path: root/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/ajrAutoSave.mel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/ajrAutoSave.mel')
1 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/ajrAutoSave.mel b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/ajrAutoSave.mel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f7f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/ajrAutoSave.mel
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+/* This file downloaded from
+'' File Information:
+'' Script Name: ajrAutoSave v1.3
+'' Author: Andy Rawling
+'' Last Updated: July 17, 2001
+'' Update/Change this file at:
+'' Please do not alter any information above this line
+'' it is generated dynamically by and will
+'' be changed automatically on any updates.
+// ajrAutoSave.mel
+// v 1.3 July 16 2001
+// Tested on Maya2.5Irix Maya2.5.1NT Maya3.0Irix
+// Provides automatic backup of scene files.
+// When this script is first called, it creates two MEL scriptJobs to run
+// short procedures whenever the user selects or de-selects an object, and
+// when they change the current time. These jobs trigger backups in two
+// ways, either based on the number of times the user selects objects, or
+// on the amount of time since the last save.
+// The script also modifies your main File menu, adding File->Autosave options...
+// to the end. Choosing this menu command brings up the configuration GUI
+// (by running the same script again, but that's not important right now).
+// In selection mode, the script keeps a count of how many times the selection
+// has changed, and will trigger an automatic scene backup when the number of
+// selection changes passes the limit set by the user.
+// In time mode, the script checks the time whenever the selection or the
+// current time is changed by the user. The scene is backed up when the amount
+// of time since the last save passes the limit
+// This script is designed to be called from your 'userSetup.mel' script.
+// Configuration
+// -------------
+// If the script is run again, it will bring up a GUI which allows you to
+// modify the way that AutoSave works. The options are:
+// o Enable AutoSave
+// o Save After XX minutes/selects
+// o Keep up to XX backups
+// o Save in XX
+// o notify when saving
+// Enable AutoSave: Check this option off to disable AutoSave (default=ON)
+// Save After XX (things): Set the number of things which happen before the
+// autosave is triggered - either the user changing which items are
+// selected, or the number of minutes since the last save (default=15)
+// (minutes/selects): What sort of things are we using to spot changes? Either
+// number of times the selection changes, or number of minutes
+// passed since the last save (default=minutes , but see the caveats
+// below)
+// Keep up to XX backups: AutoSave keeps a rolling sequence of backups. The
+// number of separate backups can be changed here
+// (default=5)
+// Save in XXXX: Choose the folder where you want the backups to be kept.
+// This can be relative to your current project (default="scenes")
+// notify when saving: Bring up a small window to tell you when a backup is being
+// made (default=OFF)
+// Caveats
+// -------
+// Maya has no clock event, so when the save is time-based the clock is only
+// checked when the selection or the current time (as in time slider) changes.
+// Changes (* is a highend3d release)
+// -------
+// v1.3* Autosaving no longer clears the current tool - cheers to Roger Klado
+// Feedback line is now more informative as the GUI settings are changed.
+// v1.2 I've got M3.0, so here there are annotations all over the GUI. Removed
+// the 'Include in File menu` option from the GUI - it's always included
+// now. Notify defaults to off now (too many hardware render mess-ups)
+// v1.1 Layout is more Irix/Motif-friendly now (was a bit squashed)
+// v1.0* Fixed minor bug when the scene wasn't saved, choosing not to save
+// would switch the autosave off. New behavior is to nag the user again
+// after the trigger period. Now uses a timer as well as selection counter
+// to trigger backups.
+// Disclaimer
+// ----------
+// This script is unsupported; neither me nor (especially) my employer accept
+// liability for damage or loss resulting from its use or misuse. Use it at
+// your own risk. That said - if you like it, spot a bug in it or think it
+// could be improved please let me know.
+// Andy Rawling
+// Animator
+global proc ajrAS_SelectionHasChanged() {
+// This is called even when AutoSave is disabled, it just doesn't perform the save in this case
+// We're checking for time passing as well as selection changes here!
