path: root/frontend
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
-rw-r--r--frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image.jpgbin0 -> 212946 bytes
-rw-r--r--frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image_aai.pngbin0 -> 74942 bytes
37 files changed, 10444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/api/api.php b/frontend/api/api.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f62ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/api/api.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+include_once '../../function.php';
+include_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
+$api = new ApiLoginController();
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/api/api_test.php b/frontend/api/api_test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be5303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/api/api_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ *
+ * Skripta za testiranje API-ja
+ *
+// Nastavimo url api-ja
+$api_url = 'http://localhost/FDV/frontend/api/api.php';
+// Nastavimo identifier in key userja
+$identifier = '';
+$private_key = '';
+// Nastavimo parametre
+//$action = 'login';
+$action = 'logout';
+// Izvedemo klic (GET ali POST)
+//$result = executeGET();
+//$result = executePOST();
+// Izvedemo json decode
+$result_array = json_decode($result, true);
+// redirectamo ce imamo tako nastavljeno
+if(isset($result_array['redirect']) && $result_array['redirect'] != ''){
+ header('Location: '.$result_array['redirect']);
+// Drugace izpisemo rezultat
+ echo 'REZULTAT (RAW):<br />';
+ echo $result;
+ echo '<br /><br /><br />';
+ // Nastavimo nazaj popravljen cookie
+ //$_COOKIE = $result_array['cookie'];
+ var_dump($result_array);
+// GET
+function executeGET(){
+ global $api_url;
+ global $identifier;
+ global $private_key;
+ global $ank_id;
+ global $action;
+ // GET params
+ $params = 'action='.$action; // Funkcija, ki jo želimo izvesti
+ $params .= '&ank_id='.$ank_id; // ostali parametri potrebni za klic funkcije (id ankete, vprašanja...)
+ // Pripravimo podatke za hashiranje
+ $request_method = 'GET';
+ $request = $api_url.'?'.$params;
+ $data = $request_method . $request;
+ // Izracunamo hash (token)
+ $token = hash_hmac('sha256', $data, $private_key);
+ // Pripravimo klic – dodamo parametra »identifikator« in »token«
+ $ch = curl_init($request.'&identifier='.$identifier.'&token='.$token);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request_method);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ // Izvedemo klic
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ return $result;
+// POST
+function executePOST(){
+ global $api_url;
+ global $identifier;
+ global $private_key;
+ global $ank_id;
+ global $action;
+ // GET params
+ $params = 'action='.$action; // Funkcija, ki jo želimo izvesti
+ // POST data
+ $post_data = array(
+ "cookie" => $_COOKIE
+ );
+ // Pripravimo podatke za hashiranje
+ $request_method = 'POST';
+ $request = $api_url.'?'.$params;
+ $raw_post_data = http_build_query($post_data);
+ $data = $request_method . $request . $raw_post_data;
+ // Izracunamo hash (token)
+ $token = hash_hmac('sha256', $data, $private_key);
+ // Pripravimo klic – dodamo parametra »identifikator« in »token«
+ $ch = curl_init($request.'&identifier='.$identifier.'&token='.$token);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($post_data)); // JSON string za POST
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request_method);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER ,1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ,1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
+ /*$cookie_file = 'cookie.txt';
+ curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_file);
+ curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_file);*/
+ // Pripravimo cookije ki jih posljemo cez
+ $cookie_string = '';
+ foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $value){
+ $cookie_string .= $key.'='.$value.';';
+ }
+ $cookie_string = substr($cookie_string, 0, -2);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie_string);
+ // Izvedemo klic
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ // Popravimo piskotke
+ preg_match_all('/^Set-Cookie:\s*([^;]*)/mi', $result, $matches); // get cookie
+ $cookies = array();
+ foreach($matches[1] as $item) {
+ $new_cookie = explode("=", $item);
+ setcookie($new_cookie[0], $new_cookie[1], time()-3600, '/', '');
+ }
+ // Izluscimo samo json response (ker imamo tudi header zraven)
+ preg_match_all('{".*"}', $result, $matches);
+ $result = '{'.$matches[0][0].'}';
+ return $result;
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/api/class.ApiLogin.php b/frontend/api/class.ApiLogin.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aff7d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/api/class.ApiLogin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1914 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki vsebuje funkcije APIJA (prijava, registracija v 1ko)
+ *
+ */
+class ApiLogin
+ var $ime;
+ var $priimek;
+ var $email;
+ var $pass;
+ var $prijava = '';
+ var $EncPass;
+ var $page_urls = []; // Url-ji za podstrani - to se bo verjetno nastavljalo v settings.php
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ global $site_url;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $site_frontend;
+ global $site_path;
+ global $site_domain;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ global $virtual_domain;
+ // Overridi za virtualne domene na TUS strezniku
+ if(isset($virtual_domain) && $virtual_domain == true){
+ if (getenv('apache_site_path') != '') $site_url = getenv('apache_site_url');
+ if (getenv('apache_site_path') != '') $site_path = getenv('apache_site_path');
+ if (getenv('apache_site_domain') != '') $site_domain = getenv('apache_site_domain');
+ if (getenv('apache_keep_domain') != '') $cookie_domain = getenv('apache_keep_domain');
+ }
+ if ($site_frontend == 'drupal') {
+ $url = $site_url.'d/';
+ if (!empty($_POST['jezik'])) {
+ $url = $site_url.'d/'.$_POST['jezik'].'/';
+ }
+ if (!empty($_GET['prijava']) && $_GET['prijava'] == 1) {
+ $this->prijava = '_login';
+ }
+ // Url-ji za podstrani
+ $urls_array = [
+ // Preusmerimo če reCaptcha ni vključena in je robot izpolnil registracijo
+ 'page_robot_redirect' => $url,
+ 'page_main' => $url,
+ // Osnovna stran
+ 'page_main_login' => $url.'prijava/',
+ // Vrnemo na osnovne spletno stran za prijavo
+ 'page_login' => $url.'?a=login',
+ // Stran namenjena logiranju
+ 'page_login_login' => $url.'prijava/?a=login',
+ // Stran namenjena logiranju
+ 'page_login_noEmail' => $url.'?a=login_noEmail',
+ // Stran na katero preusmerimo ce pri loginu vnese napacen oz. neobstojec email
+ 'page_login_noEmail_login' => $url.'prijava/index.php?a=login_noEmail',
+ //Preusmei na stran, kje je obrazec za prijavo
+ //Google 2FA
+ 'page_login_2fa' => $url.'?a=login_2fa',
+ // Če je uporabnik bannan
+ 'page_user_ban' => $url.'?a=user_ban',
+ 'page_user_ban_login' => $url.'prijava/index.php?a=user_ban',
+ // Registracija
+ 'page_register' => $url.'registracija/?',
+ // 1. korak registracije - stran s formo za registracijo
+ 'page_register_confirm' => $url.'registracija/confirm/?',
+ // 2. korak registracije - stran kamor je preusmerjen uporabnik po vnosu podatkov za registracijo (kjer pregleda vnešene podatke če so vsi ok)
+ 'page_register_emailSend' => $url.'registracija/send/?',
+ // 3 .korak registracije - stran kamor je preusmerjen ko potrdi podatke - izpiše se mu obvestilo, da bo prejel potrditveni mail
+ 'page_register_activate' => $site_url.'admin/survey/',
+ // 4. korak registracije - stran kamor ga preusmeri, ko klikne na url za potrditev registracije v mailu (opcijsko - lahko se ga preusmeri tudi na osnovno stran)
+ 'page_add_second_email' => $url.'?a=add_second_email',
+ 'page_reset_password' => $url.'obnovitev-gesla/?a=reset_password',
+ // Sprememba gesla
+ 'page_reset_password_activate' => $url.'?a=reset_password_activate'
+ // Potrditev spremembe gesla
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // Simple
+ $urls_array = [
+ 'page_main' => $site_url.'index.php',
+ // Osnovna stran
+ 'page_login' => $site_url.'index.php?a=login',
+ // Stran namenjena logiranju
+ 'page_login_noEmail' => $site_url.'index.php?a=login_noEmail',
+ //Google 2FA
+ 'page_login_2fa' => $site_url.'index.php?a=login_2fa',
+ // Stran na katero preusmerimo ce pri loginu vnese napacen oz. neobstojec email
+ 'page_user_ban' => $site_url.'index.php?a=user_ban',
+ 'page_register' => $site_url.'index.php?a=register',
+ // 1. korak registracije - stran s formo za registracijo
+ 'page_register_confirm' => $site_url.'index.php?a=register_confirm',
+ // 2. korak registracije - stran kamor je preusmerjen uporabnik po vnosu podatkov za registracijo (kjer pregleda vnešene podatke če so vsi ok)
+ 'page_register_emailSend' => $site_url.'index.php?a=register_email',
+ // 3 .korak registracije - stran kamor je preusmerjen ko potrdi podatke - izpiše se mu obvestilo, da bo prejel potrditveni mail
+ 'page_register_activate' => $site_url.'index.php',
+ // 4. korak registracije - stran kamor ga preusmeri, ko klikne na url za potrditev registracije v mailu (opcijsko - lahko se ga preusmeri tudi na osnovno stran)
+ 'page_add_second_email' => $site_url.'index.php?a=add_second_email',
+ 'page_unregister' => $site_url.'index.php?a=unregister',
+ // Stran namenjena "odregistraciji uporabnika
+ 'page_unregister_confirm' => $site_url.'index.php?a=unregister_confirm',
+ // Potrditev odregistracije
+ 'page_reset_password' => $site_url.'index.php?a=reset_password',
+ // Sprememba gesla
+ 'page_reset_password_activate' => $site_url.'index.php?a=reset_password_activate'
+ // Potrditev spremembe gesla
+ ];
+ }
+ // Nastavimo url-je
+ $this->setUrls($urls_array);
+ // Preverimo ce smo logirani (in ustrezno nastavimo piskotke)
+ $admin_type = $this->checkLogin();
+ }
+ // Nastavimo vse podstrani potrebne za delovanje (registracija, login, odregistracija, pozabljeno geslo...) -
+ public function setUrls($urls_array)
+ {
+ $this->page_urls = $urls_array;
+ }
+ // Izvedemo akcijo
+ public function checkLogin()
+ {
+ global $admin_type; // tip admina: 0:admin, 1:manager, 2:clan, 3:user
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ global $is_meta;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ $is_meta = 0;
+ $global_user_id = 0;
+ $admin_type = 3;
+ $cookie_pass = $_COOKIE['secret'];
+ // UID je v resnici base64 od emaila, ker sicer odpove meta!!!
+ // najprej testiram meto, potem sele userje.
+ if (isset ($_COOKIE['uid']) && !empty($_COOKIE['g2fa'])) {
+ $user_email = base64_decode($_COOKIE['uid']);
+ $db_meta_exists = mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'], "meta");
+ if ($db_meta_exists) {
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT geslo, aid, 0 as type FROM administratorji WHERE email='$user_email'");
+ }
+ // NI META
+ if (!$result || mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
+ mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'], $mysql_database_name);
+ $meta = 0;
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT pass, id, type FROM users WHERE email='$user_email'");
+ if (!$result || mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
+ // najprej poradiraij cookije!
+ setcookie('uid', "", time() - 3600, $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('secret', "", time() - 3600, $cookie_domain);
+ if (substr_count($cookie_domain, ".") > 1) {
+ $nd = substr($cookie_domain,strpos($cookie_domain, ".") + 1);
+ setcookie('uid', "", time() - 3600, $nd);
+ setcookie('secret', "", time() - 3600, $nd);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ if ($cookie_pass != $r[0]) {
+ // najprej poradiraij cookije!
+ setcookie('uid', "", time() - 3600, $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('secret', "", time() - 3600, $cookie_domain);
+ if (substr_count($cookie_domain, ".") > 1) {
+ $nd = substr($cookie_domain,
+ strpos($cookie_domain, ".") + 1);
+ setcookie('uid', "", time() - 3600, $nd);
+ setcookie('secret', "", time() - 3600, $nd);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ $admin_type = $r[2];
+ $global_user_id = $r[1];
+ return $r[2];
+ }
+ }
+ } // JE META
+ else {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ if ($cookie_pass == base64_encode((hash('SHA256', base64_decode($r[0]).$pass_salt)))) {
+ $is_meta = 1;
+ $admin_type = "0";
+ mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],
+ $mysql_database_name);
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT pass, id, type FROM users WHERE email='$user_email'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $global_user_id = $r[1];
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS['connect_db'],
+ $mysql_database_name);
+ // Obstaja tudi primer ko je IN meta IN navaden- in se je pac prijavil kot navaden user
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT pass, id, type FROM users WHERE email='$user_email'");
+ if (!$result || mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ if ($cookie_pass != $r[0]) {
+ // najprej poradiraij cookije!
+ setcookie('uid', "", time() - 3600, $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('secret', "", time() - 3600,
+ $cookie_domain);
+ if (substr_count($cookie_domain, ".") > 1) {
+ $nd = substr($cookie_domain,
+ strpos($cookie_domain, ".") + 1);
+ setcookie('uid', "", time() - 3600, $nd);
+ setcookie('secret', "", time() - 3600, $nd);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ $admin_type = $r[2];
+ $global_user_id = $r[1];
+ return $r[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // Ni prijavljen
+ else {
+ $admin_type = -1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Preveri ce je user ze logiran v 1ko in nastavi globalne spremenljivke in cookie (kopirano iz function.php)
+ public function executeAction($params, $data)
+ {
+ global $site_url;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $lang;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ // Nastavimo prejete podatke
+ if (isset($data['ime'])) {
+ $this->ime = $data['ime'];
+ }
+ if (isset($data['priimek'])) {
+ $this->priimek = $data['priimek'];
+ }
+ if (isset($data['email'])) {
+ $this->email = trim($data['email']);
+ }
+ if (isset($data['pass'])) {
+ $this->pass = $data['pass'];
+ }
+ if (!isset($params['action'])) {
+ $response = 'Napaka! Manjkajo parametri!';
+ } else {
+ switch ($params['action']) {
+ // Login userja
+ case 'login':
+ $response = $this->userLogin();
+ break;
+ // Login userja
+ case 'login_2fa':
+ $response = $this->userLogin2fa();
+ break;
+ // Login userja z google racunom
+ case 'login_google':
+ if(!empty($_POST['remember']) && $_POST['remember'] == 1) {
+ setcookie('remember-me', '1', time() + 31536000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ }
+ $response = $this->userLoginGoogle();
+ break;
+ // Login userja s FB racunom
+ case 'login_facebook':
+ if(!empty($_POST['remember']) && $_POST['remember'] == 1) {
+ setcookie('remember-me', '1', time() + 31536000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ }
+ $response = $this->userLoginFacebook();
+ break;
+ // Login userja z AAI racunom
+ case 'login_AAI':
+ if(!empty($_POST['remember']) && $_POST['remember'] == 1) {
+ setcookie('remember-me', '1', time() + 31536000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ }
+ $response = $this->userLoginAAI();
+ break;
+ // Logout userja
+ case 'logout':
+ $response = $this->userLogout();
+ break;
+ // Registracija userja - prvi vnos podatkov s preverjanjem
+ case 'register':
+ $response = $this->userRegister();
+ break;
+ // Registracija userja - potrditev podatkov in posiljanje potrditvenega maila
+ case 'register_confirm':
+ $response = $this->userRegisterConfirm();
+ break;
+ // Registracija userja - potrditev registracije (aktivacija) po prejetju potrditvenega maila
+ case 'register_activate':
+ $response = $this->userRegisterActivate();
+ break;
+ // Dodajanje alternativnega emaila
+ case 'activate_second_email':
+ $response = $this->userActivateAlternativEmail();
+ break;
+ // Odregistracija userja - preverjanje ce se res zeli odjaviti
+ // case 'unregister':
+ // $response = $this->userUnregister();
+ // break;
+ // Odregistracija userja - potrditev in dejanska odjava
+ case 'unregister_confirm':
+ $response = $this->userUnregisterConfirm();
+ break;
+ // Reset passworda userja
+ case 'reset_password':
+ $response = $this->userResetPassword();
+ break;
+ // Potrditev reseta passworda userja
+ case 'reset_password_activate':
+ $response = $this->userResetPasswordActivate();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ echo $response;
+ }
+ // Prijavi userja v 1ko - (kopirano iz ProfileClass.php)
+ private function userLogin()
+ {
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ global $originating_domain;
+ global $keep_domain;
+ global $app_settings;
+ // Ce imamo vklopljeno blokiranje dostopa do admina glede na ip
+ if(isset($app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip']) && $app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip'] != '' && !empty($app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip'])){
+ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ // Preverimo ip - ce se ne ujema ne pustimo logina
+ if(!in_array($ip, $app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip'])){
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login'.$this->prijava]);
+ die();
+ }
+ }
+ $mini = $this->email.$this->pass;
+ for ($Stevec = 0; $Stevec < strlen($mini); $Stevec++) {
+ $mini = str_replace("'", "", $mini);
+ }
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='CookieLife'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $LifeTime = $row[0];
+ // Cookie "remember-me" nastavimo pri FB, Google in AAi prijavi in tukaj preverjamo, če je nastavljena ta opcija
+ if ((isset($_POST['remember']) && $_POST['remember'] == "1") || (isset($_COOKIE['remember-me']) && $_COOKIE['remember-me'] == 1)) {
+ $LifeTime = 3600 * 24 * 365;
+ } else {
+ $LifeTime = $LifeTime;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce obstaja uporabnik s tem emailom
+ $user_id = User::findByEmail($this->email);
+ if (!empty($user_id)) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT type, pass, status, id, name, surname, email FROM users WHERE id='".$user_id."'");
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
+ // BAN
+ if ($r['status'] == 0) {
+ header('Location: '.$this->page_urls['page_user_ban'.$this->prijava].'&error=user_ban&email='.$this->email);
+ die();
+ }
+ $user_lang = 1;
+ if (!empty($_POST['jezik']) && $_POST['jezik'] == 'en') {
+ $user_lang = 2;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce je password ok
+ if (base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $this->pass.$pass_salt))) == $r['pass'] || $this->EncPass == $r['pass']) {
+ // Zabelezimo datum prijave
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=NOW(), lang='".$user_lang."' WHERE id='".$r['id']."'");
+ // določi še, od kje se je prijavil
+ $hostname = "";
+ $headers = apache_request_headers();
+ if (array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $headers)) {
+ $hostname = $headers['X-Forwarded-For'];
+ } else {
+ $hostname = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+ }
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_login_tracker (uid, IP, kdaj) VALUES ('".$r['id']."', '".$hostname."', NOW())");
+ // Ustvarimo login cookie
+ setcookie("uid", base64_encode($r['email']), time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ //Preverimo če gre za Google 2FA
+ $user_2fa_enabled = User::option($r['id'], 'google-2fa-validation');
+ if(!empty($user_2fa_enabled) && $user_2fa_enabled != 'NOT'){
+ setcookie("g2fa", base64_encode($user_2fa_enabled), time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login_2fa']);
+ die();
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo piškotek še z imenom in geslom
+ setcookie("unam", base64_encode($r['name'].' '.$r['surname']),time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("secret", $r['pass'], time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ if ($r['status'] == "2" || $r['status'] == "6") {
+ setcookie("P", time(), time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login'.$this->prijava].'&email='.$this->email.'&error=password');
+ die();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Password prompt
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login'.$this->prijava].'&email='.$this->email.'&error=password');
+ die();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Preverimo, če je sploh vpisal email
+ if (validEmail($this->email)) {
+ // Emaila ni v bazi
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login_noEmail'.$this->prijava].'&email='.$this->email);
+ } else {
+ // Ni vpisana prava oblika maila
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login_noEmail'.$this->prijava].'&email='.$this->email);
+ }
+ die();
+ }
+ //Vkolikor smo ga prijavili in želi kupip paket, vrnemo nazaj na Drupal
+ if(isset($_COOKIE['nakup'])){
+ if($user_lang == 1){
+ header('location: '.$site_url.'d/izvedi-nakup/'.$_COOKIE['paket'].'/podatki');
+ } else{
+ header('location: '.$site_url.'d/en/purchase/'.$_COOKIE['paket'].'/package');
+ }
+ die();
+ }
+ // Vse je ok - prijavljenega preusmerimo na moje ankete
+ header('location: '.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?lang='.$user_lang);
+ die();
+ }
+ // Prijava z Google 2 FA
+ private function userLogin2fa()
+ {
+ global $site_url, $cookie_domain;
+ $email = null;
+ if(!empty($_COOKIE['uid'])){
+ $email = base64_decode($_COOKIE['uid']);
+ }
+ $user_id = User::findByEmail($email);
+ $user= sisplet_query("SELECT type, pass, status, name, surname, email FROM users WHERE id='".$user_id."'", "obj");
+ $secret = User::option($user_id, 'google-2fa-secret');
+ if(!empty($secret) && $_POST['google_2fa_number']){
+ $google2fa = new \Sonata\GoogleAuthenticator\GoogleAuthenticator();
+ $user_lang = 1;
+ if (!empty($_POST['jezik']) && $_POST['jezik'] == 'en') {
+ $user_lang = 2;
+ }
+ // 2FA je bila uspešna
+ if ($google2fa->checkCode($secret, $_POST['google_2fa_number'])) {
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='CookieLife'", "obj");
+ $LifeTime = $result->value;
+ // Ustvarimo piškotek še z imenom in geslom
+ setcookie("unam", base64_encode($user->name.' '.$user->surname),time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("secret", $user->pass, time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ // Zabelezimo datum prijave
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=NOW() WHERE id='".$user_id."'");
+ // določi še, od kje se je prijavil
+ $hostname = "";
+ $headers = apache_request_headers();
+ if (array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $headers)) {
+ $hostname = $headers['X-Forwarded-For'];
+ } else {
+ $hostname = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+ }
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_login_tracker (uid, IP, kdaj) VALUES ('".$user_id."', '".$hostname."', NOW())");
+ // Vse je ok - prijavljenega preusmerimo na moje ankete
+ header('location: '.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?lang='.$user_lang);
+ die();
+ }
+ // Vse neuspešne poskuse ali napačen email
+ header('location: '. $this->page_urls['page_login_2fa'].'&error=2fa');
+ die();
+ }
+ // Vse je ok - prijavljenega preusmerimo na moje ankete
+ header('location: '.$site_url);
+ die();
+ }
+ // Prijavi userja v 1ko z Google racunom (kopirano iz ProfileClass.php) - PRETESTIRATI
+ private function userLoginGoogle()
+ {
+ require_once('../../function/JWT.php');
+ global $google_login_client_id;
+ global $google_login_client_secret;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ global $proxy;
+ $oauth2_code = $_GET['code'];
+ $discovery = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
+ if ($proxy != "") {
+ $ctx = stream_context_create([
+ 'http' => [
+ 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
+ 'method' => 'POST',
+ 'content' => http_build_query([
+ 'client_id' => $google_login_client_id,
+ 'client_secret' => $google_login_client_secret,
+ 'code' => $oauth2_code,
+ 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
+ 'redirect_uri' => $site_url.'frontend/api/google-oauth2.php',
+ 'openid.realm' => $site_url,
+ ]),
+ 'proxy' => 'tcp://'.$proxy,
+ ],
+ ]);
+ } else {
+ $ctx = stream_context_create([
+ 'http' => [
+ 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
+ 'method' => 'POST',
+ 'content' => http_build_query([
+ 'client_id' => $google_login_client_id,
+ 'client_secret' => $google_login_client_secret,
+ 'code' => $oauth2_code,
+ 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
+ 'redirect_uri' => $site_url.'frontend/api/google-oauth2.php',
+ 'openid.realm' => $site_url,
+ ]),
+ ],
+ ]);
+ }
+ $resp = file_get_contents($discovery->token_endpoint, false, $ctx);
+ if (!$resp) {
+ // $http_response_header here got magically populated by file_get_contents(), surprise
+ echo '<h1>'.$lang['oid_auth_rejected'].'</h1>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['google_auth_rejected'].'</p>';
+ echo '<ul><li>'.$lang['oid_maybe_you_rejected'].'<a href="'.$site_url.'index.php">'.$lang['try_again'].'</a></li><li>'.$lang['oid_maybe_local1'].'<a href="'.$site_url.'index.php">'.$lang['oid_maybe_local2'].'</a></li></ul>';
+ }
+ $resp = json_decode($resp);
+ $access_token = $resp->access_token;
+ $id_token = $resp->id_token;
+ // Skip JWT verification: we got it directly from Google via https, nothing could go wrong.
+ $id_payload = JWT::decode($resp->id_token, null, false);
+ if (!$id_payload->sub) {
+ echo '<h1>'.$lang['oid_auth_rejected'].'</h1>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['google_auth_rejected'].'</p>';
+ echo '<ul><li>'.$lang['oid_maybe_you_rejected'].'<a href="'.$site_url.'index.php">'.$lang['try_again'].'</a></li><li>'.$lang['oid_maybe_local1'].'<a href="'.$site_url.'index.php">'.$lang['oid_maybe_local2'].'</a></li></ul>';
+ }
+ $user_id = 'google+'.$id_payload->sub;
+ $user_email = $id_payload->email;
+ if ($user_email != '' && $user_id != '') {
+ $this->email = $user_email;
+ $user_id_1ka = User::findByEmail($user_email);
+ // Je noter, ga samo prijavim...
+ if (!empty($user_id_1ka)) {
+ $res = sisplet_query("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE id='".$user_id_1ka."'");
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($res);
+ $this->EncPass = $r[0];
+ $this->userLogin();
+ } // Ni se registriran, ga je potrebno dodati na prijavno formo
+ else {
+ // geslo med 00000 in zzzzz
+ $this->pass = base_convert(mt_rand(0x19A100, 0x39AA3FF), 10, 36);
+ $this->EncPass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $this->pass.$pass_salt)));
+ $this->email = $user_email;
+ $fn = explode("@", $user_email);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO users (name, surname, email, pass, lang, when_reg) VALUES ('".$fn[0]."', '', '".$user_email."', '".$this->EncPass."', '".(isset ($_GET['regFromEnglish']) && $_GET['regFromEnglish'] == "1" ? '2' : '1')."', NOW())");
+ $uid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO oid_users (uid) VALUES ('$uid')");
+ // Piškotek za cca. 10 let, da mu naslednjić ponudimo prijavno
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ setcookie('external-login', '1', time()+280000000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ // prijavi
+ $this->userLogin();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prijavi userja v 1ko z FB racunom (kopirano iz ProfileClass.php) - PRETESTIRATI
+ private function userLoginFacebook()
+ {
+ global $facebook_appid;
+ global $facebook_appsecret;
+ global $cookie_path;
+ if ($r = file_get_contents("".$facebook_appid."&redirect_uri=".$facebook_appsecret."&code=".$_GET['code'])) {
+ $at = json_decode($r);
+ $user = json_decode(file_get_contents(',first_name,last_name&access_token='.$at->{'access_token'}));
+ if (!isset ($user->email) && isset ($user->name)) {
+ $user->email = str_replace(" ", ".",
+ $user->first_name.".".$user->last_name)."";
+ }
+ $old_email = str_replace(" ", ".", $user->first_name.".".$user->last_name)."";
+ $old_email = str_replace([" ", "č", "ć", "Č", "Ć", "ž", "Ž", "š", "Š", "đ", "Đ"], [".", "c", "c", "C", "C", "z", "Z", "s", "S", "d", "D"], $old_email);
+ // preveri email, ce ga imas v bazi:
+ if (isset ($user->email) && $user->email != '') {
+ $obstaja_user_id = User::findByEmail(str_replace("'",'', $user->email));
+ $result = sisplet_query("select, u.surname,,, u.pass FROM users u, fb_users f WHERE AND'".$obstaja_user_id."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
+ $obstaja_user_id_old_email = User::findByEmail(str_replace("'",'', $old_email));
+ $result2 = sisplet_query("select FROM users u LEFT JOIN fb_users f on ( where'".$obstaja_user_id_old_email."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($result2) > 0) {
+ $r2 = mysqli_fetch_row($result2);
+ $real_id = User::findByEmail($user->email);
+ if (!empty($real_id)) {
+ // moramo popravljati IDje in jebat ježa
+ // iz "pravega" skopiram geslo na "fb", "fb" popravim v pravega in pravega dizejblam. In iz pravega vse srv_dpstop popravim na "fb"
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users a, users b SET a.pass=b.pass WHERE'".str_replace("'",
+ '',
+ $old_email)."' AND'".str_replace("'",
+ '', $user->email)."'");
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET email=CONCAT('D3LMD-' , email) WHERE email='".str_replace("'",
+ '', $user->email)."'");
+ if ($real_id[0] > 0 && $r2[0] > 0) {
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_dostop SET uid=".$r2[0]." WHERE uid=".$real_id[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET email='".str_replace("'",
+ '', $user->email)."' WHERE id='".$r2[0]."'");
+ }
+ }
+ $result = sisplet_query("select, u.surname, IF(ISNULL(,'0',,, u.pass FROM users u LEFT JOIN fb_users f on ( where'".$obstaja_user_id."'");
+ // je noter, preveri ce je v FB (podatki, podatki!)
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ if ($r[2] != '0') {
+ // samo prijavi
+ $this->EncPass = $r[4];
+ $this->email = str_replace(" ", ".", $user->email);
+ $this->userLogin();
+ } else {
+ // dodaj FB podatke in prijavi
+ if (isset ($user->first_name)) {
+ $fn = $user->first_name;
+ } else {
+ $fn = $r[0];
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->last_name)) {
+ $ln = $user->last_name;
+ } else {
+ $ln = $r[1];
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->gender)) {
+ $gn = $user->gender;
+ } else {
+ $gn = '';
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->profile_link)) {
+ $pl = $user->profile_link;
+ } else {
+ $pl = '';
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->timezone)) {
+ $tz = $user->timezone;
+ } else {
+ $tz = '';
+ }
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO fb_users (uid, first_name, last_name, gender, timezone, profile_link) VALUES ('".$r[3]."', '".$fn."', '".$ln."', '".$gn."', '".$tz."', '".$pl."')");
+ // Prijaviga :)
+ $this->EncPass = $r[4];
+ $this->email = $user->email;
+ $this->userLogin();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // registriraj, dodaj FB podatke in prijavi
+ // dodaj FB podatke in prijavi
+ if (isset ($user->first_name)) {
+ $fn = $user->first_name;
+ } else {
+ $fn = str_replace(" ", ".", $r[0]);
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->last_name)) {
+ $ln = $user->last_name;
+ } else {
+ $ln = $r[1];
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->gender)) {
+ $gn = $user->gender;
+ } else {
+ $gn = '';
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->profile_link)) {
+ $pl = $user->profile_link;
+ } else {
+ $pl = '';
+ }
+ if (isset ($user->timezone)) {
+ $tz = $user->timezone;
+ } else {
+ $tz = '';
+ }
+ // geslo med 00000 in zzzzz
+ $this->pass = base_convert(mt_rand(0x19A100, 0x39AA3FF), 10, 36);
+ $this->EncPass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $this->pass.$pass_salt)));
+ $this->email = str_replace([" ", "č", "ć", "Č", "Ć", "ž", "Ž", "š", "Š", "đ", "Đ"], [".", "c", "c", "C", "C", "z", "Z", "s", "S", "d", "D"], $user->email);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO users (name, surname, email, pass, when_reg) VALUES ('".$fn."', '".$ln."', '".iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-2//TRANSLIT', $this->email)."', '".$this->EncPass."', NOW())");
+ $uid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO fb_users (uid, first_name, last_name, gender, timezone, profile_link) VALUES ('".$uid."', '".$fn."', '".$ln."', '".$gn."', '".$tz."', '".$pl."')");
+ // Piškotek za cca. 10 let, da mu naslednjić ponudimo prijavno
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ setcookie('external-login', '1', time()+280000000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ // prijavi
+ $this->userLogin();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prijavi userja v 1ko preko AAI racuna (kopirano iz ProfileClass.php - eduroamAnotherServerLogin()) - PRETESTIRATI
+ function userLoginAAI()
+ {
+ global $pass_salt;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Popravimo string iz geta, ker ima nekje + namesto space
+ $repaired_string = str_replace(' ', '+', $_GET['s']);
+ // malo manj varno, ampak bo OK.
+ $klobasa = base64_decode($repaired_string);
+ // Dobimo array parametrov iz get-a
+ $data = explode("|", $klobasa);
+ // Pridobimo maile - mozno da jih je vec, potem vzamemo prvega
+ $mails = explode(";", $data[0]);
+ sort($mails);
+ $mail = $mails[0];
+ $ime = $data[1];
+ $priimek = $data[2];
+ $njegova = $data[3];
+ $moja = $data[4];
+ // Preverimo ce ima veljaven token (najprej pobrisemo stare)
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM aai_prenosi WHERE timestamp < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 600);");
+ $res = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM aai_prenosi WHERE moja='".$moja."' AND njegova='".$njegova."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) {
+ $pass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', "e5zhbWRTEGW&u375ejsznrtztjhdtz%WZ&".$pass_salt)));
+ // Preverimo ce obstaja user v bazi
+ $user_id_1ka = User::findByEmail($mail);
+ if (empty($user_id_1ka)) {
+ // Nastavimo pass
+ $pass = base64_encode(hash('SHA256', "e5zhbWRTEGW&u375ejsznrtztjhdtz%WZ&".$pass_salt));
+ // dodaj ga v bazo
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO users (email, name, surname, type, pass, eduroam, when_reg) VALUES ('$mail', '$ime', '$priimek', '3', '".$pass."', '1', NOW())");
+ // Pridobimo id dodanega userja
+ $user_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ else {
+ // potegni geslo in mu daj kuki
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT pass, id FROM users WHERE id='".$user_id_1ka."'");
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $pass = $r[0];
+ $user_id = $user_id_1ka;
+ }
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='CookieLife'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $LifeTime = $row[0];
+ // Zlogiramo login
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=NOW() WHERE id='".$user_id."'");
+ // določi še, od kje se je prijavil
+ $hostname = "";
+ $headers = apache_request_headers();
+ if (array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $headers)) {
+ $hostname = $headers['X-Forwarded-For'];
+ } else {
+ $hostname = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+ }
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_login_tracker (uid, IP, kdaj) VALUES ('".$user_id."', '".$hostname."', NOW())");
+ setcookie("uid", base64_encode($mail), time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("secret", $pass, time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("unam", base64_encode($ime.' '.$priimek),time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ // moram vedeti, da je AAI!
