path: root/src/audio/AudioManager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/audio/AudioManager.h')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/src/audio/AudioManager.h b/src/audio/AudioManager.h
index 70302745..79839871 100644
--- a/src/audio/AudioManager.h
+++ b/src/audio/AudioManager.h
@@ -7,34 +7,66 @@
class tSound
- int32 m_nEntityIndex;
- int32 m_nCounter;
- int32 m_nSampleIndex;
- uint8 m_nBankIndex;
- bool8 m_bIs2D;
- int32 m_nReleasingVolumeModificator;
- uint32 m_nFrequency;
- uint8 m_nVolume;
- float m_fDistance;
- int32 m_nLoopCount;
+ int32 m_nEntityIndex; // audio entity index
+#if GTA_VERSION >= GTA3_PC_10
+ uint32 m_nCounter; // I'm not sure what this is but it looks like a virtual counter to determine the same sound in queue
+ // Values higher than 255 are used by reflections
+ uint8 m_nCounter;
+ uint32 m_nSampleIndex; // An index of sample from AudioSamples.h
+ uint8 m_nBankIndex; // A sound bank index. IDK what's the point of it here since samples are hardcoded anyway
+ bool8 m_bIs2D; // If TRUE then sound is played in 2D space (such as frontend or police radio)
+ uint32 m_nPriority; // The multiplier for the sound priority (see m_nFinalPriority below). Lesser value means higher priority
+ uint32 m_nFrequency; // Sound frequency, plain and simple
+ uint8 m_nVolume; // Sound volume (0..127), only used as an actual volume without EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND (see m_nEmittingVolume)
+ float m_fDistance; // Distance to camera (useless if m_bIs2D == TRUE)
+ uint32 m_nLoopCount; // 0 - always loop, 1 - don't loop, other values never seen
#ifndef GTA_PS2
- int32 m_nLoopStart;
+ // Loop offsets
+ uint32 m_nLoopStart;
int32 m_nLoopEnd;
- uint8 m_nEmittingVolume;
- float m_fSpeedMultiplier;
- float m_fSoundIntensity;
- bool8 m_bReleasingSoundFlag;
- CVector m_vecPos;
- bool8 m_bReverbFlag;
- uint8 m_nLoopsRemaining;
- bool8 m_bRequireReflection; // Used for oneshots
- uint8 m_nOffset;
- int32 m_nReleasingVolumeDivider;
- bool8 m_bIsProcessed;
- bool8 m_bLoopEnded;
- int32 m_nCalculatedVolume;
- int8 m_nVolumeChange;
+ uint8 m_nEmittingVolume; // The volume in 3D space, provided to 3D audio engine
+ float m_fSpeedMultiplier; // Used for doppler effect. 0.0f - unaffected by doppler
+#if GTA_VERSION >= GTA3_PC_10
+ float m_MaxDistance; // The maximum distance at which sound could be heard. Minimum distance = MaxDistance / 5 or MaxDistance / 4 in case of emitting volume (useless if m_bIs2D == TRUE)
+ uint32 m_MaxDistance;
+ bool8 m_bStatic; // If TRUE then sound parameters cannot be changed during playback (frequency, position, etc.)
+ CVector m_vecPos; // Position of sound in 3D space. Unused if m_bIs2D == TRUE
+ bool8 m_bReverb; // Toggles reverb effect
+ uint8 m_nReflectionDelay; // Number of frames before reflection could be played. This is calculated internally by AudioManager and shouldn't be set by queued sample
+ bool8 m_bReflections; // Add sound reflections
+ uint8 m_nPan; // Sound panning (0-127). Controls the volume of the playback coming from left and right speaker. Calculated internally unless m_bIs2D==TRUE.
+ // 0 = L 100% R 0%
+ // 63 = L 100% R 100%
+ // 127 = L 0% R 100%
+#ifndef FIX_BUGS
+ uint32 m_nFramesToPlay; // Number of frames the sound would be played (if it stops being queued).
