path: root/public/sdk/inc/lmdfs.h
blob: f27e2e414eda67a630c5192a0137c4d60c28291e (plain) (tree)

/*++ BUILD Version: 0001    // Increment this if a change has global effects

Copyright (c) 1991-1995  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



    This file contains structures, function prototypes, and definitions
    for the NetDfs API


    User Mode - Win32


    You must include <windef.h> and <lmcons.h> before this file.


#ifndef _LMDFS_
#define _LMDFS_

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// DFS Volume state

#define DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OK            1
#define DFS_VOLUME_STATE_ONLINE        4

// DFS Storage State


// Path Type flags
#define DFS_PATH_NONDFS      1  // eg, d:\foo\bar or \\nwsrv1\vol, where neither is in a Dfs at all.
#define DFS_PATH_REDIRECTED  2  // eg, x:\foo\bar, where x:\ is a Dfs redirected drive
#define DFS_PATH_LOCAL       3  // eg, c:\foo\bar, where c:\foo\bar is in Dfs
#define DFS_PATH_UNC_IN_DFS  4  // eg, \\remote-server\share, where \\remote-server\share is in Dfs
#define DFS_PATH_UNIVERSAL   5  // eg, \\c_or_d\DFS\foo\bar

// Level 1:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_1 {
    LPWSTR  EntryPath;              // Dfs name for the top of this piece of storage

// Level 2:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_2 {
    LPWSTR  EntryPath;              // Dfs name for the top of this volume
    LPWSTR  Comment;                // Comment for this volume
    DWORD   State;                  // State of this volume, one of DFS_VOLUME_STATE_*
    DWORD   NumberOfStorages;       // Number of storages for this volume

typedef struct _DFS_STORAGE_INFO {
    ULONG   State;                  // State of this storage, one of DFS_STORAGE_STATE_*
    LPWSTR  ServerName;             // Name of server hosting this storage
    LPWSTR  ShareName;              // Name of share hosting this storage

// Level 3:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_3 {
    LPWSTR  EntryPath;              // Dfs name for the top of this volume
    LPWSTR  Comment;                // Comment for this volume
    DWORD   State;                  // State of this volume, one of DFS_VOLUME_STATE_*
    DWORD   NumberOfStorages;       // Number of storage servers for this volume
#ifdef MIDL_PASS
    [size_is(NumberOfStorages)] LPDFS_STORAGE_INFO Storage;
    LPDFS_STORAGE_INFO   Storage;   // An array (of NumberOfStorages elements) of storage-specific information.
#endif // MIDL_PASS

// Level 100:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_100 {
    LPWSTR  Comment;                // Comment for this volume or storage
} DFS_INFO_100, *PDFS_INFO_100, *LPDFS_INFO_100;

// Level 101:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_101 {
    DWORD   State;                  // State of this storage, one of DFS_STORAGE_STATE_*
} DFS_INFO_101, *PDFS_INFO_101, *LPDFS_INFO_101;

// Level 200:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_200 {
    DWORD PathType;             // Type of path, see DFS_PATH_XXX flags
} DFS_INFO_200, *PDFS_INFO_200, *LPDFS_INFO_200;

// Level 201:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_201 {
    DWORD  PathType;            // Type of path, see DFS_PATH_XXX flags
    LPWSTR DfsUniversalPath;    // Dfs Universal Path of input path,
                                //   of the form \\DfsName\dfs\...  Only
                                //   valid if PathType != DFS_PATH_NONDFS
} DFS_INFO_201, *PDFS_INFO_201, *LPDFS_INFO_201;

// Level 202:
typedef struct _DFS_INFO_202 {
    DWORD  PathType;            // Type of path, see DFS_PATH_XXX flags
    LPWSTR DfsUniversalPath;    // Dfs Universal Path of input path,
                                //   of the form \\DfsName\dfs\...  Only
                                //   valid if PathType != DFS_PATH_NONDFS
    DWORD  EntryPathLen;        // Length of entry path portion of DfsUniversalPath. Only
                                //   valid if PathType != DFS_PATH_NONDFS
} DFS_INFO_202, *PDFS_INFO_202, *LPDFS_INFO_202;

// Add a new volume or additional storage for an existing volume at
// DfsEntryPath.
    IN  LPWSTR DfsEntryPath,        // DFS entry path for this added volume or storage
    IN  LPWSTR ServerName,          // Name of server hosting the storage
    IN  LPWSTR ShareName,           // Existing share name for the storage
    IN  LPWSTR Comment OPTIONAL,    // Optional comment for this volume or storage
    IN  DWORD  Flags                // See below. Zero for no flags.

// Flags:
#define DFS_ADD_VOLUME  1           // Add a new volume to the DFS if not already there

// Remove a volume or additional storage for volume from the Dfs at
// DfsEntryPath. When applied to the last storage in a volume, removes
// the volume from the DFS.
    IN  LPWSTR  DfsEntryPath,       // DFS entry path for this added volume or storage
    IN  LPWSTR  ServerName,         // Name of server hosting the storage
    IN  LPWSTR  ShareName           // Name of share hosting the storage

// Get information about all of the volumes in the Dfs. DfsName is
// the "server" part of the UNC name used to refer to this particular Dfs.
// Valid levels are 1-3.
    IN      LPWSTR  DfsName,        // Name of the Dfs for enumeration
    IN      DWORD   Level,          // Level of information requested
    IN      DWORD   PrefMaxLen,     // Advisory, but -1 means "get it all"
    OUT     LPBYTE* Buffer,         // API allocates and returns buffer with requested info
    OUT     LPDWORD EntriesRead,    // Number of entries returned
    IN OUT  LPDWORD ResumeHandle    // Must be 0 on first call, reused on subsequent calls

// Get information about the volume or storage.
// If ServerName and ShareName are specified, the information returned
// is specific to that server and share, else the information is specific
// to the volume as a whole.
// Valid levels are 1-3, 100-101.
    IN  LPWSTR  DfsEntryPath,       // DFS entry path for the volume
    IN  LPWSTR  ServerName OPTIONAL,// Name of server hosting a storage
    IN  LPWSTR  ShareName OPTIONAL, // Name of share on server serving the volume
    IN  DWORD   Level,              // Level of information requested
    OUT LPBYTE* Buffer              // API allocates and returns buffer with requested info

// Get information about the path.
// Valid levels are 200-202.
    IN  LPWSTR  Path,               // Win32 path
    IN  DWORD   Level,              // Level of information requested
    OUT LPBYTE* Buffer              // API allocates and returns buffer with requested info

// Set info about the volume or storage.
// If ServerName and ShareName are specified, the information set is
// specific to that server and share, else the information is specific
// to the volume as a whole.
// Valid levels are 100 and 101.
    IN  LPWSTR  DfsEntryPath,           // DFS entry path for the volume
    IN  LPWSTR  ServerName OPTIONAL,    // Name of server hosting a storage
    IN  LPWSTR  ShareName OPTIONAL,     // Name of share hosting a storage
    IN  DWORD   Level,                  // Level of information to be set
    IN  LPBYTE  Buffer                  // Buffer holding information

// Move a DFS volume and all subordinate volumes from one place in the
// DFS to another place in the DFS.
    IN  LPWSTR  DfsEntryPath,           // Current DFS entry path for this volume
    IN  LPWSTR  DfsNewEntryPath         // New DFS entry path for this volume

    IN  LPWSTR  Path,                   // Current Win32 path in a Dfs
    IN  LPWSTR  NewPath                 // New Win32 path in the same Dfs

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _LMDFS_