hasSuggestedReplies, isPrivateBot: $isPrivateBot) {\n status\n bot {\n id\n ...BotHeader_bot\n }\n }\n}\n\nfragment BotHeader_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n messageLimit {\n dailyLimit\n }\n ...BotImage_bot\n ...BotLink_bot\n ...IdAnnotation_node\n ...botHelpers_useViewerCanAccessPrivateBot\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotImage_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n ...BotImage_useProfileImage_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotImage_useProfileImage_bot on Bot {\n image {\n __typename\n ... on LocalBotImage {\n localName\n }\n ... on UrlBotImage {\n url\n }\n }\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotLink_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n}\n\nfragment IdAnnotation_node on Node {\n __isNode: __typename\n id\n}\n\nfragment botHelpers_useDeletion_bot on Bot {\n deletionState\n}\n\nfragment botHelpers_useViewerCanAccessPrivateBot on Bot {\n isPrivateBot\n viewerIsCreator\n}\n',
- base_string = payload + client.headers["poe-formkey"] + "WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k"
- client.headers["poe-tag-id"] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
+ base_string = payload + client.headers['poe-formkey'] + 'WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k'
+ client.headers['poe-tag-id'] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
- response ="", data=payload)
+ response ='', data=payload)
- if "success" not in response.text:
+ if 'success' not in response.text:
raise Exception(
- """
+ '''
Bot creation Failed
!! Important !!
Bot creation was not enabled on this account
please use: quora.Account.create with enable_bot_creation set to True
- """
+ '''
return ModelResponse(response.json())
class Account:
+ @staticmethod
def create(
proxy: Optional[str] = None,
logging: bool = False,
enable_bot_creation: bool = False,
- client = TLS(client_identifier="chrome110")
- client.proxies = (
- {"http": f"http://{proxy}", "https": f"http://{proxy}"} if proxy else None
- )
+ client = TLS(client_identifier='chrome110')
+ client.proxies = {'http': f'http://{proxy}', 'https': f'http://{proxy}'} if proxy else None
mail_client = Emailnator()
mail_address = mail_client.get_mail()
if logging:
- print("email", mail_address)
+ print('email', mail_address)
client.headers = {
- "authority": "",
- "accept": "*/*",
- "accept-language": "en,fr-FR;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8,es-ES;q=0.7,es;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.5,am;q=0.4,de;q=0.3",
- "content-type": "application/json",
- "origin": "",
- "poe-tag-id": "null",
- "referer": "",
- "sec-ch-ua": '"Chromium";v="112", "Google Chrome";v="112", "Not:A-Brand";v="99"',
- "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
- "sec-ch-ua-platform": '"macOS"',
- "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
- "sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
- "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin",
- "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
- "poe-formkey": extract_formkey(client.get("").text),
- "poe-tchannel": client.get("").json()[
- "tchannelData"
- ]["channel"],
+ 'authority': '',
+ 'accept': '*/*',
+ 'accept-language': 'en,fr-FR;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8,es-ES;q=0.7,es;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.5,am;q=0.4,de;q=0.3',
+ 'content-type': 'application/json',
+ 'origin': '',
+ 'poe-tag-id': 'null',
+ 'referer': '',
+ 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="112", "Google Chrome";v="112", "Not:A-Brand";v="99"',
+ 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
+ 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
+ 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
+ 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
+ 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
