path: root/src/render
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/render')
3 files changed, 341 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/render/Hud.cpp b/src/render/Hud.cpp
index 52930067..51aa390f 100644
--- a/src/render/Hud.cpp
+++ b/src/render/Hud.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "Pad.h"
#include "Radar.h"
#include "Replay.h"
+#include "Wanted.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "Sprite2d.h"
#include "Text.h"
diff --git a/src/render/WaterCannon.cpp b/src/render/WaterCannon.cpp
index 7a9aa4d9..e848fb43 100644
--- a/src/render/WaterCannon.cpp
+++ b/src/render/WaterCannon.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,320 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "patcher.h"
#include "WaterCannon.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+#include "General.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "Timer.h"
+#include "Pools.h"
+#include "Ped.h"
+#include "AnimManager.h"
+#include "Fire.h"
+#include "WaterLevel.h"
+#include "Camera.h"
-CWaterCannon (&aCannons)[NUM_WATERCANNONS] = *(CWaterCannon(*)[NUM_WATERCANNONS])*(uintptr*)0x8F2CA8;
-WRAPPER void CWaterCannons::Update(void) { EAXJMP(0x522510); }
-WRAPPER void CWaterCannons::UpdateOne(uint32 id, CVector *pos, CVector *dir) { EAXJMP(0x522470); }
-WRAPPER void CWaterCannons::Render(void) { EAXJMP(0x522550); }
-WRAPPER void CWaterCannons::Init(void) { EAXJMP(0x522440); }
+RwIm3DVertex WaterCannonVertices[WATERCANNONVERTS];
+RwImVertexIndex WaterCannonIndexList[WATERCANNONINDEXES];
+CWaterCannon CWaterCannons::aCannons[NUM_WATERCANNONS];
+void CWaterCannon::Init(void)
+ m_nId = 0;
+ m_nCur = 0;
+ m_nTimeCreated = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
+ for ( int32 i = 0; i < NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS; i++ )
+ m_abUsed[i] = false;
+ RwIm3DVertexSetU(&WaterCannonVertices[0], 0.0f);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[0], 0.0f);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetU(&WaterCannonVertices[1], 1.0f);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[1], 0.0f);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetU(&WaterCannonVertices[2], 0.0f);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[2], 0.0f);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetU(&WaterCannonVertices[3], 1.0f);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[3], 0.0f);
+ WaterCannonIndexList[0] = 0;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[1] = 1;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[2] = 2;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[3] = 1;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[4] = 3;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[5] = 2;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[6] = 0;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[7] = 2;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[8] = 1;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[9] = 1;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[10] = 2;
+ WaterCannonIndexList[11] = 3;
+void CWaterCannon::Update_OncePerFrame(int16 index)
+ if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() > m_nTimeCreated + WATERCANNON_LIFETIME )
+ {
+ m_nCur = (m_nCur + 1) % -NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS;
+ m_abUsed[m_nCur] = false;
+ }
+ for ( int32 i = 0; i < NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( m_abUsed[i] )
+ {
+ m_avecVelocity[i].z += -WATERCANNON_GRAVITY * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
+ m_avecPos[i] += m_avecVelocity[i] * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
+ }
+ }
+ int32 extinguishingPoint = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & (NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS - 1);
+ if ( m_abUsed[extinguishingPoint] )
+ gFireManager.ExtinguishPoint(m_avecPos[extinguishingPoint], 3.0f);
+ if ( ((index + CTimer::GetFrameCounter()) & 3) == 0 )
+ PushPeds();
+ // free if unused
+ int32 i = 0;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if ( m_abUsed[i] )
