// Copyright (C) 2002 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
// File: vehicleai.cpp
// Description: Implement VehicleAI
// History: 27/06/2002 + Created -- NAME
// System Includes
// Foundation Tech
#include <raddebug.hpp>
#include <radtime.hpp>
// Project Includes
#include <ai/vehicle/vehicleai.h>
#include <ai/vehicle/vehicleairender.h>
#include <memory/classsizetracker.h>
#include <meta/locator.h>
#include <presentation/gui/ingame/guimanageringame.h>
#include <presentation/gui/ingame/guiscreenhud.h>
#include <roads/intersection.h>
#include <roads/road.h>
#include <roads/roadmanager.h>
#include <roads/roadsegment.h>
#include <roads/geometry.h>
#include <simcollision/collisionmanager.hpp>
//#include <simcollision/collisionvolume.hpp>
#include <worldsim/avatar.h>
#include <worldsim/avatarmanager.h>
#include <worldsim/vehiclecentral.h>
#include <worldsim/redbrick/vehicle.h>
#include <worldsim/worldphysicsmanager.h>
#include <mission/missionmanager.h>
#include <mission/mission.h>
#include <mission/objectives/missionobjective.h>
#include <mission/objectives/destroyobjective.h>
#include <mission/objectives/collectdumpedobjective.h>
#include <debug/profiler.h>
// Global Data, Local Data, Local Classes
const bool EVADE_VEHICLES = true;
const bool EVADE_STATICS = false;
// how long going forward at minspeed do we allow before reversing
const unsigned int FIRST_STUCK_TIME = 700;//500;
// how long after reversing, going forward at speed <= minspeed,
// do we allow before reversing again...
const unsigned int NEXT_STUCK_TIME = 1500;//2500;
// number of milliseconds we spend applying reverse
const float REVERSE_BACKOFF = 200.0f;//1000;
const float DEFAULT_REVERSE_TIME = 500.0f - REVERSE_BACKOFF;//1000;
const float MAX_REVERSE_TIME = 1600.0f; // after this, just reset..
const float STILL_STUCK_SPEED = 14.0f;
// Distances the AI looks ahead for steering
const float LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE_SECONDS = 0.8f;//0.7f;
const float LOOK_AHEAD_FAR_SECONDS = 1.0f;//1.0f;
const float MIN_LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE = 5.0f;//2.0f;
const float MAX_LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE = 1000.0f;//20.0f;
const float MIN_LOOK_AHEAD_FAR = 10.0f;//5.0f;
const float MAX_LOOK_AHEAD_FAR = 1000.0f;//40.0f;
// A low number favours the far look-ahead, a high number
// favours the close look-ahead
const float DEFAULT_STEERING_RATIO = 1.0f;//0.5f;
const float AVOID_STEERING_RATIO = 1.0f;//0.55f;
// A low number makes the gas more dependent on the steering,
// a high number makes it less.
const float GAS_STEERING_RATIO = 0.50f;
// A low number favours the turn of the wheels, a high number favours
// the heading-to-destination
const float STEER_HEADING_RATIO = 0.50f;
// Default shortcut skills
const int VehicleAI::DEFAULT_MIN_SHORTCUT_SKILL = 15;
const int VehicleAI::DEFAULT_MAX_SHORTCUT_SKILL = 25;
// Shortcut & Speed, Catch-up values
//const float VehicleAI::CATCHUP_MAX_SPEED_MOD = 20.0f;
// number of seconds to start counting down before we repopulate
// giving us a chance to get back on path
const float SECONDS_REPOPULATE_DELAY = 3.0f;
// Public Member Functions
// VehicleAI::VehicleAI
// Description: Constructor.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
Vehicle* pVehicle,
VehicleAITypeEnum type,
bool enableSegmentOptimization,
int minShortcutSkill,
int maxShortcutSkill,
bool useMultiplier ) :
AiVehicleController( pVehicle ),
mNumSegments( 0 ),
mSecondsStunned( 0.0f ),
mSecondsOutOfControl( 0.0f ),
mCurrPathElement( -1 ),
mLastRoadSegment( NULL ),
mLastRoadSegmentT( 0.0f ),
mLastRoadT( 0.0f ),
mRaceRoadSegment( NULL ),
mRaceRoadSegmentT( 0.0f ),
mRaceRoadT( 0.0f ),
mSecondsSinceLastDoCatchUp( 0.0f ),
mDestIndex( -1 ),
mpRoad( NULL ),
mpSegment( NULL ),
mStartStuckTime( 0 ),
mNextStuckTime( FIRST_STUCK_TIME ),
mLimboPushedState( STATE_WAITING ),
mType( type ),
mHudIndex( -1 ),
mSecondsBeforeCorner( 0.0f ),
mRenderHandle( -1 ),
mEvadeVehicles( EVADE_VEHICLES ),
mEvadeStatics( EVADE_STATICS ),
mEvading( false ),
mEnableSegmentOptimization( enableSegmentOptimization ),
mUseMultiplier( useMultiplier )
rAssert( minShortcutSkill >= 0 );
rAssert( maxShortcutSkill >= 0 );
rAssert( minShortcutSkill <= maxShortcutSkill );
if( minShortcutSkill > maxShortcutSkill )
mMinShortcutSkill = maxShortcutSkill;
mMaxShortcutSkill = minShortcutSkill;
mMinShortcutSkill = minShortcutSkill;
mMaxShortcutSkill = maxShortcutSkill;
mDestination.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
mNextDestination.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
int maxPathElems = RoadManager::GetInstance()->GetMaxPathElements();
mPathElements.Allocate( maxPathElems );
mLastPathElement.elem = NULL;
mRacePathElement.elem = NULL;
// Initialize catchup params with defaults, ONCE on construction
mCatchupParams.Race.DistMaxCatchup = 80.0f;
mCatchupParams.Race.FractionPlayerSpeedMinCatchup = 0.5f;
mCatchupParams.Race.FractionPlayerSpeedMidCatchup = 1.1f;
mCatchupParams.Race.FractionPlayerSpeedMaxCatchup = 1.7f;
mCatchupParams.Evade.DistPlayerTooNear = 20.0f;
mCatchupParams.Evade.DistPlayerFarEnough = 70.0f;
mCatchupParams.Target.DistPlayerNearEnough = 20.0f;
mCatchupParams.Target.DistPlayerTooFar = 70.0f;
// Reset temp catchup params
// VehicleAI::~VehicleAI
// Description: Destructor.
// Parameters: None.
// Return: N/A.
void VehicleAI::SetRaceCatchupParams( const RaceCatchupParams& raceParams )
rTuneAssertMsg( raceParams.DistMaxCatchup > 0.0f,
"Race Catchup: Dist Max Catchup must be > zero" );
mCatchupParams.Race = raceParams;
void VehicleAI::SetEvadeCatchupParams( const EvadeCatchupParams& evadeParams )
rTuneAssertMsg( evadeParams.DistPlayerFarEnough > 0.0f,
"Evade Cathcup: DistPlayerFarEnough must be > zero" );
rTuneAssertMsg( evadeParams.DistPlayerTooNear > 0.0f,
"Evade Catchup: DistPlayerTooNear must be > zero" );
rTuneAssertMsg( evadeParams.DistPlayerFarEnough > evadeParams.DistPlayerTooNear,
"Evade Catchup: DistPlayerFarEnough must be > DistPlayerTooNear" );
mCatchupParams.Evade = evadeParams;
void VehicleAI::SetTargetCatchupParams( const TargetCatchupParams& targetParams )
rTuneAssertMsg( targetParams.DistPlayerTooFar > 0.0f,
"Evade Cathcup: DistPlayerTooFar must be > zero" );
rTuneAssertMsg( targetParams.DistPlayerNearEnough > 0.0f,
"Evade Catchup: DistPlayerNearEnough must be > zero" );
rTuneAssertMsg( targetParams.DistPlayerTooFar > targetParams.DistPlayerNearEnough,
"Evade Catchup: DistPlayerTooFar must be > DistPlayerNearEnough" );
mCatchupParams.Target = targetParams;
void VehicleAI::ResetControllerValues()
// reset the controller values we use.
mGas.SetValue( 0.0f );
mBrake.SetValue( 0.0f );
mHandBrake.SetValue( 0.0f );
mSteering.SetValue( 0.0f );
mReverse.SetValue( 0.0f );
mHorn.SetValue( 0.0f );
void VehicleAI::Reset()
mSecondsStunned = 0.0f;
mSecondsOutOfControl = 0.0f;
mNumSegments = 0;
mCurrPathElement = -1;
mLastPathElement.elem = NULL;
mLastRoadSegment = NULL;
mLastRoadSegmentT = 0.0f;
mLastRoadT = 0.0f;
mRacePathElement.elem = NULL;
mRaceRoadSegment = NULL;
mRaceRoadSegmentT = 0.0f;
mRaceRoadT = 0.0f;
// updates mLastPathElement, mLastRoadSegment, mLastRoadSegmentT, mLastRoadT
// Place a check here to see which vehicle wasn't started properly on a
// locator. This also enforces that whoever initializes this AI has
// already placed down the vehicle at its proper location before calling
// Initialize()
rTuneAssertMsg( (mLastPathElement.elem != NULL && mLastRoadSegment != NULL),
"Initialize() called on an AI car that was not on a road segment!\n" );
mSecondsSinceLastDoCatchUp = 0.0f;
mStartStuckTime = 0;
mNextStuckTime = FIRST_STUCK_TIME;
mSecondsBeforeCorner = 0.0f;
mEvading = false;
mDestination.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
mNextDestination.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// Before calling Initialize, the vehicle's location should be
// properly set on a road segment!
