path: root/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
diff options
authornoptuno <>2023-04-28 02:29:30 +0200
committernoptuno <>2023-04-28 02:29:30 +0200
commit355dee533bb34a571b9367820a63cccb668cf866 (patch)
tree838af886b4fec07320aeb10f0d1e74ba79e79b5c /venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
parentadded pyproject.toml file (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/')
1 files changed, 744 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bb0adcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/trio/
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from contextlib import ExitStack
+from typing import Optional
+from functools import partial
+import warnings
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from ._abc import AsyncResource, SendStream, ReceiveStream
+from ._core import ClosedResourceError
+from ._highlevel_generic import StapledStream
+from ._sync import Lock
+from ._subprocess_platform import (
+ wait_child_exiting,
+ create_pipe_to_child_stdin,
+ create_pipe_from_child_output,
+from ._deprecate import deprecated
+from ._util import NoPublicConstructor
+import trio
+# Linux-specific, but has complex lifetime management stuff so we hard-code it
+# here instead of hiding it behind the _subprocess_platform abstraction
+can_try_pidfd_open: bool
+ def pidfd_open(fd: int, flags: int) -> int:
+ ...
+ from ._subprocess_platform import ClosableReceiveStream, ClosableSendStream
+ can_try_pidfd_open = True
+ try:
+ from os import pidfd_open
+ except ImportError:
+ if sys.platform == "linux":
+ import ctypes
+ _cdll_for_pidfd_open = ctypes.CDLL(None, use_errno=True)
+ _cdll_for_pidfd_open.syscall.restype = ctypes.c_long
+ # pid and flags are actually int-sized, but the syscall() function
+ # always takes longs. (Except on x32 where long is 32-bits and syscall
+ # takes 64-bit arguments. But in the unlikely case that anyone is
+ # using x32, this will still work, b/c we only need to pass in 32 bits
+ # of data, and the C ABI doesn't distinguish between passing 32-bit vs
+ # 64-bit integers; our 32-bit values will get loaded into 64-bit
+ # registers where syscall() will find them.)
+ _cdll_for_pidfd_open.syscall.argtypes = [
+ ctypes.c_long, # syscall number
+ ctypes.c_long, # pid
+ ctypes.c_long, # flags
+ ]
+ __NR_pidfd_open = 434
+ def pidfd_open(fd: int, flags: int) -> int:
+ result = _cdll_for_pidfd_open.syscall(__NR_pidfd_open, fd, flags)
+ if result < 0:
+ err = ctypes.get_errno()
+ raise OSError(err, os.strerror(err))
+ return result
+ else:
+ can_try_pidfd_open = False
+class Process(AsyncResource, metaclass=NoPublicConstructor):
+ r"""A child process. Like :class:`subprocess.Popen`, but async.
+ This class has no public constructor. The most common way to get a
+ `Process` object is to combine `Nursery.start` with `run_process`::
+ process_object = await nursery.start(run_process, ...)
+ This way, `run_process` supervises the process and makes sure that it is
+ cleaned up properly, while optionally checking the return value, feeding
+ it input, and so on.
+ If you need more control – for example, because you want to spawn a child
+ process that outlives your program – then another option is to use
+ `trio.lowlevel.open_process`::
+ process_object = await trio.lowlevel.open_process(...)
+ Attributes:
+ args (str or list): The ``command`` passed at construction time,
+ specifying the process to execute and its arguments.
+ pid (int): The process ID of the child process managed by this object.
+ stdin ( or None): A stream connected to the child's
+ standard input stream: when you write bytes here, they become available
+ for the child to read. Only available if the :class:`Process`
+ was constructed using ``stdin=PIPE``; otherwise this will be None.
+ stdout ( or None): A stream connected to
+ the child's standard output stream: when the child writes to
+ standard output, the written bytes become available for you
+ to read here. Only available if the :class:`Process` was
+ constructed using ``stdout=PIPE``; otherwise this will be None.
