path: root/src/extras/custompipes.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 535 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/extras/custompipes.cpp b/src/extras/custompipes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb529b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/custompipes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+#define WITH_D3D
+#include "common.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "RwHelper.h"
+#include "Lights.h"
+#include "Timecycle.h"
+#include "FileMgr.h"
+#include "Clock.h"
+#include "Weather.h"
+#include "TxdStore.h"
+#include "Renderer.h"
+#include "World.h"
+#include "custompipes.h"
+#ifndef LIBRW
+#error "Need librw for EXTENDED_PIPELINES"
+namespace CustomPipes {
+rw::int32 CustomMatOffset;
+CustomMatCtor(void *object, int32, int32)
+ CustomMatExt *ext = GetCustomMatExt((rw::Material*)object);
+ ext->glossTex = nil;
+ ext->haveGloss = false;
+ return object;
+CustomMatCopy(void *dst, void *src, int32, int32)
+ CustomMatExt *srcext = GetCustomMatExt((rw::Material*)src);
+ CustomMatExt *dstext = GetCustomMatExt((rw::Material*)dst);
+ dstext->glossTex = srcext->glossTex;
+ dstext->haveGloss = srcext->haveGloss;
+ return dst;
+static rw::TexDictionary *neoTxd;
+bool bRenderingEnvMap;
+int32 EnvMapSize = 128;
+rw::Camera *EnvMapCam;
+rw::Texture *EnvMapTex;
+rw::Texture *EnvMaskTex;
+static rw::RWDEVICE::Im2DVertex EnvScreenQuad[4];
+static int16 QuadIndices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 };
+static rw::Camera*
+CreateEnvMapCam(rw::World *world)
+ rw::Raster *fbuf = rw::Raster::create(EnvMapSize, EnvMapSize, 0, rw::Raster::CAMERATEXTURE);
+ if(fbuf){
+ rw::Raster *zbuf = rw::Raster::create(EnvMapSize, EnvMapSize, 0, rw::Raster::ZBUFFER);
+ if(zbuf){
+ rw::Frame *frame = rw::Frame::create();
+ if(frame){
+ rw::Camera *cam = rw::Camera::create();
+ if(cam){
+ cam->frameBuffer = fbuf;
+ cam->zBuffer = zbuf;
+ cam->setFrame(frame);
+ cam->setNearPlane(0.1f);
+ cam->setFarPlane(250.0f);
+ rw::V2d vw = { 2.0f, 2.0f };
+ cam->setViewWindow(&vw);
+ world->addCamera(cam);
+ EnvMapTex = rw::Texture::create(fbuf);
+ EnvMapTex->setFilter(rw::Texture::LINEAR);
+ frame->matrix.right.x = -1.0f;
+ frame->matrix.up.y = -1.0f;
+ frame->matrix.update();
+ return cam;
+ }
+ frame->destroy();
+ }
+ zbuf->destroy();
+ }
+ fbuf->destroy();
+ }
+ return nil;
+static void
+DestroyCam(rw::Camera *cam)
+ if(cam == nil)
+ return;
+ if(cam->frameBuffer){
+ cam->frameBuffer->destroy();
+ cam->frameBuffer = nil;
+ }
+ if(cam->zBuffer){
+ cam->zBuffer->destroy();
+ cam->zBuffer = nil;
+ }
+ rw::Frame *f = cam->getFrame();
+ if(f){
+ cam->setFrame(nil);
+ f->destroy();
+ }
+ cam->world->removeCamera(cam);
+ cam->destroy();
+ CRenderer::RenderRoads();
+ CRenderer::RenderEverythingBarRoads();
+ CRenderer::RenderFadingInEntities();
+ if(VehiclePipeSwitch != VEHICLEPIPE_NEO)
+ return;
+ RwCameraEndUpdate(;
+ // Neo does this differently, but i'm not quite convinced it's much better
+ rw::V3d camPos = FindPlayerCoors();
+ EnvMapCam->getFrame()->matrix.pos = camPos;
+ EnvMapCam->getFrame()->transform(&EnvMapCam->getFrame()->matrix, rw::COMBINEREPLACE);