+ // This one is being set by queued sample for looping sounds, otherwise calculated inside AudioManager
+ float m_nFramesToPlay; // Made into float for high fps fix
+ // all fields below are internal to AudioManager calculations and aren't set by queued sample
+ bool8 m_bIsBeingPlayed; // Set to TRUE when the sound was added or changed on current frame to avoid it being overwritten
+ bool8 m_bIsPlayingFinished; // Not sure about the name. Set to TRUE when sampman channel becomes free
+ int32 unk; // (inherited from GTA 2) Only on PS2, used by static non-looped sounds (AFAIK)
+ // Looks like it's keeping a number of frames left to play with the purpose of setting m_bIsPlayingFinished=TRUE once value reaches 0
+ // Default value is -3 for whatever reason
+ uint32 m_nFinalPriority; // Actual value used to compare priority, calculated using volume and m_nPriority. Lesser value means higher priority
+ int8 m_nVolumeChange; // How much m_nVolume should reduce per each frame.
+#if defined(FIX_BUGS) && defined(EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND)
+ int8 m_nEmittingVolumeChange; // same as above but for m_nEmittingVolume
VALIDATE_SIZE(tSound, 92);
@@ -48,7 +80,7 @@ public:
eAudioType m_nType;
void *m_pEntity;
bool8 m_bIsUsed;
- uint8 m_bStatus;
+ bool8 m_bStatus;
int16 m_awAudioEvent[NUM_AUDIOENTITY_EVENTS];
uint8 m_AudioEvents;
@@ -59,12 +91,15 @@ VALIDATE_SIZE(tAudioEntity, 40);
class tPedComment
- int32 m_nSampleIndex;
+ uint32 m_nSampleIndex;
int32 m_nEntityIndex;
CVector m_vecPos;
float m_fDistance;
- uint8 m_bVolume;
- int8 m_nProcess;
+ uint8 m_nVolume;
+ int8 m_nLoadingTimeout; // how many iterations we gonna wait until dropping the sample if it's still not loaded (only useful on PS2)
+#if defined(EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND) && defined(FIX_BUGS)
+ uint8 m_nEmittingVolume;
VALIDATE_SIZE(tPedComment, 28);
@@ -72,22 +107,22 @@ VALIDATE_SIZE(tPedComment, 28);
class cPedComments
- uint8 m_nCommentsInBank[NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS];
- uint8 m_nActiveBank;
+ uint8 m_nPedCommentCount[NUM_SOUND_QUEUES];
+ uint8 m_nActiveQueue;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS; i++)
- for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS; j++) {
- m_asPedComments[j][i].m_nProcess = -1;
- m_nIndexMap[j][i] = NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS;
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SOUND_QUEUES; j++) {
+ m_aPedCommentQueue[j][i].m_nLoadingTimeout = -1;
+ m_aPedCommentOrderList[j][i] = NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS;
- for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS; i++)
- m_nCommentsInBank[i] = 0;
- m_nActiveBank = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SOUND_QUEUES; i++)
+ m_nPedCommentCount[i] = 0;
+ m_nActiveQueue = 0;
void Add(tPedComment *com);
void Process();
@@ -95,22 +130,6 @@ public:
VALIDATE_SIZE(cPedComments, 1164);
-class CEntity;
-class cMissionAudio
- CVector m_vecPos;
- bool8 m_bPredefinedProperties;
- int32 m_nSampleIndex;
- uint8 m_nLoadingStatus;
- uint8 m_nPlayStatus;
- bool8 m_bIsPlaying;
- int32 m_nMissionAudioCounter;
- bool8 m_bIsPlayed;
-VALIDATE_SIZE(cMissionAudio, 32);
// name made up
class cAudioScriptObjectManager
@@ -124,6 +143,7 @@ public:
class cTransmission;
+class CEntity;
class CPlane;
class CVehicle;
class CPed;
@@ -150,7 +170,7 @@ public:
float m_fDistance;
CVehicle *m_pVehicle;
cTransmission *m_pTransmission;
- int32 m_nIndex;
+ uint32 m_nIndex;
float m_fVelocityChange;
@@ -183,321 +203,347 @@ enum {
class cAudioManager
bool8 m_bIsInitialised;
- bool8 m_bReverb; // unused
- bool8 m_bFifthFrameFlag;
+ bool8 m_bIsSurround; // unused until VC
+ bool8 m_bReduceReleasingPriority;
uint8 m_nActiveSamples;
- uint8 field_4; // unused
+ bool8 m_bDoubleVolume; // unused
+#if GTA_VERSION >= GTA3_PC_10
bool8 m_bDynamicAcousticModelingStatus;
float m_fSpeedOfSound;
bool8 m_bTimerJustReset;
- int32 m_nTimer;
+ uint32 m_nTimer;
tSound m_sQueueSample;
- uint8 m_nActiveSampleQueue;
- uint8 m_SampleRequestQueuesStatus[NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_BANKS];
+ uint8 m_nActiveQueue;
+ uint8 m_aRequestedOrderList[NUM_SOUND_QUEUES][NUM_CHANNELS_GENERIC];
+ uint8 m_nRequestedCount[NUM_SOUND_QUEUES];
tSound m_asActiveSamples[NUM_CHANNELS_GENERIC];
tAudioEntity m_asAudioEntities[NUM_AUDIOENTITIES];
- int32 m_anAudioEntityIndices[NUM_AUDIOENTITIES];
- int32 m_nAudioEntitiesTotal;
- CVector m_avecReflectionsPos[NUM_AUDIO_REFLECTIONS];
- float m_afReflectionsDistances[NUM_AUDIO_REFLECTIONS];
+ uint32 m_aAudioEntityOrderList[NUM_AUDIOENTITIES];
+ uint32 m_nAudioEntitiesCount;
+ CVector m_avecReflectionsPos[MAX_REFLECTIONS];
+ float m_afReflectionsDistances[MAX_REFLECTIONS];
