* @author Peter Hrvatin
* @date May 2012
class SurveyCustomReport {
private $ank_id; // id ankete
private $classInstance; // Instanca razreda za izris tabele (crosstab, mean, ttest)
public $returnAsHtml = false; // ali vrne rezultat analiz kot html ali ga izpiše
public $isArchive = false; // nastavimo na true če smo v arhivu
public $publicCReport = false; // ali smo preko public povezave
public $creportProfile = 0; // trenutno izbrani profil porocila
public $creportAuthor = 0; // trenutno izbrani avtor porocila ki se ga ureja
public $expanded = 0; // skrcen(0) ali razsirjen(1) nacin
function __construct($anketa) {
global $global_user_id, $site_path, $lang;
if ((int)$anketa > 0) {
$this->ank_id = $anketa;
// polovimo vrsto tabel (aktivne / neaktivne)
SurveyInfo :: getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->ank_id);
if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1) {
$this->db_table = '_active';
// Inicializiramo in polovimo nastavitve missing profila
SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->ank_id, $global_user_id);
SurveyMissingProfiles :: Init($this->ank_id,$global_user_id);
SurveyConditionProfiles :: Init($this->ank_id, $global_user_id);
SurveyZankaProfiles :: Init($this->ank_id, $global_user_id);
SurveyTimeProfiles :: Init($this->ank_id, $global_user_id);
SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: Init($this->ank_id);
#inicializiramo class za datoteke
$SDF = SurveyDataFile::get_instance();
$this->headFileName = $SDF->getHeaderFileName();
$this->dataFileName = $SDF->getDataFileName();
$this->dataFileStatus = $SDF->getStatus();
//polovimo podatke o nastavitvah trenutnega profila (missingi..)
SurveyAnalysis::$missingProfileData = SurveyMissingProfiles::getProfile(SurveyAnalysis::$currentMissingProfile);
#preberemo HEADERS iz datoteke
SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->headFileName));
# odstranimo sistemske variable tipa email, ime, priimek, geslo
# polovimo frekvence
$this->creportProfile = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_creport_profile');
$this->creportProfile = isset($this->creportProfile) && $this->creportProfile != '' ? $this->creportProfile : 0;
$this->creportAuthor = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_creport_author');
$this->creportAuthor = isset($this->creportAuthor) && $this->creportAuthor != '' ? $this->creportAuthor : $global_user_id;
$this->expanded = (isset($_GET['expanded'])) ? $_GET['expanded'] : 0;
else {
echo 'Invalid Survey ID!';
// Izrisemo izdelano porocilo
function displayReport(){
global $lang;
global $global_user_id;
# zakeširamo vsebino, in jo nato po potrebi zapišpemo v html
if ($this->returnAsHtml != false) {
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
echo '<input type="hidden" value="'.$this->expanded.'" id="creport_expanded" />';
// Prva vrstica - seznam poročil
echo '<div>';
echo '<span class="pointer blue bold" style="font-size:14px;" onClick="showCReportProfiles();">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_list'].'</span>';
echo ' <span id="creport_profile_setting_plus" class="pointer faicon add icon-as_link spaceLeft" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_create'].'" style="padding-bottom:1px;"></span>';
echo '</div>';
// Naslov
echo '<h2 style="display:inline-block; color:#333;">';
// Profil
if($this->creportProfile == 0){
$what = 'creport_default_profile_name';
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$this->creportAuthor' AND what='$what'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0){
$name = $lang['srv_custom_report_default'];
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$name = $row['value'];
$profile = $this->getProfile($this->creportProfile);
$name = $profile['name'];
echo '<span style="font-weight: normal;">';
echo $lang['srv_custom_report_profile'].': <span class="bold pointer blue" onClick="showCReportProfiles();">"'.$name.'"</span>';
echo '</span>';
echo '</h2>';
// Edit in add porocilo
echo '<div style="display:inline-block; line-height:10px;">';
echo ' <span id="creport_profile_setting_edit" class="faicon edit icon-as_link spaceLeft" style="margin-bottom:1px;" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_edit'].'"></span>';
// Osnova porocila (prazna, vsi grafi, vse frekvence...) - prikazemo samo ce je porocilo prazno
echo '<span style="font-size:14px; font-weight: normal; margin-left: 20px;">';
echo $lang['srv_custom_report_base'].': ';
echo '<select name="custom_report_base" id="custom_report_base" onChange="addCustomReportAllElementsAlert(this.value);">';
echo ' <option value="0">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_base_0'].'</option>';
echo ' <option value="1">'.$lang['srv_sumarnik'].'</option>';
echo ' <option value="2">'.$lang['srv_frequency'].'</option>';
echo ' <option value="3">'.$lang['srv_descriptor'].'</option>';
echo ' <option value="4">'.$lang['srv_analiza_charts'].'</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '</span>';
echo '</div>';
// Stevilo vseh porocil
$sqlC = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_custom_report_profiles WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
$report_count = mysqli_num_rows($sqlC);
if($report_count > 0)
echo '<div style="margin:-12px 0 20px 0; color:#555555; font-size:10px;">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_count'].': '.($report_count + 1).'</div>';
// Preklop na skrcen/razsirjen pogled in predogled
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
echo '<div id="custom_report_view">';
if($this->expanded == 0)
echo '<a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->ank_id.'&a=analysis&m=analysis_creport&expanded=1"><span class="faicon compress"></span> '.$lang['srv_custom_report_expanded_0'].'</a>';
echo '<a href="index.php?anketa='.$this->ank_id.'&a=analysis&m=analysis_creport&expanded=0"><span class="faicon expand"></span> '.$lang['srv_custom_report_expanded_1'].'</a>';
// Preview
echo ' <a title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_preview'].'" onClick="showCReportPreview(); return false;" href="#"><span class="faicon preview pointer"></span> '.$lang['srv_custom_report_preview_short'].'</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="custom_report_elements">';
// ce arhiviramo imamo razsirjene elemente
$this->expanded = ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) ? $this->expanded : 1;
// Naslov porocila
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
$counter = mysqli_num_rows($sql);
if($counter > 0){
echo '<ul id="custom_report_sortable">';
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
echo '<div class="report_element_separator '.($this->expanded == 1 ? 'expanded' : '').'">';
echo '<div class="add_element">';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Loop po vseh dodanih elementih porocila
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
echo '<li id="sortable_report_element_'.$row['id'].'">';
// Pagebreak
if($row['type'] == '-1'){
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false){
echo '<div class="report_element '.($this->expanded == 1 && $this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false ? ' active':'').'" id="report_element_'.$row['id'].'">';
$this->displayReportElement($row['id'], $this->expanded);
echo '</div>';
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
echo '<div class="report_element_separator '.($this->expanded == 1 ? 'expanded' : '').'" id="report_element_separator_'.$row['id'].'">';
if($row['vrstni_red'] < $counter){
echo '<div class="add_element">';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '<br /><br />';
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
// Dodajanje novega porocila
echo '<br />';
echo '<div class="add_element">';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
// izpisi na dnu
if ($this->returnAsHtml != false) {
$result = ob_get_clean();
ob_flush(); flush();
return $result;
// Izrisemo posamezen element porocila
function displayReportElement($element_id, $expanded){
global $lang;
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report WHERE id='$element_id' AND ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$reportElement = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
case '0':
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $lang['srv_custom_report_select_type']);
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
case '1':
$this->displaySum($reportElement, $expanded);
case '2':
$this->displayFreq($reportElement, $expanded);
case '3':
$this->displayDesc($reportElement, $expanded);
case '4':
$this->displayChart($reportElement, $expanded);
case '5':
$this->displayCrosstab($reportElement, $expanded);
case '6':
$this->displayMean($reportElement, $expanded);
case '7':
$this->displayTTest($reportElement, $expanded);
case '9':
$this->displayRazbitje($reportElement, $expanded);
case '10':
$this->displayMulticrosstab($reportElement, $expanded);
case '8':
$this->displayText($reportElement, $expanded);
// Komentar pod elementom
if($reportElement['type'] != 8)
$this->displayReportElementText($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis nastavitev posameznega elementa (tip izpisa, izbira spremenljivk...)
function displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
echo '<div class="report_element_settings" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
// Tip izpisa (sums, freq, opisne...)