+ stderr ( or None): A stream connected to
+ the child's standard error stream: when the child writes to
+ standard error, the written bytes become available for you
+ to read here. Only available if the :class:`Process` was
+ constructed using ``stderr=PIPE``; otherwise this will be None.
+ stdio (trio.StapledStream or None): A stream that sends data to
+ the child's standard input and receives from the child's standard
+ output. Only available if both :attr:`stdin` and :attr:`stdout` are
+ available; otherwise this will be None.
+ """
+ universal_newlines = False
+ encoding = None
+ errors = None
+ # Available for the per-platform wait_child_exiting() implementations
+ # to stash some state; waitid platforms use this to avoid spawning
+ # arbitrarily many threads if wait() keeps getting cancelled.
+ _wait_for_exit_data = None
+ def __init__(self, popen, stdin, stdout, stderr):
+ self._proc = popen
+ self.stdin = stdin # type: Optional[SendStream]
+ self.stdout = stdout # type: Optional[ReceiveStream]
+ self.stderr = stderr # type: Optional[ReceiveStream]
+ self.stdio = None # type: Optional[StapledStream]
+ if self.stdin is not None and self.stdout is not None:
+ self.stdio = StapledStream(self.stdin, self.stdout)
+ self._wait_lock = Lock()
+ self._pidfd = None
+ if can_try_pidfd_open:
+ try:
+ fd = pidfd_open(, 0)
+ except OSError:
+ # Well, we tried, but it didn't work (probably because we're
+ # running on an older kernel, or in an older sandbox, that
+ # hasn't been updated to support pidfd_open). We'll fall back
+ # on waitid instead.
+ pass
+ else:
+ # It worked! Wrap the raw fd up in a Python file object to
+ # make sure it'll get closed.
+ self._pidfd = open(fd)
+ self.args = self._proc.args
+ =
+ def __repr__(self):
+ returncode = self.returncode
+ if returncode is None:
+ status = "running with PID {}".format(
+ else:
+ if returncode < 0:
+ status = "exited with signal {}".format(-returncode)
+ else:
+ status = "exited with status {}".format(returncode)
+ return "<trio.Process {!r}: {}>".format(self.args, status)
+ @property
+ def returncode(self):
+ """The exit status of the process (an integer), or ``None`` if it's
+ still running.
+ By convention, a return code of zero indicates success. On
+ UNIX, negative values indicate termination due to a signal,
+ e.g., -11 if terminated by signal 11 (``SIGSEGV``). On
+ Windows, a process that exits due to a call to
+ :meth:`Process.terminate` will have an exit status of 1.
+ Unlike the standard library `subprocess.Popen.returncode`, you don't
+ have to call `poll` or `wait` to update this attribute; it's
+ automatically updated as needed, and will always give you the latest
+ information.
+ """
+ result = self._proc.poll()
+ if result is not None:
+ self._close_pidfd()
+ return result
+ @deprecated(
+ "0.20.0",
+ thing="using trio.Process as an async context manager",
+ issue=1104,
+ instead="run_process or nursery.start(run_process, ...)",
+ )
+ async def __aenter__(self):
+ return self
+ @deprecated(
+ "0.20.0", issue=1104, instead="run_process or nursery.start(run_process, ...)"
+ )
+ async def aclose(self):
+ """Close any pipes we have to the process (both input and output)
+ and wait for it to exit.
+ If cancelled, kills the process and waits for it to finish
+ exiting before propagating the cancellation.
+ """
+ with trio.CancelScope(shield=True):
+ if self.stdin is not None:
+ await self.stdin.aclose()
+ if self.stdout is not None:
+ await self.stdout.aclose()
+ if self.stderr is not None:
+ await self.stderr.aclose()
+ try:
+ await self.wait()
+ finally:
+ if self._proc.returncode is None:
+ self.kill()
+ with trio.CancelScope(shield=True):
+ await self.wait()
+ def _close_pidfd(self):
+ if self._pidfd is not None:
+ trio.lowlevel.notify_closing(self._pidfd.fileno())
+ self._pidfd.close()
+ self._pidfd = None
+ async def wait(self):
+ """Block until the process exits.