+ break;
+ if ( ++i >= NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS )
+ {
+ m_nId = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CWaterCannon::Update_NewInput(CVector *pos, CVector *dir)
+ ASSERT(pos != NULL);
+ ASSERT(dir != NULL);
+ m_avecPos[m_nCur] = *pos;
+ m_avecVelocity[m_nCur] = *dir;
+ m_abUsed[m_nCur] = true;
+void CWaterCannon::Render(void)
+ RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGENABLE, (void *)TRUE);
+ RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTURERASTER, (void *)gpWaterRaster);
+ float v = float(CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 255) / 256;
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[0], v);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[1], v);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[2], v);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetV(&WaterCannonVertices[3], v);
+ int16 pointA = m_nCur % -NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS;
+ int16 pointB = pointA - 1;
+ if ( (pointA - 1) < 0 )
+ bool bInit = false;
+ CVector norm;
+ for ( int32 i = 0; i < NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS - 1; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( m_abUsed[pointA] && m_abUsed[pointB] )
+ {
+ if ( !bInit )
+ {
+ CVector cp = CrossProduct(m_avecPos[pointB] - m_avecPos[pointA], TheCamera.GetForward());
+ cp.Normalise(0.05f);
+ norm = cp;
+ bInit = true;
+ }
+ float dist = float(i*i*i) / 300.0f + 1.0f;
+ float brightness = float(i) / NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS;
+ int32 color = (int32)((1.0f - brightness*brightness) * 255.0f);
+ CVector offset = dist * norm;
+ RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&WaterCannonVertices[0], color, color, color, color);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetPos (&WaterCannonVertices[0], m_avecPos[pointA].x - offset.x, m_avecPos[pointA].y - offset.y, m_avecPos[pointA].z - offset.z);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&WaterCannonVertices[1], color, color, color, color);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetPos (&WaterCannonVertices[1], m_avecPos[pointA].x + offset.x, m_avecPos[pointA].y + offset.y, m_avecPos[pointA].z + offset.z);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&WaterCannonVertices[2], color, color, color, color);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetPos (&WaterCannonVertices[2], m_avecPos[pointB].x - offset.x, m_avecPos[pointB].y - offset.y, m_avecPos[pointB].z - offset.z);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&WaterCannonVertices[3], color, color, color, color);
+ RwIm3DVertexSetPos (&WaterCannonVertices[3], m_avecPos[pointB].x + offset.x, m_avecPos[pointB].y + offset.y, m_avecPos[pointB].z + offset.z);
+ LittleTest();
+ if ( RwIm3DTransform(WaterCannonVertices, WATERCANNONVERTS, NULL, rwIM3D_VERTEXUV) )
+ {
+ RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, WaterCannonIndexList, WATERCANNONINDEXES);
+ RwIm3DEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ pointA = pointB--;
+ if ( pointB < 0 )
+ }
+ RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGENABLE, (void *)FALSE);
+void CWaterCannon::PushPeds(void)
+ float minx = 10000.0f;
+ float maxx = -10000.0f;
+ float miny = 10000.0f;
+ float maxy = -10000.0f;
+ float minz = 10000.0f;
+ float maxz = -10000.0f;
+ for ( int32 i = 0; i < NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( m_abUsed[i] )
+ {
+ minx = min(minx, m_avecPos[i].x);
+ maxx = max(maxx, m_avecPos[i].x);
+ miny = min(miny, m_avecPos[i].y);
+ maxy = max(maxy, m_avecPos[i].y);
+ minz = min(minz, m_avecPos[i].z);
+ maxz = max(maxz, m_avecPos[i].z);
+ }
+ }
+ for ( int32 i = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ CPed *ped = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i);
+ if ( ped )
+ {
+ if ( ped->GetPosition().x > minx && ped->GetPosition().x < maxx
+ && ped->GetPosition().y > miny && ped->GetPosition().y < maxy
+ && ped->GetPosition().z > minz && ped->GetPosition().z < maxz )
+ {
+ for ( int32 j = 0; j < NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS; j++ )