+ rw::RGBA skycol = { CTimeCycle::GetSkyBottomRed(), CTimeCycle::GetSkyBottomGreen(), CTimeCycle::GetSkyBottomBlue(), 255 };
+ EnvMapCam->clear(&skycol, rwCAMERACLEARZ|rwCAMERACLEARIMAGE);
+ RwCameraBeginUpdate(EnvMapCam);
+ bRenderingEnvMap = true;
+ RenderEnvMapScene();
+ bRenderingEnvMap = false;
+ if(EnvMaskTex){
+ rw::SetRenderState(rw::VERTEXALPHA, TRUE);
+ rw::SetRenderState(rw::SRCBLEND, rw::BLENDZERO);
+ rw::SetRenderState(rw::DESTBLEND, rw::BLENDSRCCOLOR);
+ rw::SetRenderStatePtr(rw::TEXTURERASTER, EnvMaskTex->raster);
+ rw::im2d::RenderIndexedPrimitive(rw::PRIMTYPETRILIST, EnvScreenQuad, 4, QuadIndices, 6);
+ rw::SetRenderState(rw::SRCBLEND, rw::BLENDSRCALPHA);
+ rw::SetRenderState(rw::DESTBLEND, rw::BLENDINVSRCALPHA);
+ }
+ RwCameraEndUpdate(EnvMapCam);
+ RwCameraBeginUpdate(;
+ // debug env map
+// rw::SetRenderStatePtr(rw::TEXTURERASTER, EnvMapTex->raster);
+// rw::im2d::RenderIndexedPrimitive(rw::PRIMTYPETRILIST, EnvScreenQuad, 4, QuadIndices, 6);
+static void
+ if(neoTxd)
+ EnvMaskTex = neoTxd->find("CarReflectionMask");
+ EnvMapCam = CreateEnvMapCam(;
+ int width = EnvMapCam->frameBuffer->width;
+ int height = EnvMapCam->frameBuffer->height;
+ float screenZ = RwIm2DGetNearScreenZ();
+ float recipZ = 1.0f/EnvMapCam->nearPlane;
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setScreenX(0.0f);
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setScreenY(0.0f);
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setScreenZ(screenZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setCameraZ(EnvMapCam->nearPlane);
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setRecipCameraZ(recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setU(0.0f, recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[0].setV(0.0f, recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setScreenX(0.0f);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setScreenY(height);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setScreenZ(screenZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setCameraZ(EnvMapCam->nearPlane);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setRecipCameraZ(recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setU(0.0f, recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[1].setV(1.0f, recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setScreenX(width);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setScreenY(height);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setScreenZ(screenZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setCameraZ(EnvMapCam->nearPlane);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setRecipCameraZ(recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setU(1.0f, recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[2].setV(1.0f, recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setScreenX(width);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setScreenY(0.0f);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setScreenZ(screenZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setCameraZ(EnvMapCam->nearPlane);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setRecipCameraZ(recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setU(1.0f, recipZ);
