path: root/tools/DSGmaker/dsgmaker.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/DSGmaker/dsgmaker.cpp')
1 files changed, 807 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/DSGmaker/dsgmaker.cpp b/tools/DSGmaker/dsgmaker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9624e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/DSGmaker/dsgmaker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+//DSGmaker a tool to traverse the the inventory of a Pure3d file and creates
+//DSGchucks and bundles mesh,phys,BV,instance chunk together. Supports multiple objects in a file.
+#pragma warning(disable:4786)
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <mysql++>
+#include <..\..\..\tools\artchecker\artobject.h>
+#include <..\..\..\tools\artchecker\artlimits.h>
+#include <..\..\..\tools\artchecker\badlist.hpp>
+#include <..\..\..\tools\artchecker\outputbuffer.hpp>
+#include <toollib.hpp>
+#include <tlCollisionObjectChunk.hpp>
+#include <tlPhysicsObjectChunk.hpp>
+#include <tlMeshChunk.hpp>
+#include <..\constants\srrchunks.h>
+#include <..\..\..\tools\dsgmaker\DSGList.hpp>
+using namespace std;
+//function that strips all the extra crap(prefixes and appended junk)
+//and returns actual object name in output pointer.
+unsigned int rootname(const char* input,char* output);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ //char* arguements [4];
+ char* filename;
+ char querybuffer [1000];
+ bool badart = false;
+ bool showall= false;
+ Result::iterator sql_iterator;
+ DSGList* p_dsglist =new DSGList();
+ bool mbIgnoreMissingInstanceChunk = false;
+ tlDataChunk::RegisterDefaultChunks();
+ //processes arguements
+ //no options
+ if (argc ==1)
+ {
+ cout<<"Usage:Dsgmaker filename \n";
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ filename= argv[1];
+ if ( argc ==3)
+ {
+ if (strcmp( argv[2],"-nI") == 0)
+ {
+ mbIgnoreMissingInstanceChunk = true;
+ //printf("Ignoring Missing Chunks!\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Error: unknown arguement %s \n",argv[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=2;i<argc;i++)
+ {
+ arguements[i]=argv[i];
+ // user set strict
+ if (strcmp(arguements[i],"strict")== 0)
+ {
+ strict =true;
+ debugstring("strict option set");
+ break;
+ }
+ //user set add
+ else if (strcmp (arguements[i],"add")==0)
+ {
+ add=true;
+ debugstring("add option set");
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (arguements[i],"all")==0)
+ {
+ showall =true;
+ break;
+ }
+ //illegal option
+ else
+ {
+ cout <<arguements[i] <<" is an illegal option \n";
+ exit (1);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ cout<< i ;
+ cout<< arguements [i] << "\n";
+ } //end for
+ */
+ //read in the pure3d file name
+ tlFile input(new tlFileByteStream(filename,omREAD), tlFile::FROMFILE);
+ if(!input.IsOpen())
+ {
+ printf("Could not open %s\n", filename);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ cout<<"Processing Filename:"<<filename<<endl;
+ //desend into the file and look at each object until no more objects left
+ // make a tlDataChunk from the file
+ // this is the wrapper chunk for the input
+ tlDataChunk* inchunk = new tlDataChunk(&input);
+ // we don't need the tlFile anymore
+ // this cleans up the tlFile object including the
+ // tlFileByteStream
+ input.Close();
+ // build an output chunk
+ tlDataChunk* outchunk = new tlDataChunk;
+ int ch;
+ //connect to the Art DB
+ try
+ {
+ //setup artrb variables
+ bool dbconnect=false;
+ Row row;
+ //creat connection and query objects
+ Connection con (use_exceptions);
+ Query query=con.query( );
+ dbconnect=con.connect ("srr2test","radit","root","custom47");
+ if (dbconnect == true)
+ {
+ cout<<"Connection to Artdb established proceeding.\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout<<"Cant connection to ArtDB Aborting! \n";
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ // go through all the sub-chunks of the input and
+ // process the ones you care about
+ for(ch=0; ch < inchunk->SubChunkCount(); ch++)
+ {
+ // create the next sub-chunk
+ tlDataChunk* sub = inchunk->GetSubChunk(ch);
+ // look at the id of the subchunk to decide if we
+ // want to do something with it or not
+ switch(sub->ID())
+ {
+ case Pure3D::Mesh::MESH:
+ {
+ //printf("\n");
+ tlMeshChunk* p_mesh = (tlMeshChunk* ) sub;
+ char mesh_name[max_length];
+ //get object name and remove extra appended crap
+ ::rootname(p_mesh->GetName(),mesh_name);
+ //query ArtDB for info on this mesh
+ sprintf(querybuffer, "SELECT * FROM objects WHERE name = '%s' ",mesh_name);
+ query<< querybuffer;
+ Result myresult = ( );
+ //check results,
+ //if not found in ArtDB make it a into a StaticEntityDSG as a default.