cAudioScriptObjectManager m_sAudioScriptObjectManager;
cPedComments m_sPedComments;
int32 m_nFireAudioEntity;
int32 m_nWaterCannonEntity;
int32 m_nPoliceChannelEntity;
cPoliceRadioQueue m_sPoliceRadioQueue;
+ cAMCrime m_aCrimes[10];
int32 m_nFrontEndEntity;
int32 m_nCollisionEntity;
cAudioCollisionManager m_sCollisionManager;
int32 m_nProjectileEntity;
int32 m_nBridgeEntity;
- cMissionAudio m_sMissionAudio;
+ // Mission audio stuff
+ CVector m_vecMissionAudioPosition;
+ bool8 m_bIsMissionAudio2D;
+ uint32 m_nMissionAudioSampleIndex;
+ uint8 m_nMissionAudioLoadingStatus;
+ uint8 m_nMissionAudioPlayStatus;
+ bool8 m_bIsMissionAudioPlaying;
+ int32 m_nMissionAudioFramesToPlay; // possibly unsigned
+ bool8 m_bIsMissionAudioAllowedToPlay;
int32 m_anRandomTable[5];
uint8 m_nTimeSpent;
- uint8 m_nUserPause;
- uint8 m_nPreviousUserPause;
+ bool8 m_bIsPaused;
+ bool8 m_bWasPaused;
uint32 m_FrameCounter;
- // getters
- uint32 GetFrameCounter() const { return m_FrameCounter; }
- float GetReflectionsDistance(int32 idx) const { return m_afReflectionsDistances[idx]; }
- int32 GetRandomNumber(int32 idx) const { return m_anRandomTable[idx]; }
- int32 GetRandomNumberInRange(int32 idx, int32 low, int32 high) const { return (m_anRandomTable[idx] % (high - low + 1)) + low; }
- bool8 ShouldDuckMissionAudio() const { return m_sMissionAudio.m_nPlayStatus == 1; }
- // "Should" be in alphabetic order, except "getXTalkSfx"
- void AddDetailsToRequestedOrderList(uint8 sample);
- void AddPlayerCarSample(uint8 emittingVolume, int32 freq, uint32 sample, uint8 bank,
- uint8 counter, bool8 notLooping);
- void AddReflectionsToRequestedQueue();
- void AddReleasingSounds();
- void AddSampleToRequestedQueue();
- void AgeCrimes();
- void CalculateDistance(bool8 &condition, float dist);
- bool8 CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD() const;
- void ClearActiveSamples();
- void ClearMissionAudio();
- void ClearRequestedQueue();
- int32 ComputeDopplerEffectedFrequency(uint32 oldFreq, float position1, float position2,
- float speedMultiplier) const;
- int32 ComputePan(float, CVector *);
- uint8 ComputeVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float soundIntensity, float distance) const;
+ void Initialise();
+ void Terminate();
+ void Service();
int32 CreateEntity(eAudioType type, void *entity);
- void DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities();
void DestroyEntity(int32 id);
- void DoPoliceRadioCrackle();
+ bool8 GetEntityStatus(int32 id);
+ void SetEntityStatus(int32 id, bool8 status);
+ void *GetEntityPointer(int32 id);
+ void PlayOneShot(int32 index, uint16 sound, float vol);
+ void SetEffectsMasterVolume(uint8 volume);
+ void SetMusicMasterVolume(uint8 volume);
+ void SetEffectsFadeVol(uint8 volume);
+ void SetMusicFadeVol(uint8 volume);
+ void SetMonoMode(bool8 mono);
+ void ResetTimers(uint32 time);
+ void DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities();
- // functions returning talk sfx,
- // order from GetPedCommentSfx
- uint32 GetPlayerTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetCopTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetSwatTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetFBITalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetArmyTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetMedicTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetFiremanTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetNormalMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetTaxiDriverTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetPimpTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetMafiaTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetTriadTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetDiabloTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetYakuzaTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetYardieTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetColumbianTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetHoodTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackCriminalTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteCriminalTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetMaleNo2TalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackProjectMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound, int32 model);
