path: root/private/mvdm/wow16/write/clipbord.c
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authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/mvdm/wow16/write/clipbord.c
Diffstat (limited to 'private/mvdm/wow16/write/clipbord.c')
1 files changed, 887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/mvdm/wow16/write/clipbord.c b/private/mvdm/wow16/write/clipbord.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e47a18d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/wow16/write/clipbord.c
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+/* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */
+/* clipbord.c -- Cut/Paste to clipboard */
+#define NOMENUS
+#define NOCTLMGR
+#define NOFONT
+#define NOPEN
+#define NOBRUSH
+#define NOSCROLL
+#define NOCOMM
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "mw.h"
+#include "docdefs.h"
+#include "cmddefs.h"
+#include "str.h"
+#include "propdefs.h"
+#include "editdefs.h"
+#include "winddefs.h"
+#include "filedefs.h"
+#include "wwdefs.h"
+#include "prmdefs.h"
+#if defined(OLE)
+#include "obj.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+extern struct SEL selCur; /* Current selection (i.e., sel in current ww */
+extern int docCur; /* Document in current ww */
+extern int docUndo;
+extern int docScrap;
+extern int vfSeeSel;
+extern struct DOD (**hpdocdod)[];
+extern struct PAP vpapAbs;
+extern typeCP vcpLimParaCache;
+extern typeCP vcpFirstParaCache;
+extern int vfPictSel;
+extern HCURSOR vhcIBeam;
+extern int vfScrapIsPic;
+extern struct UAB vuab;
+extern int ferror;
+extern struct FCB (**hpfnfcb)[];
+extern struct WWD rgwwd[];
+#if defined(OLE)
+int NEAR PASCAL CopyScrapToTmp(void);
+ /* fn we created during the last non-local cut of MEMO rich text */
+int fnLastCut=fnNil;
+ /* Local communication between ChangeClipboard() and MdocDestroyClip() */
+int fDontDestroyClip=FALSE;
+FMdocClipboardMsg( message, wParam, lParam )
+unsigned message;
+WORD wParam;
+LONG lParam;
+{ /* Process WRITE clipboard messages sent to MdocWndproc.
+ return TRUE if a message was processed, FALSE otherwise */
+ switch (message)
+ {
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ /*-------DATA INTERCHANGE COMMANDS-----------*/
+ case WM_CUT:
+ fnCutEdit();
+ break;
+ case WM_COPY:
+ fnCopyEdit();
+ break;
+ case WM_PASTE:
+#if defined(OLE)
+ vbObjLinkOnly = FALSE;
+ fnPasteEdit();
+ break;
+ case WM_CLEAR:
+ fnClearEdit(OBJ_DELETING);
+ break;
+ case WM_UNDO:
+ fnUndoEdit();
+ break;
+ /*---------------CLIPBOARD INTERACTION-------------*/
+ /* A notification that we are about to lose the ownership
+ of the clipboard. We should free any resources that are
+ holding the contents of the clipboard */
+ MdocDestroyClip();
+ break;
+ /* A request to render the contents of the clipboard
+ in the data format specified. Reception of this message
+ implies that the receiver is the current owner of the
+ clipboard. See clipbord.c */
+ MdocRenderFormat( wParam );
+ break;
+ /*-------CLIPBOARD DISPLAY---------------------*/
+ /* A request to paint the clipboard contents.
+ wParam is a handle to the clipboard window
+ LOWORD( lParam ) is a handle to a PAINTSTRUCT giving
+ a DC and RECT for the area to repaint */
+ MdocPaintClipboard( wParam, LOWORD(lParam) );
+ break;
+ /* A request to vertically scroll the clipboard contents.
+ wParam is a handle to the clipboard window
+ LOWORD( lParam ) is the scroll type (SB_)
+ HIWORD( lParam ) is the new thumb position (if needed) */
+ MdocVscrollClipboard( wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam) );
+ break;
+ /* A request to horizontally scroll the clipboard contents.
+ wParam is a handle to the clipboard window
+ LOWORD( lParam ) is the scroll type (SB_)
+ HIWORD( lParam ) is the new thumb position (if needed) */
+ MdocHscrollClipboard( wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam) );
+ break;
+ /* A notification that the clipboard window is being re-sized.
