path: root/src/extras/shaders/lighting.h
blob: 4b081962d07ee0440e7698d7795f81b02533a42c (plain) (tree)

struct Light
	float4 color;	// and radius
	float4 position;	// and -cos(angle)
	float4 direction;	// and falloff clamp

float3 DoDirLight(Light L, float3 N)
	float l = max(0.0, dot(N,;
	return l*;

float3 DoDirLightSpec(Light L, float3 N, float3 V, float power)
	return pow(saturate(dot(N, normalize(V +, power)*;

float3 DoPointLight(Light L, float3 V, float3 N)
	// As on PS2
	float3 dir = V -;
	float dist = length(dir);
	float atten = max(0.0, (1.0 - dist/L.color.w));
	float l = max(0.0, dot(N, -normalize(dir)));
	return l**atten;

float3 DoSpotLight(Light L, float3 V, float3 N)
	// As on PS2
	float3 dir = V -;
	float dist = length(dir);
	float atten = max(0.0, (1.0 - dist/L.color.w));
	dir /= dist;
	float l = max(0.0, dot(N, -dir));
	float pcos = dot(dir,;	// cos to point
	float ccos = -L.position.w;	// cos of cone
	float falloff = (pcos-ccos)/(1.0-ccos);
	if(falloff < 0)	// outside of cone
		l = 0;
	l *= max(falloff, L.direction.w);	// falloff clamp
	return l**atten;