path: root/public/sdk/inc/ipexport.h
blob: bd8c8a2228de2f19f84724bdd99289ef687248a6 (plain) (tree)

/**                     Microsoft LAN Manager                      **/
/**               Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-1996          **/
/* :ts=4 */

//** IPEXPORT.H - IP public definitions.
//  This file contains public definitions exported to transport layer and
//  application software.



// IP type definitions.
typedef unsigned long   IPAddr;     // An IP address.
typedef unsigned long   IPMask;     // An IP subnet mask.
typedef unsigned long   IP_STATUS;  // Status code returned from IP APIs.


// The ip_option_information structure describes the options to be
// included in the header of an IP packet. The TTL, TOS, and Flags
// values are carried in specific fields in the header. The OptionsData
// bytes are carried in the options area following the standard IP header.
// With the exception of source route options, this data must be in the
// format to be transmitted on the wire as specified in RFC 791. A source
// route option should contain the full route - first hop thru final
// destination - in the route data. The first hop will be pulled out of the
// data and the option will be reformatted accordingly. Otherwise, the route
// option should be formatted as specified in RFC 791.
struct ip_option_information {
    unsigned char      Ttl;             // Time To Live
    unsigned char      Tos;             // Type Of Service
    unsigned char      Flags;           // IP header flags
    unsigned char      OptionsSize;     // Size in bytes of options data
    unsigned char FAR *OptionsData;     // Pointer to options data
}; /* ip_option_information */

// The icmp_echo_reply structure describes the data returned in response
// to an echo request.
struct icmp_echo_reply {
    IPAddr                         Address;         // Replying address
    unsigned long                  Status;          // Reply IP_STATUS
    unsigned long                  RoundTripTime;   // RTT in milliseconds
    unsigned short                 DataSize;        // Reply data size in bytes
    unsigned short                 Reserved;        // Reserved for system use
    void FAR                      *Data;            // Pointer to the reply data
    struct ip_option_information   Options;         // Reply options
}; /* icmp_echo_reply */


typedef struct ip_option_information IP_OPTION_INFORMATION,
                                     FAR *PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION;

typedef struct icmp_echo_reply ICMP_ECHO_REPLY,
                               FAR *PICMP_ECHO_REPLY;


// IP_STATUS codes returned from IP APIs

#define IP_STATUS_BASE              11000

#define IP_SUCCESS                  0
#define IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL            (IP_STATUS_BASE + 1)
#define IP_NO_RESOURCES             (IP_STATUS_BASE + 6)
#define IP_BAD_OPTION               (IP_STATUS_BASE + 7)
#define IP_HW_ERROR                 (IP_STATUS_BASE + 8)
#define IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG           (IP_STATUS_BASE + 9)
#define IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT            (IP_STATUS_BASE + 10)
#define IP_BAD_REQ                  (IP_STATUS_BASE + 11)
#define IP_BAD_ROUTE                (IP_STATUS_BASE + 12)
#define IP_PARAM_PROBLEM            (IP_STATUS_BASE + 15)
#define IP_SOURCE_QUENCH            (IP_STATUS_BASE + 16)
#define IP_OPTION_TOO_BIG           (IP_STATUS_BASE + 17)
#define IP_BAD_DESTINATION          (IP_STATUS_BASE + 18)

// The next group are status codes passed up on status indications to
// transport layer protocols.
#define IP_ADDR_DELETED             (IP_STATUS_BASE + 19)
#define IP_SPEC_MTU_CHANGE          (IP_STATUS_BASE + 20)
#define IP_MTU_CHANGE               (IP_STATUS_BASE + 21)
#define IP_UNLOAD                   (IP_STATUS_BASE + 22)
#define IP_ADDR_ADDED               (IP_STATUS_BASE + 23)

#define IP_GENERAL_FAILURE          (IP_STATUS_BASE + 50)
#define MAX_IP_STATUS               IP_GENERAL_FAILURE
#define IP_PENDING                  (IP_STATUS_BASE + 255)

// Values used in the IP header Flags field.
#define IP_FLAG_DF      0x2         // Don't fragment this packet.

// Supported IP Option Types.
// These types define the options which may be used in the OptionsData field
// of the ip_option_information structure.  See RFC 791 for a complete
// description of each.
#define IP_OPT_EOL      0          // End of list option
#define IP_OPT_NOP      1          // No operation
#define IP_OPT_SECURITY 0x82       // Security option
#define IP_OPT_LSRR     0x83       // Loose source route
#define IP_OPT_SSRR     0x89       // Strict source route
#define IP_OPT_RR       0x7        // Record route
#define IP_OPT_TS       0x44       // Timestamp
#define IP_OPT_SID      0x88       // Stream ID (obsolete)

#define MAX_OPT_SIZE    40         // Maximum length of IP options in bytes