echo '<select name="report_element_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'type\', this.value)">';
// Ce ni izbrana
if ( $reportElement['type'] == null || $reportElement['type'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_custom_report_select_type'] . '</option>';
echo '<option value="1" '.($reportElement['type'] == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_sumarnik'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="2" '.($reportElement['type'] == 2 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_frequency'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="3" '.($reportElement['type'] == 3 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_descriptor_short'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="4" '.($reportElement['type'] == 4 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_chart'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="5" '.($reportElement['type'] == 5 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_crosstabs'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="10" '.($reportElement['type'] == 10 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_multicrosstab'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="6" '.($reportElement['type'] == 6 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_means_label'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="7" '.($reportElement['type'] == 7 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_ttest'].'</option>';
echo '<option value="9" '.($reportElement['type'] == 9 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_break'].'</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira spremenljivke za enojne elemente
if($reportElement['type'] > 0 && $reportElement['type'] < 5){
// Izbira spremneljivke
echo ' <select style="margin-left:20px;" name="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr1\', this.value)">';
// Ce ni izbrana
if ( $reportElement['spr1'] == null || $reportElement['spr1'] == '' ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_select_spr'] . '</option>';
# preberemo header
foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS AS $spid => $spremenljivka) {
# preverjamo ali je meta
if (($spremenljivka['tip'] != 'm'
&& in_array($spremenljivka['tip'], SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_TYPES ))
/*&& in_array($spremenljivka['tip'],array(1,2,3,6,7,8,16,17,18,20) )*/) {
# preverimo ali prikazujemo spremenljivko, glede na veljavne odgovore
$only_valid = 0;
if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0) {
foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
# dodamo dodatne vrstice z albelami grida
if (count($grid['variables']) > 0 )
foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
$_sequence = $variable['sequence']; # id kolone z podatki
$only_valid += (int)SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['validCnt'];
// Ce ja kaksen veljaven oz ce prikazujemo tudi prazne
if(SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('hideEmpty') != 1 || $only_valid > 0){
$text = (strlen($spremenljivka['naslov']) > 60) ? substr($spremenljivka['naslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $spremenljivka['naslov'];
$text = '('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') '.$text;
echo '<option value="'.$spid.'" '.($reportElement['spr1'] == $spid ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$text.'</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Nastavitve za CROSSTABE
elseif($reportElement['type'] == 5){
$variables = $this->classInstance->getVariableList();
// Nastavljeni variabli
$crossData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$crossData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
// Izbira spremneljivke 1
echo ' <select style="margin-left:20px;" name="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr1\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr1'] == null || $reportElement['spr1'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_izberi_prvo'] . '</option>';
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
$text = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-undefined';
echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '
. (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ( ($crossData1[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $crossData1[0] != null) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '')
. '> '
. ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' ))
. $text . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira spremneljivke 2
echo ' <select name="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr2\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr2'] == null || $reportElement['spr2'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_analiza_crosstab_izberi_drugo'] . '</option>';
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
$text = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-'.$variable['grd_id'];
echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '
. (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ( ($crossData2[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $crossData2[0] != null) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '')
. '> '
. ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' ))
. $text . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira podtipa (tabela / graf)
echo ' <input style="margin-left:20px;" type="radio" value="0" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />Tabela ';
echo '<input type="radio" value="1" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />Graf';
// Nastavitve za MULTICROSSTABE
elseif($reportElement['type'] == 10){
$mc_tables = $this->classInstance->getTables();
if(count($mc_tables) == 0){
echo '<span class="spaceLeft">'.$lang['srv_multicrosstab_exist'].'</span>';
// Izbira ze ustvarjene tabele
echo ' <select style="margin-left:20px;" name="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr1\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr1'] == null || $reportElement['spr1'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_multicrosstab_select'] . '</option>';
foreach($mc_tables as $table){
echo '<option value="'.$table['id'].'" '.($reportElement['spr1'] == $table['id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$table['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Nastavitve za MEANS
elseif($reportElement['type'] == 6){
$variables1 = $this->classInstance->getVariableList(1);
$variables2 = $this->classInstance->getVariableList(2);
// Nastavljeni variabli
$meanData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$meanData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
// Izbira spremneljivke 1
echo ' <select style="margin-left:20px;" name="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr1\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr1'] == null || $reportElement['spr1'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_means_izberi_prvo'] . '</option>';
foreach ($variables1 as $variable) {
$text = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-undefined';
echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '
. (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ( ($meanData1[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $meanData1[0] != null) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '')
. '> '
. ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' ))
. $text . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira spremneljivke 2
echo ' <select name="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr2\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr2'] == null || $reportElement['spr2'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_means_izberi_drugo'] . '</option>';
foreach ($variables2 as $variable) {
$text = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-undefined';
echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '
. (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ( ($meanData2[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $meanData2[0] != null) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '')
. '> '
. ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' ))
. $text . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira podtipa (tabela / graf)
echo ' <input style="margin-left:20px;" type="radio" value="0" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />Tabela ';
echo '<input type="radio" value="1" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />Graf';
// Nastavitve za TTEST
elseif($reportElement['type'] == 7){
$numerus = $this->classInstance->getVariableList(1);
$variables = $this->classInstance->getVariableList(2);
//$selectedVar = $this->classInstance->getSelectedVariables();
// Nastavljeni variabli
$ttestData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$ttestData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
// Izbira spremneljivke 1
echo ' <select style="margin-left:20px;" name="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr1\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr1'] == null || $reportElement['spr1'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_ttest_select1_option'] . '</option>';
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
$text = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-undefined';
echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '
. (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ( ($ttestData1[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $ttestData1[0] != null) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '')
. '> '
. ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' ))
. $text . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira spremneljivke 2
echo ' <select name="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr2\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr2'] == null || $reportElement['spr2'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_ttest_select2_option'] . '</option>';
foreach ($numerus as $variable) {
$text = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-undefined';
echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '
. (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ( ($ttestData2[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $ttestData2[0] != null) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '')
. '> '
. ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' ))
. $text . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira podtipa (tabela / graf)
echo ' <input style="margin-left:20px;" type="radio" value="0" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />Tabela ';
echo '<input type="radio" value="1" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />Graf';
// Izbira dveh podvariabel za prvo variablo
if($reportElement['spr1'] != null && $reportElement['spr1'] != 0)
// Nastavitve za BREAK
elseif($reportElement['type'] == 9){
// Nastavljeni variabli
$breakData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$breakData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
// Izbira spremneljivke 1
$variables = $this->classInstance->getVariableList(2);
echo ' <select style="margin-left:20px;" name="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr1\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr1'] == null || $reportElement['spr1'] == 0){
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_break_select1_option'] . '</option>';
if (count($variables)) {
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-undefined';
echo '<option value="'.$value.'"'
. ((int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1 ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ($breakData1[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $breakData1[0] != null ? ' selected="selected"':''). '> ';
$text = ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' )) . $variable['variableNaslov'];
$text = (strlen($text) > 60) ? substr($text, 0, 57).'...' : $text;
echo $text;
echo '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira spremneljivke 2
$variables = $this->getBreakDependentVariableList();
