#include "RendererSectionData.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_inverse.hpp>
#include <optick.h>
#include "World.hpp"
inline const BlockId& GetBlockId(const Vector& pos, const std::array<BlockId, 4096> &blockIdData) {
return blockIdData[pos.y * 256 + pos.z * 16 + pos.x];
inline const BlockId& GetBlockId(int x, int y, int z, const std::array<BlockId, 4096> &blockIdData) {
return blockIdData[y * 256 + z * 16 + x];
glm::vec2 TransformTextureCoord(glm::vec4 TextureAtlasCoords, glm::vec2 UvCoords, float frames) {
float x = TextureAtlasCoords.x;
float y = TextureAtlasCoords.y;
float w = TextureAtlasCoords.z;
float h = TextureAtlasCoords.w / frames;
glm::vec2 transformed = glm::vec2(x, 1 - y - h) + UvCoords * glm::vec2(w, h);
return transformed;
//Maps [0.0, 0.5] range to [0.0, 1.0]
float MapNeg(float x) {
float y = x * 2.0f;
return glm::clamp(y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
//Maps [0.5, 1.0] range to [0.0, 1.0]
float MapPos(float x) {
float y = (x * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
return glm::clamp(y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float InterpolateBlockLightness(const BlockLightness& light, const glm::vec3 &point) {
float xNeg = MapNeg(point.x);
float xPos = MapPos(point.x);
float xNegLight = glm::mix(light.face[FaceDirection::east], light.self, xNeg);
float xPosLight = glm::mix(light.self, light.face[FaceDirection::west], xPos);
float xLight = (glm::max)(xNegLight, xPosLight);
float yNeg = MapNeg(point.y);
float yPos = MapPos(point.y);
float yNegLight = glm::mix(light.face[FaceDirection::down], light.self, yNeg);
float yPosLight = glm::mix(light.self, light.face[FaceDirection::up], yPos);
float yLight = (glm::max)(yNegLight, yPosLight);
float zNeg = MapNeg(point.z);
float zPos = MapPos(point.z);
float zNegLight = glm::mix(light.face[FaceDirection::south], light.self, zNeg);
float zPosLight = glm::mix(light.self, light.face[FaceDirection::north], zPos);
float zLight = (glm::max)(zNegLight, zPosLight);
return (glm::max)(xLight, (glm::max)(yLight, zLight));
void AddFacesByBlockModel(RendererSectionData& data, const BlockFaces& model, const glm::mat4& transform, bool visibility[FaceDirection::none], const Vector &pos, const SectionsData §ions, bool smoothLighting) {
glm::vec3 absPos = (sections.data[1][1][1].GetPosition() * 16).glm();
for (const auto& face : model.faces) {
if (face.visibility != FaceDirection::none) {
FaceDirection direction = face.visibility;
Vector directionVec = model.faceDirectionVector[direction];
FaceDirection faceDirection = FaceDirection::none;
for (int i = 0; i < FaceDirection::none; i++) {
if (FaceDirectionVector[i] == directionVec) {
faceDirection = FaceDirection(i);
if (faceDirection == FaceDirection::none)
if (visibility[faceDirection])
VertexData& vertexData = data.vertices.back();
glm::mat4 transformed = transform * model.transform * face.transform;
vertexData.positions[0] = transformed * glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
vertexData.positions[1] = transformed * glm::vec4(0, 0, 1, 1);
vertexData.positions[2] = transformed * glm::vec4(1, 0, 1, 1);
vertexData.positions[3] = transformed * glm::vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);
glm::vec3 normal = glm::cross(vertexData.positions[1] - vertexData.positions[0], vertexData.positions[3] - vertexData.positions[0]);
vertexData.normal = glm::normalize(normal);
vertexData.uvs[0] = TransformTextureCoord(face.texture, glm::vec2(0, 0), face.frames);
vertexData.uvs[1] = TransformTextureCoord(face.texture, glm::vec2(1, 0), face.frames);
vertexData.uvs[2] = TransformTextureCoord(face.texture, glm::vec2(1, 1), face.frames);
vertexData.uvs[3] = TransformTextureCoord(face.texture, glm::vec2(0, 1), face.frames);
vertexData.layerAnimationAo.r = face.layer;
vertexData.layerAnimationAo.g = face.frames;
vertexData.colors = face.color;
if (smoothLighting) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
glm::vec3 baseLightPos = vertexData.positions[i] - absPos;
glm::vec3 lightPos = baseLightPos + normal * 0.5f;
glm::ivec3 basePos = glm::trunc(lightPos);
BlockLightness light = sections.GetLight(Vector(basePos.x, basePos.y, basePos.z));
BlockLightness skyLight = sections.GetSkyLight(Vector(basePos.x, basePos.y, basePos.z));
vertexData.lights[i].x = InterpolateBlockLightness(light, lightPos - glm::vec3(basePos));
vertexData.lights[i].y = InterpolateBlockLightness(skyLight, lightPos - glm::vec3(basePos));
} else {
BlockLightness light = sections.GetLight(pos);
BlockLightness skyLight = sections.GetSkyLight(pos);
glm::vec2 lightness;
lightness.x = face.visibility != FaceDirection::none ? light.face[face.visibility] : light.self;
lightness.x = (glm::max)(lightness.x, static_cast<float>(light.self));
lightness.y = face.visibility != FaceDirection::none ? skyLight.face[face.visibility] : skyLight.self;