void VehicleAI::Initialize()
mLimboPushedState = STATE_WAITING;
mRenderHandle = VehicleAIRender::GetVehicleAIRender()->RegisterAI( this );
rAssert( mRenderHandle != -1 );
mRenderHandle = -1;
void VehicleAI::Finalize()
SetActive( false );
if( mRenderHandle >= 0 )
VehicleAIRender::GetVehicleAIRender()->UnregisterAI( mRenderHandle );
// VehicleAI::Update
// Description: Comment
// Parameters: ( float timeins )
// Return: void
void VehicleAI::Update( float timeins )
BEGIN_PROFILE( "VehicleAI Update" );
if( GetState() == STATE_LIMBO )
DoCatchUp( timeins );
CheckState( timeins );
END_PROFILE( "VehicleAI Update" );
void VehicleAI::SetActive( bool bIsActive )
if( bIsActive )
//mpRoad = NULL;
if( mHudIndex == -1 )
rmt::Vector initialLoc;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &initialLoc );
CGuiScreenMultiHud* currentHud = GetCurrentHud();
if( currentHud )
HudMapIcon::eIconType iconType = mType == AI_CHASE ? HudMapIcon::ICON_AI_HARASS_CAR : HudMapIcon::ICON_AI_CAR;
mHudIndex = currentHud->GetHudMap( 0 )->RegisterIcon( iconType, initialLoc, this );
mHudIndex = this->RegisterHudMapIcon();
if( mHudIndex >= 0 )
CGuiScreenMultiHud* currentHud = GetCurrentHud();
if( currentHud )
currentHud->GetHudMap( 0 )->UnregisterIcon( mHudIndex );
mHudIndex = -1;
void VehicleAI::GetPosition( rmt::Vector* currentLoc )
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( currentLoc );
void VehicleAI::GetHeading( rmt::Vector* heading )
GetVehicle()->GetHeading( heading );
void VehicleAI::SetMaxShortcutSkill( int skill )
mMaxShortcutSkill = skill;
int VehicleAI::GetMaxShortcutSkill()
return mMaxShortcutSkill;
void VehicleAI::SetMinShortcutSkill( int skill )
mMinShortcutSkill = skill;
int VehicleAI::GetMinShortcutSkill()
return mMinShortcutSkill;
int VehicleAI::GetShortcutSkillMod()
return mShortcutSkillMod;
void VehicleAI::EnterLimbo()
if( mState != STATE_LIMBO )
//makes the AI goto a limbo state
mLimboPushedState = mState;
// clear all inputs
// fudge handbrake, so we don't drift..
mHandBrake.SetValue( 1.0f );
void VehicleAI::ExitLimbo()
if( mState == STATE_LIMBO )
//get out of limbo and enter waiting state
int VehicleAI::DetermineShortcutSkill()
if( mMaxShortcutSkill < mMinShortcutSkill )
int temp = mMaxShortcutSkill;
mMaxShortcutSkill = mMinShortcutSkill;
mMinShortcutSkill = temp;
// roll a number between min skill and max skill
int diff = mMaxShortcutSkill - mMinShortcutSkill;
int roll = (rand() % diff) + mMinShortcutSkill;
return (roll + mShortcutSkillMod);
void VehicleAI::ResetCatchUpParams()
rAssert( GetVehicle() );
mDesiredSpeedKmh = GetVehicle()->mDesignerParams.mDpTopSpeedKmh *
mShortcutSkillMod = 0;
void VehicleAI::FillPathElements()
rAssert( mPathElements.IsSetUp() );
// clear the list to be refilled
if( mLastPathElement.elem == NULL )
// TODO:
// This VehicleAI was not created on a road segment or in an intersection.
// This case happens when a new AI is put in to replace some old AI of some
// mission vehicle, at the time when the old AI was not on a road segment
// or in an intersection.
// Since pathfinding requires it's on some sort of path element, this car
// is going nowhere fast.
// More eloquent solution pending. Perhaps use IntersectionManager::FindClosestRoad?
rmt::Vector sourcePos;
GetPosition( &sourcePos );
// find our target element
rmt::Vector targetPos;
RoadManager::PathElement targetElem;
RoadSegment* targetSeg = NULL;
float targetSegT = 0.0f;
float targetRoadT = 0.0f;
targetPos, targetElem, targetSeg, targetSegT, targetRoadT );
if( targetElem.elem == NULL ) // target element can be NULL
// invoke the pathfinder
mLastPathElement, mLastRoadT, sourcePos,
targetElem, targetRoadT, targetPos,
mPathElements );
void VehicleAI::UpdateSelf()
rmt::Vector myPos;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &myPos );
// find our source element
RoadManager::PathElement elem;
RoadSegment* seg = NULL;
float segT = 0.0f;
float roadT = 0.0f;
RoadManager::PathfindingOptions options = RoadManager::PO_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS;
myPos, 100.0f, options, elem, seg, segT, roadT );
// Special initial case:
// If my last path info is completely unset (started off the road)
// then we fetch the closest path element using Devin's thing
if( mLastPathElement.elem == NULL && mLastRoadSegment == NULL )
RoadSegment* closestSeg = NULL;
float dummy;
GetIntersectManager()->FindClosestAnyRoad( myPos, 100.0f, closestSeg, dummy );
seg = (RoadSegment*) closestSeg;
segT = RoadManager::DetermineSegmentT( myPos, seg );
roadT = RoadManager::DetermineRoadT( seg, segT );
elem.elem = seg->GetRoad();
elem.type = RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD;
FindClosestPathElement( myPos, elem, seg, segT, roadT, true );
if( elem.elem == NULL )
rAssert( elem.elem != NULL );
// update race stuff..
mRacePathElement = elem;
if( seg )
mRaceRoadSegment = seg;
mRaceRoadSegmentT = segT;
mRaceRoadT = roadT;
// THE RULES (assuming last element and curr element are different)
// -----------------------
// | LAST =======> CURRENT |
// -----------------------
// OK means we don't ignore this new pathelement
// Not OK means we ignore the new pathelement and continue using last element
// shortcut =====> intersection
// This is OK as long as intersection is the destination
// intersection of that shortcut road.
// shortcut =====> normalroad
// This is not OK
// shortcut =====> shortcut
// This is not OK
// normalroad ===> intersection
// This is OK as long as intersection is either source or dest
// intersection of this non-shortcut road.
// normalroad ===> normalroad
// This is OK because cars transit from road to road all
// the time at corners, skipping over intervening intersection
// normalroad ===> shortcut
// This is not OK
// intersection => intersection
// This is not OK
// intersection => normalroad
// This is OK as long as the road is connected to the intersection
// intersection => shortcut
// This is OK as long as the shortcut is an OUT road from the
// intersection---i.e. the shortcut road's source intersection
// is this intersection.
// NULL ========> anything else
// This is OK
// true means not to ignore the path element we just found
// default is true because we could have lastpathelement == elem
// but we could be on different segments...
bool OK = true;
//bool recomputePath = false;
if( mLastPathElement != elem )
if( mLastPathElement.elem == NULL )
OK = true;
Road* lastRoad = NULL;
Intersection* lastInt = NULL;
Road* currRoad = NULL;
Intersection* currInt = NULL;
// temporary type: 0 = intersection, 1 = road, 2 = shortcut
// Figure out what type is LAST
int lastElemType = 0;
if( mLastPathElement.type == RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD )
lastRoad = (Road*) mLastPathElement.elem;
if( lastRoad->GetShortCut() )
lastInt = (Intersection*) mLastPathElement.elem;
// Figure out what type is CURR
int currElemType = 0;
if( elem.type == RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD )
currRoad = (Road*) elem.elem;
if( currRoad->GetShortCut() )
currInt = (Intersection*) elem.elem;
// Start resolving ...
// LAST: Intersection
if( lastElemType == 0 )
rAssert( lastInt );
if( currElemType == 2 )// CURR: shortcut
rAssert( currRoad );
if( lastInt == (Intersection*) currRoad->GetSourceIntersection() ||
lastInt == (Intersection*) currRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() )
OK = true;
OK = false;
OK = true;
if( currElemType == 0 ) // CURR: intersection
rAssert( currInt );
OK = false;
else if( currElemType == 1 ) // CURR: normal road
rAssert( currRoad );
if( lastInt == (Intersection*) currRoad->GetSourceIntersection() ||
lastInt == (Intersection*) currRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() )
OK = true;
OK = false;
else // CURR: shortcut
rAssert( currRoad );
if( lastInt == (Intersection*) currRoad->GetSourceIntersection() )
OK = true;
OK = false;
// LAST: Normal road
else if( lastElemType == 1 )
rAssert( lastRoad );
if( currElemType == 0 ) // CURR: intersection
rAssert( currInt );
if( currInt == (Intersection*)lastRoad->GetSourceIntersection() ||
currInt == (Intersection*)lastRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() )
OK = true;
OK = false;
else if( currElemType == 1 ) // CURR: normal road
rAssert( currRoad );
OK = true;
if( lastRoad->GetSourceIntersection() == currRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() &&
lastRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() == currRoad->GetSourceIntersection() )
OK = false;
OK = true;
else // CURR: shortcut
rAssert( currRoad );
OK = false;
// LAST: Shortcut
rAssert( lastRoad );
if( currElemType == 0 ) // CURR: intersection
rAssert( currInt );
// NOTE:
// This is the fix to Level 3 Mission 7 where the limo drives over the where the shortcuts
// and normal road segments merge near the squidport.... This was where its last good element
// was found... It then transitted onto the intersection, but rejected it because back then
// we only tested for the destination intersection... So it was stuck there for a long time
// but didn't realize it until it hit the next waypoint (wayy... over by the dam) and decided
// it needed to turn back.
if( currInt == (Intersection*)lastRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() ||
currInt == (Intersection*)lastRoad->GetSourceIntersection() )
OK = true;
// TODO:
// Tell AI to recompute?