- uint32 GetWhiteFatMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackFatMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackCasualFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteCasualFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetFemaleNo3TalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackFatFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteFatFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackFemaleProstituteTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteFemaleProstituteTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackProjectFemaleOldTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackProjectFemaleYoungTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetChinatownMaleOldTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetChinatownMaleYoungTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetChinatownFemaleOldTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetChinatownFemaleYoungTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetLittleItalyMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetLittleItalyFemaleOldTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetLittleItalyFemaleYoungTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteDockerMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackDockerMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetScumMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetScumFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteWorkerMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackWorkerMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBusinessMaleYoungTalkSfx(int16 sound, int32 model);
- uint32 GetBusinessMaleOldTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteBusinessFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound, int32 model);
- uint32 GetBlackBusinessFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetSupermodelMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetSupermodelFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetStewardMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetStewardFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetFanMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound, int32 model);
- uint32 GetFanFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetHospitalMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetHospitalFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetWhiteConstructionWorkerTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBlackConstructionWorkerTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetShopperFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound, int32 model);
- uint32 GetStudentMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetStudentFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetCasualMaleOldTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetSpecialCharacterTalkSfx(int32 modelIndex, int32 sound);
- uint32 GetEightTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetFrankieTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetMistyTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetOJGTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetCatatalinaTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetBomberTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetSecurityGuardTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetChunkyTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetGenericMaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- uint32 GetGenericFemaleTalkSfx(int16 sound);
- // end of functions returning talk sfx
- void GenerateIntegerRandomNumberTable();
- char *Get3DProviderName(uint8 id) const;
- char GetCDAudioDriveLetter() const;
- int8 GetCurrent3DProviderIndex() const;
- float GetCollisionLoopingRatio(uint32 a, uint32 b, float c) const; // not used
- float GetCollisionOneShotRatio(int32 a, float b) const;
- float GetCollisionRatio(float a, float b, float c, float d) const;
- float GetDistanceSquared(const CVector &v) const;
- int32 GetJumboTaxiFreq() const;
- uint8 GetMissionAudioLoadingStatus() const;
- int8 GetMissionScriptPoliceAudioPlayingStatus() const;
- uint8 GetNum3DProvidersAvailable() const;
- int32 GetPedCommentSfx(CPed *ped, int32 sound);
- void GetPhrase(uint32 &phrase, uint32 &prevPhrase, uint32 sample, uint32 maxOffset) const;
- float GetVehicleDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile,
- cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange);
- float GetVehicleNonDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile,
- cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange);
- bool8 HasAirBrakes(int32 model) const;
+#ifdef GTA_PC
+ uint8 GetNum3DProvidersAvailable();
+ char *Get3DProviderName(uint8 id);
+ int8 GetCurrent3DProviderIndex();
+ int8 SetCurrent3DProvider(uint8 which);
+ void SetSpeakerConfig(int32 conf);
+ bool8 IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable();
+ void ReleaseDigitalHandle();
+ void ReacquireDigitalHandle();
+ void SetDynamicAcousticModelingStatus(bool8 status);
+ bool8 CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD();
+ char GetCDAudioDriveLetter();
+ bool8 IsAudioInitialised();
- void Initialise();
