diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
9 files changed, 538 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3d2c6338..ca4dc200 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -357,4 +357,6 @@ sdk/
-codewarrior/Debug/ \ No newline at end of file
+src/extras/GitSHA1.cpp \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/premake5.lua b/premake5.lua
index b0a432bb..d6d139dd 100644
--- a/premake5.lua
+++ b/premake5.lua
@@ -1,416 +1,420 @@
-newoption {
- trigger = "glewdir",
- value = "PATH",
- description = "Directory of GLEW",
- default = "vendor/glew-2.1.0"
-newoption {
- trigger = "glfwdir64",
- value = "PATH",
- description = "Directory of glfw",
- default = "vendor/glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN64",
-newoption {
- trigger = "glfwdir32",
- value = "PATH",
- description = "Directory of glfw",
- default = "vendor/glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32",
-newoption {
- trigger = "with-asan",
- description = "Build with address sanitizer"
-newoption {
- trigger = "with-librw",
- description = "Build and use librw from this solution"
-newoption {
- trigger = "with-opus",
- description = "Build with opus"
-newoption {
- trigger = "lto",
- description = "Use link time optimization"
-if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
- Librw = "vendor/librw"
- Librw = os.getenv("LIBRW") or "vendor/librw"
-function getsys(a)
- if a == 'windows' then
- return 'win'
- end
- return a
-function getarch(a)
- if a == 'x86_64' then
- return 'amd64'
- elseif a == 'ARM' then
- return 'arm'
- elseif a == 'ARM64' then
- return 'arm64'
- end
- return a
-workspace "reVC"
- language "C++"
- configurations { "Debug", "Release", "Vanilla" }
- startproject "reVC"
- location "build"
- symbols "Full"
- staticruntime "off"
- if _OPTIONS["with-asan"] then
- buildoptions { "-fsanitize=address -g3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer" }
- linkoptions { "-fsanitize=address" }
- end
- filter { "system:windows" }
- platforms {
- "win-x86-RW34_d3d8-mss",
- "win-x86-librw_d3d9-mss",
- "win-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-mss",
- "win-x86-RW34_d3d8-oal",
- "win-x86-librw_d3d9-oal",
- "win-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "win-amd64-librw_d3d9-oal",
- "win-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- }
- filter { "system:linux" }
- platforms {
- "linux-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "linux-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "linux-arm-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "linux-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- }
- filter { "system:bsd" }
- platforms {
- "bsd-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "bsd-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "bsd-arm-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "bsd-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal"
- }
- filter { "system:macosx" }
- platforms {
- "macosx-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- "macosx-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
- }
- filter "configurations:Debug"
- defines { "DEBUG" }
- filter "configurations:not Debug"
- defines { "NDEBUG" }
- optimize "Speed"
- if(_OPTIONS["lto"]) then
- flags { "LinkTimeOptimization" }
- end
- filter "configurations:Vanilla"
- defines { "VANILLA_DEFINES" }
- filter { "platforms:win*" }
- system "windows"
- filter { "platforms:linux*" }
- system "linux"
- filter { "platforms:bsd*" }
- system "bsd"
- filter { "platforms:macosx*" }
- system "macosx"
- filter { "platforms:*x86*" }
- architecture "x86"
- filter { "platforms:*amd64*" }
- architecture "amd64"
- filter { "platforms:*arm*" }
- architecture "ARM"
- filter { "platforms:macosx-arm64-*" }
- buildoptions { "-target", "arm64-apple-macos11", "-std=gnu++14" }
- filter { "platforms:macosx-amd64-*" }
- buildoptions { "-target", "x86_64-apple-macos10.12", "-std=gnu++14" }
- filter { "platforms:*librw_d3d9*" }
- defines { "RW_D3D9" }
- if(not _OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
- libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/win-%{getarch(cfg.architecture)}-d3d9/%{cfg.buildcfg}") }
- end
- filter "platforms:*librw_gl3_glfw*"
- defines { "RW_GL3" }
- includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "include") }
- if(not _OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
- libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/%{getsys(cfg.system)}-%{getarch(cfg.architecture)}-gl3/%{cfg.buildcfg}") }
- end
- filter "platforms:*x86-librw_gl3_glfw*"
- includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir32"], "include") }
- filter "platforms:*amd64-librw_gl3_glfw*"
- includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir64"], "include") }
- filter "platforms:win*librw_gl3_glfw*"
- defines { "GLEW_STATIC" }
- filter {}
- function setpaths (gamepath, exepath)
- if (gamepath) then
- postbuildcommands {
- '{COPYFILE} "%{cfg.buildtarget.abspath}" "' .. gamepath .. '%{}"'
- }
- debugdir (gamepath)
- if (exepath) then
- -- Used VS variable $(TargetFileName) because it doesn't accept premake tokens. Does debugcommand even work outside VS??