+ wParam is a handle to the clipboard window
+ LOWORD(lParam) is a handle to a RECT giving the new size */
+ MdocSizeClipboard( wParam, LOWORD(lParam) );
+ break;
+ /* A request for the name of the CF_OWNERDISPLAY clip format.
+ wParam is the max. # of chars to store (including terminator)
+ lParam is a long pointer to a buffer in which to store the name */
+ MdocAskCBFormatName( (LPCH) lParam, wParam );
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+{ /* COPY command: copy selection to clipboard */
+ extern int vfOwnClipboard;
+ typeCP cpFirst;
+ typeCP dcp;
+ StartLongOp();
+ cpFirst = selCur.cpFirst;
+ SetUndo( uacReplScrap, docCur, cpFirst, dcp = selCur.cpLim - cpFirst,
+ docNil, cpNil, cp0, 0);
+ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoEdit);
+ ClobberDoc(docScrap, docCur, cpFirst, dcp);
+#ifdef DCLIP
+ {
+ char rgch[100];
+ wsprintf(rgch,"fnCopyEdit: cpFirst %lu, dcp %lu \n\r", cpFirst, dcp);
+ CommSz(rgch);
+ }
+ if (ferror)
+ NoUndo();
+ else
+ {
+ if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader || wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter)
+ MakeScrapUnRunning();
+ vfScrapIsPic = vfPictSel;
+ }
+#ifdef STYLES
+(**hpdocdod)[docScrap].docSsht = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].docSsht;
+#if defined(OLE)
+ ObjEnumInDoc(docScrap,ObjCloneObjectInDoc);
+ChangeClipboard(); /* Force repaint of clipboard display & Set ownership */
+ EndLongOp(vhcIBeam);
+{ /* If the 1st para of docScrap is a running head,
+ apply a sprm to the whole of docScrap that gives it an rhc code of 0.
+ This is to avoid pasting running head stuff into the main part of a doc */
+ CHAR rgb [2];
+ typeCP cpMacScrap = (**hpdocdod) [docScrap].cpMac;
+ if (cpMacScrap != cp0 )
+ {
+ CachePara( docScrap, cp0 );
+ if (vpapAbs.rhc != 0)
+ {
+ rgb [0] = sprmPRhc;
+ rgb [1] = 0;
+ AddSprmCps( rgb, docScrap, cp0, cpMacScrap );
+ }
+ }
+{ /* CUT command: copy selection to clipboard & delete it */
+ extern int vfOwnClipboard;
+ typeCP cpFirst, cpLim, dcp;
+ ClearInsertLine(); /* Since we will be affecting cp's */
+ if (!FWriteOk( fwcDelete ))
+ /* Not OK to write on this doc */
+ return;
+ cpFirst = selCur.cpFirst;
+ cpLim = selCur.cpLim;
+ if (!ObjDeletionOK(OBJ_CUTTING))
+ return;
+ StartLongOp();
+ SetUndo( uacDelScrap, docCur, cpFirst, dcp = cpLim - cpFirst, docNil,
+ cpNil, cp0, 0);
+ ClobberDoc(docScrap, docCur, cpFirst, dcp);
+ if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader || wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter)
+ MakeScrapUnRunning();
+ if (!ferror) /* Don't stomp document if Clobber Doc failed */
+ {
+ if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader || wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter)
+ MakeScrapUnRunning();
+ Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0);
+ }
+ NoUndo(); /* undo would be invalid */
+#ifdef STYLES
+(**hpdocdod)[docScrap].docSsht = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].docSsht;
+ vfScrapIsPic = vfPictSel;
+ vfPictSel = false;
+ ChangeClipboard(); /* Force repaint of clipboard display, get ownership */
+#if 0
+#if defined(OLE)
+ ObjEnumInDoc(docScrap,ObjCloneObjectInDoc);
+ EndLongOp(vhcIBeam);
+ /* PASTE command: replace selection with clipboard contents */
+ extern CHAR szDocClass[];
+ extern int vfScrapIsPic;
+ extern HWND vhWnd;
+ HWND hWndClipOwner;
+ int fUnFormattedText = FALSE;
+ typeCP cpFirst = selCur.cpFirst;
+ BOOL bClearScrap=FALSE;
+ StartLongOp();
+ if ( (hWndClipOwner = GetClipboardOwner()) != vhWnd )
+ { /* Clipboard owner is not this instance of memo */
+ if ( (hWndClipOwner == NULL) ||
+ !FSameClassHwndSz( hWndClipOwner, szDocClass ))
+ { /* Clipboard owner is not MEMO -- process standard CF_ formats */
+ if ( !FReadExtScrap() )
+ goto PasteErr;
+ bClearScrap = TRUE;
+ fUnFormattedText = !vfScrapIsPic;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Clipboard owner is another instance of MEMO */
+ if (!FGrabExtMemoScrap())
+ goto PasteErr;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Replace the selection with the scrap document */
+ CmdInsScrap( fUnFormattedText );
+ if (ferror)
+ goto PasteErr;
+#if defined(OLE)
+ if (!bClearScrap) // then we're keeping scrap, need to clone
+ {
+ if (ObjEnumInDoc(docScrap,ObjCloneObjectInDoc) < 0)
+ goto PasteErr;
+ }
+ else // then we're not keeping scrap (came from clipboard)
+ {
+ /*
+ We don't need contents anymore, and if it contains an object,
+ then its got to go because its been inserted into the doc and not cloned
+ and we don't want a duplicate around.