- void InitialisePoliceRadio();
- void InitialisePoliceRadioZones();
- void InterrogateAudioEntities();
- bool8 IsAudioInitialised() const;
- bool8 IsMissionAudioSampleFinished();
- bool8 IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable() const;
+ void ServiceSoundEffects();
+ uint32 FL(float f); // not used
+ uint8 ComputeVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float maxDistance, float distance);
+ void TranslateEntity(Const CVector *v1, CVector *v2);
+ int32 ComputePan(float, CVector *);
+ uint32 ComputeDopplerEffectedFrequency(uint32 oldFreq, float position1, float position2, float speedMultiplier); // inlined on PS2
+ int32 RandomDisplacement(uint32 seed);
+ void InterrogateAudioEntities(); // inlined on PS2
+ void AddSampleToRequestedQueue();
+ void AddDetailsToRequestedOrderList(uint8 sample); // inlined on PS2
+ void AddReflectionsToRequestedQueue();
+ void UpdateReflections();
+ void AddReleasingSounds();
+ void ProcessActiveQueues();
+ void ClearRequestedQueue(); // inlined on PS2
+ void ClearActiveSamples();
+ void GenerateIntegerRandomNumberTable(); // inlined on PS2
+#ifdef GTA_PS2
+ bool8 LoadBankIfNecessary(uint8 bank); // this is used only on PS2 but technically not a platform code
- bool8 MissionScriptAudioUsesPoliceChannel(int32 soundMission) const;
+#ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND // actually must have been && AUDIO_MSS as well
+ void AdjustSamplesVolume();
+ uint8 ComputeEmittingVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float maxDistance, float distance);
- void PlayLoadedMissionAudio();
- void PlayOneShot(int32 index, uint16 sound, float vol);
- void PlaySuspectLastSeen(float x, float y, float z);
- void PlayerJustGotInCar() const;
- void PlayerJustLeftCar() const;
+ // audio logic
+ void PreInitialiseGameSpecificSetup();
void PostInitialiseGameSpecificSetup();
- void PostTerminateGameSpecificShutdown();
- void PreInitialiseGameSpecificSetup() const;
- void PreloadMissionAudio(Const char *name);
void PreTerminateGameSpecificShutdown();
- /// processX - main logic of adding new sounds
- void ProcessActiveQueues();
- bool8 ProcessAirBrakes(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessAirportScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- bool8 ProcessBoatEngine(cVehicleParams& params);
- bool8 ProcessBoatMovingOverWater(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessBridge();
- void ProcessBridgeMotor();
- void ProcessBridgeOneShots();
- void ProcessBridgeWarning();
- bool8 ProcessCarBombTick(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessCesna(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessCinemaScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessCrane();
- void ProcessDocksScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- bool8 ProcessEngineDamage(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessEntity(int32 sound);
- void ProcessExplosions(int32 explosion);
- void ProcessFireHydrant();
- void ProcessFires(int32 entity);
- void ProcessFrontEnd();
- void ProcessGarages();
- bool8 ProcessHelicopter(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessHomeScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessJumbo(cVehicleParams& params);
+ void PostTerminateGameSpecificShutdown();
+ void ResetAudioLogicTimers(uint32 timer);
+ void ProcessReverb();
+ float GetDistanceSquared(const CVector &v);
+ void CalculateDistance(bool8 &condition, float dist);
+ void ProcessSpecial();
+ void ProcessEntity(int32 id);
+ void ProcessPhysical(int32 id);
+ // vehicles
+ void ProcessVehicle(CVehicle *vehicle);
+ void ProcessRainOnVehicle(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessReverseGear(cVehicleParams &params);
+ void ProcessModelCarEngine(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessVehicleRoadNoise(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessWetRoadNoise(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams &params);
+ void UpdateGasPedalAudio(CAutomobile *automobile); // inlined on PS2
+ void PlayerJustGotInCar();
+ void PlayerJustLeftCar();
+ void AddPlayerCarSample(uint8 emittingVolume, uint32 freq, uint32 sample, uint8 bank, uint8 counter, bool8 notLooping);
+ void ProcessCesna(cVehicleParams &params);
+ void ProcessPlayersVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams &params, CAutomobile *automobile);
+ bool8 ProcessVehicleSkidding(cVehicleParams &params);
+ float GetVehicleDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile, cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange);
+ float GetVehicleNonDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile, cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange); // inlined on PS2
