path: root/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
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authornoptuno <>2023-04-28 02:29:30 +0200
committernoptuno <>2023-04-28 02:29:30 +0200
commit355dee533bb34a571b9367820a63cccb668cf866 (patch)
tree838af886b4fec07320aeb10f0d1e74ba79e79b5c /venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
parentadded pyproject.toml file (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..740c0b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+import sys
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import trio
+from trio._core._multierror import MultiError
+from trio.socket import getaddrinfo, SOCK_STREAM, socket
+if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
+ from exceptiongroup import ExceptionGroup
+# Implementation of RFC 6555 "Happy eyeballs"
+# Basically, the problem here is that if we want to connect to some host, and
+# DNS returns multiple IP addresses, then we don't know which of them will
+# actually work -- it can happen that some of them are reachable, and some of
+# them are not. One particularly common situation where this happens is on a
+# host that thinks it has ipv6 connectivity, but really doesn't. But in
+# principle this could happen for any kind of multi-home situation (e.g. the
+# route to one mirror is down but another is up).
+# The naive algorithm (e.g. the stdlib's socket.create_connection) would be to
+# pick one of the IP addresses and try to connect; if that fails, try the
+# next; etc. The problem with this is that TCP is stubborn, and if the first
+# address is a blackhole then it might take a very long time (tens of seconds)
+# before that connection attempt fails.
+# That's where RFC 6555 comes in. It tells us that what we do is:
+# - get the list of IPs from getaddrinfo, trusting the order it gives us (with
+# one exception noted in section 5.4)
+# - start a connection attempt to the first IP
+# - when this fails OR if it's still going after DELAY seconds, then start a
+# connection attempt to the second IP
+# - when this fails OR if it's still going after another DELAY seconds, then
+# start a connection attempt to the third IP
+# - ... repeat until we run out of IPs.
+# Our implementation is similarly straightforward: we spawn a chain of tasks,
+# where each one (a) waits until the previous connection has failed or DELAY
+# seconds have passed, (b) spawns the next task, (c) attempts to connect. As
+# soon as any task crashes or succeeds, we cancel all the tasks and return.
+# Note: this currently doesn't attempt to cache any results, so if you make
+# multiple connections to the same host it'll re-run the happy-eyeballs
+# algorithm each time. RFC 6555 is pretty confusing about whether this is
+# allowed. Section 4 describes an algorithm that attempts ipv4 and ipv6
+# simultaneously, and then says "The client MUST cache information regarding
+# the outcome of each connection attempt, and it uses that information to
+# avoid thrashing the network with subsequent attempts." Then section 4.2 says
+# "implementations MUST prefer the first IP address family returned by the
+# host's address preference policy, unless implementing a stateful
+# algorithm". Here "stateful" means "one that caches information about
+# previous attempts". So my reading of this is that IF you're starting ipv4
+# and ipv6 at the same time then you MUST cache the result for ~ten minutes,
+# but IF you're "preferring" one protocol by trying it first (like we are),
+# then you don't need to cache.
+# Caching is quite tricky: to get it right you need to do things like detect
+# when the network interfaces are reconfigured, and if you get it wrong then
+# connection attempts basically just don't work. So we don't even try.
+# "Firefox and Chrome use 300 ms"
+# Though
+# claims that Firefox actually uses 0 ms, unless an about:config option is
+# toggled and then it uses 250 ms.
+# How should we call getaddrinfo? In particular, should we use AI_ADDRCONFIG?
+# The idea of AI_ADDRCONFIG is that it only returns addresses that might
+# work. E.g., if getaddrinfo knows that you don't have any IPv6 connectivity,
+# then it doesn't return any IPv6 addresses. And this is kinda nice, because
+# it means maybe you can skip sending AAAA requests entirely. But in practice,
+# it doesn't really work right.
+# - on Linux/glibc, empirically, the default is to return all addresses, and
+# with AI_ADDRCONFIG then it only returns IPv6 addresses if there is at least
+# one non-loopback IPv6 address configured... but this can be a link-local
+# address, so in practice I guess this is basically always configured if IPv6
+# is enabled at all. OTOH if you pass in "::1" as the target address with
+# AI_ADDRCONFIG and there's no *external* IPv6 address configured, you get an
+# error. So AI_ADDRCONFIG mostly doesn't do anything, even when you would want
+# it to, and when it does do something it might break things that would have
+# worked.
+# - on Windows 10, empirically, if no IPv6 address is configured then by
+# default they are also suppressed from getaddrinfo (flags=0 and
+# flags=AI_ADDRCONFIG seem to do the same thing). If you pass AI_ALL, then you
+# get the full list.
+# ...except for localhost! getaddrinfo("localhost", "80") gives me ::1, even
+# though there's no ipv6 and other queries only return ipv4.
+# If you pass in and IPv6 IP address as the target address, then that's always
+# returned OK, even with AI_ADDRCONFIG set and no IPv6 configured.
