path: root/private/unimodem/new/mic/inf.cpp
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/unimodem/new/mic/inf.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'private/unimodem/new/mic/inf.cpp')
1 files changed, 903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/unimodem/new/mic/inf.cpp b/private/unimodem/new/mic/inf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..471530a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/unimodem/new/mic/inf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
+// INF.CPP -- Implemtation for Classes:
+// CInfFile
+// History:
+// 05/21/96 JosephJ Created
+#include "common.h"
+#include "ini.h"
+#include "inf.h"
+// Version-related constants
+LPCTSTR lpctszVersion = TEXT("Version");
+LPCTSTR lpctszLayoutFile = TEXT("LayoutFile");
+LPCTSTR lpctszSignature = TEXT("Signature");
+LPCTSTR lpctszClass = TEXT("Class");
+LPCTSTR lpctszClassGUID = TEXT("ClassGUID");
+LPCTSTR lpctszProvider = TEXT("Provider");
+LPCTSTR lpctszManufacturer = TEXT("Manufacturer");
+LPCTSTR lpctszControlFlags = TEXT("ControlFlags");
+LPCTSTR lpctszStrings = TEXT("Strings");
+// CLASS CInfFile
+ m_pVersion=NULL;
+ m_pFirstManuE=NULL;
+ m_pSymFileName=NULL;
+ m_pIniFile=NULL;
+ mfn_EnterCrit();
+ // Free resources -- there should be none to free...
+ ASSERT(!m_pVersion);
+ ASSERT(!m_pFirstManuE);
+ ASSERT(!m_pIniFile);
+//-------------- Load ------------------
+// Loads the specified file. (Obviously) only one file can be loaded at
+// a time.
+BOOL CInfFile::Load (const TCHAR rgchPathname[])
+ BOOL fRet = FALSE;
+ mfn_EnterCrit();
+ // TODO: call m_sync.BeginLoad
+ ASSERT(!m_pVersion);
+ ASSERT(!m_pFirstManuE);
+ ASSERT(!m_pIniFile);
+ // Save file name
+ m_pSymFileName = gSymtab.Lookup(rgchPathname, TRUE);
+ if (!m_pSymFileName) goto end;
+ // Create and Load Ini File
+ m_pIniFile = new CIniFile;
+ if (m_pIniFile)
+ {
+ if (!m_pIniFile->Load(rgchPathname))
+ {
+ delete m_pIniFile;
+ m_pIniFile=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_pIniFile) goto end;
+ // Create and Load version
+ {
+ CInfVersionSection *pVS = new CInfVersionSection;
+ if (pVS)
+ {
+ // Override const * declaration of m_pVersion
+ if (!pVS->Load(m_pIniFile))
+ {
+ delete pVS;
+ }
+ }
+ m_pVersion = pVS;
+ }
+ if (!m_pVersion) goto end;
+ // Create and load Manufacturer list...
+ m_pFirstManuE = sfn_CreateManufacturerList(m_pIniFile);
+ if (!m_pFirstManuE) goto end;
+ fRet = TRUE;
+ if (!fRet)
+ {
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+ }
+ mfn_LeaveCrit();
+ return fRet;
+//-------------- Unload ------------------
+// Unloads a previously loaded file. If there are open sessions to this
+// object, Unload returns a handle which will be signalled when all
+// sessions are closed. New sessions will not be allowed after this
+// function returns. The call should free the handle.
+HANDLE CInfFile::Unload (void)
+ HANDLE hUnload = NULL;
+ mfn_EnterCrit();
+ // TODO: call m_sync.BeginUnload to try to put us in unloadable state.
