path: root/vendor/minishlink/web-push/src/Encryption.php
blob: c86726592b41fb000d2ab44c8398f56c2ff9f2e9 (plain) (tree)



 * This file is part of the WebPush library.
 * (c) Louis Lagrange <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Minishlink\WebPush;

use Base64Url\Base64Url;
use Jose\Component\Core\Util\Ecc\NistCurve;
use Jose\Component\Core\Util\Ecc\Point;
use Jose\Component\Core\Util\Ecc\PrivateKey;
use Jose\Component\Core\Util\Ecc\PublicKey;

class Encryption
    public const MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 4078;

     * @param string $payload
     * @param int $maxLengthToPad
     * @param string $contentEncoding
     * @return string padded payload (plaintext)
     * @throws \ErrorException
    public static function padPayload(string $payload, int $maxLengthToPad, string $contentEncoding): string
        $payloadLen = Utils::safeStrlen($payload);
        $padLen = $maxLengthToPad ? $maxLengthToPad - $payloadLen : 0;

        if ($contentEncoding === "aesgcm") {
            return pack('n*', $padLen).str_pad($payload, $padLen + $payloadLen, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
        } elseif ($contentEncoding === "aes128gcm") {
            return str_pad($payload.chr(2), $padLen + $payloadLen, chr(0), STR_PAD_RIGHT);
        } else {
            throw new \ErrorException("This content encoding is not supported");

     * @param string $payload With padding
     * @param string $userPublicKey Base 64 encoded (MIME or URL-safe)
     * @param string $userAuthToken Base 64 encoded (MIME or URL-safe)
     * @param string $contentEncoding
     * @return array
     * @throws \ErrorException
    public static function encrypt(string $payload, string $userPublicKey, string $userAuthToken, string $contentEncoding): array
        return self::deterministicEncrypt(

     * @param string $payload
     * @param string $userPublicKey
     * @param string $userAuthToken
     * @param string $contentEncoding
     * @param array $localKeyObject
     * @param string $salt
     * @return array
     * @throws \ErrorException
    public static function deterministicEncrypt(string $payload, string $userPublicKey, string $userAuthToken, string $contentEncoding, array $localKeyObject, string $salt): array
        $userPublicKey = Base64Url::decode($userPublicKey);
        $userAuthToken = Base64Url::decode($userAuthToken);

        $curve = NistCurve::curve256();

        // get local key pair
        list($localPublicKeyObject, $localPrivateKeyObject) = $localKeyObject;
        $localPublicKey = hex2bin(Utils::serializePublicKey($localPublicKeyObject));
        if (!$localPublicKey) {
            throw new \ErrorException('Failed to convert local public key from hexadecimal to binary');

        // get user public key object
        [$userPublicKeyObjectX, $userPublicKeyObjectY] = Utils::unserializePublicKey($userPublicKey);
        $userPublicKeyObject = $curve->getPublicKeyFrom(
            gmp_init(bin2hex($userPublicKeyObjectX), 16),
            gmp_init(bin2hex($userPublicKeyObjectY), 16)

        // get shared secret from user public key and local private key
        $sharedSecret = $curve->mul($userPublicKeyObject->getPoint(), $localPrivateKeyObject->getSecret())->getX();
        $sharedSecret = hex2bin(str_pad(gmp_strval($sharedSecret, 16), 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
        if (!$sharedSecret) {
            throw new \ErrorException('Failed to convert shared secret from hexadecimal to binary');

        // section 4.3
        $ikm = self::getIKM($userAuthToken, $userPublicKey, $localPublicKey, $sharedSecret, $contentEncoding);

        // section 4.2
        $context = self::createContext($userPublicKey, $localPublicKey, $contentEncoding);

        // derive the Content Encryption Key
        $contentEncryptionKeyInfo = self::createInfo($contentEncoding, $context, $contentEncoding);
        $contentEncryptionKey = self::hkdf($salt, $ikm, $contentEncryptionKeyInfo, 16);

        // section 3.3, derive the nonce
        $nonceInfo = self::createInfo('nonce', $context, $contentEncoding);
        $nonce = self::hkdf($salt, $ikm, $nonceInfo, 12);

        // encrypt
        // "The additional data passed to each invocation of AEAD_AES_128_GCM is a zero-length octet sequence."
        $tag = '';
        $encryptedText = openssl_encrypt($payload, 'aes-128-gcm', $contentEncryptionKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $nonce, $tag);

