path: root/
blob: 0fa8dd6489496819afd9b313ab25f21994e342b8 (plain) (tree)


title: ODI Realtek DFP-34X-C2C (XPON)
has_children: false
parent: ONT

# Hardware Specifications

|             |                                   |
| ----------- | --------------------------------- |
| Vendor      | ODI                               |
| Model       | DFP-34X-C2C                       |
| Chipset     | Realtek RTL9601D                  |
| Flash       | 8 MB                              |
| RAM         | 64 MB                             |
| System      | Linux (Luna SDK)                  |
| HSGMII      | Yes                               |
| Optics      | SC/APC                            |
| IP address  |                       |
| Web Gui     | ✅ user `admin`, password `admin` |
| SSH         | ✅ user `admin`, password `admin` |
| Form Factor | miniONT SFP                       |

**Note:** SSH uses an outdated set of algorithm/ciphers, you can connect using the following command:

ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oCiphers=+3des-cbc admin@

{% include image.html file="odi.jpg" alt="ODI DFP-34X-C2C" caption="ODI DFP-34X-C2C" %}

## Firmware is interchangeable with:

- [ODI DFP-34X-C2C](ont-ODI-DFP-34X-C2C)
- [VSOL V2801F](ont-vsol-V2801F)
- [TWCGPON657](ont-TWCGPON657)
- [UFiber UF-Instant](ont-UFiber-UF-Instant) 
- [DFP-34X-2C2](ont-DFP-34X-2C2)
- [CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2](ont-CarlitoxxPro-CPGOS03-0490-v2)

## List of software versions
- V1.0-220530 Modded by [stich86]( **SUGGESTED** since it has working VLAN translation. Download link: [](
- V1.0-220414
- V1.0-220304

## List of partitions
| dev   | size     | erasesize | name            |
| ----- | -------- | --------- | --------------- |
| mtd0  | 00040000 | 00001000  | "boot"          |
| mtd1  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "env"           |
| mtd2  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "env2"          |
| mtd3  | 0003c000 | 00001000  | "config"        |
| mtd4  | 0014c000 | 00001000  | "k0"            |
| mtd5  | 00274000 | 00001000  | "r0"            |
| mtd6  | 0014c000 | 00001000  | "k1"            |
| mtd7  | 00274000 | 00001000  | "r1"            |
| mtd8  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_008" |
| mtd9  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_009" |
| mtd10 | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_010" |
| mtd11 | 00001000 | 00001000  | "Partition_011" |
| mtd12 | 0014c000 | 00001000  | "linux"         |
| mtd13 | 00274000 | 00001000  | "rootfs"        |

This stick supports dual boot. 

`k0` and `r0` respectively contain the kernel and firmware of the first image, `k1` and `r1` the kernel and the firmware of the second one

# Useful Commands

## Getting/Setting the ONT's S/N
# flash get GPON_SN
# flash set GPON_SN TMBB0A1B2C3D

## Getting/Setting the ONT's PLOAM password

{% include alert.html content="The PLOAM password is stored in HEX format, with no 0x or separator" %}

# flash set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD 41414141414141414141

## Getting/Setting the ONT Vendor ID
**Note:** this may need OMCI_OLT_MODE set to 3 to work
# flash get PON_VENDOR_ID  
# flash set PON_VENDOR_ID HWTC

## Getting/Settng the ONT Custom software version
**Note:** this needs OMCI_OLT_MODE set to 3 and firmware 220530 modded by stich86

# nv setenv sw_custom_version0 YOURFIRSTSWVER
# nv setenv sw_custom_version1 YOURSECONDSWVER

## Getting/Setting a custom HW Version
**Note:** this probably needs OMCI_OLT_MODE set to 3

# flash get HW_HWVER

## Getting/Setting a custom ONT Equipment ID
**Note:** this probably needs OMCI_OLT_MODE set to 3
# flash get GPON_ONU_MODEL
# flash set GPON_ONU_MODEL DFP-34X-XXX

## Checking the currently active image
# nv getenv sw_active

## Booting to a different image
# nv setenv sw_commit 0|1
# reboot

## Querying a particular OMCI ME
# omcicli mib get MIB_IDX

# Known Bugs

- Auto-sensing mode to switch between SGMII/HiSGMII

# Miscellaneous Links

- [Hacking RTL960x](
- [Ditch ONU, use GPON SFP on Business Grade Router, Mikrotik/Ubiquiti/pfSense (Home Networking)](