+# But I guess other versions of windows messed this up, judging from these bug
+# reports:
+# So basically the options are either to use AI_ADDRCONFIG and then add some
+# complicated special cases to work around its brokenness, or else don't use
+# AI_ADDRCONFIG and accept that sometimes on legacy/misconfigured networks
+# we'll waste 300 ms trying to connect to a blackholed destination.
+# Twisted and Tornado always uses default flags. I think we'll do the same.
+def close_all():
+ sockets_to_close = set()
+ try:
+ yield sockets_to_close
+ finally:
+ errs = []
+ for sock in sockets_to_close:
+ try:
+ sock.close()
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ errs.append(exc)
+ if len(errs) == 1:
+ raise errs[0]
+ elif errs:
+ raise MultiError(errs)
+def reorder_for_rfc_6555_section_5_4(targets):
+ # RFC 6555 section 5.4 says that if getaddrinfo returns multiple address
+ # families (e.g. IPv4 and IPv6), then you should make sure that your first
+ # and second attempts use different families:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # This function post-processes the results from getaddrinfo, in-place, to
+ # satisfy this requirement.
+ for i in range(1, len(targets)):
+ if targets[i][0] != targets[0][0]:
+ # Found the first entry with a different address family; move it
+ # so that it becomes the second item on the list.
+ if i != 1:
+ targets.insert(1, targets.pop(i))
+ break
+def format_host_port(host, port):
+ host = host.decode("ascii") if isinstance(host, bytes) else host
+ if ":" in host:
+ return "[{}]:{}".format(host, port)
+ else:
+ return "{}:{}".format(host, port)
+# Twisted's HostnameEndpoint has a good set of configurables:
+# - per-connection timeout
+# this doesn't seem useful -- we let you set a timeout on the whole thing
+# using Trio's normal mechanisms, and that seems like enough
+# - delay between attempts
+# - bind address (but not port!)
+# they *don't* support multiple address bindings, like giving the ipv4 and
+# ipv6 addresses of the host.
+# I think maybe our semantics should be: we accept a list of bind addresses,
+# and we bind to the first one that is compatible with the
+# connection attempt we want to make, and if none are compatible then we
+# don't try to connect to that target.
+# XX TODO: implement bind address support
+# Actually, the best option is probably to be explicit: {AF_INET: "...",
+# AF_INET6: "..."}
+# this might be simpler after
+async def open_tcp_stream(
+ host, port, *, happy_eyeballs_delay=DEFAULT_DELAY, local_address=None
+ """Connect to the given host and port over TCP.
+ If the given ``host`` has multiple IP addresses associated with it, then
+ we have a problem: which one do we use?
+ One approach would be to attempt to connect to the first one, and then if
+ that fails, attempt to connect to the second one ... until we've tried all
+ of them. But the problem with this is that if the first IP address is
+ unreachable (for example, because it's an IPv6 address and our network
+ discards IPv6 packets), then we might end up waiting tens of seconds for
+ the first connection attempt to timeout before we try the second address.
+ Another approach would be to attempt to connect to all of the addresses at
+ the same time, in parallel, and then use whichever connection succeeds
+ first, abandoning the others. This would be fast, but create a lot of
+ unnecessary load on the network and the remote server.
+ This function strikes a balance between these two extremes: it works its
+ way through the available addresses one at a time, like the first
+ approach; but, if ``happy_eyeballs_delay`` seconds have passed and it's
+ still waiting for an attempt to succeed or fail, then it gets impatient
+ and starts the next connection attempt in parallel. As soon as any one
+ connection attempt succeeds, all the other attempts are cancelled. This
+ avoids unnecessary load because most connections will succeed after just
+ one or two attempts, but if one of the addresses is unreachable then it
+ doesn't slow us down too much.
+ This is known as a "happy eyeballs" algorithm, and our particular variant
+ is modelled after how Chrome connects to webservers; see `RFC 6555
+ <>`__ for more details.
+ Args:
+ host (str or bytes): The host to connect to. Can be an IPv4 address,
+ IPv6 address, or a hostname.
+ port (int): The port to connect to.
+ happy_eyeballs_delay (float): How many seconds to wait for each
+ connection attempt to succeed or fail before getting impatient and
+ starting another one in parallel. Set to `math.inf` if you want
+ to limit to only one connection attempt at a time (like
+ :func:`socket.create_connection`). Default: 0.25 (250 ms).
+ local_address (None or str): The local IP address or hostname to use as
+ the source for outgoing connections. If ``None``, we let the OS pick
+ the source IP.
+ This is useful in some exotic networking configurations where your
+ host has multiple IP addresses, and you want to force the use of a
+ specific one.
+ Note that if you pass an IPv4 ``local_address``, then you won't be
+ able to connect to IPv6 hosts, and vice-versa. If you want to take
+ advantage of this to force the use of IPv4 or IPv6 without
+ specifying an exact source address, you can use the IPv4 wildcard
+ address ``local_address=""``, or the IPv6 wildcard address
+ ``local_address="::"``.
+ Returns:
+ SocketStream: a :class:`` connected to the given server.
+ Raises:
+ OSError: if the connection fails.