- debugcommand (gamepath .. "$(TargetFileName)")
- dir, file = exepath:match'(.*/)(.*)'
- debugdir (gamepath .. (dir or ""))
- end
- end
- end
-if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
-project "librw"
- kind "StaticLib"
- targetname "rw"
- targetdir(path.join(Librw, "lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}"))
- files { path.join(Librw, "src/*.*") }
- files { path.join(Librw, "src/*/*.*") }
- filter { "platforms:*x86*" }
- architecture "x86"
- filter { "platforms:*amd64*" }
- architecture "amd64"
- filter "platforms:win*"
- staticruntime "on"
- buildoptions { "/Zc:sizedDealloc-" }
- filter "platforms:bsd*"
- includedirs { "/usr/local/include" }
- libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
- filter "platforms:macosx*"
- -- Support MacPorts and Homebrew
- includedirs { "/opt/local/include" }
- includedirs {"/usr/local/include" }
- libdirs { "/opt/local/lib" }
- libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
- filter "platforms:*gl3_glfw*"
- staticruntime "off"
- filter "platforms:*RW34*"
- flags { "ExcludeFromBuild" }
- filter {}
-local function addSrcFiles( prefix )
- return prefix .. "/*cpp", prefix .. "/*.h", prefix .. "/*.c", prefix .. "/*.ico", prefix .. "/*.rc"
-project "reVC"
- kind "WindowedApp"
- targetname "reVC"
- targetdir "bin/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
- if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
- dependson "librw"
- end
- files { addSrcFiles("src") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/animation") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/audio") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/audio/eax") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/audio/oal") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/buildings") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/collision") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/control") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/core") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/entities") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/math") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/modelinfo") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/objects") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/peds") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/render") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/rw") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/save") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/skel") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/skel/glfw") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/text") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/vehicles") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/weapons") }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/extras") }
- includedirs { "src" }
- includedirs { "src/animation" }
- includedirs { "src/audio" }
- includedirs { "src/audio/eax" }
- includedirs { "src/audio/oal" }
- includedirs { "src/buildings" }
- includedirs { "src/collision" }
- includedirs { "src/control" }
- includedirs { "src/core" }
- includedirs { "src/entities" }
- includedirs { "src/math" }
- includedirs { "src/modelinfo" }
- includedirs { "src/objects" }
- includedirs { "src/peds" }
- includedirs { "src/render" }
- includedirs { "src/rw" }
- includedirs { "src/save/" }
- includedirs { "src/skel/" }
- includedirs { "src/skel/glfw" }
- includedirs { "src/text" }
- includedirs { "src/vehicles" }
- includedirs { "src/weapons" }
- includedirs { "src/extras" }
- if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then
- includedirs { "vendor/ogg/include" }
- includedirs { "vendor/opus/include" }
- includedirs { "vendor/opusfile/include" }
- end
- filter "platforms:*mss"
- defines { "AUDIO_MSS" }
- includedirs { "vendor/milessdk/include" }
- libdirs { "vendor/milessdk/lib" }
- if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then
- filter "platforms:win*"
- libdirs { "vendor/ogg/win32/VS2015/Win32/%{cfg.buildcfg}" }
- libdirs { "vendor/opus/win32/VS2015/Win32/%{cfg.buildcfg}" }
