path: root/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/rndPoints.mel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/rndPoints.mel')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/rndPoints.mel b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/rndPoints.mel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7420382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/rndPoints.mel
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+/* rndPoints V1.6 - Maya2.0
+This script may be freely distributed. Modify at your own risk.
+Author: Dirk Bialluch (
+Creation date: 21.12.98
+Last update: 15.10.00
+ Please refer to integrated help window.
+ V1.1
+ -added lattice points and polygon vertices
+ V1.2
+ -set world space axes
+ V1.3
+ -store UI values
+ -transform mode added (world/object space)
+ -set intensity range
+ -use seed value checkbox added
+ -show min/max value
+ V1.4
+ -store UI values as soon as UI element changes
+ -randomize along normal, u & v tangent
+ V1.5
+ -"Use Seed Value" flag will now be recognized
+ -added threshold value for point randomization
+ V1.6
+ -UI point count display removed, due to performance issues
+ -poly vertices can now be randomized along the uv direction
+ -major UI update
+ -reset UI
+ -help window
+// Create UI **********************************************************************************
+global proc rndPoints ()
+ // set select tool
+ global string $gSelect;
+ setToolTo $gSelect;
+ int $uiLabelWidth = 140;
+ int $uiInputWidth = 240;
+ int $uiWidth = $uiLabelWidth + $uiInputWidth + 40;
+ if (`window -exists rp_ui` == true)
+ deleteUI rp_ui;
+ window
+ -maximizeButton 0
+ -resizeToFitChildren 0
+ -title "Randomize Points V1.6"
+ -iconName "Randomize Points"
+ -menuBar true
+ -menuBarVisible true
+ rp_ui;
+ menu
+ -label "Edit"
+ -tearOff false;
+ menuItem
+ -label "Reset Settings"
+ -c "rp_storeRecallUI reset; rndPoints";
+ menu
+ -label "Help"
+ -tearOff 0;
+ menuItem
+ -label "Help with Randomize Points tool"
+ -c "rp_help 1";
+ menuItem
+ -divider true;
+ menuItem
+ -label "Script Information"
+ -c "rp_help 2";
+ string $rp_form = `formLayout -numberOfDivisions 100`;
+ string $rp_scroll = `scrollLayout -hst 16 -vst 16 -childResizable true -minChildWidth $uiWidth`;
+ columnLayout -adjustableColumn true -rowSpacing 5;
+ frameLayout
+ -label "Settings"
+ -labelAlign "center"
+ -cll true
+ -lw $uiWidth
+ -mh 3
+ -borderStyle "etchedIn"
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ -ec "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ -bv true
+ rp_sFrame;
+ columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 3
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 $uiInputWidth;
+ text -l "Intensity";
+ floatSliderGrp
+ -field true
+ -precision 4
+ -value .1
+ -minValue 0
+ -maxValue 1
+ -fieldMinValue 0
+ -fieldMaxValue 10000
+ -sliderStep .1
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ -dc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_intensity;
+ text -l "WS";
+ setParent ..;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 3
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 $uiInputWidth;
+ text -l "Intensity Range";
+ floatSliderGrp
+ -field true
+ -precision 4
+ -value 0
+ -minValue -100
+ -maxValue 100
+ -sliderStep 5
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ -dc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_intensityRange;
+ text -l "-/+ %";
+ setParent ..;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 4
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 ( $uiInputWidth / 2 )
+ -columnWidth 3 ( $uiInputWidth / 2 );
+ text -l "Min/Max Value";
+ floatField
+ -w ( $uiInputWidth / 2 )
+ -precision 4
+ -editable false
+ rp_min;
+ floatField
+ -w ( $uiInputWidth / 2 )
+ -precision 4
+ -editable false
+ rp_max;
+ text -label "Info";
+ setParent ..;
+ separator -h 10;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 3
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 $uiInputWidth;
+ text -l "Threshold";
+ floatSliderGrp
+ -field true
+ -precision 4
+ -value 0
+ -minValue 0
+ -maxValue 1
+ -sliderStep .1
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ -dc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_threshold;
+ text -l "0-1";
+ setParent ..;
+ separator -h 10;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 2
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 $uiInputWidth;
+ text -label "Use Seed Value";
+ checkBox
+ -label ""
+ -value true
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_useSeed;
+ setParent ..;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 2
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 $uiInputWidth;
+ text -l "Seed Value";
+ intSliderGrp
+ -field true
+ -value 1234
+ -minValue 0
+ -maxValue 99999
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_seed;
+ setParent ..;
+ separator -h 10;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 2
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 $uiInputWidth;
+ text
+ -label "Transform Mode";
+ radioButtonGrp
+ -numberOfRadioButtons 3