+ if (myresult.size ( ) ==0 )
+ {
+ //create StaticEntityDSG chunk and append mesh
+ printf("%s : Mesh not found in ArtDB creating EntityDSGChunk !\n",mesh_name);
+ tlEntityDSGChunk* p_entitydsg =new tlEntityDSGChunk();
+ p_entitydsg->SetName(p_mesh->GetName());
+ p_entitydsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_entitydsg,FALSE);
+ }
+ // its found in the ArtDB, need to determine what kind of DSG to make.
+ else
+ {
+ for (sql_iterator=myresult.begin ( ); sql_iterator!= myresult.end ( ); sql_iterator++)
+ {
+ row =*sql_iterator;
+ char classtypeID [max_length];
+ strcpy(classtypeID, row["ClassType"]);
+ printf("Found %s meshchunk \n",p_mesh->GetName());
+ //printf("Classtype ID: %s \n",classtypeID);
+ //make the correct DSG chunktype
+ if (
+ (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_MOVEABLE")==0) ||
+ (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_BREAKABLE")==0) ||
+ (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_ONETIME_MOVEABLE")==0)
+ )
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s creating DynaPhysDSGChunk \n",mesh_name,classtypeID);
+ tlDynaPhysDSGChunk* p_dynaphysdsg =new tlDynaPhysDSGChunk ();
+ p_dynaphysdsg->SetName(p_mesh->GetName());
+ p_dynaphysdsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_dynaphysdsg,FALSE);
+ p_dsglist->AddDSG(p_dynaphysdsg);
+ //printf(" Finished making chunk\n");
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_STATIC")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s creating InstaStaticPhysDSGChunk \n",mesh_name,classtypeID);
+ tlInstaStaticPhysDSGChunk* p_instaphysdsg =new tlInstaStaticPhysDSGChunk ();
+ p_instaphysdsg->SetName(p_mesh->GetName());
+ p_instaphysdsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_instaphysdsg,FALSE);
+ p_dsglist->AddDSG(p_instaphysdsg);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_DRAWABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s creating InstaEntityDSGChunk \n",mesh_name,classtypeID);
+ tlInstaEntityDSGChunk* p_instaentitydsg =new tlInstaEntityDSGChunk();
+ p_instaentitydsg->SetName(p_mesh->GetName());
+ p_instaentitydsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_instaentitydsg,FALSE);
+ p_dsglist->AddDSG(p_instaentitydsg);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"STATIC")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s creating EntityDSGChunk \n",mesh_name,classtypeID);
+ tlEntityDSGChunk* p_entitydsg =new tlEntityDSGChunk();
+ p_entitydsg->SetName(p_mesh->GetName());
+ p_entitydsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_entitydsg,FALSE);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"DRAWABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s creating EntityDSGChunk \n",mesh_name,classtypeID);
+ tlEntityDSGChunk* p_entitydsg =new tlEntityDSGChunk();
+ p_entitydsg->SetName(p_mesh->GetName());
+ p_entitydsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_entitydsg,FALSE);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"ANIMATED_BV")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s creating AnimatedBvDSGChunk \n",mesh_name,classtypeID);
+ //Need to finalize class specs with Greg, Devin and Trav TBD still
+ //tlDynaPhysDSGChunk* p_dynaphysdsg =new tlDynaPhysDSGChunk ();
+ //p_dynaphysdsg->SetName(p_mesh->GetName());
+ //p_dynaphysdsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ printf("\n=\tError unknown %s ClasstypeID \n",classtypeID);
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ }
+ }//end for loop
+ }//end else
+ //printf("exiting Mesh case\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ case Simulation::Physics::OBJECT:
+ {
+ tlPhysicsObjectChunk *p_physobject = (tlPhysicsObjectChunk*) sub;
+ tlDataChunk* p_dsg=NULL;
+ char name[max_length];
+ ::rootname(p_physobject->GetName(),name);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Phys Chunk: %s \n",p_physobject->GetName());
+ p_dsg =p_dsglist->GetDSG(p_physobject->GetName());
+ if( p_dsg ==NULL)
+ {
+ badart=true;
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ printf("\n=\tERROR: Cant find Parent DSG for %s, This Physics Volume is MISSING its mesh!!\n",p_physobject->GetName());
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(" Found the parent for %s\n",p_physobject->GetName());
+ p_dsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Simulation::Collision::OBJECT:
+ {
+ //printf("entering Collision object \n");
+ //temp local variables
+ tlCollisionObjectChunk* p_collisionobject= (tlCollisionObjectChunk*)sub;
+ bv_data bv_object;
+ tlDataChunk* p_dsg=NULL;
+ char sound [64] ="nosound"; //default vaule
+ bool errors =false;
+ char querybuffer [1000];
+ ::rootname(p_collisionobject->GetName(),;
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("BV name: %s \t ",p_collisionobject->GetName());
+ //seting default vaules, 7 is the default for staticphysDSG's,
+ //and physprop 0 is bogus vaule and should get filled in if BV object is know in the artdb.