+ Also gotta mark the object in docCur as no longer reusable (if
+ it gets copied later we will need to clone it).
+ */
+ typeCP cpLim = cpFirst+CpMacText(docScrap);
+ ClobberDoc(docScrap,docNil,cp0,cp0);
+ ObjEnumInRange(docCur,cpFirst,cpLim,ObjFromCloneInDoc);
+ }
+ EndLongOp(vhcIBeam);
+ return;
+ NoUndo();
+ EndLongOp(vhcIBeam);
+ _beep();
+MdocRenderFormat( wCf )
+int wCf;
+{ /* Render clipboard data in format specified by wCf */
+ typeCP cpMac=CpMacText( docScrap );
+ struct PICINFOX picInfo;
+#if defined(OLE)
+ if (vfScrapIsPic)
+ {
+ GetPicInfo( cp0, cpMac, docScrap, &picInfo );
+ if (( == MM_OLE) && (wCf != CF_OWNERDISPLAY))
+ goto Render;
+ }
+ switch (wCf) {
+ /* Render rich text to another MEMO instance */
+ FPutExtMemoScrap();
+ break;
+ case CF_TEXT:
+ /* Remove formatting from scrap; put bare text out to clipboard */
+ goto Render;
+ case CF_BITMAP:
+ if ( == MM_BITMAP)
+ {
+ goto Render;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* We can supply this if the scrap is a metafile picture */
+ if ( != MM_BITMAP)
+ {
+ Render:
+ if (!FWriteExtScrap())
+ Error( IDPMTClipLarge );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+{ /* Handles WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD message. We are being notified that
+ the clipboard is being emptied & we don't need to keep its
+ contents around anymore. */
+ extern int vfOwnClipboard;
+ extern HWND vhWnd;
+ if (fDontDestroyClip)
+ return;
+ vfOwnClipboard = FALSE;
+ /* Clear out the scrap document */
+ ClobberDoc( docScrap, docNil, cp0, cp0 );
+ /* Disable UNDO operations that require the clipboard */
+ switch (vuab.uac) {
+ case uacDelScrap:
+ case uacUDelScrap:
+ case uacReplScrap:
+ case uacUReplScrap:
+ NoUndo();
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Remove all records of the file we generated in FPutExtMemoScrap
+ from the hpfnfcb array. Note that we assume that no document
+ in this instance has pieces of fn. */
+if ( fnLastCut != fnNil )
+ {
+ FreeFn( fnLastCut );
+ fnLastCut = fnNil;
+ }
+ /* If we made a wwd entry for the display of the clipboard,
+ remove it now. We test here to avoid bringing in the
+ CLIPDISP module if we never did any display. */
+ {
+ if (wwClipboard != wwNil)
+ FreeWw( wwClipboard );
+ }
+int FPutExtMemoScrap()
+{ /* Write docScrap to a new file; send the normalized name
+ of the file to the clipboard as data handle for rich text type.
+ Assumes clipboard is open for SetClipboardData call. On exit,
+ the file written has an fn, but no document (including docScrap)
+ has pieces that point to it. This allows us to relinquish
+ ownership of the fn to the pasting instance.