+ setcookie("aai", '1', time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ // Piškotek za cca. 10 let, da mu naslednjić ponudimo prijavno
+ setcookie('external-login', '1', time()+280000000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ // Vse je ok - prijavljenega preusmerimo na moje ankete
+ header('location: '.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?l=1');
+ die();
+ }
+ else {
+ header('location: '.$site_url);
+ die();
+ }
+ }
+ // Odjavi userja iz 1ke (kopirano iz ProfileClass.php)
+ private function userLogout(){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $aai_instalacija;
+ setcookie('uid', '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('unam', '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('secret', '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('ME', '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('P', '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("AN", '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("AS", '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("AT", '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("DP", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("DC", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("DI", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("SO", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("SPO", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("SL", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $cookie_domain);
+ // pobrisi se naddomeno! ( naj pobrise se
+ if (substr_count($cookie_domain, ".") > 1) {
+ $nd = substr($cookie_domain, strpos($cookie_domain, ".") + 1);
+ setcookie('uid', '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie('unam', '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie('secret', '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie('ME', '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie('P', '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie("AN", '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie("AS", '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie("AT", '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie("DP", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $nd);
+ setcookie("DC", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $nd);
+ setcookie("DI", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $nd);
+ setcookie("SO", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $nd);
+ setcookie("SPO", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $nd);
+ setcookie("SL", $p, time() - 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", $nd);
+ }
+ // Ce gre za arnes aai odjavo odjavimo posebej
+ if ($aai_instalacija){
+ setcookie("aai", '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ header('location: '.$site_url.'/logout_AAI.php?return='.$site_url);
+ die();
+ }
+ header('Location:'.$site_url);
+ }
+ // Registrira userja v 1ko - vnos podatkov
+ private function userRegister()
+ {
+ global $secret_captcha;
+ $error = [];
+ $email = (isset($_POST['email'])) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
+ $ime = (isset($_POST['ime'])) ? $_POST['ime'] : '';
+ $geslo = (isset($_POST['geslo'])) ? $_POST['geslo'] : '';
+ $geslo2 = (isset($_POST['geslo2'])) ? $_POST['geslo2'] : '';
+ $agree = (isset($_POST['agree'])) ? $_POST['agree'] : '0';
+ $gdprAgree = (isset($_POST['gdpr-agree'])) ? $_POST['gdpr-agree'] : '0';
+ $ajaxKlic = (isset($_POST['ajax'])) ? $_POST['ajax'] : '0'; // Če izvajamo registracjo preko drupala, ker se pošlje post request preko ajaxa
+ $varnostno_polje = (isset($_POST['varnostno-polje'])) ? $_POST['varnostno-polje'] : false;
+ if (!empty($varnostno_polje)) {
+ header('Location: '.$this->page_urls['page_robot_redirect']);
+ die();
+ }
+ // Preverimo ReCaptcha
+ if (!empty($secret_captcha)) {
+ $recaptchaResponse = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];
+ $requestReCaptcha = file_get_contents("".$secret_captcha."&response=".$recaptchaResponse);
+ if (!strstr($requestReCaptcha, "true")) {
+ $error['invalid_recaptcha'] = '1';
+ }
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce imamo vse podatke
+ if ($email == '') {
+ $error['missing_email'] = '1';
+ }
+ if ($ime == '') {
+ $error['missing_ime'] = '1';
+ }
+ if ($agree == '0') {
+ $error['missing_agree'] = '1';
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce je email ok
+ if (!validEmail($email)) {
+ $error['invalid_email'] = '1';
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce sta gesla enaka
+ if ($geslo != $geslo2) {
+ $error['pass_mismatch'] = '1';
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce je geslo dovolj kompleksno
+ if (!complexPassword($geslo)) {
+ $error['pass_complex'] = '1';
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce ze obstaja ime in vrnemo predlog za novo
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * from users WHERE name='".$ime."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ $error['existing_ime'] = '1';
+ $najdu = 0;
+ $add = 0;
+ if($ime != ''){
+ do {
+ $add++;
+ $sqln = sisplet_query("SELECT * from users WHERE name='".str_replace("'",
+ "", $ime).$add."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqln) == 0) {
+ $najdu = 1;
+ }
+ } while ($najdu = 0);
+ // Novo ime ki ga predlagamo
+ $ime = $ime.$add;
+ $error['new_username'] = $ime;
+ }
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce ze obstaja email
+ if (!unikatenEmail($email)) {
+ $error['existing_email'] = '1';
+ }
+ // Nekaj ni ok - posljemo na isto stran z errorji v GET-u
+ if (!empty($error)) {
+ if($ajaxKlic){
+ echo json_encode($this->preveriNapake($error));
+ die();
+ }
+ // Ime in email posljemo nazaj v urlju
+ $params = 'email='.$email.'&ime='.$ime.'&gdpr='.$gdprAgree.'&';
+ // Errorje tudi posljemo preko GET-a
+ foreach ($error as $key => $val) {
+ $params .= $key.'='.$val.'&';
+ }
+ $params = substr($params, 0, -1);
+ header('Location: '.$this->page_urls['page_register'].'&'.$params);
+ die();
+ } // Vse je ok - preusmerimo na potrditveno stran
+ else {
+ if($ajaxKlic){
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'success' => '1'
+ ]);
+ die();
+ }
+ // Hidden form, ki ga z js potem postamo naprej (da prenesemo vnesene podatke na naslednjo stran)
+ echo '<form name="register" action="'.$this->page_urls['page_register_confirm'].'" method="post">';
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="email" value="'.$email.'" />';
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="ime" value="'.$ime.'" />';
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="gdpr-agree" value="'.$gdprAgree.'" />';
+ //echo ' <input type="hidden" name="geslo" value="'.base64_encode($geslo).'" />';
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="geslo" value="'.$geslo.'" />';
+ echo '</form>';
+ // Z js potem postamo na naslednjo stran
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ echo ' document.register.submit();';
+ echo '</script>';
+ /*header('Location: '.$this->page_urls['page_register_confirm']);
+ @smalc.s;*/
+ }
+ }
+ private function preveriNapake($parametri)
+ {
+ // Nastavimo jezik
+ $language = 1;
+ if(isset($_POST['language'])){
+ $language = $_POST['language'];
+ }
+ elseif(isset($_POST['jezik'])){
+ $language = ($_POST['jezik'] == 'en' ? 2 : 1);
+ }
+ if(is_numeric($language)){
+ include_once('../../lang/'.$language.'.php');
+ }
+ $napaka = [];
+ // Napaka pri emailu in opozorilo
+ $error_email = FALSE;
+ if (!empty($parametri['missing_email']) && $parametri['missing_email'] == 1) {
+ $error_email = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = $lang['cms_error_missing_email'];
+ } elseif (!empty($parametri['invalid_email']) && $parametri['invalid_email'] == 1) {
+ $error_email = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = $lang['cms_error_email'];
+ } elseif (!empty($parametri['existing_email']) && $parametri['existing_email'] == 1) {
+ $error_email = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = str_replace("RESTORE_PASSWORD",
+ "/frontend/api/api.php?action=reset_password&email=" . $parametri['email'],
+ $lang['cms_error_email_took']);
+ }
+ // Napaka pri imenu
+ $error_ime = FALSE;
+ if (!empty($parametri['missing_ime']) && $parametri['missing_ime'] == 1) {
+ $error_ime = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = $lang['cms_error_user_field_empty'];
+ } elseif (!empty($parametri['existing_ime']) && $parametri['existing_ime'] == 1) {
+ $error_ime = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = $lang['cms_error_user_took'];
+ $new_username = $parametri['new_username'];
+ }
+ // Recaptcha error
+ $error_recaptcha = FALSE;
+ if (!empty($parametri['invalid_recaptcha']) && $parametri['invalid_recaptcha'] == 1) {
+ $error_recaptcha = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = $lang['cms_error_recaptcha'];
+ }
+ // Napaka pri napačno vpisanih geslih
+ $error_geslo = FALSE;
+ if (!empty($parametri['pass_mismatch']) && $parametri['pass_mismatch'] == 1) {
+ $error_geslo = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = $lang['cms_error_password_incorrect'];
+ }
+ // Geslo ni dovolj kompleksno
+ if (!$error_geslo && !empty($parametri['pass_complex']) && $parametri['pass_complex'] == 1) {
+ $error_geslo = TRUE;
+ $napaka[] = $lang['password_err_complex'];
+ }
+ return [
+ 'napaka' => $napaka,
+ 'error_geslo' => $error_geslo,
+ 'error_ime' => $error_ime,
+ 'error_email' => $error_email,
+ 'error_recaptcha' => $error_recaptcha,
+ 'new_username' => $new_username ?? ''
+ ];
+ }
+ // Registrira userja v 1ko - potrditev podatkov za registracijo (vnos userja v bazo v tabelo users_to_be) in posiljanje potrditvenega maila
+ private function userRegisterConfirm()
+ {
+ global $site_url;
+ global $site_path;
+ global $site_domain;
+ global $virtual_domain;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ global $lang;
+ global $confirm_registration;
+ global $app_settings;
+ $email = (isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '');
+ $ime = (isset($_POST['ime']) ? $_POST['ime'] : '');
+ //$geslo = (isset($_POST['geslo']) ? base64_decode($_POST['geslo']) : '');
+ $geslo = (isset($_POST['geslo']) ? $_POST['geslo'] : '');
+ $gdprAgree = (isset($_POST['gdpr-agree']) ? $_POST['gdpr-agree'] : 0);
+ $ajax = (isset($_POST['ajax']) ? $_POST['ajax'] : 0); // če je Drupal ajax request
+ // Nastavimo jezik
+ $language = 1;
+ if(isset($_POST['language'])){
+ $language = $_POST['language'];
+ }
+ elseif(isset($_POST['jezik'])){
+ $language = ($_POST['jezik'] == 'en' ? 2 : 1);
+ }
+ if(is_numeric($language)){
+ include_once('../../lang/'.$language.'.php');
+ }
+ $kdaj = date('Y-m-d');
+ $g = base64_encode($geslo);
+ if (strlen($ime) < 1) {
+ $afna = strpos($email, "@");
+ $ime = substr($email, 0, $afna);
+ }
+ $priimek = '';
+ // Ce imamo vklopljeno potrjevanje urednika aplikacije ga potrdi admin
+ if (isset($confirm_registration) && $confirm_registration == 1)
+ $status = 2;
+ else
+ $status = 1;
+ // Zakaj je bilo prej vedno status 2? Ker to pomeni, da ni aktiviran in se ne more prijaviti!
+ //$status = 2;
+ // Email potrjevanje - vedno aktivirano
+ // naredi link za aktivacijo
+ $code = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', time().$pass_salt.$email.$ime)));
+ // Vstavimo novega userja v users_to_be kjer caka na aktivacijo
+ $result = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO users_to_be
+ (type, email, name, surname, pass, status, gdpr_agree, when_reg, came_from, timecode, code, lang)
+ ('3', '".$email."', '".$ime."', '".$priimek."', '".$g."', '".$status."', '".$gdprAgree."','".$kdaj."', '0', '".time()."', '".$code."', '".$language."')
+ ");
+ $id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ // Sestavimo mail z aktivacijsko kodo
+ $Content = $lang['confirm_user_mail'];
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $Content .= $signature;
+ // Text ignorirajte sporocilo
+ $Content .= $lang['confirm_user_mail_ignore'];
+ // Ce gre slucajno za virutalko
+ $Subject = ($virtual_domain) ? $lang['confirm_user_mail_subject_virtual'] : $lang['confirm_user_mail_subject'];
+ // Ce mora admin potrditi dobi email admin in ne uporabnik!
+ if(isset($confirm_registration) && $confirm_registration == 1){
+ // Popravimo besedilo emaila
+ $Content = $lang['confirm_user_mail_admin'];
+ }
+ $PageName = $app_settings['app_name'];
+ $ZaMail = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">'.'<html><head> <title>'.$Subject.'</title><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-type></head><body>';
+ // Besedilo v lang dilu je potrebno popravit, ker nimamo vec cel kup parametrov
+ $Content = str_replace("SFMAIL", $email, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFNAME", $ime.' '.$priimek, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFPASS", "( ".strtolower($lang['srv_hidden_text'])." )", $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFACTIVATEIN", '<a href="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=register_activate&amp;code='.$code.'&amp;id='.$id.'">', $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFACTIVATEOUT", '</a>', $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFEND", '</a>', $Content);
+ $Subject = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $Subject);
+ // Ce gre slucajno za virutalko
+ if($virtual_domain)
+ $Subject = str_replace("SFVIRTUALNAME", $site_domain, $Subject);
+ $ZaMail .= $Content;
+ $ZaMail .= "</body></html>";
+ // Za testiranje brez posiljanja maila
+ if(isDebug()) {
+ echo $ZaMail;
+ die();
+ }
+ // Posljemo mail z linkom za aktivacijo racuna
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(null, 'account');
+ // Ce mora admin potrditi, posljemo njemu mail
+ if(isset($confirm_registration) && $confirm_registration == 1){
+ global $confirm_registration_admin;
+ if(is_array($confirm_registration_admin)){
+ // Mail posljemo vsem nastavljenim adminom
+ foreach($confirm_registration_admin as $admin_email){
+ $MA->addRecipients($admin_email);
+ $result = $MA->sendMail($ZaMail, $Subject);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $MA->addRecipients($confirm_registration_admin);
+ $result = $MA->sendMail($ZaMail, $Subject);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $result = $MA->sendMail($ZaMail, $Subject);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ if($ajax){
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'success' => 1
+ ]);
+ die();
+ }
+ // Preko GET parametra pošljemo email za prikaz sporočilo, kam je bil poslan email za aktivacijo registracije
+ $email = urlencode(base64_encode($email));
+ // redirect po uspešni registraciji in poslanem emailu
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_register_emailSend'].'&e='.$email);
+ }
+ // Po poslanem mailu po registraciji, user klikne na url in ga aktiviramo (kopiramo iz tabele users_to_be v tabelo users)
+ private function userRegisterActivate()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $site_path;
+ global $site_domain;
+ global $virtual_domain;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ global $confirm_registration;
+ global $app_settings;
+ if (!isset ($_GET['code'])) {
+ echo $lang['reg_confirm_error'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $code = $_GET['code'];
+ $id = $_GET['id'];
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT type, email, name, surname, pass, status, gdpr_agree, when_reg, came_from, lang
+ FROM users_to_be
+ WHERE code='".$code."' AND id='".$id."'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
+ $geslo2 = base64_decode($r['pass']);
+ $g = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', base64_decode($r['pass']).$pass_salt)));
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO users
+ (type, email, name, surname, pass, status, gdpr_agree, when_reg, came_from, lang)
+ ('".$r['type']."', '".$r['email']."', '".$r['name']."', '".$r['surname']."', '".$g."', '".$r['status']."', '".$r['gdpr_agree']."', '".$r['when_reg']."', '".$r['came_from']."', '".$r['lang']."')");
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM users_to_be WHERE id='$id'");
+ $email = $r['email'];
+ $pass = $r['pass'];
+ $ime = $r['name'];
+ $PageName = $app_settings['app_name'];
+ include_once('../../lang/'.$r['lang'].'.php');
+ $Content = $lang['confirm_user_content'];
+ $Subject = $lang['confirm_user_subject'];
+ // Ce je ga moramo po registraciji odobriti dobi drugacno sporocilo
+ if (isset($confirm_registration) && $confirm_registration == 1){
+ $UserContent = $lang['register_user_banned_content'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $UserContent = $lang['register_user_content'];
+ }
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $UserContent .= $signature;
+ $UserContent .= $lang['register_user_content_edit'];
+ $change = '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?a=nastavitve&m=global_user_myProfile">';
+ $out = '<a href="'.$this->page_urls['page_unregister'].'?email='.$email.'">';
+ // Ce gre slucajno za virtualko
+ $Subject = ($virtual_domain) ? $lang['register_user_subject_virtual'] : $lang['register_user_subject'];
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFNAME", $ime, $UserContent);
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFMAIL", $email, $UserContent);
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFWITH", $email, $UserContent);
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $UserContent);
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFCHANGE", $change, $UserContent);
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFOUT", $out, $UserContent);
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFEND", '</a>', $UserContent);
+ $Subject = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $Subject);
+ // Ce gre slucajno za virtualko
+ if($virtual_domain)
+ $Subject = str_replace("SFVIRTUALNAME", $site_domain, $Subject);
+ if ($geslo2 == "") {
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFPASS", "( ".$lang['without']." ) ", $UserContent);
+ } else {
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFPASS", "( ".strtolower($lang['srv_hidden_text'])." )", $UserContent);
+ }
+ if ($ime == "") {
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFNAME", $lang['mr_or_mrs'], $UserContent);
+ } else {
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFNAME", $ime, $UserContent);
+ }
+ $UserContent = str_replace("SFWITH", $emailZaNaprej, $UserContent);
+ $ZaMail = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">'.'<html><head><title>'.$Subject.'</title><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-type></head><body>';
+ $ZaMail .= $UserContent;
+ if(isDebug()){
+ echo $ZaMail;
+ die();
+ }
+ if (strpos($email, "@") && strpos($email, "@") != 0) {
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(null, 'account');
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $result = $MA->sendMail($ZaMail, $Subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ }
+ // Ce imamo vklopljeno potrjevanje urednika aplikacije je to izvedel admin in ne prijavljamo
+ if (!isset($confirm_registration) || $confirm_registration != 1){
+ // določi še, od kje se je prijavil
+ $hostname = "";
+ $headers = apache_request_headers();
+ if (array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $headers)) {
+ $hostname = $headers['X-Forwarded-For'];
+ } else {
+ $hostname = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+ }
+ // Dobimo id userja s tem emailom
+ $user_id = User::findByEmail($email);
+ // Zabelezimo datum prijave
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_login_tracker (uid, IP, kdaj) VALUES ('".$user_id."', '".$hostname."', NOW())");
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=NOW() WHERE id='".$user_id."'");
+ setcookie('uid', base64_encode($email), time() + 360000000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("unam", base64_encode($r['name'].' '.$r['surname']),time() + 360000000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('secret', $g, time() + 360000000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ // redirect po potrditvi maila.
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_register_activate']);
+ }
+ else{
+ echo $lang['user_confirm_p_admin_success'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function userActivateAlternativEmail()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ if (!isset ($_GET['enc'])) {
+ echo $lang['alternative_email_confirm_error'];
+ } else {
+ parse_str(base64_decode($_GET['enc']), $param);
+ $poizvedba = "SELECT email, user_id FROM users_to_be WHERE code='".$param['code']."' AND id='".$param['id']."'";
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if(!empty($global_user_id))
+ $poizvedba .= " AND user_id='".$global_user_id."'";
+ $result = sisplet_query($poizvedba, "obj");
+ if (!empty($result) && validEmail($result->email)) {
+ $vpis = User::getInstance($result->user_id)->insertAlternativeEmail($result->email);
+ if($vpis) {
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM users_to_be WHERE id='".$param['id']."'");
+ $uporabnik = sisplet_query("SELECT email, pass FROM users WHERE id='".$result->user_id."'",
+ "obj");
+ setcookie('uid', base64_encode($uporabnik->email),
+ time() + 360000000, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('secret', $uporabnik->pass, time() + 360000000,
+ '/', $cookie_domain);
+ }
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_register_activate']);
+ }else {
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_main']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Po kliku na odjava v mailu uporabnika odregistriramo - PRETESTIRATI
+ private function userUnregisterConfirm()
+ {
+ global $site_url;
+ global $site_path;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ global $app_settings;
+ $email = $global_user_id;
+ if (isset($_GET['email'])) {
+ $email = strtolower($_GET['email']);
+ if (is_numeric($email)) {
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE id='$email'");
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $email = $r[0];
+ }
+ }
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='ByeEmail'");
+ list ($ByeEmail) = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='ByeEmailSubject'");
+ list ($ByeEmailSubject) = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE email='$email'");
+ list ($ime) = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $PageName = $app_settings['app_name'];
+ $ByeEmail = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $ByeEmail);
+ if (strlen($ime) > 2) {
+ $ByeEmail = str_replace("SFNAME", $ime, $ByeEmail);
+ }
+ else {
+ $ByeEmail = str_replace("SFNAME", $lang[mr_or_mrs], $ByeEmail);
+ }
+ $ByeEmailSubject = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $ByeEmailSubject);
+ if (strlen($ime) > 2) {
+ $ByeEmailSubject = str_replace("SFNAME", $ime, $ByeEmailSubject);
+ }
+ else {
+ $ByeEmailSubject = str_replace("SFNAME", $lang['mr_or_mrs'],
+ $ByeEmailSubject);
+ }
+ $result = sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET email=CONCAT('UNSU8MD-', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), email) WHERE email='$email'");
+ setcookie('uid', '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie('secret', '', time() - 3600, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ if (substr_count($cookie_domain, ".") > 1) {
+ $nd = substr($cookie_domain, strpos($cookie_domain, ".") + 1);
+ setcookie('uid', '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ setcookie('secret', '', time() - 3600, '/', $nd);
+ }
+ if (strpos($email, "@") && strpos($email, "@") != 0) {
+ // Poslemo mail za uspesno odregistracijo
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(null, 'account');
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $result = $MA->sendMail($ByeEmail, $ByeEmailSubject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ // Se obvestilo za admina
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(null, 'account');
+ $MA->addRecipients($From);
+ $ByeEmail2 = $_lang['ByeNoteToAdmin'].$PageName." ".$email;
+ $result = $MA->sendMail($ByeEmail2, $lang['ByeNoteToAdminSubject']);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ // Preusmerimo na stran potrditve
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_unregister_confirm']);
+ }
+ }
+ // Resetira geslo userja (kopirano iz ProfileClass.php) - PRETESTIRATI
+ private function userResetPassword()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ global $site_path;
+ global $site_domain;
+ global $virtual_domain;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ global $app_settings;
+ if (isset ($_GET['email']) || isset ($_POST['email'])) {
+ if (isset ($_GET['email'])) {
+ $email = strtolower($_GET['email']);
+ }
+ if (isset ($_POST['email'])) {
+ $email = strtolower($_POST['email']);
+ }
+ $email = CleanXSS($email);
+ // Ali gre za ajax klic
+ $ajaxKlic = false;
+ if(!empty($_POST['ajax'])){
+ $ajaxKlic = true;
+ if($_POST['lang'] == 'en' || $_POST['jezik'] == 'en'){
+ include('../../lang/2.php');
+ }
+ else {
+ include('../../lang/1.php');
+ }
+ }
+ // Za simple frontend nastavimo jezik
+ elseif(isset($_GET['lang_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['lang_id'])){
+ include('../../lang/'.$_GET['lang_id'].'.php');
+ }
+ // Ce emaila ni v bazi
+ $user_id_1ka = User::findByEmail($email);
+ if (empty($user_id_1ka)) {
+ if($ajaxKlic){
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ 'text' => $lang['cms_error_no_email']
+ ]);
+ }else {
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login_noEmail'.$this->prijava].'&email='.$email);
+ }
+ die();
+ } else {
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT name, pass, surname FROM users WHERE id='".$user_id_1ka."'");
+ list ($ime, $geslo, $priimek) = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ }
+ // Novo geslo sestavis iz dveh nakljucnih besed + stevilke
+ include_once($site_path.'lang/words_'.$lang['language_short'].'.php');
+ $geslo = strtolower($words[rand(0, 999)].rand(0, 9).$words[rand(0, 999)]);
+ // passhint je parameter v linku ki ga skombiniras skupaj z emailom in mu potem aktiviras novo geslo
+ $passhint = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', time().$pass_salt)));
+ $chk = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROm users WHERE email='$email' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-LastLP>600");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($chk) > 0) {
+ $result = sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET LastLP=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), lost_password='".base64_encode((hash(SHA256, $geslo.$pass_salt)))."', lost_password_code='$passhint' WHERE email='$email'");
+ // Ce gre slucajno za virtualko
+ $Subject = ($virtual_domain) ? $lang['lost_pass_subject_virtual'] : $lang['lost_pass_subject'];
+ $Content = $lang['lost_pass_mail'];
+ $PageName = $app_settings['app_name'];
+ $ZaMail = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">'.'<html><head> <title>'.$Subject.'</title><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-type></head><body>';
+ $change = '<a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?a=nastavitve&m=global_user_myProfile">';
+ $out = '<a href="'.$this->page_urls['page_unregister'].'&email='.$email.'">';
+ $Content = str_replace("SFMAIL", $email, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFNAME", $ime.' '.$priimek, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFPASS", $geslo, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFACTIVATEIN",
+ '<a href="'.$this->page_urls['page_reset_password_activate'].'&code='.$passhint. ($ajaxKlic ? '#aktivacija-gesla' : null).'">',
+ $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFACTIVATEOUT", '</a>', $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFCHANGE", $change, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFOUT", $out, $Content);
+ $Content = str_replace("SFEND", '</a>', $Content);
+ $Subject = str_replace("SFPAGENAME", $PageName, $Subject);
+ // Ce gre slucajno za virtualko
+ if($virtual_domain)
+ $Subject = str_replace("SFVIRTUALNAME", $site_domain, $Subject);
+ if ($LoginWith == 1) {
+ $Content = str_replace("SFWITH", $email, $Content);
+ }
+ else {
+ $Content = str_replace("SFWITH", $ime, $Content);
+ }
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $Content .= $signature;
+ $ZaMail .= $Content;
+ $ZaMail .= "</body></html>";
+ if(isDebug()){
+ echo $ZaMail;
+ die();
+ }
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter(null, 'account');
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $result = $MA->sendMail($ZaMail, $Subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ }
+ if($ajaxKlic){
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'type' => 'success',
+ 'text' => $lang['lp_sent'].'.'
+ ]);
+ }else {
+ // Preusmerimo na stran potrditve
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_reset_password'].'&email='.$email);
+ }
+ } else {
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_login_noEmail'.$this->prijava].'&email='.$email);
+ }
+ }
+ // Aktivira resetirano geslo userja (kopirano iz ProfileClass.php) - PRETESTIRATI
+ private function userResetPasswordActivate()
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $pass_salt;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ $ajaxKlic = (!empty($_POST['ajax']) ? true : false);
+ if (isset($_POST['code']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
+ $code = $_POST['code'];
+ $email = strtolower($_POST['email']);
+ $email = CleanXSS($_POST['email']);
+ $pass = $_POST['pass'];
+ $pass = CleanXSS($_POST['pass']);
+ $pass = base64_encode((hash('SHA256', $pass.$pass_salt)));
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT id, name, surname FROM users WHERE email='$email' AND lost_password='$pass' AND lost_password_code='$code'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $result = sisplet_query("UPDATE users SET pass='$pass', lost_password='', lost_password_code='' WHERE id='".$r[0]."'");
+ // kukiji
+ $result = sisplet_query("SELECT value FROM misc WHERE what='CookieLife'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ $LifeTime = $row[0];
+ setcookie("uid", base64_encode($email), time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("secret", $pass, time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ setcookie("unam", base64_encode($r[1].' '.$r[2]),time() + $LifeTime, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ if($ajaxKlic){
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'type' => 'success',
+ 'text' => $lang['you_can_change_pass_anytime'],
+ 'action' => $site_url.'/admin/survey/'
+ ]);
+ die();
+ }else {
+ // Preusmerimo na stran zahvale za spremembo gesla
+ header('location: ' . $this->page_urls['page_reset_password_activate'] . '&success=1');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($ajaxKlic){
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'type' => 'error',
+ 'text' => $lang['cms_activation_link_expired_text']
+ ]);
+ die();
+ }else {
+ // Preusmerimo nazaj na formo zaradi napake
+ header('location: ' . $this->page_urls['page_reset_password_activate'] . '&error=2');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Preusmerimo nazaj na formo zaradi napake
+ header('location: '.$this->page_urls['page_reset_password_activate'].'&code='.$code.'&error=1');
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/api/class.ApiLoginController.php b/frontend/api/class.ApiLoginController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3a0100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/api/class.ApiLoginController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za povezavo z API-jem
+ *
+ */
+class ApiLoginController{
+ var $method; // Metoda klica (post, get, delete...)
+ var $params; // Parametri v url-ju
+ var $data; // Podatki poslani preko post-a
+ function __construct(){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_path;
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ // Preberemo poslane podatke
+ //$this->processCall();
+ $this->processCallForm();
+ /*echo 'Params:';
+ var_dump($this->params);
+ echo '<br>Data:';
+ var_dump($this->data);
+ echo 'Metoda: '.$this->method;*/
+ // Izvedemo akcijo
+ $login = new ApiLogin();
+ $login->executeAction($this->params, $this->data);
+ }
+ // Preberemo poslane podatke (ce posiljamo preko curl)
+ private function processCall(){
+ // Metoda - POST, GET, DELETE...
+ $this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
+ // Preberemo parametre iz url-ja
+ $request = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+ parse_str($request['query'], $this->params);
+ // Preberemo podatke iz post-a
+ $this->data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
+ }
+ // Preberemo poslane podatke (ce posiljamo direktno iz forme)
+ private function processCallForm(){
+ $this->params = $_GET;
+ $this->data = $_POST;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/api/fb_login.php b/frontend/api/fb_login.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07e4842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/api/fb_login.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ include_once '../../settings.php';
+ include_once '../../settings_optional.php';
+ include_once '../../function.php';
+ include_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
+ if (isset ($_GET['code']) && $_GET['code'] != "") {
+ /*$profile = new Profile();
+ $profile->FBLogin();*/
+ $login = new ApiLogin();
+ $login->executeAction($params=array('action'=>'login_facebook'), $data=array());
+ }
+ else {
+ header ('location:' .$facebook_appid .'&redirect_uri=,public_profile');
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/api/google-oauth2.php b/frontend/api/google-oauth2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..149b179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/api/google-oauth2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /**
+ * Omogočimo Google prijavo.