+ EnvScreenQuad[3].setV(0.0f, recipZ);
+static void
+ EnvMapTex->raster = nil;
+ EnvMapTex->destroy();
+ EnvMapTex = nil;
+ DestroyCam(EnvMapCam);
+ EnvMapCam = nil;
+ * Tweak values
+ */
+#define INTERP_SETUP \
+ int h1 = CClock::GetHours(); \
+ int h2 = (h1+1)%24; \
+ int w1 = CWeather::OldWeatherType; \
+ int w2 = CWeather::NewWeatherType; \
+ float timeInterp = (CClock::GetSeconds()/60.0f + CClock::GetMinutes())/60.0f; \
+ float c0 = (1.0f-timeInterp)*(1.0f-CWeather::InterpolationValue); \
+ float c1 = timeInterp*(1.0f-CWeather::InterpolationValue); \
+ float c2 = (1.0f-timeInterp)*CWeather::InterpolationValue; \
+ float c3 = timeInterp*CWeather::InterpolationValue;
+#define INTERP(v) v[h1][w1]*c0 + v[h2][w1]*c1 + v[h1][w2]*c2 + v[h2][w2]*c3;
+#define INTERPF(v,f) v[h1][w1].f*c0 + v[h2][w1].f*c1 + v[h1][w2].f*c2 + v[h2][w2].f*c3;
+InterpolatedFloat::InterpolatedFloat(float init)
+ curInterpolator = 61; // compared against second
+ for(int h = 0; h < 24; h++)
+ for(int w = 0; w < NUMWEATHERS; w++)
+ data[h][w] = init;
+InterpolatedFloat::Read(char *s, int line, int field)
+ sscanf(s, "%f", &data[line][field]);
+ if(curInterpolator != CClock::GetSeconds()){
+ curVal = INTERP(data);
+ curInterpolator = CClock::GetSeconds();
+ }
+ return curVal;
+InterpolatedColor::InterpolatedColor(const Color &init)
+ curInterpolator = 61; // compared against second
+ for(int h = 0; h < 24; h++)
+ for(int w = 0; w < NUMWEATHERS; w++)
+ data[h][w] = init;
+InterpolatedColor::Read(char *s, int line, int field)
+ int r, g, b, a;
+ sscanf(s, "%i, %i, %i, %i", &r, &g, &b, &a);
+ data[line][field] = Color(r/255.0f, g/255.0f, b/255.0f, a/255.0f);
+ if(curInterpolator != CClock::GetSeconds()){
+ curVal.r = INTERPF(data, r);
+ curVal.g = INTERPF(data, g);
+ curVal.b = INTERPF(data, b);
+ curVal.a = INTERPF(data, a);
+ curInterpolator = CClock::GetSeconds();
+ }
+ return curVal;
+InterpolatedLight::Read(char *s, int line, int field)
+ int r, g, b, a;
+ sscanf(s, "%i, %i, %i, %i", &r, &g, &b, &a);
+ data[line][field] = Color(r/255.0f, g/255.0f, b/255.0f, a/100.0f);
+ReadTweakValueTable(char *fp, InterpolatedValue &interp)
+ char buf[24], *p;
+ int c;
+ int line, field;
+ line = 0;
+ c = *fp++;
+ while(c != '\0' && line < 24){
+ field = 0;
+ if(c != '\0' && c != '#'){
+ while(c != '\0' && c != '\n' && field < NUMWEATHERS){
+ p = buf;
+ while(c != '\0' && c == '\t')
+ c = *fp++;
+ *p++ = c;
+ while(c = *fp++, c != '\0' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')
+ *p++ = c;
+ *p++ = '\0';
+ interp.Read(buf, line, field);
+ field++;
+ }
+ line++;
+ }
+ while(c != '\0' && c != '\n')
+ c = *fp++;
+ c = *fp++;
+ }
+ return fp-1;
+ * Neo Vehicle pipe
+ */
+int32 VehiclePipeSwitch = VEHICLEPIPE_NEO;
+float VehicleShininess = 0.7f; // the default is a bit extreme
+float VehicleSpecularity = 1.0f;
+InterpolatedFloat Fresnel(0.4f);
+InterpolatedFloat Power(18.0f);
+InterpolatedLight DiffColor(Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
+InterpolatedLight SpecColor(Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f));