+ Returns:
+ The exit status of the process; see :attr:`returncode`.
+ """
+ async with self._wait_lock:
+ if self.poll() is None:
+ if self._pidfd is not None:
+ try:
+ await trio.lowlevel.wait_readable(self._pidfd)
+ except ClosedResourceError:
+ # something else (probably a call to poll) already closed the
+ # pidfd
+ pass
+ else:
+ await wait_child_exiting(self)
+ # We have to use .wait() here, not .poll(), because on macOS
+ # (and maybe other systems, who knows), there's a race
+ # condition inside the kernel that creates a tiny window where
+ # kqueue reports that the process has exited, but
+ # waitpid(WNOHANG) can't yet reap it. So this .wait() may
+ # actually block for a tiny fraction of a second.
+ self._proc.wait()
+ self._close_pidfd()
+ assert self._proc.returncode is not None
+ return self._proc.returncode
+ def poll(self):
+ """Returns the exit status of the process (an integer), or ``None`` if
+ it's still running.
+ Note that on Trio (unlike the standard library `subprocess.Popen`),
+ ``process.poll()`` and ``process.returncode`` always give the same
+ result. See `returncode` for more details. This method is only
+ included to make it easier to port code from `subprocess`.
+ """
+ return self.returncode
+ def send_signal(self, sig):
+ """Send signal ``sig`` to the process.
+ On UNIX, ``sig`` may be any signal defined in the
+ :mod:`signal` module, such as ``signal.SIGINT`` or
+ ``signal.SIGTERM``. On Windows, it may be anything accepted by
+ the standard library :meth:`subprocess.Popen.send_signal`.
+ """
+ self._proc.send_signal(sig)
+ def terminate(self):
+ """Terminate the process, politely if possible.
+ On UNIX, this is equivalent to
+ ``send_signal(signal.SIGTERM)``; by convention this requests
+ graceful termination, but a misbehaving or buggy process might
+ ignore it. On Windows, :meth:`terminate` forcibly terminates the
+ process in the same manner as :meth:`kill`.
+ """
+ self._proc.terminate()
+ def kill(self):
+ """Immediately terminate the process.
+ On UNIX, this is equivalent to
+ ``send_signal(signal.SIGKILL)``. On Windows, it calls
+ ``TerminateProcess``. In both cases, the process cannot
+ prevent itself from being killed, but the termination will be
+ delivered asynchronously; use :meth:`wait` if you want to
+ ensure the process is actually dead before proceeding.
+ """
+ self._proc.kill()
+async def open_process(
+ command, *, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, **options
+) -> Process:
+ r"""Execute a child program in a new process.
+ After construction, you can interact with the child process by writing data to its
+ `~trio.Process.stdin` stream (a ``), reading data from its
+ `~trio.Process.stdout` and/or `~trio.Process.stderr` streams (both
+ ``\s), sending it signals using `~trio.Process.terminate`,
+ `~trio.Process.kill`, or `~trio.Process.send_signal`, and waiting for it to exit
+ using `~trio.Process.wait`. See `trio.Process` for details.
+ Each standard stream is only available if you specify that a pipe should be created
+ for it. For example, if you pass ``stdin=subprocess.PIPE``, you can write to the
+ `~trio.Process.stdin` stream, else `~trio.Process.stdin` will be ``None``.
+ Unlike `trio.run_process`, this function doesn't do any kind of automatic
+ management of the child process. It's up to you to implement whatever semantics you
+ want.
+ Args:
+ command (list or str): The command to run. Typically this is a
+ sequence of strings such as ``['ls', '-l', 'directory with spaces']``,
+ where the first element names the executable to invoke and the other
+ elements specify its arguments. With ``shell=True`` in the
+ ``**options``, or on Windows, ``command`` may alternatively
+ be a string, which will be parsed following platform-dependent
+ :ref:`quoting rules <subprocess-quoting>`.