        // return values in url safe base64
        return [
            'localPublicKey' => $localPublicKey,
            'salt' => $salt,
            'cipherText' => $encryptedText.$tag,

    public static function getContentCodingHeader($salt, $localPublicKey, $contentEncoding): string
        if ($contentEncoding === "aes128gcm") {
            return $salt
                .pack('N*', 4096)
                .pack('C*', Utils::safeStrlen($localPublicKey))

        return "";

     * HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF).
     * This is used to derive a secure encryption key from a mostly-secure shared
     * secret.
     * This is a partial implementation of HKDF tailored to our specific purposes.
     * In particular, for us the value of N will always be 1, and thus T always
     * equals HMAC-Hash(PRK, info | 0x01).
     * See {@link}
     * From {@link}
     * @param string $salt   A non-secret random value
     * @param string $ikm    Input keying material
     * @param string $info   Application-specific context
     * @param int    $length The length (in bytes) of the required output key
     * @return string
    private static function hkdf(string $salt, string $ikm, string $info, int $length): string
        // extract
        $prk = hash_hmac('sha256', $ikm, $salt, true);

        // expand
        return mb_substr(hash_hmac('sha256', $info.chr(1), $prk, true), 0, $length, '8bit');

     * Creates a context for deriving encryption parameters.
     * See section 4.2 of
     * {@link}
     * From {@link}.
     * @param string $clientPublicKey The client's public key
     * @param string $serverPublicKey Our public key
     * @return null|string
     * @throws \ErrorException
    private static function createContext(string $clientPublicKey, string $serverPublicKey, $contentEncoding): ?string
        if ($contentEncoding === "aes128gcm") {
            return null;

        if (Utils::safeStrlen($clientPublicKey) !== 65) {
            throw new \ErrorException('Invalid client public key length');

        // This one should never happen, because it's our code that generates the key
        if (Utils::safeStrlen($serverPublicKey) !== 65) {
            throw new \ErrorException('Invalid server public key length');

        $len = chr(0).'A'; // 65 as Uint16BE

        return chr(0).$len.$clientPublicKey.$len.$serverPublicKey;

     * Returns an info record. See sections 3.2 and 3.3 of
     * {@link}
     * From {@link}.
     * @param string $type The type of the info record
     * @param string|null $context The context for the record
     * @param string $contentEncoding
     * @return string
     * @throws \ErrorException
    private static function createInfo(string $type, ?string $context, string $contentEncoding): string
        if ($contentEncoding === "aesgcm") {
            if (!$context) {
                throw new \ErrorException('Context must exist');

            if (Utils::safeStrlen($context) !== 135) {
                throw new \ErrorException('Context argument has invalid size');

            return 'Content-Encoding: '.$type.chr(0).'P-256'.$context;
        } elseif ($contentEncoding === "aes128gcm") {
            return 'Content-Encoding: '.$type.chr(0);

        throw new \ErrorException('This content encoding is not supported.');

     * @return array
    private static function createLocalKeyObject(): array
        try {
            return self::createLocalKeyObjectUsingOpenSSL();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return self::createLocalKeyObjectUsingPurePhpMethod();

     * @return array
    private static function createLocalKeyObjectUsingPurePhpMethod(): array
        $curve = NistCurve::curve256();
        $privateKey = $curve->createPrivateKey();

        return [

     * @return array
    private static function createLocalKeyObjectUsingOpenSSL(): array
        $keyResource = openssl_pkey_new([
            'curve_name'       => 'prime256v1',
            'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC,

        if (!$keyResource) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create the key');

        $details = openssl_pkey_get_details($keyResource);

        if (!$details) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to get the key details');

        return [
                gmp_init(bin2hex($details['ec']['x']), 16),
                gmp_init(bin2hex($details['ec']['y']), 16)
            PrivateKey::create(gmp_init(bin2hex($details['ec']['d']), 16))

     * @param string $userAuthToken
     * @param string $userPublicKey
     * @param string $localPublicKey
     * @param string $sharedSecret
     * @param string $contentEncoding
     * @return string
     * @throws \ErrorException
    private static function getIKM(string $userAuthToken, string $userPublicKey, string $localPublicKey, string $sharedSecret, string $contentEncoding): string
        if (!empty($userAuthToken)) {
            if ($contentEncoding === "aesgcm") {
                $info = 'Content-Encoding: auth'.chr(0);
            } elseif ($contentEncoding === "aes128gcm") {
                $info = "WebPush: info".chr(0).$userPublicKey.$localPublicKey;
            } else {
                throw new \ErrorException("This content encoding is not supported");

            return self::hkdf($userAuthToken, $sharedSecret, $info, 32);

        return $sharedSecret;