+ */
+ require_once ('../../function.php');
+ include_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
+ $login = new ApiLogin();
+ $login->executeAction($params=array('action'=>'login_google'), $data=array());
diff --git a/frontend/api/login_AAI.php b/frontend/api/login_AAI.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cb7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/api/login_AAI.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ require_once ('../../settings.php');
+ require_once ('../../function.php');
+ include_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
+ /*require_once ('../../function/ProfileClass.php');
+ $profil = new Profile();
+ $profil->eduroamAnotherServerLogin();*/
+ $login = new ApiLogin();
+ $login->executeAction($params=array('action'=>'login_AAI'), $data=array());
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/install/ajax.php b/frontend/install/ajax.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3437c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/ajax.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ include_once '../../function.php';
+ include_once 'classes/class.DisplayCheck.php';
+ include_once 'classes/class.DisplaySettings.php';
+ include_once 'classes/class.ImportDB.php';
+ include_once 'classes/class.DisplayDatabase.php';
+ // Poslana zahteva za izbris
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'submit_settings'){
+ $ds = new DisplaySettings();
+ $ds->ajaxSubmitSettings();
+ }
+ // Izvedemo uvoz celotne baze
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'import_database'){
+ $db = new ImportDB();
+ $db->executeImport();
+ }
+ // Izvedemo posodobitev baze
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'update_database'){
+ $db = new ImportDB();
+ $db->executeUpdate();
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/install/classes/class.Display.php b/frontend/install/classes/class.Display.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a04fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/classes/class.Display.php
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ini_set('display_errors', 1);
+ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
+include_once '../../function.php';
+include_once 'classes/class.DisplayCheck.php';
+include_once 'classes/class.DisplaySettings.php';
+include_once 'classes/class.ImportDB.php';
+include_once 'classes/class.DisplayDatabase.php';
+class Display{
+ var $stran; // stran na kateri se nahajamo
+ var $lang_id = 1; // izbran jezik
+ function __construct(){
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ if(isset($_GET['step']))
+ $this->stran = $_GET['step'];
+ // Nastavimo jezik
+ if(isset($_GET['lang_id']))
+ $this->lang_id = $_GET['lang_id'];
+ elseif(isset($_SESSION['lang_id']))
+ $this->lang_id = $_SESSION['lang_id'];
+ $_SESSION['lang_id'] = $this->lang_id;
+ $file = '../../lang/'.$this->lang_id.'.php';
+ include($file);
+ }
+ public function displayHead(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ echo ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />';
+ echo ' <meta charset="utf-8">';
+ echo ' <meta name = "viewport" content = "user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, width=device-width">';
+ echo ' <meta name="keywords" content="web survey software, internet survey, online survey, web questionaires">';
+ echo ' <meta name="keywords" content="spletne ankete, spletna anketa, spletno anketiranje, internetne ankete, slovenščina, slovenski jezik, software, softver, programska oprema, orodje za spletne ankete, internetno anketiranje, online vprašalniki, ankete po internetu, internet, internetne ankete, anketa" lang="si">';
+ echo ' <meta name="description" content="1KA je orodje za spletne ankete, hkrati pa je tudi on-line platforma (gostitelj), na kateri se lahko spletna anketa brezplačno izdela.">';
+ echo ' <meta name="abstract" content="1KA je orodje za spletne ankete">';
+ echo ' <meta name="author" content="CDI, FDV">';
+ echo ' <meta name="publisher" content="">';
+ echo ' <meta name="copyright" content="CDI, FDV">';
+ echo ' <meta name="audience" content="splošna populacija">';
+ echo ' <meta name="page-topic" content="spletne aplikacije">';
+ echo ' <meta name="revisit-after" content="7">';
+ echo ' <title>'.$lang['install_title'].'</title>';
+ echo ' <!-- CSS -->';
+ echo ' <link type="text/css" href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />';
+ echo ' <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /">';
+ echo ' <!-- JAVASCRIPT -->';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src="script/init.js"></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src="script/script.js"></script>';
+ echo ' <!-- FAVICON -->';
+ echo ' <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="../../favicon.ico" />';
+ }
+ // Izris zgornje vrstice z logotipom in menijem
+ public function displayHeader(){
+ global $lang;
+ // Logo v glavi
+ echo '<div class="logo ">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php">';
+ echo ' <img src="../../public/img/logo/1ka_'.($this->lang_id != 1 ? 'eng' : 'slo').'.svg">';
+ echo ' </a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Navigacija
+ echo '<nav>';
+ // Hidden polje z lang_id-jem
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="lang_id" value="'.$this->lang_id.'" />';
+ // Preklop jezika
+ echo '<span class="menu_item lang_switch">';
+ $params = '?' . (isset($_GET['step']) ? 'step='.$_GET['step'] : '');
+ if($this->lang_id == 1){
+ echo ' <a href="index.php'.$params.'&lang_id=2">';
+ echo ' <div class="flag eng"></div> <span>English</span>';
+ echo ' </a>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo ' <a href="index.php'.$params.'&lang_id=1">';
+ echo ' <div class="flag slo"></div> <span>Slovenščina</span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</nav>';
+ }
+ // Izris vsebine
+ public function displayMain(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<div class="main_content '.$this->stran.'">';
+ //echo '<h1>'.$lang['install_title'].'</h1>';
+ switch($this->stran){
+ case 'welcome':
+ $this->displayWelcomePage();
+ break;
+ case 'check':
+ $dc = new DisplayCheck();
+ $dc->displayCheckPage();
+ break;
+ case 'settings':
+ $ds = new DisplaySettings();
+ $ds->displaySettingsPage();
+ break;
+ case 'database':
+ $dd = new DisplayDatabase();
+ $dd->displayDatabasePage();
+ break;
+ case 'finish':
+ $this->displayFinishPage();
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->displayWelcomePage();
+ break;
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris footerja
+ public function displayFooter(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Stolpec 1
+ echo '<div class="col">';
+ echo ' <h2>'.$lang['simple_footer_about'].'</h2>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_1ka'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_general'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_privacy'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_cookies'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_antispam'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <div class="follow">'.$lang['simple_footer_about_follow'].': ';
+ echo ' <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="icon twitter"></span></a>';
+ echo ' <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="icon fb"></span></a>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Stolpec 2 - logotipi
+ echo '<div class="col">';
+ // Logotipa FDV in CDI
+ echo '<div class="logo_holder">';
+ echo ' <img src="'.$site_url.'/public/img/logo/fdv.png">';
+ echo ' <img src="'.$site_url.'/public/img/logo/cdi_'.($this->lang_id != 1 ? 'eng' : 'slo').'.png">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Stolpec 3
+ echo '<div class="col">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris prve welcome
+ private function displayWelcomePage(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['install_welcome_title'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_welcome_text'].'</p>';
+ // Next button
+ echo '<div class="bottom_buttons">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=check"><input type="button" value="'.$lang['next1'].'"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za preverjanje konfiguracije streznika, baze
+ private function displayFinishPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['install_finish_title'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_finish_text'].'</p>';
+ // Redirect na naslovnico
+ echo '<div class="bottom_buttons">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=database"><input name="back" value="'.$lang['back'].'" type="button"></a>';
+ echo ' <a href="/index.php"><input type="button" value="'.$lang['install_finish_redirect'].'"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplayCheck.php b/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplayCheck.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d7fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplayCheck.php
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+class DisplayCheck{
+ function __construct(){
+ }
+ // Izris strani za preverjanje konfiguracije streznika, baze
+ public function displayCheckPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['install_check_title'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_check_text'].'</p><br/>';
+ $red_error = false;
+ echo '<div class="check_segment apache">';
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_check_apache'].'</h3>';
+ $apache_check = $this->apacheCheck();
+ foreach($apache_check as $apache_item){
+ if($apache_item['error'] == 1){
+ $color_class = 'orange';
+ }
+ elseif($apache_item['error'] == 2){
+ $color_class = 'red';
+ $red_error = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $color_class = 'green';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="check_item">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_check_'.$apache_item['what']].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value '.$color_class.'">'.$apache_item['value'].'</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // PHP
+ echo '<div class="check_segment php">';
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_check_php'].'</h3>';
+ $php_check = $this->phpCheck();
+ foreach($php_check as $php_item){
+ if($php_item['error'] == 1){
+ $color_class = 'orange';
+ }
+ elseif($php_item['error'] == 2){
+ $color_class = 'red';
+ $red_error = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $color_class = 'green';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="check_item">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_check_'.$php_item['what']].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value '.$color_class.'">'.$php_item['value'].'</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // SQL
+ echo '<div class="check_segment sql">';
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_check_sql'].'</h3>';
+ $sql_check = $this->sqlCheck();
+ foreach($sql_check as $sql_item){
+ if($sql_item['error'] == 1){
+ $color_class = 'orange';
+ }
+ elseif($sql_item['error'] == 2){
+ $color_class = 'red';
+ $red_error = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $color_class = 'green';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="check_item">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_check_'.$sql_item['what']].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value '.$color_class.'">'.$sql_item['value'].'</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // OTHER
+ echo '<div class="check_segment other">';
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_check_other'].'</h3>';
+ $other_check = $this->otherCheck();
+ foreach($other_check as $other_item){
+ if($other_item['error'] == 1){
+ $color_class = 'orange';
+ }
+ elseif($other_item['error'] == 2){
+ $color_class = 'red';
+ $red_error = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $color_class = 'green';
+ }
+ echo '<div class="check_item">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_check_'.$other_item['what']].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value '.$color_class.'">'.$other_item['value'].'</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Next button - if no red errors
+ echo '<div class="bottom_buttons">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=welcome"><input name="back" value="'.$lang['back'].'" type="button"></a>';
+ if(!$red_error)
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=settings"><input type="button" value="'.$lang['next1'].'"></a>';
+ else
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=check"><input type="button" value="Ponovno preveri"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Preverimo apache
+ private function apacheCheck(){
+ global $lang;
+ $result = array();
+ $apache_modules = apache_get_modules();
+ // Mod rewrite
+ $result['mod_rewrite']['what'] = 'mod_rewrite';
+ if(in_array('mod_rewrite', $apache_modules)){
+ $result['mod_rewrite']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['mod_rewrite']['value'] = $lang['install_check_not_ok'];
+ $result['mod_rewrite']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Preverimo php verzijo
+ private function phpCheck(){
+ global $lang;
+ $result = array();
+ // Php verzija
+ $php_version = phpversion();
+ $result['version']['what'] = 'php_version';
+ $result['version']['value'] = $php_version;
+ // Zahtevan je php 7 ali 8.0
+ if(substr($php_version, 0, 1) != '7' && substr($php_version, 0, 3) != '8.0'){
+ $result['version']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // Php nastavitve
+ // Open tag
+ $result['opentag']['what'] = 'short_open_tag';
+ if(ini_get('short_open_tag') == '1'){
+ $result['opentag']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['opentag']['value'] = 'Not enabled';
+ $result['opentag']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // upload_max_filesize - 500M
+ $result['upload_max_filesize']['what'] = 'upload_max_filesize';
+ if((int)str_replace('M', '', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) >= '500'){
+ $result['upload_max_filesize']['value'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['upload_max_filesize']['value'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize').' - '.$lang['install_check_upload_max_filesize_error'];
+ $result['upload_max_filesize']['error'] = 1;
+ }
+ // max_execution_time - 120
+ $result['max_execution_time']['what'] = 'max_execution_time';
+ if((int)ini_get('max_execution_time') >= 120){
+ $result['max_execution_time']['value'] = ini_get('max_execution_time');
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['max_execution_time']['value'] = ini_get('max_execution_time').' - '.$lang['install_check_max_execution_time_error'];
+ $result['max_execution_time']['error'] = 1;
+ }
+ // max_input_time - 120
+ $result['max_input_time']['what'] = 'max_input_time';
+ if((int)ini_get('max_input_time') >= 120){
+ $result['max_input_time']['value'] = ini_get('max_input_time');
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['max_input_time']['value'] = ini_get('max_input_time').' - '.$lang['install_check_max_input_time_error'];
+ $result['max_input_time']['error'] = 1;
+ }
+ // max_input_vars - 8000
+ /*$result['max_input_vars']['what'] = 'max_input_vars';
+ if((int)ini_get('max_input_vars') >= 8000){
+ $result['max_input_vars']['value'] = ini_get('max_input_vars');
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['max_input_vars']['value'] = 'Recommended value is 8000';
+ $result['max_input_vars']['error'] = true;
+ }*/
+ // memory_limit - 512M
+ $result['memory_limit']['what'] = 'memory_limit';
+ if((int)str_replace('M', '', ini_get('memory_limit')) >= 512){
+ $result['memory_limit']['value'] = ini_get('memory_limit');
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['memory_limit']['value'] = ini_get('memory_limit').' - '.$lang['install_check_memory_limit_error'];
+ $result['memory_limit']['error'] = 1;
+ }
+ // post_max_size - 500M
+ $result['post_max_size']['what'] = 'post_max_size';
+ if((int)str_replace('M', '', ini_get('post_max_size')) >= 500){
+ $result['post_max_size']['value'] = ini_get('post_max_size');
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['post_max_size']['value'] = ini_get('post_max_size').' - '.$lang['install_check_post_max_size_error'];
+ $result['post_max_size']['error'] = 1;
+ }
+ // Php moduli
+ // Mbstring
+ $result['mbstring']['what'] = 'mbstring';
+ if(extension_loaded('mbstring')){
+ $result['mbstring']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['mbstring']['value'] = $lang['install_check_not_ok'];
+ $result['mbstring']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // Openssl
+ $result['openssl']['what'] = 'openssl';
+ if(extension_loaded('openssl')){
+ $result['openssl']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['openssl']['value'] = $lang['install_check_not_ok'];
+ $result['openssl']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // GD
+ $result['gd']['what'] = 'gd';
+ if(extension_loaded('gd')){
+ $result['gd']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['gd']['value'] = $lang['install_check_not_ok'];
+ $result['gd']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // bcmath
+ $result['bcmath']['what'] = 'bcmath';
+ if(extension_loaded('bcmath')){
+ $result['bcmath']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['bcmath']['value'] = $lang['install_check_not_ok'];
+ $result['bcmath']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // zip
+ $result['zip']['what'] = 'zip';
+ if(extension_loaded('zip')){
+ $result['zip']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['zip']['value'] = $lang['install_check_not_ok'];
+ $result['zip']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Preverimo sql
+ private function sqlCheck(){
+ global $lang;
+ $result = array();
+ // Sql version
+ $sql_version = mysqli_get_server_info($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $result['version']['what'] = 'sql_version';
+ $result['version']['value'] = $sql_version;
+ if(false){
+ $result['version']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // Strict
+ $sql_mode = sisplet_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'");
+ $row_mode = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_mode);
+ $result['strict']['what'] = 'sql_strict';
+ if (strpos($row_mode[0], 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES') === false) {
+ $result['strict']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['strict']['value'] = $lang['install_check_sql_strict_error'];
+ $result['strict']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ostalo
+ private function otherCheck(){
+ global $lang;
+ $result = array();
+ // SED
+ $output = array();
+ exec("sed 2>&1", $output1);
+ $result['sed']['what'] = 'sed';
+ if(strpos($output1[0], 'not found') === false){
+ $result['sed']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['sed']['value'] = $lang['install_check_sed_error'];
+ $result['sed']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // AWK
+ $output = array();
+ exec("awk 2>&1", $output);
+ $result['awk']['what'] = 'awk';
+ if(strpos($output[0], 'not found') === false){
+ $result['awk']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['awk']['value'] = $lang['install_check_awk_error'];
+ $result['awk']['error'] = 2;
+ }
+ // Rscript
+ $output = array();
+ exec("Rscript 2>&1", $output);
+ $result['rscript']['what'] = 'r';
+ if(strpos($output[0], 'not found') === false){
+ $result['rscript']['value'] = $lang['install_check_ok'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $result['rscript']['value'] = $lang['install_check_r_error'];
+ $result['rscript']['error'] = 1;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplayDatabase.php b/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplayDatabase.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0703ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplayDatabase.php
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+class DisplayDatabase{
+ function __construct(){
+ }
+ // Izris strani za preverjanje konfiguracije streznika, baze
+ public function displayDatabasePage(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['install_database_title'].'</h2>';
+ $import = new ImportDB();
+ // Baza je prazna
+ if($import->checkDBEmpty()){
+ $this->displayInsert();
+ }
+ // Baza ni updatana
+ elseif($import->checkDBUpdated()){
+ $update = $import->getDBUpdateLines();
+ $this->displayUpdate($update);
+ }
+ // Ok - zadnja verzija baze
+ else{
+ $this->displayOK();
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikazemo ce je vse ok
+ private function displayOK(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_database_ok'].'</p>';
+ // Next button
+ echo '<div class="bottom_buttons">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=settings"><input name="back" value="'.$lang['back'].'" type="button"></a>';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=finish"><input type="button" value="'.$lang['next1'].'"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo uvoz celotne baze
+ private function displayInsert(){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_database_import'].'</p>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_database_import_progress'].'</p>';
+ // Div kamor izpisemo response po uvazanju
+ echo '<div id="db_response"></div>';
+ // Next button
+ echo '<div class="bottom_buttons">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=settings"><input name="back" value="'.$lang['back'].'" type="button"></a>';
+ echo ' <a href="#" onClick="databaseImport();"><input type="button" value="'.$lang['install_database_button_import'].'"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Se popup okna
+ echo '<div id="fade"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="popup"> '.$lang['install_database_import_progress'].'</div>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo update baze
+ public function displayUpdate($update){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ global $debug;
+ global $admin_type;
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_database_update'].'</p>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_database_version'].': <b>'.$update['current_version'].'</b></p>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_database_version_update'].': <b>'.$update['new_version'].'</b></p>';
+ // Ce smo admin ali v debugu izpisemo tudi vrstice za update
+ if($admin_type == '0' || $debug == '1'){
+ foreach ($update['update_lines'] as $key => $update_line) {
+ echo $update_line.'<br /><br />';
+ }
+ }
+ // Div kamor izpisemo response po uvazanju
+ echo '<div id="db_response"></div>';
+ // Next button
+ echo '<div class="bottom_buttons">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=settings"><input name="back" value="'.$lang['back'].'" type="button"></a>';
+ echo ' <a href="#" onClick="databaseUpdate();"><input type="button" value="'.$lang['install_database_button_update'].'"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Se popup okna
+ echo '<div id="fade"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="popup"> '.$lang['install_database_update_progress'].'</div>';
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplaySettings.php b/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplaySettings.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ea45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/classes/class.DisplaySettings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+class DisplaySettings{
+ function __construct(){
+ }
+ // Izris strani za preverjanje konfiguracije streznika, baze
+ public function displaySettingsPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['install_settings_title'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_settings_text'].'</p><br/>';
+ echo '<form name="settings_form" id="settings_form" action="index.php?step=settings" method="post">';
+ // SEGMENT 1 - app_settings
+ echo '<div class="settings_segment app">';
+ $this->displaySettingsApp();
+ echo '</div>';
+ // SEGMENT 2 - email
+ echo '<div class="settings_segment email">';
+ $this->displaySettingsEmail();
+ echo '</div>';
+ // SEGMENT 3 - google
+ echo '<div class="settings_segment google">';
+ $this->displaySettingsGoogle();
+ echo '</div>';
+ // SEGMENT 3 - subscribe
+ echo '<div class="settings_segment subscribe">';
+ $this->displaySettingsSubscribe();
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Submit
+ echo '<div class="bottom_buttons">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?step=check"><input name="back" value="'.$lang['back'].'" type="button"></a>';
+ echo ' <a href="#" onClick="settingsSubmit();"><input name="submit" value="'.$lang['next1'].'" type="button"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</form>';
+ // Skrijemo nepotrebna text polja
+ echo '<script>settingsToggle();</script>';
+ }
+ private function displaySettingsApp(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $confirm_registration;
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_settings_app_title'].'</h3>';
+ // Ime aplikacije
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_app_name'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="app_name" value="'.$app_settings['app_name'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Admin email
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_admin_email'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="admin_email" value="'.$app_settings['admin_email'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Owner
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_owner'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="owner" value="'.$app_settings['owner'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Owner website
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_owner_website'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="owner_website" value="'.$app_settings['owner_website'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom head title
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio head_title_custom">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_head_title_custom'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="head_title_custom" id="head_title_custom_0" value="0" '.($app_settings['head_title_custom'] != '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="head_title_custom_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="head_title_custom" id="head_title_custom_1" value="1" '.($app_settings['head_title_custom'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="head_title_custom_1">'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom head title text
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text head_title_text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_head_title_text'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="head_title_text" value="'.$app_settings['head_title_text'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom foooter
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio footer_custom">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_footer_custom'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="footer_custom" id="footer_custom_0" value="0" '.($app_settings['footer_custom'] != '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="footer_custom_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="footer_custom" id="footer_custom_1" value="1" '.($app_settings['footer_custom'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="footer_custom_1">'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom footer text
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text footer_text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_footer_text'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="footer_text" value="'.$app_settings['footer_text'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom survey foooter
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio footer_survey_custom">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_footer_survey_custom'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="footer_survey_custom" id="footer_survey_custom_0" value="0" '.($app_settings['footer_survey_custom'] != '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="footer_survey_custom_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="footer_survey_custom" id="footer_survey_custom_1" value="1" '.($app_settings['footer_survey_custom'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="footer_survey_custom_1">'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom footer survey text
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text footer_survey_text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_footer_survey_text'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="footer_survey_text" value="'.$app_settings['footer_survey_text'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom email sig
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio email_signature_custom">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_email_signature_custom'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="email_signature_custom" id="email_signature_custom_0" value="0" '.($app_settings['email_signature_custom'] != '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="email_signature_custom_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="email_signature_custom" id="email_signature_custom_1" value="1" '.($app_settings['email_signature_custom'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="settingsToggle();"><label for="email_signature_custom_1">'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Custom email sig text
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text email_signature_text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_email_signature_text'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="email_signature_text" value="'.$app_settings['email_signature_text'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Survey finish url
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_survey_finish_url'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="survey_finish_url" value="'.$app_settings['survey_finish_url'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Export type
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_export_type'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="export_type" id="export_type_0" value="old" '.($app_settings['export_type'] != 'new' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="export_type_0">'.$lang['install_settings_export_type_0'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="export_type" id="export_type_1" value="new" '.($app_settings['export_type'] == 'new' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="export_type_1">'.$lang['install_settings_export_type_1'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // confirm_registration
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_confirm_registration'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="confirm_registration" id="confirm_registration_0" value="0" '.($confirm_registration != '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="confirm_registration_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="confirm_registration" id="confirm_registration_1" value="1" '.($confirm_registration == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="confirm_registration_1">'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ private function displaySettingsEmail(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $email_server_settings;
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_settings_email_title'].'</h3>';
+ // Email SMTPFrom
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPFrom'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="SMTPFrom" value="'.$email_server_settings['SMTPFrom'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPFromNice
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPFromNice'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="SMTPFrom" value="'.$email_server_settings['SMTPFromNice'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPReplyTo
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPReplyTo'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="SMTPReplyTo" value="'.$email_server_settings['SMTPReplyTo'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPHost
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPHost'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="SMTPHost" value="'.$email_server_settings['SMTPHost'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPPort
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPPort'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="SMTPPort" value="'.$email_server_settings['SMTPPort'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPAuth
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPAuth'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="SMTPAuth" id="SMTPAuth_0" value="0" '.($email_server_settings['SMTPAuth'] != '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="SMTPAuth_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="SMTPAuth" id="SMTPAuth_1" value="1" '.($email_server_settings['SMTPAuth'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="SMTPAuth_1">'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPSecure
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPSecure'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="SMTPSecure" id="SMTPSecure_0" value="0" '.($email_server_settings['SMTPSecure'] != 'ssl' && $email_server_settings['SMTPSecure'] != 'tls' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="SMTPSecure_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="SMTPSecure" id="SMTPSecure_1" value="ssl" '.($email_server_settings['SMTPSecure'] == 'ssl' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="SMTPSecure_1">SSL</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="SMTPSecure" id="SMTPSecure_2" value="tls" '.($email_server_settings['SMTPSecure'] == 'tls' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').'><label for="SMTPSecure_2">TLS</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPUsername
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPUsername'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="SMTPUsername" value="'.$email_server_settings['SMTPUsername'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Email SMTPPassword
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_SMTPPassword'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="SMTPPassword" value="'.$email_server_settings['SMTPPassword'].'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ private function displaySettingsGoogle(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $recaptcha_sitekey;
+ global $secret_captcha;
+ global $google_maps_API_key;
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_settings_google_title'].'</h3>';
+ // Google recaptcha_sitekey
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_recaptcha_sitekey'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="recaptcha_sitekey" value="'.$recaptcha_sitekey.'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Google secret_captcha
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_secret_captcha'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="secret_captcha" value="'.$secret_captcha.'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Google google_maps_API_key
+ echo '<div class="settings_item text">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_google_maps_API_key'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value"><input type="text" name="google_maps_API_key" value="'.$google_maps_API_key.'"></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ private function displaySettingsSubscribe(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<h3>'.$lang['install_settings_subscribe_title'].'</h3>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['install_settings_subscribe_text'].'</p>';
+ echo '<div class="settings_item radio">';
+ echo ' <div class="what">'.$lang['install_settings_subscribe_radio'].':</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="value">';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="subscribe" id="subscribe_1" value="1" checked="checked"><label for="subscribe_1">'.$lang['yes'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input type="radio" name="subscribe" id="subscribe_0" value="0"><label for="subscribe_0">'.$lang['no'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Shranimo nastavitve v settings_optional.php in redirectamo
+ public function ajaxSubmitSettings(){
+ $new_content = '<?php'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
+ // Prednastavljena polja
+ $new_content .= '$debug = \'0\';'.PHP_EOL;
+ $new_content .= '$lastna_instalacija = \'1\';'.PHP_EOL;
+ $new_content .= '$email_server_fromSurvey = \'1\';'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
+ // $app_settings
+ $new_content .= '$app_settings = array('.PHP_EOL;
+ $app_name = isset($_POST['app_name']) ? $_POST['app_name'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'app_name\' => \''.$app_name.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $admin_email = isset($_POST['admin_email']) ? $_POST['admin_email'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'admin_email\' => \''.$admin_email.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $owner = isset($_POST['owner']) ? $_POST['owner'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'owner\' => \''.$owner.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $owner_website = isset($_POST['owner_website']) ? $_POST['owner_website'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'owner_website\' => \''.$owner_website.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $head_title_custom = isset($_POST['head_title_custom']) ? $_POST['head_title_custom'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'head_title_custom\' => \''.$head_title_custom.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $head_title_text = isset($_POST['head_title_text']) ? $_POST['head_title_text'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'head_title_text\' => \''.$head_title_text.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $footer_custom = isset($_POST['footer_custom']) ? $_POST['footer_custom'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'footer_custom\' => \''.$footer_custom.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $footer_text = isset($_POST['footer_text']) ? $_POST['footer_text'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'footer_text\' => \''.$footer_text.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $footer_survey_custom = isset($_POST['footer_survey_custom']) ? $_POST['footer_survey_custom'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'footer_survey_custom\' => \''.$footer_survey_custom.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $footer_survey_text = isset($_POST['footer_survey_text']) ? $_POST['footer_survey_text'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'footer_survey_text\' => \''.$footer_survey_text.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $email_signature_custom = isset($_POST['email_signature_custom']) ? $_POST['email_signature_custom'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'email_signature_custom\' => \''.$email_signature_custom.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $email_signature_text = isset($_POST['email_signature_text']) ? $_POST['email_signature_text'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'email_signature_text\' => \''.$email_signature_text.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $survey_finish_url = isset($_POST['survey_finish_url']) ? $_POST['survey_finish_url'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'survey_finish_url\' => \''.$survey_finish_url.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $export_type = isset($_POST['export_type']) ? $_POST['export_type'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'export_type\' => \''.$export_type.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $new_content .= ');'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
+ // $email_server_settings
+ $new_content .= '$email_server_settings = array('.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPFrom = isset($_POST['SMTPFrom']) ? $_POST['SMTPFrom'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPFrom\' => \''.$SMTPFrom.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPFromNice = isset($_POST['SMTPFromNice']) ? $_POST['SMTPFromNice'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPFromNice\' => \''.$SMTPFromNice.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPReplyTo = isset($_POST['SMTPReplyTo']) ? $_POST['SMTPReplyTo'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPReplyTo\' => \''.$SMTPReplyTo.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPHost = isset($_POST['SMTPHost']) ? $_POST['SMTPHost'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPHost\' => \''.$SMTPHost.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPPort = isset($_POST['SMTPPort']) ? $_POST['SMTPPort'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPPort\' => \''.$SMTPPort.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPSecure = isset($_POST['SMTPSecure']) ? $_POST['SMTPSecure'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPSecure\' => \''.$SMTPSecure.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPAuth = isset($_POST['SMTPAuth']) ? $_POST['SMTPAuth'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPAuth\' => \''.$SMTPAuth.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPUsername = isset($_POST['SMTPUsername']) ? $_POST['SMTPUsername'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPUsername\' => \''.$SMTPUsername.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $SMTPPassword = isset($_POST['SMTPPassword']) ? $_POST['SMTPPassword'] : '';
+ $new_content .= ' \'SMTPPassword\' => \''.$SMTPPassword.'\','.PHP_EOL;
+ $new_content .= ');'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
+ // Confirm registration, gdpr
+ $confirm_registration = isset($_POST['confirm_registration']) ? $_POST['confirm_registration'] : '';
+ $new_content .= '$confirm_registration = \''.$confirm_registration.'\';'.PHP_EOL;
+ $confirm_registration_admin = $admin_email;
+ $new_content .= '$confirm_registration_admin = \''.$confirm_registration_admin.'\';'.PHP_EOL;
+ $gdpr_admin_email = $admin_email;
+ $new_content .= '$gdpr_admin_email = \''.$gdpr_admin_email.'\';'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
+ // Google
+ $recaptcha_sitekey = isset($_POST['recaptcha_sitekey']) ? $_POST['recaptcha_sitekey'] : '';
+ $new_content .= '$recaptcha_sitekey = \''.$recaptcha_sitekey.'\';'.PHP_EOL;
+ $secret_captcha = isset($_POST['secret_captcha']) ? $_POST['secret_captcha'] : '';
+ $new_content .= '$secret_captcha = \''.$secret_captcha.'\';'.PHP_EOL;
+ $google_maps_API_key = isset($_POST['google_maps_API_key']) ? $_POST['google_maps_API_key'] : '';
+ $new_content .= '$google_maps_API_key = \''.$google_maps_API_key.'\';'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
+ // Zapisemo nov content v settings_optional.php
+ $this->writeSettings($new_content);
+ // Preverimo prijavo na prejemanje obvestil - potem pošljemo obvestilo na
+ $subscribe = isset($_POST['subscribe']) ? $_POST['subscribe'] : '0';
+ if($subscribe == '1')
+ $this->sendNotification($app_name, $admin_email);
+ }
+ // Zapisemo nov content v settings_optional.php
+ private function writeSettings($new_content){
+ $file_handle = fopen("../../settings_optional.php", "w");
+ fwrite($file_handle, $new_content);
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ }
+ // Pošljemo obvestilo o prijava na obvestila za novo instalacijo
+ private function sendNotification($app_name, $admin_email){
+ global $site_domain;
+ global $site_url;
+ $parameters = 'site_domain='.urlencode($site_domain);
+ $parameters .= '&site_url='.urlencode($site_url);
+ $parameters .= '&app_name='.urlencode($app_name);
+ $parameters .= '&admin_email='.urlencode($admin_email);
+ //$url = 'http://localhost/utils/1kaUtils/custom_install_notify.php?'.$parameters;
+ $url = ''.$parameters;
+ // Pripravimo klic
+ $ch = curl_init($url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ // Izvedemo klic
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/install/classes/class.ImportDB.php b/frontend/install/classes/class.ImportDB.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ba632f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/classes/class.ImportDB.php
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+* Class, ki skrbi za posodabljanje in uvažanje 1ka baze
+class ImportDB{
+ var $clean_db_file = '../../sql/1ka_clean_27-7-2020.sql'; // Datoteka prazne baze za uvoz
+ var $update_db_file = '../../sql/update2.sql'; // Datoteka prazne baze za uvoz
+ var $version = ''; // Trenutna verzija 1ke
+ function __construct () {
+ // Pogledamo ce je baza ze uvozena
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM misc WHERE what='version'");
+ // Baza je ze uvozena - pogledamo verzijo
+ if($sql !== FALSE && mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $this->version = $row['value'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Pogledamo ce je baza uvozena
+ public function checkDBEmpty(){
+ return ($this->version == '') ? true : false;
+ }
+ // Pogledamo ce je baza posodobljena na najnovejso verzijo
+ public function checkDBUpdated(){
+ $update = $this->prepareUpdateArray();
+ return (count($update['update_lines']) != 0) ? true : false;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vrstice in verzijo za updatanje
+ public function getDBUpdateLines(){
+ $update = $this->prepareUpdateArray();
+ $update['current_version'] = $this->version;
+ return $update;
+ }
+ // Izvajamo uvoz celotne baze
+ public function executeImport(){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ // Pripravimo vrstice za uvoz
+ $import = $this->prepareImportArray();
+ // Uvozimo novo bazo
+ $this->importCleanDB($import);
+ // Ce je bilo vse ok potem izvedemo se posodobitev
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM misc WHERE what='version'");
+ if($sql !== FALSE && mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0){
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $this->version = $row['value'];
+ // Pripravimo vrstice za posodobitev
+ $update = $this->prepareUpdateArray();
+ // Izvedemo posodobitev
+ $this->updateDB($update['new_version'], $update['update_lines']);
+ echo $lang['install_database_import_complete'];
+ }
+ // Uvoz error
+ else{
+ echo $lang['install_database_import_error'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Pripravimo vrstice za uvoz
+ private function prepareImportArray(){
+ global $lang;
+ $import_lines = array();
+ $query = '';
+ $handle = fopen($this->clean_db_file, "r");
+ if ($handle) {
+ while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false){
+ // Trimamo odvecne presledke
+ $line = trim($line);
+ // Shranimo vrstico za update
+ if($line != '' && substr($line, 0, 1) != '#' && substr($line, 0, 2) != '--' && substr($line, 0, 2) != '//' && substr($line, 0, 2) != '/*'){
+ // Ce je vrstica zakljucena s ; dodamo query v array
+ if(substr($line, -1) == ';' || substr($line, 0, 22) == 'INSERT INTO `srv_help`'){
+ $query .= $line;
+ $import_lines[] = $query;
+ $query = '';
+ }
+ // Ukaz je v vecih vrsticah - samo pripnemo string
+ else{
+ $query .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($handle);
+ // Se dodatno dodamo recnum funkcijo
+ $import_lines[] = "CREATE FUNCTION MAX_RECNUM (aid INT(11)) RETURNS INT(11) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE max INT(11); SELECT MAX(recnum) INTO max FROM srv_user WHERE ank_id = aid AND preview='0'; IF max IS NULL THEN SET max = '0'; END IF; RETURN max+1; END;";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo $lang['install_database_sql_import_missing'];
+ }
+ return $import_lines;
+ }
+ // Uvoz nove prazne baze po vrsticah
+ private function importCleanDB($import_lines){
+ global $lang;
+ // Izvedemo uvoz po posameznih ukazih
+ if(count($import_lines) > 0){
+ foreach ($import_lines as $key => $import_line) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query($import_line);
+ if (!$sql){
+ echo $lang['install_database_import_line'].':<br />'.$import_line.'<br />';
+ echo $lang['install_database_import_line_error'].': '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ }
+ /*else{
+ echo 'Uvoz vrstice:<br />'.$import_line.'<br />';
+ echo 'OK';
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ }*/
+ flush();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Izvajamo update celotne baze
+ public function executeUpdate(){
+ global $lang;
+ // Pipravimo vrstice za posodobitev
+ $update = $this->prepareUpdateArray();
+ // Izvedemo update
+ $this->updateDB($update['new_version'], $update['update_lines']);
+ echo $lang['install_database_update_complete'];
+ }
+ // Pripravimo vrstice za posodabljanje
+ private function prepareUpdateArray(){
+ global $lang;
+ $new_version = '';
+ $update_lines = array();
+ $update = false;
+ $query = '';
+ $handle = fopen($this->update_db_file, "r");
+ if ($handle) {
+ while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false){
+ // Trimamo odvecne presledke
+ $line = trim($line);
+ // Shranimo vrstico za update
+ if($update && $line != '' && substr($line, 0, 1) != '#'){
+ // Ce je vrstica zakljucena s ; dodamo query v array
+ if(substr($line, -1) == ';'){
+ $query .= $line;
+ // Pogledamo ce gre za vrstico verzije in jo shranimo
+ if(strpos($query, ' WHERE what="version"') !== false){
+ if (preg_match("/^update misc set value='(.*)' where what=/i", $query, $matches)) {
+ $new_version = $matches[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $update_lines[] = $query;
+ $query = '';
+ }
+ // Ukaz je v vecih vrsticah - samo pripnemo string
+ else{
+ $query .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ko pridemo do vrstice za trenutno verzijo shranimo vse nadaljne vrstice za update
+ if(strpos($line, $this->version) !== false)
+ $update = true;
+ }
+ fclose($handle);
+ }
+ else {
+ echo $lang['install_database_sql_update_missing'];
+ }
+ return array('new_version'=>$new_version, 'update_lines'=>$update_lines);
+ }
+ // Izvedba popravkov od trenutne verzije naprej po vrsticah
+ private function updateDB($new_version, $update_lines){
+ global $lang;
+ // Izvedemo posodobitve
+ if($new_version != '' && count($update_lines) > 0){
+ foreach ($update_lines as $key => $update_line) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query($update_line);
+ if (!$sql){
+ echo $lang['install_database_update_line'].':<br />'.$update_line.'<br />';
+ echo $lang['install_database_update_error'].': '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ }
+ /*else{
+ echo 'Posodabljanje vrstice:<br />'.$update_line.'<br />';
+ echo 'OK';
+ echo '<br /><br />';
+ }*/
+ flush();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/install/css/style.css b/frontend/install/css/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7cd886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/css/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+ Created on : 6.5.2020
+ Author : Peter Hrvatin
+/* BARVE */
+/* FONTI */
+@import url(",400,400i,600,700&amp;subset=latin-ext");
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+ font-weight: 300;
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+ {
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+ border-color: red;
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+ color: #333;
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+ cursor: pointer;
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+ display: flex;
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+ color: #1e88e5;
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+ height: 100%;
+ background-color: #333;
+ opacity: 0.7;
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+ display: none;
+ position: fixed;
+ z-index: 999;
+ top: 40%;
+ left: calc(50% - 175px);
+ width: 350px;
+ padding: 20px;
+ text-align: center;
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+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
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+ max-width: 200px;
+ max-height: 80px;
+ margin-bottom: 40px;
+/************WELCOME STRAN***************/
+.main_content.welcome h2::before {
+ content: "1/5 - ";
+/************FINISH STRAN***************/
+.main_content.finish h2::before {
+ content: "5/5 - ";
+/************CHECK STRAN***************/
+.main_content.check h2::before {
+ content: "2/5 - ";
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+ margin: 0 0 20px 0;
+ padding: 20px;
+ background-color: #eee;
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+ display: flex;
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+ text-align: right;
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+ font-weight: 600;
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+ color: green;
+.main_content.check .check_segment .check_item {
+ color: orange;
+.main_content.check .check_segment .check_item {
+ color: red;
+/************SETTINGS STRAN***************/
+.main_content.settings h2::before {
+ content: "3/5 - ";
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+ margin: 0 0 20px 0;
+ padding: 20px;
+ background-color: #eee;
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+ margin: 0 0 20px 0;
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+ display: flex;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
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+ margin-top: 10px;
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+ width: 400px;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+ line-height: 36px;
+ text-align: right;
+.main_content.settings .settings_segment .settings_item input[type=text] {
+ width: 450px;
+/************DATABASE STRAN***************/
+.main_content.database h2::before {
+ content: "4/5 - ";
+/* Mobile prilagoditve */
+@media screen and (max-width: 700px) {
+ header nav {
+ flex-direction: column-reverse;
+ align-self: auto;
+ justify-content: space-evenly;
+ height: 100%;
+ text-align: right;
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+ line-height: 18px;
+ }
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+ border-bottom: 2px #1e88e5 solid;
+ }
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+ line-height: 18px;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content {
+ padding: 10px 20px 40px 20px;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content h1 {
+ padding: 10px 10px;
+ font-size: 22px;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
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+ margin: 0 !important;
+ padding-left: 0 !important;
+ padding-right: 0 !important;
+ }
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+ line-height: 30px;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content input[type=text],
+body #main .main_content input[type=email],
+body #main .main_content input[type=password] {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content input[type=submit],
+body #main .main_content input[type=button] {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 20px auto !important;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .have_account {
+ display: block;
+ margin: 30px 0 0 0;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .red.italic {
+ padding-left: 0 !important;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .form_row.agreement {
+ margin-top: 10px !important;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content textarea#gdpr-note {
+ margin: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main,
+body.login #main,
+body.register #main,
+body.login_noEmail #main {
+ min-height: auto;
+ /*background-image: none;*/
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content,
+body.login #main .main_content,
+body.register #main .main_content,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content {
+ padding: 30px 20px 30px 20px;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.login #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.register #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .app_title {
+ width: 95%;
+ margin: 10px auto 40px auto;
+ font-size: 32px;
+ /*color: $color_text;*/
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass,
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass,
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button] {
+ margin: 30px auto !important;
+ }
+ footer {
+ padding: 0 20px;
+ }
+ footer .footer_content {
+ flex-direction: column;
+ padding: 20px 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ footer .footer_content .col {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ footer .footer_content .col .follow {
+ justify-content: center;
+ }
+/*# */
diff --git a/frontend/install/index.php b/frontend/install/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb5033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ session_start();
+ //phpinfo();
+ /*error_reporting(1);
+ ini_set('display_errors', 'On');*/
+ include_once('classes/class.Display.php');
+ // Inicializiramo razred za prikaz
+ $display = new Display();
+ echo '<!doctype html>';
+ echo '<html lang="en">';
+ /********** HEAD **********/
+ echo '<head>';
+ $display->displayHead();
+ echo '</head>';
+ /********** HEAD - END **********/
+ /********** BODY **********/
+ echo '<body>';
+ echo '<div id="content">';
+ // Glava
+ echo '<header>';
+ $display->displayHeader();
+ echo '</header>';
+ // Vsebina strani
+ echo '<div id="main">';
+ $display->displayMain();
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Footer
+ echo '<footer>';
+ echo '<div class="footer_content">';
+ $display->displayFooter();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</footer>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</body>';
+ /********** BODY - END **********/
+ echo '</html>';
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/install/script/init.js b/frontend/install/script/init.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f810e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/script/init.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+$(document).ready(function() {
diff --git a/frontend/install/script/script.js b/frontend/install/script/script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7bba2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/install/script/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Ajax za submit nastavitev za zapis v settings_optional
+function settingsSubmit(){
+ var form = $('form#settings_form').serializeArray();
+ $.post('ajax.php?a=submit_settings', form, function () {
+ // Redirectamo na naslednji korak
+ window.location = "index.php?step=database";
+ });
+function settingsToggle(){
+ if($('input[name="footer_survey_custom"]:checked').val() == '0'){
+ $('.footer_survey_text').hide('medium');
+ }
+ else{
+ $('.footer_survey_text').show('medium');
+ }
+ if($('input[name="footer_custom"]:checked').val() == '0'){
+ $('.footer_text').hide('medium');
+ }
+ else{
+ $('.footer_text').show('medium');
+ }
+ if($('input[name="head_title_custom"]:checked').val() == '0'){
+ $('.head_title_text').hide('medium');
+ }
+ else{
+ $('.head_title_text').show('medium');
+ }
+ if($('input[name="email_signature_custom"]:checked').val() == '0'){
+ $('.email_signature_text').hide('medium');
+ }
+ else{
+ $('.email_signature_text').show('medium');
+ }
+// Ajax za uvoz celotne baze
+function databaseImport(){
+ $('#fade').fadeIn();
+ $('#popup').fadeIn();
+ $('#db_response').load('ajax.php?a=import_database', function () {
+ $('#fade').fadeOut();
+ $('#popup').fadeOut();
+ });
+// Ajax za posodobitev baze
+function databaseUpdate(){
+ $('#fade').fadeIn();
+ $('#popup').fadeIn();
+ $('#db_response').load('ajax.php?a=update_database', function () {
+ $('#fade').fadeOut();
+ $('#popup').fadeOut();
+ });
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/api.php b/frontend/payments/api.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7cf212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/api.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+include_once '../../function.php';
+include_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
+$api = new ApiNarocilaController();
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.ApiNarocilaController.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.ApiNarocilaController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c9daed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.ApiNarocilaController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki vsebuje funkcije APIJA za narocila (oddaj narocilo, izvedi placilo...)