+ 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
+ 'poe-formkey': extract_formkey(client.get('').text),
+ 'poe-tchannel': client.get('').json()['tchannelData']['channel'],
token = reCaptchaV3(
- ""
+ ''
# token = solver.recaptcha(sitekey='6LflhEElAAAAAI_ewVwRWI9hsyV4mbZnYAslSvlG',
# url = '',
@@ -233,77 +245,74 @@ class Account:
# action = 'login',)['code']
payload = dumps(
- separators=(",", ":"),
+ separators=(',', ':'),
- "queryName": "MainSignupLoginSection_sendVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation",
- "variables": {
- "emailAddress": mail_address,
- "phoneNumber": None,
- "recaptchaToken": token,
+ 'queryName': 'MainSignupLoginSection_sendVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'emailAddress': mail_address,
+ 'phoneNumber': None,
+ 'recaptchaToken': token,
- "query": "mutation MainSignupLoginSection_sendVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation(\n $emailAddress: String\n $phoneNumber: String\n $recaptchaToken: String\n) {\n sendVerificationCode(verificationReason: login, emailAddress: $emailAddress, phoneNumber: $phoneNumber, recaptchaToken: $recaptchaToken) {\n status\n errorMessage\n }\n}\n",
+ 'query': 'mutation MainSignupLoginSection_sendVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation(\n $emailAddress: String\n $phoneNumber: String\n $recaptchaToken: String\n) {\n sendVerificationCode(verificationReason: login, emailAddress: $emailAddress, phoneNumber: $phoneNumber, recaptchaToken: $recaptchaToken) {\n status\n errorMessage\n }\n}\n',
- base_string = payload + client.headers["poe-formkey"] + "WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k"
- client.headers["poe-tag-id"] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
+ base_string = payload + client.headers['poe-formkey'] + 'WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k'
+ client.headers['poe-tag-id'] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
print(dumps(client.headers, indent=4))
- response ="", data=payload)
+ response ='', data=payload)
- if "automated_request_detected" in response.text:
- print("please try using a proxy / wait for fix")
+ if 'automated_request_detected' in response.text:
+ print('please try using a proxy / wait for fix')
- if "Bad Request" in response.text:
+ if 'Bad Request' in response.text:
if logging:
- print("bad request, retrying...", response.json())
+ print('bad request, retrying...', response.json())
if logging:
- print("send_code", response.json())
+ print('send_code', response.json())
mail_content = mail_client.get_message()
mail_token = findall(r';">(\d{6,7})</div>', mail_content)[0]
if logging:
- print("code", mail_token)
+ print('code', mail_token)
payload = dumps(
- separators=(",", ":"),
+ separators=(',', ':'),
- "queryName": "SignupOrLoginWithCodeSection_signupWithVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation",
- "variables": {
- "verificationCode": str(mail_token),
- "emailAddress": mail_address,
- "phoneNumber": None,
+ 'queryName': 'SignupOrLoginWithCodeSection_signupWithVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'verificationCode': str(mail_token),
+ 'emailAddress': mail_address,
+ 'phoneNumber': None,
- "query": "mutation SignupOrLoginWithCodeSection_signupWithVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation(\n $verificationCode: String!\n $emailAddress: String\n $phoneNumber: String\n) {\n signupWithVerificationCode(verificationCode: $verificationCode, emailAddress: $emailAddress, phoneNumber: $phoneNumber) {\n status\n errorMessage\n }\n}\n",
+ 'query': 'mutation SignupOrLoginWithCodeSection_signupWithVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation(\n $verificationCode: String!\n $emailAddress: String\n $phoneNumber: String\n) {\n signupWithVerificationCode(verificationCode: $verificationCode, emailAddress: $emailAddress, phoneNumber: $phoneNumber) {\n status\n errorMessage\n }\n}\n',