+ See also:
+ open_ssl_over_tcp_stream
+ """
+ # To keep our public API surface smaller, rule out some cases that
+ # getaddrinfo will accept in some circumstances, but that act weird or
+ # have non-portable behavior or are just plain not useful.
+ # No type check on host though b/c we want to allow bytes-likes.
+ if host is None:
+ raise ValueError("host cannot be None")
+ if not isinstance(port, int):
+ raise TypeError("port must be int, not {!r}".format(port))
+ if happy_eyeballs_delay is None:
+ happy_eyeballs_delay = DEFAULT_DELAY
+ targets = await getaddrinfo(host, port, type=SOCK_STREAM)
+ # I don't think this can actually happen -- if there are no results,
+ # getaddrinfo should have raised OSError instead of returning an empty
+ # list. But let's be paranoid and handle it anyway:
+ if not targets:
+ msg = "no results found for hostname lookup: {}".format(
+ format_host_port(host, port)
+ )
+ raise OSError(msg)
+ reorder_for_rfc_6555_section_5_4(targets)
+ # This list records all the connection failures that we ignored.
+ oserrors = []
+ # Keeps track of the socket that we're going to complete with,
+ # need to make sure this isn't automatically closed
+ winning_socket = None
+ # Try connecting to the specified address. Possible outcomes:
+ # - success: record connected socket in winning_socket and cancel
+ # concurrent attempts
+ # - failure: record exception in oserrors, set attempt_failed allowing
+ # the next connection attempt to start early
+ # code needs to ensure sockets can be closed appropriately in the
+ # face of crash or cancellation
+ async def attempt_connect(socket_args, sockaddr, attempt_failed):
+ nonlocal winning_socket
+ try:
+ sock = socket(*socket_args)
+ open_sockets.add(sock)
+ if local_address is not None:
+ # TCP connections are identified by a 4-tuple:
+ #
+ # (local IP, local port, remote IP, remote port)
+ #
+ # So if a single local IP wants to make multiple connections
+ # to the same (remote IP, remote port) pair, then those
+ # connections have to use different local ports, or else TCP
+ # won't be able to tell them apart. OTOH, if you have multiple
+ # connections to different remote IP/ports, then those
+ # connections can share a local port.
+ #
+ # Normally, when you call bind(), the kernel will immediately
+ # assign a specific local port to your socket. At this point
+ # the kernel doesn't know which (remote IP, remote port)
+ # you're going to use, so it has to pick a local port that
+ # *no* other connection is using. That's the only way to
+ # guarantee that this local port will be usable later when we
+ # call connect(). (Alternatively, you can set SO_REUSEADDR to
+ # allow multiple nascent connections to share the same port,
+ # but then connect() might fail with EADDRNOTAVAIL if we get
+ # unlucky and our TCP 4-tuple ends up colliding with another
+ # unrelated connection.)
+ #
+ # So calling bind() before connect() works, but it disables
+ # sharing of local ports. This is inefficient: it makes you
+ # more likely to run out of local ports.
+ #
+ # But on some versions of Linux, we can re-enable sharing of
+ # local ports by setting a special flag. This flag tells
+ # bind() to only bind the IP, and not the port. That way,
+ # connect() is allowed to pick the the port, and it can do a
+ # better job of it because it knows the remote IP/port.
+ try:
+ sock.setsockopt(
+ trio.socket.IPPROTO_IP, trio.socket.IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT, 1
+ )
+ except (OSError, AttributeError):
+ pass
+ try:
+ await sock.bind((local_address, 0))
+ except OSError:
+ raise OSError(
+ f"local_address={local_address!r} is incompatible "
+ f"with remote address {sockaddr}"
+ )
+ await sock.connect(sockaddr)
+ # Success! Save the winning socket and cancel all outstanding
+ # connection attempts.
+ winning_socket = sock
+ nursery.cancel_scope.cancel()
+ except OSError as exc:
+ # This connection attempt failed, but the next one might
+ # succeed. Save the error for later so we can report it if
+ # everything fails, and tell the next attempt that it should go
+ # ahead (if it hasn't already).
+ oserrors.append(exc)
+ attempt_failed.set()
+ with close_all() as open_sockets:
+ # nursery spawns a task for each connection attempt, will be
+ # cancelled by the task that gets a successful connection
+ async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
+ for *sa, _, addr in targets:
+ # create an event to indicate connection failure,
+ # allowing the next target to be tried early
+ attempt_failed = trio.Event()
+ nursery.start_soon(attempt_connect, sa, addr, attempt_failed)
+ # give this attempt at most this time before moving on
+ with trio.move_on_after(happy_eyeballs_delay):
+ await attempt_failed.wait()
+ # nothing succeeded
+ if winning_socket is None:
+ assert len(oserrors) == len(targets)
+ msg = "all attempts to connect to {} failed".format(
+ format_host_port(host, port)
+ )
+ raise OSError(msg) from ExceptionGroup(msg, oserrors)
+ else:
+ stream = trio.SocketStream(winning_socket)
+ open_sockets.remove(winning_socket)
+ return stream