+ *
+ */
+use GeoIp2\Database\Reader;
+class ApiNarocilaController{
+ private $private_key = 'NLFYb67/[pUE%W-s'; // Kljuc za preverjanje tokena
+ private $params; // Parametri v url-ju
+ private $data; // Podatki poslani preko post-a
+ private $response = array(); // Response, ki ga vrnemo v json formatu
+ function __construct(){
+ // Preberemo poslane podatke
+ $this->processCall();
+ // Preverimo, ce je klic ok (token)
+ if($this->checkToken()){
+ // Izvedemo akcijo
+ $this->executeAction();
+ }
+ // Logiramo response klica
+ $SL = new SurveyLog();
+ if($this->response['success'] == true){
+ if(isset($this->data['email']))
+ $call_data = ', '.$this->data['email'];
+ elseif(isset($this->data['narocilo_id']))
+ $call_data = ', '.$this->data['narocilo_id'];
+ else
+ $call_data = '';
+ $SL->addMessage(SurveyLog::PAYMENT, "USPEŠEN KLIC (".$this->params['action'] . $call_data.")");
+ }
+ else{
+ $SL->addMessage(SurveyLog::PAYMENT, "NAPAKA pri klicu za plačevanje ".$this->params['action'].": ".$this->response['error']);
+ }
+ $SL->write();
+ // Vrnemo json objekt responsa
+ $this->processReturn();
+ }
+ // Preberemo poslane podatke (ce posiljamo preko curl)
+ private function processCall(){
+ // Metoda - POST, GET, DELETE...
+ $this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
+ // Get parametri
+ $this->params = $_GET;
+ // Preberemo podatke iz post-a
+ $this->data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
+ if(is_null($this->data)){
+ $this->data = $_POST;
+ }
+ }
+ private function checkToken(){
+ $raw_post_data = '';
+ if($this->method == 'POST' && $this->data){
+ $raw_post_data = http_build_query($this->data);
+ }
+ // Dobimo request (brez id in token)
+ $request_url = ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on') ? 'https://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : 'http://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
+ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IDENTIFIER']))
+ $request_url = preg_replace('/([?&])identifier=[^&]+(&|$)/', '$1', $request_url);
+ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_TOKEN']))
+ $request_url = preg_replace('/([?&])token=[^&]+(&|$)/', '$1', $request_url);
+ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_TOKEN']) || !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IDENTIFIER']))
+ $request_url = substr($request_url, 0, -1);
+ // Na nasi strani naredimo hmac podatkov z ustreznim private key-em
+ $data = $this->method . $request_url . $raw_post_data;
+ $token = hash_hmac('sha256', $data, $this->private_key);
+ if($this->params['token'] == $token)
+ return true;
+ else{
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Napačen token.';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Preveri ce je user ze logiran v 1ko in nastavi globalne spremenljivke in cookie (kopirano iz function.php)
+ private function executeAction(){
+ global $lang;
+ if (!isset($this->params['action'])) {
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjkajo parametri!';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Vedno nastavimo ustrezni jezik (npr. za emaile) ce imamo parameter
+ $language = isset($this->data['lang']) ? $this->data['lang'] : 'sl';
+ if($language == 'en'){
+ include('../../lang/2.php');
+ }
+ switch ($this->params['action']) {
+ // Ustvari novo narocilo
+ case 'create_narocilo':
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $this->response = $narocilo->createNarocilo($this->data);
+ break;
+ // Posodobi obstoječe narocilo (npr. nastavi nacin placila)
+ case 'update_narocilo':
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $this->response = $narocilo->updateNarocilo($this->data);
+ break;
+ // Dobimo pdf predracun (ce ne obstaja ga ustvarimo)
+ case 'get_predracun':
+ if(isset($this->data['narocilo_id'])){
+ $cebelica = new UserNarocilaCebelica($this->data['narocilo_id']);
+ $this->response = $cebelica->getNarociloPredracun();
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Dobimo pdf racun
+ case 'get_racun':
+ if(isset($this->data['narocilo_id'])){
+ $cebelica = new UserNarocilaCebelica($this->data['narocilo_id']);
+ $this->response = $cebelica->getNarociloRacun();
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Placamo narocilo - aktiviramo uporabniku paket za uporabo, zgeneriramo in vrnemo url do pdf racuna in ga tudi posljemo po mailu
+ case 'placaj_narocilo':
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $this->response = $narocilo->payNarocilo($this->data['narocilo_id']);
+ break;
+ // Dobimo vse pakete, ki so na voljo
+ case 'get_paketi':
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $sqlPackages = sisplet_query("SELECT id, name, description FROM user_access_paket");
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPackages)){
+ $this->response['paketi'][$row['id']] = $row;
+ // Dobimo se ceno za paket za 1, 3 in 12 mesecev
+ if($row['name'] == '2ka' || $row['name'] == '3ka'){
+ // Cene za 1 mesec
+ $cena1 = $narocilo->getPrice($row['name'], 1);
+ foreach($cena1 as $key => $value){
+ $cena1[$key] = str_replace('.', ',', $value);
+ }
+ $this->response['paketi'][$row['id']]['price']['1'] = $cena1;
+ // Cene za 3 mesece
+ $cena3 = $narocilo->getPrice($row['name'], 3);
+ foreach($cena3 as $key => $value){
+ $cena3[$key] = str_replace('.', ',', $value);
+ }
+ $this->response['paketi'][$row['id']]['price']['3'] = $cena3;
+ // Cene za 12 mesecev
+ $cena12 = $narocilo->getPrice($row['name'], 12);
+ foreach($cena12 as $key => $value){
+ $cena12[$key] = str_replace('.', ',', $value);
+ }
+ $this->response['paketi'][$row['id']]['price']['12'] = $cena12;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Poslje maila za povprasevanje za poslovne uporabnike
+ case 'send_poslovni_uporabniki':
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $this->response = $narocilo->sendPoslovniUporabniki($this->data);
+ break;
+ // Vrne trenutno aktivno narocnino
+ case 'get_active_subscription':
+ $usr_id = 0;
+ // Dobimo user id iz emaila
+ if(isset($this->data['email'])){
+ $sqlU = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email='".$this->data['email']."'");
+ $rowU = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlU);
+ $usr_id = $rowU['id'];
+ }
+ if($usr_id == '' || $usr_id == 0){
+ $this->response['error'] = 'ERROR! Missing user ID.';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Dobimo ime paketa iz id-ja
+ $sqlPackage = sisplet_query("SELECT name FROM user_access_paket WHERE id='".$this->data['package_id']."'");
+ $rowPackage = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPackage);
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $discount = $narocilo->getDiscount($usr_id, $rowPackage['name'], $this->data['trajanje']);
+ $price = $narocilo->getPrice($rowPackage['name'], $this->data['trajanje'], $discount);
+ $this->response = $price;
+ break;
+ // Dokoncaj narocilo ce je placano preko paypala (ko je stranka potrdila placilo v paypalu)
+ case 'capture_narocilo_paypal':
+ if(isset($this->data['narocilo_id'])){
+ $paypal = new UserNarocilaPaypal($this->data['narocilo_id']);
+ $this->response = $paypal->paypalCaptureOrder();
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Preklici narocilo za paypal (ko je stranka preklicala placilo v paypalu)
+ case 'cancel_narocilo_paypal':
+ if(isset($this->data['narocilo_id'])){
+ $paypal = new UserNarocilaPaypal($this->data['narocilo_id']);
+ $this->response = $paypal->paypalCancelOrder();
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Preveri, ce je podjetje zavezanec iz tujine (eu) in ustrezno preracuna znesek (odbije ddv)
+ case 'check_ddv':
+ $podjetje_drzava = isset($this->data['podjetje_drzava']) ? $this->data['podjetje_drzava'] : '';
+ $podjetje_davcna = isset($this->data['podjetje_davcna']) ? $this->data['podjetje_davcna'] : '';
+ $cena = isset($this->data['cena']) ? str_replace(',', '.', $this->data['cena']) : '';
+ if($podjetje_drzava != '' && $cena != ''){
+ // Mora placati ddv - cena ostane ista
+ if(UserNarocila::checkPayDDV($podjetje_davcna, $podjetje_drzava)){
+ $this->response['cena'] = $cena;
+ $this->response['ddv'] = true;
+ }
+ // Ne placa ddv - placa samo osnovo
+ else{
+ $this->response['cena'] = number_format(floatval($cena) / 1.22, 2, '.', '');
+ $this->response['ddv'] = false;
+ }
+ $this->response['success'] = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjkajo zahtevani parametri!';
+ }
+ break;
+ // Dokoncaj narocilo ce je placano preko stripe (ko je stranka potrdila placilo preko sca)
+ case 'stripe_checkout_success':
+ if(isset($this->data['narocilo_id'])){
+ $stripe = new UserNarocilaStripe($this->data['narocilo_id']);
+ $this->response = $stripe->stripeCheckoutSuccess();
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Preklici narocilo za stripe (ko je stranka preklicala placilo preko sca)
+ case 'stripe_checkout_cancel':
+ if(isset($this->data['narocilo_id'])){
+ $stripe = new UserNarocilaStripe($this->data['narocilo_id']);
+ $this->response = $stripe->stripeCheckoutCancel();
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $this->response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'get_lokacija':
+ global $site_path;
+ $reader = new Reader($site_path.'admin/survey/modules/mod_geoIP/db/GeoLite2-City.mmdb');
+ $podatki = $reader->city($this->data['ip']);
+ // Vrnemo ime države
+ $this->response['drzava'] = $podatki->country->name;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Sprocesiramo return
+ private function processReturn(){
+ $json = json_encode($this->response, true);
+ echo $json;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserAccess.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserAccess.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..105d4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserAccess.php
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki vsebuje skrbi za pregled in urejanje dostopa uporabnika glede na paket ki ga placuje
+ *
+ */
+class UserAccess{
+ private static $instance = false;
+ private $usr_id;
+ private $user_access;
+ private $user_not_author = false;
+ private $anketa_old = false; // Pri starih anketah ne upostevamo paketov in so na voljo vse funkcionalnosti
+ private $anketa_old_date = '2020-07-01'; // Anketa je stara, ce je bila ustvarjena pred tem datumom
+ // Array z vsemi paketi
+ private $packages = array();
+ // Array z vsemi funkcionalnostmi, ki so placljive (in v katerem paketu so)
+ private $functionality_package = array(
+ /* Urejanje ankete */
+ 'question_type_multitable' => 2, // Tip vprasanja - kombinirana tabela - 24
+ 'question_type_ranking' => 2, // Tip vprasanja - razvrscanje - 17
+ 'question_type_sum' => 2, // Tip vprasanja - vsota - 18
+ 'question_type_location' => 2, // Tip vprasanja - lokacija - 26
+ 'question_type_heatmap' => 2, // Tip vprasanja - heatmap - 27
+ 'question_type_calculation' => 3, // Tip vprasanja - kalkulacija - 22
+ 'question_type_quota' => 3, // Tip vprasanja - kvota - 25
+ 'question_type_signature' => 3, // Tip vprasanja - podpis - 21_6
+ 'loop' => 3, // Zanke
+ 'if' => 2, // If-i
+ 'block' => 2, // Bloki
+ 'validation' => 2, // Validacija
+ 'theme-editor' => 2, // Urejanje teme ankete, upload logotipa...
+ 'theme-editor_css' => 3, // Urejanje lastnega css-ja !!!
+ 'theme-editor_upload' => 3, // Urejanje lastnega css-ja !!!
+ /* Status */
+ 'para_graph' => 2, // Statistika naprav
+ 'geoip_location' => 3, // Statistika ip lokacije
+ 'nonresponse_graph' => 3, // Neodgovor spremenljivke
+ 'speeder_index' => 3, // Speeder index
+ 'usable_resp' => 3, // Uporabni respondenti
+ 'text_analysis' => 3, // Analiza besedil
+ 'edits_analysis' => 3, // Analiza urejanj
+ /* Podatki */
+ 'data_export' => 2, // Izvoz podatkov - spss, xls, csv...
+ 'data_append' => 3, // Uvoz - dodaj podatke
+ 'data_merge' => 3, // Uvoz - zdruzi podatke
+ 'data_calculation' => 3, // Izracunane vrednosti
+ 'data_coding_auto' => 3, // Avtomatsko kodiranje
+ 'data_coding' => 3, // Kodiranje
+ 'data_recoding' => 3, // Rekodiranje
+ /* Analiza */
+ 'analysis_export' => 2, // Izvoz analiz - pdf, rtf, xls
+ 'analysis_analysis_links' => 2, // Javne
+ 'analysis_charts' => 2, // Grafi
+ 'analysis_crosstabs' => 2, // Tabele
+ 'analysis_break' => 2, // Razbitje
+ 'analysis_ttest' => 3, // Ttest
+ 'analysis_means' => 3, // Povprecje
+ 'analysis_multicrosstabs' => 3, // Multitabele
+ 'analysis_analysis_creport' => 3, // Porocilo po meri
+ /* Napredni moduli */
+ 'uporabnost' => 3, // Evalvacija strani (split screen)
+ //'vnos' => 2, // Vnos vprasalnikov
+ 'kviz' => 2, // Kviz
+ 'voting' => 3, // Volitve
+ 'social_network' => 3, // Socialna omrezja
+ 'slideshow' => 3, // Prezentacija
+ 'telephone' => 3, // Telefonska anketa
+ 'chat' => 3, // Chat
+ 'panel' => 3, // Panel
+ /* Ostale funkcionalnosti */
+ 'prevajanje' => 2, // Vecjezikovna anketa
+ 'export' => 2, // Izvozi ankete
+ 'filters' => 2, // Filtriranje podatkov in analiz
+ 'nice_url' => 2, // Lepi linki
+ 'password' => 2, // Dostop do ankete z geslom
+ 'gdpr_export' => 2, // Izvoz porocil evidenc za gdpr
+ 'skupine' => 2, // Skupine
+ 'archive' => 2, // Arhiviranje
+ 'arhivi' => 2, // Arhiviranje - izvoz datoteke ankete, podatkov
+ //'arhivi_export' => 2, // Arhiviranje - izvoz datoteke vprasalnika in vprasalnika s podatki
+ 'analysis_anal_arch' => 2, // Arhiviranje analiz
+ 'public_link' => 3, // Javne povezave
+ //'ustvari_anketo_archive' => 2, // Ustvarjanje ankete iz datoteke
+ 'ustvari_anketo_from_text' => 2, // Ustvarjanje ankete iz besedila
+ 'ustvari_anketo_template' => 2, // Ustvarjanje ankete iz predloge
+ 'komentarji' => 3, // Komentarji na anketo
+ 'komentarji_anketa' => 3, // Komentarji na anketo
+ 'urejanje' => 3, // Komentarji na anketo
+ 'alert' => 2, // Obvescanje
+ 'invitations' => 3, // Email vabila
+ /* Moje ankete */
+ 'my_survey_folders' => 2, // Mape v mojih anketah
+ );
+ public static function getInstance($usr_id){
+ if (!self::$instance)
+ self::$instance = new UserAccess($usr_id);
+ return self::$instance;
+ }
+ private function __construct($usr_id){
+ global $app_settings;
+ // Ce so paketi onemogoceni nič ne preverjamo
+ if(!isset($app_settings['commercial_packages']) || $app_settings['commercial_packages'] == false){
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ce nimamo usr_id-ja ga poskusimo pridobiti iz id-ja ankete
+ if(!isset($usr_id) || $usr_id < 1 || $usr_id == ''){
+ if(isset($_POST['anketa']) || isset($_GET['anketa'])){
+ $ank_id = (isset($_GET['anketa'])) ? $_GET['anketa'] : $_POST['anketa'];
+ $sqlU = sisplet_query("SELECT insert_uid FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".$ank_id."'");
+ $rowU = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlU);
+ $usr_id = $rowU['insert_uid'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $usr_id = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if($usr_id > 0){
+ $this->usr_id = $usr_id;
+ // Preverimo, ce smo znotraj dolocene ankete in ce je usr_id enak id-ju avtorja ankete
+ $this->checkSurveyAuthor();
+ // Zakesiramo vse dostope userja
+ $this->cacheUserAccess();
+ // Zakesiramo vse pakete
+ $this->cachePackages();
+ // Pogledamo ce smo v anketi in ce gre za staro anketo - stare ankete nimajo vklopljenih paketov
+ $this->checkAnketaOld();
+ }
+ else{
+ echo 'Napaka! Manjka ID uporabnika.';
+ die();
+ }
+ }
+ // Dobimo podatke o dostopu za posameznega uporabnika
+ private function cacheUserAccess(){
+ $sqlUserAccess = sisplet_query("SELECT ua.*, AS package_name, up.description AS package_description, up.price AS package_price
+ FROM user_access ua, user_access_paket up
+ WHERE ua.usr_id='".$this->usr_id."' AND
+ ");
+ // Uporabnik se nima nobenega paketa
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlUserAccess) == 0)
+ return;
+ $rowUserAccess = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlUserAccess);
+ // Dodatno preverimo, ce je paket ze potekel
+ if(strtotime($rowUserAccess['time_expire']) < time())
+ return;
+ // Vse ok - uporabniku nastavimo trenuten paket
+ $this->user_access = $rowUserAccess;
+ }
+ // Dobimo podatke o vseh paketih
+ private function cachePackages(){
+ $sqlPackages = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM user_access_paket");
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPackages)){
+ $this->packages[$row['id']] = $row;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pogledamo ce smo v anketi in ce gre za staro anketo - stare ankete nimajo vklopljenih paketov
+ private function checkAnketaOld(){
+ // Ce nismo znotraj ankete ti ignoriramo
+ if(!isset($_GET['anketa'])){
+ return;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo id ankete
+ $ank_id = $_GET['anketa'];
+ $sqlA = sisplet_query("SELECT insert_time FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".$ank_id."'");
+ $rowA = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlA);
+ // Ce je datum kreiranja starejši je stara anketa
+ if(strtotime($rowA['insert_time']) < strtotime($this->anketa_old_date)){
+ $this->anketa_old = true;
+ }
+ }
+ public function isAnketaOld(){
+ return $this->anketa_old;
+ }
+ public function userNotAuthor(){
+ return $this->user_not_author;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce ima uporabnik dostop do neke funkcionalnosti
+ public function checkUserAccess($what=''){
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ // Ce so paketi onemogoceni vrnemo vedno true
+ if(!isset($app_settings['commercial_packages']) || $app_settings['commercial_packages'] == false){
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Ce nimamo usr_id-ja zaenkrat pustimo vse
+ if(!isset($this->usr_id) || $this->usr_id < 1 || $this->usr_id == ''){
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Ce je metaadmin ali admin lahko tudi vedno vse uporablja
+ if(Dostop::isMetaAdmin() || ($mysql_database_name == 'real1kasi' && $admin_type == 0 && $global_user_id == '440')){
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Ce je anketa ustvarjena pred nekim datumom, ne preverjamo paketov
+ if($this->anketa_old == true){
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Ce ne nastavimo funkcionalnosti pogledamo url kje se nahajamo
+ if($what == ''){
+ $what = $this->getFunctionalityFromUrl();
+ }
+ // Preverimo, ce funkcionalnost ni v paketu, ki ga ima uporabnik
+ $package_id = $this->getPackage();
+ if(isset($this->functionality_package[$what]) && $this->functionality_package[$what] > $package_id){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo vse podatke o dostopu uporabnika
+ public function getAccess(){
+ return $this->user_access;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo paket uporabnika
+ public function getPackage(){
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $admin_type;
+ // Ce so paketi onemogoceni vrnemo -1
+ if(!isset($app_settings['commercial_packages']) || $app_settings['commercial_packages'] == false){
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Ce je admin ali manager lahko tudi vedno vse uporablja
+ /*if($admin_type == 0 || $admin_type == 1){
+ return 3;
+ }*/
+ // Ce nima nastavljeno nic je brez paketa
+ if(!isset($this->user_access['package_id']))
+ return 1;
+ return $this->user_access['package_id'];
+ }
+ // Vrnemo aray vseh paketov
+ public function getPackages(){
+ return $this->packages;
+ }
+ // Preverimo, ce smo znotraj dolocene ankete in ce je usr_id enak id-ju avtorja ankete
+ private function checkSurveyAuthor(){
+ // Nastavimo id ankete
+ if(isset($_GET['anketa'])){
+ $ank_id = $_GET['anketa'];
+ }
+ elseif(isset($_POST['anketa']) && $_POST['anketa'] != 'undefined'){
+ $ank_id = $_POST['anketa'];
+ }
+ // Ce nismo znotraj ankete je vse ok
+ else{
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ce smo znotraj ankete, preverimo, ce je usr_id enak avtorju ankete
+ $sqlA = sisplet_query("SELECT insert_uid FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".$ank_id."'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlA) > 0){
+ $rowA = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlA);
+ // Ce user ni avtor, preverjamo za avtorja
+ if($this->usr_id != $rowA['insert_uid']){
+ $this->usr_id = $rowA['insert_uid'];
+ $this->user_not_author = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Izpisemo obvestilo, da je funkcionalnost onemogocena in naj kupi paket
+ public function displayNoAccess($what=''){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Ce ne nastavimo funkcionalnosti pogledamo url kje se nahajamo
+ if($what == ''){
+ $what = $this->getFunctionalityFromUrl();
+ }
+ // Kateri paket je potreben za to funkcionalnost
+ $package_required = (isset($this->functionality_package[$what])) ? $this->functionality_package[$what] : 3;
+ $package_required_name = $this->packages[$package_required]['name'];
+ if($lang['id'] == '2')
+ $drupal_url = $site_url.'d/en/purchase/'.$package_required.'/package';
+ else
+ $drupal_url = $site_url.'d/izvedi-nakup/'.$package_required.'/podatki';
+ echo '<div class="user_access_warning">';
+ // Ce user ni avtor ankete
+ if($this->user_not_author){
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['srv_access_no_access_not_author'].'</p>';
+ }
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['srv_access_no_access'].' "'.$package_required_name.'".</p>';
+ if(!$this->user_not_author)
+ echo '<span class="floatLeft"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_blue" href="'.$drupal_url.'" target="_blank">'.$lang['srv_narocila_buy'].'</a></div></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izpisemo popup obvestilo, da je funkcionalnost onemogocena in naj kupi paket
+ public function displayNoAccessPopup($what){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Kateri paket je potreben za to funkcionalnost
+ $package_required = (isset($this->functionality_package[$what])) ? $this->functionality_package[$what] : 3;
+ $package_required_name = $this->packages[$package_required]['name'];
+ if($lang['id'] == '2')
+ $drupal_url = $site_url.'d/en/purchase/'.$package_required.'/package';
+ else
+ $drupal_url = $site_url.'d/izvedi-nakup/'.$package_required.'/podatki';
+ // Ce user ni avtor ankete
+ if($this->user_not_author){
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['srv_access_no_access_not_author'].'</p>';
+ }
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['srv_access_no_access'].' "'.$package_required_name.'".</p>';
+ if(!$this->user_not_author)
+ echo '<span class="floatRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_blue" href="'.$drupal_url.'" target="_blank">'.$lang['srv_narocila_buy'].'</a></div></span>';
+ echo '<span class="floatRight spaceRight"><div class="buttonwrapper"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onClick="popupUserAccess_close();">'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</a></div></span>';
+ }
+ // Izpisemo obvestilo, da je funkcionalnost onemogocena in naj kupi paket
+ public function displayNoAccessText($what=''){
+ global $lang;
+ // Ce ne nastavimo funkcionalnosti pogledamo url kje se nahajamo
+ if($what == ''){
+ $what = $this->getFunctionalityFromUrl();
+ }
+ // Kateri paket je potreben za to funkcionalnost
+ $package_required = (isset($this->functionality_package[$what])) ? $this->functionality_package[$what] : 3;
+ $package_required_name = $this->packages[$package_required]['name'];
+ echo '<p class="user_access_warning_text">';
+ // Ce user ni avtor ankete
+ if($this->user_not_author){
+ echo $lang['srv_access_no_access_not_author'].'<br /><br />';
+ }
+ echo $lang['srv_access_no_access'].' "'.$package_required_name.'"';
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ // Vrnemo funkcionalnost glede na urle kjer se nahajamo
+ private function getFunctionalityFromUrl(){
+ $what = '';
+ // Ce ne nastavimo funkcionalnosti pogledamo url kje se nahajamo
+ if(isset($_GET['a'])){
+ $what = $_GET['a'];
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'analysis' || $_GET['a'] == 'data'){
+ if(isset($_GET['m'])){
+ $what .= '_'.$_GET['m'];
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'ustvari_anketo'){
+ if(isset($_GET['b'])){
+ $what .= '_'.$_GET['b'];
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'theme-editor'){
+ if(isset($_GET['t'])){
+ $what .= '_'.$_GET['t'];
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'langStatistic'){
+ $what = 'prevajanje';
+ }
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'skupine'){
+ $what = '';
+ }
+ elseif($_GET['a'] == 'arhivi' && isset($_GET['m']) && ($_GET['m'] == 'survey_data' || $_GET['m'] == 'survey')){
+ $what .= '_export';
+ }
+ }
+ return $what;
+ }
+ // Ajax klici
+ public function ajax(){
+ if (isset($_POST['what']))
+ $what = $_POST['what'];
+ // Prikazemo popup z obvestilom, da je funkcionalnost onemogocena in naj kupi paket
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'displayNoAccessPopup') {
+ $this->displayNoAccessPopup($what);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserMailCron.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserMailCron.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f588c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserMailCron.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za posiljanje cron emailov povezanih z racunom, placili...
+ *
+ */
+class UserMailCron{
+ // ID userja
+ private $usr_id = '';
+ function __construct(){
+ }
+ // Nastavimo fazo v kateri se nahaja uporabnik
+ public function setStage($stage){
+ }
+ // Izvedemo cron ob 9h zjutraj
+ public static function executeCron(){
+ // Loop cez vse userje v bazi
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT c.*,, u.ime, u.type, u.status,, u.surname
+ FROM user_cronjob c, users u
+ WHERE (a.package_id = 2 OR a.package_id = 3)
+ AND ".$interval_query."
+ ");
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
+ // Process cronjob for user
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocila.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocila.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e831e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocila.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1632 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za pregled, dodajanje, urejanje narocil uporabnika
+ *
+ */
+class UserNarocila{
+ // Array z vsemi paketi
+ private $packages = array();
+ // Filter narocil
+ private $narocila_filter = array('neplacana' => 1, 'pacana' => 0, 'stornirana' => 0);
+ function __construct(){
+ // Zakesiramo vse pakete
+ $this->cachePackages();
+ if(isset($_SESSION['narocila_filter']['neplacana']) && $_SESSION['narocila_filter']['neplacana'] == '0')
+ $this->narocila_filter['neplacana'] = 0;
+ if(isset($_SESSION['narocila_filter']['placana']) && $_SESSION['narocila_filter']['placana'] == '1')
+ $this->narocila_filter['placana'] = 1;
+ if(isset($_SESSION['narocila_filter']['stornirana']) && $_SESSION['narocila_filter']['stornirana'] == '1')
+ $this->narocila_filter['stornirana'] = 1;
+ }
+ // Dobimo array narocil (vseh oz. za dolocenega uporabnika)
+ private function getNarocila($usr_id=0){
+ global $admin_type;
+ $narocila = array();
+ // Vsa narocila lahko pregledujejo samo admini
+ if($admin_type == 0 && $usr_id == 0){
+ // Filter po statusu
+ $status = ' AND un.status IN (';
+ $status .= ($this->narocila_filter['neplacana'] == 1) ? '0,' : '';
+ $status .= ($this->narocila_filter['placana'] == 1) ? '1,' : '';
+ $status .= ($this->narocila_filter['stornirana'] == 1) ? '2,' : '';
+ $status = substr($status, 0, -1);
+ $status .= ') ';
+ // Loop po vseh narocilih v sistemu
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT un.*,, u.surname,, AS package_name, up.description AS package_description, up.price AS package_price
+ FROM user_access_narocilo un, users u, user_access_paket up
+ WHERE AND ".$status."