- libdirs { "vendor/opusfile/win32/VS2015/Win32/Release-NoHTTP" }
- filter {}
- defines { "AUDIO_OPUS" }
- end
- filter "platforms:*oal"
- defines { "AUDIO_OAL" }
- filter {}
- if(os.getenv("GTA_VC_RE_DIR")) then
- setpaths("$(GTA_VC_RE_DIR)/", "%(")
- end
- filter "platforms:win*"
- files { addSrcFiles("src/skel/win") }
- includedirs { "src/skel/win" }
- buildoptions { "/Zc:sizedDealloc-" }
- linkoptions "/SAFESEH:NO"
- characterset ("MBCS")
- targetextension ".exe"
- if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
- -- external librw is dynamic
- staticruntime "on"
- end
- filter "platforms:win*glfw*"
- staticruntime "off"
- filter "platforms:win*oal"
- includedirs { "vendor/openal-soft/include" }
- includedirs { "vendor/libsndfile/include" }
- includedirs { "vendor/mpg123/include" }
- filter "platforms:win-x86*oal"
- libdirs { "vendor/mpg123/lib/Win32" }
- libdirs { "vendor/libsndfile/lib/Win32" }
- libdirs { "vendor/openal-soft/libs/Win32" }
- filter "platforms:win-amd64*oal"
- libdirs { "vendor/mpg123/lib/Win64" }
- libdirs { "vendor/libsndfile/lib/Win64" }
- libdirs { "vendor/openal-soft/libs/Win64" }
- filter "platforms:linux*oal"
- links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" }
- filter "platforms:bsd*oal"
- links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" }
- filter "platforms:macosx*oal"
- links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" }
- includedirs { "/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/include" }
- libdirs { "/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/lib" }
- if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then
- filter {}
- links { "libogg" }
- links { "opus" }
- links { "opusfile" }
- end
- filter "platforms:*RW34*"
- includedirs { "sdk/rwsdk/include/d3d8" }
- libdirs { "sdk/rwsdk/lib/d3d8/release" }
- links { "rwcore", "rpworld", "rpmatfx", "rpskin", "rphanim", "rtbmp", "rtquat", "rtanim", "rtcharse", "rpanisot" }
- defines { "RWLIBS" }
- linkoptions "/SECTION:_rwcseg,ER!W /MERGE:_rwcseg=.text"
- filter "platforms:*librw*"
- defines { "LIBRW" }
- files { addSrcFiles("src/fakerw") }
- includedirs { "src/fakerw" }
- includedirs { Librw }
- if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
- libdirs { "vendor/librw/lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" }
- end
- links { "rw" }
- filter "platforms:*d3d9*"
- defines { "USE_D3D9" }
- links { "d3d9" }
- filter "platforms:*x86*d3d*"
- includedirs { "sdk/dx8sdk/include" }
- libdirs { "sdk/dx8sdk/lib" }
- filter "platforms:win-x86*gl3_glfw*"
- libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/Win32") }
- libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir32"], "lib-" .. string.gsub(_ACTION or '', "vs", "vc")) }
- links { "opengl32", "glew32s", "glfw3" }
- filter "platforms:win-amd64*gl3_glfw*"
- libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/x64") }
- libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir64"], "lib-" .. string.gsub(_ACTION or '', "vs", "vc")) }
- links { "opengl32", "glew32s", "glfw3" }
- filter "platforms:linux*gl3_glfw*"
- links { "GL", "GLEW", "glfw" }
- filter "platforms:bsd*gl3_glfw*"
- links { "GL", "GLEW", "glfw", "sysinfo" }
- includedirs { "/usr/local/include" }
- libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
- filter "platforms:macosx*gl3_glfw*"
- links { "GLEW", "glfw" }
- linkoptions { "-framework OpenGL" }
- includedirs { "/opt/local/include" }
- includedirs { "/usr/local/include" }
- libdirs { "/opt/local/lib" }
- libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
+newoption {
+ trigger = "glewdir",
+ value = "PATH",
+ description = "Directory of GLEW",
+ default = "vendor/glew-2.1.0"
+newoption {
+ trigger = "glfwdir64",
+ value = "PATH",
+ description = "Directory of glfw",
+ default = "vendor/glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN64",
+newoption {
+ trigger = "glfwdir32",
+ value = "PATH",
+ description = "Directory of glfw",
+ default = "vendor/glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32",
+newoption {
+ trigger = "with-asan",
+ description = "Build with address sanitizer"
+newoption {
+ trigger = "with-librw",