+ bv_object.classtype=7;
+ bv_object.physpropid=0;
+ sprintf(querybuffer, "SELECT * FROM objects WHERE name = '%s' ",;
+ query<< querybuffer;
+ Result myresult= ( );
+ // cout << "Records Found: " << myresult.size() << endl ;
+ for (sql_iterator=myresult.begin ( ); sql_iterator!= myresult.end ( ); sql_iterator++)
+ {
+ row =*sql_iterator;
+ char classtypeID [max_length];
+ strcpy(classtypeID, row["ClassType"]);
+ bv_object.physpropid=row["physpropid"];
+ strcpy(sound,row["Sound"]);
+ //make the correct DSG chunktype
+ if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_MOVEABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 3\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=3;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_BREAKABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 4\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=4;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_STATIC")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 2\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=2;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"DRAWABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s ERROR Drawable Objects DO NOT HAVE BV'S!!!\n",,classtypeID);
+ badart=true;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_DRAWABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s ERROR PROP_DRAWABLE Objects DO NOT HAVE BV'S!!!\n",,classtypeID);
+ badart=true;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"ANIMATED_BV")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 5\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=5;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"STATIC")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 2\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=7;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (classtypeID,"PROP_ONETIME_MOVEABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 10\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=10;
+ }
+ }//end for iterator loop
+ //creating object attribute chunk
+ tlObjectAttributeChunk* p_otc =new tlObjectAttributeChunk ();
+ p_otc->SetClassType(bv_object.classtype);
+ p_otc->SetPhyPropID(bv_object.physpropid);
+ p_otc->SetSound(sound);
+ //if object is a static then create a StaticPhysDSGChunk
+ if(bv_object.classtype == 7)
+ {
+ tlStaticPhysDSGChunk* p_statdsg =new tlStaticPhysDSGChunk ();
+ p_statdsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ p_statdsg->AppendSubChunk(p_otc);
+ p_statdsg->SetName(p_collisionobject->GetName());
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_statdsg,FALSE);
+ }
+ //otherwise find the Parent DSG and add OTC and
+ else
+ {
+ //printf(" Need to find Parent DSG \n");
+ // find the parent DynaDSG object
+ p_dsg=p_dsglist->GetDSG(p_collisionobject->GetName());
+ if(p_dsg ==NULL)
+ {
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ printf("\n=\tERROR: Cant Find Parent DSG for %s, This Bounding Volume is MISSING its Mesh!! \n",p_collisionobject->GetName());
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ badart=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(" Found the parent for %s\n",p_collisionobject->GetName());
+ p_dsg->AppendSubChunk(p_otc,FALSE);
+ p_dsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("exiting collision\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ bv_data bv_object;
+ char sound[64] = "nosound"; //setting default vaule
+ char chunkname [64];
+ //tlAnimDSGWrapperChunk* p_animwrapper = dynamic_cast<tlAnimDSGWrapperChunk*>(sub);
+ printf("Found %s AnimWrapperChunk \n",sub->GetName());
+ ::rootname(sub->GetName(),chunkname);
+ //query ArtDB for info on this instanced Animated object
+ sprintf(querybuffer, "SELECT * FROM objects WHERE name = '%s' ",chunkname);
+ query<< querybuffer;
+ Result myresult = ( );
+ //check if animwrapper found in artDB
+ if (myresult.size ( ) ==0 )
+ {
+ //object not found in the art db
+ printf(" ERROR: Object not found in the artDB,Skipping InstAnimDSGChuck Creation!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ //getting the phys properties
+ for (sql_iterator=myresult.begin ( ); sql_iterator!= myresult.end ( ); sql_iterator++)
+ {
+ row =*sql_iterator;
+ //set classtype to prop_breakable
+ bv_object.classtype =4;
+ bv_object.physpropid=row["physpropid"];
+ strcpy(sound,row["Sound"]);
+ }