// recomputePath = true;
OK = false;
else if( currElemType == 1 ) // CURR: normal road
rAssert( currRoad );
OK = false;
else // CURR: shortcut
rAssert( currRoad );
OK = false;
if( OK )
mLastPathElement = elem;
if( seg )
if( mLastRoadSegment != seg )
mLastRoadSegment = seg;
mLastRoadSegmentT = segT;
mLastRoadT = roadT;
//if( recomputePath )
// mNumSegments = 0;
// FillPathElements();
// Private Member Functions
void VehicleAI::FollowRoad()
// Traverse mSegments for some lookaheaddistance meters, if
// FillSegments was successful...
if( mNumSegments > 0 )
rmt::Vector myPos;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &myPos );
// determine our progress along the first Segment...
rmt::Vector toMyPos, segForward;
segForward = mSegments[0].mEnd - mSegments[0].mStart;
toMyPos = myPos - mSegments[0].mStart;
float scale = segForward.Dot(toMyPos) / segForward.Dot(segForward);
rmt::Vector proj = segForward * scale;
float t = 0.0f;
if( scale >= 0.0f )
// projection is going in same direction as segment,
// so we can safely produce a "t" value here...
t = proj.Length() / mSegments[0].mLength; // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
//rAssert( 0.0f <= t && t <= 1.0f );
// determine how far we want to look ahead for first destination
float lookAheadCloseDist;
lookAheadCloseDist = MIN_LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE;
lookAheadCloseDist = rmt::Clamp( GetVehicle()->mSpeed * LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE_SECONDS,
rmt::Vector lookAheadClose;
GetPosAheadAlongRoad( t, lookAheadCloseDist, 0, &lookAheadClose );
SetDestination( lookAheadClose );
// determine how far we want to look ahead for second destination
float lookAheadFarDist = rmt::Clamp(
GetVehicle()->mSpeed * LOOK_AHEAD_FAR_SECONDS,
rmt::Vector lookAheadFar;
GetPosAheadAlongRoad( t, lookAheadFarDist, 0, &lookAheadFar );
SetNextDestination( lookAheadFar );
rAssert( !rmt::IsNan(t) );
void VehicleAI::FindClosestSegment( const rmt::Vector& pos,
int& closestIndex,
float& closestDistSqr,
rmt::Vector& closestPt )
rAssert( 0 <= mNumSegments && mNumSegments <= MAX_SEGMENTS );
closestIndex = -1;
closestDistSqr = 100.0f; // this is the max distance we'll allow to be considered "near enough"
// to a segment. If we never find something at least this close,
// caller to this method should attempt to repopulate the segments list
for( int i=0; i<mNumSegments; i++ )
rmt::Vector closestSegPos;
FindClosestPointOnLine( mSegments[i].mStart, mSegments[i].mEnd, pos, closestSegPos );
rmt::Vector toPos = pos - closestSegPos;
float distToPosSqr = toPos.MagnitudeSqr();
if( distToPosSqr <= closestDistSqr )
closestPt = closestSegPos;
closestDistSqr = distToPosSqr;
closestIndex = i;
rDebugPrintf( " *** closest segment == %d, distance = %f, pos = (%f,%f,%f), segStart = (%f,%f,%f)\n",
closestIndex, rmt::Sqrt(closestDistSqr), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z,
mSegments[closestIndex].mStart.x, mSegments[closestIndex].mStart.y, mSegments[closestIndex].mStart.z);
// this resets the segments
void VehicleAI::ResetSegments()
mNumSegments = 0;
// Replace element at index "first" with element at index "first+numShifts"
// and element at index "first+1" with element at index "first+numShifts+1"
// and so forth till "first+numShifts+i" == mNumSegments-1
void VehicleAI::ShiftSegments( int numShifts, int first )
rAssert( 0 <= first && first < mNumSegments );
rAssert( 0 <= (first+numShifts) && (first+numShifts) < mNumSegments );
if( numShifts == 0 )
mNumSegments -= numShifts;
for( int i=first; i<mNumSegments; i++ )
rAssert( 0 <= i && i < mNumSegments );
mSegments[i] = mSegments[i+numShifts];
void VehicleAI::FillSegments()
rmt::Vector myPos;
GetPosition( &myPos );
////////////////////////////// METHOD 1: ITERATING OVER PATHELEMENTS /////////////////////////
// If we need to repopulate for any reasons:
// - we reached the target (waypoint) or target (chase) has moved to another pathelement
// - we ran out of segments
// - we ran out of path elements
// - we are > 10 meters from all of the segments in our segments arrray
// Then recompute path and refill segments from scratch
if( mNumSegments == 0 || mCurrPathElement == mPathElements.mUseSize )
mNumSegments = 0;
// re-search for our nearest road only if we're not a chase AI
// (cuz chase AI repopulates too often, this will take too long)
if( mType == AI_WAYPOINT )
mLastPathElement.elem = NULL;
mLastRoadSegment = NULL;
// Redo pathfinding
if( mPathElements.mUseSize <= 0 )
mCurrPathElement = -1;
mCurrPathElement = 0;
//rDebugPrintf( "*** Starting to fill segments: mNumSegments = %d ***\n", mNumSegments );
// Grab some target information
rmt::Vector targetPos;
RoadManager::PathElement targetElem;
RoadSegment* targetSeg = NULL;
float targetSegT = 0.0f;
float targetRoadT = 0.0f;
// can return NULL targetElem if the chase target, for example,
// gets out of his vehicle...
GetClosestPathElementToTarget( targetPos, targetElem, targetSeg, targetSegT, targetRoadT );
if( targetElem.elem == NULL )
unsigned int targetSegIndex = 0;
if( targetElem.type == RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD )
rAssert( targetSeg );
rAssert( targetSeg->GetRoad() == (Road*) targetElem.elem );
targetSegIndex = targetSeg->GetSegmentIndex();
// Loop over all the path elements, filling up mSegments array
while( mCurrPathElement < mPathElements.mUseSize )
int i = mCurrPathElement;
if( mNumSegments >= MAX_SEGMENTS )
// the ever-useful... last segment (if one exists)
Segment* last = (mNumSegments == 0)? NULL : &(mSegments[mNumSegments-1]);
if( last )
if( TestReachedTarget( last->mStart, last->mEnd ) )
return; // don't populate beyond the current waypoint
RoadManager::PathElement* currElem = &(mPathElements[i]);
RoadManager::PathElement* nextElem = NULL;
if( (i+1) < mPathElements.mUseSize )
nextElem = &(mPathElements[i+1]);
if( currElem->type == RoadManager::ET_INTERSECTION )
//rDebugPrintf( "*** FILLSEGMENTS: CurrElem is intersection, mCurrPathElement = %d\n", mCurrPathElement );
Intersection* currInt = (Intersection*) currElem->elem;
rmt::Vector currIntPos;
currInt->GetLocation( currIntPos );
// if no next element and we are in same intersection as target...
// then beeline at the target
if( nextElem == NULL )
rAssert( targetElem == (*currElem) );
// TODO:
// Use currIntPos or myPos here... Hmm....
rmt::Vector startPos = (last)? last->mEnd : myPos;
rAssert( !targetPos.Equals( startPos, 0.001f ) );
mSegments[mNumSegments].mStart = startPos;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mEnd = targetPos;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mType = 1; // irrelevant... 1 or 2
mSegments[mNumSegments].mLength = (
mSegments[mNumSegments].mStart -
mSegments[mNumSegments].mEnd).Magnitude(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
mSegments[mNumSegments].mpSegment = mLastRoadSegment;
// done.. Don't increment mCurrPathElement
// we reached target. Yay.
// if there is a next element, it has to be a road.
// We create tweening segments to that road
rAssert( targetElem != (*currElem) );
rAssert( nextElem->type == RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD );
///////////////// SHORTCUT LOGIC ////////////////////////
// Decide whether or not to take shortcut:
// will not take if shortcut road is not an OUT road
// will not take if shortcut's dest int is not in the list from mCurrPathElement+1 forward
// will not take if shortcut skill is higher than my skill (adjusted by catch-up logic)
// If we take the shortcut, we have to do some dissecting such that
// the PathElements skipped over by the shortcut (which we are thankfully
// not yet visiting) are removed from mPathElements array (do removeKeepOrder)
// NOTE:
// We are assuming here that the shortcut is actually SHORTER
// than these elements we're replacing... It'd better be!
// If we can't assume this then we'll have to add up the
// lengths of the elements we're replacing and compare with
// length of this shortcut road... *sigh*
int mySkill = DetermineShortcutSkill();
int shortcutDestIntElemIndex = -1;
Road* shortcutRoad = NULL;
// process ALL shortcuts (which are by definition OUT roads...
// Note that direction matters... sometimes you can't take
// a shortcut in the opposite direction... e.g. a jump)
for( int k=0; k<currInt->mOutgoingShortcuts.mUseSize; k++ )
Road* candidate = currInt->mOutgoingShortcuts[k];
rAssert( candidate );
rAssert( candidate->GetShortCut() );
// NOTE: We are limited here by the assumption that the shortcut
// is only one road long!
// check if the destination intersection for this shortcut
// exists in my list of path elements!