+ description = "Build and use librw from this solution"
+newoption {
+ trigger = "with-opus",
+ description = "Build with opus"
+newoption {
+ trigger = "lto",
+ description = "Use link time optimization"
+if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
+ Librw = "vendor/librw"
+ Librw = os.getenv("LIBRW") or "vendor/librw"
+function getsys(a)
+ if a == 'windows' then
+ return 'win'
+ end
+ return a
+function getarch(a)
+ if a == 'x86_64' then
+ return 'amd64'
+ elseif a == 'ARM' then
+ return 'arm'
+ elseif a == 'ARM64' then
+ return 'arm64'
+ end
+ return a
+workspace "reVC"
+ language "C++"
+ configurations { "Debug", "Release", "Vanilla" }
+ startproject "reVC"
+ location "build"
+ symbols "Full"
+ staticruntime "off"
+ if _OPTIONS["with-asan"] then
+ buildoptions { "-fsanitize=address -g3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer" }
+ linkoptions { "-fsanitize=address" }
+ end
+ filter { "system:windows" }
+ platforms {
+ "win-x86-RW34_d3d8-mss",
+ "win-x86-librw_d3d9-mss",
+ "win-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-mss",
+ "win-x86-RW34_d3d8-oal",
+ "win-x86-librw_d3d9-oal",
+ "win-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "win-amd64-librw_d3d9-oal",
+ "win-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ }
+ filter { "system:linux" }
+ platforms {
+ "linux-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "linux-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "linux-arm-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "linux-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ }
+ filter { "system:bsd" }
+ platforms {
+ "bsd-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "bsd-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "bsd-arm-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "bsd-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal"
+ }
+ filter { "system:macosx" }
+ platforms {
+ "macosx-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ "macosx-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal",
+ }
+ filter "configurations:Debug"
+ defines { "DEBUG" }
+ filter "configurations:not Debug"
+ defines { "NDEBUG" }
+ optimize "Speed"
+ if(_OPTIONS["lto"]) then
+ flags { "LinkTimeOptimization" }
+ end
+ filter "configurations:Vanilla"
+ defines { "VANILLA_DEFINES" }
+ filter { "platforms:win*" }
+ system "windows"
+ filter { "platforms:linux*" }
+ system "linux"
+ filter { "platforms:bsd*" }
+ system "bsd"
+ filter { "platforms:macosx*" }
+ system "macosx"
+ filter { "platforms:*x86*" }
+ architecture "x86"
+ filter { "platforms:*amd64*" }
+ architecture "amd64"
+ filter { "platforms:*arm*" }
+ architecture "ARM"
+ filter { "platforms:macosx-arm64-*" }
+ buildoptions { "-target", "arm64-apple-macos11", "-std=gnu++14" }
+ filter { "platforms:macosx-amd64-*" }
+ buildoptions { "-target", "x86_64-apple-macos10.12", "-std=gnu++14" }
+ filter { "platforms:*librw_d3d9*" }
+ defines { "RW_D3D9" }
+ if(not _OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
+ libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/win-%{getarch(cfg.architecture)}-d3d9/%{cfg.buildcfg}") }
+ end
+ filter "platforms:*librw_gl3_glfw*"
+ defines { "RW_GL3" }
+ includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "include") }
+ if(not _OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
+ libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/%{getsys(cfg.system)}-%{getarch(cfg.architecture)}-gl3/%{cfg.buildcfg}") }
+ end
+ filter "platforms:*x86-librw_gl3_glfw*"
+ includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir32"], "include") }
+ filter "platforms:*amd64-librw_gl3_glfw*"
+ includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir64"], "include") }
+ filter "platforms:win*librw_gl3_glfw*"
+ defines { "GLEW_STATIC" }
+ filter {}
+ function setpaths (gamepath, exepath)
+ if (gamepath) then
+ postbuildcommands {
+ '{COPYFILE} "%{cfg.buildtarget.abspath}" "' .. gamepath .. '%{}"'
+ }
+ debugdir (gamepath)
+ if (exepath) then
+ -- Used VS variable $(TargetFileName) because it doesn't accept premake tokens. Does debugcommand even work outside VS??