echo ' <select name="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_spr2_id_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onChange="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'spr2\', this.value)">';
# ce prva variabla ni izbrana, dodamo tekst za izbiro prve variable
if ( $reportElement['spr2'] == null || $reportElement['spr2'] == 0 ) {
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected" >'. $lang['srv_break_select2_option'] . '</option>';
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
// Ce ni ista kot prva izbrana
if($variable['spr_id'] != $breakData1[1]){
$text = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$value = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-'.$variable['grd_id'];
echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '
. (( (int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled" ')
. ( ($breakData2[0] == $variable['sequence'] && $breakData2[0] != null) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '')
. '> '
. ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' ))
. $text . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// Izbira podtipa (tabela / graf)
echo ' <input style="margin-left:20px;" type="radio" value="0" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />'.$lang['srv_table'];
echo ' <input type="radio" value="1" name="report_element_sub_type_'.$reportElement['id'].'" '.($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'sub_type\', this.value)" />'.$lang['srv_chart'];
echo '</div>';
// Nastavitve na dnu
function displayBottomSettings(){
global $site_path;
global $lang;
echo '<div class="creport_bottom_settings">';
echo '<a href="#" onclick="doArchiveCReport();" title="'.$lang['srv_analiza_arhiviraj_ttl'].'"><span class="faicon arhiv black very_large"></span></a>';
echo '<a href="#" onclick="createArchiveCReportBeforeEmail();" title="'.$lang['srv_analiza_arhiviraj_email_ttl'] . '"><span class="faicon arhiv_mail black very_large"></span></a>';
echo '<a href="#" onClick="printAnaliza(\'CReport\'); return false;" title="'.$lang['hour_print2'].'"><span class="faicon print icon-grey_dark_link"></span></a>';
echo '<a href="'.makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?m=creport_pdf&anketa=' . $this->ank_id) . '" target="_blank" title="'.$lang['PDF_Izpis'].'"><span class="faicon pdf black very_large"></span></a>';
echo '<a href="'.makeEncodedIzvozUrlString('izvoz.php?m=creport_rtf&anketa=' . $this->ank_id) . '" target="_blank" title="'.$lang['RTF_Izpis'].'"><span class="faicon rtf black very_large"></span></a>';
echo '</div>';
function displayTTestSubVar($reportElement){
global $lang;
echo '<div id="ttestVariablesSpan" style="margin: 10px 0 10px 80px;">';
$ttestData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$spr = $ttestData1[1];
$check1 = $ttestData1[3];
$check2 = $ttestData1[4];
# poiscemo pripadajoce variable
$_spr_data = $this->classInstance->_HEADERS[$spr];
echo $lang['srv_ttest_kategories_note'].' ('.$_spr_data['variable'].') '.$_spr_data['naslov'];
echo '<br/>';
switch ($_spr_data['tip']) {
case 1: #radio
case 3: #dropdown
case 17: #dropdown
#nardimo inpute za vse opcije
$sekvenca = $_spr_data['sequences'];
foreach ($_spr_data['options'] as $value => $option) {
$checked = ($check1 == $spr.'_'.$sekvenca.'_'.$value || $check2 == $spr.'_'.$sekvenca.'_'.$value) ? true : false;
$disabled = ($check1 != null && $check2 != null && !$checked) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
echo '<label '.($disabled == ' disabled="disabled"' ? 'class="gray"' : '').'><input name="subTtest" class="subTtest_'.$reportElement['id'].'" type="checkbox" value="'.$spr.'_'.$sekvenca.'_'.$value.'" '.($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onchange="editCustomReportTTestVar(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');" '.$disabled.' />('.$value.') - '.$option.'</label><br/>';
case 2: #checkbox
#nardimo inpute za vse opcije
$option = '1';
foreach ($_spr_data['grids'][0]['variables'] as $vid => $variable) {
$checked = ($check1 == $spr.'_'.$variable['sequence'].'_'.$option || $check2 == $spr.'_'.$variable['sequence'].'_'.$option) ? true : false;
$disabled = ($check1 != null && $check2 != null && !$checked) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
echo '<label '.($disabled == ' disabled="disabled"' ? 'class="gray"' : '').'><input name="subTtest" class="subTtest_'.$reportElement['id'].'" type="checkbox" value="'.$spr.'_'.$variable['sequence'].'_'.$option.'" '.($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onchange="editCustomReportTTestVar(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');" '.$disabled.' />('.$variable['variable'].') - '.$variable['naslov'].'</label><br/>';
case 6: #mgrid
#nardimo inpute za vse opcije
foreach ($_spr_data['options'] as $value => $option) {
$sekvenca = $_spr_data['grids'][$value]['variables'][0]['sequence'];
$checked = ($check1 == $spr.'_'.$sekvenca.'_'.$value || $check2 == $spr.'_'.$sekvenca.'_'.$value) ? true : false;
$disabled = ($check1 != null && $check2 != null && !$checked) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
echo '<label '.($disabled == ' disabled="disabled"' ? 'class="gray"' : '').'><input name="subTtest" class="subTtest_'.$reportElement['id'].'" type="checkbox" value="'.$spr.'_'.$sekvenca.'_'.$value.'" '.($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onchange="editCustomReportTTestVar(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');" '.$disabled.' />('.$value.') - '.$option.'</label><br/>';
case 16: #mcheck
#nardimo inpute za vse opcije
# poi��emo pripadajo�o sekvenco
#nardimo inpute za vse opcije
$option = '1';
foreach ($_spr_data['grids'][$grid]['variables'] as $vid => $variable) {
$checked = ($check1 == $spr.'_'.$variable['sequence'].'_'.$option || $check2 == $spr.'_'.$variable['sequence'].'_'.$option) ? true : false;
$disabled = ($check1 != null && $check2 != null && !$checked) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
echo '<label '.($disabled == ' disabled="disabled"' ? 'class="gray"' : '').'><input name="subTtest" class="subTtest_'.$reportElement['id'].'" type="checkbox" value="'.$spr.'_'.$variable['sequence'].'_'.$option.'" '.($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' onchange="editCustomReportTTestVar(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');" '.$disabled.' />('.$variable['variable'].') - '.$variable['naslov'].'</label><br/>';
if ((int)$_spr_data['tip'] > 0)
echo'TODO for type:'.$_spr_data['tip'];
echo '</div>';
function displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title=' '){
global $lang;
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
echo '<div class="report_element_head '.($reportElement['type'] == 8 ? ' text':'').' '.($expanded == 1 ? ' active':'').'">';
// Popravimo naslov ce je textovni element
if($reportElement['type'] == 8){
$title = substr(strip_tags($reportElement['text']), 0, 30);
if(strlen(strip_tags($reportElement['text'])) > 30)
$title .= '...';
$subtitle = '('.$lang['text'].')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
echo '<div class="report_element_title">';
echo $title;
echo '</div>';
// Ikone za razsiritev, kopiranje, brisanje posameznega elementa
echo '<div class="report_element_icons '.($expanded == 1 ? ' active' : '').'">';
// Print element
echo ' <span class="faicon print_small icon-grey_dark_link" style="margin-left: 10px;" title="'.$lang['PRN_Izpis'].'" onClick="printCustomReportElement(\''.strip_tags($title).'\', \'report_element_'.$reportElement['id'].'\'); return false;"></span>';
// Kopiraj element
echo ' <span class="faicon copy icon-grey_dark_link" style="margin-left: 10px;" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_copy'].'" onClick="copyCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');"></span>';
// Brisi element
echo ' <span class="faicon delete icon-grey_dark_link" style="margin-left: 10px;" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_delete'].'" onClick="deleteCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');"></span>';
// Uredi element
/*if($reportElement['type'] != 8)
if($expanded == 1)
echo ' <span class="sprites pointer arrow_contract" style="margin-left: 10px;" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_contract'].'" onClick="expandCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');"></span>';
echo ' <span class="sprites pointer arrow_expand" style="margin-left: 10px;" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_expand'].'" onClick="expandCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');"></span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Urejanje naslova porocila
function displayTitle(){
global $lang;
global $global_user_id;
echo '<div class="custom_report_title">';
$what = 'creport_title_profile_'.$this->creportProfile;
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$this->creportAuthor' AND what='$what'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0){
$titleString = $lang['export_analisys_creport'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle();
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$titleString = $row['value'];
echo '<div class="creport_title_inline" contenteditable="true">';
echo $titleString;
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Urejanje dodatnega besedila za posamezen element
function displayReportElementText($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
echo '<div class="report_element_text report_element_comment" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($expanded == 1 && $this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false){
echo '<span class="bold">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_comment'].':</span>';
echo '<span class="faicon edit2" title="'.$lang['srv_editor_title'].'" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; margin:20px 18px 0 0;" onclick="creport_load_editor(this); return false;"></span>';
/*echo '<textarea style="width:100%; height:80px;" class="creport_textarea" el_id="'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_text_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onBlur="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'text\', this.value)">';
echo $reportElement['text'];
echo '</textarea>';*/
echo '<div class="creport_text_inline" contenteditable="true" el_id="'.$reportElement['id'].'">';
echo $reportElement['text'];
echo '</div>';
elseif($reportElement['text'] != ''){
echo '<div class="creport_text_inline" '.($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false ? ' contenteditable="true"':'').' el_id="'.$reportElement['id'].'">';
echo $reportElement['text'];
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Izrisemo sumarnik element
function displaySum($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Naslov
$spr = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$reportElement['spr1']];
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '')
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$title = $spr['variable'].' - '.$spr['naslov'];
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_sumarnik'].')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($expanded != 0)
echo '</div>';
// Izrisemo sumarnik element
function displayFreq($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Naslov
$spr = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$reportElement['spr1']];
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '')
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$title = $spr['variable'].' - '.$spr['naslov'];
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_frequency'].')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($expanded != 0)
echo '</div>';
// Izrisemo sumarnik element
function displayDesc($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Naslov
$spr = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$reportElement['spr1']];
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '')
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$title = $spr['variable'].' - '.$spr['naslov'];
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_descriptor'].')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($expanded != 0){
// Na novo napolnimo headers ker se resetira??
SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->headFileName));
echo '</div>';
// Izrisemo sumarnik element
function displayChart($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Naslov
$spr = SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS[$reportElement['spr1']];
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '')
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$title = $spr['variable'].' - '.$spr['naslov'];
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_chart'].')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($expanded != 0){
if ($this->returnAsHtml != false) {
echo '</div>';
echo '<script>charts_init();</script>';
//izrisemo crosstab element
function displayCrosstab($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Ustvarimo instanco razreda
$this->classInstance = new SurveyCrosstabs();
// Napolnimo podatke crosstabu
$crossData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$crossData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
// Naslov
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '' || $reportElement['spr2'] == '')
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$show_variables_values = true;
$spr1 = $this->classInstance->_HEADERS[$crossData1[1]];
$spr2 = $this->classInstance->_HEADERS[$crossData2[1]];
# za multicheckboxe popravimo naslov, na podtip
$sub_q1 = null;
$sub_q2 = null;
if ($spr1['tip'] == '6' || $spr1['tip'] == '7' || $spr1['tip'] == '16' || $spr1['tip'] == '17' || $spr1['tip'] == '18' || $spr1['tip'] == '19' || $spr1['tip'] == '20' || $spr1['tip'] == '21' ) {
foreach ($spr1['grids'] AS $grid) {
foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $variable) {
if ($variable['sequence'] == $v_first['seq']) {
$sub_q1 .= strip_tags($spr1['naslov']);
if ($show_variables_values == true ) {
$sub_q1 .= ' ('.strip_tags($spr1['variable']).')';
if ($spr1['tip'] == '16') {
$sub_q1 .= '<br />'. strip_tags($grid1['naslov']) . ($show_variables_values == true ? ' (' . strip_tags($grid1['variable']) . ')' : '');
} else {
$sub_q1 .= '<br />' . strip_tags($variable['naslov']) . ($show_variables_values == true ? ' (' . strip_tags($variable['variable']) . ')' : '');
if ($sub_q1 == null) {
$sub_q1 .= strip_tags($spr1['naslov']);
$sub_q1 .= ($show_variables_values == true ? ' ('.strip_tags($spr1['variable']).')' : '');
if ($spr2['tip'] == '6' || $spr2['tip'] == '7' || $spr2['tip'] == '16' || $spr2['tip'] == '17' || $spr2['tip'] == '18' || $spr2['tip'] == '19' || $spr2['tip'] == '20' || $spr2['tip'] == '21') {
foreach ($spr2['grids'] AS $grid) {
foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $variable) {
if ($variable['sequence'] == $v_second['seq']) {
$sub_q2 .= strip_tags($spr2['naslov']);
if ($show_variables_values == true) {
$sub_q2 .= ' ('.strip_tags($spr2['variable']).')';
if ($spr2['tip'] == '16') {
$sub_q2.= '<br />' . strip_tags($grid2['naslov']) . ($show_variables_values == true ? ' (' . strip_tags($grid2['variable']) . ')' : '');
} else {
$sub_q2.= '<br />' . strip_tags($variable['naslov']) . ($show_variables_values == true ? ' (' . strip_tags($variable['variable']) . ')' : '');
if ($sub_q2 == null) {
$sub_q2 .= strip_tags($spr2['naslov']);
$sub_q2 .= ($show_variables_values == true ? ' ('.strip_tags($spr2['variable']).')' : '');
$title = $sub_q1 . ' / ' . $sub_q2;
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_crosstabs']. ($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? ' - '.$lang['srv_chart'] : '') .')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($reportElement['spr1'] != '' && $reportElement['spr2'] != '' && $expanded != 0){
// Izrisemo tabelo
if($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0){
$this->classInstance->showChart = false;
// Izrisemo graf
$tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->ank_id, $this->classInstance, 'crosstab');
echo '</div>';
// Izrisemo multicrosstab tabelo
function displayMulticrosstab($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
global $global_user_id;
// Ustvarimo instanco razreda
$this->classInstance = new SurveyMultiCrosstabs($this->ank_id);
// Naslov
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '')
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
// Trenutna aktivna tabela
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_mc_table WHERE id='$reportElement[spr1]' AND ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor'");
$current_table = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$title = $current_table['name'];
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_multicrosstabs'].')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($expanded != 0 && $current_table != null){
$this->classInstance->table_id = $current_table['id'];
$this->classInstance->table_settings[$current_table['id']] = array(
'title' => $current_table['title'],
'numerus' => $current_table['numerus'],
'percent' => $current_table['percent'],
'sums' => $current_table['sums'],
'navVsEno' => $current_table['navVsEno'],
'avgVar' => $current_table['avgVar'],
'delezVar' => $current_table['delezVar'],
'delez' => $current_table['delez']
// Izris tabele
echo '<div id="mc_table_holder_'.$current_table['id'].'" class="mc_table_holder">';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
//izrisemo crosstab element
function displayMean($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Ustvarimo instanco razreda
$this->classInstance = new SurveyMeans($this->ank_id);
// Napolnimo podatke meansom
$meanData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
$v_first = array('seq' => $meanData1[0], 'spr' => $meanData1[1], 'grd' => $meanData1[2]);
$meanData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$v_second = array('seq' => $meanData2[0], 'spr' => $meanData2[1], 'grd' => $meanData2[2]);
$means[0] = $this->classInstance->createMeans($v_first, $v_second);
// Nastavimo variable (potrebno za grafe
$this->classInstance->variabla1[0] = $v_second;
$this->classInstance->variabla2[0] = $v_first;
// Naslov
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '' || $reportElement['spr2'] == ''){
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$label2 = strip_tags($this->classInstance->getSpremenljivkaTitle($means[0]['v1']));
$label1 = strip_tags($this->classInstance->getSpremenljivkaTitle($means[0]['v2']));
$title = $label1 . ' / ' . $label2;
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_means']. ($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? ' - '.$lang['srv_chart'] : '') .')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($reportElement['spr1'] != '' && $reportElement['spr2'] != '' && $expanded != 0){
// Izrisemo tabelo
if($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0){
// Izrisemo graf
$tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->ank_id, $this->classInstance, 'mean');
echo '</div>';
//izrisemo ttest element
function displayTTest($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Ustvarimo instanco razreda
$this->classInstance = new SurveyTTest($this->ank_id);
// Naslov
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '' || $reportElement['spr2'] == ''){
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$label2 = strip_tags($this->getTTestLabel($reportElement['spr2']));
$label1 = strip_tags($this->getTTestLabel($reportElement['spr1']));
$title = $label1 . ' / ' . $label2;
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_ttest']. ($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? ' - '.$lang['srv_chart'] : '') .')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($expanded != 0){
// Nastavimo session da lahko pravilno izrisemo tabelo/graf
$ttestData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$ttestData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
if(count($ttestData1) == 5 && count($ttestData2) == 3){
$dataArray = array();
$dataArray['spr2'] = $ttestData1[1];
$dataArray['grid2'] = $ttestData1[2];
$dataArray['seq2'] = $ttestData1[0];
$dataArray['label2'] = $label1;
$dataArray['sub_conditions'][0] = $ttestData1[3];
$dataArray['sub_conditions'][1] = $ttestData1[4];
$dataArray['variabla'][0]['seq'] = $ttestData2[0];
$dataArray['variabla'][0]['spr'] = $ttestData2[1];
$dataArray['variabla'][0]['grd'] = $ttestData2[2];
// Shranimo spremenjene nastavitve v bazo
$sessionData = SurveyUserSession::getData('ttest');
$sessionData = $dataArray;
SurveyUserSession::saveData($sessionData, 'ttest');
// Ustvarimo instanco razreda
$this->classInstance = new SurveyTTest($this->ank_id);
// Izrisemo tabelo
if($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0){
$variables1 = $this->classInstance->getSelectedVariables();
foreach ($variables1 AS $v_first) {
$ttest = $this->classInstance->createTTest($v_first, $sessionData['sub_conditions']);
// Izrisemo graf
$tableChart = new SurveyTableChart($this->ank_id, $this->classInstance, 'ttest');
echo '</div>';
function getTTestLabel($spr){
$data = explode("-", $spr);
$spid = $data[1];
$seq = $data[0];
$grid = $data[2];
$spr_data = $this->classInstance->_HEADERS[$spid];
if ($grid == 'undefined') {
# imamp lahko ve� variabel
foreach ($spr_data['grids'] as $gkey => $grid ) {
foreach ($grid['variables'] as $vkey => $variable) {
$sequence = $variable['sequence'];
if ($sequence == $seq) {
$sprLabel = '('.$variable['variable'].') '. $variable['naslov'];
} else {
# imamo subgrid
$sprLabel = '('.$spr_data['grids'][$grid]['variable'].') '. $spr_data['grids'][$grid]['naslov'];
return $sprLabel;
function displayRazbitje($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Ustvarimo instanco razreda
$this->classInstance = new SurveyBreak($this->ank_id);
// Naslov
if($reportElement['spr1'] == '' || $reportElement['spr2'] == ''){
$title = $lang['srv_select_spr'];
$breakData1 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr1']);
$breakData2 = explode("-", $reportElement['spr2']);
$label1 = '';
$variables = $this->classInstance->getVariableList(2);
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
if($breakData1[0] == $variable['sequence']){
$label1 = ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 0 ? '' : ( (int)$variable['sub'] == 1 ? ' ' : ' ' )) . $variable['variableNaslov'];
$label1 = (strlen($label1) > 60) ? substr($label1, 0, 57).'...' : $label1;
$label2 = '';
$variables = $this->getBreakDependentVariableList();
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
if($breakData2[0] == $variable['sequence']){
//$label2 = $variable['variableNaslov'];
$label2 = (strlen($variable['variableNaslov']) > 60) ? substr($variable['variableNaslov'], 0, 57).'...' : $variable['variableNaslov'];
$title = $label1 . ' / ' . $label2;
$subtitle = '('.$lang['srv_break']. ($reportElement['sub_type'] == 1 ? ' - '.$lang['srv_chart'] : '') .')';