Intersection* destInt = (Intersection*) candidate->GetDestinationIntersection();
for( int m=mCurrPathElement+2; m<mPathElements.mUseSize; m+=2 )
RoadManager::PathElement* intElem = &(mPathElements[m]);
rAssert( intElem->type == RoadManager::ET_INTERSECTION );
if( (Intersection*)intElem->elem == destInt )
// found the destination intersection! Now see if we are
// skilled enough to take this shortcut
if( mySkill >= (int)(candidate->GetDifficulty()) )
// ok, we're skilled enough... but does this shortcut
// take us further than all the other shortcuts in
// this intersection?
if( m > shortcutDestIntElemIndex )
shortcutDestIntElemIndex = m;
shortcutRoad = candidate;
break; // break here cuz we found the intersection
// if we didn't find anything, that's ok. But if we did, it'd
// better be within expected bounds!
rAssert( shortcutDestIntElemIndex == -1 ||
(mCurrPathElement+2 <= shortcutDestIntElemIndex &&
shortcutDestIntElemIndex < mPathElements.mUseSize) );
// ok, found a shortcut that we want to take...
if( shortcutRoad )
rAssert( mCurrPathElement+2 <= shortcutDestIntElemIndex &&
shortcutDestIntElemIndex < mPathElements.mUseSize );
// Do some cut&paste:
// replace elems between mCurrElements and shortcutDestIntElemIndex
// (exclusive) with the shortcut road element...
mPathElements[mCurrPathElement+1].type = RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD;
mPathElements[mCurrPathElement+1].elem = shortcutRoad;
// If necessary, shift elements to get rid of stuff in between:
// ...,curr+1,curr+2,curr+3,...,m,m+1,... ==> ...,curr+1,m,m+1,...
int numShifts = shortcutDestIntElemIndex - (mCurrPathElement+2);
if( numShifts > 0 )
int newUseSize = mPathElements.mUseSize - numShifts;
for( int n=mCurrPathElement+2; n<newUseSize; n++ )
mPathElements[n] = mPathElements[n+numShifts];
mPathElements.mUseSize = newUseSize;
// make sure connectivity is correct...
rAssert( (Intersection*)shortcutRoad->GetSourceIntersection() == currInt );
rAssert( (Intersection*)shortcutRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() ==
(Intersection*)(mPathElements[mCurrPathElement+2].elem) );
// Determine an appropriate OUT road segment, OUT road, and join-point
// (for tweening). Recall that we can traverse a road in either
// directions.. so make sure we get the correct segments and join-points
RoadSegment* outSeg = NULL;
rmt::Vector outPosStart, outPosEnd;
bool forward = true;
Road* outRoad = (Road*) nextElem->elem;
if( currInt == (Intersection*) outRoad->GetSourceIntersection() )
outSeg = outRoad->GetRoadSegment( 0 );
forward = false;
outSeg = outRoad->GetRoadSegment( outRoad->GetNumRoadSegments()-1 );
rAssert( outSeg );
rmt::Vector vec0,vec1,vec2,vec3;
rmt::Vector outSegStart, outSegEnd;
outSeg->GetCorner( 0, vec0 );
outSeg->GetCorner( 1, vec1 );
outSeg->GetCorner( 2, vec2 );
outSeg->GetCorner( 3, vec3 );
outSegStart = (vec0 + vec3) * 0.5f;
outSegEnd = (vec1 + vec2) * 0.5f;
if( forward )
outPosStart = outSegStart;
outPosEnd = outSegEnd;
outPosStart = outSegEnd;
outPosEnd = outSegStart;
// Build tween segments to that OUT road
float distToOutPos = 0.0f;
bool needFirstTween = true;
bool needLastTween = true;
if( last )
distToOutPos = (last->mEnd - outPosStart).Magnitude();
if( distToOutPos <= 0.001f )
// so close they're actually the same point!
// no tweening necessary since last->mEnd is already at outPosStart...
needFirstTween = false;
needLastTween = false;
if( distToOutPos <= 1.0f )
// we're so close... don't need the first tween, but need last tween
needFirstTween = false;
else // no last segment available --> no first tween necessary, last tween ok
needFirstTween = false;
// TODO:
// Use currIntPos or myPos here? Hmmm...
rmt::Vector intermediatePos = (last)? last->mEnd : currIntPos;
if( needFirstTween )
// we never do first tween without second tween
rAssert( needLastTween );
// make sure we can support adding both tweens at once
// plus the actual out segment (later)...
if( mNumSegments >= (MAX_SEGMENTS-2) )
// by returning, we keep mCurrPathElement on the same
// element. Hopefully we'll have more room next time.
rAssert( distToOutPos > 1.0f );
float tweenDist = distToOutPos * 0.4f;
rmt::Vector lastSegDir = (last->mEnd - last->mStart) / last->mLength;
intermediatePos = last->mEnd + lastSegDir * tweenDist;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mStart = last->mEnd;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mEnd = intermediatePos;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mType = 1;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mLength = (
mSegments[mNumSegments].mStart -
mSegments[mNumSegments].mEnd).Magnitude(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
mSegments[mNumSegments].mpSegment = outSeg;
rAssert( 1 <= mNumSegments && mNumSegments < MAX_SEGMENTS );
last = &(mSegments[mNumSegments]);
if( needLastTween )
// make sure we can support adding at least one of the tweens
// plus the actual out segment...
if( mNumSegments >= (MAX_SEGMENTS-1) )
// by returning, we keep mCurrPathElement on the same
// element. Hopefully we'll have more room next time.
// Second tween: join intermediate pos with out pos.
// The intermediate pos at this point can be one of:
// - intersection center ... if there was no last segment to continue from
// - last segment's end pos ... if we skipped doing the first tween
// - intermediate pos ... if we just did a first tween
mSegments[mNumSegments].mStart = intermediatePos;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mEnd = outPosStart;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mType = 2;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mLength = (
mSegments[mNumSegments].mStart -
mSegments[mNumSegments].mEnd).Magnitude(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
mSegments[mNumSegments].mpSegment = outSeg;
// Add the actual segment
mSegments[mNumSegments].mStart = outPosStart;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mEnd = outPosEnd;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mType = 0;
mSegments[mNumSegments].mLength = outSeg->GetSegmentLength();
mSegments[mNumSegments].mpSegment = outSeg;
// OK done with currElem... go on to next one...
else if( currElem->type == RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD )
//rDebugPrintf( "*** FILLSEGMENTS: CurrElem is road, mCurrPathElement = %d\n", mCurrPathElement );
Road* currRoad = (Road*) currElem->elem;
unsigned int numRoadSegs = currRoad->GetNumRoadSegments();
rAssert( numRoadSegs > 0 );
/*** ATTEMPT 1***/
while( mNumSegments < MAX_SEGMENTS )
int j = mNumSegments; // numsegs should increment as j increments
last = (j <= 0)? NULL : &(mSegments[j-1]);
// don't populate beyond the current waypoint
if( last )
if( TestReachedTarget( last->mStart, last->mEnd ) )
RoadSegment* seg = NULL;
float segT = 0.0f;
unsigned int segIndex = 0;
rmt::Vector segStart, segEnd;
// if last doesn't exist then we're populating this
// for the first time... presumably our stored last road segment
// reflects the current road element.. use this as our starting point
if( last == NULL )
rAssert( mLastRoadSegment );
// if last road segment isn't even on the current road, just
// use the current road rather than the last road segment.
if( mLastRoadSegment->GetRoad() != currRoad )
rmt::Vector closePos;
float closeDist = NEAR_INFINITY;
int ind = -1;
RoadManager::FindClosestPointOnRoad( currRoad, myPos, closePos, closeDist, ind );
rAssert( ind != -1 );
segIndex = (unsigned int)ind;
seg = currRoad->GetRoadSegment( segIndex );
segT = RoadManager::DetermineSegmentT( myPos, (RoadSegment*)seg );
seg = mLastRoadSegment;
segT = mLastRoadSegmentT;
segIndex = seg->GetSegmentIndex();
rmt::Vector vec0,vec1,vec2,vec3;
seg->GetCorner( 0, vec0 );
seg->GetCorner( 1, vec1 );
seg->GetCorner( 2, vec2 );
seg->GetCorner( 3, vec3 );
segStart = (vec0+vec3) * 0.5f;
segEnd = (vec1+vec2) * 0.5f;
// if no next element exists, we're near target
bool useSegStart = true;
if( nextElem == NULL ) // there is no next element
rAssert( targetElem == (*currElem) );
rAssert( targetSeg->GetRoad() == currRoad );
// if mPathElements has only one element, then
// we are on the same road as our target...
// if target is further along road..
if( targetSegIndex > segIndex )
useSegStart = true;
// target lies in the other direction, go against traffic!
else if( targetSegIndex < segIndex )
useSegStart = false;
// target is on the same road segment
if( targetSegT >= segT ) // target ahead of us
useSegStart = true;
useSegStart = false;
else // next elem is NOT null
rAssert( targetElem != (*currElem) );
// we got more than 1 element, we now know the direction
// the first segment should be heading simply by checking
// the next mPathElement (an intersection) and finding out
// whether that is the current PathElement (road)'s source
// or dest intersection
rAssert( nextElem->type == RoadManager::ET_INTERSECTION );
Intersection* nextInt = (Intersection*) nextElem->elem;
// next intersection is this road's destination intersection,
// so the road goes forward
if( (Intersection*) currRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() == nextInt )
useSegStart = true;
// otherwise the road goes the other way
rAssert( (Intersection*) currRoad->GetSourceIntersection() == nextInt );
useSegStart = false;
// time to actually do some segment population
if( useSegStart )
mSegments[j].mStart = segStart;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segEnd;
mSegments[j].mStart = segEnd;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segStart;
mSegments[j].mType = 0;
mSegments[j].mLength = seg->GetSegmentLength();
mSegments[j].mpSegment = seg;
else // if last is not NULL, we have to worry about join point
RoadSegment* lastSeg = last->mpSegment;
rAssert( lastSeg );
// TODO:
// if it's not even on our road, should we just join it with
// the first or the last road segment on this road?
// or does this situation never arise? Assert for now.
rAssert( lastSeg->GetRoad() == currRoad );
unsigned int lastSegIndex = lastSeg->GetSegmentIndex();
bool useSegStart = false;
if( nextElem == NULL )
// we are on the same road as our target...
rAssert( targetElem == (*currElem) );
rAssert( targetSeg->GetRoad() == currRoad );
// if target is further along road, we want to begin this
// segment at segStart and end it at segEnd
if( targetSegIndex > lastSegIndex )
useSegStart = true;
// if target can have index > our index, next segment exists!
rAssert( lastSegIndex < (numRoadSegs-1) );
segIndex = lastSegIndex+1;
seg = currRoad->GetRoadSegment( segIndex );
// target lies in the other direction, use seg's end pos...
else if( targetSegIndex < lastSegIndex )
useSegStart = false;
// if target can have index < our index, prev segment exists!
rAssert( lastSegIndex > 0 );
segIndex = lastSegIndex-1;
seg = currRoad->GetRoadSegment( segIndex );
else // target is on the same road segment
segIndex = lastSegIndex;
seg = lastSeg;
// We should really stop filling segments after this one...