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+ mfn_LeaveCrit();
+ return hUnload;
+// CLASS CInfVersionSection
+// Sample Version section:
+// [Version]
+// LayoutFile=layout.inf
+// Signature="$CHICAGO$"
+// Class=Modem
+// ClassGUID={4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
+// Provider=%MS%
+//-------------- Load ------------------
+// TODO: unimplemented
+BOOL CInfVersionSection::Load (const CIniFile *pIniFile)
+ BOOL fRet = FALSE;
+ const CIniFileSection *pISVer = pIniFile->LookupSection(lpctszVersion);
+ const CIniFileSection *pISStr = pIniFile->LookupSection(lpctszStrings);
+ const CIniFileEntry *pIE = NULL;
+#if 0
+ m_pSymLayoutFile = gSymtab.Lookup(TEXT("layout.inf"), TRUE);
+ m_pSymSignature = gSymtab.Lookup(TEXT("\"$CHICAGO$\""), TRUE);
+ m_pSymClass = gSymtab.Lookup(TEXT("Modem"), TRUE);
+ m_pSymClassGUID = gSymtab.Lookup
+ (
+ TEXT("{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"),
+ );
+ m_pSymProvider = gSymtab.Lookup(TEXT("Microsoft"), TRUE);
+ m_dwChecksum = 0x12345678L;
+ (
+ !m_pSymLayoutFile
+ && !m_pSymSignature
+ && !m_pSymClass
+ && !m_pSymClassGUID
+ && !m_pSymProvider
+ && !m_dwChecksum
+ );
+ if (!pISVer || !pISStr) goto end;
+ // LayoutFile=layout.inf
+ pIE = pISVer->LookupEntry(lpctszLayoutFile);
+ if (pIE)
+ {
+ m_pSymLayoutFile = pIE->GetRHS();
+ pIE->Release();pIE=NULL;
+ // TODO: further checks here
+ }
+ // Signature="$CHICAGO$"
+ pIE = pISVer->LookupEntry(lpctszSignature);
+ if (pIE)
+ {
+ m_pSymSignature = pIE->GetRHS();
+ pIE->Release();pIE=NULL;
+ // TODO: further checks here
+ }
+ // Class=Modem
+ pIE = pISVer->LookupEntry(lpctszClass);
+ if (pIE)
+ {
+ m_pSymClass = pIE->GetRHS();
+ pIE->Release();pIE=NULL;
+ // TODO: further checks here
+ }
+ // ClassGUID={4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
+ pIE = pISVer->LookupEntry(lpctszClassGUID);
+ if (pIE)
+ {
+ m_pSymClassGUID = pIE->GetRHS();
+ pIE->Release();pIE=NULL;
+ // TODO: further checks here
+ }
+ // Provider=%MS%
+ pIE = pISVer->LookupEntry(lpctszProvider);
+ if (pIE)
+ {
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymLHS = pIE->GetLHS();
+ pIE->Release();pIE=NULL;
+ if (pSymLHS)
+ {
+ pIE = pISStr->LookupEntry(pSymLHS->GetText());
+ if (pIE)
+ {
+ m_pSymProvider = pIE->GetRHS();
+ pIE->Release();pIE=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: further checks here
+ }
+ // Compute checksum of entire version structure
+ m_dwChecksum = m_pSymLayoutFile->Checksum();
+ AddToChecksumDW(&m_dwChecksum, m_pSymSignature->Checksum());
+ AddToChecksumDW(&m_dwChecksum, m_pSymClass->Checksum());
+ AddToChecksumDW(&m_dwChecksum, m_pSymClassGUID->Checksum());
+ AddToChecksumDW(&m_dwChecksum, m_pSymProvider->Checksum());
+ fRet =TRUE;
+ if (pIE) { pIE->Release(); pIE=NULL; }
+ if (pISVer) { pISVer->Release(); pISVer=NULL; }
+ if (pISStr) { pISStr->Release(); pISStr=NULL; }
+ if (!fRet)
+ {
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+ }
+ return fRet;
+//-------------- Unload ------------------
+void CInfVersionSection::Unload (void)
+ // TODO: call m_sync.BeginUnload to try to put us in unloadable state.
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+ return;
+//-------------- Dump ------------------
+// Dump state
+// Cleanup by freeing any allocated resources.
+void CInfVersionSection::mfn_Cleanup (void)
+ m_pSymLayoutFile = NULL;
+ m_pSymSignature = NULL;
+ m_pSymClass = NULL;;
+ m_pSymClassGUID = NULL;
+ m_pSymProvider = NULL;
+ m_dwChecksum = 0;
+// CLASS CInfManufacturerEntry
+// Sample Manufacturer list section:
+// [Manufacturer]
+// %Generic% = Generic
+// %MagicRam% = MagicRam
+// ..
+// CLASS CInfManufacturerSection
+// Sample Manufacturer section:
+// [Generic]
+// %Gen% = Gen, MDMGEN
+// %Gen3% = Gen3, MDMGEN3
+// %Gen12% = Gen12, MDMGEN12
+// %Gen24% = Gen24, MDMGEN24
+// ...
+// --------------- GetFirstModelEntry --------------
+// Get first model entry
+const CInfModelEntry *
+CInfManufacturerSection::GetFirstModelEntry (void)
+ return m_pFirstModelE;
+// CLASS CInfInstallSection
+// Sample Install section:
+// [Modem29]
+// CopyFiles = VV_Sys, VV_Sock_Sys, VV_App, VV_Help
+// UpdateInis = VView.Inis
+// Uninstall = VoiceView_remove
+// Also contains info from the related PosDup and NoResDup sections.