+ -cw 1 100
+ -cw 2 105
+ -labelArray3 "World Space" "Object Space" "Distance"
+ -select 1
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_transMode;
+ setParent ..;
+ separator -h 10;
+ rowLayout
+ -numberOfColumns 4
+ -cat 1 "right" 5
+ -columnWidth 1 $uiLabelWidth
+ -columnWidth 2 50
+ -columnWidth 3 50;
+ text -label "Enable Axes";
+ checkBox
+ -label "X"
+ -value true
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_x;
+ checkBox
+ -label "Y"
+ -value true
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_y;
+ checkBox
+ -label "Z"
+ -value true
+ -cc "rp_adjustUI nop"
+ rp_z;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ setParent ..;
+ button
+ -label "Randomize Points"
+ -command "rp_main"
+ rp_execButton;
+ button
+ -label "Close"
+ -command "deleteUI rp_ui"
+ rp_closeButton;
+ // set form layouts
+ formLayout -edit
+ -attachForm $rp_scroll "top" 2
+ -attachForm $rp_scroll "left" 2
+ -attachControl $rp_scroll "bottom" 2 rp_execButton
+ -attachForm $rp_scroll "right" 2
+ -attachNone rp_execButton "top"
+ -attachForm rp_execButton "left" 2
+ -attachForm rp_execButton "bottom" 2
+ -attachPosition rp_execButton "right" 2 50
+ -attachNone rp_closeButton "top"
+ -attachPosition rp_closeButton "left" 2 50
+ -attachForm rp_closeButton "bottom" 2
+ -attachForm rp_closeButton "right" 2
+ $rp_form;
+ rp_storeRecallUI recall;
+ // check UI settings after restoring values
+ rp_adjustUI nop;
+ showWindow rp_ui;
+global proc rp_storeRecallUI ( string $mode )
+ string $floatFieldList[] = {
+ };
+ string $intFieldList[] = {
+ };
+ string $optionMenuList[] = {
+ };
+ string $floatSliderGrpList[] = {
+ "rp_intensity",
+ "rp_intensityRange",
+ "rp_threshold"
+ };
+ string $intSliderGrpList[] = {
+ "rp_seed"
+ };
+ string $checkBoxList[] = {
+ "rp_useSeed",
+ "rp_x",
+ "rp_y",
+ "rp_z"
+ };
+ string $radioButtonGrpList[] = {
+ "rp_transMode"
+ };
+ string $frameLayoutList[] = {
+ "rp_sFrame"
+ };
+ int $cnt;
+ if ( $mode == "store" )
+ {
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $floatFieldList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -floatValue $floatFieldList[$cnt] `floatField -q -value $floatFieldList[$cnt]`;
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $intFieldList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -intValue $intFieldList[$cnt] `intField -q -value $intFieldList[$cnt]`;
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $floatSliderGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -floatValue $floatSliderGrpList[$cnt] `floatSliderGrp -q -value $floatSliderGrpList[$cnt]`;
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $intSliderGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -intValue $intSliderGrpList[$cnt] `intSliderGrp -q -value $intSliderGrpList[$cnt]`;
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $checkBoxList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -intValue $checkBoxList[$cnt] `checkBox -q -value $checkBoxList[$cnt]`;
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $optionMenuList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -intValue $optionMenuList[$cnt] `optionMenu -q -select $optionMenuList[$cnt]`;
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $radioButtonGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -intValue $radioButtonGrpList[$cnt] `radioButtonGrp -q -select $radioButtonGrpList[$cnt]`;
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $frameLayoutList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -intValue $frameLayoutList[$cnt] `frameLayout -q -collapse $frameLayoutList[$cnt]`;
+ }
+ if ( $mode == "recall" )
+ {
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $floatFieldList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $floatFieldList[$cnt]` )
+ floatField -e -value `optionVar -q $floatFieldList[$cnt]` $floatFieldList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $intFieldList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $intFieldList[$cnt]` )
+ intField -e -value `optionVar -q $intFieldList[$cnt]` $intFieldList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $floatSliderGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $floatSliderGrpList[$cnt]` )
+ floatSliderGrp -e -value `optionVar -q $floatSliderGrpList[$cnt]` $floatSliderGrpList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $intSliderGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $intSliderGrpList[$cnt]` )
+ intSliderGrp -e -value `optionVar -q $intSliderGrpList[$cnt]` $intSliderGrpList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $checkBoxList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $checkBoxList[$cnt]` )
+ checkBox -e -value `optionVar -q $checkBoxList[$cnt]` $checkBoxList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $optionMenuList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $optionMenuList[$cnt]` )
+ optionMenu -e -select `optionVar -q $optionMenuList[$cnt]` $optionMenuList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $radioButtonGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $radioButtonGrpList[$cnt]` )