// We hope that the segment we're about to make takes
// us close enough to the target to yield a TRUE value
// when TestReachedTarget is called
if( targetSegT >= segT ) // target ahead of us
useSegStart = true;
useSegStart = false;
else // if nextElem is not NULL
rAssert( targetElem != (*currElem) );
rAssert( nextElem->type == RoadManager::ET_INTERSECTION );
Intersection* nextInt = (Intersection*) nextElem->elem;
// if we want to traverse the road in the forward direction...
if( nextInt == (Intersection*) currRoad->GetDestinationIntersection() )
useSegStart = true;
if( lastSegIndex < (numRoadSegs-1) )
segIndex = lastSegIndex+1;
seg = currRoad->GetRoadSegment( segIndex );
//seg = lastSeg;
// break out of the current WHILE loop over mSegments
// we've reached one end of the road and are thus
// done with the current element (ready for next one)
else // traverse in the "backward" direction
rAssert( nextInt == (Intersection*) currRoad->GetSourceIntersection() );
useSegStart = false;
if( lastSegIndex > 0 )
segIndex = lastSegIndex-1;
seg = currRoad->GetRoadSegment( segIndex );
//seg = lastSeg;
// break out of the current WHILE loop over mSegments
// we've reached one end of the road and are thus
// done with the current element (ready for next one)
rAssert( seg );
rmt::Vector vec0,vec1,vec2,vec3;
seg->GetCorner( 0, vec0 );
seg->GetCorner( 1, vec1 );
seg->GetCorner( 2, vec2 );
seg->GetCorner( 3, vec3 );
segStart = (vec0+vec3) * 0.5f;
segEnd = (vec1+vec2) * 0.5f;
// figure out which endpoint of the segment this is...
// 0 = at segStart, 1 = at segEnd, 2 = somewhere else
// (the last scenario can occur if we do Optimization 1
// in UpdateSegments)
int joinPointLocation = -1;
if( last->mEnd.Equals( segEnd, 0.001f ) )
joinPointLocation = 1;
else if( last->mEnd.Equals( segStart, 0.001f ) )
joinPointLocation = 0;
// if this is the case... then we shall (later)
// need to build a tween segment from joinpoint to
// one of the segment's endpoints (segStart or segEnd)
// whichever one we want to use as the starting point
// for the next segment
joinPointLocation = 2;
// now actually do the segment building
if( useSegStart ) // want to build segment from segStart to segEnd
if( joinPointLocation == 0 ) // joinpoint at segStart
mSegments[j].mStart = segStart;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segEnd;
mSegments[j].mType = 0;
else if( joinPointLocation == 1 ) // already at segEnd
// skip adding this particular segment
// try adding the next one... (we have to add
// SOMETHING else we'd be stuck here...)
if( segIndex < (numRoadSegs-1) )
seg = currRoad->GetRoadSegment( segIndex );
seg->GetCorner( 0, vec0 );
seg->GetCorner( 1, vec1 );
seg->GetCorner( 2, vec2 );
seg->GetCorner( 3, vec3 );
segStart = (vec0+vec3) * 0.5f;
segStart = (vec1+vec2) * 0.5f;
mSegments[j].mStart = segStart;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segEnd;
mSegments[j].mType = 0;
// break out of this inner FOR loop because we're done
// with the current path element (reached end of the road)
else // joinpoint is somewhere else entirely...
// add a tween segment from joinpoint right to segEnd
mSegments[j].mStart = last->mEnd;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segEnd;
mSegments[j].mType = 2;
else // want to build a segment from segEnd to segStart
if( joinPointLocation == 0 ) // already at segStart
// skip adding this particular segment
// try adding the next one... (we have to add
// SOMETHING else we'd be stuck here...)
if( segIndex > 0 )
seg = currRoad->GetRoadSegment( segIndex );
seg->GetCorner( 0, vec0 );
seg->GetCorner( 1, vec1 );
seg->GetCorner( 2, vec2 );
seg->GetCorner( 3, vec3 );
segStart = (vec0+vec3) * 0.5f;
segStart = (vec1+vec2) * 0.5f;
mSegments[j].mStart = segEnd;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segStart;
mSegments[j].mType = 0;
// break out of this inner FOR loop because we're done
// with the current path element (reached end of the road)
else if( joinPointLocation == 1 ) // at segEnd
mSegments[j].mStart = segEnd;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segStart;
mSegments[j].mType = 0;
else // joinpoint is somewhere else entirely...
// add a tween segment from joinpoint right to segStart
mSegments[j].mStart = last->mEnd;
mSegments[j].mEnd = segStart;
mSegments[j].mType = 2;
mSegments[j].mpSegment = seg;
mSegments[j].mLength = (mSegments[j].mType == 0)?
seg->GetSegmentLength() :
(mSegments[j].mStart - mSegments[j].mEnd).Magnitude(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
}// end of else (last is not NULL)
}// end of WHILE loop over mSegments
} // end of if currElem is type ET_NORMALROAD
rAssertMsg( false, "Uh-oh... I never anticipated this type... something new?\n" );
} // end of WHILE loop over mPathElements
bool VehicleAI::MustRepopulateSegments()
return false;
void VehicleAI::GetPosAheadAlongRoad( float t, float lookAheadDist, int i, rmt::Vector* lookAheadPos )
rAssert( 0 <= i && i < mNumSegments );
//rDebugPrintf( "Looking ahead %f meters\n", lookAheadDist );
float origT = t;
int origI = i;
rmt::Vector segDir = mSegments[i].mEnd - mSegments[i].mStart;
rmt::Vector start = mSegments[i].mStart + segDir * t;
// augment t with our new distance and figure out which
// segment this falls on and what the exact position is...
t += lookAheadDist / mSegments[i].mLength;
while( t > 1.0f && i < (mNumSegments-1) )
rAssert( 1 <= i && i < mNumSegments );
t -= 1.0f;
t *= mSegments[i-1].mLength / mSegments[i].mLength;
rAssert( !rmt::IsNan(t) );
// last segment, we don't want to go behind this.
t = rmt::Clamp( t, 0.0f, 1.0f );
// now we have the segment we want... find the position along this segment
segDir = mSegments[i].mEnd - mSegments[i].mStart;
(*lookAheadPos) = mSegments[i].mStart + segDir * t;
rAssert( !rmt::IsNan((*lookAheadPos).x) && !rmt::IsNan( (*lookAheadPos).z) );
void VehicleAI::UpdateSegments()
// ============
// - get my position "p"
// - find out which Segment "s" in mSegments I'm closest to
// - TODO: if my distance to "s" is greater than some tolerance, then we're too far off course...
// looks like we need to do some sort of pathfinding back. We should be able to insert
// new segments into mSegments
// - shift mSegments till "s" is at mSegments[0], adding new segments to the end as necessary...
// (when adding a new segment, look at the last segment "l"...
// if "l" is a normal roadsegment that's not the last segment of that road
// add the next roadsegment
// else if "l" is the last segment of that road,
// add the first tweening segment from the IN segment's trailing edge to the intersection center
// Decide which OUT road to take and store its first segment in pSegment field
// else if "l" is the first tweening intersection segment,
// add the second tweening segment from intersection center to leading edge of the OUT segment
// that was stored in "l"'s pSegment field, store the OUT segment in pSegment field
// else if "l" is the second tweening intersection segment,
// add the OUT road segment stored in "l"'s pSegment field.)
// - find out my projected "t" along this segment "s" based on my position "p"...
// - calc my lookahead distance based on my current speed and lookahead time (minimum = 5.0f meters)
// - t += lookaheaddist / segmentlen
// - while( t > 1.0f && while we're not out of segments in mSegments ) {
// t -= 1.0f
// go to next segment in mSegments
// }
// - Finally, we have t < 1.0f... get the position "q" at t along this segment...
// - we use "q" as a guidance for steering...
rmt::Vector myPos;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &myPos );
// If waypoint's nearest segment has changed (won't for waypointAI, will for chaseAI)
// and the new segment doesn't already exist in our list, repopulate mSegments
// by setting numsegments to 0
bool mustRepopulate = MustRepopulateSegments();
if( mustRepopulate )
// Attempt to fill up mSegments again
// We try to shift the segments and optimize them here
// NOTE: Since we never populate segments beyond the current target
// waypoint, we don't need to worry about shifting too far (past
// the current waypoint)
// Find out which Segment in mSegments I'm closest to & shift this to
// the front of the segment queue
int segmentIndex;
float distToSegmentSqr;
rmt::Vector closestPt;
FindClosestSegment( myPos, segmentIndex, distToSegmentSqr, closestPt );
if( 0 < segmentIndex && segmentIndex < mNumSegments )
// If we found a segment, make this the first in our
// mSegments array (shift off the other segments)
ShiftSegments( segmentIndex );
else if( segmentIndex == -1 || segmentIndex >= mNumSegments )
// If we never found a close segment, repopulate our array?
// Only if we have been this way for some time...
if( mSecondsLeftToGetBackOnPath < 0.0f )
ResetSegments(); // repopulate now...
else // segmentIndex == 0
// Optimize the remaining segments...
if( mEnableSegmentOptimization )
// Optimization 1
// ==============
// Eliminate unnecessary segments:
// Segments that lie at least 3 segments away from our closest segment
// (segment zero... because we did a Shift earlier) should be distance
// tested ... if close enough, we tween so we eliminate the segments
// in between us. Has to be at least 3 because we don't want to tween
// through the two tweening segments in an intersection!
if( mNumSegments > 3 && (0 <= segmentIndex && segmentIndex < mNumSegments) )
rAssert( mSegments[0].mpSegment );
float segmentWidth = mSegments[0].mpSegment->GetRoadWidth();
float closeEnoughRadius = segmentWidth + 1.0f;
float SEGMENT_BEELINE_RADIUS_SQR = closeEnoughRadius * closeEnoughRadius;
for( int i=mNumSegments-1; i>2; i-- )
rAssert( 1 < i && i < mNumSegments );
// skip if this is a tweening segment (we shouldn't eliminate these since
// they guide us through the intersection)
if( mSegments[i].mType == 1 || mSegments[i].mType == 2 )
rmt::Vector closestPtToMySeg;
FindClosestPointOnLine( mSegments[i].mStart, mSegments[i].mEnd,
closestPt, closestPtToMySeg );
float distSqr = (closestPt - closestPtToMySeg).MagnitudeSqr();
// If this segment is close enough to our current segment,
// build a tween segment directly to it!