+rw::ObjPipeline *vehiclePipe;
+AttachVehiclePipe(rw::Atomic *atomic)
+ atomic->pipeline = vehiclePipe;
+AttachVehiclePipe(rw::Clump *clump)
+ FORLIST(lnk, clump->atomics)
+ AttachVehiclePipe(rw::Atomic::fromClump(lnk));
+ * Neo World pipe
+ */
+float LightmapMult = 1.0f;
+InterpolatedFloat WorldLightmapBlend(1.0f);
+rw::ObjPipeline *worldPipe;
+AttachWorldPipe(rw::Atomic *atomic)
+ atomic->pipeline = worldPipe;
+AttachWorldPipe(rw::Clump *clump)
+ FORLIST(lnk, clump->atomics)
+ AttachWorldPipe(rw::Atomic::fromClump(lnk));
+ * Neo Gloss pipe
+ */
+float GlossMult = 1.0f;
+rw::ObjPipeline *glossPipe;
+GetGlossTex(rw::Material *mat)
+ if(neoTxd == nil)
+ return nil;
+ CustomMatExt *ext = GetCustomMatExt(mat);
+ if(!ext->haveGloss){
+ char glossname[128];
+ strcpy(glossname, mat->texture->name);
+ strcat(glossname, "_gloss");
+ ext->glossTex = neoTxd->find(glossname);
+ ext->haveGloss = true;
+ }
+ return ext->glossTex;
+AttachGlossPipe(rw::Atomic *atomic)
+ atomic->pipeline = glossPipe;
+AttachGlossPipe(rw::Clump *clump)
+ FORLIST(lnk, clump->atomics)
+ AttachWorldPipe(rw::Atomic::fromClump(lnk));
+ * Neo Rim pipes
+ */
+float RimlightMult = 1.0f;
+InterpolatedColor RampStart(Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
+InterpolatedColor RampEnd(Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
+InterpolatedFloat Offset(0.5f);
+InterpolatedFloat Scale(1.5f);
+InterpolatedFloat Scaling(2.0f);
+rw::ObjPipeline *rimPipe;
+rw::ObjPipeline *rimSkinPipe;
+AttachRimPipe(rw::Atomic *atomic)
+ if(rw::Skin::get(atomic->geometry))
+ atomic->pipeline = rimSkinPipe;
+ else
+ atomic->pipeline = rimPipe;
+AttachRimPipe(rw::Clump *clump)
+ FORLIST(lnk, clump->atomics)
+ AttachRimPipe(rw::Atomic::fromClump(lnk));
+ * High level stuff
+ */
+ RwStream *stream = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMFILENAME, rwSTREAMREAD, "neo/neo.txd");
+ if(stream == nil)
+ printf("Error: couldn't open 'neo/neo.txd'\n");
+ else{
+ if(RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_TEXDICTIONARY, nil, nil))
+ neoTxd = RwTexDictionaryGtaStreamRead(stream);
+ RwStreamClose(stream, nil);
+ }
+ EnvMapInit();
+ CreateVehiclePipe();
+ CreateWorldPipe();
+ CreateGlossPipe();
+ CreateRimLightPipes();
+ DestroyVehiclePipe();
+ DestroyWorldPipe();
+ DestroyGlossPipe();
+ DestroyRimLightPipes();
+ EnvMapShutdown();
+ if(neoTxd){
+ neoTxd->destroy();
+ neoTxd = nil;
+ }
+#ifdef RW_OPENGL
+ CustomPipeRegisterGL();
+ CustomMatOffset = rw::Material::registerPlugin(sizeof(CustomMatExt), MAKECHUNKID(rwVENDORID_ROCKSTAR, 0x80),
+ CustomMatCtor, nil, CustomMatCopy);
+// Load textures from generic as fallback
+rw::TexDictionary *genericTxd;
+rw::Texture *(*defaultFindCB)(const char *name);
+static rw::Texture*
+customFindCB(const char *name)
+ rw::Texture *res = defaultFindCB(name);
+ if(res == nil)
+ res = genericTxd->find(name);
+ return res;
+ int slot = CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("generic");
+ CTxdStore::AddRef(slot);
+ // TODO: function for this
+ genericTxd = CTxdStore::GetSlot(slot)->texDict;
+ if(defaultFindCB == nil)
+ defaultFindCB = rw::Texture::findCB;
+ rw::Texture::findCB = customFindCB;