+ if((`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"`) && (`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iEnabled"`) && (`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iUseTime"`)) {
+ if((`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iUseTime"`)) {
+ // We're using time to trigger saves
+ global float $ajrAS_fLastSave; //Absolute time of the last save (or script startup)
+ float $fElapsed;
+ $fElapsed = `timerX -startTime $ajrAS_fLastSave`;
+ if(($fElapsed / 60.0) > `optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"`) {
+ if(`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iEnabled"`)
+ if (`ajrAS_SaveBackupScene`)
+ $ajrAS_fLastSave = `timerX`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Using the number of selection changes to trigger
+ global int $ajrAS_iSelectCount; // The selection change counter
+ $ajrAS_iSelectCount ++;
+ if ($ajrAS_iSelectCount >= `optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"`) {
+ if(`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iEnabled"`)
+ if (`ajrAS_SaveBackupScene`)
+ $ajrAS_iSelectCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+global proc ajrAS_CurrentTimeHasChanged() {
+// This is called even when AutoSave is disabled, it just doesn't perform the save in this case
+// We're only interested in time passing here
+ if((`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"`) && (`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iEnabled"`)) {
+ if((`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iUseTime"`)) {
+ global float $ajrAS_fLastSave; //Absolute time of the last save (or script startup)
+ float $fElapsed;
+ $fElapsed = `timerX -startTime $ajrAS_fLastSave`;
+ if(($fElapsed / 60.0) > `optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"`) {
+ if(`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iEnabled"`)
+ if (`ajrAS_SaveBackupScene`)
+ $ajrAS_fLastSave = `timerX`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+global proc int ajrAS_SaveBackupScene() {
+// Save the backup file
+// This routine is called when the number of events reaches the level set by the user
+// to trigger a backup save.
+// The save routine appends "_AutoSave#1" to the scene name of the first backup, then
+// #2, #3 etc, until the number of saves reaches the maximum limit, when the number
+// resets to 1 again.
+// If the notifier is switched on, a message window is created for the duration of the\
+// save. Either way, a message is shown on the command feedback line
+ global int $ajrAS_iBackupNumber; // Number of the current backup file
+ string $sSceneName; // Full name (including directory path) of the scene file
+ string $sBackupName; // Name (not inc. path or extension) of the backup scene
+ string $sBackupDir;
+ string $sWorkingTool;
+ int $iReturn = 0;
+ // If these values are not in the prefs, then this function should never have been called. Check anyway.
+ if((`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iSaveCopies"`) && (`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iNotify"`) && (`optionVar -exists "ajrAS_sBackupDir"`)) {
+ $sSceneName = `file -query -sceneName`;
+ // If the scene has no name (hasn't been saved yet) then prompt to do a "Save As"
+ if($sSceneName == "") {
+ string $sReturn = `confirmDialog -title "AutoSave"
+ -message "This scene has not been saved.\nAutoSave will not back up an unsaved scene\n\nDo you want to save your scene now?"
+ -button "Yes"
+ -button "No"
+ -button "Configure"
+ -defaultButton "Yes"
+ -cancelButton "No"
+ -dismissString "No"`;
+ switch($sReturn) {
+ case "Configure":
+ ajrAS_GUI;
+ break;
+ case "Yes":
+ projectViewer("SaveAs");
+ break;
+ case "No":
+ // Reset the event counter
+ // The user will be nagged again shortly
+ $iReturn = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $sBackupDir = `optionVar -query "ajrAS_sBackupDir"`;
+ if (`file -query -exists $sBackupDir`) {
+ $sWorkingTool = `currentCtx`;
+ $sBackupName = (`optionVar -query "ajrAS_sBackupDir"` + "/" + `file -query -namespace` + "_AutoSave#" + $ajrAS_iBackupNumber);
+ if(`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iNotify"`)
+ ajrAS_MakeNotifyWindow($sBackupName);
+ print("Auto saving file: " + $sBackupName + ".\n");
+ file -rename $sBackupName;
+ file -save -type mayaBinary -defaultExtensions true;
+ $iReturn = 1;
+ file -rename $sSceneName;
+ $ajrAS_iBackupNumber ++;
+ if ($ajrAS_iBackupNumber > `optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSaveCopies"`)
+ $ajrAS_iBackupNumber = 1;
+ if(`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iNotify"`) {
+ deleteUI ui_ajrAS_NotifyWindow;
+ }
+ setToolTo $sWorkingTool;
+ } else {
+ ajrAS_CheckBackupDir;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($iReturn);
+global proc ajrAS_MakeNotifyWindow(string $sFileName) {
+ if (`window -exists ui_ajrAS_NotifyWindow`)
+ deleteUI ui_ajrAS_NotifyWindow;
+ window -title ("Saving backup: " + $sFileName + ", please wait...")