+ stdin: Specifies what the child process's standard input
+ stream should connect to: output written by the parent
+ (``subprocess.PIPE``), nothing (``subprocess.DEVNULL``),
+ or an open file (pass a file descriptor or something whose
+ ``fileno`` method returns one). If ``stdin`` is unspecified,
+ the child process will have the same standard input stream
+ as its parent.
+ stdout: Like ``stdin``, but for the child process's standard output
+ stream.
+ stderr: Like ``stdin``, but for the child process's standard error
+ stream. An additional value ``subprocess.STDOUT`` is supported,
+ which causes the child's standard output and standard error
+ messages to be intermixed on a single standard output stream,
+ attached to whatever the ``stdout`` option says to attach it to.
+ **options: Other :ref:`general subprocess options <subprocess-options>`
+ are also accepted.
+ Returns:
+ A new `trio.Process` object.
+ Raises:
+ OSError: if the process spawning fails, for example because the
+ specified command could not be found.
+ """
+ for key in ("universal_newlines", "text", "encoding", "errors", "bufsize"):
+ if options.get(key):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "trio.Process only supports communicating over "
+ "unbuffered byte streams; the '{}' option is not supported".format(key)
+ )
+ if == "posix":
+ if isinstance(command, str) and not options.get("shell"):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "command must be a sequence (not a string) if shell=False "
+ "on UNIX systems"
+ )
+ if not isinstance(command, str) and options.get("shell"):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "command must be a string (not a sequence) if shell=True "
+ "on UNIX systems"
+ )
+ trio_stdin = None # type: Optional[ClosableSendStream]
+ trio_stdout = None # type: Optional[ClosableReceiveStream]
+ trio_stderr = None # type: Optional[ClosableReceiveStream]
+ # Close the parent's handle for each child side of a pipe; we want the child to
+ # have the only copy, so that when it exits we can read EOF on our side. The
+ # trio ends of pipes will be transferred to the Process object, which will be
+ # responsible for their lifetime. If process spawning fails, though, we still
+ # want to close them before letting the failure bubble out
+ with ExitStack() as always_cleanup, ExitStack() as cleanup_on_fail:
+ if stdin == subprocess.PIPE:
+ trio_stdin, stdin = create_pipe_to_child_stdin()
+ always_cleanup.callback(os.close, stdin)
+ cleanup_on_fail.callback(trio_stdin.close)
+ if stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
+ trio_stdout, stdout = create_pipe_from_child_output()
+ always_cleanup.callback(os.close, stdout)
+ cleanup_on_fail.callback(trio_stdout.close)
+ if stderr == subprocess.STDOUT:
+ # If we created a pipe for stdout, pass the same pipe for
+ # stderr. If stdout was some non-pipe thing (DEVNULL or a
+ # given FD), pass the same thing. If stdout was passed as
+ # None, keep stderr as STDOUT to allow subprocess to dup
+ # our stdout. Regardless of which of these is applicable,
+ # don't create a new Trio stream for stderr -- if stdout
+ # is piped, stderr will be intermixed on the stdout stream.
+ if stdout is not None:
+ stderr = stdout
+ elif stderr == subprocess.PIPE:
+ trio_stderr, stderr = create_pipe_from_child_output()
+ always_cleanup.callback(os.close, stderr)
+ cleanup_on_fail.callback(trio_stderr.close)
+ popen = await trio.to_thread.run_sync(
+ partial(
+ subprocess.Popen,
+ command,
+ stdin=stdin,
+ stdout=stdout,
+ stderr=stderr,
+ **options,
+ )
+ )
+ # We did not fail, so dismiss the stack for the trio ends
+ cleanup_on_fail.pop_all()
+ return Process._create(popen, trio_stdin, trio_stdout, trio_stderr)
+async def _windows_deliver_cancel(p):
+ try:
+ p.terminate()
+ except OSError as exc:
+ warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning(f"TerminateProcess on {p!r} failed with: {exc!r}"))
+async def _posix_deliver_cancel(p):
+ try:
+ p.terminate()
+ await trio.sleep(5)
+ warnings.warn(
+ RuntimeWarning(
+ f"process {p!r} ignored SIGTERM for 5 seconds. "
+ f"(Maybe you should pass a custom deliver_cancel?) "
+ f"Trying SIGKILL."