+ bool8 ProcessVehicleHorn(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 UsesSiren(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2
+ bool8 UsesSirenSwitching(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2
+ bool8 ProcessVehicleSirenOrAlarm(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 UsesReverseWarning(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2
+ bool8 ProcessVehicleReverseWarning(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessVehicleDoors(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessAirBrakes(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 HasAirBrakes(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2
+ bool8 ProcessEngineDamage(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessCarBombTick(cVehicleParams &params);
+ void ProcessVehicleOneShots(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessTrainNoise(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessBoatEngine(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessBoatMovingOverWater(cVehicleParams &params);
+ bool8 ProcessHelicopter(cVehicleParams &params);
+ void ProcessPlane(cVehicleParams &params); // inlined on PS2
+ void ProcessJumbo(cVehicleParams &params);
+ void ProcessJumboTaxi(); // inlined on PS2
void ProcessJumboAccel(CPlane *plane);
- void ProcessJumboDecel(CPlane *plane);
- void ProcessJumboFlying();
- void ProcessJumboLanding(CPlane *plane);
- void ProcessJumboTakeOff(CPlane *plane);
- void ProcessJumboTaxi();
- void ProcessLaunderetteScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessLoopingScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessMissionAudio();
- void ProcessModelCarEngine(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessOneShotScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessPed(CPhysical *ped);
+ void ProcessJumboTakeOff(CPlane *plane); // inlined on PS2
+ void ProcessJumboFlying(); // inlined on PS2
+ void ProcessJumboLanding(CPlane *plane); // inlined on PS2
+ void ProcessJumboDecel(CPlane *plane); // inlined on PS2
+ bool8 SetupJumboTaxiSound(uint8 vol);
+ bool8 SetupJumboWhineSound(uint8 emittingVol, uint32 freq);
+ bool8 SetupJumboEngineSound(uint8 vol, uint32 freq);
+ bool8 SetupJumboFlySound(uint8 emittingVol);
+ bool8 SetupJumboRumbleSound(uint8 emittingVol);
+ int32 GetJumboTaxiFreq(); // inlined on PS2
+ // peds
+ void ProcessPed(CPhysical *ped); // inlined on PS2
void ProcessPedHeadphones(cPedParams &params);
void ProcessPedOneShots(cPedParams &params);
- void ProcessPhysical(int32 id);
- void ProcessPlane(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessPlayersVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams& params, CAutomobile *automobile);
- void ProcessPoliceCellBeatingScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ // ped comments
+ void SetupPedComments(cPedParams &params, uint16 sound);
+ int32 GetPedCommentSfx(CPed *ped, uint16 sound);
+ void GetPhrase(uint32 &phrase, uint32 &prevPhrase, uint32 sample, uint32 maxOffset); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetPlayerTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetCopTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetSwatTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetFBITalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetArmyTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetMedicTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetFiremanTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetBusinessMaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBusinessMaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model);
+ uint32 GetMafiaTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetTriadTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetDiabloTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetYakuzaTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetYardieTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetColumbianTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetHoodTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackCriminalTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteCriminalTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetCasualMaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetCasualMaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackCasualFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteCasualFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetFemaleNo3TalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteBusinessFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model);