$title .= ' <span class="anl_ita">'.$subtitle.'</span>';
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded, $title);
// Nastavitve elementa
$this->displayReportElementSettings($reportElement, $expanded);
// Izpis tabele ali grafa za posamezen vnos
echo '<div class="report_element_data" '.($expanded == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '').'>';
if($reportElement['spr1'] != '' && $reportElement['spr2'] != '' && $expanded != 0){
# ali prikazujemo procente
$this->classInstance->break_percent = true; /*isset($_SESSION['break_percent']) && (int)$_SESSION['break_percent'] == 0 ? false : true;*/
$spr = $breakData1[1];
# poiščemo pripadajoče variable
$_spr_data = $this->classInstance->_HEADERS[$breakData1[1]];
# poiščemo sekvenco
$sekvenca = $breakData1[0];
# poiščemo opcije
$opcije = $_spr_data['options'];
if ((int)$_spr_data['tip'] != 2) {
$seqences[] = $sekvenca;
$options = $opcije;
} else {
# za checkboxe imamo več sekvenc
$seqences = explode('_',$_spr_data['sequences']);
$options[1] = $opcije[1];
# za vsako opcijo posebej izračunamo povprečja za vse spremenljivke
$frequencys = array();
if (count($seqences) > 0) {
foreach ($seqences as $seq) {
if (count($options) > 0) {
foreach ($options as $oKey => $option) {
# zloopamo skozi variable
$oKeyfrequencys = $this->classInstance->getAllFrequencys($oKey, $seq, $spr);
if ($oKeyfrequencys != null) {
$frequencys[$seq][$oKey] = $oKeyfrequencys;
// Nastavimo odvisno spremenljivko
$spr2 = $this->classInstance->_HEADERS[$breakData2[1]];
$spr2['id'] = $breakData2[1];
// Nastavimo se katero podtabelo izrisemo (sekvenca odvisne spr)
$spr2['break_sub_table']['sequence'] = $breakData2[0];
foreach ($spr2['grids'] AS $gkey => $grid) {
if($spr2['break_sub_table']['sequence'] == $grid['variables'][0]['sequence']){
$spr2['break_sub_table']['key'] = $gkey;
// Nastavimo se prvo spremenljivko in sekvenco (potrebno pri crosstabih ker se drugace to vlece iz SESSIONA)
$spr2['creport_first_spr']['seq'] = $breakData1[0];
$spr2['creport_first_spr']['spr'] = $breakData1[1];
// Izrisemo tabelo
if($reportElement['sub_type'] == 0){
$this->classInstance->break_charts = 0;
// Izrisemo graf
$this->classInstance->break_charts = 1;
echo '</div>';
/** funkcija vrne seznam primern variabel za crostabe
function getBreakDependentVariableList() {
$variablesList = array();
# zloopamo skozi header in dodamo variable (potrebujemo posamezne sekvence)
foreach ($this->classInstance->_HEADERS AS $skey => $spremenljivka) {
$tip = $spremenljivka['tip'];
$_dropdown_condition = (is_numeric($tip) && $tip != 5 && $tip != 8 && $tip != 9) ? true : false;
if ($_dropdown_condition) {
$cnt_all = (int)$spremenljivka['cnt_all'];
if ( $cnt_all == '1' || in_array($tip, array(1,2,3,4,7,17,18,21,22,25)) || ($tip == 6 && $spremenljivka['enota'] == 2) ) {
# pri tipu radio ali select dodamo tisto variablo ki ni polje "drugo"
if ($tip == 1 || $tip == 3 ) {
if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) == 1 ) {
# če imamo samo en grid ( lahko je več variabel zaradi polja drugo.
$grid = $spremenljivka['grids'][0];
if (count ($grid['variables']) > 0) {
foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
# imampo samo eno sekvenco grids[0]variables[0]
$variablesList[] = array(
'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') '.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
else {
# imampo samo eno sekvenco grids[0]variables[0]
$variablesList[] = array(
'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') '.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
else if ($cnt_all > 1){
# imamo več skupin ali podskupin, zato zlopamo skozi gride in variable
if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0 ) {
$variablesList[] = array(
'variableNaslov'=>'('.$spremenljivka['variable'].') '.strip_tags($spremenljivka['naslov']),
# ali imamo en grid, ali več (tabele
if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) == 1 ) {
# če imamo samo en grid ( lahko je več variabel zaradi polja drugo.
$grid = $spremenljivka['grids'][0];
if (count ($grid['variables']) > 0) {
foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
$variablesList[] = array(
'variableNaslov'=>'('.$variable['variable'].') '.strip_tags($variable['naslov']),
} elseif($tip == 6) {
# imamo več gridov - tabele
foreach($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
$sub = 0;
if ($grid['variable'] != '') {
$variablesList[] = array(
'variableNaslov'=>'('.$grid['variable'].') '.strip_tags($grid['naslov']),
if (count ($grid['variables']) > 0) {
foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
if ($variable['other'] != 1) {
$variablesList[] = array(
'variableNaslov'=>'('.$variable['variable'].') '.strip_tags($variable['naslov']),
} else {
foreach($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
$sub = 0;
if ($grid['variable'] != '') {
$variablesList[] = array(
'variableNaslov'=>'('.$grid['variable'].') '.strip_tags($grid['naslov']),
return $variablesList;
// Izrisemo page break med elementi
function displayBreak($reportElement){
global $lang;
echo '<span class="report_element_pb" title="'.$lang['srv_rem_pagebreak'].'" onClick="deleteCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\');">';
echo '</span>';
// Izrisemo element z besedilom
function displayText($reportElement, $expanded){
global $lang;
// Glava elementa (naslov, ikone...)
$this->displayReportElementHead($reportElement, $expanded);
echo '<div class="report_element_text" style="padding-top:15px; '.($expanded == 0 ? ' display:none;' : '').'">';
/*if($expanded == 1){
echo '<span class="faicon edit2" title="'.$lang['srv_editor_title'].'" style="cursor:pointer; display:block; float:right;" onclick="creport_load_editor(this); return false;"></span>';
echo '<textarea style="width:100%; height:80px;" class="creport_textarea" el_id="'.$reportElement['id'].'" id="report_element_text_'.$reportElement['id'].'" onBlur="editCustomReportElement(\''.$reportElement['id'].'\', \'text\', this.value)">';
echo $reportElement['text'];
echo '</textarea>';
if ($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false) {
echo '<span class="faicon edit2" title="'.$lang['srv_editor_title'].'" style="cursor:pointer; display:block; float:right; margin:20px 18px 0 0;" onclick="creport_load_editor(this); return false;"></span>';
echo '<br /><div class="creport_text_inline" '.($this->isArchive == false && $this->publicCReport == false ? ' contenteditable="true"':'').' el_id="'.$reportElement['id'].'">';
echo $reportElement['text'];
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Dodajanje elementa porocila
function addNewElement($id=0){
global $lang;
// Dodajanje vmes in na zacetku
if($id != 0){
echo '<span class="pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_add'].'" style="margin-left: 20px; " onClick="addEmptyCustomReportElement(\''.$id.'\');"><span class="faicon add small icon-blue_light"></span> '.$lang['srv_custom_report_add'].'</span>';
echo '<span class="pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_add_text'].'" style="margin-left: 20px;" onClick="addTextCustomReportElement(\''.$id.'\');"><span class="faicon add small icon-blue_dark"></span> '.$lang['srv_custom_report_add_text'].'</span>';
if($id > 0)
echo '<span class="pointer" title="'.$lang['srv_add_pagebreak'].'" style="margin-left: 20px;" onClick="addPBCustomReportElement(\''.$id.'\');"><span class="faicon paragraph icon-blue"></span> '.$lang['srv_add_pagebreak'].'</span>';
// Dodajanje na dnu (brez page breaka)
if($id == 0){
echo '<span class="pointer" style="margin:-10px 0 10px 20px;" onClick="addEmptyCustomReportElement(\''.$id.'\');"><span class="faicon add small icon-blue_light" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_add'].'"></span> '.$lang['srv_custom_report_add'].'</span>';
echo '<span class="pointer" style="margin:-10px 0 10px 20px;" onClick="addTextCustomReportElement(\''.$id.'\');"><span class="faicon add small icon-blue_dark" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_add_text'].'"></span> '.$lang['srv_custom_report_add_text'].'</span>';
public static function checkEmpty($ank_id){
global $global_user_id;
$creportProfile = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_creport_profile');
$creportProfile = isset($creportProfile) ? $creportProfile : 0;
$creportAuthor = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_creport_author');
$creportAuthor = isset($creportAuthor) ? $creportAuthor : $global_user_id;
// preverimo ce je ze kaksen element v porocilu
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$ank_id' AND usr_id='$creportAuthor' AND profile='$creportProfile' ");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
$empty = false;
$empty = true;
return $empty;
function setUpReturnAsHtml($returnAsHtml = false) {
$this->returnAsHtml = $returnAsHtml; # ali vrne rezultat analiz kot html ali ga izpiše
function setUpIsForArchive($isArchive = false) {
$this->isArchive = $isArchive; # nastavimo da smo v arhivu
function setUpIsForPublic($publicCReport = false) {
$this->publicCReport = $publicCReport;
SurveyAnalysis::$publicAnalyse = $publicCReport;
SurveyAnalysis::$printPreview = $publicCReport;
SurveyChart::$publicChart = $publicCReport;
function displaySettingsProfiles(){
global $site_path;
global $global_user_id;
global $lang;
$time_created = '';
$time_edit = '';
$what = 'creport_default_profile_name';
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$global_user_id' AND what='$what'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0){
$default_name = $lang['srv_custom_report_default'];
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$default_name = $row['value'];
$profile = $this->getProfile($this->creportProfile);
$name = $profile['name'];
echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_custom_report_profile_title'].'</h2>';
echo '<div id="creport_settings_profiles_left">';
// Prednastavljen profil
echo '<span id="creport_profiles" class="creport_profiles select">';
echo '<div class="option'.($this->creportProfile == 0 && $this->creportAuthor == $global_user_id ? ' active' : '').'" id="creport_profile_0_'.$global_user_id.'" author="'.$global_user_id.'" value="0">'.$default_name.'</div>';
// Loop po lastnih porocilih
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report_profiles WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$global_user_id'");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
echo '<div class="option'.($this->creportProfile == $row['id'] && $this->creportAuthor == $global_user_id ? ' active' : '').'" id="creport_profile_'.$row['id'].'_'.$global_user_id.'" author="'.$global_user_id.'" value="'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['name'].'</div>';
// Preberemo cas kreiranja porocila
