path: root/private/mvdm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'private/mvdm/')
1 files changed, 5948 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/mvdm/ b/private/mvdm/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc6085479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/
@@ -0,0 +1,5948 @@
+ * ============================================================================
+ *
+ * Name: fpu.c
+ *
+ * Author: Paul Murray
+ *
+ * Sccs ID: @(#)fpu.c 1.54 03/23/95
+ *
+ * Purpose:
+ *
+ * Implements the Npx functionality of the Ccpu.
+ *
+ * (c)Copyright Insignia Solutions Ltd., 1993,1994. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * ============================================================================
+#include "insignia.h"
+#include "host_def.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "cfpu_def.h"
+#include "ckmalloc.h"
+typedef enum {
+/* Function prototypes - everything returns void */
+LOCAL FPH npx_rint IPT1(FPH, fpval);
+LOCAL VOID GetIntelStatusWord IPT0();
+LOCAL VOID SetIntelTagword IPT1(IU32, new_tag);
+LOCAL VOID ReadI16FromIntel IPT2(IU32 *, valI16, VOID *, memPtr);
+LOCAL VOID ReadI32FromIntel IPT2(IU32 *, valI32, VOID *, memPtr);
+LOCAL VOID WriteI16ToIntel IPT2(VOID *, memPtr, IU16, valI16);
+LOCAL VOID WriteI32ToIntel IPT2(VOID *, memPtr, IU32, valI32);
+LOCAL VOID WriteNaNToIntel IPT2(VOID *, memPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, valPtr);
+LOCAL VOID WriteZeroToIntel IPT2(VOID *, memPtr, IU16, negZero);
+LOCAL VOID SetIntelStatusWord IPT1(IU32, new_stat);
+LOCAL VOID AdjustOverflowResponse IPT0();
+LOCAL VOID AdjustUnderflowResponse IPT0();
+LOCAL VOID WriteIndefiniteToIntel IPT1(VOID *, memPtr);
+LOCAL VOID SignalDivideByZero IPT1(FPSTACKENTRY *, stackPtr);
+LOCAL VOID SetPrecisionBit IPT0();
+LOCAL VOID GetIntelTagword IPT1(IU32 *, current_tag);
+LOCAL VOID WriteFP32ToIntel IPT2(VOID *, destPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, srcPtr);
+LOCAL VOID WriteFP64ToIntel IPT2(VOID *, destPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, srcPtr);
+LOCAL VOID WriteFP80ToIntel IPT2(VOID *, destPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, srcPtr);
+LOCAL VOID Mul64Bit8Bit IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, mul_count);
+LOCAL VOID WriteBiggestNaN IPT3(IU16, destInd, FPSTACKENTRY *, val1Ptr, FPSTACKENTRY *, val2Ptr);
+LOCAL VOID Sub64Bit64Bit IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64a, FPU_I64 *, as64b);
+LOCAL BOOL Cmp64BitGTE IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64a, FPU_I64 *, as64b);
+LOCAL VOID CopyR32 IPT2(FPSTACKENTRY *, destPtr, VOID *, srcPtr);
+LOCAL VOID CVTFPHI64 IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64, FPH *, FPPtr);
+LOCAL VOID Add64Bit8Bit IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, small_val);
+LOCAL VOID CopyR64 IPT2(FPSTACKENTRY *, destPtr, VOID *, srcPtr);
+LOCAL VOID CopyR80 IPT2(FPSTACKENTRY *, destPtr, VOID *, srcPtr);
+LOCAL VOID WriteInfinityToIntel IPT2(VOID *, memPtr, IU16, neg_val);
+LOCAL VOID PopStack IPT0();
+LOCAL VOID CPY64BIT8BIT IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8 *, as8);
+LOCAL VOID WriteIntegerIndefinite IPT1(VOID *, memPtr);