+ uint32 GetBlackFatFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteFatMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackFatMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteFatFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackFemaleProstituteTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteFemaleProstituteTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackProjectMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model);
+ uint32 GetBlackProjectFemaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackProjectFemaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetChinatownMaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetChinatownMaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetChinatownFemaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetChinatownFemaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetLittleItalyMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetLittleItalyFemaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetLittleItalyFemaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteDockerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackDockerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetScumMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetScumFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetWhiteWorkerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackWorkerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackBusinessFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetSupermodelMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetSupermodelFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetStewardMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetStewardFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetFanMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model);
+ uint32 GetFanFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetHospitalMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetHospitalFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetWhiteConstructionWorkerTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetBlackConstructionWorkerTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetShopperFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model);
+ uint32 GetStudentMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetStudentFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetSpecialCharacterTalkSfx(uint32 modelIndex, uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetEightBallTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetSalvatoreTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetMistyTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetOldJapTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetCatalinaTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetBomberTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetSecurityGuardTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetChunkyTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetAsianTaxiDriverTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2
+ uint32 GetPimpTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetNormalMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetGenericMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ uint32 GetGenericFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound);
+ // particles
+ void ProcessExplosions(int32 id);
+ void ProcessFires(int32 id);
+ void ProcessWaterCannon(int32 id);
+ // script objects
+ void ProcessScriptObject(int32 id); // inlined on PS2
+ void ProcessOneShotScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ void ProcessLoopingScriptObject(uint8 sound);
void ProcessPornCinema(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessProjectiles();
- void ProcessRainOnVehicle(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessReverb() const;
- bool8 ProcessReverseGear(cVehicleParams& params);
+ void ProcessWorkShopScriptObject(uint8 sound);
void ProcessSawMillScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessScriptObject(int32 id);
+ void ProcessLaunderetteScriptObject(uint8 sound);
void ProcessShopScriptObject(uint8 sound);
- void ProcessSpecial();
- bool8 ProcessTrainNoise(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessVehicle(CVehicle *vehicle);
- bool8 ProcessVehicleDoors(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessVehicleHorn(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessVehicleOneShots(cVehicleParams& params);
- bool8 ProcessVehicleReverseWarning(cVehicleParams& params);
- bool8 ProcessVehicleRoadNoise(cVehicleParams& params);
- bool8 ProcessVehicleSirenOrAlarm(cVehicleParams& params);
- bool8 ProcessVehicleSkidding(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessWaterCannon(int32);