if($this->creportProfile == $row['id'])
$time_created = $row['time_created'];
// Loop po deljenih porocilih drugih urednikov ankete
$sqlA = sisplet_query("SELECT s.*, u.email FROM srv_custom_report_share s, users u WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND share_usr_id='$global_user_id' AND u.id=s.author_usr_id");
while($rowA = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlA)){
// Ce gre za osnovno porocilo ki ga ne more pobrisati
if($rowA['profile_id'] == 0){
// Dobimo ime osnovnega porocila
$what = 'creport_default_profile_name';
$sqlN = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='".$rowA['author_usr_id']."' AND what='$what'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlN) == '0'){
$default_name = $lang['srv_custom_report_default'];
$rowN = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlN);
$default_name = ($rowN['value'] == '') ? $lang['srv_custom_report_default'] : $rowN['value'];
echo '<div class="option'.($this->creportProfile == 0 && $this->creportAuthor == $rowA['author_usr_id'] ? ' active' : '').'" id="creport_profile_0_'.$rowA['author_usr_id'].'" author="'.$rowA['author_usr_id'].'" value="0">';
echo $default_name . ' ('.$rowA['email'].')';
echo '</div>';
// Ce gre za dodatno porocilo ga imamo normalno v bazi
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report_profiles WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='".$rowA['author_usr_id']."'");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
echo '<div class="option'.($this->creportProfile == $row['id'] && $this->creportAuthor == $rowA['author_usr_id'] ? ' active' : '').'" id="creport_profile_'.$row['id'].'_'.$rowA['author_usr_id'].'" author="'.$rowA['author_usr_id'].'" value="'.$row['id'].'">';
echo $row['name'] . ' ('.$rowA['email'].')';
echo '</div>';
// Preberemo cas kreiranja porocila
if($this->creportProfile == $row['id'])
$time_created = $row['time_created'];
echo '</span>';
// Ce je izbran custom profil imamo na dnu gumba brisi in preimenuj, pri default pa samo preimenuj
// Preimenuje, brise in share lahko samo za lastna porocila
if($this->creportAuthor == $global_user_id){
echo '<div style="float:left; margin-bottom:10px;">';
echo '<a href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'show_rename\'); return false;">'.$lang['srv_rename_profile'].'</a>'."\n";
if($this->creportProfile > 0)
echo '<br /><a href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'show_delete\'); return false;">'.$lang['srv_delete_profile'].'</a>'."\n";
// Deli poročilo z drugimi uredniki
echo '<br /><a href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'show_share\'); return false;">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_share'].'</a>'."\n";
echo '</div>';
// Preberemo najkasneje editiran element (cas spreminjanja)
$sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT MAX(time_edit) FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlt) > 0){
$rowt = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlt);
$time_edit = $rowt['MAX(time_edit)'];
$time_edit = $time_created;
// Cas kreirranja in urejanja profila
echo '<div style="float:right; text-align:right;">';
if($time_created != '' && $time_created != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
$time_created = strtotime($time_created);
echo $lang['srv_custom_report_time_created'].': <span class="bold">'.date("d.m.Y H:i", $time_created).'</span><br />';
if($time_edit != '' && $time_edit != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
$time_edit = strtotime($time_edit);
echo $lang['srv_custom_report_time_edited'].': <span class="bold">'.date("d.m.Y H:i", $time_edit).'</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Komentar profila
echo '<div id="creport_settings_profiles_comment">';
$what = 'creport_comment_profile_'.$this->creportProfile;
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$this->creportAuthor' AND what='$what'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0){
$comment = '';
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$comment = $row['value'];
echo '<span class="bold clr">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_comment'].':</span>';
// Komentar lahko popravlja samo avtor porocila
if($this->creportAuthor == $global_user_id)
echo '<textarea onBlur="creport_profile_comment(this.value)">'.$comment.'</textarea>';
echo '<span>'.$comment.'</span>';
echo '</div>';
// cover Div
echo '<div id="dsp_cover_div"></div>'."\n";
echo '<span class="clr"></span>';
echo '<div style="position:absolute; bottom:20px; right:20px;">';
echo '<span class="floatRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="use_creport_profile(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_save_and_run_profile'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight" title="'.$lang['srv_custom_report_create'].'"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'show_new\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_custom_report_create'] . '</span></a></div></span>';
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton" href="#" onclick="close_creport_profile(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '</div>';
function displayProfilePopups(){
global $lang;
global $global_user_id;
$profile = $this->getProfile($this->creportProfile);
$name = $profile['name'];
// div za kreacijo novega
echo '<div id="newCReportProfile">';
echo '<div style="float:left; width:410px; text-align:right;">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_name'].': '."\n";
echo '<input id="newCReportProfileName" name="newCReportProfileName" type="text" value="" size="50" /></div>'."\n";
echo '<div style="float:left; width:410px; text-align:right; padding:5px 0px;">'.$lang['srv_inv_archive_comment'].': '."\n";
echo '<input id="newCReportProfileComment" name="newCReportProfileComment" type="text" value="" size="50" /></div>'."\n";
echo '<br /><br /><br /><br /><span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'new\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_analiza_arhiviraj_save'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'cancel_new\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_close_profile'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
// div za preimenovanje
echo '<div id="renameCReportProfile">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_name'].': '."\n";
echo '<input id="renameCReportProfileName" name="renameCReportProfileName" type="text" size="45" />'."\n";
echo '<input id="renameCReportProfileId" type="hidden" value="' . $this->creportProfile . '" />'."\n";
echo '<br /><br /><span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'rename\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_rename_profile_yes'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'cancel_rename\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_close_profile'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
// div za brisanje
echo '<div id="deleteCReportProfile">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_delete_confirm'].': <span id="deleteCReportProfileName" style="font-weight:bold;"></span>?'."\n";
echo '<input id="deleteCReportProfileId" type="hidden" value="' . $this->creportProfile . '" />'."\n";
echo '<br /><br /><span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'delete\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_delete_profile_yes'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'cancel_delete\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_close_profile'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
// div za deljenje z drugimi uredniki
echo '<div id="shareCReportProfile">';
echo '</div>'."\n";
public function getProfile($profile_id){
global $global_user_id;
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report_profiles WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND id='$profile_id'");
$profile = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
return $profile;
public function getTitle(){
global $global_user_id;
global $lang;
$what = 'creport_title_profile_'.$this->creportProfile;
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$this->creportAuthor' AND what='$what'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0){
$titleString = $lang['export_analisys_creport'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle();
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$titleString = $row['value'];
return $titleString;
public function displayPublicCReport($properties) {
global $lang;
global $site_url;
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
$anketa = $this->ank_id;
$this->creportProfile = $properties['creportProfile'];
$this->creportAuthor = $properties['creportAuthor'];
if ($anketa > 0) {
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT lang_admin FROM srv_anketa WHERE id = '$anketa'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$lang_admin = $row['lang_admin'];
} else {
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what = 'SurveyLang_admin'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$lang_admin = $row['value'];
#izpišemo HTML
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">';
echo '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">';
echo '<head>';
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />';
echo '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />';
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/script/js-lang.php?lang='.($lang_admin==1?'si':'en').'"></script>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/minify/g=jsnew"></script>';
echo '<link type="text/css" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/minify/g=css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />';
echo '<link type="text/css" href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/minify/g=cssPrint" media="print" rel="stylesheet" />';
echo '<style>';
echo '.container {margin-bottom:45px;} #navigationBottom {width: 100%; background-color: #f2f2f2; border-top: 1px solid gray; height:25px; padding: 10px 30px 10px 0px !important; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1000;}';
echo '</style>';
echo '<!--[if lt IE 7]>';
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$site_url?>admin/survey/css/ie6hacks.css" type="text/css" />';
echo '<![endif]-->';
echo '<!--[if IE 7]>';
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$site_url?>admin/survey/css/ie7hacks.css" type="text/css" />';
echo '<![endif]-->';
echo '<!--[if IE 8]>';
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$site_url?>admin/survey/css/ie8hacks.css" type="text/css" />';
echo '<![endif]-->';
echo '<style>';