- base_string = payload + client.headers["poe-formkey"] + "WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k"
- client.headers["poe-tag-id"] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
+ base_string = payload + client.headers['poe-formkey'] + 'WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k'
+ client.headers['poe-tag-id'] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
- response ="", data=payload)
+ response ='', data=payload)
if logging:
- print("verify_code", response.json())
+ print('verify_code', response.json())
def get(self):
- cookies = (
- open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "cookies.txt", "r")
- .read()
- .splitlines()
- )
+ cookies = open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'cookies.txt', 'r').read().splitlines()
return choice(cookies)
class StreamingCompletion:
+ @staticmethod
def create(
- model: str = "gpt-4",
+ model: str = 'gpt-4',
custom_model: bool = None,
- prompt: str = "hello world",
- token: str = "",
+ prompt: str = 'hello world',
+ token: str = '',
_model = MODELS[model] if not custom_model else custom_model
@@ -312,22 +321,22 @@ class StreamingCompletion:
for chunk in client.send_message(_model, prompt):
yield PoeResponse(
- "id": chunk["messageId"],
- "object": "text_completion",
- "created": chunk["creationTime"],
- "model": _model,
- "choices": [
+ 'id': chunk['messageId'],
+ 'object': 'text_completion',
+ 'created': chunk['creationTime'],
+ 'model': _model,
+ 'choices': [
- "text": chunk["text_new"],
- "index": 0,
- "logprobs": None,
- "finish_reason": "stop",
+ 'text': chunk['text_new'],
+ 'index': 0,
+ 'logprobs': None,
+ 'finish_reason': 'stop',
- "usage": {
- "prompt_tokens": len(prompt),
- "completion_tokens": len(chunk["text_new"]),
- "total_tokens": len(prompt) + len(chunk["text_new"]),
+ 'usage': {
+ 'prompt_tokens': len(prompt),
+ 'completion_tokens': len(chunk['text_new']),
+ 'total_tokens': len(prompt) + len(chunk['text_new']),
@@ -335,17 +344,17 @@ class StreamingCompletion:
class Completion:
def create(
- model: str = "gpt-4",
+ model: str = 'gpt-4',
custom_model: str = None,
- prompt: str = "hello world",
- token: str = "",
+ prompt: str = 'hello world',
+ token: str = '',
models = {
- "sage": "capybara",
- "gpt-4": "beaver",
- "claude-v1.2": "a2_2",
- "claude-instant-v1.0": "a2",
- "gpt-3.5-turbo": "chinchilla",
+ 'sage': 'capybara',
+ 'gpt-4': 'beaver',
+ 'claude-v1.2': 'a2_2',
+ 'claude-instant-v1.0': 'a2',
+ 'gpt-3.5-turbo': 'chinchilla',
_model = models[model] if not custom_model else custom_model
@@ -357,73 +366,68 @@ class Completion:
return PoeResponse(
- "id": chunk["messageId"],
- "object": "text_completion",
- "created": chunk["creationTime"],
- "model": _model,
- "choices": [
+ 'id': chunk['messageId'],
+ 'object': 'text_completion',
+ 'created': chunk['creationTime'],
+ 'model': _model,
+ 'choices': [
- "text": chunk["text"],
- "index": 0,
- "logprobs": None,
- "finish_reason": "stop",
+ 'text': chunk['text'],
+ 'index': 0,
+ 'logprobs': None,
+ 'finish_reason': 'stop',
- "usage": {
- "prompt_tokens": len(prompt),
- "completion_tokens": len(chunk["text"]),
- "total_tokens": len(prompt) + len(chunk["text"]),
+ 'usage': {
+ 'prompt_tokens': len(prompt),
+ 'completion_tokens': len(chunk['text']),
+ 'total_tokens': len(prompt) + len(chunk['text']),
class Poe:
- def __init__(self, model: str = "ChatGPT"):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ model: str = 'ChatGPT',
+ driver: str = 'firefox',
+ download_driver: bool = False,
+ driver_path: Optional[str] = None,
+ cookie_path: str = './quora/cookie.json',
+ ):
# validating the model
if model and model not in MODELS:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Sorry, the model you provided does not exist. Please check and try again."
- )
+ raise RuntimeError('Sorry, the model you provided does not exist. Please check and try again.')