+ -iconName "Saving"
+ -widthHeight 500 25
+ -menuBar false
+ ui_ajrAS_NotifyWindow;
+ showWindow ui_ajrAS_NotifyWindow;
+global proc ajrAS_Reset() {
+// Reset GUI fields & prefs to defaults.
+ checkBox -edit -value on ui_ajrAS_iEnabled;
+ intField -edit -value 15 ui_ajrAS_iSelectTrigger;
+ optionMenu -edit -select 2 ui_ajrAS_type;
+ intField -edit -value 5 ui_ajrAS_iSaveCopies;
+ checkBox -edit -value on ui_ajrAS_iNotify;
+ textField -edit -fileName "scenes" ui_ajrAS_sBackupDir;
+ ajrAS_Update;
+ $ajrAS_iSelectCount = 0;
+global proc ajrAS_Update() {
+// Update the prefs settings
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iEnabled" `checkBox -query -value ui_ajrAS_iEnabled`;
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger" `intField -query -value ui_ajrAS_iSelectTrigger`;
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iUseTime" (`optionMenu -query -value ui_ajrAS_type` == "minutes");
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iSaveCopies" `intField -query -value ui_ajrAS_iSaveCopies`;
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iNotify" `checkBox -query -value ui_ajrAS_iNotify`;
+ optionVar -stringValue "ajrAS_sBackupDir" `textField -query -fileName ui_ajrAS_sBackupDir`;
+ string $sReportStr = "AutoSave: ";
+ if(! `optionVar -query "ajrAS_iEnabled"`)
+ $sReportStr += ("disabled.\n");
+ else {
+ ajrAS_SelectionHasChanged;
+ ajrAS_CheckBackupDir;
+ $sReportStr += ("every " + `optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"` + " ");
+ if((`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iUseTime"`)) {
+ global float $ajrAS_fLastSave; //Absolute time of the last save (or script startup)
+ $sReportStr += ("minutes (next in ");
+ $sReportStr += ((int)(`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"` - (`timerX -startTime $ajrAS_fLastSave` / 60.0)) + "), ");
+ } else {
+ global int $ajrAS_iSelectCount; // The selection change counter
+ $sReportStr += ("selects (next in ");
+ $sReportStr += ((`optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"` - ($ajrAS_iSelectCount)) + "), ");
+ }
+ $sReportStr += ("keep " + `optionVar -query "ajrAS_iSaveCopies"` + " copies in " + `optionVar -query "ajrAS_sBackupDir"` + ".\n");
+ }
+ print $sReportStr;
+global proc int ajrAS_SetBackupDir(string $sDirName, string $sDirType) {
+// Callback function for 'fileBrowser' call on backup directory chooser
+ textField -edit -fileName `workspace -projectPath $sDirName` ui_ajrAS_sBackupDir;
+ ajrAS_Update;
+ return true;
+global proc int ajrAS_CheckBackupDir() {
+// Check that the backup location is valid
+// If not, give the option of creating the backup directory, changing the location
+// or just carrying on (in which cast the save doesn't happen)
+ string $sBackupDir;
+ int $iReturn;
+ $sBackupDir = `optionVar -query "ajrAS_sBackupDir"`;
+ if (! `file -query -exists $sBackupDir`) {
+ string $sQuestion;
+ string $sAnswer;
+ $sQuestion = "Your backup folder, (" + $sBackupDir + ") doesn't exist.\n" +
+ "Would you like to create this folder, or use select a new location?\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "(If you choose to do neither, saving will be disabled)";
+ $sAnswer = `confirmDialog -title "AutoSave"
+ -message $sQuestion
+ -button "Create"
+ -button "Re-Select"
+ -button "Forget it"
+ -defaultButton "Re-Select"
+ -cancelButton "Forget It"
+ -dismissString "Forget It"`;