+LOCAL VOID SignalStackOverflow IPT1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr);
+LOCAL VOID Set64Bit IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, small_val);
+LOCAL VOID Sub64Bit8Bit IPT2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, small_val);
+LOCAL VOID SignalBCDIndefinite IPT1(IU8 *, memPtr);
+GLOBAL VOID InitNpx IPT1(IBOOL, disabled);
+LOCAL VOID LoadValue IPT2(VOID *, SrcOp, IU16 *, IndexVal);
+LOCAL VOID SignalStackUnderflow IPT1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr);
+LOCAL VOID SignalIndefinite IPT1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr);
+LOCAL VOID SignalInvalid IPT0();
+LOCAL VOID WriteIndefinite IPT1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr);
+LOCAL VOID Test2NaN IPT3(IU16, destIndex, FPSTACKENTRY *, src1_addr, FPSTACKENTRY *, src2_addr);
+LOCAL VOID GenericAdd IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index);
+LOCAL VOID AddBCDByte IPT2(FPU_I64 *, total, IU8, byte_val);
+LOCAL VOID GenericCompare IPT1(IU16, src2Index);
+LOCAL VOID GenericDivide IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index);
+LOCAL VOID OpFpuStoreFpuState IPT2(VOID *, memPtr, IU32, fsave_offset);
+LOCAL VOID OpFpuRestoreFpuState IPT2(VOID *, memPtr, IU32, frstor_offset);
+LOCAL VOID GenericMultiply IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index);
+LOCAL VOID CheckOUPForIntel IPT0();
+LOCAL VOID GenericSubtract IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index);
+GLOBAL VOID FADD IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2);
+GLOBAL VOID FDIV IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2);
+GLOBAL VOID FMUL IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2);
+GLOBAL VOID FSUB IPT3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2);
+GLOBAL VOID FXCH IPT1(IU16, destIndex);
+GLOBAL IU32 getNpxControlReg IPT0();
+GLOBAL VOID setNpxControlReg IPT1(IU32, newControl);
+GLOBAL IU32 getNpxStatusReg IPT0();
+GLOBAL VOID setNpxStatusReg IPT1(IU32, newStatus);
+GLOBAL IU32 getNpxTagwordReg IPT0();
+GLOBAL VOID setNpxTagwordReg IPT1(IU32, newTag);
+GLOBAL void getNpxStackRegs IPT1(FPSTACKENTRY *, dumpPtr);
+GLOBAL void setNpxStackRegs IPT1(FPSTACKENTRY *, loadPtr);
+/* DEFINED values */
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((VOID *)0)
+#define TAG_ZERO_MASK 2
+#define TAG_NAN_MASK 16
+#define TAG_SNAN_MASK 32
+#define TAG_EMPTY_MASK 128
+#define TAG_FSCALE_MASK 256
+#define TAG_BCD_MASK 512
+#define TAG_R80_MASK 1024
+#define UNEVALMASK 1536
+#define FPTEMP_INDEX (IU16)-1
+#define SW_IE_MASK 1
+#define SW_DE_MASK 2
+#define SW_ZE_MASK 4
+#define SW_OE_MASK 8
+#define SW_UE_MASK 16
+#define SW_PE_MASK 32
+#define SW_SF_MASK 64
+#define SW_ES_MASK 128
+#define C3C2C0MASK 0xb8ff
+#define FCLEX_MASK 0x7f00
+#define CW_IM_MASK 1
+#define CW_DM_MASK 2
+#define CW_ZM_MASK 4
+#define CW_OM_MASK 8
+#define CW_UM_MASK 16
+#define CW_PM_MASK 32
+#define COMP_LT 0
+#define COMP_GT 1
+#define COMP_EQ 2
+#define INTEL_COMP_NC 0x4500
+#define INTEL_COMP_GT 0x0000
+#define INTEL_COMP_LT 0x0100
+#define INTEL_COMP_EQ 0x4000
+#define ROUND_NEAREST 0x0000
+#define ROUND_NEG_INFINITY 0x0400
+#define ROUND_POS_INFINITY 0x0800
+#define ROUND_ZERO 0x0c00
+/* MACROS */
+#define FlagC0(x) NpxStatus &= 0xfeff; \