lightness.y = (glm::max)(lightness.y, static_cast<float>(skyLight.self));
vertexData.lights[0] = lightness;
vertexData.lights[1] = lightness;
vertexData.lights[2] = lightness;
vertexData.lights[3] = lightness;
vertexData.layerAnimationAo.b = model.ambientOcclusion ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
BlockFaces *GetInternalBlockModel(const BlockId& id, std::vector<std::pair<BlockId, BlockFaces*>> &idModels) {
for (const auto& it : idModels) {
if (it.first == id)
return it.second;
idModels.push_back(std::make_pair(id, &AssetManager::GetBlockModelByBlockId(id)));
return idModels.back().second;
std::array<bool[FaceDirection::none], 4096> GetBlockVisibilityData(const SectionsData §ions, const std::array<BlockId, 4096> &blockIdData, std::vector<std::pair<BlockId, BlockFaces*>> &idModels) {
std::array<bool[FaceDirection::none], 4096> arr;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
unsigned char value = 0;
Vector vec(x, y, z);
BlockId blockIdDown = sections.GetBlockId(vec + FaceDirectionVector[FaceDirection::down]);
BlockId blockIdUp = sections.GetBlockId(vec + FaceDirectionVector[FaceDirection::up]);
BlockId blockIdNorth = sections.GetBlockId(vec + FaceDirectionVector[FaceDirection::north]);
BlockId blockIdSouth = sections.GetBlockId(vec + FaceDirectionVector[FaceDirection::south]);
BlockId blockIdWest = sections.GetBlockId(vec + FaceDirectionVector[FaceDirection::west]);
BlockId blockIdEast = sections.GetBlockId(vec + FaceDirectionVector[FaceDirection::east]);
auto blockModelDown = GetInternalBlockModel(blockIdDown, idModels);
auto blockModelUp = GetInternalBlockModel(blockIdUp, idModels);
auto blockModelNorth = GetInternalBlockModel(blockIdNorth, idModels);
auto blockModelSouth = GetInternalBlockModel(blockIdSouth, idModels);
auto blockModelWest = GetInternalBlockModel(blockIdWest, idModels);
auto blockModelEast = GetInternalBlockModel(blockIdEast, idModels);
arr[y * 256 + z * 16 + x][FaceDirection::down] = blockIdDown.id != 0 && !blockModelDown->faces.empty() && blockModelDown->isBlock;
arr[y * 256 + z * 16 + x][FaceDirection::up] = blockIdUp.id != 0 && !blockModelUp->faces.empty() && blockModelUp->isBlock;
arr[y * 256 + z * 16 + x][FaceDirection::north] = blockIdNorth.id != 0 && !blockModelNorth->faces.empty() && blockModelNorth->isBlock;
arr[y * 256 + z * 16 + x][FaceDirection::south] = blockIdSouth.id != 0 && !blockModelSouth->faces.empty() && blockModelSouth->isBlock;
arr[y * 256 + z * 16 + x][FaceDirection::west] = blockIdWest.id != 0 && !blockModelWest->faces.empty() && blockModelWest->isBlock;
arr[y * 256 + z * 16 + x][FaceDirection::east] = blockIdEast.id != 0 && !blockModelEast->faces.empty() && blockModelEast->isBlock;
return arr;
std::array<BlockId, 4096> SetBlockIdData(const SectionsData §ions) {
std::array<BlockId, 4096> blockIdData;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
blockIdData[y * 256 + z * 16 + x] = sections.data[1][1][1].GetBlockId(Vector(x, y, z));
return blockIdData;
RendererSectionData ParseSection(const SectionsData §ions, bool smoothLighting) {
RendererSectionData data;
std::vector<std::pair<BlockId, BlockFaces*>> idModels;
std::array<BlockId, 4096> blockIdData = SetBlockIdData(sections);
std::array<bool[FaceDirection::none], 4096> blockVisibility = GetBlockVisibilityData(sections, blockIdData, idModels);
std::string textureName;
data.hash = sections.data[1][1][1].GetHash();
data.sectionPos = sections.data[1][1][1].GetPosition();
glm::mat4 baseOffset = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0), (sections.data[1][1][1].GetPosition() * 16).glm()), transform;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
BlockId block = GetBlockId(x, y, z, blockIdData);
if (block.id == 0)
Vector vec(x, y, z);
transform = glm::translate(baseOffset, vec.glm());
BlockFaces *model = GetInternalBlockModel(block, idModels);
AddFacesByBlockModel(data, *model, transform, blockVisibility[y * 256 + z * 16 + x], vec, sections, smoothLighting);
return data;
BlockId SectionsData::GetBlockId(const Vector &pos) const {
Vector sectionPos = pos;
return GetSection(sectionPos).GetBlockId(sectionPos);
BlockLightness SectionsData::GetLight(const Vector& pos) const {
BlockLightness lightness;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= FaceDirection::none; i++) {
Vector vec = pos + FaceDirectionVector[i];
uint8_t dirValue = GetSection(vec).GetBlockLight(vec);
if (i == FaceDirection::none)
lightness.self = dirValue;
lightness.face[i] = dirValue;
return lightness;
BlockLightness SectionsData::GetSkyLight(const Vector &pos) const {
BlockLightness lightness;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= FaceDirection::none; i++) {
Vector vec = pos + FaceDirectionVector[i];
uint8_t dirValue = GetSection(vec).GetBlockSkyLight(vec);
if (i == FaceDirection::none)
lightness.self = dirValue;
lightness.face[i] = dirValue;
return lightness;