+ ");
+ while($rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo)){
+ $narocila[] = $rowNarocilo;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($usr_id > 0){
+ // Loop po vseh narocilih uporabnika
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT un.*,, u.surname,, AS package_name, up.description AS package_description, up.price AS package_price
+ FROM user_access_narocilo un, users u, user_access_paket up
+ WHERE un.usr_id='".$usr_id."' AND AND
+ ");
+ while($rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo)){
+ $narocila[] = $rowNarocilo;
+ }
+ }
+ return $narocila;
+ }
+ // Izracunamo koncno ceno glede na paket, trajanje in popust (v eur)
+ public function getPrice($package_name, $trajanje, $discount=0, $time=''){
+ $cena = array();
+ // Mesecna cena paketa
+ $package_price = $this->packages[$package_name]['price'];
+ // Narocila pred 7.12. morajo imeti stare cene
+ if($time != '' && strtotime($time) < strtotime('2020-12-06 20:00:00')){
+ // Mesecno ceno zmanjsamo glede na trajanje
+ if($package_name == '2ka'){
+ if((int)$trajanje >= 12){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format(11.90 - 2, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ elseif((int)$trajanje >= 3){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format(11.90 - 1, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ else{
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format(11.90, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($package_name == '3ka'){
+ if((int)$trajanje >= 12){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format(21.90 - 2, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ elseif((int)$trajanje >= 3){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format(21.90 - 1, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ else{
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format(21.90, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // Mesecno ceno zmanjsamo glede na trajanje
+ if($package_name == '2ka'){
+ if((int)$trajanje >= 12){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format($package_price - 4, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ elseif((int)$trajanje >= 3){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format($package_price - 2, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ else{
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format($package_price, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($package_name == '3ka'){
+ if((int)$trajanje >= 12){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format($package_price - 3, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ elseif((int)$trajanje >= 3){
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format($package_price - 1.5, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ else{
+ $cena['monthly'] = number_format($package_price, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Se brez davka za monthly
+ $cena['monthly_without_tax'] = number_format(floatval($cena['monthly']) / 1.22, 2, '.', '');
+ // Cena za celotno obdobje
+ $cena['full'] = number_format((int)$trajanje * floatval($cena['monthly']), 2, '.', '');
+ // Se brez davka za full
+ $cena['full_without_tax'] = number_format(floatval($cena['full']) / 1.22, 2, '.', '');
+ // Cena s popustom
+ $cena['full_discount'] = $cena['full'];
+ $cena['discount'] = $discount;
+ // Odstejemo se popust ce je posebej nastavljen
+ if($discount != 0){
+ // Ce je popust vecji od celotnega zneska, je cena 0 (cena ne more biti negativna)
+ if($discount > $cena['full']){
+ $cena['full_discount'] = 0;
+ $cena['discount'] = $cena['full'];
+ }
+ else{
+ //$cena['full_discount'] = number_format(floatval($cena['full_discount']) - (floatval($discount) * floatval($cena['full']) / 100), 2, '.', '');
+ $cena['full_discount'] = number_format(floatval($cena['full_discount']) - floatval($discount), 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ }
+ // Dodatno se izracunamo popust v %
+ if($cena['full'] > 0)
+ $cena['discount_percentage'] = round(floatval($cena['discount']) / floatval($cena['full']) * 100);
+ else
+ $cena['discount_percentage'] = 0;
+ // Se davek
+ $cena['final_without_tax'] = number_format(floatval($cena['full_discount']) / 1.22, 2, '.', '');
+ $cena['tax'] = number_format($cena['full_discount'] - $cena['final_without_tax'], 2, '.', '');
+ $cena['final'] = $cena['full_discount'];
+ return $cena;
+ }
+ // Izracunamo popust glede na uporabnika (pri upgradu / downgradu paketa)
+ public function getDiscount($usr_id, $package_name, $trajanje){
+ // Dobimo trenuten dostop userja
+ $ua = UserAccess::getInstance($usr_id);
+ $user_access = $ua->getAccess();
+ // Dobimo polno ceno za paket
+ $price = $this->getPrice($package_name, $trajanje);
+ // UPGRADE oz. DOWNGRADE - iz 2ka na 3ka ali iz 3ka na 2ka
+ if( isset($user_access['package_name']) && (($user_access['package_name'] == '2ka' && $package_name == '3ka') || ($user_access['package_name'] == '3ka' && $package_name == '2ka')) ){
+ // Mesecna cena obstojecega paketa
+ $package_price = floatval($this->packages[$user_access['package_name']]['price']);
+ // Stevilo dni dokler je obstojeci paket se veljaven
+ $now = time();
+ $expire = strtotime($user_access['time_expire']);
+ $expire_in_days = floor(($expire - $now) / (60 * 60 * 24));
+ // Popravimo ceno, ce ima veljaven paket se za 3 mesece ali vec (pomeni, da je imel popust pri nakupu kar upostevamo)
+ if($package_name == '2ka'){
+ if($expire_in_days > 92){
+ $package_price = number_format($package_price - 4, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ elseif($expire_in_days > 31){
+ $package_price = number_format($package_price - 2, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($package_name == '3ka'){
+ if($expire_in_days > 92){
+ $package_price = number_format($package_price - 3, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ elseif($expire_in_days > 31){
+ $package_price = number_format($package_price - 1.5, 2, '.', '');
+ }
+ }
+ // Popust izracunamo kot delez cene paketa in
+ $dayly_discount = number_format($package_price / 31, 2, '.', '');
+ $discount = number_format($dayly_discount * $expire_in_days, 2, '.', '');
+ return $discount;
+ }
+ // Drugace nimamo nobenega popusta
+ else{
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Preverimo, ce narocilo slucajno nima ddv-ja (zavezanec za ddv iz tujine)
+ public function isWithoutDDV($narocilo_id){
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT podjetje_drzava, podjetje_no_ddv
+ FROM user_access_narocilo
+ WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'
+ ");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarocilo) == 1){
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ // Slovenija ima vedno ddv
+ if($rowNarocilo['podjetje_drzava'] == 'Slovenija' || $rowNarocilo['podjetje_drzava'] == 'Slovenia'){
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Ce ni iz slovenije in ima oznaceno da ne placa ddv-ja
+ if($rowNarocilo['podjetje_no_ddv'] == '1'){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Dobimo jezik narocila - v istem jeziku so potem emaili in racun/predracun
+ public function getNarociloLanguage($narocilo_id){
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT language
+ FROM user_access_narocilo
+ WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'
+ ");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarocilo) == 1){
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ if($rowNarocilo['language'] == 'sl'){
+ return 'si';
+ }
+ else{
+ return 'en';
+ }
+ }
+ return 'en';
+ }
+ // Izpisemo podatke o narocilih uporabnika
+ public function displayNarocila(){
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ // Podatki o trenutnem paketu uporabnika
+ echo '<fieldset>';
+ echo '<legend>'.$lang['srv_narocila_current'].'</legend>';
+ $ua = UserAccess::getInstance($global_user_id);
+ $user_access = $ua->getAccess();
+ // Ce ni polja v bazi oz je nastavljen paket na 1 ima osnovni paket
+ if(!$user_access || $user_access['package_id'] == '1'){
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['srv_narocila_current_package'].':</span> <span class="bold">1KA</span></p>';
+ }
+ // Imamo aktiviran paket - izpisemo podatke
+ else{
+ echo '<div class="data"><span class="setting_title">'.$lang['srv_narocila_current_package'].':</span> <span class="bold">'.$user_access['package_name'],'</span></div>';
+ echo '<div class="data"><span class="setting_title">'.$lang['srv_narocila_current_start'].':</span> <span class="bold">'.date( 'd.m.Y', strtotime($user_access['time_activate'])).'</span></div>';
+ echo '<div class="data"><span class="setting_title">'.$lang['srv_narocila_current_expire'].':</span> <span class="bold">'.date( 'd.m.Y', strtotime($user_access['time_expire'])),'</span></div>';
+ }
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ // Tabela vseh narocil uporabnika
+ echo '<fieldset>';
+ echo '<legend>'.$lang['srv_narocila_list'].'</legend>';
+ $sqlNarocilaCount = sisplet_query("SELECT count(id) FROM user_access_narocilo WHERE usr_id='".$global_user_id."'");
+ $rowNarocilaCount = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilaCount);
+ if($rowNarocilaCount['count(id)'] > 0){
+ $this->displayNarocilaTable();
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['srv_narocila_no_package_text'].'</p>';
+ }
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ }
+ // Izpisemo seznam vseh narocil uporabnika
+ public function displayNarocilaTable(){
+ global $lang, $global_user_id;
+ // Dobimo vsa narocila uporabnika
+ $data = $this->getNarocila($global_user_id);
+ echo '<table id="user_narocila" class="user_narocila">';
+ // Glava tabele
+ echo ' <thead>';
+ echo ' <tr>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_paket'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje'].' ('.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje_mesecev'].')</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_cas'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_cena'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_status'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_pdf'].'</th>';
+ echo ' </tr>';
+ echo ' </thead>';
+ // Vsebina tabele
+ echo ' <tbody>';
+ foreach($data as $usr_id => $data_row){
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['package_name'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['trajanje'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.date("j.n.Y H:i", strtotime($data_row['time'])).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['payment_method'].'</td>';
+ // Cena
+ $cena = $this->getPrice($data_row['package_name'], $data_row['trajanje'], $data_row['discount'], $data_row['time']);
+ // Zavezanec iz tujine nima ddv-ja
+ if($this->isWithoutDDV($data_row['id']))
+ echo '<td>'.$cena['final_without_tax'].'</td>';
+ else
+ echo '<td>'.$cena['final'].'</td>';
+ if($data_row['status'] == '0')
+ $status_color = 'red';
+ elseif($data_row['status'] == '1')
+ $status_color = 'green';
+ else
+ $status_color = 'black';
+ echo '<td class="'.$status_color.'">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_status_'.$data_row['status']].'</td>';
+ // PDF
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<span class="pointer as_link" onClick="getNarociloPredracun(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_pdf_predracun'].'</span>';
+ if($data_row['status'] == '1'){
+ echo ' | <span class="pointer as_link" onClick="getNarociloRacun(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_pdf_racun'].'</span>';
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo ' </tbody>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ // Izpisemo seznam vseh narocil - admin
+ public function displayNarocilaTableAdmin(){
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $app_settings;
+ // Admini vidijo vsa narocila
+ $data = $this->getNarocila();
+ // Filtri po statusu
+ echo '<div class="narocila_filters">';
+ echo '<label for="filter_narocila_0"><input type="checkbox" id="filter_narocila_0" '.($this->narocila_filter['neplacana'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="filterNarocila(\'0\', this.checked)">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_filter_status_0'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label for="filter_narocila_1"><input type="checkbox" id="filter_narocila_1" '.($this->narocila_filter['placana'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="filterNarocila(\'1\', this.checked)">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_filter_status_1'].'</label>';
+ echo '<label for="filter_narocila_2"><input type="checkbox" id="filter_narocila_2" '.($this->narocila_filter['stornirana'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' onClick="filterNarocila(\'2\', this.checked)">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_filter_status_2'].'</label>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<table id="user_narocila" class="dataTable user_narocila_admin" style="width:100%">';
+ // Glava tabele
+ echo ' <thead>';
+ echo ' <tr>';
+ echo ' <th>ID</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_ime'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['email'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_paket'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje'].' ('.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje_mesecev'].')</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_cas'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_ddv'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_cena'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_status'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_eracun'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_pdf'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['edit2'].'</th>';
+ echo ' </tr>';
+ echo ' </thead>';
+ // Vsebina tabele
+ echo ' <tbody>';
+ foreach($data as $usr_id => $data_row){
+ if($data_row['status'] == '0')
+ $status_color = 'red';
+ elseif($data_row['status'] == '1')
+ $status_color = 'green';
+ else
+ $status_color = 'black';
+ echo '<tr class="'.$status_color.'_bg">';
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['id'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['ime'].' '.($data_row['podjetje_ime'] != '' ? '('.$data_row['podjetje_ime'].')' : '').'</td>';
+ echo '<td><span class="as_link" onClick="edit_user(\''.$data_row['usr_id'].'\'); return false;">'.$data_row['email'].'</span></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['package_name'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['trajanje'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td data-order="'.date("Y-n-j", strtotime($data_row['time'])).'">'.date("j.n.Y H:i", strtotime($data_row['time'])).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila_'.$data_row['payment_method']].'</td>';
+ // Ali placa ddv (podjetje - zavezanec iz tujine ga ne)
+ echo '<td>'.($this->isWithoutDDV($data_row['id']) ? $lang['no'] : $lang['yes']).'</td>';
+ // Cena
+ $cena = $this->getPrice($data_row['package_name'], $data_row['trajanje'], $data_row['discount'], $data_row['time']);
+ // Zavezanec iz tujine nima ddv-ja
+ if($this->isWithoutDDV($data_row['id']))
+ echo '<td>'.$cena['final_without_tax'].'</td>';
+ else
+ echo '<td>'.$cena['final'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td class="'.$status_color.'">';
+ echo $lang['srv_narocilo_status_'.$data_row['status']];
+ // Na lahko narocilo placa samo Goran
+ if($data_row['status'] != '1' && $data_row['status'] != '2' && ($app_settings['app_name'] != '' || $global_user_id == '112696')){
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<span class="as_link" onClick="urediNarociloPay(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_placaj'].'</span>';
+ if($data_row['podjetje_eracun'] == '1')
+ echo ' | <span class="as_link" onClick="urediNarociloPayEracun(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_placaj_eracun'].'</span>';
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ // Eračun
+ echo '<td>'.($data_row['podjetje_eracun'] == '1' ? $lang['yes'] : $lang['no']).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ // Ce je bila cena 0 je bil avtomatsko "placan" in nima racuna oz. predracuna
+ if($cena['final'] == 0){
+ echo '/';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<span class="pointer as_link" onClick="getNarociloPredracun(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_pdf_predracun'].'</span>';
+ if($data_row['status'] == '1'){
+ echo ' | <span class="pointer as_link" onClick="getNarociloRacun(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_pdf_racun'].'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="displayNarociloPopup(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')" title="'.$lang['srv_narocila_edit'].'"><i class="fa fa-pencil-alt link-sv-moder"></i>';
+ // Narocilo se lahko pobrise samo ce se ni placano
+ if($data_row['status'] != '1')
+ echo ' <span class="no-print"> | </span><a href="#" onClick="brisiNarocilo(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')" title="'.$lang['srv_narocila_delete'].'"><i class="fa fa-times link-sv-moder"></a>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo ' </tbody>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ // Se inicializiramo dataTable jquery
+ echo '<script> prepareNarocilaTableAdmin(); </script>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo popup za pregled in urejanje narocilo
+ private function displayNarociloEdit($narocilo_id){
+ global $lang;
+ // Loop po vseh narocilih uporabnika
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT un.*,, u.surname,, AS package_name, up.description AS package_description, up.price AS package_price
+ FROM user_access_narocilo un, users u, user_access_paket up
+ WHERE'".$narocilo_id."' AND AND
+ ");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarocilo) == 0){
+ echo 'Naročilo ne obstaja!';
+ return;
+ }
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_number'].' '.$narocilo_id.'</h2>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_content">';
+ echo '<div class="form_holder"><form name="edit_narocilo" id="edit_narocilo">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="narocilo_id" value="'.$narocilo_id.'">';
+ // Podatki narocnika
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_segment">';
+ // Ime in uporabnik
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_ime'].':</span> '.$rowNarocilo['ime'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_uporabnik'].':</span> '.$rowNarocilo['name'].' '.$rowNarocilo['surname'].' ('.$rowNarocilo['email'].')';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Telefon
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_telefon'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="hidden" name="phone" value="'.$rowNarocilo['phone'].'">';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="phone" value="'.$rowNarocilo['phone'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Podatki narocila
+ $cena = $this->getPrice($rowNarocilo['package_name'], $rowNarocilo['trajanje'], $rowNarocilo['discount'], $rowNarocilo['time']);
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_segment">';
+ // Cas narocila
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_cas'].':</span> '.date("j.n.Y H:i", strtotime($rowNarocilo['time']));
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="time" value="'.$rowNarocilo['time'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Paket
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_paket'].':</span> ';
+ if($rowNarocilo['status'] == '1'){
+ echo $rowNarocilo['package_id'].'ka';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="package_id" value="'.$rowNarocilo['package_id'].'">';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<select name="package_id">';
+ echo '<option value="1" '.($rowNarocilo['package_id'] == '1' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>1ka</option>';
+ echo '<option value="2" '.($rowNarocilo['package_id'] == '2' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>2ka</option>';
+ echo '<option value="3" '.($rowNarocilo['package_id'] == '3' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>3ka</option>';
+ echo '</select>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Trajanje v mesecih
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje'].':</span> ';
+ if($rowNarocilo['status'] == '1'){
+ echo $rowNarocilo['trajanje'].' '.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje_mesecev'];
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="trajanje" value="'.$rowNarocilo['trajanje'].'">';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<input type="text" name="trajanje" value="'.$rowNarocilo['trajanje'].'" size="4"> '.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje_mesecev'];
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Cena paketa * trajanje
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_cena_brez_popusta'].':</span> '.$cena['full'].' € ('.$rowNarocilo['trajanje'].' '.$lang['srv_narocilo_trajanje_mesecev'].')';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Popust
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_popust'].':</span> ';
+ if($rowNarocilo['status'] == '1'){
+ echo $rowNarocilo['discount'].' %';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="discount" value="'.$rowNarocilo['discount'].'">';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<input type="text" name="discount" value="'.$rowNarocilo['discount'].'" size="4"> %';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Koncna cena - zavezanec iz tujine nima ddv-ja
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_cena'].':</span> '.($this->isWithoutDDV($data_row['id']) ? $cena['final_without_tax'] : $cena['final']).' €';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Nacin placila
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila'].':</span> ';
+ if($rowNarocilo['status'] == '1'){
+ echo $lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila_'.$rowNarocilo['payment_method']];
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="payment_method" value="'.$rowNarocilo['payment_method'].'">';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<select name="payment_method">';
+ echo '<option value="1" '.($rowNarocilo['payment_method'] == '1' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila_1'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="2" '.($rowNarocilo['payment_method'] == '2' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila_2'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="3" '.($rowNarocilo['payment_method'] == '3' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila_3'].'</option>';
+ echo '</select>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Status narocila
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_status'].':</span> ';
+ echo $lang['srv_narocilo_status_'.$rowNarocilo['status']];
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="status" value="'.$rowNarocilo['status'].'">';
+ /*echo '<select name="status">';
+ echo '<option value="0" '.($rowNarocilo['status'] == '0' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_status_0'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="1" '.($rowNarocilo['status'] == '1' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').' disabled="disabled">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_status_1'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="2" '.($rowNarocilo['status'] == '2' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_status_2'].'</option>';
+ echo '</select>';*/
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Podatki podjetja ce je racun na podjetje
+ if($rowNarocilo['podjetje_ime'] != ''){
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_segment">';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_ime'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="hidden" name="podjetje_ime" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_ime'].'">';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="podjetje_ime" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_ime'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_naslov'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="hidden" name="podjetje_naslov" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_naslov'].'">';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="podjetje_naslov" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_naslov'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_postna'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="hidden" name="podjetje_postna" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_postna'].'">';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="podjetje_postna" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_postna'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_posta'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="hidden" name="podjetje_posta" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_posta'].'">';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="podjetje_posta" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_posta'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_drzava'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="podjetje_drzava" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_drzava'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_davcna'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="hidden" name="podjetje_davcna" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_davcna'].'">';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="podjetje_davcna" value="'.$rowNarocilo['podjetje_davcna'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_no_ddv'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<select name="podjetje_no_ddv">';
+ echo '<option value="0" '.($rowNarocilo['podjetje_no_ddv'] == '0' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['no'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="1" '.($rowNarocilo['podjetje_no_ddv'] == '1' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['yes'].'</option>';
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_narocilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_podjetje_eracun'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<select name="podjetje_eracun">';
+ echo '<option value="0" '.($rowNarocilo['podjetje_eracun'] == '0' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['no'].'</option>';
+ echo '<option value="1" '.($rowNarocilo['podjetje_eracun'] == '1' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$lang['yes'].'</option>';
+ echo '</select>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</form></div>';
+ // Gumbi na dnu
+ echo '<div class="buttons_holder">';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange btn_savesettings" href="#" onclick="urediNarociloSave();"><span>'.$lang['edit1337'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="urediNarociloClose();"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Ustvari novo narocilo za uporabnika
+ public function createNarocilo($narocilo_data){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ if(isset($narocilo_data['email'])){
+ $uporabnik = sisplet_query("SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE email='".$narocilo_data['email']."'", "obj");
+ $usr_id = $uporabnik->id;
+ }
+ $status = isset($narocilo_data['status']) ? $narocilo_data['status'] : 0;
+ $package_id = isset($narocilo_data['package_id']) ? $narocilo_data['package_id'] : 1;
+ $payment_method = isset($narocilo_data['payment_method']) ? $narocilo_data['payment_method'] : 0;
+ //$discount = isset($narocilo_data['discount']) ? $narocilo_data['discount'] : 0;
+ $trajanje = isset($narocilo_data['trajanje']) ? $narocilo_data['trajanje'] : 0;
+ $ime_na_racunu = isset($narocilo_data['ime']) ? $narocilo_data['ime'] : '';
+ $phone = isset($narocilo_data['phone']) ? $narocilo_data['phone'] : '';
+ $podjetje_ime = isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_ime']) ? $narocilo_data['podjetje_ime'] : '';
+ $podjetje_naslov = isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_naslov']) ? $narocilo_data['podjetje_naslov'] : '';
+ $podjetje_postna = isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_postna']) ? $narocilo_data['podjetje_postna'] : '';
+ $podjetje_posta = isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_posta']) ? $narocilo_data['podjetje_posta'] : '';
+ $podjetje_drzava = isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_drzava']) ? $narocilo_data['podjetje_drzava'] : '';
+ $podjetje_davcna = isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_davcna']) ? $narocilo_data['podjetje_davcna'] : '';
+ $podjetje_eracun = isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_eracun']) ? '1' : '0';
+ $language = isset($narocilo_data['lang']) ? $narocilo_data['lang'] : 'sl';
+ if($usr_id <= 0){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! Missing user ID.';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo ce placa DDV (zavezanci iz EU ga ne placajo)
+ if(self::checkPayDDV($podjetje_davcna, $podjetje_drzava))
+ $podjetje_no_ddv = '0';
+ else
+ $podjetje_no_ddv = '1';
+ $brezplacen_preklop = false;
+ // Preverimo, ce ima uporabnik ze aktiven paket - po novem lahko to predhodno preklaplja, ker se to preracuna v popust
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM user_access WHERE usr_id='".$usr_id."' AND package_id != '1' AND time_expire > NOW()");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlAccess) > 0){
+ $rowAccess = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlAccess);
+ // Ce zeli uporabnik kupiti drug placljiv paket kot ga ima trenutno, preracunamo obstojec paket v popust
+ if($rowAccess['package_id'] != $package_id){
+ $sqlPackage = sisplet_query("SELECT name FROM user_access_paket WHERE id='".$package_id."'");
+ $rowPackage = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPackage);
+ $discount = $this->getDiscount($usr_id, $rowPackage['name'], $trajanje);
+ // Preverimo, ce je cena slucajno 0 - oznacimo, da gre za brezplacen preklop
+ $cena = $this->getPrice($rowPackage['name'], $trajanje, $discount);
+ if($cena['final'] == 0){
+ $brezplacen_preklop = true;
+ // Dodamo piškotek, če gre za brezplačni nakup
+ global $cookie_domain;
+ setcookie('brezplacen_preklop', 1, time()+1800, '/', $cookie_domain);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access_narocilo
+ (usr_id, status, time, package_id, ime, payment_method, discount, trajanje, phone, podjetje_ime, podjetje_naslov, podjetje_postna, podjetje_posta, podjetje_drzava, podjetje_davcna, podjetje_no_ddv, podjetje_eracun, language)
+ ('".$usr_id."', '".$status."', NOW(), '".$package_id."', '".$ime_na_racunu."', '".$payment_method."', '".$discount."', '".$trajanje."', '".$phone."', '".$podjetje_ime."', '".$podjetje_naslov."', '".$podjetje_postna."', '".$podjetje_posta."', '".$podjetje_drzava."', '".$podjetje_davcna."', '".$podjetje_no_ddv."', '".$podjetje_eracun."', '".$language."')
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $narocilo_id = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ // Ce gre za brezplacen preklop izvedemo placilo (aktivacijo paketa) brez izdaje racuna, maila...
+ if($brezplacen_preklop){
+ $response = $this->payNarocilo($narocilo_id, $brezplacen_preklop);
+ }
+ // Drugace izdamo predracun oz. placamo s kartico/paypalom
+ else{
+ // Glede na tip plačila dobmo ustrezen url (predracun, paypal, kartica)
+ // Paypal
+ if($payment_method == '2'){
+ $response = $this->finishNarociloPaypal($narocilo_id, $narocilo_data);
+ }
+ // Kartica
+ elseif($payment_method == '3'){
+ $response = $this->finishNarociloStripe($narocilo_id, $narocilo_data);
+ }
+ // Predracun
+ else{
+ $response = $this->finishNarociloPredracun($narocilo_id, $narocilo_data);
+ }
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Dokoncaj narocilo s placilom preko predracuna
+ private function finishNarociloPredracun($narocilo_id, $narocilo_data){
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ $response['narocilo_id'] = $narocilo_id;
+ $cebelica = new UserNarocilaCebelica($narocilo_id);
+ $response['payment_link'] = $cebelica->getNarociloPredracun();
+ // Posljemo mail s predracunom
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_email_predracun_subject'].' '.$narocilo_id;
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_email_predracun_content1'];
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_email_predracun_content2'];
+ $content .= '<br /><a href="'.$response['payment_link'].'">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_email_predracun_file'].'</a>';
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($anketa=null, $type='payments');
+ $MA->addRecipients($narocilo_data['email']);
+ // Dodamo predracun v attachment
+ $MA->addAttachment(file_get_contents($response['payment_link']), $file_name='1ka_narocilo_'.$narocilo_id.'_predracun.pdf');
+ // Posljemo mail
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! Sending email with invoice failed.';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Dokoncaj narocilo s placilom preko predracuna
+ private function finishNarociloStripe($narocilo_id, $narocilo_data){
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ // Inicializiramo paypal
+ $stripe = new UserNarocilaStripe($narocilo_id);
+ // Ustvarimo stripe session za placilo in vrnemo id sessiona, da uporabnik potrdi placilo
+ $stripe_response = $stripe->stripeCreateSession();
+ // Ce je bilo placilo preko stripa uspesno zgeneriramo racun in uporabniku aktiviramo paket
+ if($stripe_response['success'] == true){
+ $response['session_id'] = $stripe_response['session_id'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $response['error'] = $stripe_response['error'];
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Dokoncaj narocilo s placilom preko predracuna
+ private function finishNarociloPaypal($narocilo_id, $narocilo_data){
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ // Inicializiramo paypal
+ $paypal = new UserNarocilaPaypal($narocilo_id);
+ // Ustvarimo paypal placilo in vrnemo url, da se uporabnik prijavi v paypal in potrdi placilo
+ $paypal_response = $paypal->paypalCreatePayment();
+ // Ce je bilo placilo preko stripa uspesno zgeneriramo racun in uporabniku aktiviramo paket
+ if($paypal_response['success'] == true){
+ $response['paypal_link'] = $paypal_response['paypal_link'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $response['error'] = $paypal_response['error'];
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Posodobi obstojece narocilo za uporabnika
+ public function updateNarocilo($narocilo_data){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $response = array();
+ // ce nimamo id-ja narocila vrnemo error
+ if(!isset($narocilo_data['narocilo_id']) || $narocilo_data['narocilo_id'] == '0'){
+ $response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $update = '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['status']) ? ', status='.$narocilo_data['status'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['package_id']) ? ', package_id='.$narocilo_data['package_id'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['payment_method']) ? ', payment_method='.$narocilo_data['payment_method'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['discount']) ? ', discount='.$narocilo_data['discount'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['ime']) ? ', ime='.$narocilo_data['ime'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['trajanje']) ? ', trajanje='.$narocilo_data['trajanje'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['phone']) ? ', phone='.$narocilo_data['phone'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_ime']) ? ', podjetje_ime='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_ime'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_naslov']) ? ', podjetje_naslov='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_naslov'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_postna']) ? ', podjetje_postna='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_postna'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_posta']) ? ', podjetje_posta='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_posta'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_drzava']) ? ', podjetje_drzava='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_drzava'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_davcna']) ? ', podjetje_davcna='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_davcna'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_no_ddv']) ? ', podjetje_no_ddv='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_no_ddv'] : '';
+ $update .= isset($narocilo_data['podjetje_eracun']) ? ', podjetje_eracun='.$narocilo_data['podjetje_eracun'] : '';
+ $update = substr($update, 1);
+ // Update narocila in pobrisemo id racuna in predracuna, ker ga moramo generirati na novo
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET ".$update.", cebelica_id_racun='0', cebelica_id_predracun='0' WHERE id='".$narocilo_data['narocilo_id']."'");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Placa obstojece narocilo, uporabniku aktivira paket, zgenerira racun in ga poslje po mailu
+ public function payNarocilo($narocilo_id, $brezplacen_preklop=false){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ // Ce nimamo id-ja narocila vrnemo error
+ if($narocilo_id == 0){
+ $response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Dobimo podatke narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT n.*, FROM user_access_narocilo n, users u WHERE'".$narocilo_id."' AND");
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ // Ce je bil racun ze placan ne naredimo nicesar
+ if($rowNarocilo['status'] == 1){
+ $response['error'] = 'Napaka! Račun je že plačan!';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo ustrezen jezik - mail mora biti v istem jeziku kot je bilo narocilo
+ if($rowNarocilo['language'] == 'en'){
+ include('../../lang/2.php');
+ }
+ // Preverimo, ce ima uporabnik ze aktiven paket in ce je ta paket isti kot ta, ki ga je kupil
+ $sqlAccessCheck = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM user_access WHERE usr_id='".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."' AND package_id != '1' AND time_expire > NOW()");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlAccessCheck) > 0){
+ $rowAccessCheck = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlAccessCheck);
+ // Ce zeli uporabnik kupiti drug placljiv paket kot ga ima trenutno, ga zavrnemo - po novem normalno izvedemo ker preracunamo v popust
+ if($rowAccessCheck['package_id'] != $rowNarocilo['package_id']){
+ // Nastavimo dostop uporabniku
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access
+ (usr_id, time_activate, time_expire, package_id)
+ ('".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."', NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, '".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."')
+ time_activate=NOW(), time_expire=NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, package_id='".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlAccess){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ // Uporabnik kupuje isti paket kot ga ze ima - mu ga samo podaljsamo
+ else{
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access SET time_expire = time_expire + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH WHERE usr_id='".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."'");
+ if (!$sqlAccess){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // Nastavimo dostop uporabniku
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access
+ (usr_id, time_activate, time_expire, package_id)
+ ('".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."', NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, '".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."')
+ time_activate=NOW(), time_expire=NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, package_id='".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlAccess){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ // Nastavimo status narocila na placan
+ $sqlNarociloStatus = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET status='1' WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'");
+ if (!$sqlNarociloStatus){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Brezplacen preklop - samo posljemo mail z obvestilom o vklopu paketa
+ if($brezplacen_preklop){
+ // Posljemo mail z obvestilom
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_free_email_subject'].' '.$rowNarocilo['id'];
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_free_email_content1'];
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_free_email_content2'];
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($anketa=null, $type='payments');
+ $MA->addRecipients($rowNarocilo['email']);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ $response['false'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ce ne gre za brezplacen preklop zapisemo v placila, izdamo racun in posljemo mail
+ else{
+ // Ustvarimo placilo v tabeli placil
+ $up = new UserPlacila();
+ $up->createPlacilo($rowNarocilo);
+ // Ustvarimo racun
+ $cebelica = new UserNarocilaCebelica($narocilo_id);
+ $response['racun'] = $cebelica->getNarociloRacun();
+ // Posljemo mail z racunom
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_email_subject'].' '.$rowNarocilo['id'];
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_email_content1'];
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_email_content2'];
+ $content .= '<br /><a href="'.$response['racun'].'">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_email_file'].'</a>';
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($anketa=null, $type='payments');
+ $MA->addRecipients($rowNarocilo['email']);
+ // Dodamo predracun v attachment
+ $MA->addAttachment(file_get_contents($response['racun']), $file_name='1ka_narocilo_'.$rowNarocilo['id'].'_racun.pdf');
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ $response['false'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Placa narocilo - za eracune, kjer se jih zabelezi kot placane ampak imajo 30 dnevni rok
+ public function payNarociloEracun($narocilo_id){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ // Ce nimamo id-ja narocila vrnemo error
+ if($narocilo_id == 0){
+ $response['error'] = 'Napaka! Manjka ID narocila!';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Dobimo podatke narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT n.*, FROM user_access_narocilo n, users u WHERE'".$narocilo_id."' AND");
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ // Ce je bil racun ze placan ne naredimo nicesar
+ if($rowNarocilo['status'] == 1){
+ $response['error'] = 'Napaka! Račun je že plačan!';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo ustrezen jezik - mail mora biti v istem jeziku kot je bilo narocilo
+ if($rowNarocilo['language'] == 'en'){
+ include('../../lang/2.php');
+ }
+ // Preverimo, ce ima uporabnik ze aktiven paket in ce je ta paket isti kot ta, ki ga je kupil
+ $sqlAccessCheck = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM user_access WHERE usr_id='".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."' AND package_id != '1' AND time_expire > NOW()");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlAccessCheck) > 0){
+ $rowAccessCheck = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlAccessCheck);
+ // Ce zeli uporabnik kupiti drug placljiv paket kot ga ima trenutno, ga zavrnemo - po novem normalno izvedemo ker preracunamo v popust
+ if($rowAccessCheck['package_id'] != $rowNarocilo['package_id']){
+ // Nastavimo dostop uporabniku
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access
+ (usr_id, time_activate, time_expire, package_id)
+ ('".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."', NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, '".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."')