+ */
+ int fn;
+ CHAR szT[ cchMaxFile ];
+ HANDLE hMem;
+ LPCH lpch;
+ int cch;
+#if defined(OLE)
+ int docTemp;
+ /* Create a new, formatted file with a unique name */
+ szT [0] = '\0'; /* Create it on a temp drive in the root */
+ if ((fn = FnCreateSz( szT, cp0, dtyNetwork ))== fnNil )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ fnLastCut = fn; /* Save in a static so we can relinquish it later */
+ /* Save scrap document to file. Note that FWriteFn does NOT modify
+ the piece table of docScrap, so no document has pieces pointing
+ to fn. This is important because we don't want local pastes
+ to generate pieces pointing to this fn; we want to be able to cleanly
+ transfer ownership of the fn to another instance */
+#if defined(OLE)
+ if ((docTemp = CopyScrapToTmp()) == docNil)
+ {
+ FDeleteFn( fn ); /* This will free the fn even if deleting the file
+ fails */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!FWriteFn( fn, docTemp, TRUE ))
+ {
+ FDeleteFn( fn ); /* This will free the fn even if deleting the file
+ fails */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#if defined(OLE)
+ if (docTemp != docScrap)
+ KillDoc (docTemp);
+ /* Make a global handle containing the name of the file; send it to the
+ clipboard as the rendering of the rich text format */
+ if ( ((hMem = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, (LONG)(cch=CchSz( szT ))))== NULL ) ||
+ ((lpch = GlobalLock( hMem )) == NULL) )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ bltbx( (LPCH)szT, lpch, cch );
+ GlobalUnlock( hMem );
+ SetClipboardData( CF_OWNERDISPLAY, hMem );
+ return TRUE;
+int FGrabExtMemoScrap()
+/* We get here on a PASTE if the clipboard contains rich text from a
+ MEMO instance other than this one. This routine requests the contents of
+ the clipboard from the other instance, and places the contents into docScrap.
+ The contents of the clipboard are passed in a MEMO formatted file, whose
+ filename is contained in the clipboard's handle. The instance that owns
+ the clipboard does not keep any references to the fn for the clipboard
+ file (once we EmptyClipboard). After pasting, this routine arrogates
+ the ownership of the clipboard to this instance.
+ returns FALSE=error, true=OK */
+ extern int vfOwnClipboard;
+ extern HWND vhWnd;
+ LPCH lpch;
+ CHAR szT [cchMaxFile];
+ int fn;
+ typeFC dfc;
+ HANDLE hData;
+ int fOK=false;
+ /* Open Clipboard to lock out contenders */
+ if ( !OpenClipboard( vhWnd ))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Grab clipboard data handle contents: it is a normalized
+ filename string referring to a formatted file containing
+ the rich text. The GetClipboardData call actually initiates
+ a WM_RENDERFORMAT message to which MdocRenderFormat responds */
+ if ( ((hData = GetClipboardData( CF_OWNERDISPLAY )) == NULL ) ||
+ ((lpch = GlobalLock( hData )) == NULL ) )
+ {
+ goto GrabErr;
+ }
+ bltszx( lpch, (LPCH)szT );
+ GlobalUnlock( hData ); /* handle will be freed in EmptyClipboard sequence */
+ /* Open the file; replace the contents of the scrap document
+ with the contents of the file */
+ if ((fn = FnOpenSz( szT, dtyNormal, FALSE )) == fnNil)
+ { /* Unfortunately, if this fails, the file that the other
+ instance created will "float", with noone holding an fn
+ for it, and it will not get deleted at the end of the session.