// what if these two points are identical?
if( closestPt.Equals( closestPtToMySeg, 0.001f ) )
// Just skip the thing...
// Shift so that 0,1,2,..,i,i+1 becomes 0,1,i,i+1,...
// if( closestPt at t=0 and closestPtToMySeg at t=1 )
// 1 segment
// else if( closestPt at t=0 and closestPtToMySeg not at t=1 )
// 2 segments
// else if( closestPt not at t=0 and closestPtToMySeg at t=1 )
// 2 segments
// else
// 3 segments
bool closestPtAt0 = false;
bool closestPtToMySegAt1 = false;
if( closestPt.Equals( mSegments[0].mStart, 0.001f ) )
closestPtAt0 = true;
if( closestPtToMySeg.Equals( mSegments[i].mEnd, 0.001f ) )
closestPtToMySegAt1 = true;
if( closestPtAt0 && closestPtToMySegAt1 )
// modify i to start where seg0 starts (change) and
// end where segi already ends (no change)
mSegments[i].mStart = mSegments[0].mStart;
mSegments[i].mLength = (mSegments[i].mEnd - mSegments[i].mStart).Magnitude();
// shift so 0,1,2,..,i,i+1 ===> i,i+1,i+2
ShiftSegments( i, 0 );
else if( closestPtAt0 && !closestPtToMySegAt1 )
// we'll have 2 segments
// modify seg0 to end at closestPtToMySeg, segi to start at closestPtToMySeg
mSegments[0].mEnd = closestPtToMySeg;
mSegments[0].mLength = (mSegments[0].mEnd - mSegments[0].mStart).Magnitude();
mSegments[i].mStart = closestPtToMySeg;
mSegments[i].mLength = (mSegments[i].mEnd - mSegments[i].mStart).Magnitude();
// shift so 0,1,2,..,i,i+1 ===> 0,i,i+1
ShiftSegments( i-1, 1 );
else if( !closestPtAt0 && closestPtToMySegAt1 )
// we'll have 2 segments
// modify seg0 to end at closestPt, segi to start at closestPt
mSegments[0].mEnd = closestPt;
mSegments[0].mLength = (mSegments[0].mEnd - mSegments[0].mStart).Magnitude();
mSegments[i].mStart = closestPt;
mSegments[i].mLength = (mSegments[i].mEnd - mSegments[i].mStart).Magnitude();
// shift so 0,1,2,..,i,i+1 ===> 0,i,i+1
ShiftSegments( i-1, 1 );
// we'll have 3 segments
// seg0 ends at closestPt, tween between closestPt and closestPtToMySeg,
// segi starts at closestPtToMySeg
mSegments[0].mEnd = closestPt;
mSegments[0].mLength = (mSegments[0].mEnd - mSegments[0].mStart).Magnitude();
// modify seg 1 to be our tween
mSegments[1].mType = 1;
mSegments[1].mpSegment = mSegments[i].mpSegment;
mSegments[1].mStart = closestPt;
mSegments[1].mEnd = closestPtToMySeg;
mSegments[1].mLength = (mSegments[1].mEnd - mSegments[1].mStart).Magnitude();
mSegments[i].mStart = closestPtToMySeg;
mSegments[i].mLength = (mSegments[i].mEnd - mSegments[i].mStart).Magnitude();
// shift so 0,1,2,..,i,i+1 ===> 0,1,i,i+1
ShiftSegments( i-2, 2 );
// Optimization 2
// ==============
// Do the 12B12 ==> 12 optimization (when B is a segment no
// longer than.. say.. 15 meters)
static const float MAX_LENGTH_OF_MIDDLE_SEGMENT = 20.0f;
if( mNumSegments >= 5 )
// Loop through segments detecting a 1-2-0-1-2 segment type pattern
// keeping track by seenUpTo counter 1 2 3 4 5 according to above
int seenUpTo = 0; // have seen nothing...
for( int i=0; i<mNumSegments; i++ )
int type = mSegments[i].mType;
switch( seenUpTo )
case 0: // seen nothing
if( type == 1 )
seenUpTo = 1;
case 1: // seen 1
if( type == 2 )
seenUpTo = 2;
else if( type == 1 )
seenUpTo = 1;
seenUpTo = 0;
case 2: // seen 1-2
if( type == 0 )
// test if length of this segment is short enough
if( mSegments[i].mLength <= MAX_LENGTH_OF_MIDDLE_SEGMENT )
seenUpTo = 3;
seenUpTo = 0;
else if( type == 1 )
seenUpTo = 1;
seenUpTo = 0;
case 3: // seen 1-2-0
if( type == 1 )
seenUpTo = 4;
seenUpTo = 0;
case 4: // seen 1-2-0-1
if( type == 2 )
seenUpTo = 5;
else if( type == 1 )
seenUpTo = 1;
seenUpTo = 0;
// if we got to the end, it means we saw the complete string
// and the middle segment is short enough to bypass
if( seenUpTo == 5 )
// now we convert segments
// i-4,i-3,i-2,i-1,i ===> i-4,i-3
// The two new segments shall go from the start of i-4 to
// the midpoint of i-2, and then from there to the end of
// segment i.
// build the new segments
int tween1 = i-4;
int tween2 = i-3;
int mid = i-2;
rAssert( 0 <= tween1 && tween1 < mNumSegments );
rAssert( 0 <= tween2 && tween2 < mNumSegments );
rAssert( 0 <= mid && mid < mNumSegments );
RoadSegment* seg = mSegments[i].mpSegment;
rmt::Vector midPt = (mSegments[mid].mStart + mSegments[mid].mEnd) / 2.0f;
mSegments[tween1].mEnd = midPt;
mSegments[tween1].mLength = (mSegments[tween1].mStart - mSegments[tween1].mEnd).Magnitude(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
mSegments[tween1].mpSegment = seg;
mSegments[tween1].mType = 1;
mSegments[tween2].mStart = midPt;
mSegments[tween2].mEnd = mSegments[i].mEnd;
mSegments[tween2].mLength = (mSegments[tween2].mStart - mSegments[tween2].mEnd).Magnitude(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
mSegments[tween2].mpSegment = seg;
mSegments[tween2].mType = 2;
// As a result, we reduce numsegments by 3 and should end up with at least 2 segments
mNumSegments -= 3;
rAssert( 2 <= mNumSegments && mNumSegments < VehicleAI::MAX_SEGMENTS );
}// end of for-loop
}// end of if numsegments >= 5 (and end of Optimization 2)
// VehicleAI::EvadeTraffic
// Description: Comment
// Parameters: ()
// Return: void
void VehicleAI::EvadeTraffic( Vehicle* exceptThisOne )
const float STEER_AROUND = 3.0f; // distance to the side of something to go around
const float MAX_DIST = 50.0f; // dont worry about anything farther than this
const float IGNORE_COS = -0.707f; // don't worry about stuff in this angle behind you
mEvading = false;
if( mState == STATE_REVERSE )
rmt::Vector mypos;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &mypos );
float closestdistsqr = MAX_DIST * MAX_DIST;
Vehicle* closestVehicle = NULL;
rmt::Vector closestpos;
rmt::Vector heading;
GetVehicle()->GetHeading( &heading );
for( int i = 0; i < GetVehicleCentral()->GetNumVehicles(); i++ )
Vehicle* vehicle = GetVehicleCentral()->GetVehicle( i );
if( vehicle && (vehicle != GetVehicle()) && (vehicle != exceptThisOne) )
rmt::Vector pos;
vehicle->GetPosition( &pos );
rmt::Vector vec2car;
vec2car.Sub( pos, mypos );
float dp = vec2car.DotProduct( heading );
if( dp > IGNORE_COS )
float distsqr = vec2car.MagnitudeSqr();
if( distsqr < closestdistsqr )
closestdistsqr = distsqr;
closestVehicle = vehicle;
closestpos = pos;
if( closestVehicle != NULL )
mEvading = true;
// Project pos into local happy car space
rmt::Vector vUp;
GetVehicle()->GetVUP( &vUp );
rmt::Vector side;
side.CrossProduct( heading, vUp );
rmt::Vector relpos = closestpos;
relpos.Sub( mypos );
rmt::Vector vec2relpos;
vec2relpos.x = side.DotProduct( relpos );
vec2relpos.y = 0.0f;
vec2relpos.z = heading.DotProduct( relpos );
// if it's in front, steer around
if( vec2relpos.z > 0.0f )
rmt::Vector normvec = relpos;
float dx = heading.DotProduct( normvec ) * STEER_AROUND * rmt::Sign(vec2relpos.x);
side.Scale( dx, dx, dx );
rmt::Vector newdest = mDestination;
newdest.Sub( side );
SetDestination( newdest );
void VehicleAI::EvadeTraffic( Vehicle* exceptThisOne )
if( mState == STATE_REVERSE || mState == STATE_WAITING || mState == STATE_STUNNED )
rmt::Vector mypos;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &mypos );
rmt::Vector myheading;
GetVehicle()->GetHeading( &myheading );
rAssert( rmt::Epsilon( myheading.MagnitudeSqr(), 1.0f, 0.00001f ) );
bool bCheck = false;
// Initialize potential field
mPotentialField.Initialize( 40.0f, 20.0f, mypos, myheading );
mPotentialField.Clear( -1.0f );
float closestcar = 10000.0f;
float radius, value, falloff;
float lookAhead = (LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE_SECONDS * GetVehicle()->mSpeed);
// Populate field with statics
if( mEvadeStatics )
int collindex = GetVehicle()->mCollisionAreaIndex;
sim::TList<sim::CollisionObject*>* list = GetWorldPhysicsManager()->
mCollisionManager->GetCollisionObjectList( collindex );
for( int i = 0; i < list->GetSize(); i++ )
sim::CollisionObject* obj = list->GetAt( i );
if( !obj->IsStatic() )
sim::CollisionVolume* volume = obj->GetCollisionVolume();
rAssert( volume != NULL );
rmt::Vector pos;
pos = volume->mPosition;
rmt::Vector vec2obj;
vec2obj.Sub( pos, mypos );
float distsqr = vec2obj.MagnitudeSqr();
if( distsqr > 10.0f && distsqr < (lookAhead * lookAhead))
float dp = vec2obj.DotProduct( myheading );
// if the object lies within 120 frustrum (60 on either side of heading),
// then we want to add it to the potential field
if( dp > 0.5f ) //cos60=0.5
radius = 0.0;
value = -1.0f;
falloff = 1.0f; // the bigger the value, the less influence this potential exerts over distance
mPotentialField.AddPotential( pos, value, radius, falloff );
bCheck = true;
// Populate field with vehicles
if( mEvadeVehicles )