+ printf(" %s is of type InstaAnimDynaPhysDSG creating InstaEntityDSGChunk \n",sub->GetName());
+ //create InstaAnimDSGChunk and OTC
+ tlInstAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk* p_instanimdsg = new tlInstAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk ();
+ tlObjectAttributeChunk* p_otc = new tlObjectAttributeChunk ();
+ //fill in data for the newly created chunks
+ p_instanimdsg->SetName(sub->GetName());
+ p_otc->SetClassType(bv_object.classtype);
+ p_otc->SetPhyPropID(bv_object.physpropid);
+ p_otc->SetSound(sound);
+ //append chunks into the InstaAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk
+ p_instanimdsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ p_instanimdsg->AppendSubChunk(p_otc,FALSE);
+ //append InstaAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk to the outchunk
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_instanimdsg,FALSE);
+ p_dsglist->AddDSG(p_instanimdsg);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ bv_data bv_object;
+ char sound[64] = "nosound"; //setting default vaule
+ char chunkname [64];
+ //tlAnimDSGWrapperChunk* p_animwrapper = dynamic_cast<tlAnimDSGWrapperChunk*>(sub);
+ printf("Found %s AnimObjWrapperChunk \n",sub->GetName());
+ ::rootname(sub->GetName(),chunkname);
+ //query ArtDB for info on this instanced Animated object
+ sprintf(querybuffer, "SELECT * FROM objects WHERE name = '%s' ",chunkname);
+ query<< querybuffer;
+ Result myresult = ( );
+ //check if animobjwrapper found in artDB
+ if (myresult.size ( ) ==0 )
+ {
+ //object not found in the art db
+ printf(" ERROR: Object not found in the artDB,Skipping InstAnimDSGChuck Creation!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ //getting the phys properties
+ for (sql_iterator=myresult.begin ( ); sql_iterator!= myresult.end ( ); sql_iterator++)
+ {
+ row =*sql_iterator;
+ char classtypeID [max_length];
+ strcpy(classtypeID, row["ClassType"]);
+ bv_object.physpropid=row["physpropid"];
+ strcpy(sound,row["Sound"]);
+ strcpy(,sub->GetName());
+ //set the correct classtypeID
+ if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_MOVEABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 3\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=3;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_BREAKABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 4\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=4;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_STATIC")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 2\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=2;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"DRAWABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s ERROR Drawable Objects DO NOT HAVE BV'S!!!\n",,classtypeID);
+ badart=true;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_DRAWABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s ERROR PROP_DRAWABLE Objects DO NOT HAVE BV'S!!!\n",,classtypeID);
+ badart=true;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"ANIMATED_BV")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 5\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=5;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"STATIC")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 2\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=7;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_ANIM_BREAKABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 9 \n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=9;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(classtypeID,"PROP_ONETIME_MOVEABLE")==0)
+ {
+ printf(" %s is of type %s Setting Classtype to 10\n",,classtypeID);
+ bv_object.classtype=10;
+ }
+ }//end for loop
+ printf(" %s is of type InstaAnimDynaPhysDSG creating InstaAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk \n",sub->GetName());
+ //create InstaAnimDSGChunk and OTC
+ tlInstAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk* p_instanimdsg = new tlInstAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk ();
+ tlObjectAttributeChunk* p_otc = new tlObjectAttributeChunk ();
+ //fill in data for the newly created chunks
+ p_instanimdsg->SetName(sub->GetName());
+ p_otc->SetClassType(bv_object.classtype);
+ p_otc->SetPhyPropID(bv_object.physpropid);
+ p_otc->SetSound(sound);
+ //append chunks into the InstaAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk
+ p_instanimdsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ p_instanimdsg->AppendSubChunk(p_otc,FALSE);
+ //append InstaAnimDynaPhysDSGChunk to the outchunk
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(p_instanimdsg,FALSE);
+ p_dsglist->AddDSG(p_instanimdsg);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SRR2::ChunkID::INSTANCES:
+ {
+ tlDataChunk* p_dsg=NULL;
+ tlDataChunk* subchunk= sub->GetSubChunk(0);
+ tlScenegraphChunk* p_scenegraphchunk= dynamic_cast<tlScenegraphChunk *>(subchunk);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Found %s instance chunk,looking for Parent DSG.\n",p_scenegraphchunk->GetName());
+ p_dsg=p_dsglist->GetDSG(p_scenegraphchunk->GetName());
+ if(p_dsg ==NULL)
+ {
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ printf("\n=\tERROR: Cant Find Parent DSG Chunk for %s, SceneGraph is MISSING its Mesh!! \n",p_scenegraphchunk->GetName());
+ printf("\n===================================================\n");
+ badart=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(" Found the parent for %s\n",p_scenegraphchunk->GetName());
+ p_dsg->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // this is not a chunk that we care about
+ // so simply copy it to the output wrapper chunk
+ // the optional parameter to AppendSubChunk
+ // indicates that we have merely copied a pointer
+ // so the destructor of outchunk should not
+ // destroy this sub-chunk as that duty will be
+ // taken care of by the destructor of inchunk
+ outchunk->AppendSubChunk(sub,FALSE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }//end switch
+ }//end for
+ p_dsglist->ReSortDSGChunks();
+ if ( mbIgnoreMissingInstanceChunk == true)
+ {
+ p_dsglist->mbNoInstanceChunks = true;
+ //printf("Ignore chunk is set!\n");
+ }
+ if(p_dsglist->VerifyChunks() == 1)
+ {
+ badart=true;
+ }
+ } //end of try
+ catch (BadQuery er)
+ {
+ cout<<"Error: " <<er.error<< endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (badart)
+ {
+ printf("\n=======================================================\n");
+ printf("\n=\tERROR: %s is missing Chunks for DSG objects Aborting DSG Prop Creation !!! \n",filename);
+ printf("\n=======================================================\n");
+ // create the new output file
+ tlFile output(new tlFileByteStream(filename, omWRITE), tlFile::CHUNK32);
+ if(!output.IsOpen())
+ {
+ printf("Could not open %s for writing,unable to Save\n", filename);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ // get the output wrapper chunk to write its data out
+ // to the file
+ outchunk->Write(&output);
+ delete inchunk;
+ delete outchunk;
+ delete p_dsglist;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("\n=======================================================\n");
+ printf("\n=\tDSGmaker: Completed without ERRORS \n");
+ printf("\n=======================================================\n");
+ // create the new output file
+ tlFile output(new tlFileByteStream(filename, omWRITE), tlFile::CHUNK32);
+ if(!output.IsOpen())
+ {
+ printf("Could not open %s for writing\n", filename);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ // get the output wrapper chunk to write its data out
+ // to the file
+ outchunk->Write(&output);
+ // cleanup the no-longer-needed chunks
+ delete inchunk;
+ delete outchunk;
+ delete p_dsglist;
+ return 0;
+ }
+} //end of main
+/* Helper Function to strip extra crap from the string */
+unsigned int rootname(const char * input,char* output)
+ char source_name[max_length];
+ char object_name1[max_length];
+ char object_name2[max_length];
+ char* token =NULL;
+ //printf("Phase 1 get name \n");
+ //get the name of collision object
+ strcpy(source_name,input);
+ //cout<<"Source name: "<<source_name<<endl;
+ //printf("smashing %s\n",source_name);
+ //smash up string to remove the number appended by Maya
+ //printf("strtok1\n");
+ token=strtok(source_name,"_");
+ strcpy(object_name1,token);
+ //printf("After stringtok :%s \n",object_name1);
+ //printf("strcat1\n");
+ //reform string
+ strcat(object_name1,"_");
+ //printf("strtok2\n");
+ token=strtok(NULL,"_");
+ if(token != NULL)
+ {
+ strcpy(object_name2,token);
+ //printf("After stringtok :%s \n",object_name2);
+ // printf("strcat2\n");
+ strcat(object_name1,object_name2);
+ }
+ //printf("strcpy\n");
+ //set default vaules
+ strcpy(output,object_name1);
+ //printf("processed name : %s\n",output);
+ return 0;