+// --------------- GetAddRegSectionList ----------
+// Get generic list whose data items are pointers to
+// CInfAddRegSection objects
+const CInfList *
+CInfInstallSection::GetAddRegSectionList (void)
+ // TODO: unimplemented
+ static const CInfAddRegSection AddRegSection;
+ static const CInfList AddRegSectionList((void *) &AddRegSection, NULL);
+ return &AddRegSectionList;
+// --------------- GetCopyFilesSectionList ----------
+// Get generic list whose data items are pointers to
+// CInfCopyFilesSection objects
+const CInfList *
+CInfInstallSection::GetCopyFilesSectionList (void)
+ // TODO: unimplemented
+ static const CInfCopyFilesSection CopyFilesSection;
+ static const CInfList CopyFilesSectionList((void *) &CopyFilesSection, NULL);
+ return &CopyFilesSectionList;
+// --------------- GetNoResDupIDList ----------
+// Get generic list whose data items are pointers to
+// InfSymbol objects representing the Rank0 IDs in the corresponding
+// NoResDup section.
+const CInfList *
+CInfInstallSection::GetNoResDupIDList (void)
+ // TODO: unimplemented
+ static const CInfList NoResDupIDList
+ (
+ (void *) gSymtab.Lookup(TEXT("NORESDUP-ID"), TRUE),
+ );
+ return &NoResDupIDList;
+// --------------- GetPosDupIDList ----------
+// Get generic list whose data items are pointers to
+// InfSymbol objects representing the Rank0 IDs in the corresponding
+// PosDup section.
+// const CInfList * GetPosDupIDList (void) const;
+const CInfList *
+CInfInstallSection::GetPosDupIDList (void)
+ // TODO: unimplemented
+ static const CInfList PosDupIDList1
+ (
+ (void *) gSymtab.Lookup(TEXT("POSDUP-ID1"), TRUE),
+ );
+ static const CInfList PosDupIDList
+ (
+ (void *) gSymtab.Lookup(TEXT("POSDUP-ID0"), TRUE),
+ &PosDupIDList1
+ );
+ return &PosDupIDList;
+// CLASS CInfAddRegSection
+// Sample AddReg section:
+// [All]
+// HKR,,FriendlyDriver,,Unimodem.vxd
+// HKR,,DevLoader,,*vcomm
+// HKR,,ConfigDialog,,modemui.dll
+// HKR,,EnumPropPages,,"modemui.dll,EnumPropPages"
+// HKR,,PortSubClass,1,02
+// HKR, Init, 1,, "AT<cr>"
+// HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>", 1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, ...etc.
+// HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>ERROR<cr><lf>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00, ...etc.
+// Get first addreg entry
+const CInfAddRegEntry *
+CInfAddRegSection::GetFirstAddRegEntry (void)
+ // TODO -- fake static entries
+ static const CInfAddRegEntry FirstAddRegEntry;
+ return &FirstAddRegEntry;
+// CLASS CInfCopyFilesSection
+// Sample DestinationDirs section:
+// [DestinationDirs]
+// Register.Copy = 17 ;LDID_INF
+// VV_Sys = 11
+// VV_Sock_Sys = 11 ;LDID_SYS \Windows\system dir
+// VV_Sock_Win = 10 ;LDID_WIN \Windows dir
+// VV_App = 10
+// VV_Help = 18 ;LDID_HELP
+// Sample Copyfiles section:
+// [VV_Sys]
+// fte.dll
+// vvexe32.exe
+// wsvv.vxd
+// --------------- GetFirstCopyFilesEntry ----------
+// Get first copyfiles entry
+const CInfCopyFilesEntry *
+CInfCopyFilesSection::GetFirstCopyFilesEntry (void) const
+ // TODO -- fake static entries
+ static const CInfCopyFilesEntry FirstCopyFilesEntry;
+ return &FirstCopyFilesEntry;
+// Cleanup by freeing any allocated resources.
+// TODO: unimplemented
+void CInfFile::mfn_Cleanup (void)
+ mfn_EnterCrit();
+ // TODO: ASSERT(state == loading or state == unloading)
+ // Unload and free version
+ if (m_pVersion)
+ {
+ // override const *
+ CInfVersionSection *pVS = (CInfVersionSection *) m_pVersion;
+ pVS->Unload();
+ delete pVS;
+ m_pVersion=NULL;
+ }
+ // Unload and free Manufacturerlist.