// DUSIT: Must loop through, max, not num vehicles, because active list is sparse
//for( int i = 0; i < GetVehicleCentral()->GetNumVehicles(); i++ )
for( int i = 0; i < GetVehicleCentral()->GetMaxActiveVehicles(); i++ )
Vehicle* vehicle = GetVehicleCentral()->GetVehicle( i );
if( vehicle != NULL && vehicle != GetVehicle() && vehicle != exceptThisOne )
rmt::Vector pos;
vehicle->GetPosition( &pos );
rmt::Vector vec2car;
vec2car.Sub( pos, mypos );
if( vec2car.MagnitudeSqr() < (lookAhead * lookAhead))
float dp = vec2car.DotProduct( myheading );
if( dp > 0.5f )
for( int wheel = 0; wheel < 4; wheel++ )
if( mPotentialField.AddPotential( vehicle->mSuspensionWorldSpacePoints[ wheel ], -1.0f, 0.0f ))
bCheck = true;
if( mPotentialField.AddPotential( pos, -1.0f, 0.0f ))
bCheck = true;
if( vec2car.MagnitudeSqr() < closestcar )
closestcar = vec2car.MagnitudeSqr();
mPotentialField.AddPotential( mDestination, 2.0f, 2.0f );
if( bCheck )
float aheaddist;
// Instead of using a fixed distance, calculate a distance based on
// the vehicle's present speed & seconds of look-ahead
//float aheaddist = LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE;
//aheaddist = LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE;
aheaddist = (GetVehicle()->GetSpeedKmh() * KPH_2_MPS) * LOOK_AHEAD_CLOSE_SECONDS;
if( aheaddist > lookAhead )
aheaddist = lookAhead;
else if( aheaddist < 1.0f )
aheaddist = 1.0f;
rmt::Vector pos;
if( mPotentialField.FindBestPosition( pos, aheaddist ))
pos.y = 0.0f;
SetDestination( pos );
void VehicleAI::DoCatchUp( float timeins )
void VehicleAI::DoSteering()
float steering = 0.0f;
float nextsteering = 0.0f;
float dist = 0.0f;
float nextdist = 0.0f;
// Calculates the steering necessary to move towards
// both the current dest and the next. Creates
// smoother driving.
DriveTowards( &mDestination, dist, steering );
DriveTowards( &mNextDestination, nextdist, nextsteering );
float combinedsteering = mSteeringRatio * steering
+ ( 1.0f - mSteeringRatio ) * nextsteering;
if((mState == STATE_REVERSE) || (mState == STATE_STOP))
combinedsteering = rmt::Clamp(combinedsteering * 1.25f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
mSteering.SetValue( -combinedsteering );
mSteering.SetValue( combinedsteering );
void VehicleAI::CheckState( float timeins )
// Determine if we should transit to being OUT OF CONTROL
static const float MAX_SECONDS_STUNNED = 0.5f;
static const float MAX_SECONDS_OUT_OF_CONTROL = 1.5f;
// steering will be this many times more sensitive when out of control...
static const float OUT_OF_CONTROL_STEERING_MODIFIER = 1.5f;
static const float NORMALIZED_SWERVE_THRESHOLD = 0.020f;
if( mState != STATE_WAITING &&
GetVehicle()->mWasHitByVehicle &&
//GetVehicle()->mWasHitByVehicleType == VT_USER &&
GetVehicle()->mNormalizedMagnitudeOfVehicleHit > NORMALIZED_SWERVE_THRESHOLD )
GetVehicle()->mOutOfControl = true;
GetVehicle()->mVehicleState = VS_SLIP;
mOutOfControlNormal = GetVehicle()->mSwerveNormal;
mSecondsOutOfControl = 0.0f;
// if this reaches zero or lower, we repopulate the paths because
// we have been too far from prescribed segment too long...
// UpdateSegment is supposed to check this variable
mSecondsLeftToGetBackOnPath -= timeins;
static const float SECONDS_BEFORE_CORNER = 0.0f;//0.25f;
static const float CORNER_COSALPHA = 0.7071067f;//0.7f; //cos45
static const float HANDBRAKE_COSALPHA = 0.0f; // cos90
VehicleAIState newState = mState;
mBrake.SetValue( 0.0f );
mGas.SetValue( 0.0f );
mHandBrake.SetValue( 0.0f );
mReverse.SetValue( 0.0f );
// Calc the vector from my position to the destination
rmt::Vector mypos;
rmt::Vector myheading;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &mypos );
GetVehicle()->GetHeading( &myheading );
myheading.y = 0.0f;
myheading.NormalizeSafe(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
rmt::Vector vec2dest;
vec2dest.Sub( mDestination, mypos );
vec2dest.y = 0.0f;
vec2dest.Normalize(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
float dp2heading = vec2dest.DotProduct( myheading );
// Calc the vector from the dest to the next dest
rmt::Vector dest2next;
dest2next.Sub( mNextDestination, mDestination );
dest2next.y = 0.0f;
dest2next.Normalize(); // *** SQUARE ROOT! ***
// Find the angle between them
float dp2next = dest2next.DotProduct( myheading );
// Accelerate less as we're cornering
float steer = STEER_HEADING_RATIO * dp2heading
+ ( 1.0f - STEER_HEADING_RATIO ) * ( 1.0f - rmt::Fabs( mSteering.GetValue() ));
float steer = rmt::Fabs(mSteering.GetValue());
Vehicle* vehicle = GetVehicle();
float skidding = vehicle->GetSkidLevel();
float givergas;
if( skidding > 0.75f )
givergas = 1.0f;//0.0f;
// givergas = 1.0f - (GAS_STEERING_RATIO * steer);
givergas = 1.0f;
const float DESIRED_SPEED_BUFFER = 5.0f;
float givergas = 1.0f; // TODO: Is this a good value?
float speedKmh = GetVehicle()->GetSpeedKmh();
if( speedKmh > (mDesiredSpeedKmh + DESIRED_SPEED_BUFFER) )
givergas = 0.0f;
else if( speedKmh < (mDesiredSpeedKmh - DESIRED_SPEED_BUFFER) )
givergas = 1.0f;
static const float MIN_SPEED = 1.0f;
switch( mState )
mHandBrake.SetValue( 1.0f );
//rDebugPrintf( "============ ACCELERATING ==============\n" );
float speed = GetVehicle()->mSpeed;
if( (speed > STILL_STUCK_SPEED) && (mReverseTime > DEFAULT_REVERSE_TIME))
if( speed <= MIN_SPEED )
// We're going way too slow, so we might be stuck...
// Start a timer...
unsigned int currentTime = radTimeGetMilliseconds();
if( mStartStuckTime == 0 )
mStartStuckTime = currentTime;
else if( (currentTime - mStartStuckTime) > mNextStuckTime )
// If chase AI gets stuck, it's screwed anyway, not
// doing back off might help it get free a little
// faster if it isn't very stuck
if(mType == AI_CHASE)
mReverseTime += REVERSE_BACKOFF;
// we've been iteratively reversing too long...
// time to just reset...
if( mReverseTime > MAX_REVERSE_TIME )
mStartStuckTime = 0;
mNextStuckTime = NEXT_STUCK_TIME;
// see if we should reset on the spot...
// don't do this for:
// - chase vehicles (they don't do iterative reverse anyway
// - destroy objectives
// - dump objectives where you need to bump it
bool needsReset = true;
if( GetType() == AI_CHASE )
needsReset = false;
Mission* m = GetGameplayManager()->GetCurrentMission();
if( m )
MissionStage* ms = m->GetCurrentStage();
if( ms )
MissionObjective* mobj = ms->GetObjective();
if( mobj )
MissionObjective::ObjectiveTypeEnum type = mobj->GetObjectiveType();
if( type == MissionObjective::OBJ_DESTROY )
DestroyObjective* dobj = (DestroyObjective*) mobj;
if( dobj->GetTargetVehicle() == GetVehicle() )
needsReset = false;
else if( type == MissionObjective::OBJ_DUMP )
CollectDumpedObjective* cdobj = (CollectDumpedObjective*) mobj;
if( cdobj->IsBumperCars() && cdobj->GetDumpVehicle() )
needsReset = false;
if( needsReset )
GetVehicle()->ResetOnSpot( false );
// We've been stuck long enough to do something about it
//rDebugPrintf( "ACCEL: Stuck longer than mNextStuckTime = %d. Going to REVERSE\n", mNextStuckTime );
mStartStuckTime = currentTime;
else if( mNextStuckTime == NEXT_STUCK_TIME )
mNextStuckTime = FIRST_STUCK_TIME;
// if angle between heading and DestinationToNextdestination
// is great enough, we are going to have to take a corner...
if(( dp2next < CORNER_COSALPHA ) && ( speed > MIN_SPEED * 2.0f ))
mSecondsBeforeCorner = 0.0f; // prepare counter
mGas.SetValue( givergas );
float speed = GetVehicle()->mSpeed;
// steer to far point for smoother conering, unless evading
mSteeringRatio = 0.0f;
if ( speed > MIN_SPEED )
static const float BRAKE_SPEED = 50.0f;//24.0f;// speed above which to apply brake (strongest)
static const float OFF_GAS_SPEED = 40.0f;//21.5f;// speed above which to let off gas (do nothing)
static const float POWERSLIDE_HEADING = 0.85f; // cos of angle to try to powerslide at
static const float POWERSLIDE_MINSPEED = 6.0f; // minimum speed needed to powerslide
//rDebugPrintf( "\n =========== CORNERING (%f mps) =============\n", speed );
// we are getting in danger of not making the turn, powerslide
if((dp2heading < POWERSLIDE_HEADING) && (speed > POWERSLIDE_MINSPEED))
mHandBrake.SetValue( 1.0f );
mGas.SetValue( 0.0f );
if( dp2next > CORNER_COSALPHA )
mGas.SetValue( 1.0f );
newState = STATE_ACCEL;
if( speed > BRAKE_SPEED )
//rDebugPrintf( " Using normal brake!\n" );
else if( speed > OFF_GAS_SPEED )
//rDebugPrintf( " Letting off gas\n" );
//rDebugPrintf( " Speed too low, accelerating!!\n" );
// TODO:
// Transit here to Accelerate? Maybe.... or maybe we need
// a new criterion for determining when we're out of a cornering
// state... hmmm..