+ )
+ )
+ p.kill()
+ except OSError as exc:
+ warnings.warn(
+ RuntimeWarning(f"tried to kill process {p!r}, but failed with: {exc!r}")
+ )
+async def run_process(
+ command,
+ *,
+ stdin=b"",
+ capture_stdout=False,
+ capture_stderr=False,
+ check=True,
+ deliver_cancel=None,
+ task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED,
+ **options,
+ """Run ``command`` in a subprocess and wait for it to complete.
+ This function can be called in two different ways.
+ One option is a direct call, like::
+ completed_process_info = await trio.run_process(...)
+ In this case, it returns a :class:`subprocess.CompletedProcess` instance
+ describing the results. Use this if you want to treat a process like a
+ function call.
+ The other option is to run it as a task using `Nursery.start` – the enhanced version
+ of `~Nursery.start_soon` that lets a task pass back a value during startup::
+ process = await nursery.start(trio.run_process, ...)
+ In this case, `~Nursery.start` returns a `Process` object that you can use
+ to interact with the process while it's running. Use this if you want to
+ treat a process like a background task.
+ Either way, `run_process` makes sure that the process has exited before
+ returning, handles cancellation, optionally checks for errors, and
+ provides some convenient shorthands for dealing with the child's
+ input/output.
+ **Input:** `run_process` supports all the same ``stdin=`` arguments as
+ `subprocess.Popen`. In addition, if you simply want to pass in some fixed
+ data, you can pass a plain `bytes` object, and `run_process` will take
+ care of setting up a pipe, feeding in the data you gave, and then sending
+ end-of-file. The default is ``b""``, which means that the child will receive
+ an empty stdin. If you want the child to instead read from the parent's
+ stdin, use ``stdin=None``.
+ **Output:** By default, any output produced by the subprocess is
+ passed through to the standard output and error streams of the
+ parent Trio process.
+ When calling `run_process` directly, you can capture the subprocess's output by
+ passing ``capture_stdout=True`` to capture the subprocess's standard output, and/or
+ ``capture_stderr=True`` to capture its standard error. Captured data is collected up
+ by Trio into an in-memory buffer, and then provided as the
+ :attr:`~subprocess.CompletedProcess.stdout` and/or
+ :attr:`~subprocess.CompletedProcess.stderr` attributes of the returned
+ :class:`~subprocess.CompletedProcess` object. The value for any stream that was not
+ captured will be ``None``.
+ If you want to capture both stdout and stderr while keeping them
+ separate, pass ``capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True``.
+ If you want to capture both stdout and stderr but mixed together
+ in the order they were printed, use: ``capture_stdout=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT``.
+ This directs the child's stderr into its stdout, so the combined
+ output will be available in the `~subprocess.CompletedProcess.stdout`
+ attribute.
+ If you're using ``await nursery.start(trio.run_process, ...)`` and want to capture
+ the subprocess's output for further processing, then use ``stdout=subprocess.PIPE``
+ and then make sure to read the data out of the `Process.stdout` stream. If you want
+ to capture stderr separately, use ``stderr=subprocess.PIPE``. If you want to capture
+ both, but mixed together in the correct order, use ``stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT``.
+ **Error checking:** If the subprocess exits with a nonzero status
+ code, indicating failure, :func:`run_process` raises a
+ :exc:`subprocess.CalledProcessError` exception rather than
+ returning normally. The captured outputs are still available as
+ the :attr:`~subprocess.CalledProcessError.stdout` and
+ :attr:`~subprocess.CalledProcessError.stderr` attributes of that
+ exception. To disable this behavior, so that :func:`run_process`
+ returns normally even if the subprocess exits abnormally, pass ``check=False``.