+ switch($sAnswer) {
+ case "Create":
+ // Try to create the folder (no return value to check success)
+ workspace -create `workspace -expandName $sBackupDir`;
+ // Call this procedure again to see if it worked
+ ajrAS_CheckBackupDir;
+ break;
+ case "Re-Select":
+ optionVar -stringValue "ajrAS_sBackupDir" "scenes";
+ if (`window -exists ui_ajrAS`)
+ textField -edit -fileName "scenes" ui_ajrAS_sBackupDir;
+ else
+ ajrAS_GUI;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (`window -exists ui_ajrAS`)
+ checkBox -edit -value off ui_ajrAS_iEnabled;
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iEnabled" off;
+ $iReturn = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ $iReturn = 1;
+ return $iReturn;
+global proc ajrAS_FileMenu() {
+// Add or remove the AutoSave item from the main File menu
+ global string $gMainFileMenu; // Name of Maya 'File' menu
+ if(`menuItem -exists ui_ajrAS_FileAutoSaveSeperator`)
+ deleteUI ui_ajrAS_FileAutoSaveSeperator;
+ if(`menuItem -exists ui_ajrAS_FileAutoSaveMenu`)
+ deleteUI ui_ajrAS_FileAutoSaveMenu;
+ menuItem -parent $gMainFileMenu
+ -divider true
+ ui_ajrAS_FileAutoSaveSeperator;
+ menuItem -parent $gMainFileMenu
+ -label "Auto Save options..."
+ -annotation "Auto Save: Configure automatic backups"
+ -command "ajrAutoSave"
+ ui_ajrAS_FileAutoSaveMenu;
+global proc ajrAS_GUI() {
+// Call up the GUI
+ if (`window -exists ui_ajrAS`)
+ deleteUI ui_ajrAS;
+ window -title "AutoSave v1.3"
+ -iconName "AutoSave"
+ -widthHeight 280 300
+ -menuBar false
+ ui_ajrAS;
+ formLayout ui_ajrAS_mainForm;
+ frameLayout -borderStyle "in"
+ -labelVisible false
+ ui_ajrAS_mainFrame;
+ scrollLayout -childResizable true
+ -verticalScrollBarThickness 10
+ -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0;
+ columnLayout -adjustableColumn true
+ -cal "left";
+ frameLayout -labelVisible false
+ -borderStyle "etchedIn"
+ -manage true;
+ columnLayout -adjustableColumn true
+ -columnOffset "left" 30
+ -columnAlign "left";
+ checkBox -label "Enable AutoSave"
+ -value `optionVar -query ajrAS_iEnabled`
+ -onCommand "ajrAS_Update"
+ -offCommand "ajrAS_Update; $ajrAS_iSelectCount = 0;"
+ -annotation "Enable: Switch the autosave feature on/off"
+ ui_ajrAS_iEnabled;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ frameLayout -label "Options"
+ -borderStyle "etchedIn"
+ ui_ajrAS_optionsFrame;
+ columnLayout -adjustableColumn true
+ -columnOffset "left" 30
+ -columnAlign "left";
+ rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 3
+ -columnWidth 1 70
+ -columnWidth 2 40
+ -columnWidth 3 100;
+ text "Save after";
+ intField -value `optionVar -query ajrAS_iSelectTrigger`
+ -width 35
+ -changeCommand "ajrAS_Update"
+ -annotation "Save after: Good values are 200 for selects, 30 for minutes"
+ ui_ajrAS_iSelectTrigger;
+ optionMenu ui_ajrAS_type;
+ menuItem -label "selects";
+ menuItem -label "minutes";
+ optionMenu -edit
+ -changeCommand "ajrAS_Update"
+ -annotation "Save after: Will you make backups as the minutes pass, or as you pick objects"
+ -select (`optionVar -query ajrAS_iUseTime` + 1)
+ ui_ajrAS_type;
+ text "Keep up to";
+ intField -value `optionVar -query ajrAS_iSaveCopies`
+ -annotation "Keep up to: How many rolling copies do you want to keep"
+ -width 35
+ -changeCommand "ajrAS_Update"
+ ui_ajrAS_iSaveCopies;
+ text " backups";
+ setParent ..;
+ rowLayout -numberOfColumns 3
+ -columnWidth3 70 100 50