+ NpxStatus |= ((x) << 8)
+#define FlagC1(x) NpxStatus &= 0xfdff; \
+ NpxStatus |= ((x) << 9)
+#define FlagC2(x) NpxStatus &= 0xfbff; \
+ NpxStatus |= ((x) << 10)
+#define FlagC3(x) NpxStatus &= 0xbfff; \
+ NpxStatus |= ((x) << 14)
+#define TestUneval(testPtr) \
+ if (((testPtr)->tagvalue & UNEVALMASK) != 0) { \
+ switch ((testPtr)->tagvalue & UNEVALMASK) { \
+ case TAG_BCD_MASK: ConvertBCD((testPtr)); \
+ break; \
+ case TAG_R80_MASK: ConvertR80((testPtr)); \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ }
+#define StackEntryByIndex(i) (i==FPTEMP_INDEX? &FPTemp : &FPUStackBase[(TOSPtr-FPUStackBase+i)%8])
+ * Pigging the FYL2X & FYL2XP1 opcodes requires that we use the same
+ * maths functions as the assembler CPU to avoid pig errors due to slight
+ * algorithmic differences; so allow host to specify different functions
+ * if it wants - by default we only require log().
+ */
+#ifndef host_log2
+#define host_log2(x) (log(x)/log(2.0))
+#endif /* !host_log2 */
+#ifndef host_log1p
+#define host_log1p(x) (host_log2(1.0 + x))
+#endif /* !host_log1p */
+ * System wide variables
+ */
+GLOBAL IU32 NpxLastSel;
+GLOBAL IU32 NpxLastOff;
+GLOBAL BOOL NpxException;
+ * FPU-wide variables
+#ifdef SUN4
+LOCAL IU8 *FPout; /* HostGet*Exception() macros need this for Sparc ports. */
+#endif /* SUN4 */
+LOCAL IU32 NpxControl;
+LOCAL IU32 NpxStatus;
+LOCAL IU16 tag_or;
+LOCAL IU16 tag_xor;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *FPUpload = &IntelSpecial;
+LOCAL IU16 npxRounding;
+LOCAL FPH MaxBCDValue=999999999999999999.0;
+LOCAL IU8 zero_string[] = {"zero"};
+LOCAL IU8 minus_zero_string[] = {"minus zero"};
+LOCAL IU8 infinity_string[] = {"infinity"};
+LOCAL IU8 minus_infinity_string[] = {"minus infinity"};
+LOCAL IU8 nan_string[] = {" NaN"};
+LOCAL IU8 minus_nan_string[] = {" Negative NaN"};
+LOCAL IU8 unsupported_string[] = {"unsupported"};
+LOCAL IU8 unevaluated_string[] = {"unevaluated"};
+LOCAL IU8 empty_string[] = {"empty"};
+LOCAL IU8 convert_string[100];
+LOCAL IU16 FscaleTable[] = {
+{1.0, 0, 0}, /* 1.0 */
+{M_LN10/M_LN2, 0, 0}, /* Log2(10) */
+{M_LOG2E, 0, 0}, /* Log2(e) */
+{M_PI, 0, 0}, /* pi */
+{M_LN2/M_LN10, 0, 0}, /* Log10(2) */
+{M_LN2, 0, 0}, /* Loge(2) */
+{0.0, 0, TAG_ZERO_MASK} /* 0.0 */
+{0.0, 0, TAG_ZERO_MASK},
+{1.0, 0, 0},
+{2.0, 0, 0},
+{M_PI, 0, 0},
+{M_PI_2, 0, 0},
+{M_PI_4, 0, 0},
+{3.0*M_PI_4, 0, 0},
+{-(3.0*M_PI_4), 0, TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK}
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_zero = FPConstants + 0;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_minus_zero = FPConstants + 1;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_one = FPConstants + 2;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_two = FPConstants + 3;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_pi = FPConstants + 4;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_minus_pi = FPConstants + 5;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_pi_by_two = FPConstants + 6;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_minus_pi_by_two = FPConstants + 7;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_pi_by_four = FPConstants + 8;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_minus_pi_by_four = FPConstants + 9;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_three_pi_by_four = FPConstants + 10;