+ if (m_pFirstManuE)
+ {
+ sfn_DeleteManufacturerList(m_pFirstManuE);
+ m_pFirstManuE=NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_pIniFile)
+ {
+ m_pIniFile->Unload();
+ delete (CIniFile *) m_pIniFile; // override const *
+ m_pIniFile=NULL;
+ }
+ m_pSymFileName=NULL;
+ mfn_LeaveCrit();
+// static helper function...
+const CInfManufacturerEntry *
+CInfFile::sfn_CreateManufacturerList (CIniFile *pIniFile)
+ CInfManufacturerEntry * pManuE = NULL;
+ const CIniFileSection *pISStr = pIniFile->LookupSection(lpctszStrings);
+ const CIniFileSection *pISManL =
+ pIniFile->LookupSection(lpctszManufacturer);
+ CIniFileEntry *pIE = NULL;
+ if (!pISManL || !pISStr) goto end;
+ pIE = pISManL->GetFirstEntry();
+ if (!pIE) goto end;
+ // Iterate through manufacturers, building manufacturer entries...
+ do
+ {
+ pManuE = new CInfManufacturerEntry(pManuE);
+ if (!pManuE || !pManuE->Load(pIniFile, pISStr, pIE))
+ {
+ // TODO: warning; for now break out.
+ if (pManuE)
+ {
+ // TODO delete previously-created elements of the list as well!
+ // (Or leave them there and deal with a partial list).
+ delete pManuE;
+ pManuE = NULL;
+ }
+ goto end;
+ }
+ } while(pIE->BecomeNext());
+ // Reverse list
+ CInfManufacturerEntry::ReverseList(&pManuE);
+ if (pIE) {pIE->Release(); pIE=NULL;}
+ if (pISManL) { pISManL->Release(); pISManL=NULL; }
+ if (pISStr) { pISStr->Release(); pISStr=NULL; }
+ return pManuE;
+// Static helper function
+ const CInfManufacturerEntry * pManuEFirst
+ // TODO
+// --------------- Load ------------------
+ const CIniFile *pIniFile,
+ const CIniFileSection *pISStr,
+ const CIniFileEntry *pIE
+ BOOL fRet = FALSE;
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymLHS = pIE->GetLHS();
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymManuName = NULL;
+ // TODO need to make manu-section case insensitive!
+ // Basically pSymManuSection should be created based on an upper-case'd
+ // version of pIE->GetRHS().
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymManuSection = pIE->GetRHS();
+ CInfManufacturerSection *pManuS = NULL;
+ ASSERT(!m_pManuS);
+ ASSERT(!m_pSymManuName);
+ // Get manufacturer name ...
+ if (pSymLHS)
+ {
+ const CIniFileEntry *pIEStr = pISStr->LookupEntry(pSymLHS->GetText());
+ if (pIEStr)
+ {
+ pSymManuName = pIE->GetRHS();
+ pIEStr->Release();pIEStr=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ pManuS=NULL;
+ // Look up/create manufacturer section
+ {
+ void **ppv=NULL;
+ BOOL fExists=FALSE;
+ BOOL fRet = pSymManuSection->GetOrCreatePropLoc(
+ &ppv,
+ &fExists);
+ if (fRet)
+ {
+ if (fExists)
+ {
+ // This section already exists...
+ pManuS = (CInfManufacturerSection *) *ppv;
+ ASSERT(pManuS->Validate());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This section doesn't exist -- create it.
+ pManuS = new CInfManufacturerSection();
+ if (pManuS)
+ {
+ if (pManuS->Load(pIniFile, pISStr, pSymManuSection))
+ {
+ // set the property data
+ *ppv = (void *) pManuS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete pManuS;
+ pManuS=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pManuS)
+ {
+ m_pManuS = pManuS;
+ m_pSymManuName = pSymManuName;
+ fRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!fRet)
+ {
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+ }
+ return fRet;
+// --------------- Unload ------------------
+void CInfManufacturerEntry::Unload(void)
+// TODO
+ m_pManuS = NULL;
+ m_pSymManuName = NULL;
+ // TODO: decrement ref count for the section and delete it and delprop
+ // it when done.
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+// --------------- Cleanup ------------------
+// Cleanup by freeing any allocated resources.