+ time_activate=NOW(), time_expire=NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, package_id='".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlAccess){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ // Uporabnik kupuje isti paket kot ga ze ima - mu ga samo podaljsamo
+ else{
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access SET time_expire = time_expire + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH WHERE usr_id='".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."'");
+ if (!$sqlAccess){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // Nastavimo dostop uporabniku
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access
+ (usr_id, time_activate, time_expire, package_id)
+ ('".$rowNarocilo['usr_id']."', NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, '".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."')
+ time_activate=NOW(), time_expire=NOW() + INTERVAL '".$rowNarocilo['trajanje']."' MONTH, package_id='".$rowNarocilo['package_id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlAccess){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ // Nastavimo status narocila na placan
+ $sqlNarociloStatus = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET status='1' WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'");
+ if (!$sqlNarociloStatus){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo placilo v tabeli placil
+ $up = new UserPlacila();
+ $up->createPlacilo($rowNarocilo, $eracun=true);
+ // Ustvarimo racun - nima "markPayed"!
+ $cebelica = new UserNarocilaCebelica($narocilo_id);
+ $response['racun'] = $cebelica->getNarociloRacun($eracun=true);
+ // Posljemo mail z racunom
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_email_subject'].' '.$rowNarocilo['id'];
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_email_content1'];
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_email_content2_eracun'];
+ $content .= '<br /><a href="'.$response['racun'].'">'.$lang['srv_narocilo_email_file'].'</a>';
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter($anketa=null, $type='payments');
+ $MA->addRecipients($rowNarocilo['email']);
+ // Dodamo racun (brez "markPayed") v attachment
+ $MA->addAttachment(file_get_contents($response['racun']), $file_name='1ka_narocilo_'.$rowNarocilo['id'].'_racun.pdf');
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ $response['false'] = true;
+ }
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Poslje mail z povprasevanjem za poslovne uporabnike (virtualna domena ali lastna instalacija)
+ public function sendPoslovniUporabniki($narocilo_data){
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $response = array();
+ $ime = isset($narocilo_data['ime']) ? $narocilo_data['ime'] : '';
+ $organizacija = isset($narocilo_data['organizacija']) ? $narocilo_data['organizacija'] : '';
+ $naslov = isset($narocilo_data['naslov']) ? $narocilo_data['naslov'] : '';
+ $telefon = isset($narocilo_data['telefon']) ? $narocilo_data['telefon'] : '';
+ $email = isset($narocilo_data['email']) ? $narocilo_data['email'] : '';
+ $paket = isset($narocilo_data['paket']) ? $narocilo_data['paket'] : '';
+ // Virtualna domena ali instalacija na 1ka strezniku
+ $vrsta_domene = isset($narocilo_data['vrsta_domene']) ? $narocilo_data['vrsta_domene'] : '';
+ $domena = isset($narocilo_data['domena']) ? $narocilo_data['domena'] : '';
+ // Lastna instalacija - paket
+ $strinjanje_s_pogoji = isset($narocilo_data['strinjanje_s_pogoji']) ? $narocilo_data['strinjanje_s_pogoji'] : '';
+ // Posljemo mail s podatki povprasevanja
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_subject'];
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_text'];
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_text2'];
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_ime'].' <b>'.$ime.'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_organizacija'].' <b>'.$organizacija.'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_naslov'].' <b>'.$naslov.'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_telefon'].' <b>'.$telefon.'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_email'].' <b>'.$email.'</b>';
+ // lastna instalacija na 1ka streziku
+ if($paket == 2){
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket'].' <b>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket2'].'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket1_1'].' <b>'.($vrsta_domene == '2' ? 'xxx.yyy.zz' : '').'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket1_2'].' <b>'.$domena.'</b>';
+ }
+ // lastna instalacija - paket
+ elseif($paket == 3){
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket'].' <b>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket3'].'</b>';
+ }
+ // Virtualna domena
+ else{
+ $content .= '<br /><br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket'].' <b>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket1'].'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket1_1'].' <b>'.($vrsta_domene == '2' ? 'xxx.yyy.zz' : '').'</b>';
+ $content .= '<br />'.$lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_1ka_paket1_2'].' <b>'.$domena.'</b>';
+ }
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter();
+ $MA->addRecipients('');
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ $response['false'] = true;
+ }
+ // Posljemo mail stranki o uspesnem prejemu
+ // lastna instalacija na 1ka strezniku
+ if($paket == 2){
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_subject_2'];
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_text_1_2'];
+ $content .= ' <b>'.$domena.'</b> ';
+ $content .= $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_text_2'];
+ }
+ // lastna instalacija - paket
+ elseif($paket == 3){
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_subject_3'];
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_text_1_3'];
+ $content .= ' ';
+ $content .= $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_text_2'];
+ }
+ // Virtualna domena
+ else{
+ $subject = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_subject_1'];
+ $content = $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_text_1_1'];
+ $content .= ' <b>'.$domena.'</b> ';
+ $content .= $lang['srv_narocilo_poslovni_email_stranka_text_2'];
+ }
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter();
+ $MA->addRecipients($email);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ $response['false'] = true;
+ }
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Izvede api klic kjer preveri davcno stevilko in zavezanost za DDV
+ public static function checkPayDDV($davcna_stevilka, $drzava){
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // Drzave EU brez slovenije
+ $countries_eu = array();
+ $countries_eu['Austria'] = 'AT';
+ $countries_eu['Belgium'] = 'BE';
+ $countries_eu['Bulgaria'] = 'BG';
+ $countries_eu['Cyprus'] = 'CY';
+ $countries_eu['Czech Republic'] = 'CZ';
+ $countries_eu['Germany'] = 'DE';
+ $countries_eu['Denmark'] = 'DK';
+ $countries_eu['Estonia'] = 'EE';
+ $countries_eu['Spain'] = 'ES';
+ $countries_eu['Finland'] = 'FI';
+ $countries_eu['France'] = 'FR';
+ $countries_eu['United Kingdom'] = 'GB';
+ $countries_eu['Greece'] = 'GR';
+ $countries_eu['Hungary'] = 'HU';
+ $countries_eu['Croatia'] = 'HR';
+ $countries_eu['Ireland'] = 'IE';
+ $countries_eu['Italy'] = 'IT';
+ $countries_eu['Lithuania'] = 'LT';
+ $countries_eu['Luxembourg'] = 'LU';
+ $countries_eu['Latvia'] = 'LV';
+ $countries_eu['Malta'] = 'MT';
+ $countries_eu['Netherlands'] = 'NL';
+ $countries_eu['Poland'] = 'PL';
+ $countries_eu['Portugal'] = 'PT';
+ $countries_eu['Romania'] = 'RO';
+ $countries_eu['Sweden'] = 'SE';
+ //$countries_eu['Slovenia'] = 'SI';
+ $countries_eu['Slovakia'] = 'SK';
+ // Ce drzava ni oznacena - placa DDV
+ if($drzava == '')
+ return true;
+ // Slovenija - vedno placa DDV
+ if($drzava == 'Slovenija' || $drzava == 'Slovenia')
+ return true;
+ // Ce ni drzava s seznama in ni Slovenija - po novem nikoli ne placa DDV
+ if(!isset($countries_eu[$drzava]))
+ return false;
+ // Drugace gre za tujca iz EU
+ // Pocistimo davcno stevilko - ohranimo samo stevilke ce je vnesel v obliki "DE12345678" -> "12345678"
+ $davcna_stevilka = preg_replace('[\D]', '', $davcna_stevilka);
+ // Preverimo, ce je zavezanec
+ $client = new SoapClient("");
+ try{
+ $response = $client->checkVat( array('countryCode' => $countries_eu[$drzava], 'vatNumber' => $davcna_stevilka) );
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Je valid zavezanec iz EU
+ if(isset($response->valid) && $response->valid == true)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Dobimo podatke o vseh paketih
+ private function cachePackages(){
+ $sqlPackages = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM user_access_paket");
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPackages)){
+ $this->packages[$row['name']] = $row;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ajax klici
+ public function ajax(){
+ $narocilo_id = (isset($_POST['narocilo_id'])) ? $_POST['narocilo_id'] : 0;
+ // Prikazemo popup z urejanjem posameznega narocila
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'displayNarociloPopup') {
+ if($narocilo_id > 0)
+ $this->displayNarociloEdit($narocilo_id);
+ }
+ // Urejamo narocilo
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'editNarocilo') {
+ if($narocilo_id > 0){
+ $update = '';
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['status'])) ? " status='".$_POST['status']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['package_id'])) ? " package_id='".$_POST['package_id']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['payment_method'])) ? " payment_method='".$_POST['payment_method']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['discount'])) ? " discount='".$_POST['discount']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['trajanje'])) ? " trajanje='".$_POST['trajanje']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['phone'])) ? " phone='".$_POST['phone']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_ime'])) ? " podjetje_ime='".$_POST['podjetje_ime']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_naslov'])) ? " podjetje_naslov='".$_POST['podjetje_naslov']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_postna'])) ? " podjetje_postna='".$_POST['podjetje_postna']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_posta'])) ? " podjetje_posta='".$_POST['podjetje_posta']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_drzava'])) ? " podjetje_drzava='".$_POST['podjetje_drzava']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_davcna'])) ? " podjetje_davcna='".$_POST['podjetje_davcna']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_no_ddv'])) ? " podjetje_no_ddv='".$_POST['podjetje_no_ddv']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['podjetje_eracun'])) ? " podjetje_eracun='".$_POST['podjetje_eracun']."'," : "";
+ if($update != ''){
+ $update = substr($update, 0, -1);
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET ".$update.", cebelica_id_racun='0', cebelica_id_predracun='0' WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo)
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayNarocilaTableAdmin();
+ }
+ // Urejamo narocilo
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'payNarocilo') {
+ if($narocilo_id > 0){
+ // Ce imamo nastavljen payment_method na 1 pomeni da gre za klik na "placano" v tabeli (Goran) in potem popravimo narocilu, da ima vedno nacin placila preko trr
+ $payment_method = (isset($_POST['payment_method'])) ? $_POST['payment_method'] : 0;
+ if($payment_method == '1'){
+ $sqlNarociloNacin = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET payment_method='1' WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'");
+ }
+ $this->payNarocilo($narocilo_id);
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayNarocilaTableAdmin();
+ }
+ // Placamo narocilo brez racuna
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'payNarociloEracun') {
+ if($narocilo_id > 0){
+ // Ce imamo nastavljen payment_method na 1 pomeni da gre za klik na "placano" v tabeli (Goran) in potem popravimo narocilu, da ima vedno nacin placila preko trr
+ $payment_method = (isset($_POST['payment_method'])) ? $_POST['payment_method'] : 0;
+ if($payment_method == '1'){
+ $sqlNarociloNacin = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET payment_method='1' WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'");
+ }
+ $this->payNarociloEracun($narocilo_id);
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayNarocilaTableAdmin();
+ }
+ // Brisemo narocilo
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'deleteNarocilo') {
+ if($narocilo_id > 0){
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM user_access_narocilo WHERE id='".$narocilo_id."'");
+ }
+ }
+ // Filter narocil
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'filterNarocila') {
+ $status = (isset($_POST['status'])) ? $_POST['status'] : '';
+ $value = (isset($_POST['value'])) ? $_POST['value'] : '';
+ if($status != '' && $value != ''){
+ if($status == '0'){
+ $_SESSION['narocila_filter']['neplacana'] = $value;
+ $this->narocila_filter['neplacana'] = $value;
+ }
+ elseif($status == '1'){
+ $_SESSION['narocila_filter']['placana'] = $value;
+ $this->narocila_filter['placana'] = $value;
+ }
+ elseif($status == '2'){
+ $_SESSION['narocila_filter']['stornirana'] = $value;
+ $this->narocila_filter['stornirana'] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayNarocilaTableAdmin();
+ }
+ // Vrnemo predracun
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'getPredracun') {
+ $narocilo_id = (isset($_POST['narocilo_id'])) ? $_POST['narocilo_id'] : '';
+ if($narocilo_id != ''){
+ $cebelica = new UserNarocilaCebelica($narocilo_id);
+ $predracun = $cebelica->getNarociloPredracun();
+ echo $predracun;
+ }
+ }
+ // Vrnemo racun
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'getRacun') {
+ $narocilo_id = (isset($_POST['narocilo_id'])) ? $_POST['narocilo_id'] : '';
+ if($narocilo_id != ''){
+ $cebelica = new UserNarocilaCebelica($narocilo_id);
+ $predracun = $cebelica->getNarociloRacun();
+ echo $predracun;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaCebelica.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaCebelica.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c823b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaCebelica.php
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za generiranje pdf-jev (racuni, predracuni) in komunikacijo s cebelico
+ *
+global $site_root;
+// Podatki izdajatelja
+define("DDV", 0.22); // Stopnja DDV
+define("IZDAJATELJ_DAVCNA", "49554042"); // davčna številka osebe, ki izda račun
+define("IZDAJATELJ_IME", "Goran"); // ime osebe, ki izda račun
+// folderji
+//define("SITE_ROOT", "C:/xampp/htdocs/cebelca");
+define("SITE_ROOT", $site_root."frontend/payments/cebelica");
+define("MAPA_RACUNI", "/racuni/");
+define("MAPA_PREDRACUNI", "/predracuni/");
+class UserNarocilaCebelica{
+ private $narocilo;
+ public function __construct($narocilo_id=0){
+ global $cebelica_api;
+ // Api koda za komunikacijo s cebelico
+ define("API_KODA", $cebelica_api);
+ if($narocilo_id > 0){
+ // Dobimo podatke narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT un.*,, u.surname,, AS package_name, up.description AS package_description, up.price AS package_price
+ FROM user_access_narocilo un, users u, user_access_paket up
+ WHERE'".$narocilo_id."' AND AND");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarocilo) > 0){
+ $this->narocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ }
+ else{
+ die("Napaka pri komunikaciji s čebelico! Narocilo ne obstaja.");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die("Napaka pri komunikaciji s čebelico! Manjka ID naročila.");
+ }
+ }
+ // Zgeneriramo in vrnemo link do pdf-ja racuna za narocilo
+ public function getNarociloRacun($eracun=false){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // Preverimo, ce racun ze obstaja
+ if($this->narocilo['cebelica_id_racun'] != '0' && file_exists(SITE_ROOT.MAPA_RACUNI.'1ka_racun_'.$this->narocilo['cebelica_id_racun'].'.pdf')){
+ // Dobimo hashiran url do dokumenta
+ $pdf_url = $this->getPdfUrl($type='racun', $this->narocilo['cebelica_id_racun']);
+ return $pdf_url;
+ }
+ // Ce predracun ne obstaja ga moramo najprej zgenerirati
+ if($this->narocilo['cebelica_id_predracun'] == '0'){
+ $this->getNarociloPredracun();
+ }
+ // Zgeneriramo pdf racun na podlagi predracuna
+ $cebelica_id_new = $this->generatePdf($this->narocilo['cebelica_id_predracun'], $eracun);
+ // Vstavimo id cebelice predracuna v bazo
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET cebelica_id_racun='".$cebelica_id_new."' WHERE id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'");
+ // Dobimo hashiran url do dokumenta
+ $pdf_url = $this->getPdfUrl($type='racun', $cebelica_id_new);
+ return $pdf_url;
+ }
+ // Zgeneriramo in vrnemo link do pdf-ja predracuna za narocilo
+ public function getNarociloPredracun(){
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // Preverimo, ce predracun ze obstaja
+ if($this->narocilo['cebelica_id_predracun'] != '0' && file_exists(SITE_ROOT.MAPA_PREDRACUNI.'1ka_predracun_'.$this->narocilo['cebelica_id_predracun'].'.pdf')){
+ // Dobimo hashiran url do dokumenta
+ $pdf_url = $this->getPdfUrl($type='predracun', $this->narocilo['cebelica_id_predracun']);
+ return $pdf_url;
+ }
+ // Zgeneriramo pdf predracun na podlagi podatkov narocila (cebelica)
+ $cebelica_id_new = $this->generatePdf($cebelica_id=0);
+ // Vstavimo id cebelice predracuna v bazo
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET cebelica_id_predracun='".$cebelica_id_new."' WHERE id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'");
+ // Popravimo se id v arrayu ce gre za generiranje predracuna pred generiranjem racuna
+ $this->narocilo['cebelica_id_predracun'] = $cebelica_id_new;
+ // Dobimo hashiran url do dokumenta
+ $pdf_url = $this->getPdfUrl($type='predracun', $cebelica_id_new);
+ return $pdf_url;
+ }
+ // Poklicemo cebelico in zgeneriramo predracun oz. racun
+ private function generatePdf($cebelica_id=0, $eracun=false){
+ global $site_path;
+ // Api za povezavo s cebelico
+ require_once($site_path.'frontend/payments/cebelica/InvoiceFox/cebelcaApi.php');
+ $UA = new UserNarocila();
+ // Dobimo ceno
+ $cena = $UA->getPrice($this->narocilo['package_name'], $this->narocilo['trajanje'], $this->narocilo['discount'], $this->narocilo['time']);
+ // Dobimo jezik za predracun/racun
+ $lang = $UA->getNarociloLanguage($this->narocilo['id']);
+ // Slovenki racun/predracun
+ if($lang == 'si'){
+ if($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 1)
+ $months_string = 'mesec';
+ elseif($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 2)
+ $months_string = 'meseca';
+ elseif($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 3 || $this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 4)
+ $months_string = 'mesece';
+ else
+ $months_string = 'mesecev';
+ $ime_storitve = '1KA naročnina (paket '.strtoupper($this->narocilo['package_name']). ' - '.$this->narocilo['trajanje'].' '.$months_string.')';
+ }
+ // Angleski racun/predracun
+ else{
+ if($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 1)
+ $months_string = 'month';
+ else
+ $months_string = 'months';
+ $ime_storitve = '1KA subscription (package '.strtoupper($this->narocilo['package_name']). ' - '.$this->narocilo['trajanje'].' '.$months_string.')';
+ }
+ // Zavezanec iz tujine ima racun/predracun brez ddv
+ if($UA->isWithoutDDV($this->narocilo['id'])){
+ $ddv = 0;
+ $cena_za_placilo = $cena['final_without_tax'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $ddv = 1;
+ $cena_za_placilo = $cena['final'];
+ }
+ // Kartica
+ if($this->narocilo['payment_method'] == '3')
+ $tip_placila = 3;
+ // Paypal
+ elseif($this->narocilo['payment_method'] == '2')
+ $tip_placila = 5;
+ // TRR
+ else
+ $tip_placila = 1;
+ $podatki = array(
+ 'narocilo_id' => $this->narocilo['id'], // id narocila
+ 'stranka' => $this->narocilo['ime'], // ime kupca
+ 'email' => $this->narocilo['email'], // email kupca
+ 'datum' => date("j.n.Y"), // datum izdaje računa
+ 'telefon' => $this->narocilo['phone'],
+ 'drzava' => $this->narocilo['podjetje_drzava'],
+ 'podjetjeime' => $this->narocilo['podjetje_ime'],
+ 'podjetjenaslov'=> $this->narocilo['podjetje_naslov'],
+ 'podjetjepostna'=> $this->narocilo['podjetje_postna'],
+ 'podjetjeposta' => $this->narocilo['podjetje_posta'],
+ 'podjetjedavcna'=> $this->narocilo['podjetje_davcna'], // davčna številka kupca, če je podjetje
+ 'ime_storitve' => $ime_storitve,
+ 'cena' => $cena['final_without_tax'], // cena brez DDV
+ 'za_placilo' => $cena_za_placilo, // znesek za plačilo
+ ///'popust' => $cena['discount_percentage'], // procent s celo številko. 5 pomeni 5%
+ 'veljavnost' => "3", // veljavnost predračuna v dnevih
+ 'ddv' => $ddv, // Obracunan ddv (zavezanec iz tujine ga nima)
+ 'tip_placila' => $tip_placila // Tip placila - 1=nakazilo, 3=kartica, 5=paypal
+ );
+ // 0 generira predračun, številka naredi račun iz predračuna
+ $cebelica_id_new = vnosRacunaCebelca($podatki, $debug=false, $cebelica_id, $lang, $eracun);
+ if($cebelica_id_new){
+ return $cebelica_id_new;
+ }
+ else{
+ return "Napaka pri vnosu dokumenta v";
+ }
+ }
+ // Dobimo hash za url do pdf-ja
+ private function getPdfUrl($type, $id){
+ global $site_url;
+ $params = array(
+ 'type' => $type, // "racun" ali "predracun"
+ 'id' => $id // ID pdf dokumenta
+ );
+ // Array s podatki zaheshiramo
+ $hash = base64_encode(urlencode(serialize($params)));
+ $url = $site_url.'/payment/'.$hash;
+ return $url;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaCron.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaCron.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a763dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaCron.php
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za opomnike trgoovine (cronjob)
+ *
+ * Cron jobi nej bodo 3. (ob 9h zjutraj)
+ * 1. 6 dni prej k zgenerira predračun. Vsebina v smislu: vaša naročnina se bo kmalu iztekla. Zagotovite si neomejeno uporabo 2ka/3ka še naprej s plačilom predračuna v priponki.
+ * 2. 1 dan pred potekom. Vsebina v smislu: Danes je zadnji dan veljavnosti vašega paketa. Zagotovite si delovanje 1ka še naprej ...
+ * 3. En dan po poteku. Vsebina v smislu: Vaša naročnina se je iztekla. Nov paket lahko naročite na
+ *
+class UserNarocilaCron{
+ public function __construct(){
+ global $app_settings;
+ }
+ /**
+ * izvede ustrezno akcijo
+ */
+ public function executeAction($action = '') {
+ // Izvedemo ustrezno akcijo
+ if(method_exists('UserNarocilaCron', $action) && $action != '')
+ $this->$action();
+ else
+ echo 'Method '.$action.' does not exist!';
+ }
+ // Mail 6 dni pred potekom narocnine
+ private function notifyIn6(){
+ $expired_users = $this->getExpiredUsers($expire='in6');
+ foreach($expired_users as $usr_id => $user){
+ $narocilo = $this->getLastNarocilo($usr_id);
+ // Nastavimo ustrezen jezik - mail mora biti v istem jeziku kot je bilo zadnje narocilo
+ if($narocilo['language'] == 'en')
+ include('../lang/2.php');
+ else
+ include('../lang/1.php');
+ // Posljemo mail
+ $subject = $lang['srv_access_expire_in6_subject'];
+ $content = str_replace('#PACKAGE_NAME#', $narocilo['package_id'].'ka', $lang['srv_access_expire_in6_content1']);
+ $content .= str_replace('#PACKAGE_ID#', $narocilo['package_id'], $lang['srv_access_expire_in6_content2']);
+ $content .= $lang['srv_access_expire_in6_content3'] . $user['email'];
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter();
+ $MA->addRecipients($user['email']);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Mail 1 dan pred potekom narocnine
+ private function notifyIn1(){
+ $expired_users = $this->getExpiredUsers($expire='in1');
+ foreach($expired_users as $usr_id => $user){
+ $narocilo = $this->getLastNarocilo($usr_id);
+ // Nastavimo ustrezen jezik - mail mora biti v istem jeziku kot je bilo zadnje narocilo
+ if($narocilo['language'] == 'en')
+ include('../lang/2.php');
+ else
+ include('../lang/1.php');
+ // Posljemo mail
+ $subject = $lang['srv_access_expire_in1_subject'];
+ $content = str_replace('#PACKAGE_NAME#', $narocilo['package_id'].'ka', $lang['srv_access_expire_in1_content1']);
+ $content .= str_replace('#PACKAGE_ID#', $narocilo['package_id'], $lang['srv_access_expire_in1_content2']);
+ $content .= $lang['srv_access_expire_in1_content3'] . $user['email'];
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter();
+ $MA->addRecipients($user['email']);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Mail 1 dan po poteku narocnine
+ private function notifyExpired(){
+ $expired_users = $this->getExpiredUsers($expire='expired');
+ foreach($expired_users as $usr_id => $user){
+ $narocilo = $this->getLastNarocilo($usr_id);
+ // Nastavimo ustrezen jezik - mail mora biti v istem jeziku kot je bilo zadnje narocilo
+ if($narocilo['language'] == 'en')
+ include('../lang/2.php');
+ else
+ include('../lang/1.php');
+ // Posljemo mail
+ $subject = $lang['srv_access_expire_expired_subject'];
+ $content = str_replace('#PACKAGE_NAME#', $narocilo['package_id'].'ka', $lang['srv_access_expire_expired_content1']);
+ $content .= str_replace('#PACKAGE_ID#', $narocilo['package_id'], $lang['srv_access_expire_expired_content2']);
+ $content .= $lang['srv_access_expire_expired_content3'] . $user['email'];
+ // Podpis
+ $signature = Common::getEmailSignature();
+ $content .= $signature;
+ try{
+ $MA = new MailAdapter();
+ $MA->addRecipients($user['email']);
+ $resultX = $MA->sendMail($content, $subject);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e){
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dobimo seznam uporabnikov, ki jim potece paket na dolocen dan
+ private function getExpiredUsers($expire){
+ if($expire == 'in6'){
+ $interval_query = 'DATE(time_expire) = DATE(NOW() + INTERVAL 6 DAY)';
+ }
+ elseif($expire == 'in1'){
+ $interval_query = 'DATE(time_expire) = DATE(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY)';
+ }
+ if($expire == 'expired'){
+ $interval_query = 'DATE(time_expire) = DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY)';
+ }
+ $result = array();
+ // Loop po vseh uporabnikih, ki imajo zakupljen paket in jim potece cez 6 dni
+ $sqlAccess = sisplet_query("SELECT a.*,
+ FROM user_access a, users u
+ WHERE (a.package_id = 2 OR a.package_id = 3)
+ AND ".$interval_query."
+ ");
+ while($rowAccess = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlAccess)){
+ $result[$rowAccess['usr_id']] = $rowAccess;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Dobimo zadnji placan paket uporabnika
+ private function getLastNarocilo($usr_id){
+ // Dobimo podatke zadnjega placanega narocila za tega uporabnika
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT *
+ FROM user_access_narocilo
+ WHERE usr_id='".$usr_id."' AND status='1'
+ ");
+ // Uporabnik nima nobenega placanega paketa
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarocilo) == 0){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ return $rowNarocilo;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaPaypal.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaPaypal.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de8bb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaPaypal.php
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za placila s paypalom
+ *
+use PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\PayPalHttpClient;
+use PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\SandboxEnvironment;
+use PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\ProductionEnvironment;
+use PayPalCheckoutSdk\Orders\OrdersCreateRequest;
+use PayPalCheckoutSdk\Orders\OrdersCaptureRequest;
+class UserNarocilaPaypal{
+ private $narocilo;
+ private $paypal_client;
+ public function __construct($narocilo_id){
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $paypal_client_id;
+ global $paypal_secret;
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ if($narocilo_id > 0){
+ // Dobimo podatke narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT un.*,, u.surname,, AS package_name, up.description AS package_description, up.price AS package_price
+ FROM user_access_narocilo un, users u, user_access_paket up
+ WHERE'".$narocilo_id."' AND AND");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarocilo) > 0){
+ $this->narocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ }
+ else{
+ die("Napaka pri komunikaciji s paypal! Narocilo ne obstaja.");
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo okolje za paypal
+ if($mysql_database_name == 'real1kasi')
+ $environment = new ProductionEnvironment($paypal_client_id, $paypal_secret);
+ else
+ $environment = new SandboxEnvironment($paypal_client_id, $paypal_secret);
+ $this->paypal_client = new PayPalHttpClient($environment);
+ }
+ else {
+ die("Napaka pri komunikaciji s paypal! Manjka ID naročila.");
+ }
+ }
+ // Placamo narocilo s paypal
+ public function paypalCreatePayment(){
+ global $site_url;
+ $response = array();
+ $UA = new UserNarocila();
+ $cena = $UA->getPrice($this->narocilo['package_name'], $this->narocilo['trajanje'], $this->narocilo['discount'], $this->narocilo['time']);
+ if($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 1)
+ $months_string = 'mesec';
+ elseif($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 2)
+ $months_string = 'meseca';
+ elseif($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 3 || $this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 4)
+ $months_string = 'mesece';
+ else
+ $months_string = 'mesecev';
+ // Zavezanec iz tujine ima racun/predracun brez ddv
+ if($UA->isWithoutDDV($this->narocilo['id'])){
+ $ddv = 0;
+ $cena_za_placilo = $cena['final_without_tax'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $ddv = 1;
+ $cena_za_placilo = $cena['final'];
+ }
+ // Podatki narocila
+ $orderDetails = array(
+ 'ime' => '1KA naročnina (paket '.strtoupper($this->narocilo['package_name']). ' - '.$this->narocilo['trajanje'].' '.$months_string.')',
+ 'narocilo_id' => $this->narocilo['id'],
+ 'cena' => $cena_za_placilo,
+ );
+ // Ustvarimo order na paypal, da se lahko potem user prijavi in ga placa
+ $paypal_response = $this->paypalCreateOrder($orderDetails);
+ if(!isset($paypal_response['success']) || $paypal_response['success'] == false){
+ return $paypal_response;
+ }
+ // Vstavimo plačilo v bazo
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access_paypal_transaction
+ (transaction_id, narocilo_id, price, currency_type, time, status)
+ ('".$paypal_response['transaction_id']."', '".$this->narocilo['id']."', '".$cena_za_placilo."', 'EUR', NOW(), 'CREATED')
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $response['paypal_link'] = $paypal_response['paypal_link'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Posljemo podatke za placilo paypalu
+ private function paypalCreateOrder($orderDetails){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ $request = new OrdersCreateRequest();
+ $request->prefer('return=representation');
+ //$request->headers["prefer"] = "return=representation";
+ if($lang['id'] == '2'){
+ $drupal_url_confirm = $site_url.'/d/en/paypal-purchase/success?narocilo_id='.$orderDetails['narocilo_id'];
+ $drupal_url_cancel = $site_url.'/d/en/paypal-purchase/cancel?narocilo_id='.$orderDetails['narocilo_id'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $drupal_url_confirm = $site_url.'/d/narocilo/paypal?narocilo_id='.$orderDetails['narocilo_id'];
+ $drupal_url_cancel = $site_url.'/d/narocilo/paypal-cancel?narocilo_id='.$orderDetails['narocilo_id'];
+ }
+ $request->body = [
+ "intent" => "CAPTURE",
+ "purchase_units" => [[
+ "reference_id" => $orderDetails['narocilo_id'],
+ 'description' => $orderDetails['ime'],
+ "amount" => [
+ "value" => $orderDetails['cena'],
+ "currency_code" => "EUR"
+ ]
+ ]],
+ "application_context" => [
+ "cancel_url" => $drupal_url_cancel,
+ "return_url" => $drupal_url_confirm,
+ 'brand_name' => '1KA'
+ ]
+ ];
+ try {
+ // Poklicemo paypal api za ustvarjanje narocila
+ $paypal_response = $this->paypal_client->execute($request);
+ if($paypal_response->result->status != 'CREATED'){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! Order was not created.';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Dobimo id paypal narocila
+ $response['transaction_id'] = $paypal_response->result->id;
+ // Dobimo link za preusmeritev stranke, da potrdi narocilo in potem lahko izvedemo "capture"
+ foreach($paypal_response->result->links as $link){
+ if($link->rel == 'approve')
+ $response['paypal_link'] = $link->href;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (HttpException $e) {
+ $response['error'] = $e->getMessage();
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Zakljucimo placilo, ce je bilo placilo ok odobreno preko paypala s strani stranke
+ public function paypalCaptureOrder(){
+ $response = array();
+ // Preverimo plačilo v bazo
+ $sqlNarociloPaypal = sisplet_query("SELECT transaction_id
+ FROM user_access_paypal_transaction
+ WHERE narocilo_id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarociloPaypal){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Narocilo ne obstaja (ni v bazi paypal narocil)
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarociloPaypal) == 0){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! Paypal order does not exist.';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $rowNarociloPaypal = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarociloPaypal);
+ // Preverimo, ce je bilo vse ok placano - POST request to /v2/checkout/orders
+ $request = new OrdersCaptureRequest($rowNarociloPaypal['transaction_id']);
+ //$request->prefer('return=representation');
+ try {
+ // Poklicemo paypal api kjer preverimo placilo narocila
+ $paypal_response = $this->paypal_client->execute($request);
+ }
+ catch (HttpException $e) {
+ $response['error'] = $e->getMessage();
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Posodobimo status narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_paypal_transaction
+ SET status='".$paypal_response->result->status."'