//newState = STATE_ACCEL;
// We're probably stuck at this point, so do something
newState = STATE_ACCEL;
mGas.SetValue( 1.0f );
mReverse.SetValue( 1.0f );
unsigned int currentTime = radTimeGetMilliseconds();
if( (currentTime - mStartStuckTime) > mReverseTime )
//rDebugPrintf( "REVERSE: Been reversing for longer than DEFAULT_REVERSE_TIME, going to STOP\n" );
newState = STATE_STOP;
mNextStuckTime = NEXT_STUCK_TIME;
mStartStuckTime = 0;
// NOTE:
// Don't
//mBrake.SetValue( 1.0f );
mHandBrake.SetValue( 1.0f );
//float dp = GetVehicle()->mVehicleFacing.DotProduct( GetVehicle()->mVelocityCM );
float speed = GetVehicle()->mSpeed;
if(( speed < 1.0f ))//< 0.15f ))/* && ( dp > 0.0f ))*/
//rDebugPrintf( "STOPPED: speed = %f, which is < 0.15f, so I'll ACCEL\n", speed );
newState = STATE_ACCEL;
mSecondsStunned += timeins;
mHandBrake.SetValue( 1.0f );
if( mSecondsStunned >= MAX_SECONDS_STUNNED )
//rDebugPrintf( "STUNNED: Been stunned for %f seconds, so I'll REVERSE\n", mSecondsStunned );
mStartStuckTime = radTimeGetMilliseconds();
rAssert( GetVehicle()->mOutOfControl );
rAssert( GetVehicle()->mVehicleState == VS_SLIP );
mGas.SetValue( givergas );
mSecondsOutOfControl += timeins;
if( mSecondsOutOfControl >= MAX_SECONDS_OUT_OF_CONTROL )
// if been out of control long enough, transit out...
GetVehicle()->mOutOfControl = false;
newState = STATE_ACCEL;
// do stuff while we're out of control...
//GetVehicle()->mVehicleState = VS_SLIP;
float steering = mSteering.GetValue();
mSteering.SetValue( steering );
rAssert( false );
if( newState != mState )
mState = newState;
// VehicleAI::DriveTowards
// Description: Comment
// Parameters: ()
// Return: void
void VehicleAI::DriveTowards( rmt::Vector* dest, float &distToTarget,
float &steering )
// Return a steering value clamped between -1 and 1, analogous to
// the steering stick on the game controller. Value of 1 means we'll
// be turning the wheel to MaxWheelAngle (tunable parameter in .con file)
// to the Right side; -1 is to the left side.
// Remember: CxB=A, BxA=C, AxC=B
// C
// | B
// | /
// |/
// \
// \
// A
steering = 0.0f;
Vehicle* myVehicle = GetVehicle();
rAssert( myVehicle != NULL );
rmt::Vector vec2dest, myPos;
myVehicle->GetPosition( &myPos );
myPos.y = dest->y; // get rid of y values.. we'll work solely in xz plane
if( (*dest).Equals( myPos, 0.001f ) )
vec2dest.Sub( *dest, myPos );
distToTarget = vec2dest.Magnitude();
// If we're not doing evasive manoeuver, we go about business as usual
vec2dest.Scale( 1.0f / distToTarget );
rmt::Vector myHeading;
myVehicle->GetHeading( &myHeading );
myHeading.y = 0.0f;
rAssert( rmt::Epsilon( myHeading.MagnitudeSqr(), 1.0f, 0.00001f ) );
rmt::Vector myUp, myRightSide;
// find out which way we have to turn by getting the vector
// representing our right side & dotting with our vec2dest.
myVehicle->GetVUP( &myUp );
myRightSide = myVehicle->mVehicleTransverse;
myUp.Set( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
myRightSide.CrossProduct( myUp, myHeading );
float rightDot = myRightSide.DotProduct( vec2dest );
float turnDir = 0.0f;
if( rightDot < 0.0f )
// dest on my left
turnDir = -1.0f;
// dest on my right or exactly behind me
turnDir = 1.0f;
// Need to determine the steering required to get to destination.
// first, find the angle between my heading and my destination vector.
// TODO:
// The destination vector should be projected onto the plane of my vehicle
// as described by my heading and my rightside vector before we figure out
// the angle, but we'll ignore this for now because it involves too many
// float ops to do projection matrix calcs.
// For now, it's ok to clamp down all y values to 0 and assume xz-plane flatness
myHeading.y = 0.0f;
vec2dest.y = 0.0f;
float dotprod = myHeading.DotProduct( vec2dest );
// need to place these checks in to make sure we're not going out of bounds
// when we feed the value into ACos
if(dotprod > 0.99999f)
dotprod = 0.99999f;
else if( dotprod < -0.9999f )
dotprod = -0.99999f;
float alphaInRadians = rmt::ACos( dotprod ); //*** ACK! ArcCosine.. unavoidable ***
float maxWheelTurnInRadians = rmt::DegToRadian(myVehicle->mDesignerParams.mDpMaxWheelTurnAngle);
rAssert( maxWheelTurnInRadians > 0.0f );
steering = alphaInRadians / maxWheelTurnInRadians;
if( steering > 1.0f )
steering = 1.0f;
steering *= turnDir;
rAssert( !rmt::IsNan( steering ) );
void VehicleAI::SetDestination( rmt::Vector& pos )
rAssert( !rmt::IsNan(pos.x) && !rmt::IsNan(pos.y) && !rmt::IsNan(pos.z) );
mDestination = pos;
void VehicleAI::SetNextDestination( rmt::Vector& pos )
rAssert( !rmt::IsNan(pos.x) && !rmt::IsNan(pos.y) && !rmt::IsNan(pos.z) );
mNextDestination = pos;
bool VehicleAI::FindNextRoad( const Road** pRoad, rmt::Vector& nextDestination )
rAssert( pRoad != NULL );
rAssert( (*pRoad) != NULL );
const Intersection* currentInt = (*pRoad)->GetDestinationIntersection();
rAssert( currentInt != NULL );
rmt::Vector mypos;
GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &mypos );
const Road* nextRoad = NULL;
const Road* closestRoad = (*pRoad);
float closestDist = 1000000.0f;
rmt::Vector closestPos;
rmt::Vector vec2pos;
float dist;
int segmentIndex;
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_ROADS; i++ )
nextRoad = currentInt->GetRoadOut( i );
if( nextRoad != NULL )
if( RoadManager::FindClosestPointOnRoad( nextRoad, nextDestination,
closestPos, dist, segmentIndex ))
if( dist < closestDist )
closestDist = dist;
closestRoad = nextRoad;
(*pRoad) = closestRoad;
return true;
bool VehicleAI::FindClosestPathElement(
rmt::Vector& pos,
RoadManager::PathElement& elem,
RoadSegment*& seg,
float& segT,
float& roadT,
bool considerShortcuts )
elem.elem = NULL;
seg = NULL;
segT = 0.0f;
roadT = 0.0f;
RoadManager* rm = RoadManager::GetInstance();
rAssert( rm != NULL );
const Road* road = NULL;
RoadSegment* roadseg = NULL;
int segIndex = -1;
float in = 0.0f;
float lateral = 0.0f;
// The last argument we pass in forces the find query to
// IGNORE shortcut roads
rm->FindRoad( pos, &road, &roadseg, segIndex, in, lateral, considerShortcuts );
if( road == NULL )
// so if we are not on a road, see if we're in an intersection
Intersection* startInt = rm->FindIntersection( pos );
if( startInt == NULL )
return false;
elem.type = RoadManager::ET_INTERSECTION;
elem.elem = startInt;
rAssert( roadseg != NULL );
rAssert( roadseg->GetRoad() == road );
rAssert( 0 <= segIndex && segIndex < (int)(road->GetNumRoadSegments()) );
rAssert( roadseg->GetSegmentIndex() == (unsigned int) segIndex );
//rAssert( !road->GetShortCut() );
seg = (RoadSegment*) roadseg;
segT = RoadManager::DetermineSegmentT( pos, seg );
roadT = RoadManager::DetermineRoadT( seg, segT );
elem.type = RoadManager::ET_NORMALROAD;
elem.elem = (Road*)road;
return true;
void VehicleAI::GetLastPathInfo(
RoadManager::PathElement& elem,
RoadSegment*& seg,
float& segT,
float& roadT )
elem = mLastPathElement;
seg = (RoadSegment*) mLastRoadSegment;
segT = mLastRoadSegmentT;
roadT = mLastRoadT;
void VehicleAI::GetRacePathInfo(
RoadManager::PathElement& elem,
RoadSegment*& seg,
float& segT,
float& roadT )
elem = mRacePathElement;
seg = (RoadSegment*) mRaceRoadSegment;
segT = mRaceRoadSegmentT;
roadT = mRaceRoadT;