+ debugcommand (gamepath .. "$(TargetFileName)")
+ dir, file = exepath:match'(.*/)(.*)'
+ debugdir (gamepath .. (dir or ""))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
+project "librw"
+ kind "StaticLib"
+ targetname "rw"
+ targetdir(path.join(Librw, "lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}"))
+ files { path.join(Librw, "src/*.*") }
+ files { path.join(Librw, "src/*/*.*") }
+ filter { "platforms:*x86*" }
+ architecture "x86"
+ filter { "platforms:*amd64*" }
+ architecture "amd64"
+ filter "platforms:win*"
+ staticruntime "on"
+ buildoptions { "/Zc:sizedDealloc-" }
+ filter "platforms:bsd*"
+ includedirs { "/usr/local/include" }
+ libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
+ filter "platforms:macosx*"
+ -- Support MacPorts and Homebrew
+ includedirs { "/opt/local/include" }
+ includedirs {"/usr/local/include" }
+ libdirs { "/opt/local/lib" }
+ libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
+ filter "platforms:*gl3_glfw*"
+ staticruntime "off"
+ filter "platforms:*RW34*"
+ flags { "ExcludeFromBuild" }
+ filter {}
+local function addSrcFiles( prefix )
+ return prefix .. "/*cpp", prefix .. "/*.h", prefix .. "/*.c", prefix .. "/*.ico", prefix .. "/*.rc"
+project "reVC"
+ kind "WindowedApp"
+ targetname "reVC"
+ targetdir "bin/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
+ if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
+ dependson "librw"
+ end
+ files { addSrcFiles("src") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/animation") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/audio") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/audio/eax") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/audio/oal") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/buildings") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/collision") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/control") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/core") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/entities") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/math") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/modelinfo") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/objects") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/peds") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/render") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/rw") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/save") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/skel") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/skel/glfw") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/text") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/vehicles") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/weapons") }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/extras") }
+ includedirs { "src" }
+ includedirs { "src/animation" }
+ includedirs { "src/audio" }
+ includedirs { "src/audio/eax" }
+ includedirs { "src/audio/oal" }
+ includedirs { "src/buildings" }
+ includedirs { "src/collision" }
+ includedirs { "src/control" }
+ includedirs { "src/core" }
+ includedirs { "src/entities" }
+ includedirs { "src/math" }
+ includedirs { "src/modelinfo" }
+ includedirs { "src/objects" }
+ includedirs { "src/peds" }
+ includedirs { "src/render" }
+ includedirs { "src/rw" }
+ includedirs { "src/save/" }
+ includedirs { "src/skel/" }
+ includedirs { "src/skel/glfw" }
+ includedirs { "src/text" }
+ includedirs { "src/vehicles" }
+ includedirs { "src/weapons" }
+ includedirs { "src/extras" }
+ if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then
+ includedirs { "vendor/ogg/include" }
+ includedirs { "vendor/opus/include" }
+ includedirs { "vendor/opusfile/include" }
+ end
+ filter "platforms:*mss"
+ defines { "AUDIO_MSS" }
+ includedirs { "vendor/milessdk/include" }
+ libdirs { "vendor/milessdk/lib" }
+ if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then
+ filter "platforms:win*"
+ libdirs { "vendor/ogg/win32/VS2015/Win32/%{cfg.buildcfg}" }
+ libdirs { "vendor/opus/win32/VS2015/Win32/%{cfg.buildcfg}" }
+ libdirs { "vendor/opusfile/win32/VS2015/Win32/Release-NoHTTP" }
+ filter {}
+ defines { "AUDIO_OPUS" }
+ end
+ filter "platforms:*oal"
+ defines { "AUDIO_OAL" }
+ filter {}