+void CInfManufacturerEntry::mfn_Cleanup (void)
+ m_pManuS = NULL;
+ m_pSymManuName = NULL;
+// --------------- Load ------------------
+ const CIniFile *pIniFile,
+ const CIniFileSection *pISStr,
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymManuSection
+ BOOL fRet = FALSE;
+ const CIniFileSection *pIS =
+ pIniFile->LookupSection(pSymManuSection->GetText());
+ ASSERT(!m_pSymSectionName);
+ ASSERT(!m_pFirstModelE);
+ ASSERT(m_eObjSig==eOBJSIG_CInfManufacturerSection);
+ if (!pIS)
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ m_pSymSectionName = pSymManuSection;
+ // Create and load model list
+ m_pFirstModelE = sfn_CreateModelList(pIniFile, pISStr, pIS);
+ if (!m_pFirstModelE)
+ {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ fRet = TRUE;
+ if (!fRet)
+ {
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+ }
+ return fRet;
+// --------------- Unload ------------------
+void CInfManufacturerSection::Unload(void)
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+// --------------- Cleanup ------------------
+// Cleanup by freeing any allocated resources.
+void CInfManufacturerSection::mfn_Cleanup (void)
+// TODO
+ m_pSymSectionName = NULL;
+ m_pFirstModelE = NULL;
+// Static helper function to create the list of models for this manufacturer
+const CInfModelEntry *
+ const CIniFile *pIniFile,
+ const CIniFileSection *pISStr,
+ const CIniFileSection *pISManuS
+ CInfModelEntry * pModelE = NULL;
+ CIniFileEntry *pIE = NULL;
+ if (!pISManuS || !pISStr) goto end;
+ pIE = pISManuS->GetFirstEntry();
+ if (!pIE) goto end;
+ // Iterate through models, building model entries...
+ do
+ {
+ pModelE = new CInfModelEntry(pModelE);
+ if (!pModelE || !pModelE->Load(pIniFile, pISStr, pIE))
+ {
+ // TODO: warning; for now break out.
+ if (pModelE)
+ {
+ // TODO delete previously-created elements of the list as well!
+ // (Or leave them there and deal with a partial list).
+ delete pModelE;
+ pModelE = NULL;
+ }
+ goto end;
+ }
+ } while(pIE->BecomeNext());
+ // Reverse list
+ CInfModelEntry::ReverseList(&pModelE);
+ if (pIE) {pIE->Release(); pIE=NULL;}
+ //if (pISManL) { pISManL->Release(); pISManL=NULL; }
+ //if (pISStr) { pISStr->Release(); pISStr=NULL; }
+ return pModelE;
+// --------------- Cleanup ------------------
+// Cleanup by freeing any allocated resources.
+void CInfModelEntry::mfn_Cleanup (void)
+// TODO
+// --------------- Load ------------------
+ const CIniFile *pIniFile,
+ const CIniFileSection *pISStr,
+ const CIniFileEntry *pIE
+// TODO
+ return TRUE;
+#if 0
+ BOOL fRet = FALSE;
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymLHS = pIE->GetLHS();
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymManuName = NULL;
+ // TODO need to make manu-section case insensitive!
+ // Basically pSymManuSection should be created based on an upper-case'd
+ // version of pIE->GetRHS().
+ const CInfSymbol *pSymManuSection = pIE->GetRHS();
+ CInfManufacturerSection *pManuS = NULL;
+ ASSERT(!m_pManuS);
+ ASSERT(!m_pSymManuName);
+ // Get manufacturer name ...
+ if (pSymLHS)
+ {
+ const CIniFileEntry *pIEStr = pISStr->LookupEntry(pSymLHS->GetText());
+ if (pIEStr)
+ {
+ pSymManuName = pIE->GetRHS();
+ pIEStr->Release();pIEStr=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ pManuS=NULL;
+ // Look up/create manufacturer section
+ {
+ void **ppv=NULL;
+ BOOL fExists=FALSE;
+ BOOL fRet = pSymManuSection->GetOrCreatePropLoc(
+ &ppv,
+ &fExists);
+ if (fRet)
+ {
+ if (fExists)
+ {
+ // This section already exists...
+ pManuS = (CInfManufacturerSection *) *ppv;
+ ASSERT(pManuS->Validate());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This section doesn't exist -- create it.
+ pManuS = new CInfManufacturerSection();
+ if (pManuS)
+ {
+ if (pManuS->Load(pIniFile, pISStr, pSymManuSection))
+ {
+ // set the property data
+ *ppv = (void *) pManuS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete pManuS;
+ pManuS=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pManuS)
+ {
+ m_pManuS = pManuS;
+ m_pSymManuName = pSymManuName;
+ fRet = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!fRet)
+ {
+ mfn_Cleanup();
+ }
+ return fRet;
+// --------------- Unload ------------------
+void CInfModelEntry::Unload(void)
+// TODO
+ mfn_Cleanup();