+ {
+ if ( m_abUsed[j] )
+ {
+ CVector dist = m_avecPos[j] - ped->GetPosition();
+ if ( dist.MagnitudeSqr() < 5.0f )
+ {
+ int32 localDir = ped->GetLocalDirection(CVector2D(1.0f, 0.0f));
+ ped->bIsStanding = false;
+ ped->ApplyMoveForce(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f * CTimer::GetTimeStep());
+ ped->m_vecMoveSpeed.x = (0.6f * m_avecVelocity[j].x + ped->m_vecMoveSpeed.x) * 0.5f;
+ ped->m_vecMoveSpeed.y = (0.6f * m_avecVelocity[j].y + ped->m_vecMoveSpeed.y) * 0.5f;
+ ped->SetFall(2000, AnimationId(ANIM_KO_SKID_FRONT + localDir), 0);
+ CFire *fire = ped->m_pFire;
+ if ( fire )
+ fire->Extinguish();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CWaterCannons::Init(void)
+ for ( int32 i = 0; i < NUM_WATERCANNONS; i++ )
+ aCannons[i].Init();
+void CWaterCannons::UpdateOne(uint32 id, CVector *pos, CVector *dir)
+ ASSERT(pos != NULL);
+ ASSERT(dir != NULL);
+ // find the one by id
+ {
+ int32 n = 0;
+ while ( n < NUM_WATERCANNONS && id != aCannons[n].m_nId )
+ n++;
+ {
+ aCannons[n].Update_NewInput(pos, dir);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // if no luck then find a free one
+ {
+ int32 n = 0;
+ while ( n < NUM_WATERCANNONS && 0 != aCannons[n].m_nId )
+ n++;
+ {
+ aCannons[n].Init();
+ aCannons[n].m_nId = id;
+ aCannons[n].Update_NewInput(pos, dir);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CWaterCannons::Update(void)
+ for ( int32 i = 0; i < NUM_WATERCANNONS; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( aCannons[i].m_nId != 0 )
+ aCannons[i].Update_OncePerFrame(i);
+ }
+void CWaterCannons::Render(void)
+ for ( int32 i = 0; i < NUM_WATERCANNONS; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( aCannons[i].m_nId != 0 )
+ aCannons[i].Render();
+ }
+ InjectHook(0x521A30, &CWaterCannon::Init, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x521B80, &CWaterCannon::Update_OncePerFrame, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x521CC0, &CWaterCannon::Update_NewInput, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x521D30, &CWaterCannon::Render, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x5220B0, &CWaterCannon::PushPeds, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x522440, CWaterCannons::Init, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x522470, CWaterCannons::UpdateOne, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x522510, CWaterCannons::Update, PATCH_JUMP);
+ InjectHook(0x522550, CWaterCannons::Render, PATCH_JUMP);
+ //InjectHook(0x522B40, `global constructor keyed to'watercannon.cpp, PATCH_JUMP);
+ //InjectHook(0x522B60, CWaterCannon::CWaterCannon, PATCH_JUMP);
+ENDPATCHES \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/render/WaterCannon.h b/src/render/WaterCannon.h
index c2b288f2..826dc78e 100644
--- a/src/render/WaterCannon.h
+++ b/src/render/WaterCannon.h
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
#pragma once
+#define WATERCANNON_GRAVITY (0.009f)
class CWaterCannon
+ enum
+ {
+ };
int32 m_nId;
- int16 m_wIndex;
- char gap_6[2];
- int32 m_nTimeCreated;
- CVector m_avecPos[16];
- CVector m_avecVelocity[16];
- char m_abUsed[16];
+ int16 m_nCur;
+ char _pad0[2];
+ uint32 m_nTimeCreated;
+ CVector m_avecPos[NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS];
+ CVector m_avecVelocity[NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS];
+ bool m_abUsed[NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS];
+ void Init(void);
+ void Update_OncePerFrame(int16 index);
+ void Update_NewInput(CVector *pos, CVector *dir);
+ void Render(void);
+ void PushPeds(void);
static_assert(sizeof(CWaterCannon) == 412, "CWaterCannon: error");
@@ -17,11 +31,10 @@ static_assert(sizeof(CWaterCannon) == 412, "CWaterCannon: error");
class CWaterCannons
- static void Update();
+ static CWaterCannon aCannons[NUM_WATERCANNONS];
+ static void Init(void);
static void UpdateOne(uint32 id, CVector *pos, CVector *dir);
+ static void Update();
static void Render(void);
- static void Init(void);
-extern CWaterCannon (&aCannons)[NUM_WATERCANNONS];
+}; \ No newline at end of file