+ if(os.getenv("GTA_VC_RE_DIR")) then
+ setpaths(os.getenv("GTA_VC_RE_DIR") .. "/", "%(")
+ end
+ filter "platforms:win*"
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/skel/win") }
+ includedirs { "src/skel/win" }
+ buildoptions { "/Zc:sizedDealloc-" }
+ linkoptions "/SAFESEH:NO"
+ characterset ("MBCS")
+ targetextension ".exe"
+ if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
+ -- external librw is dynamic
+ staticruntime "on"
+ end
+ prebuildcommands { '"%{prj.location}..\\printHash.bat" "%{prj.location}..\\src\\extras\\GitSHA1.cpp"' }
+ filter "platforms:not win*"
+ prebuildcommands { '"%{prj.location}../" "%{prj.location}../src/extras/GitSHA1.cpp"' }
+ filter "platforms:win*glfw*"
+ staticruntime "off"
+ filter "platforms:win*oal"
+ includedirs { "vendor/openal-soft/include" }
+ includedirs { "vendor/libsndfile/include" }
+ includedirs { "vendor/mpg123/include" }
+ filter "platforms:win-x86*oal"
+ libdirs { "vendor/mpg123/lib/Win32" }
+ libdirs { "vendor/libsndfile/lib/Win32" }
+ libdirs { "vendor/openal-soft/libs/Win32" }
+ filter "platforms:win-amd64*oal"
+ libdirs { "vendor/mpg123/lib/Win64" }
+ libdirs { "vendor/libsndfile/lib/Win64" }
+ libdirs { "vendor/openal-soft/libs/Win64" }
+ filter "platforms:linux*oal"
+ links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" }
+ filter "platforms:bsd*oal"
+ links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" }
+ filter "platforms:macosx*oal"
+ links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" }
+ includedirs { "/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/include" }
+ libdirs { "/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/lib" }
+ if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then
+ filter {}
+ links { "libogg" }
+ links { "opus" }
+ links { "opusfile" }
+ end
+ filter "platforms:*RW34*"
+ includedirs { "sdk/rwsdk/include/d3d8" }
+ libdirs { "sdk/rwsdk/lib/d3d8/release" }
+ links { "rwcore", "rpworld", "rpmatfx", "rpskin", "rphanim", "rtbmp", "rtquat", "rtanim", "rtcharse", "rpanisot" }
+ defines { "RWLIBS" }
+ linkoptions "/SECTION:_rwcseg,ER!W /MERGE:_rwcseg=.text"
+ filter "platforms:*librw*"
+ defines { "LIBRW" }
+ files { addSrcFiles("src/fakerw") }
+ includedirs { "src/fakerw" }
+ includedirs { Librw }
+ if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then
+ libdirs { "vendor/librw/lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" }
+ end
+ links { "rw" }
+ filter "platforms:*d3d9*"
+ defines { "USE_D3D9" }
+ links { "d3d9" }
+ filter "platforms:*x86*d3d*"
+ includedirs { "sdk/dx8sdk/include" }
+ libdirs { "sdk/dx8sdk/lib" }
+ filter "platforms:win-x86*gl3_glfw*"
+ libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/Win32") }
+ libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir32"], "lib-" .. string.gsub(_ACTION or '', "vs", "vc")) }
+ links { "opengl32", "glew32s", "glfw3" }
+ filter "platforms:win-amd64*gl3_glfw*"
+ libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/x64") }
+ libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir64"], "lib-" .. string.gsub(_ACTION or '', "vs", "vc")) }
+ links { "opengl32", "glew32s", "glfw3" }
+ filter "platforms:linux*gl3_glfw*"
+ links { "GL", "GLEW", "glfw" }
+ filter "platforms:bsd*gl3_glfw*"
+ links { "GL", "GLEW", "glfw", "sysinfo" }
+ includedirs { "/usr/local/include" }
+ libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
+ filter "platforms:macosx*gl3_glfw*"
+ links { "GLEW", "glfw" }
+ linkoptions { "-framework OpenGL" }
+ includedirs { "/opt/local/include" }
+ includedirs { "/usr/local/include" }
+ libdirs { "/opt/local/lib" }
+ libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
diff --git a/printHash.bat b/printHash.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef1cd9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printHash.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+@echo off
+REM creates version.h with HEAD commit hash
+REM params: $1=full path to output file (usually points version.h)
+setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
+cd /d "%~dp0"
+break> %1
+<nul set /p=^"#define GIT_SHA1 ^"^"> %1
+where git
+if "%errorlevel%" == "0" ( goto :havegit ) else ( goto :writeending )
+for /f %%v in ('git rev-parse --short HEAD') do set version=%%v