echo '.container {margin-bottom:45px;} #navigationBottom {width: 100%; background-color: #f2f2f2; border-top: 1px solid gray; height:25px; padding: 10px 30px 10px 0px !important; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1000;}';
echo '</style>';
echo '<script>';
echo 'function chkstate(){';
echo ' if(document.readyState=="complete"){';
echo ' window.close()';
echo ' }';
echo ' else{';
echo ' setTimeout("chkstate()",2000)';
echo ' }';
echo '}';
echo 'function print_win(){';
echo ' window.print();';
echo ' chkstate();';
echo '}';
echo 'function close_win(){';
echo ' window.close();';
echo '}';
echo '</script>';
echo '</head>';
echo '<body style="margin:5px; padding:5px;" >';
$what = 'creport_title_profile_'.$this->creportProfile;
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$anketa' AND uid='$this->creportAuthor' AND what='$what'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) == 0){
$titleString = $lang['srv_publc_creport_title_for'].SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle();
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$titleString = $row['value'];
//echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_publc_creport_title_for'] .$titleString.'</h2>';
echo '<h2>'.$titleString.'</h2>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="anketa_id" id="srv_meta_anketa_id" value="' . $anketa . '" />';
echo '<div id="analiza_data">';
# ponastavimo nastavitve- filter
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="window.print();return false;"><span><img src="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/icons/icons/printer.png" vartical-align="middle" /> '.$lang['hour_print2'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '<br class="clr" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '</body>';
echo '</html>';
// Funkcije ajaxa
public function ajax() {
global $lang;
global $global_user_id;
global $site_url;
$_GET['m'] = 'analysis_creport';
if (isset ($_POST['anketa']))
$this->ank_id = $_POST['anketa'];
if (isset ($_POST['element_id']))
$element_id = $_POST['element_id'];
if (isset ($_POST['what']))
$what = $_POST['what'];
if (isset ($_POST['value']))
$value = $_POST['value'];
// Nastavimo se nacin (skrcen/razsirjen)
$this->expanded = (isset($_POST['expanded']) ? $_POST['expanded'] : 0);
// Dodajanje praznega elementa v report
if($_GET['a'] == 'add_empty_element'){
// dodajanje vmes
if($element_id > 0){
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] + 1;
// Prestevilcimo elemente
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red+1 WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND vrstni_red>='$vrstni_red' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '$vrstni_red', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$el_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
//dodajanje na zacetku
elseif($element_id == -1){
// Prestevilcimo elemente
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red+1 WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '1', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$el_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// dodajanje na koncu
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile' ORDER BY vrstni_red DESC");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] + 1;
$vrstni_red = 1;
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '$vrstni_red', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$el_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
echo '<input type="hidden" el_id="'.$el_id.'" id="added_element" />';
// Dodajanje ze nastavljenega elementa v report (klik na zvezdico)
if($_GET['a'] == 'add_element'){
if (isset ($_POST['type']))
$type = $_POST['type'];
if (isset ($_POST['sub_type']))
$sub_type = $_POST['sub_type'];
if (isset ($_POST['spr1']))
$spr1 = $_POST['spr1'];
if (isset ($_POST['spr2']))
$spr2 = $_POST['spr2'];
if (isset ($_POST['insert']))
$insert = $_POST['insert'];
// Vstavljanje
if($insert == 1){
// Razberemo vrstni red
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile' ORDER BY vrstni_red DESC");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] + 1;
$vrstni_red = 1;
$sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, type, sub_type, spr1, spr2, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '$vrstni_red', '$type', '$sub_type', '$spr1', '$spr2', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
echo $vrstni_red;
// brisanje
// Preberemo vrstni red elementa, ki ga brisemo
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id, vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND type='$type' AND sub_type='$sub_type' AND spr1='$spr1' AND spr2='$spr2' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'];
$element_id = $row['id'];
$sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Prestevilcimo elemente
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red-1, time_edit=NOW() WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND vrstni_red>'$vrstni_red' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
echo -1;
// Brisanje elementa
if($_GET['a'] == 'delete_element'){
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'];
$sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Prestevilcimo elemente
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red-1, time_edit=NOW() WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND vrstni_red>'$vrstni_red' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
// Editiranje elementa v reportu
if($_GET['a'] == 'edit_element'){
// Preklop na navaden tip (freq, sums, graf, desc)
if($what == 'type' && $value < 5){
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT type FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
// Ce preklapljamo iz crosstabov, meansov ali ttesta - resetiramo spremenljivke
if($row['type'] > 4){
$s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET $what='$value', spr1='', spr2='', time_edit=NOW() WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET $what='$value', time_edit=NOW() WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Ce preklopimo na crosstabe, means ali ttest resetiramo vse spremenljivke
elseif($what == 'type' && $value > 4){
$s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET $what='$value', spr1='', spr2='', time_edit=NOW() WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Ostali preklopi
$s = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET $what='$value', time_edit=NOW() WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$expanded = isset($_POST['expanded']) ? $_POST['expanded'] : 1;
$this->displayReportElement($element_id, $expanded);
if($_GET['a'] == 'copy_element'){
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
// najprej prestevilcimo elemente ki so za kopiranim
$sql2 = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red+1 WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND vrstni_red>'$row[vrstni_red]' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] + 1;
$sqlInsert = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, type, sub_type, spr1, spr2, text, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '$vrstni_red', '$row[type]', '$row[sub_type]', '$row[spr1]', '$row[spr2]', '$row[text]', '$row[profile]', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Sortiranje elementov
if($_GET['a'] == 'change_order'){
$sortable = $_POST['sortable'];
$exploded = explode('&', $sortable);
$i = 1;
foreach ($exploded AS $key) {
$key = str_replace('variabla_', '', $key);
$explode = explode('[]=', $key);
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red = '$i', time_edit = NOW() WHERE id = '$explode[1]' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Alert pri dodajanju prvega
if($_GET['a'] == 'first_alert'){
echo $lang['srv_custom_report_first'];
/*Ozna�eni element (tabela/graf) se je prenesel v poro�ilo po meri, kjer lahko prilagajate prikaz in zaporedje elementov*/
echo '<a href="#" onClick="window.location = \''.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->ank_id.'&a=analysis&m=analysis_creport\';"><span style="display: block; padding-top: 10px;">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_link'].'</span></a>';
echo '<div class="buttons">';
//echo '<span class="floatLeft spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_blue" href="#" onClick="window.location = \''.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->ank_id.'&a=analysis&m=analysis_creport\';"><span>'.$lang['srv_custom_report'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton" href="#" onClick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\'); $(\'#custom_report_alert\').fadeOut();"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '</div>';
// razsiritev / skrcenje elementa
if($_GET['a'] == 'expand_element'){
if (isset ($_POST['expanded']))
$expanded = $_POST['expanded'];
$this->displayReportElement($element_id, $expanded);
// Dodajanje text elementa v report
if($_GET['a'] == 'add_text_element'){
// dodajanje vmes
if($element_id > 0){
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] + 1;
// Prestevilcimo elemente
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red+1 WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND vrstni_red>='$vrstni_red' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, type, vrstni_red, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '8', '$vrstni_red', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$el_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
//dodajanje na zacetku
elseif($element_id == -1){
// Prestevilcimo elemente
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red+1 WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, type, vrstni_red, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '8', '1', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$el_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// dodajanje na koncu
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile' ORDER BY vrstni_red DESC");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] + 1;
$vrstni_red = 1;
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, type, vrstni_red, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '8', '$vrstni_red', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$el_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
echo '<input type="hidden" el_id="'.$el_id.'" id="added_element" />';
// Dodajanje page breaka v report
if($_GET['a'] == 'add_pb_element'){
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT vrstni_red FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND id='$element_id' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'] + 1;
// Prestevilcimo elemente
