path: root/private/mvdm/v86/scaffold/i386/xbiosdsk.h
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authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/mvdm/v86/scaffold/i386/xbiosdsk.h
Diffstat (limited to 'private/mvdm/v86/scaffold/i386/xbiosdsk.h')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/mvdm/v86/scaffold/i386/xbiosdsk.h b/private/mvdm/v86/scaffold/i386/xbiosdsk.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecfa6540b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/v86/scaffold/i386/xbiosdsk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// This code is temporary. When Insignia supplies rom support, it should
+// be removed.
+/* x86 v1.0
+ *
+ * Guest ROM BIOS disk emulation
+ *
+ * History
+ * Created 20-Oct-90 by Jeff Parsons
+ * 17-Apr-91 Trimmed by Dave Hastings for use in temp. softpc
+ *
+ * This source file may not be distributed, modified or incorporated into
+ * another product without prior approval from the author, Jeff Parsons.
+ * This file may be copied to designated servers and machines authorized to
+ * access those servers, but that does not imply any form of approval.
+ */
+#define MAX_FD 2 // # supported floppy drives
+#define MAX_HD 2 // # supported hard disk drives
+#define DRIVE_FD0 0x00 // first floppy disk drive #
+#define DRIVE_FD1 0x01 //
+#define DRIVE_HD0 0x80 // first hard disk drive #
+#define DRIVE_HD1 0x81 //
+/* Drive types for QUERYDRVPARMS
+ */
+#define DRVTYPE_360KB 1
+#define DRVTYPE_1200KB 2
+#define DRVTYPE_720KB 3
+#define DRVTYPE_1440KB 4
+/* BIOS disk functions
+ */
+/* BIOS disk status codes
+ */
+#define DSKSTAT_SUCCESS 0x00 // successful completion
+#define DSKSTAT_BADCMD 0x01 // bad command
+#define DSKSTAT_BADADDRMARK 0x02 // address mark not found
+#define DSKSTAT_WRITEPROTECT 0x03 // write on write-protected disk
+#define DSKSTAT_RECNOTFOUND 0x04 // sector not found
+#define DSKSTAT_BADRESET 0x05 // reset failed (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_MEDIACHANGE 0x06 // media changed
+#define DSKSTAT_INITFAIL 0x07 // parm. act. failed (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_BADDMA 0x08 // DMA overrun
+#define DSKSTAT_DMABOUNDARY 0x09 // DMA across 64K boundary
+#define DSKSTAT_BADSECTOR 0x0A // bad sector detected (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_BADTRACK 0x0B // bad track detected (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_BADMEDIATYPE 0x0C // unsupported track (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_BADFMTSECNUM 0x0D // bad # of sectors on format (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_ADDRMARKDET 0x0E // ctrl data addr mark detected (HD
+#define DSKSTAT_DMAARBERR 0x0F // DMA arbitration error (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_BADCRCECC 0x10 // bad CRC/ECC
+#define DSKSTAT_DATACORRECT 0x11 // data ECC corrected
+#define DSKSTAT_BADCNTLR 0x20 // controller failure
+#define DSKSTAT_BADSEEK 0x40 // seek failed
+#define DSKSTAT_TIMEOUT 0x80 // time out
+#define DSKSTAT_DRVNOTREADY 0xAA // drive not ready (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_UNDEFERR 0xBB // undefined error (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_WRITEFAULT 0xCC // write fault (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_STATUSERROR 0xE0 // status register error (HD)
+#define DSKSTAT_SENSEFAIL 0xFF // sense operation failed (HD)
+/* BIOS Data Area disk locations
+ */
+#define DSKDATA_SEEKSTATUS 0x43E // drive recal. status (1 byte)
+#define DSKDATA_MOTORSTATUS 0x43F // motor status (1 byte)
+#define DSKDATA_MOTORCOUNT 0x440 // time-out count for motor (1 byte)
+#define DSKDATA_DISKETTESTATUS 0x441 // return code status (1 byte)
+#define DSKDATA_NECSTATUS 0x442 // controller status bytes (7 bytes)
+#define DSKDATA_DISKSTATUS1 0x474 // return code status (1 byte)
+/* Floppy Diskette Parameter Table
+ * (pointed by vector BIOSINT_FDSKPARMS (1Eh))
+ */
+typedef struct fdp_s {
+ BYTE bSpecify1; // step-rate, head-unload
+ BYTE bSpecify2; // head-load, DMA mode
+ BYTE bMotorOff; // motor-off delay
+ BYTE bSectorSize; // bytes/sec (0=128,1=256,2=512,3=1024)
+ BYTE nLastSector; // (or think of it as # sectors/track)
+ BYTE lenGapRW; //
+ BYTE lenData; //
+ BYTE lenGapFormat; //
+ BYTE bFormatData; // format initialization byte
+ BYTE bSettle; // head settle time
+ BYTE bMotorOn; // motor start-up time
+} FDP;
+typedef FDP *PFDP; // pointer to diskette parameter table
+/* Hard Disk Parameter Table
+ */
+typedef struct hdp_s {
+ USHORT usMaxCylinders; // maximum number of cylinders
+ BYTE bMaxHeads; // maximum number of heads
+ USHORT usReserve1; // reserved (not used)
+ USHORT usWritePrecompCyl; // starting write precompensation cyl.