+ On the bright side, if the reason for the failure was that
+ the file never got created anyway, we have done exactly right */
+ goto GrabErr;
+ }
+ { /* Opened file OK */
+ struct FCB *pfcb = &(**hpfnfcb)[fn];
+ struct FFNTB **hffntb;
+ struct FFNTB **HffntbCreateForFn();
+ int wUnused;
+ pfcb->fDelete = TRUE;
+ dfc = pfcb->fFormatted ? cfcPage : fc0;
+ Replace( docScrap,
+ cp0,
+ (**hpdocdod)[docScrap].cpMac,
+ fn,
+ dfc,
+ pfcb->fcMac - dfc );
+ /* give the scrap the correct font table */
+ FreeFfntb((**hpdocdod)[docScrap].hffntb);
+ if (FNoHeap(hffntb = HffntbCreateForFn(fn, &wUnused)))
+ hffntb = 0;
+ (**hpdocdod)[docScrap].hffntb = hffntb;
+ }
+#if defined(OLE)
+ /* if there are any objects in there, Load 'em */
+ if (ObjEnumInDoc(docScrap,ObjLoadObjectInDoc) < 0)
+ fOK = FALSE;
+ else
+ fOK = !ferror; /* All is well if we didn't run out of memory */
+ /* Take over ownership of the clipboard. This results in a
+ WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD message being sent to the other instance,
+ which will delete its fn entry for the file so we are the
+ exclusive owners */
+ CloseClipboard();
+ ChangeClipboard();
+ return fOK;
+{ /* Mark clipboard as changed. If we are not the owner of the clipboard, */
+ /* make us the owner (via EmptyClipboard). The EmptyClipboard call */
+ /* will result in a WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD message being sent to the */
+ /* owning instance. The CloseClipboard call will result in a */
+ /* WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message being sent to the clipboard viewer. */
+ /* If the clipboard viewer is CLIP.EXE, we will get a WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD */
+ /* message */
+ /* Added 10/8/85 by BL: If docScrap is empty, relinquish ownership */
+ /* of the clipboard */
+ extern int vfOwnClipboard;
+ extern HWND vhWnd;
+ int cf;
+ struct PICINFOX picInfo;
+ typeCP cpMacScrap = (**hpdocdod) [docScrap].cpMac;
+ if (!OpenClipboard( vhWnd ))
+ { /* Couldn't open the clipboard, wipe out contents & disable UNDO */
+ MdocDestroyClip();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We want to clear out previous data formats in the clipboard.
+ Unfortunately, the only way to do this is to call EmptyClipboard(),
+ which has the side effect of calling us with a WM_MDOCDESTROYCLIP
+ message. We use this primitive global comunication to prevent
+ docScrap from being wiped out in MdocDestroyClip() */
+ fDontDestroyClip = TRUE;
+ EmptyClipboard();
+ fDontDestroyClip = FALSE;
+ /* Re-validate vfScrapIsPic (in case a docScrap edit changed what it should be */
+ CachePara( docScrap, cp0 );
+ vfScrapIsPic = (vpapAbs.fGraphics && vcpLimParaCache == cpMacScrap);
+ if (!vfScrapIsPic)
+ cf = CF_TEXT;
+ else
+ {
+ GetPicInfo( cp0, cpMacScrap, docScrap, &picInfo );
+ switch(
+ {
+ case MM_BITMAP:
+ cf = CF_BITMAP;
+ break;
+ case MM_OLE:
+ cf = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ vfOwnClipboard = (cpMacScrap != cp0);
+ if (vfOwnClipboard)
+ { /* only set handles if we really have something in docScrap */
+ SetClipboardData( CF_OWNERDISPLAY, NULL );
+ if ((cf != CF_TEXT) && ( == MM_OLE))
+ {
+ while (cf = OleEnumFormats(lpOBJ_QUERY_OBJECT(&picInfo),cf))
+ {
+ if (cf == vcfLink)
+ SetClipboardData( vcfOwnerLink, NULL );
+ else
+ SetClipboardData( cf, NULL );
+ //if (cf == vcfNative)
+ //SetClipboardData( vcfOwnerLink, NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ SetClipboardData( cf, NULL );
+ }
+ CloseClipboard();
+CmdInsScrap( fUnFormattedText )
+int fUnFormattedText;
+{ /* Insert the scrap into the document at the current point (PASTE) */
+ /* If fUnFormattedText is TRUE, the scrap is treated as unformatted */
+ /* text; that is, the characters are put into the document with the */
+ /* formatting that is active at the selection */