+<nul set /p="%version%" >> %1
+echo ^" >> %1
+echo const char* g_GIT_SHA1 = GIT_SHA1; >> %1
+EXIT /B \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b4453a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+> $1
+echo -n "#define GIT_SHA1 \"" > $1
+git --version 2>&1 >/dev/null
+if [ $GIT_IS_AVAILABLE -ne 0 ]; then
+git rev-parse --short HEAD | tr -d '\n' >> $1
+echo "\"" >> $1
+echo "const char* g_GIT_SHA1 = GIT_SHA1;" >> $1 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/config.h b/src/core/config.h
index 4d2ad3bf..506df4c5 100644
--- a/src/core/config.h
+++ b/src/core/config.h
@@ -194,6 +194,10 @@ enum Config {
// those infamous texts
+ #define USE_OUR_VERSIONING // If you disable this then game will fetch version peds.col, as R* did while in development
// Memory allocation and compression
// #define USE_CUSTOM_ALLOCATOR // use CMemoryHeap for allocation. use with care, not finished yet
diff --git a/src/core/main.cpp b/src/core/main.cpp
index bf0ce5fe..bb9bd296 100644
--- a/src/core/main.cpp
+++ b/src/core/main.cpp
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@
#include "custompipes.h"
#include "screendroplets.h"
#include "VarConsole.h"
+#include "GitSHA1.h"
GlobalScene Scene;
@@ -91,6 +94,9 @@ bool gbModelViewer;
bool gbShowTimebars;
+bool gDrawVersionText;
volatile int32 frameCount;
@@ -1061,13 +1067,58 @@ DisplayGameDebugText()
wchar ver[200];
+ if(gDrawVersionText)
+ {
+ char verA[200];
+ sprintf(verA,
+#if defined _WIN32
+ "Win "
+#elif defined __linux__
+ "Linux "
+#elif defined __APPLE__
+ "Mac OS X "
+#elif defined __FreeBSD__
+ "FreeBSD "
+ "Posix-compliant "
+#if defined __LP64__ || defined _WIN64
+ "64-bit "
+ "32-bit "
+#if defined RW_D3D9
+ "D3D9 "
+#elif defined RWLIBS
+ "D3D8 "
+#elif defined RW_GL3
+ "OpenGL "
+#if defined AUDIO_OAL
+ "OAL "
+#elif defined AUDIO_MSS
+ "MSS "
+#if defined _DEBUG || defined DEBUG
+ "DEBUG "
+ "%.8s",
+ g_GIT_SHA1);
+ AsciiToUnicode(verA, ver);
+ CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(0.5f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(0.7f));
AsciiToUnicode(version_name, ver);
+ CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(0.5f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(0.5f));
- CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(0.5f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(0.5f));
@@ -1076,6 +1127,8 @@ DisplayGameDebugText()
CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(255, 108, 0, 255));
CFont::PrintString(SCREEN_SCALE_X(10.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(10.0f), ver);
+ }
+#endif // #ifdef DRAW_GAME_VERSION_TEXT
diff --git a/src/core/re3.cpp b/src/core/re3.cpp
index 779a7d13..9773b880 100644
--- a/src/core/re3.cpp
+++ b/src/core/re3.cpp
@@ -457,6 +457,10 @@ bool LoadINISettings()
ReadIniIfExists("Draw", "FixSprites", &CDraw::ms_bFixSprites);
+ extern bool gDrawVersionText;
+ ReadIniIfExists("General", "DrawVersionText", &gDrawVersionText);
bool migrate = cfg.category_size("FrontendOptions") != 0;
@@ -550,6 +554,10 @@ void SaveINISettings()
StoreIni("Draw", "FixSprites", CDraw::ms_bFixSprites);
+ extern bool gDrawVersionText;
+ StoreIni("General", "DrawVersionText", gDrawVersionText);
for (int i = 0; i < MENUPAGES; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MENUROWS; j++) {
@@ -988,7 +996,11 @@ extern bool gbRenderWorld2;
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Draw", "Fix Sprites", &CDraw::ms_bFixSprites, nil);
+ extern bool gDrawVersionText;
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Version Text", &gDrawVersionText, nil);
#ifndef FINAL
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Print Memory Usage", &gbPrintMemoryUsage, nil);
diff --git a/src/extras/GitSHA1.cpp b/src/extras/GitSHA1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d1cd73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/GitSHA1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#define GIT_SHA1 ""
+const char* g_GIT_SHA1 = GIT_SHA1;
diff --git a/src/extras/GitSHA1.h b/src/extras/GitSHA1.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..359bfaff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/GitSHA1.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+extern const char* g_GIT_SHA1; \ No newline at end of file