path: root/private/mvdm/tools16/cl.msg
blob: 3da879b1718abc69e836c816d07dd6b53c56be4c (plain) (tree)

/AS small model (default)
/AC compact model
/AM medium model
/AL large model
/AH huge model
/AT tiny model (.COM files)
/O enable optimization (same as /Ot)
/Oa ignore aliasing
/Od disable optimizations
/Oe enable registers allocations
/Og enable global optimization
/Oi enable intrinsic functions
/Ol enable loop optimizations
/On disable "unsafe" optimizations
/Op enable precision optimizations
/Or disable in_line return
/Os optimize for space
/Ot optimize for speed (default)
/Ow assume aliasing in function calls
/Ox max. optimization (/Oegilt /Gs)
/G0 8086 instructions (default)
/G1  186 instructions
/G2  286 instructions
/Gm put strings in constant segment
/Gc Pascal style function calls
/Gr _fastcall type calls
/Gs no stack checking
/Gt[number] data size threshold
/Gw Windows entry sequence
/Fa[assembly listing file]
/Fb[bound executable file]
/Fc[mixed source/object listing file]
/Fe<executable file>
/Fl[object listing file]
/Fm[map file]
/Fo<object file>
/Fr[source browser info file]
/FR[extended source browser info file]
/Fs[source listing file]
/C don't strip comments
/D<name>[=text] define macro
/E preprocess to stdout
/EP same as /E but no #line
/I<name> add #include path
/P preprocess to file
/U<name> remove predefined macro
/u remove all predefined macros
/X ignore "standard places"
/Za disable extensions
/Zd line number information
/Ze enable extensions (default)
/Zg generate declarations
/Zi symbolic debugging information
/Zl remove default library info
/Zp[n] pack structs on n-byte boundary
/Zs syntax check only
/FPa calls with altmath
/FPc calls with emulator
/FPc87 calls with 8087 library
/FPi inline with emulator (default)
/FPi87 inline with 8087
/Sl<columns> set line width
/Sp<lines> set page length
/St<string> set title string
/Ss<string> set subtitle string
/B[123]<pass> to invoke different C[123]
/c compile only, no link
/H<number> external name length
/J default char type is unsigned
/qc use quick compile feature
/Tc<file> compile file without .c
/V<string> set version string
/W<number> warning level
/MA<MASM switch>
/Ta<file> assemble file without .asm
/Fx[MASM's cross-reference file] 
/F <hex_number> stack size (hex. bytes)
/Lc link compatibility mode executable
/Lr link compatibility mode executable
/Lp link protect mode executable
/link [linker_options_and_libraries]
/ML link C runtime as part of DLL
/MD use C runtime as DLL
/MT support multi-thread