+ Note that this can make the ``capture_stdout`` and ``capture_stderr``
+ arguments useful even when starting `run_process` as a task: if you only
+ care about the output if the process fails, then you can enable capturing
+ and then read the output off of the `~subprocess.CalledProcessError`.
+ **Cancellation:** If cancelled, `run_process` sends a termination
+ request to the subprocess, then waits for it to fully exit. The
+ ``deliver_cancel`` argument lets you control how the process is terminated.
+ .. note:: `run_process` is intentionally similar to the standard library
+ ``, but some of the defaults are different. Specifically, we
+ default to:
+ - ``check=True``, because `"errors should never pass silently / unless
+ explicitly silenced" <>`__.
+ - ``stdin=b""``, because it produces less-confusing results if a subprocess
+ unexpectedly tries to read from stdin.
+ To get the `` semantics, use ``check=False, stdin=None``.
+ Args:
+ command (list or str): The command to run. Typically this is a
+ sequence of strings such as ``['ls', '-l', 'directory with spaces']``,
+ where the first element names the executable to invoke and the other
+ elements specify its arguments. With ``shell=True`` in the
+ ``**options``, or on Windows, ``command`` may alternatively
+ be a string, which will be parsed following platform-dependent
+ :ref:`quoting rules <subprocess-quoting>`.
+ stdin (:obj:`bytes`, subprocess.PIPE, file descriptor, or None): The
+ bytes to provide to the subprocess on its standard input stream, or
+ ``None`` if the subprocess's standard input should come from the
+ same place as the parent Trio process's standard input. As is the
+ case with the :mod:`subprocess` module, you can also pass a file
+ descriptor or an object with a ``fileno()`` method, in which case
+ the subprocess's standard input will come from that file.
+ When starting `run_process` as a background task, you can also use
+ ``stdin=subprocess.PIPE``, in which case `Process.stdin` will be a
+ `` that you can use to send data to the child.
+ capture_stdout (bool): If true, capture the bytes that the subprocess
+ writes to its standard output stream and return them in the
+ `~subprocess.CompletedProcess.stdout` attribute of the returned
+ `subprocess.CompletedProcess` or `subprocess.CalledProcessError`.
+ capture_stderr (bool): If true, capture the bytes that the subprocess
+ writes to its standard error stream and return them in the
+ `~subprocess.CompletedProcess.stderr` attribute of the returned
+ `~subprocess.CompletedProcess` or `subprocess.CalledProcessError`.
+ check (bool): If false, don't validate that the subprocess exits
+ successfully. You should be sure to check the
+ ``returncode`` attribute of the returned object if you pass
+ ``check=False``, so that errors don't pass silently.
+ deliver_cancel (async function or None): If `run_process` is cancelled,
+ then it needs to kill the child process. There are multiple ways to
+ do this, so we let you customize it.
+ If you pass None (the default), then the behavior depends on the
+ platform:
+ - On Windows, Trio calls ``TerminateProcess``, which should kill the
+ process immediately.
+ - On Unix-likes, the default behavior is to send a ``SIGTERM``, wait
+ 5 seconds, and send a ``SIGKILL``.
+ Alternatively, you can customize this behavior by passing in an
+ arbitrary async function, which will be called with the `Process`
+ object as an argument. For example, the default Unix behavior could
+ be implemented like this::
+ async def my_deliver_cancel(process):
+ process.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM)
+ await trio.sleep(5)
+ process.send_signal(signal.SIGKILL)
+ When the process actually exits, the ``deliver_cancel`` function
+ will automatically be cancelled – so if the process exits after
+ ``SIGTERM``, then we'll never reach the ``SIGKILL``.
+ In any case, `run_process` will always wait for the child process to
+ exit before raising `Cancelled`.
+ **options: :func:`run_process` also accepts any :ref:`general subprocess
+ options <subprocess-options>` and passes them on to the
+ :class:`~trio.Process` constructor. This includes the
+ ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` options, which provide additional
+ redirection possibilities such as ``stderr=subprocess.STDOUT``,
+ ``stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL``, or file descriptors.