+ WHERE transaction_id='".$paypal_response->result->id."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo narocilo na placano, aktiviramo paket in vrnemo racun
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $payment_response = $narocilo->payNarocilo($this->narocilo['id']);
+ if($payment_response['success'] == true){
+ $response['racun'] = $payment_response['racun'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $response['error'] = $payment_response['error'];
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ $response['narocilo_id'] = $this->narocilo['id'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Preklicemo placilo, ce je bilo placilo preklicano preko paypala s strani stranke
+ public function paypalCancelOrder(){
+ $response = array();
+ // Posodobimo status narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_paypal_transaction
+ SET status='CANCELLED'
+ WHERE narocilo_id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo status narocila na storniran
+ $sqlNarociloStatus = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET status='2' WHERE id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'");
+ if (!$sqlNarociloStatus){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaStripe.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaStripe.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82efce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserNarocilaStripe.php
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za placila s kreditno kartico (stripe) - TODO
+ *
+use \Stripe\Stripe;
+use \Stripe\Customer;
+use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create;
+use \Stripe\Charge;
+use \Stripe\StripeClient;
+class UserNarocilaStripe{
+ private $narocilo;
+ private $apiKey;
+ private $stripeService;
+ public function __construct($narocilo_id){
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $stripe_secret;
+ global $stripe_key;
+ $this->stripeService = new \Stripe\StripeClient($stripe_secret);
+ if($narocilo_id > 0){
+ // Dobimo podatke narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT un.*,, u.surname,, AS package_name, up.description AS package_description, up.price AS package_price
+ FROM user_access_narocilo un, users u, user_access_paket up
+ WHERE'".$narocilo_id."' AND AND");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarocilo) > 0){
+ $this->narocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ }
+ else{
+ die("Napaka pri komunikaciji s stripe! Narocilo ne obstaja.");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die("Napaka pri komunikaciji s stripe! Manjka ID naročila.");
+ }
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo session za placilo v stripe - V DELU
+ public function stripeCreateSession(){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ $response = array();
+ $UA = new UserNarocila();
+ $cena = $UA->getPrice($this->narocilo['package_name'], $this->narocilo['trajanje'], $this->narocilo['discount'], $this->narocilo['time']);
+ if($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 1)
+ $months_string = 'mesec';
+ elseif($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 2)
+ $months_string = 'meseca';
+ elseif($this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 3 || $this->narocilo['trajanje'] == 4)
+ $months_string = 'mesece';
+ else
+ $months_string = 'mesecev';
+ // Zavezanec iz tujine ima racun/predracun brez ddv
+ if($UA->isWithoutDDV($this->narocilo['id'])){
+ $ddv = 0;
+ $cena_za_placilo = $cena['final_without_tax'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $ddv = 1;
+ $cena_za_placilo = $cena['final'];
+ }
+ // URL po potrditvi oz preklicu
+ if($lang['id'] == '2'){
+ $drupal_url_confirm = $site_url.'/d/en/stripe-purchase/success?narocilo_id='.$this->narocilo['id'];
+ $drupal_url_cancel = $site_url.'/d/en/stripe-purchase/cancel?narocilo_id='.$this->narocilo['id'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $drupal_url_confirm = $site_url.'/d/narocilo/stripe?narocilo_id='.$this->narocilo['id'];
+ $drupal_url_cancel = $site_url.'/d/narocilo/stripe-cancel?narocilo_id='.$this->narocilo['id'];
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo checkout session
+ try {
+ $session = $this->stripeService->checkout->sessions->create([
+ 'success_url' => $drupal_url_confirm,
+ 'cancel_url' => $drupal_url_cancel,
+ 'payment_method_types' => ['card'],
+ 'mode' => 'payment',
+ 'customer_email' => $this->narocilo['email'],
+ 'line_items' => [
+ [
+ 'price_data' => array(
+ 'currency' => 'EUR',
+ 'product_data' => array(
+ 'name' => '1KA naročnina (paket '.strtoupper($this->narocilo['package_name']). ' - '.$this->narocilo['trajanje'].' '.$months_string.')',
+ ),
+ 'unit_amount' => $cena_za_placilo * 100,
+ ),
+ 'quantity' => 1,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ]);
+ // Dobimo id paypal narocila
+ $stripe_response['session_id'] = $session->id;
+ }
+ catch (HttpException $e) {
+ $response['error'] = $e->getMessage();
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Vstavimo stripe charge v bazo
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access_stripe_charge
+ (session_id, narocilo_id, price, time, status)
+ ('".$stripe_response['session_id']."', '".$this->narocilo['id']."', '".$cena_za_placilo."', NOW(), 'CREATED')
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $response['session_id'] = $stripe_response['session_id'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Zakljucimo placilo, ce je bilo placilo ok odobreno preko stripe s strani stranke - V DELU
+ public function stripeCheckoutSuccess(){
+ $response = array();
+ // Preverimo plačilo v bazo
+ $sqlNarociloStripe = sisplet_query("SELECT session_id
+ FROM user_access_stripe_charge
+ WHERE narocilo_id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarociloStripe){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Narocilo ne obstaja (ni v bazi stripe narocil)
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlNarociloStripe) == 0){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! Stripe order session does not exist.';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $rowNarociloStripe = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarociloStripe);
+ // Preverimo, ce je bilo vse ok placano
+ try{
+ // Poklicemo paypal api kjer preverimo placilo narocila
+ $session = $this->stripeService->checkout->sessions->retrieve($rowNarociloStripe['session_id']);
+ }
+ catch(HttpException $e) {
+ $response['error'] = $e->getMessage();
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Ce je session placan, posodobimo status narocila
+ if($session->payment_status == 'paid'){
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_stripe_charge
+ SET status='PAID'
+ WHERE session_id='".$paypal_response->result->id."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! SESSION IS NOT PAID!';
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo narocilo na placano, aktiviramo paket in vrnemo id narocila
+ $narocilo = new UserNarocila();
+ $payment_response = $narocilo->payNarocilo($this->narocilo['id']);
+ if($payment_response['success'] == true){
+ $response['racun'] = $payment_response['racun'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ $response['error'] = $payment_response['error'];
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ }
+ $response['narocilo_id'] = $this->narocilo['id'];
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Preklicemo placilo, ce je bilo placilo preklicano preko stripe s strani stranke
+ public function stripeCheckoutCancel(){
+ $response = array();
+ // Posodobimo status narocila
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_stripe_charge
+ SET status='CANCELLED'
+ WHERE narocilo_id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlNarocilo){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ // Nastavimo status narocila na storniran
+ $sqlNarociloStatus = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET status='2' WHERE id='".$this->narocilo['id']."'");
+ if (!$sqlNarociloStatus){
+ $response['error'] = 'ERROR! '.mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $response['success'] = false;
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $response['success'] = true;
+ return $response;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserPlacila.php b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserPlacila.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a21d6fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/classes/class.UserPlacila.php
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ *
+ * Class ki skrbi za pregled, dodajanje, urejanje placil uporabnika
+ *
+ */
+class UserPlacila{
+ function __construct(){
+ }
+ // Dobimo array placil (vseh oz. za dolocen id)
+ private function getPlacila(){
+ global $admin_type;
+ $placila = array();
+ // Loop po vseh placilih v sistemu
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM user_access_placilo ORDER BY id DESC");
+ while($rowPlacilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPlacilo)){
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['id']] = $rowPlacilo;
+ // Dobimo se podatke narocila, ce imamo id
+ if($rowPlacilo['narocilo_id'] > 0){
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT n.*,, u.surname,
+ FROM user_access_narocilo n, users u
+ WHERE AND'".$rowPlacilo['narocilo_id']."'
+ ");
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['id']]['narocilo'] = $rowNarocilo;
+ }
+ }
+ return $placila;
+ }
+ // Dobimo podatke placila dolocen id
+ private function getPlacilo($placilo_id){
+ global $admin_type;
+ $placilo = array();
+ // Loop po vseh placilih v sistemu
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM user_access_placilo WHERE id='".$placilo_id."'");
+ $placilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPlacilo);
+ // Dobimo se podatke narocila, ce imamo id
+ if($placilo['narocilo_id'] > 0){
+ $sqlNarocilo = sisplet_query("SELECT n.*,, u.surname,
+ FROM user_access_narocilo n, users u
+ WHERE AND'".$placilo['narocilo_id']."'
+ ");
+ $rowNarocilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlNarocilo);
+ $placilo['narocilo'] = $rowNarocilo;
+ }
+ return $placilo;
+ }
+ // Ustvarimo placilo iz narocila
+ public function createPlacilo($narocilo, $eracun=false){
+ // Preverimo, ce slucajno se obstaja placilo za to narocilo - vrnemo error
+ $sqlPlaciloCheck = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM user_access_placilo WHERE narocilo_id='".$narocilo['id']."'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlPlaciloCheck) > 0){
+ echo 'Napaka! Plačilo za to naročilo že obstaja.';
+ return;
+ }
+ $note = 'Plačilo naročila '.$narocilo['id'];
+ // Dobimo ceno glede na narocilo in paket
+ $sqlPackage = sisplet_query("SELECT name FROM user_access_paket WHERE id='".$narocilo['package_id']."'");
+ $rowPackage = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPackage);
+ $UA = new UserNarocila();
+ $cena = $UA->getPrice($rowPackage['name'], $narocilo['trajanje'], $narocilo['discount'], $narocilo['time']);
+ // Zavezanec iz tujine je placal brez ddv
+ $cena_placano = ($UA->isWithoutDDV($narocilo['id'])) ? $cena['final_without_tax'] : $cena['final'];
+ // Ce je placilo eracuna, bo placano sele cez 30 dni
+ $time = ($eracun) ? 'NOW() + INTERVAL 1 MONTH': 'NOW()';
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access_placilo
+ (narocilo_id, note, time, price, payment_method)
+ ('".$narocilo['id']."', '".$note."', ".$time.", '".$cena_placano."', '".$narocilo['payment_method']."')
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlPlacilo)
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ // Izpisemo podatke o placilih
+ public function displayPlacila(){
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $app_settings;
+ // Tabela vseh placil
+ $this->displayPlacilaTable();
+ // Gumb za dodajanje placila
+ /*echo '<div class="buttons_holder">';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatLeft"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange btn_savesettings" href="#" onclick="displayPlaciloPopup();"><span>'.$lang['srv_placila_create'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo '</div>';*/
+ // Izracun zasluzka in provizij po mesecih - samo Goran
+ if($app_settings['app_name'] == '' && $global_user_id == '112696')
+ $this->displayPlacilaPovzetek();
+ }
+ // Izpisemo seznam vseh placil
+ public function displayPlacilaTable(){
+ global $lang, $global_user_id, $app_settings;
+ // Admini vidijo vsa placila
+ $data = $this->getPlacila();
+ echo '<table id="user_placila" class="dataTable user_placila_admin" style="width:100%">';
+ // Glava tabele
+ echo ' <thead>';
+ echo ' <tr>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_narocilo'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_note'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_time'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_price'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_ddv'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_payment_method'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_stornirano'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_drzava'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_paket'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['srv_placilo_trajanje'].'</th>';
+ echo ' <th>'.$lang['edit2'].'</th>';
+ echo ' </tr>';
+ echo ' </thead>';
+ // Vsebina tabele
+ echo ' <tbody>';
+ foreach($data as $placilo_id => $data_row){
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // Narocilo
+ if(isset($data_row['narocilo'])){
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['narocilo']['id'].' ('.$data_row['narocilo']['email'].')</td>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<td>/</td>';
+ }
+ // Note
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['note'].'</td>';
+ // Time
+ echo '<td data-order="'.date("Y-n-j", strtotime($data_row['time'])).'">'.date( 'd.m.Y G:i', strtotime($data_row['time'])).'</td>';
+ // Price
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['price'].'</td>';
+ // Brez ddv (zavezanec iz tujine)
+ $UA = new UserNarocila();
+ echo '<td>'.($UA->isWithoutDDV($data_row['narocilo']['id']) ? $lang['no'] : $lang['yes']).'</td>';
+ // Payment method
+ echo '<td>'.$lang['srv_narocilo_nacin_placila_'.$data_row['payment_method']].'</td>';
+ // Stornirano method
+ echo '<td>'.($data_row['canceled'] == '1' ? $lang['yes'] : $lang['no']).'</td>';
+ // Država
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['narocilo']['podjetje_drzava'].'</td>';
+ // Paket
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['narocilo']['package_id'].'KA</td>';
+ // Trajanje
+ echo '<td>'.$data_row['narocilo']['trajanje'].'</td>';
+ // Edit / delete
+ echo '<td>';
+ // Na lahko placilo ureja samo Goran
+ if($app_settings['app_name'] != '' || $global_user_id == '112696'){
+ // Uredi
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="displayPlaciloPopup(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')" title="'.$lang['srv_placila_edit'].'"><i class="fa fa-pencil-alt link-sv-moder"></i></a> <span class="no-print"> | </span>';
+ // Brisi
+ echo '<a href="#" onClick="brisiPlacilo(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')" title="'.$lang['srv_placila_delete'].'"><i class="fa fa-times link-sv-moder"></i></a>';
+ // Storniraj
+ if($data_row['canceled'] != '1')
+ echo ' <span class="no-print"> | </span><a href="#" onClick="stornirajPlacilo(\''.$data_row['id'].'\')" title="'.$lang['srv_placila_storniraj'].'">Storniraj</a>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '/';
+ }
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo ' </tbody>';
+ echo '</table>';
+ // Se inicializiramo dataTable jquery
+ echo '<script> preparePlacilaTableAdmin(); </script>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo popup za dodajanje novega placila
+ private function displayPlaciloCreate(){
+ global $lang;
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_placila_create'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_content">';
+ echo '<div class="form_holder"><form name="create_placilo" id="create_placilo">';
+ // Podatki narocnika
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_segment">';
+ // Note
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_note'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="text" name="note">';
+ echo '<textarea name="note"></textarea>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Time
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_time'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="time">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Price
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_price'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="price">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Payment method
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_payment_method'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="payment_method">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</form></div>';
+ // Gumbi na dnu
+ echo '<div class="buttons_holder">';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange btn_savesettings" href="#" onclick="createPlaciloSave();"><span>'.$lang['edit1337'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="urediPlaciloClose();"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo popup za pregled in urejanje placila - TODO
+ private function displayPlaciloEdit($placilo_id){
+ global $lang;
+ // Dobimo podatke placila
+ $placilo = $this->getPlacilo($placilo_id);
+ echo '<h2>'.$lang['srv_placila_create'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_content">';
+ echo '<div class="form_holder"><form name="edit_placilo" id="edit_placilo">';
+ // Podatki narocnika
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_segment">';
+ // Input za id porocila
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="placilo_id" value="'.$placilo_id.'">';
+ // Note
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_note'].':</span> ';
+ //echo '<input type="text" name="note" value="'.$placilo['note'].'">';
+ echo '<textarea name="note">'.$placilo['note'].'</textarea>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Time
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_time'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="time" value="'.$placilo['time'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Price
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_price'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="price" value="'.$placilo['price'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Payment method
+ echo '<div class="edit_placilo_line">';
+ echo '<span class="nastavitveSpan5">'.$lang['srv_placilo_payment_method'].':</span> ';
+ echo '<input type="text" name="payment_method" value="'.$placilo['payment_method'].'">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</form></div>';
+ // Gumbi na dnu
+ echo '<div class="buttons_holder">';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_orange btn_savesettings" href="#" onclick="urediPlaciloSave();"><span>'.$lang['edit1337'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo ' <div class="buttonwrapper floatRight spaceRight"><a class="ovalbutton ovalbutton_gray" href="#" onclick="urediPlaciloClose();"><span>'.$lang['srv_zapri'].'</span></a></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Prikazemo popup za pregled in urejanje placila
+ private function displayPlacilaPovzetek(){
+ global $lang;
+ /*
+ TRR: 0,12 €
+ EU kartica 1,4% + 0,25 €
+ Non-EU kartica: 2,9% + 0,25 €
+ PayPal: 3,4% + 0,35 €
+ */
+ echo '<div style="clear:both; margin: 50px 0;">';
+ echo '<fieldset><legend>Izračun po mesecih</legend>';
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("SELECT *, MONTH(time) as month, YEAR(time) as year
+ FROM user_access_placilo
+ ");
+ while($rowPlacilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPlacilo)){
+ // Paypal
+ if($rowPlacilo['payment_method'] == '2'){
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['year']][$rowPlacilo['month']]['sum_paypal'] += $rowPlacilo['price'];
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['year']][$rowPlacilo['month']]['provizija_paypal'] += ($rowPlacilo['price'] * 0.34) + 0.35;
+ }
+ // Kartica
+ elseif($rowPlacilo['payment_method'] == '3'){
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['year']][$rowPlacilo['month']]['sum_kartica'] += $rowPlacilo['price'];
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['year']][$rowPlacilo['month']]['provizija_kartica'] += ($rowPlacilo['price'] * 0.014) + 0.25;
+ }
+ // TRR
+ else{
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['year']][$rowPlacilo['month']]['sum_trr'] += $rowPlacilo['price'];
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['year']][$rowPlacilo['month']]['provizija_trr'] += 0.12;
+ }
+ // Suma placil za mesec
+ $placila[$rowPlacilo['year']][$rowPlacilo['month']]['sum'] += $rowPlacilo['price'];
+ }
+ foreach($placila as $year => $placila_leto){
+ foreach($placila_leto as $month => $placila_mesec){
+ echo '<br>';
+ $month_name = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 10));
+ echo '<span class="bold">'.$month_name.' '.$year.'</span>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo 'Vsota plačil na TRR: '.$placila_mesec['sum_trr'];
+ echo '<br>TRR provizija: '.$placila_mesec['provizija_trr'];
+ echo '<br><br>';
+ echo 'Vsota plačil s kartico: '.$placila_mesec['sum_kartica'];
+ echo '<br>Kartica provizija: '.$placila_mesec['provizija_kartica'];
+ echo '<br><br>';
+ echo 'Vsota plačil s paypal: '.$placila_mesec['sum_paypal'];
+ echo '<br>Paypal provizija: '.$placila_mesec['provizija_paypal'];
+ echo '<br><br>';
+ echo 'Vsota plačil: '.$placila_mesec['sum'];
+ echo '<br><br>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</fieldset>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Ajax klici
+ public function ajax(){
+ $placilo_id = (isset($_POST['placilo_id'])) ? $_POST['placilo_id'] : 0;
+ // Prikazemo popup z urejanjem posameznega narocila
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'displayPlaciloPopup') {
+ if($placilo_id > 0){
+ $this->displayPlaciloEdit($placilo_id);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->displayPlaciloCreate();
+ }
+ }
+ // Urejamo narocilo
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'editPlacilo') {
+ if($placilo_id > 0){
+ $update = '';
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['narocilo_id'])) ? " narocilo_id='".$_POST['narocilo_id']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['note'])) ? " note='".$_POST['note']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['time'])) ? " time='".$_POST['time']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['price'])) ? " price='".$_POST['price']."'," : "";
+ $update .= (isset($_POST['payment_method'])) ? " payment_method='".$_POST['payment_method']."'," : "";
+ if($update != ''){
+ $update = substr($update, 0, -1);
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_placilo SET ".$update." WHERE id='".$placilo_id."'");
+ if (!$sqlPlacilo)
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayPlacila();
+ }
+ // Urejamo narocilo
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'createPlacilo') {
+ $narocilo_id = (isset($_POST['narocilo_id'])) ? $_POST['narocilo_id'] : 0;
+ $note = (isset($_POST['note'])) ? $_POST['note'] : '';
+ $time = (isset($_POST['time'])) ? $_POST['time'] : '';
+ $price = (isset($_POST['price'])) ? $_POST['price'] : 0;
+ $payment_method = (isset($_POST['payment_method'])) ? $_POST['payment_method'] : '';
+ if($price != '' && $price != 0){
+ // Preverimo, ce slucajno se obstaja placilo za to narocilo - vrnemo error
+ if($narocilo_id != 0){
+ $sqlPlaciloCheck = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM user_access_placilo WHERE narocilo_id='".$narocilo_id."'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlPlaciloCheck) > 0){
+ echo 'Napaka! Plačilo za to naročilo že obstaja.';
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayPlacila();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access_placilo
+ (narocilo_id, note, time, price, payment_method)
+ ('".$narocilo_id."', '".$note."', '".$time."', '".$price."', '".$payment_method."')
+ ");
+ if (!$sqlPlacilo)
+ echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ }
+ else{
+ echo 'Napaka! Cana za plačilo ne sme biti 0.';
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayPlacila();
+ }
+ // Brisemo narocilo
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'deletePlacilo') {
+ if($placilo_id > 0){
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM user_access_placilo WHERE id='".$placilo_id."'");
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo z narocili
+ $this->displayPlacila();
+ }
+ // Storniramo narocilo
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'stornirajPlacilo') {
+ if($placilo_id > 0){
+ // Nastavimo se status narocila na storniran
+ $sqlPlacilo = sisplet_query("SELECT p.*, n.usr_id
+ FROM user_access_placilo p, user_access_narocilo n
+ WHERE'".$placilo_id."' AND
+ ");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlPlacilo) > 0){
+ $rowPlacilo = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlPlacilo);
+ // Nastavimo status originalnega placila na stornirano
+ $sqlPlaciloStatus = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_placilo SET canceled='1' WHERE id='".$placilo_id."'");
+ // Nastavimo status narocila na stornirano
+ $sqlNarociloStatus = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access_narocilo SET status='2' WHERE id='".$rowPlacilo['narocilo_id']."'");
+ // Negativni znesek
+ $znesek = number_format((-1) * $rowPlacilo['price'], 2, '.', '');
+ // Ustvarimo kopijo placila z negativnim zneskom
+ $sqlStorniranoPlacilo = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO user_access_placilo
+ (narocilo_id, note, time, price, payment_method, canceled)
+ ('".$rowPlacilo['narocilo_id']."', '".$rowPlacilo['note']."', NOW(), '".$znesek."', '".$rowPlacilo['payment_method']."', '1')
+ ");
+ // Stranki deaktiviramo paket
+ $sqlNarociloStatus = sisplet_query("UPDATE user_access SET package_id='1' WHERE usr_id='".$rowPlacilo['usr_id']."'");
+ }
+ }
+ // Na novo izrisemo tabelo s placili
+ $this->displayPlacila();
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/payments/getPdf.php b/frontend/payments/getPdf.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df2aa5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/payments/getPdf.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Skripta za downloadanje pdf-jev (ker ga izvedemo preko lepega linka "")
+include_once '../../function.php';
+global $site_path;
+ // Decode hash
+ $hash = $_GET['hash'];
+ $params = unserialize(urldecode(base64_decode($hash)));
+ // Vrnemo predracun
+ if($params['type'] == 'predracun' || $params['type'] == 'racun'){
+ $pdf_name = "1ka_".$params['type']."_".$params['id'].".pdf";
+ if($params['type'] == 'predracun')
+ $pdf_folder = $site_path."/frontend/payments/cebelica/predracuni/";
+ else
+ $pdf_folder = $site_path."/frontend/payments/cebelica/racuni/";
+ $pdf_path = $pdf_folder . $pdf_name;
+ header('Content-type: application/pdf');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$pdf_name.'"');
+ readfile($pdf_path);
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/simple/ajax.php b/frontend/simple/ajax.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7873b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/ajax.php
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ include_once '../../admin/survey/definition.php';
+ include_once('../../function.php');
+ include_once('../../vendor/autoload.php');
+ // Poslana zahteva za izbris
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'gdpr_request_send'){
+ $status = array();
+ $status = $_POST['json'];
+ //var_dump($status);
+ GDPR::displayGDPRRequestForm($status);
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/simple/classes/DisplayController.php b/frontend/simple/classes/DisplayController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4d1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/classes/DisplayController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
+include_once '../../function.php';
+include_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
+include_once '../../sql/class.ImportDB.php';
+class DisplayController{
+ var $stran; // stran na kateri se nahajamo
+ var $podstran; // podstran na kateri se nahajamo
+ var $lang_id = 1; // izbran jezik
+ var $root = ''; // Za kasneje ce bomo vklopili rewrite
+ function __construct(){
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ // Ce smo ze logirani vedno preusmerimo na moje ankete
+ if($global_user_id != '' && $global_user_id > 0){
+ header ('location: '.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php');
+ die();
+ }
+ if(isset($_GET['a']))
+ $this->stran = $_GET['a'];
+ if(isset($_GET['b']))
+ $this->podstran = $_GET['b'];
+ // Nastavimo jezik
+ if(isset($_GET['lang_id']))
+ $this->lang_id = $_GET['lang_id'];
+ elseif(isset($_SESSION['lang_id']))
+ $this->lang_id = $_SESSION['lang_id'];
+ $_SESSION['langX'] = $site_url .'lang/'.$this->lang_id.'.php';
+ $_SESSION['lang_id'] = $this->lang_id;
+ $file = '../../lang/'.$this->lang_id.'.php';
+ include($file);
+ }
+ public function displayHead(){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $lang;
+ echo ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />';
+ echo ' <meta charset="utf-8">';
+ echo ' <meta name = "viewport" content = "user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, width=device-width">';
+ echo ' <meta name="keywords" content="web survey software, internet survey, online survey, web questionaires">';
+ echo ' <meta name="keywords" content="spletne ankete, spletna anketa, spletno anketiranje, internetne ankete, slovenščina, slovenski jezik, software, softver, programska oprema, orodje za spletne ankete, internetno anketiranje, online vprašalniki, ankete po internetu, internet, internetne ankete, anketa" lang="si">';
+ echo ' <meta name="description" content="1KA je orodje za spletne ankete, hkrati pa je tudi on-line platforma (gostitelj), na kateri se lahko spletna anketa brezplačno izdela.">';
+ echo ' <meta name="abstract" content="1KA je orodje za spletne ankete">';
+ echo ' <meta name="author" content="CDI, FDV">';
+ echo ' <meta name="publisher" content="">';
+ echo ' <meta name="copyright" content="CDI, FDV">';
+ echo ' <meta name="audience" content="splošna populacija">';
+ echo ' <meta name="page-topic" content="spletne aplikacije">';
+ echo ' <meta name="revisit-after" content="7">';
+ // Custom header title
+ if(isset($app_settings['head_title_custom']) && $app_settings['head_title_custom'] == 1){
+ echo '<title>'.$app_settings['head_title_text'].'</title>' . "\n";
+ }
+ // Default header title
+ else{
+ echo '<title>'.$lang['1ka_surveys'].'</title>' . "\n";
+ }
+ echo ' <!-- CSS -->';
+ echo ' <link type="text/css" href="'.$site_url.'frontend/simple/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />';
+ echo ' <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /">';
+ echo ' <!-- JAVASCRIPT -->';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src="'.$site_url.'frontend/simple/script/init.js"></script>';
+ echo ' <script type="text/javascript" src="'.$site_url.'frontend/simple/script/script.js"></script>';
+ echo ' <!-- FAVICON -->';
+ echo ' <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="'.$site_url.'/favicon.ico" />';
+ }
+ // Izris zgornje vrstice z logotipom in menijem
+ public function displayHeader(){
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ global $google_login_client_id;
+ global $aai_instalacija;
+ // Logo v glavi
+ echo '<div class="logo ">';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php">';
+ echo ' <img src="'.$site_url.'/public/img/logo/1ka_'.($this->lang_id != 1 ? 'eng' : 'slo').'.svg">';
+ if($aai_instalacija){
+ echo ' <img src="'.$site_url.'/public/img/logo/arnes_logo.png" style="margin-left:30px;">';
+ }
+ echo ' </a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Navigacija
+ echo '<nav>';
+ // Hidden polje z lang_id-jem
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="lang_id" value="'.$this->lang_id.'" />';
+ // GDPR zahtevek je prisoten samo na virtualkah in na lastno zahtevo
+ echo '<span class="menu_item '.($this->stran == 'gdpr' ? 'active' : '').'">';
+ echo ' <a href="index.php?a=gdpr">'.$lang['srv_gdpr_drupal_tab'].'</a>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ // Preklop jezika
+ echo '<span class="menu_item lang_switch">';
+ $params = '?' . (isset($_GET['a']) ? 'a='.$_GET['a'].'&' : '') . (isset($_GET['b']) ? 'b='.$_GET['b'].'&' : '');
+ if($this->lang_id == 1){
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php'.$params.'lang_id=2">';
+ echo ' <div class="flag eng"></div> <span>English</span>';
+ echo ' </a>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php'.$params.'lang_id=1">';
+ echo ' <div class="flag slo"></div> <span>Slovenščina</span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ echo '</nav>';
+ }
+ // Izris vsebine
+ public function displayMain(){
+ global $virtual_domain;
+ switch($this->stran){
+ /*case 'login':
+ $this->displayLoginPage();
+ break;*/
+ /*case 'login_noEmail':
+ $this->displayLoginNoEmailPage();
+ break;*/
+ case 'login_2fa':
+ $this->displayLogin2faPage();
+ break;
+ /*case 'register':
+ if(!$virtual_domain)
+ $this->displayRegisterPage();
+ else
+ $this->displayFrontPage();
+ break;*/
+ case 'register_confirm':
+ if(!$virtual_domain)
+ $this->displayRegisterPageConfirm();
+ else
+ $this->displayFrontPage();
+ break;
+ case 'register_email':
+ if(!$virtual_domain)
+ $this->displayRegisterPageEmail();
+ else
+ $this->displayFrontPage();
+ break;
+ case 'unregister':
+ if(!$virtual_domain)
+ $this->displayUnregisterPage();
+ else
+ $this->displayFrontPage();
+ break;
+ case 'unregister_confirm':
+ if(!$virtual_domain)
+ $this->displayUnregisterPageConfirm();
+ else
+ $this->displayFrontPage();
+ break;
+ case 'reset_password':
+ $this->displayResetPasswordPage();
+ break;
+ case 'reset_password_activate':
+ $this->displayResetPasswordPageActivate();
+ break;
+ case 'gdpr':
+ $this->displayGDPRPage();
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->displayFrontPage();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Izris footerja
+ public function displayFooter(){
+ global $virtual_domain;
+ global $lang;
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $aai_instalacija;
+ // Stolpec 1
+ echo '<div class="col">';
+ echo ' <h2>'.$lang['simple_footer_about'].'</h2>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_1ka'].'</span>';
+ if($aai_instalacija)
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_faq'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_general'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_privacy'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_cookies'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span>'.$lang['simple_footer_about_antispam'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <div class="follow">'.$lang['simple_footer_about_follow'].': ';
+ echo ' <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="icon twitter"></span></a>';
+ echo ' <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="icon fb"></span></a>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Stolpec 2
+ echo '<div class="col">';
+ echo ' <h2>'.$lang['simple_footer_company'].'</h2>';
+ echo ' <span class="semi-bold">'.$app_settings['owner'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <span><a href="mailto:'.$app_settings['admin_email'].'">'.$app_settings['admin_email'].'</a></span>';
+ echo ' <span><a href="'.$app_settings['owner_website'].'" target="_blank">'.$app_settings['owner_website'].'</a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Stolpec 3 - logotipi
+ echo '<div class="col">';
+ // Logotipa FDV in CDI - samo pri virtualkah
+ if($virtual_domain || $aai_instalacija){
+ echo '<div class="logo_holder">';
+ echo ' <img src="'.$site_url.'/public/img/logo/fdv.png">';
+ echo ' <img src="'.$site_url.'/public/img/logo/cdi_'.($this->lang_id != 1 ? 'eng' : 'slo').'.png">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris prve strani
+ private function displayFrontPage(){
+ global $aai_instalacija;
+ // AAI
+ if($aai_instalacija)
+ $this->displayFrontPageFormAAI();
+ else
+ $this->displayFrontPageForm();
+ }
+ // Izris okna na prvi strani
+ private function displayFrontPageForm(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $app_settings;
+ global $virtual_domain;
+ echo '<div class="app_title">'.$app_settings['app_name'].'</div>';
+ echo '<div class="landing_page_window">';
+ // Tabs - samo pri lastni instalaciji, pri virtualkah nimamo registracije
+ if($virtual_domain){
+ echo ' <div class="tabs">';
+ echo ' <div class="tab full_width">'.$lang['login_short'].'</div>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo ' <div class="tabs">';
+ echo ' <div class="tab '.(isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == 'register' ? '' : 'active').'" onClick="switchLoginRegistration(this);">'.$lang['login_short'].'</div>';
+ echo ' <div class="tab '.(!isset($_GET['a']) || $_GET['a'] != 'register' ? '' : 'active').'" onClick="switchLoginRegistration(this);">'.$lang['nu_register'].'</div>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ }
+ // SKB ima blokirano prijavo za vse ipje razen svojega
+ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ if(isset($app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip'])
+ && $app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip'] != ''
+ && !empty($app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip'])
+ && !in_array($ip, $app_settings['admin_allow_only_ip'])
+ ){
+ echo '<div style="padding: 50px; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; font-weight: 600;">Prijava v aplikacijo iz obstoječega IP naslova ('.$ip.') ni mogoča!</div>';
+ }
+ else{
+ // LOGIN
+ echo ' <div id="login_holder" '.(isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == 'register' ? '' : 'class="active"').'>';
+ $this->displayFrontPageLogin();
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo ' <div id="registration_holder" '.(!isset($_GET['a']) || $_GET['a'] != 'register' ? '' : 'class="active"').'>';
+ $this->displayFrontPageRegistration();
+ echo ' </div>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div class="app_subtitle">';
+ if($virtual_domain)
+ echo $lang['app_virtual_domain'];
+ else
+ echo $lang['app_installation'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris okna na prvi strani - AAI
+ private function displayFrontPageFormAAI(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $app_settings;
+ echo '<div class="landing_page_window">';
+ // APP TITLE - aai
+ echo '<div class="app_title" style="text-transform: initial;">'.$app_settings['app_name'].'</div>';
+ // AAI logo
+ //echo '<div class="arnes_logo"><img src="'.$site_url.'/public/img/logo/arnes_logo.png"></div>';
+ // AAI text
+ echo ' <div class="tabs">';
+ echo ' <div class="tab full_width">'.$lang['app_aai_installation_text'].'</div>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ // AAI login/register
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.'/aai"><input type="button" name="aai-login" title="'.$lang['aaiPopupTitle'].'" value="'.$lang['aaiPopupTitle'].'"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ /*echo '<div class="app_subtitle">';
+ echo $lang['app_aai_installation'];
+ echo '</div>';*/
+ }
+ // Izris okna za login na prvi strani
+ private function displayFrontPageLogin(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ if(isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == 'register'){
+ $email = '';
+ $error = '';
+ }
+ else{
+ $email = (isset($_GET['email'])) ? $_GET['email'] : '';
+ $error = '';
+ if(isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == 'login_noEmail'){
+ $error = 'email';
+ }
+ elseif(isset($_GET['error']) && $_GET['error'] == 'password'){
+ $error = 'password';
+ }
+ }
+ // Forma za vpis
+ echo '<form name="login_1" id="login_form" class="login_form" action="'.$site_url.'/frontend/api/api.php?action=login" method="post">';
+ // Email
+ echo ' <label for="email" '.($error == 'email' ? 'class="red"': '').'>'.$lang['email'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input id="em" '.($error == 'email' ? 'class="red"': '').' name="email" value="'.$email.'" size="30" placeholder="E-mail" onblur="CheckEmailFP();" type="text">';
+ // Password
+ echo ' <label for="pass" '.($error == 'password' ? 'class="red"': '').'>'.$lang['password'].'</label>';
+ echo ' <input '.($error == 'password' ? 'class="red"': '').' name="pass" placeholder="'.$lang['login_password'].'" type="password">';
+ // Error text
+ if($error != ''){
+ echo ' <div class="error_holder">';
+ if($error == 'email' && $email == '')
+ echo $lang['cms_error_missing_email'];
+ elseif($error == 'email')
+ echo $lang['cms_error_wrong_email'];
+ elseif($error == 'password')
+ echo $lang['cms_error_password'];
+ echo ' </div>';
+ }
+ // Lost pass