+ void ProcessAirportScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ void ProcessCinemaScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ void ProcessDocksScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ void ProcessHomeScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ void ProcessPoliceCellBeatingScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ // misc
void ProcessWeather(int32 id);
- bool8 ProcessWetRoadNoise(cVehicleParams& params);
- void ProcessWorkShopScriptObject(uint8 sound);
+ void ProcessFrontEnd();
+ void ProcessCrane();
+ void ProcessProjectiles();
+ void ProcessGarages();
+ void ProcessFireHydrant();
- int32 RandomDisplacement(uint32 seed) const;
- void ReacquireDigitalHandle() const;
- void ReleaseDigitalHandle() const;
- void ReportCollision(CEntity *entity1, CEntity *entity2, uint8 surface1, uint8 surface2,
- float collisionPower, float intensity2);
- void ReportCrime(eCrimeType crime, const CVector &pos);
- void ResetAudioLogicTimers(uint32 timer);
- void ResetPoliceRadio();
- void ResetTimers(uint32 time);
+ // bridge
+ void ProcessBridge(); // inlined on PS2
+ void ProcessBridgeWarning();
+ void ProcessBridgeMotor();
+ void ProcessBridgeOneShots();
- void Service();
- void ServiceCollisions();
+ // mission audio
+ bool8 MissionScriptAudioUsesPoliceChannel(uint32 soundMission);
+ void PreloadMissionAudio(Const char *name);
+ uint8 GetMissionAudioLoadingStatus();
+ void SetMissionAudioLocation(float x, float y, float z);
+ void PlayLoadedMissionAudio();
+ bool8 IsMissionAudioSampleFinished();
+ bool8 IsMissionAudioSamplePlaying() { return m_nMissionAudioPlayStatus == PLAY_STATUS_PLAYING; }
+ bool8 ShouldDuckMissionAudio() { return IsMissionAudioSamplePlaying(); }
+ void ClearMissionAudio();
+ void ProcessMissionAudio();
+ // police radio
+ void InitialisePoliceRadioZones();
+ void InitialisePoliceRadio();
+ void ResetPoliceRadio();
+ void SetMissionScriptPoliceAudio(uint32 sfx);
+ int8 GetMissionScriptPoliceAudioPlayingStatus();
+ void DoPoliceRadioCrackle();
void ServicePoliceRadio();
void ServicePoliceRadioChannel(uint8 wantedLevel);
- void ServiceSoundEffects();
- int8 SetCurrent3DProvider(uint8 which);
- void SetDynamicAcousticModelingStatus(bool8 status);
- void SetEffectsFadeVol(uint8 volume) const;
- void SetEffectsMasterVolume(uint8 volume) const;
- void SetEntityStatus(int32 id, bool8 status);
- uint32 SetLoopingCollisionRequestedSfxFreqAndGetVol(const cAudioCollision &audioCollision);
- void SetMissionAudioLocation(float x, float y, float z);
- void SetMissionScriptPoliceAudio(int32 sfx) const;
- void SetMonoMode(bool8 mono);
- void SetMusicFadeVol(uint8 volume) const;
- void SetMusicMasterVolume(uint8 volume) const;
- void SetSpeakerConfig(int32 conf) const;
- void SetUpLoopingCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col, uint8 counter);
- void SetUpOneShotCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col);
bool8 SetupCrimeReport();
- bool8 SetupJumboEngineSound(uint8 vol, uint32 freq);
- bool8 SetupJumboFlySound(uint8 emittingVol);
- bool8 SetupJumboRumbleSound(uint8 emittingVol);
- bool8 SetupJumboTaxiSound(uint8 vol);
- bool8 SetupJumboWhineSound(uint8 emittingVol, uint32 freq);
- void SetupPedComments(cPedParams &params, uint16 sound);
void SetupSuspectLastSeenReport();
- void Terminate();
- void TranslateEntity(Const CVector *v1, CVector *v2) const;
- void UpdateGasPedalAudio(CAutomobile *automobile);
- void UpdateReflections();
- bool8 UsesReverseWarning(int32 model) const;
- bool8 UsesSiren(int32 model) const;
- bool8 UsesSirenSwitching(int32 model) const;
-#ifdef GTA_PC
- // only used in pc
- void AdjustSamplesVolume();
- uint8 ComputeEmittingVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float intensity, float dist);
+ void ReportCrime(eCrimeType crime, const CVector &pos);
+ void PlaySuspectLastSeen(float x, float y, float z);
+ void AgeCrimes(); // inlined on PS2
+ // collision stuff
+ void ReportCollision(CEntity *entity1, CEntity *entity2, uint8 surface1, uint8 surface2, float collisionPower, float intensity2);
+ void ServiceCollisions();
+ void SetUpOneShotCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col);
+ void SetUpLoopingCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col, uint8 counter);
+ uint32 SetLoopingCollisionRequestedSfxFreqAndGetVol(const cAudioCollision &audioCollision);
+ float GetCollisionOneShotRatio(uint32 a, float b);
+ float GetCollisionLoopingRatio(uint32 a, uint32 b, float c); // not used
+ float GetCollisionRatio(float a, float b, float c, float d); // inlined on PS2
@@ -516,9 +562,26 @@ public:
#define SET_LOOP_OFFSETS(sample)
+#define SET_EMITTING_VOLUME(vol) m_sQueueSample.m_nEmittingVolume = vol
+#define SET_SOUND_REFLECTION(b) m_sQueueSample.m_bReflections = b
#if defined(AUDIO_MSS) && !defined(PS2_AUDIO_CHANNELS)
static_assert(sizeof(cAudioManager) == 19220, "cAudioManager: error");
extern cAudioManager AudioManager;