+ -columnAttach3 "left" "left" "left"
+ -columnOffset3 0 0 5
+ -adjustableColumn 2;
+ text -label "Save in";
+ textField -fileName `optionVar -query ajrAS_sBackupDir`
+ -width 90
+ -changeCommand "ajrAS_Update"
+ -annotation "Save in: Path to your backup folder (can be relative to your project)"
+ ui_ajrAS_sBackupDir;
+ symbolButton -image "navButtonBrowse.xpm"
+ -annotation "Save in: Browse for the backup folder"
+ -command "fileBrowser(\"ajrAS_SetBackupDir\",\"AutoSave\", \"folder\", 4);"
+ browser;
+ setParent ..;
+ checkBox -label "notify when saving"
+ -annotation "Notify: Pop up an window when saving (may interfere with hardware rendering)"
+ -value `optionVar -query ajrAS_iNotify`
+ -onCommand "ajrAS_Update"
+ -offCommand "ajrAS_Update"
+ ui_ajrAS_iNotify;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ button -label "Close"
+ -command "ajrAS_Update; deleteUI ui_ajrAS"
+ ui_ajrAS_close;
+ button -label "Reset"
+ -command "ajrAS_Reset"
+ ui_ajrAS_reset;
+ formLayout -edit
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_mainFrame "left" 5
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_mainFrame "right" 5
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_mainFrame "top" 5
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_mainFrame "bottom" 35
+ -attachPosition ui_ajrAS_reset "left" 2 50
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_reset "right" 5
+ -attachNone ui_ajrAS_reset "top"
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_reset "bottom" 5
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_close "left" 5
+ -attachPosition ui_ajrAS_close "right" 2 50
+ -attachNone ui_ajrAS_close "top"
+ -attachForm ui_ajrAS_close "bottom" 5
+ ui_ajrAS_mainForm;
+ showWindow ui_ajrAS;
+global proc ajrAutoSave() {
+// Called when Maya starts up, and when the user wants to change settings.
+// If the selection script job can't be found, then assume it's startup time & just
+// silently go into the preferred state; otherwise bring up the GUI
+ global int $ajrAS_iTimeJobNo; // The number of the time change script job
+ global int $ajrAS_iSelJobNo; // The number of the select change script job
+ global int $ajrAS_iBackupNumber;
+ global float $ajrAS_fLastSave; // Time of the last save, or script launch
+ // If these values are not in the prefs, then set them to the defaults
+ if(! `optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iEnabled"`)
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iEnabled" off;
+ if(! `optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger"`)
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iSelectTrigger" 15;
+ if(! `optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iUseTime"`)
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iUseTime" on;
+ if(! `optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iSaveCopies"`)
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iSaveCopies" 5;
+ if(! `optionVar -exists "ajrAS_iNotify"`)
+ optionVar -intValue "ajrAS_iNotify" off;
+ if(! `optionVar -exists "ajrAS_sBackupDir"`)
+ optionVar -stringValue "ajrAS_sBackupDir" "scenes";
+ if ($ajrAS_iSelJobNo != 0)
+ ajrAS_GUI;
+ else {
+ $ajrAS_iBackupNumber = 1;
+ $ajrAS_fLastSave = `timerX`;
+ ajrAS_FileMenu;
+ $ajrAS_iTimeJobNo = `scriptJob -event timeChanged ajrAS_CurrentTimeHasChanged`;
+ $ajrAS_iSelJobNo = `scriptJob -event SelectionChanged ajrAS_SelectionHasChanged`;
+ }