+extern struct CHP vchpSel;
+typeCP cp, dcp;
+int cchAddedEol=0;
+struct CHP chpT;
+if (!FWriteOk( fwcInsert ))
+ return;
+if ((dcp = CpMacText(docScrap)) == cp0)
+ return;
+if (fnClearEdit(OBJ_INSERTING))
+ return;
+chpT = vchpSel;
+cp = selCur.cpFirst;
+CachePara( docScrap, cp0 );
+if (vpapAbs.fGraphics && cp > cp0)
+ { /* Special case for inserting a picture paragraph */
+ /* Must put an Eol in front of the picture unless we're
+ inserting it at the start of the document or one is there already */
+ Assert( !fUnFormattedText );
+ (**hpdocdod)[docCur].fFormatted = fTrue;
+ CachePara(docCur, cp - 1);
+ if (vcpLimParaCache != cp)
+ {
+ cchAddedEol = ccpEol;
+ InsertEolPap(docCur, cp, &vpapAbs);
+ dcp += (typeCP)ccpEol;
+ }
+ }
+SetUndo( uacInsert, docCur, cp, dcp, docNil, cpNil, cp0, 0 );
+ReplaceCps(docCur, cp + (typeCP)cchAddedEol, cp0, docScrap, cp0,
+ dcp - (typeCP)cchAddedEol);
+if (ferror) /* Not enough memory to do replace operation */
+ NoUndo(); /* should not be able to undo what never took place */
+ {
+ typeCP cpSel=CpFirstSty( cp + dcp, styChar );
+ if (vfScrapIsPic && vuab.uac == uacReplNS)
+ /* Special UNDO code for picture paste */
+ vuab.uac = uacReplPic;
+ if (fUnFormattedText)
+ { /* If pasting unformatted text, give it the props at the selection */
+ CHAR rgch[ cchCHP + 1 ];
+ rgch [0] = sprmCSame;
+ bltbyte( &chpT, &rgch [1], cchCHP );
+ AddSprmCps( rgch, docCur, cp, cp + dcp );
+ }
+ Select( cpSel, cpSel );
+ vchpSel = chpT; /* Preserve insert point props across this operation */
+ if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader || wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter)
+ { /* If running head/foot, remove chSects & set para props */
+ MakeRunningCps( docCur, cp, dcp );
+ }
+ if (ferror)
+ NoUndo();
+ }
+vfSeeSel = true; /* Tell Idle() to scroll the selection into view */
+#if defined(OLE)
+int NEAR PASCAL CopyScrapToTmp(void)
+ If scrap doesn't contain OLE objects, return docScrap. Else
+ create docTemp and copy docScrap into it. Make sure objects
+ all have their data and have their lpObjInfos NULL'd out.
+ extern typeCP cpMinCur, cpMacCur, cpMinDocument;
+ typeCP cpMinCurT = cpMinCur,
+ cpMacCurT = cpMacCur,
+ cpMinDocumentT = cpMinDocument;
+ int docTemp = docNil,
+ docReturn = docNil;
+ /* are there any objects? */
+ switch (ObjEnumInDoc(docScrap,NULL))
+ {
+ case -1: // error
+ return docNil;
+ case 0: // no objects in scrap
+ return docScrap;
+ }
+ /* Create copy of document */
+ if ((docTemp = DocCreate(fnNil, HszCreate(""), dtyNormal)) == docNil)
+ return docNil;
+ /* copy scrap to docTemp */
+ ClobberDoc(docTemp, docScrap, cp0, CpMacText(docScrap));
+ if (ferror)
+ goto error;
+ /* now save objects to make sure their data is present */
+ {
+ typeCP cpPicInfo;
+ for (cpPicInfo = cpNil;
+ ObjPicEnumInRange(&picInfo,docTemp,cp0,CpMacText(docTemp),&cpPicInfo);
+ )
+ {
+ OBJINFO ObjInfoSave;
+ typeCP cpRetval;
+ if (picInfo.lpObjInfo == NULL)
+ continue;
+ ObjInfoSave = *picInfo.lpObjInfo;
+ cpRetval = ObjSaveObjectToDoc(&picInfo,docTemp,cpPicInfo);
+ /*
+ Do this just in case saving the object to docTemp changes the
+ object's state. We don't want the object to appear clean
+ or saved when in fact it isn't or hasn't been except in docTemp,
+ which will be deleted by the calling routine.
+ */
+ *picInfo.lpObjInfo = ObjInfoSave;
+ if (cpRetval == cp0) // save failed
+ goto error;
+ /* so pasting instance will reload object */
+ picInfo.lpObjInfo = NULL;
+ ObjSetPicInfo(&picInfo,docTemp,cpPicInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ /* success */
+ docReturn = docTemp;
+ error:
+ if ((docReturn == docNil) && (docTemp != docNil))
+ KillDoc(docTemp);
+ /* Restore cpMinCur, cpMacCur */
+ cpMinCur = cpMinCurT;
+ cpMacCur = cpMacCurT;
+ cpMinDocument = cpMinDocumentT; /* destroyed possibly by DocCreate */
+ return docReturn;