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report SET vrstni_red=vrstni_red+1 WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND vrstni_red>='$vrstni_red' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, type, vrstni_red, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '-1', '$vrstni_red', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Urejanje naslova porocila
if($_GET['a'] == 'edit_title'){
$what = 'creport_title_profile_'.$this->creportProfile;
if($value != ''){
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user_setting_for_survey (sid, uid, what, value) VALUES ('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '$what', '$value') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value='$value'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$s = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$this->creportAuthor' AND what='$what'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// prikaz previewja
if($_GET['a'] == 'report_preview'){
echo '<h1 style="text-align: center; margin-top: 20px;">'.$lang['export_analisys_creport'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle().'</h1>';
$this->expanded = 1;
echo '<div id="navigationBottom" class="printHide">';
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="window.close(); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div></span>';
//echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="window.print();return false;"><span><img src="icons/icons/printer.png" alt="'.$lang['hour_print2'].'" vartical-align="middle" />'.$lang['hour_print2'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
echo '</div>';
// Alert pri dodajanju vseh elementov istega tipa v report
if($_GET['a'] == 'all_elements_alert'){
$type = (isset($_POST['type'])) ? $_POST['type'] : 0;
echo '<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_comments_alert'.$type].'</div>';
echo '<div class="buttons">';
echo '<span class="floatLeft spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton" href="#" onClick="$(\'#fade\').fadeOut(\'slow\'); $(\'#custom_report_alert\').fadeOut();"><span>'.$lang['srv_custom_report_alert_no'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onClick="addCustomReportAllElements(\''.$type.'\');"><span>'.$lang['srv_custom_report_alert_yes'].'</span></a></div></span>';
echo '</div>';
// Dodajanje vseh elementov istega tipa v report
if($_GET['a'] == 'all_elements_add'){
$type = (isset($_POST['type'])) ? $_POST['type'] : 0;
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT MAX(vrstni_red) FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$this->creportAuthor' AND profile='$this->creportProfile'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$vrstni_red = $row['MAX(vrstni_red)'] + 1;
$vrstni_red = 1;
// Vstavljamo BREAK
if($type == 9){
// Ustvarimo instanco breaka
$this->classInstance = new SurveyBreak($this->ank_id);
$spr1 = (isset($_POST['spr1'])) ? $_POST['spr1'] : 0;
$spremenljivka = explode("-", $spr1);
$sub_type = (isset($_POST['sub_type'])) ? $_POST['sub_type'] : 0;
// Loop po odvisnih spremenljivkah in variablah
$variables = $this->getBreakDependentVariableList();
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
// Ce ne gre za disablan element in ne gre za isto spremenljivko kot spr1
if((int)$variable['canChoose'] == 1 && $variable['spr_id'] != $spremenljivka[1]){
$spr2 = $variable['sequence'].'-'.$variable['spr_id'].'-undefined';
// Vstavimo element v bazo
$sqlInsert = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, type, sub_type, spr1, spr2, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '$vrstni_red', '9', '$sub_type', '$spr1', '$spr2', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Vstavljamo ostale osnove (sums, grafi, freq, desc)
# preberemo header
foreach (SurveyAnalysis::$_HEADERS AS $spid => $spremenljivka) {
# preverjamo ali je meta
if ($spremenljivka['tip'] != 'm' && in_array($spremenljivka['tip'], SurveyAnalysis::$_FILTRED_TYPES )){
# preverimo ali prikazujemo spremenljivko, glede na veljavne odgovore
$only_valid = 0;
if (count($spremenljivka['grids']) > 0) {
foreach ($spremenljivka['grids'] AS $gid => $grid) {
# dodamo dodatne vrstice z albelami grida
if (count($grid['variables']) > 0 )
foreach ($grid['variables'] AS $vid => $variable ){
$_sequence = $variable['sequence']; # id kolone z podatki
$only_valid += (int)SurveyAnalysis::$_FREQUENCYS[$_sequence]['validCnt'];
// Ce ja kaksen veljaven oz ce prikazujemo tudi prazne
if(SurveyDataSettingProfiles :: getSetting('hideEmpty') != 1 || $only_valid > 0){
$sqlInsert = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report (ank_id, usr_id, vrstni_red, type, spr1, profile, time_edit) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$this->creportAuthor', '$vrstni_red', '$type', '$spid', '$this->creportProfile', NOW())");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// Odpremo okno za izbiro/save profila
if($_GET['a'] == 'creport_show_profiles') {
// Spreminjamo profil
if($_GET['a'] == 'creport_change_profile') {
if (isset ($_POST['id']))
$id = $_POST['id'];
if (isset ($_POST['author']))
$author = $_POST['author'];
$this->creportProfile = $id;
$this->creportAuthor = $author;
// preimenujemo profil
if($_GET['a'] == 'renameProfile') {
if (isset ($_POST['id']))
$id = $_POST['id'];
if (isset ($_POST['name']))
$name = $_POST['name'];
// Default profil shranimo drugam ker ga ni v bazi (prevec komplikacij ker je bilo to naknadno delano)
if($id == 0){
$what = 'creport_default_profile_name';
$sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user_setting_for_survey (sid, uid, what, value) VALUES ('$this->ank_id', '$global_user_id', '$what', '$name') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value='$name'");
$sql = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_custom_report_profiles SET name='$name' WHERE id='$id'");
// pobrisemo profil
if($_GET['a'] == 'deleteProfile') {
if (isset ($_POST['id']))
$id = $_POST['id'];
$sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_custom_report_profiles WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$global_user_id' AND id='$id'");
$sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_custom_report WHERE ank_id='$this->ank_id' AND usr_id='$global_user_id' AND profile='$id'");
// shranimo kot nov profil
if($_GET['a'] == 'newProfile') {
if (isset ($_POST['name']))
$name = $_POST['name'];
if (isset ($_POST['comment']))
$comment = $_POST['comment'];
$sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report_profiles (ank_id, usr_id, name, time_created) VALUES('$this->ank_id', '$global_user_id', '$name', NOW())");
$profile_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_creport_profile', $profile_id);
$this->creportProfile = $profile_id;
SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_creport_author', $global_user_id);
$this->creportAuthor = $global_user_id;
// Dodamo se komentar porocila
$what = 'creport_comment_profile_'.$this->creportProfile;
if($comment != ''){
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user_setting_for_survey (sid, uid, what, value) VALUES ('$this->ank_id', '$global_user_id', '$what', '$comment') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value='$comment'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$s = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$global_user_id' AND what='$what'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// pozenemo izbran profil
if($_GET['a'] == 'use_creport_profile') {
if (isset ($_POST['id']))
$id = $_POST['id'];
if (isset ($_POST['author']))
$author = $_POST['author'];
SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_creport_profile', $id);
SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_creport_author', $author);
// urejanje komentarja profila
if($_GET['a'] == 'edit_profile_comment') {
$what = 'creport_comment_profile_'.$this->creportProfile;
if($value != ''){
$s = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_user_setting_for_survey (sid, uid, what, value) VALUES ('$this->ank_id', '$global_user_id', '$what', '$value') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value='$value'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
$s = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_user_setting_for_survey WHERE sid='$this->ank_id' AND uid='$global_user_id' AND what='$what'");
if (!$s) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
// prikazemo deljenje profila z drugimi uredniki
if($_GET['a'] == 'shareProfileShow') {
echo '<span class="bold clr" style="display:block; margin-bottom:25px;">'.$lang['srv_custom_report_share_long'].':</span>'."\n";
if (isset ($_POST['id'])){
$id = $_POST['id'];
// Loop cez vse urednike ankete z dostopom do analiz
$d = new Dostop();
$users = $d->getUsersDostop();
foreach($users as $user){
if($user['id'] != $global_user_id){
$sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_custom_report_share WHERE ank_id='".$this->ank_id."' AND profile_id='".$id."' AND author_usr_id='".$global_user_id."' AND share_usr_id='".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
$checked = (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
echo '<input type="checkbox" '.$checked.' name="share_usr_id[]" id="share_usr_id'.$user['id'].'" value="'.$user['id'].'"> ';
echo '<label for="share_usr_id'.$user['id'].'">'.$user['email'].'</label><br />';
echo '<input id="shareCReportProfileId" type="hidden" value="' . $id . '" />'."\n";
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'share\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_custom_report_share'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
echo '<span class="floatRight spaceLeft" ><span class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="creport_profile_action(\'cancel_share\'); return false;"><span>'.$lang['srv_close_profile'].'</span></a></span></span>'."\n";
// delimo profil z drugimi uredniki
if($_GET['a'] == 'shareProfile') {
if (isset ($_POST['id']) && isset ($_POST['users'])){
$id = $_POST['id'];
$users = $_POST['users'];
// Dodamo dostop ostalim urednikom za to porocilo
foreach($users as $user_id){
$sql = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_custom_report_share
(ank_id, profile_id, author_usr_id, share_usr_id)
('".$this->ank_id."', '".$id."', '".$global_user_id."', '".$user_id."')");
// Pobrisemo dostop neoznacenim urednikom do tega porocila
$sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_custom_report_share
WHERE ank_id='".$this->ank_id."' AND profile_id='".$id."' AND author_usr_id='".$global_user_id."' AND share_usr_id NOT IN (".implode(',', $users).")");
$id = $_POST['id'];
// Pobrisemo dostop vsem urednikom do tega porocila
$sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_custom_report_share
WHERE ank_id='".$this->ank_id."' AND profile_id='".$id."' AND author_usr_id='".$global_user_id."'");