self.model = MODELS[model]
- self.cookie = self.__load_cookie()
+ self.cookie_path = cookie_path
+ self.cookie = self.__load_cookie(driver, download_driver, driver_path=driver_path)
self.client = PoeClient(self.cookie)
- def __load_cookie(self) -> str:
- if (cookie_file := Path("./quora/cookie.json")).exists():
+ def __load_cookie(self, driver: str, download_driver: bool, driver_path: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
+ if (cookie_file := Path(self.cookie_path)).exists():
with as fp:
cookie = json.load(fp)
- if datetime.fromtimestamp(cookie["expiry"]) <
- cookie = self.__register_and_get_cookie()
+ if datetime.fromtimestamp(cookie['expiry']) <
+ cookie = self.__register_and_get_cookie(driver, driver_path=driver_path)
- print("Loading the cookie from file")
+ print('Loading the cookie from file')
- cookie = self.__register_and_get_cookie()
+ cookie = self.__register_and_get_cookie(driver, driver_path=driver_path)
- return unquote(cookie["value"])
+ return unquote(cookie['value'])
- @classmethod
- def __register_and_get_cookie(cls) -> dict:
+ def __register_and_get_cookie(self, driver: str, driver_path: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
mail_client = Emailnator()
mail_address = mail_client.get_mail()
- print(mail_address)
- options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
- # options.add_argument("-headless")
- try:
- driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
- except Exception:
- raise Exception(b'The error message you are receiving is due to the `geckodriver` executable not being found in your system\'s PATH. To resolve this issue, you need to download the geckodriver and add its location to your system\'s PATH.\n\nHere are the steps to resolve the issue:\n\n1. Download the geckodriver for your platform (Windows, macOS, or Linux) from the following link:\n\n2. Extract the downloaded archive and locate the geckodriver executable.\n\n3. Add the geckodriver executable to your system\'s PATH.\n\nFor macOS and Linux:\n\n- Open a terminal window.\n- Move the geckodriver executable to a directory that is already in your PATH, or create a new directory and add it to your PATH:\n\n```bash\n# Example: Move geckodriver to /usr/local/bin\nmv /path/to/your/geckodriver /usr/local/bin\n```\n\n- If you created a new directory, add it to your PATH:\n\n```bash\n# Example: Add a new directory to PATH\nexport PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/directory\n```\n\nFor Windows:\n\n- Right-click on "My Computer" or "This PC" and select "Properties".\n- Click on "Advanced system settings".\n- Click on the "Environment Variables" button.\n- In the "System variables" section, find the "Path" variable, select it, and click "Edit".\n- Click "New" and add the path to the directory containing the geckodriver executable.\n\nAfter adding the geckodriver to your PATH, restart your terminal or command prompt and try running your script again. The error should be resolved.')
+ driver = self.__resolve_driver(driver, driver_path=driver_path)
# clicking use email button
driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//button[contains(text(), "Use email")]').click()
- email = WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until(
- EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//input[@type="email"]'))
- )
+ email = WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//input[@type="email"]')))
driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//button[text()="Go"]').click()
@@ -434,46 +438,50 @@ class Poe:
EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//input[@placeholder="Code"]'))
- verify_button = EC.presence_of_element_located(
- (By.XPATH, '//button[text()="Verify"]')
- )
- login_button = EC.presence_of_element_located(
- (By.XPATH, '//button[text()="Log In"]')
- )
+ verify_button = EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//button[text()="Verify"]'))
+ login_button = EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//button[text()="Log In"]'))
WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until(EC.any_of(verify_button, login_button)).click()
- cookie = driver.get_cookie("p-b")
+ cookie = driver.get_cookie('p-b')
- with open("./quora/cookie.json", "w") as fw:
+ with open(self.cookie_path, 'w') as fw:
json.dump(cookie, fw)
return cookie
+ @classmethod
+ def __resolve_driver(cls, driver: str, driver_path: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[Firefox, Chrome]:
+ options = FirefoxOptions() if driver == 'firefox' else ChromeOptions()
+ options.add_argument('-headless')
+ if driver_path:
+ options.binary_location = driver_path
+ try:
+ return Firefox(options=options) if driver == 'firefox' else Chrome(options=options)
+ except Exception:
def chat(self, message: str, model: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
if model and model not in MODELS:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Sorry, the model you provided does not exist. Please check and try again."
- )
+ raise RuntimeError('Sorry, the model you provided does not exist. Please check and try again.')
model = MODELS[model] if model else self.model
response = None
for chunk in self.client.send_message(model, message):
- response = chunk["text"]
+ response = chunk['text']
return response
def create_bot(
name: str,
- prompt: str = "",
- base_model: str = "ChatGPT",
- description: str = "",
+ prompt: str = '',
+ base_model: str = 'ChatGPT',
+ description: str = '',
) -> None:
if base_model not in MODELS:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Sorry, the base_model you provided does not exist. Please check and try again."
- )
+ raise RuntimeError('Sorry, the base_model you provided does not exist. Please check and try again.')
response = self.client.create_bot(