+ Returns:
+ When called normally – a `subprocess.CompletedProcess` instance
+ describing the return code and outputs.
+ When called via `Nursery.start` – a `trio.Process` instance.
+ Raises:
+ UnicodeError: if ``stdin`` is specified as a Unicode string, rather
+ than bytes
+ ValueError: if multiple redirections are specified for the same
+ stream, e.g., both ``capture_stdout=True`` and
+ ``stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL``
+ subprocess.CalledProcessError: if ``check=False`` is not passed
+ and the process exits with a nonzero exit status
+ OSError: if an error is encountered starting or communicating with
+ the process
+ .. note:: The child process runs in the same process group as the parent
+ Trio process, so a Ctrl+C will be delivered simultaneously to both
+ parent and child. If you don't want this behavior, consult your
+ platform's documentation for starting child processes in a different
+ process group.
+ """
+ if isinstance(stdin, str):
+ raise UnicodeError("process stdin must be bytes, not str")
+ if task_status is trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED:
+ if stdin is subprocess.PIPE:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "stdout=subprocess.PIPE is only valid with nursery.start, "
+ "since that's the only way to access the pipe; use nursery.start "
+ "or pass the data you want to write directly"
+ )
+ if options.get("stdout") is subprocess.PIPE:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "stdout=subprocess.PIPE is only valid with nursery.start, "
+ "since that's the only way to access the pipe"
+ )
+ if options.get("stderr") is subprocess.PIPE:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "stderr=subprocess.PIPE is only valid with nursery.start, "
+ "since that's the only way to access the pipe"
+ )
+ if isinstance(stdin, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
+ input = stdin
+ options["stdin"] = subprocess.PIPE
+ else:
+ # stdin should be something acceptable to Process
+ # (None, DEVNULL, a file descriptor, etc) and Process
+ # will raise if it's not
+ input = None
+ options["stdin"] = stdin
+ if capture_stdout:
+ if "stdout" in options:
+ raise ValueError("can't specify both stdout and capture_stdout")
+ options["stdout"] = subprocess.PIPE
+ if capture_stderr:
+ if "stderr" in options:
+ raise ValueError("can't specify both stderr and capture_stderr")
+ options["stderr"] = subprocess.PIPE
+ if deliver_cancel is None:
+ if == "nt":
+ deliver_cancel = _windows_deliver_cancel
+ else:
+ assert == "posix"
+ deliver_cancel = _posix_deliver_cancel
+ stdout_chunks = []
+ stderr_chunks = []
+ async def feed_input(stream):
+ async with stream:
+ try:
+ await stream.send_all(input)
+ except trio.BrokenResourceError:
+ pass
+ async def read_output(stream, chunks):
+ async with stream:
+ async for chunk in stream:
+ chunks.append(chunk)
+ async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
+ proc = await open_process(command, **options)
+ try:
+ if input is not None:
+ nursery.start_soon(feed_input, proc.stdin)
+ proc.stdin = None
+ proc.stdio = None
+ if capture_stdout:
+ nursery.start_soon(read_output, proc.stdout, stdout_chunks)
+ proc.stdout = None
+ proc.stdio = None
+ if capture_stderr:
+ nursery.start_soon(read_output, proc.stderr, stderr_chunks)
+ proc.stderr = None
+ task_status.started(proc)
+ await proc.wait()
+ except BaseException:
+ with trio.CancelScope(shield=True):
+ killer_cscope = trio.CancelScope(shield=True)
+ async def killer():
+ with killer_cscope:
+ await deliver_cancel(proc)
+ nursery.start_soon(killer)
+ await proc.wait()
+ killer_cscope.cancel()
+ raise
+ stdout = b"".join(stdout_chunks) if capture_stdout else None
+ stderr = b"".join(stderr_chunks) if capture_stderr else None
+ if proc.returncode and check:
+ raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
+ proc.returncode, proc.args, output=stdout, stderr=stderr
+ )
+ else:
+ return subprocess.CompletedProcess(proc.args, proc.returncode, stdout, stderr)