+ BYTE bMaxECCDataBurstLen; // maximum ECC data burst length
+ BYTE bControl; // control byte
+ BYTE abReserve2[3]; // reserved (not used)
+ USHORT usLandingZone; // landing zone for head parking
+ BYTE bSectorsPerTrack; // number of sectors per track
+ BYTE bReserve3; // reserved for future use
+} HDP;
+typedef HDP *PHDP; // pointer to hard disk parameter table
+/* Hard Disk Parameter Table control byte bit definitions
+ */
+#define HDPCTRL_DISABLERETRY 0xC0 // disable retries
+#define HDPCTRL_EXCEED8HEADS 0x08 // more than 8 heads
+/* Boot sector structures (more DOS-defined than BIOS-defined however -JTP)
+ */
+#define PARTITION_ACTIVE 0x80 // status values
+#define PARTITION_12BITFAT 1 // type valus
+typedef struct mbr_s { // Master Boot Record
+ BYTE boot_code[0x1BE];
+ BYTE partition_status;
+ BYTE starting_head;
+ USHORT starting_sec_cyl;
+ BYTE partition_type;
+ BYTE ending_head;
+ USHORT ending_sec_cyl;
+ ULONG starting_abs_sector;
+ ULONG total_sectors;
+} MBR;
+typedef MBR *PMBR;
+typedef struct bpb_s { // BIOS Parameter Block (from sysbloks.h)
+ BYTE boot_code[0x0B];
+ USHORT bytes_per_sector; // sector size
+ BYTE sectors_per_cluster; // sectors per allocation unit
+ USHORT reserved_sectors; // number of reserved sectors
+ BYTE nbr_fats; // number of fats
+ USHORT root_entries; // number of directory entries
+ USHORT total_sectors; // number of sectors
+ BYTE media_type; // fatid byte
+ USHORT sectors_per_fat; // sectors in a copy of the FAT
+ USHORT sectors_per_track; // number of sectors per track
+ USHORT number_of_heads; // number of heads
+ ULONG hidden_sectors; // number of hidden sectors
+ ULONG large_total_sectors; // large total sectors
+ BYTE reserved[6]; // 6 reserved bytes
+} BPB;
+typedef BPB *PBPB;
+/* Virtual disk mapping info
+ *
+ * VIRTDISK is the header of a virtual disk file. Following the header
+ * is an optional track table, and TRACKINFO is the format of each entry
+ * in that table. The track table is only present if the last two
+ * fields in the header (nsecTrack and nbSector) are zero, indicating a
+ * non-homogeneous disk structure.
+ *
+ * Currently, a max of 4 DRIVEMAP structures are supported. The first two
+ * entries are for physical drives 0 and 1 (specified in the command-line
+ * options as drives A: and B:), and subsequent entries are for physical
+ * hard drives 0x80 and up (specified as drives C: and up). Each DRIVEMAP
+ * describes the remapping that should occur, if any, and for virtual disk
+ * files, it also contains the virtual disk file header (which is read in
+ * during initialization).
+ *
+ * When a request comes in for one of those drives, we check the flags in
+ * corresponding DRIVEMAP structure. If no flags are set, no remapping
+ * or virtualization occurs (drive behaves normally). This is the default.
+ * If the drive is disabled (eg, "A:=*"), then all requests are returned
+ * with an error. If the drive is remapped to another physical drive (eg,
+ * "A:=B:") then the request is routed to the mapped drive. Finally, if
+ * the drive is remapped to a virtual disk file, the appropriate file I/O
+ * is performed.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Contrary to comments above, access to physical drives is not
+ * currently supported, so mapping to a virtual drive is all you can do
+ * right now.... (24-Nov-90 JTP)
+ */
+#define VDFLAGS_WRITEPROTECT 0x01 // virtual disk is "write-protected"
+typedef struct virtdisk_s {
+ BYTE fbVirt; // flags
+ BYTE nHeads; // # heads
+ USHORT nCyls; // # cylinders
+ USHORT nsecTrack; // # sectors per track
+ USHORT nbSector; // # bytes per sector
+typedef struct trackinfo_s {
+ USHORT nsecTrack; // # sectors per track
+ USHORT nbSector; // # bytes per sector
+ ULONG offVirtDisk; // offset within virtual disk file
+#define DMFLAGS_VIRTUAL 0x01 // physical remapped to virtual
+#define DMFLAGS_DISABLED 0x02 // physical remapped to disabled
+#define DMFLAGS_PHYSICAL 0x04 // physical remapped to physical
+#define DMFLAGS_LOGICAL 0x08 // physical remapped to logical
+typedef struct drivemap_s {
+ BYTE fbMap; // flags
+ BYTE iPhysical; // # of remapped drive, if any
+ FILE *hfVirtDisk; // handle to virtual disk, if any
+ VIRTDISK vdInfo; // virtual disk info, if any
+ ULONG nsecHidden; // from BPB, if any (logical disks only)
+ BYTE type; // disk type, if any (logical disks only)
+ #endif