+ echo ' <div class="lostpass"><a class="RegLastPage" href="#" onclick="LostPassword(\''.$lang['please_insert_email'].'\');">'.$lang['forgot_password'].'</a></div>';
+ // Submit
+ echo ' <input name="submit" title="'.$lang['login'].'" value="'.$lang['next1'].'" type="submit">';
+ echo '</form>';
+ }
+ // Izris okna za registracijo na prvi strani
+ private function displayFrontPageRegistration(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $secret_captcha;
+ global $recaptcha_sitekey;
+ if(!isset($_GET['a']) || $_GET['a'] != 'register'){
+ $email = '';
+ $ime = '';
+ $error = array();
+ }
+ else{
+ $email = (isset($_GET['email'])) ? $_GET['email'] : '';
+ $ime = (isset($_GET['ime'])) ? $_GET['ime'] : '';
+ if(isset($_GET['invalid_email']) && $_GET['invalid_email'] == '1'){
+ $error['email'] = '1';
+ }
+ if(isset($_GET['existing_email']) && $_GET['existing_email'] == '1'){
+ $error['email'] = '1';
+ }
+ if(isset($_GET['missing_ime']) && $_GET['missing_ime'] == '1'){
+ $error['ime'] = '1';
+ }
+ if(isset($_GET['pass_complex']) && $_GET['pass_complex'] == '1'){
+ $error['password'] = '1';
+ }
+ if(isset($_GET['pass_mismatch']) && $_GET['pass_mismatch'] == '1'){
+ $error['password'] = '1';
+ }
+ if(isset($_GET['missing_agree']) && $_GET['missing_agree'] == '1'){
+ $error['agree'] = '1';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<form name="register" id="register_form" class="register_form" action="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=register" method="post">';
+ echo ' <span class="subtitle">'.$lang['cms_register_user_text'].'</span>';
+ // Email
+ echo ' <label for="email" '.(isset($error['email']) ? 'class="red"' : '').'>'.$lang['email'].':</label>';
+ echo ' <input class="regfield '.(isset($error['email']) ? 'red' : '').'" id="email" name="email" value="'.$email.'" placeholder="'.$lang['email'].'" type="text">';
+ // Ime
+ echo ' <label for="ime" '.(isset($error['ime']) ? 'class="red"' : '').'>'.$lang['cms_register_user_nickname'].':</label>';
+ echo ' <input class="regfield '.(isset($error['ime']) ? 'red' : '').'" id="ime" name="ime" value="'.$ime.'" placeholder="'.$lang['cms_register_user_nickname'].'" type="text">';
+ if($secret_captcha != '' && $recaptcha_sitekey != '')
+ echo ' <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="'.$recaptcha_sitekey.'" '.(isset($_GET['invalid_recaptcha']) ? ' style="border:1px red solid"' : '').'></div>';
+ // Geslo
+ echo ' <label for="p1" '.(isset($error['password']) ? 'class="red"' : '').'>'.$lang['login_password'].':</label>';
+ echo ' <input id="p1" class="text '.(isset($error['password']) ? 'red' : '').'" value="" name="geslo" placeholder="'.$lang['password'].'" type="password">';
+ // Geslo2
+ echo ' <label for="p2" '.(isset($error['password']) ? 'class="red"' : '').'>'.$lang['cms_register_user_repeat_password'].':</label>';
+ echo ' <input id="p2" class="text '.(isset($error['password']) ? 'red' : '').'" value="" name="geslo2" placeholder="'.$lang['cms_register_user_repeat_password'].'" type="password">';
+ // Strinjam se s pogoji
+ //echo ' <input id="IAgree" type="hidden" name="agree" value="1">';
+ $terms_url = ($lang['id'] == '1') ? '' : '';
+ echo ' <div class="form_row agreement '.(isset($_GET['missing_agree']) ? ' red' : '').'">';
+ echo ' <input id="IAgree" type="checkbox" name="agree" value="1"><label for="IAgree">';
+ echo '<div class="checkbox_text_holder"> '.str_replace('TERMS_URL', $terms_url, $lang['cms_register_user_terms_of_use']).'</label>';
+ echo ' <br /><span class="red italic">*'.$lang['cms_register_mandatory_field'].'</span></div>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ // Error text
+ if(!empty($error)){
+ echo ' <div class="error_holder">';
+ foreach($error as $error_key => $error_type){
+ if($error_key == 'email' && $email == '')
+ echo $lang['cms_error_missing_email'].'<br />';
+ elseif($error_key == 'email' && $_GET['existing_email'] == '1')
+ echo $lang['srv_added_false'].'<br />';
+ elseif($error_key == 'email')
+ echo $lang['cms_error_wrong_email'].'<br />';
+ if($error_key == 'ime')
+ echo $lang['cms_error_user_field_empty'].'<br />';
+ if($error_key == 'password' && $_GET['pass_complex'] == '1')
+ echo $lang['password_err_complex'].'<br />';
+ if($error_key == 'password' && $_GET['pass_mismatch'] == '1')
+ echo $lang['ent_pass_doesnt_match'].'<br />';
+ if($error_key == 'agree')
+ echo $lang['MustAgree'].'<br />';
+ }
+ echo ' </div>';
+ }
+ // Submit
+ echo ' <input name="submit" value="'.$lang['next1'].'" class="regfield" type="submit">';
+ echo '</form>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za prijavo
+ private function displayLoginPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ echo '<div class="login_holder">';
+ // Prijava
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['login_for_existing2'].'</h1>';
+ echo ' <form name="login_2" id="login_2" action="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=login" method="post">';
+ // Ce je email v getu pomeni da se je zmotil pri passwordu
+ if(isset($_GET['email']) && $_GET['email'] != ''){
+ $email = $_GET['email'];
+ echo $lang['hello'].' <span class="bold">'.$email.'</span>';
+ echo ' <input id="em" name="email" value="'.$email.'" type="hidden"><br /><br />';
+ // Warning za napacno geslo
+ echo '<p><span class="red italic">'.$lang['wrong_password2'].'</span></p>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo ' <div class="form_row"><span class="label"><label for="email">'.$lang['email'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <input class="regfield" id="em" name="email" value="" placeholder="'.$lang['login_email'].'" type="text">';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ }
+ // Geslo
+ echo ' <div class="form_row"><span class="label"><label for="pass">'.$lang['password'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <input class="regfield" name="pass" value="" placeholder="'.$lang['password'].'" type="password">';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ // Pozabljeno geslo
+ echo ' <div class="form_row">';
+ echo ' <span class="lostpass"><a class="RegLastPage" href="#" onclick="LostPassword(\''.$lang['please_insert_email'].'\');">'.$lang['forgot_password'].'</a></span>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ // Zapomni si me
+ echo ' <div class="form_row">';
+ echo ' <input name="remember" id="remember_me" value="1" type="checkbox"> <label for="remember_me">'.$lang['remember_me2'].'</label>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo ' <input name="submit" value="'.$lang['login'].'" class="regfield" type="submit">';
+ echo ' <span class="spaceLeft">'.str_replace('#URL#', $site_url.$this->root.'index.php?a=register', $lang['cms_login_registration_link']).'</span>';
+ echo ' </form>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za prijavo
+ private function displayLogin2faPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ echo '<div class="login_holder">';
+ // Prijava
+ echo ' <div class="login_element login">';
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['google_2fa'].'</h1>';
+ echo ' <form name="login_2" id="login_2" action="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=login_2fa" method="post">';
+ if(!empty($_GET['error'])){
+ echo '<p class="red">'.$lang['google_2fa_user_error_code'].'</p>';
+ }
+ // Ce je email v getu pomeni da se je zmotil pri passwordu
+ echo ' <input class="regfield '.(!empty($_GET['error']) ? 'red' : '').'" style="margin:5px 0 5px 13px;" name="google_2fa_number" placeholder="'.$lang['google_2fa_user_code'].'" type="text">';
+ echo ' <br />';
+ echo ' <br />';
+ echo ' <input name="submit" value="'.$lang['google_2fa_user_send'].'" class="regfield" type="submit">';
+ echo ' </form>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani z opozorilom da mail za login ne obstaja
+ private function displayLoginNoEmailPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ $email = (isset($_GET['email'])) ? $_GET['email'] : '';
+ echo '<div class="login_holder">';
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['error'].'</h1>';
+ echo ' <p>'.$lang['e_login_invalid'].'</p>';
+ echo ' <p><span class="bold">'.$email.'</span></p>';
+ echo ' <input onclick="location.href=\''.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php\'" name="retry" value="'.$lang['e_login_retry'].'" type="button">';
+ echo ' <input onclick="location.href=\''.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php?a=register\'" name="register" style="margin-left:10px;" value="'.$lang['e_login_register'].'" type="button">';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za registracijo
+ private function displayRegisterPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $secret_captcha;
+ global $recaptcha_sitekey;
+ // Pogledamo ce imamo kaksen error v GET-u
+ $error = false;
+ if(isset($_GET['missing_email']) || isset($_GET['invalid_email']) || isset($_GET['existing_email'])
+ || isset($_GET['missing_ime']) || isset($_GET['existing_ime'])
+ || isset($_GET['pass_mismatch'])
+ || isset($_GET['pass_complex'])
+ || isset($_GET['invalid_recaptcha'])
+ || isset($_GET['missing_agree'])){
+ $error = true;
+ }
+ // Pogledamo ce imamo poslane podatke preko GET-a
+ $email = (isset($_GET['email'])) ? $_GET['email'] : '';
+ $ime = (isset($_GET['ime'])) ? $_GET['ime'] : '';
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ if($error)
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['e_nu_could_not'].'</h1>';
+ else
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['register_new_user'].'</h1>';
+ echo ' <span class="subtitle">'.$lang['cms_register_user_text'].'</span>';
+ echo ' <form name="register" id="register" action="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=register" method="post">';
+ // Email
+ echo ' <div class="form_row '.(isset($_GET['missing_email']) || isset($_GET['invalid_email']) || isset($_GET['existing_email']) ? ' red' : '').'"><span class="label"><label for="email">'.$lang['email'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <input class="regfield" id="email" name="email" value="'.$email.'" placeholder="'.$lang['email'].'" type="text"></div>';
+ // Ime
+ echo ' <div class="form_row '.(isset($_GET['missing_ime']) || isset($_GET['existing_ime']) ? ' red' : '').'"><span class="label"><label for="ime">'.$lang['cms_register_user_nickname'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <input class="regfield" id="ime" name="ime" value="'.$ime.'" placeholder="'.$lang['cms_register_user_nickname'].'" type="text"></div>';
+ if($secret_captcha != '' && $recaptcha_sitekey != '')
+ echo '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="'.$recaptcha_sitekey.'" '.(isset($_GET['invalid_recaptcha']) ? ' style="border:1px red solid"' : '').'></div>';
+ // Geslo
+ echo ' <div class="form_row '.(isset($_GET['pass_mismatch']) || isset($_GET['pass_complex']) ? ' red' : '').'"><span class="label"><label for="geslo">'.$lang['login_password'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <input id="p1" class="text " value="" name="geslo" placeholder="'.$lang['password'].'" type="password">';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ // Geslo 2
+ echo ' <div class="form_row '.(isset($_GET['pass_mismatch']) || isset($_GET['pass_complex']) ? ' red' : '').'"><span class="label"><label for="geslo2">'.$lang['cms_register_user_repeat_password'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <input id="p2" class="text " value="" name="geslo2" placeholder="'.$lang['cms_register_user_repeat_password'].'" type="password">';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ if(isset($_GET['pass_complex']))
+ echo ' <span class="red italic">'.$lang['password_err_complex'].'</span><br /><br />';
+ // Strinjam se s pogoji
+ //echo ' <input id="IAgree" type="hidden" name="agree" value="1">';
+ $terms_url = ($lang['id'] == '1') ? '' : '';
+ echo ' <div class="form_row agreement '.(isset($_GET['missing_agree']) ? ' red' : '').'">';
+ echo ' <input id="IAgree" type="checkbox" name="agree" value="1"><label for="IAgree">';
+ echo '<div class="checkbox_text_holder"> '.str_replace('TERMS_URL', $terms_url, $lang['cms_register_user_terms_of_use']).'</label>';
+ echo ' <br /><span class="red italic">*'.$lang['cms_register_mandatory_field'].'</span></div>';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ // Strinjam se s posiljanjem mailov (gdpr)
+ /*echo ' <div class="form_row gdpr-agree">';
+ echo ' <input id="gdpr-agree" type="checkbox" name="gdpr-agree" value="1">';
+ echo ' <div class="checkbox_text_holder"><label for="gdpr-agree"> '.$lang['cms_register_gdpr_agree'].'</label><br /><span class="as_link bold clr" onClick="$(\'#checkbox_explain_text_holder\').toggle(); return false;">'.$lang['more2'].' >></span></div>';
+ echo ' <div id="checkbox_explain_text_holder" class="checkbox_explain_text_holder"> '.$lang['cms_register_gdpr_agree_explain'].'</div>';
+ echo ' </div>';*/
+ echo ' <input name="submit" value="'.$lang['next1'].'" class="regfield" type="submit">';
+ echo ' <span class="have_account spaceLeft">'.str_replace('#URL#', $site_url.$this->root.'index.php?a=login', $lang['cms_register_login_link']).'</span>';
+ echo ' </form>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za registracijo - po vnosu podatkov
+ private function displayRegisterPageConfirm(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ $email = (isset($_POST['email'])) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
+ $ime = (isset($_POST['ime'])) ? $_POST['ime'] : '';
+ $geslo = (isset($_POST['geslo'])) ? $_POST['geslo'] : '';
+ $gdpr_agree = (isset($_POST['gdpr-agree'])) ? $_POST['gdpr-agree'] : '0';
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['register_new_user'].'</h1>';
+ echo ' <div class="confirm_text">'.$lang['check_login_data'].'</div>';
+ echo ' <form name="register" id="register" action="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=register_confirm" method="post">';
+ // Hidden polja potrebna za registracijo
+ echo ' <input name="email" value="'.$email.'" type="hidden">';
+ echo ' <input name="ime" value="'.$ime.'" type="hidden">';
+ echo ' <input name="geslo" value="'.$geslo.'" type="hidden">';
+ echo ' <input name="geslo2" value="'.$geslo.'" type="hidden">';
+ echo ' <input name="gdpr-agree" value="'.$gdpr_agree.'" type="hidden">';
+ echo ' <input name="language" value="'.$lang['id'].'" type="hidden">';
+ // Url za nazaj na urejanje vnesenih podatkov
+ $url_edit = $site_url.$this->root.'index.php?a=register&email='.$email.'&ime='.$ime;
+ // Email
+ echo ' <p><span class="label edit"><label for="email">'.$lang['login_email'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$url_edit.'">'.$email.'</a></p>';
+ // Ime
+ echo ' <p><span class="label edit"><label for="ime">'.$lang['login_name'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$url_edit.'">'.$ime.'</a></p>';
+ // Geslo
+ echo ' <p><span class="label edit"><label for="pass">'.$lang['password'].':</label></span>';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$url_edit.'">'.($geslo == '' ? $lang['no1'] : $lang['yes']).'</a></p>';
+ echo ' <br /><input name="submit" value="'.$lang['next1'].'" class="regfield" type="submit"><br />';
+ echo ' </form>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za registracijo - po poslanem potrditvenem mailu
+ private function displayRegisterPageEmail(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $confirm_registration;
+ // Ce nimamo poslanega emaila preusmerimo nazaj na prvo stran registracije
+ if(empty($_GET['e'])){
+ header ('location: '.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php?a=register');
+ die();
+ }
+ else{
+ $email = base64_decode(urldecode($_GET['e']));
+ }
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['user_confirm_h'].'</h1>';
+ // Ce iammo vklopljeno potrjevanje s strani admina je text drugacen
+ if (isset($confirm_registration) && $confirm_registration == 1)
+ echo ' <p>'.str_replace("SFMAIL", $email, $lang['user_confirm_p_admin']).'</p>';
+ else
+ echo ' <p>'.str_replace("SFMAIL", $email, $lang['user_confirm_p']).'</p>';
+ // Gumb nazaj na naslovnico
+ echo ' <br />';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php?a=register"><input type="button" value="'.$lang['install_finish_redirect'].'"></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za odregistracijo
+ private function displayUnregisterPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ if (isset($_GET['email'])){
+ $email = strtolower($_GET['email']);
+ }
+ else{
+ header ('location: '.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php');
+ die();
+ }
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo ' <p>'.$lang['unregister_confirm'].'</p>';
+ echo ' <br /><br />';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php">'.$lang['no1'].'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
+ //echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php?a=email='.$email.'&amp;c=1&amp;o=1">'.$lang['yes'].'</a>';
+ echo ' <a href="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=unregister_confirm&email='.$email.'">'.$lang['yes'].'</a>';
+ echo "<br><br><br>";
+ $result = sisplet_query ("SELECT trim(value) from misc where what='UnregisterEmbed' AND length(value)>3");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows ($result) > 0) {
+ $r = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+ echo stripslashes($r[0]);
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani po potrditvi odregistracije
+ private function displayUnregisterPageConfirm(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['unregister_ok'].'</h1>';
+ echo ' <p>'.$lang['unregister_ok_text'].'</p>';
+ echo ' <p><a href="'.$site_url.'">'.$lang['e_back_to_fp'].'</a></p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani za reset gesla
+ private function displayResetPasswordPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ if (isset($_GET['email'])){
+ $email = strtolower($_GET['email']);
+ }
+ else{
+ header ('location: '.$site_url.$this->root.'index.php');
+ die();
+ }
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo ' <h1>'.$lang['forgotten_password'].'</h1>';
+ echo ' <p>'.$lang['lp_sent'].' <span class="semibold">'.$email.'</span>.</p>';
+ echo ' <p><input onclick="document.location.href=\''.$site_url.'\'" value="'.$lang['back'].'" type="button"></p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Izris strani po aktivaciji resetiranega gesla
+ private function displayResetPasswordPageActivate(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Izpisemo da smo uspesno aktivirali novo geslo
+ if(isset($_GET['success']) && $_GET['success'] == '1'){
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo '<h1>'.$lang['forgotten_password'].'</h1>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['lp_activate_activation'].' '.$lang['has_been_successful'].'</p>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['you_can_change_pass_anytime'].'</p>';
+ echo '<p><a class="RegLastPage" href="'.$site_url.'">'.$lang['to_front'].'</a></p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Ce so vneseni napacni podatki za aktivacijo
+ elseif(isset($_GET['error']) && $_GET['error'] == '1'){
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo '<h1>'.$lang['forgotten_password'].'</h1>';
+ echo '<p><strong>' .$lang['lp_activate_error'] .'</strong></p>';
+ echo '<form name="aktivacija" method="post" action="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=reset_password_activate">';
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="code" value="<?=$code?>" />';
+ echo ' <div class="form_row">';
+ echo ' <div class="label"><label for="email">'.$lang['lp_activate_email'].'</label></div><input type="text" name="email" id="email" />';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo ' <div class="form_row">';
+ echo ' <div class="label"><label for="pass">'.$lang['lp_activate_pass'].'</label></div><input type="text" name="pass" id="pass" />';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo ' <input type="submit" value="'.$lang['lp_activate_activate'].'" style="width: 220px;" />';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Drugace izpisemo formo za vnos vseh podatkov (novo geslo, email)
+ else{
+ if (isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET['code'] != ""){
+ $code = $_GET['code'];
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo '<h1>'.$lang['forgotten_password'].'</h1>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['lp_activate_p'].'</p>';
+ echo '<form name="aktivacija" method="post" action="'.$site_url.'frontend/api/api.php?action=reset_password_activate">';
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="code" value="'.$code.'" />';
+ echo ' <div class="form_row">';
+ echo ' <div class="label"><label for="email">'.$lang['lp_activate_email'].'</label></div><input type="text" name="email" id="email" />';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo ' <div class="form_row">';
+ echo ' <div class="label"><label for="pass">'.$lang['lp_activate_pass'].'</label></div><input type="text" name="pass" id="pass" />';
+ echo ' </div>';
+ echo '<br>';
+ echo ' <input type="submit" value="'.$lang['lp_activate_activate'].'" style="width: 220px;" />';
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<div class="register_holder">';
+ echo '<h1>'.$lang['forgotten_password'].'</h1>';
+ echo '<p>'.$lang['srv_wrongcode'].'</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Izris strani za prosnjo za izbris (GDPR)
+ private function displayGDPRPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ // Ce imamo kaksen error
+ $error = array();
+ echo '<div id="gdpr_holder" class="register_holder gdpr">';
+ GDPR::displayGDPRRequestForm();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/simple/css/style.css b/frontend/simple/css/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c794b7
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+ Created on : 28.3.2020
+ Author : Peter Hrvatin
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+body.landing_page #main .landing_page_window,
+body.register #main .landing_page_window,
+body.login #main .landing_page_window,
+body.login_noEmail #main .landing_page_window {
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+ position: relative;
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+ color: #4ca0ea;
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+ display: none;
+body.landing_page #main .landing_page_window,
+body.register #main .landing_page_window,
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+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ padding: 20px;
+body.landing_page #main .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
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+ align-self: flex-end;
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+ padding: 15px 0;
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+body.login_noEmail #main .landing_page_window .agreement {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: baseline;
+ margin: 15px 0 5px 0;
+body.landing_page #main .landing_page_window .agreement input,
+body.register #main .landing_page_window .agreement input,
+body.login #main .landing_page_window .agreement input,
+body.login_noEmail #main .landing_page_window .agreement input {
+ margin-right: 10px;
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+body.login_noEmail #main .landing_page_window .checkbox_text_holder {
+ cursor: pointer;
+body.landing_page #main .landing_page_window .checkbox_text_holder strong,
+body.register #main .landing_page_window .checkbox_text_holder strong,
+body.login #main .landing_page_window .checkbox_text_holder strong,
+body.login_noEmail #main .landing_page_window .checkbox_text_holder strong {
+ font-weight: 600;
+body.landing_page #main .landing_page_window .error_holder,
+body.register #main .landing_page_window .error_holder,
+body.login #main .landing_page_window .error_holder,
+body.login_noEmail #main .landing_page_window .error_holder {
+ display: block;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ margin-top: 30px;
+ padding: 10px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 24px;
+ background-color: #ffdede;
+body.landing_page #main .landing_page_window .g-recaptcha,
+body.register #main .landing_page_window .g-recaptcha,
+body.login #main .landing_page_window .g-recaptcha,
+body.login_noEmail #main .landing_page_window .g-recaptcha {
+ width: 304px;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ #registration_holder{
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+ #login_holder{
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+/************GDPR OBRAZEC***************/
+body.gdpr {
+ line-height: 26px;
+body.gdpr div.form_row {
+ clear: both;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 8px 0 8px 10px;
+ vertical-align: center;
+body.gdpr {
+ color: red;
+body.gdpr input[type=text] {
+ width: 320px;
+body.gdpr label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+body.gdpr textarea {
+ width: 500px;
+ height: 100px;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+body.gdpr {
+ border: 1px red solid;
+body.gdpr div.label {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 150px;
+/************REGISTRACIJSKI OBRAZEC***************/
+body.register .register_holder .subtitle {
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ font-size: 18px;
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+ font-size: 16px;
+ color: #333;
+ margin: 10px 0;
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+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ color: #333;
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+ list-style-type: disc;
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+ padding-left: 5px;
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+ color: #333;
+body.register .register_holder p span.label.edit {
+ float: left;
+ width: 100px;
+ margin-left: 20px;
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+ clear: both;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 8px 0 8px 10px;
+ margin: 15px 0 5px 0;
+ vertical-align: center;
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+ color: red;
+body.register .register_holder input {
+ border-color: red;
+body.register .register_holder .form_row span.label {
+ clear: left;
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0;
+ width: 160px;
+ color: #333;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ line-height: 50px;
+body.register .register_holder input[type=text],
+body.register .register_holder input[type=password] {
+ padding: 6px 15px;
+ width: 300px;
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ border: 1px #e6e6e6 solid;
+body.register .register_holder .form_row.agreement label {
+ font-weight: 500;
+ /*font-size: 14px;*/
+ color: #333;
+body.register .register_holder .form_row.agreement {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: 30px;
+body.register .register_holder input[type=checkbox] {
+ float: left;
+ margin-top: 2px;
+body.register .register_holder .checkbox_text_holder {
+ margin-left: 30px;
+body.register .register_holder .checkbox_explain_text_holder {
+ display: none;
+ margin: 15px 0 0 20px;
+body.register .register_holder input[type=submit] {
+ margin-top: 30px;
+body.register .register_holder .confirm_text {
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ color: #333;
+body.register .register_holder .g-recaptcha {
+ float: left;
+ margin: 15px 10px 20px;
+body.register .register_holder label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+body.register .register_holder .red.italic {
+ padding-left: 10px;
+body.register .register_holder .agreement .red.italic {
+ padding-left: 0px;
+/************LOGIN OBRAZEC***************/
+body.login .main_content .login_holder p {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ color: #333;
+body.login .main_content .form_row span.label {
+ clear: left;
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0;
+ width: 100px;
+ color: #333;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ line-height: 50px;
+body.login .main_content p span.label.edit {
+ float: left;
+ width: 100px;
+ margin-left: 20px;
+body.login .main_content div.form_row {
+ clear: both;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 8px 0 8px 10px;
+ margin: 15px 0 5px 0;
+ vertical-align: center;
+body.login .main_content label,
+body.login .main_content input {
+ color: red;
+body.login .main_content input {
+ border-color: red;
+body.login .main_content label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+body.login .main_content input[type=submit] {
+ margin-top: 30px;
+/************RESET GESLA***************/
+body.reset_password_activate {
+ line-height: 26px;
+body.reset_password_activate div.form_row {
+ clear: both;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 8px 0 8px 10px;
+ vertical-align: center;
+body.reset_password_activate {
+ color: red;
+body.reset_password_activate input[type=text] {
+ width: 320px;
+body.reset_password_activate label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+body.reset_password_activate div.label {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 250px;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main,
+body.register #content.aai #main,
+body.login #content.aai #main,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main {
+ min-height: auto;
+ background-image: url("../img/landing_page_image_aai.png");
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .landing_page_window,
+body.register #content.aai #main .landing_page_window,
+body.login #content.aai #main .landing_page_window,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .landing_page_window {
+ width: 500px;
+ padding: 50px;
+ margin-top: 70px;
+ text-align: center;
+ box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px 1px #999;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .app_title,
+body.register #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .app_title,
+body.login #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .app_title,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .app_title {
+ width: 500px;
+ margin: 0;
+ color: #333;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo,
+body.register #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo,
+body.login #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo {
+ margin: 30px 0;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo img,
+body.register #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo img,
+body.login #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo img,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .arnes_logo img {
+ width: 200px;
+ height: auto;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.register #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.login #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .landing_page_window .tab {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ text-transform: none;
+ line-height: 24px;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.register #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.login #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button] {
+ width: auto;
+ padding: 18px 30px;
+ margin: 30px 0 10px 0;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ text-transform: none;
+ background-color: #e35205;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button]:hover,
+body.register #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button]:hover,
+body.login #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button]:hover,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .landing_page_window input[type=button]:hover {
+ background-color: #fa6c21;
+body.landing_page #content.aai #main .app_subtitle,
+body.register #content.aai #main .app_subtitle,
+body.login #content.aai #main .app_subtitle,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .app_subtitle {
+ width: 500px;
+ margin: 10px auto;
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ text-shadow: none;
+/* Mobile prilagoditve */
+@media screen and (max-width: 700px) {
+ header nav {
+ flex-direction: column-reverse;
+ align-self: auto;
+ justify-content: space-evenly;
+ height: 100%;
+ text-align: right;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ header nav span.menu_item {
+ line-height: 18px;
+ }
+ header nav {
+ border-bottom: 2px #1e88e5 solid;
+ }
+ header nav span.menu_item a {
+ line-height: 18px;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content {
+ padding: 10px 20px 40px 20px;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content h1 {
+ padding: 10px 10px;
+ font-size: 22px;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .form_row {
+ margin: 0 !important;
+ padding-left: 0 !important;
+ padding-right: 0 !important;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .label {
+ line-height: 30px;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content input[type=text],
+body #main .main_content input[type=email],
+body #main .main_content input[type=password] {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content input[type=submit],
+body #main .main_content input[type=button] {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 20px auto !important;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .have_account {
+ display: block;
+ margin: 30px 0 0 0;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .red.italic {
+ padding-left: 0 !important;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content .form_row.agreement {
+ margin-top: 10px !important;
+ }
+ body #main .main_content textarea#gdpr-note {
+ margin: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ body.landing_page,
+body.login_noEmail {
+ /* AAI */
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main,
+body.login #main,
+body.register #main,
+body.login_noEmail #main {
+ min-height: auto;
+ /*background-image: none;*/
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content,
+body.login #main .main_content,
+body.register #main .main_content,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content {
+ padding: 30px 20px 30px 20px;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.login #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.register #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .app_title {
+ width: 95%;
+ margin: 10px auto 40px auto;
+ font-size: 32px;
+ /*color: $color_text;*/
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window .tab {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass,
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass,
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window .lostpass {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.landing_page #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.login #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.register #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button],
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=submit],
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .landing_page_window input[type=button] {
+ margin: 30px auto !important;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #main .main_content .app_subtitle,
+body.login #main .main_content .app_subtitle,
+body.register #main .main_content .app_subtitle,
+body.login_noEmail #main .main_content .app_subtitle {
+ width: 100%;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #content.aai #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.login #content.aai #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.register #content.aai #main .main_content .landing_page_window,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .main_content .landing_page_window {
+ width: 100%;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #content.aai #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.login #content.aai #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.register #content.aai #main .main_content .app_title,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .main_content .app_title {
+ width: 100%;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ }
+ body.landing_page #content.aai #main .main_content .app_subtitle,
+body.login #content.aai #main .main_content .app_subtitle,
+body.register #content.aai #main .main_content .app_subtitle,
+body.login_noEmail #content.aai #main .main_content .app_subtitle {
+ width: 100%;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ }
+ footer {
+ padding: 0 20px;
+ }
+ footer .footer_content {
+ flex-direction: column;
+ padding: 20px 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ footer .footer_content .col {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ footer .footer_content .col .follow {
+ justify-content: center;
+ }
+ footer .footer_content .logo_holder img {
+ margin: 20px auto 30px auto;
+ }
+/*# */
diff --git a/frontend/simple/css/ b/frontend/simple/css/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..700585b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/css/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image.jpg b/frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41eb526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image_aai.png b/frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image_aai.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1efa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/img/landing_page_image_aai.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/frontend/simple/index.php b/frontend/simple/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95588b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ session_start();
+ //phpinfo();
+ error_reporting(0);
+ //ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
+ include_once('classes/DisplayController.php');
+ // Preverimo ce imamo uvozeno bazo in ce ne ponudbimo uvoz
+ $import_db = new ImportDB();
+ if($import_db->checkDBEmpty()){
+ global $site_url;
+ header('Location: '.$site_url.'frontend/install');
+ }
+ // Inicializiramo razred za prikaz
+ $dc = new DisplayController();
+ echo '<!doctype html>';
+ echo '<html lang="en">';
+ /********** HEAD **********/
+ echo '<head>';
+ $dc->displayHead();
+ echo '</head>';
+ /********** HEAD - END **********/
+ /********** BODY **********/
+ echo '<body class="'.($_GET['a'] == '' ? 'landing_page' : $_GET['a']).'">';
+ echo '<div id="content" '.($aai_instalacija ? 'class="aai"' : '').'>';
+ // Glava
+ echo '<header>';
+ $dc->displayHeader();
+ echo '</header>';
+ // Vsebina strani
+ global $aai_instalacija;
+ echo '<div id="main">';
+ echo '<div class="main_content">';
+ $dc->displayMain();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Footer
+ echo '<footer>';
+ echo '<div class="footer_content">';
+ $dc->displayFooter();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</footer>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</body>';
+ /********** BODY - END **********/
+ echo '</html>';
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/simple/script/init.js b/frontend/simple/script/init.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f810e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/script/init.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+$(document).ready(function() {
diff --git a/frontend/simple/script/script.js b/frontend/simple/script/script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff91482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/simple/script/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+function CookieAlertSubmit (form) {
+ $("#kuki").dialog({
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ "DA, Nadaljuj s prijavo": function() {
+ $(this).dialog( "close" );
+ $('#' + form).submit();
+ },
+ "Ne": function() {
+ $(this).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function CookieAlertFB () {
+ $("#kuki").dialog({
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ "DA, Nadaljuj s prijavo": function() {
+ $(this).dialog( "close" );
+ document.location.href='../api/fb_login.php';
+ },
+ "Ne": function() {
+ $(this).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function LostPassword(alert_text) {
+ var email = document.getElementById('em').value;
+ if (email === '') {
+ alert(alert_text);
+ }
+ else {
+ var lang_param = '';
+ var lang_id = $('input[name="lang_id"]').val();
+ if(lang_id == '1' || lang_id == '2'){
+ lang_param = '&lang_id=' + lang_id;
+ }
+ document.location.href = '../api/api.php?action=reset_password&email=' + email + lang_param;
+ }
+// function CheckEmailFP() {
+// var Email = document.getElementById('em');
+// console.log(Email.value);
+// if ('@') == -1 || Email.indexOf('.') == -1)
+// alert ('Prosimo, popravite email');
+// }
+// Posljemo zahtevo za izbris (iz simple frontenda)
+function sendGDPRRequest(){
+ var form_serialize = $("#gdpr").serializeArray();
+ $.ajax({
+ url : '../../utils/gdpr_request.php',
+ type: "POST",
+ data : form_serialize,
+ success:function(response){
+ $("#gdpr_holder").load('frontend/simple/ajax.php?a=gdpr_request_send', {json: JSON.parse(response)});
+ }
+ });
+function switchLoginRegistration(clicked_tab){
+ if($(clicked_tab).hasClass('active'))
+ return;
+ $("#registration_holder").toggle('fast');
+ $("#login_holder").toggle('fast');
+ $(".tab").toggleClass('active');