+LOCAL FPSTACKENTRY *npx_minus_three_pi_by_four = FPConstants + 11;
+LOCAL IU32 CompZeroTable[] = {
+INTEL_COMP_LT, /* 16 */
+INTEL_COMP_GT, /* 32 */
+INTEL_COMP_NC, /* 48 */
+#ifdef BIGEND
+/* Note enforcement of word ordering as high word/low word */
+LOCAL FPU_I64 BCDLowNibble[] = {
+{0x002386f2, 0x6fc10000},
+{0x00005af3, 0x107a4000},
+{0x000000e8, 0xd4a51000},
+{0x00000002, 0x540be400},
+{0x00000000, 0x05f5e100},
+{0x00000000, 0x000f4240},
+{0x00000000, 0x00002710},
+{0x00000000, 0x00000064},
+{0x00000000, 0x00000001}
+LOCAL FPU_I64 BCDHighNibble[] = {
+{0x01634578, 0x5d8a0000},
+{0x00038d7e, 0xa4c68000},
+{0x00000918, 0x4e72a000},
+{0x00000017, 0x4876e800},
+{0x00000000, 0x3b9aca00},
+{0x00000000, 0x00989680},
+{0x00000000, 0x000186a0},
+{0x00000000, 0x000003e8},
+{0x00000000, 0x0000000a}
+#else /* !BIGEND */
+LOCAL FPU_I64 BCDLowNibble[] = {
+{0x6fc10000, 0x002386f2},
+{0x107a4000, 0x00005af3},
+{0xd4a51000, 0x000000e8},
+{0x540be400, 0x00000002},
+{0x05f5e100, 0x00000000},
+{0x000f4240, 0x00000000},
+{0x00002710, 0x00000000},
+{0x00000064, 0x00000000},
+{0x00000001, 0x00000000}
+LOCAL FPU_I64 BCDHighNibble[] = {
+{0x5d8a0000, 0x01634578},
+{0xa4c68000, 0x00038d7e},
+{0x4e72a000, 0x00000918},
+{0x4876e800, 0x00000017},
+{0x3b9aca00, 0x00000000},
+{0x00989680, 0x00000000},
+{0x000186a0, 0x00000000},
+{0x000003e8, 0x00000000},
+{0x0000000a, 0x00000000}
+#endif /* !BIGEND */
+LOCAL IBOOL NpxDisabled = FALSE; /* Set by the UIF */
+/* Imported functions */
+IMPORT VOID DoNpxException();
+LOCAL FPH npx_rint IFN1(FPH, fpval)
+ FPH localfp;
+ switch (NpxControl & ROUND_ZERO) {
+ localfp = fpval - floor(fpval);
+ if (localfp > 0.5) {
+ localfp = ceil(fpval);
+ } else {
+ if (localfp < 0.5) {
+ localfp = floor(fpval);
+ } else {
+ if ((fpval-localfp)/2.0 != floor((fpval-localfp)/2.0)) {
+ localfp = ceil(fpval);
+ } else {
+ localfp = floor(fpval);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ localfp = floor(fpval);
+ /* help the poor HP over this hurdle... */
+ if ( fpval >= localfp + 1.0 )
+ localfp += 1.0;
+ break;
+ localfp = ceil(fpval);
+ /* help the poor HP over this hurdle... */
+ if ( fpval <= localfp - 1.0 )
+ localfp -= 1.0;
+ break;
+ case ROUND_ZERO :
+ if (fpval < 0.0) {
+ localfp = ceil(fpval);
+ } else {
+ localfp = floor(fpval);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check sign of zero */
+ if (localfp == 0.0) {
+ if (fpval < 0.0) {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(localfp))->hiword.sign = 1;
+ } else {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(localfp))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return(localfp);
+LOCAL VOID GetIntelStatusWord IFN0()
+ /* The status word already contains the correct 'sticky' bits */
+ /* for any potential exceptions. What need to be filled in are */
+ /* the flag bits and the ST value */
+ NpxStatus &= 0xc7ff; /* Clear the st bits */
+ NpxStatus |= ((TOSPtr-FPUStackBase) << 11);
+LOCAL VOID SetIntelTagword IFN1(IU32, new_tag)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *tagPtr = FPUStackBase;
+ IU8 counter = 0;
+ /* We only consider whether the thing is marked as empty or not.