+ radioButtonGrp -e -select `optionVar -q $radioButtonGrpList[$cnt]` $radioButtonGrpList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $frameLayoutList ); $cnt++ )
+ if ( `optionVar -exists $frameLayoutList[$cnt]` )
+ frameLayout -e -collapse `optionVar -q $frameLayoutList[$cnt]` $frameLayoutList[$cnt];
+ }
+ if ( $mode == "reset" )
+ {
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $floatFieldList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $floatFieldList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $intFieldList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $intFieldList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $floatSliderGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $floatSliderGrpList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $intSliderGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $intSliderGrpList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $checkBoxList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $checkBoxList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $optionMenuList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $optionMenuList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $radioButtonGrpList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $radioButtonGrpList[$cnt];
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size( $frameLayoutList ); $cnt++ )
+ optionVar -remove $frameLayoutList[$cnt];
+ }
+// Adjust UI settings
+global proc rp_adjustUI ( string $function )
+ if ( `checkBox -q -v rp_useSeed` )
+ intSliderGrp -e -enable true rp_seed;
+ else
+ intSliderGrp -e -enable false rp_seed;
+ if ( ( `checkBox -q -v rp_x` || `checkBox -q -v rp_y` || `checkBox -q -v rp_z` ) && `floatSliderGrp -q -value rp_intensity` )
+ button -e -enable true rp_execButton;
+ else
+ button -e -enable false rp_execButton;
+ if ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select rp_transMode` == 1 )
+ floatSliderGrp -e -extraLabel "WS" rp_intensity;
+ else
+ floatSliderGrp -e -extraLabel "OS" rp_intensity;
+ if ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select rp_transMode` == 3 )
+ {
+ checkBox -e -label "U" rp_x;
+ checkBox -e -label "V" rp_y;
+ checkBox -e -label "N" rp_z;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ checkBox -e -label "X" rp_x;
+ checkBox -e -label "Y" rp_y;
+ checkBox -e -label "Z" rp_z;
+ }
+ // calculate min/max displacement value
+ float $intensity = `floatSliderGrp -q -value rp_intensity`;
+ float $intensityRange = `floatSliderGrp -q -value rp_intensityRange`;
+ float $min = -($intensity / 2) + ($intensity * $intensityRange / 200);
+ float $max = $intensity / 2 + ($intensity * $intensityRange / 200);
+ floatField -e -value $min rp_min;
+ floatField -e -value $max rp_max;
+ rp_storeRecallUI store;
+// Main function
+global proc rp_main ()
+ // get settings from UI
+ float $min = `floatField -q -value rp_min`;
+ float $max = `floatField -q -value rp_max`;
+ int $seed = `intSliderGrp -q -value rp_seed`;
+ int $useSeed = `checkBox -q -v rp_useSeed`;
+ int $enX = `checkBox -q -v rp_x`;
+ int $enY = `checkBox -q -v rp_y`;
+ int $enZ = `checkBox -q -v rp_z`;
+ int $transMode = `radioButtonGrp -q -select rp_transMode`;
+ float $threshold = `floatSliderGrp -q -value rp_threshold`;
+ // init random function for repeatable results
+ if ( $useSeed )
+ seed $seed;
+ string $objList[];
+ // get selected points
+ if ( $transMode != 3 )
+ // filter cv, poly vertices and lattice points
+ $objList = `filterExpand -ex true -sm 28 -sm 31 -sm 46`;
+ else
+ // filter cv and poly vertices
+ $objList = `filterExpand -ex true -sm 28 -sm 31`;
+ int $listSize = size($objList);
+ waitCursor -state on;
+ // transform CV
+ float $xmin, $ymin, $zmin, $xmax, $ymax, $zmax;
+ int $count;
+ string $u = "";
+ string $v = "";
+ string $n = "";
+ int $threshArray[] = {};
+ for ($count = 0; $count < $listSize; $count++)
+ {
+ float $threshRnd = `rand 0 1`;
+ if ( $threshRnd >= $threshold )
+ {
+ $threshArray[$count] = 1;
+ $xmin = $ymin = $zmin = $xmax = $ymax = $zmax = 0;
+ if ($enX)
+ {
+ $xmin = $min;
+ $xmax = $max;
+ }
+ if ($enY)
+ {
+ $ymin = $min;
+ $ymax = $max;
+ }
+ if ($enZ)
+ {
+ $zmin = $min;
+ $zmax = $max;
+ }
+ if ( $transMode == 1 )
+ move -r -ws `rand $xmin $xmax` `rand $ymin $ymax` `rand $zmin $zmax` $objList[$count];
+ else if ( $transMode == 2 )
+ move -r -os `rand $xmin $xmax` `rand $ymin $ymax` `rand $zmin $zmax` $objList[$count];
+ else
+ {
+ $u += "-u " + ( `rand $xmin $xmax` ) + " ";
+ $v += "-v " + ( `rand $ymin $ymax` ) + " ";
+ $n += "-n " + ( `rand $zmin $zmax` ) + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $transMode == 3)
+ {
+ string $pointList = "";
+ for ( $cnt = 0; $cnt < size ( $threshArray ); $cnt++ )
+ {
+ if ( $threshArray[$cnt] )
+ $pointList += ( $objList[$cnt] + " " );
+ }
+ if ( size ( $pointList ) )
+ {
+ eval ( "moveVertexAlongDirection " + $n + $pointList );
+ eval ( "moveVertexAlongDirection " + $u + $pointList );
+ eval ( "moveVertexAlongDirection " + $v + $pointList );
+ }
+ }
+ waitCursor -state off;
+// end of script