+ If it is anything other than empty we will want to precisely calculate
+ it by using CalcTagword() */
+ while (counter++ < 8) {
+ if ((new_tag & 3) == 3) {
+ /* It's empty */
+ tagPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ tagPtr->tagvalue = 0;
+ }
+ new_tag >>= 2;
+ tagPtr++;
+ }
+/* Reads and writes for 16 and 32 bit integers are easy as they are handled
+correctly in order to satisfy the integer CPU */
+/* This function is only called from fldenv/frstor where 16-bit data has to
+be extracted from a large (bigendian organised) buffer */
+LOCAL VOID ReadI16FromIntel IFN2(IU32 *, valI16, VOID *, memPtr)
+ IU32 res;
+ res = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0);
+ res <<= 8;
+ res |= *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1);
+ *valI16 = res;
+/* This function is only called from fldwnv/frstor where 32-bit data has to
+be extrated from a large (bigendian organised) buffer */
+LOCAL VOID ReadI32FromIntel IFN2(IU32 *, valI32, VOID *, memPtr)
+ IU32 res;
+ res = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0);
+ res <<= 8;
+ res |= *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1);
+ res <<= 8;
+ res |= *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2);
+ res <<= 8;
+ res |= *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3);
+ *valI32 = res;
+/* This function is only used in fsave/fstenv */
+LOCAL VOID WriteI16ToIntel IFN2(VOID *, memPtr, IU16, valI16)
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = (IU8)(valI16 & 0xff);
+ valI16 >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = (IU8)(valI16 & 0xff);
+/* And so is this one */
+LOCAL VOID WriteI32ToIntel IFN2(VOID *, memPtr, IU32, valI32)
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = (IU8)(valI32 & 0xff);
+ valI32 >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = (IU8)(valI32 & 0xff);
+ valI32 >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = (IU8)(valI32 & 0xff);
+ valI32 >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = (IU8)(valI32 & 0xff);
+/* Anything over 32-bits becomes painful as data is read and written using
+the vir_read_bytes and vir_write_bytes routines respectively, which simply
+dump data from the topmost intel address to the lowest intel address. The
+value of the offsets is defined one way round for bigendian ports and the
+other way for little-endian */
+LOCAL VOID WriteNaNToIntel IFN2(VOID *, memPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, valPtr)
+ IU32 mant_hi;
+ IU32 mant_lo;
+ /* Ok for endian-ness as we FORCE this presentation */
+ mant_hi = ((IU32 *)&(valPtr->fpvalue))[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS];
+ mant_lo = ((IU32 *)&(valPtr->fpvalue))[NPX_LOW_32_BITS];
+ if (FPtype == M32R) {
+ /* OK since this forces the output to be independent of
+ endian-ness. */
+ mant_hi |= 0x40000000; /* Make it quiet */
+ mant_hi >>= 8;
+ if ((valPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ mant_hi |= 0xff000000;
+ } else {
+ mant_hi |= 0x7f000000;
+ }
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = mant_hi;
+ }
+ if (FPtype == M64R) {
+ mant_hi |= 0x40000000; /* Make it quiet */
+ if ((valPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0xff;
+ } else {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0x7f;
+ }
+ mant_lo >>= 3;
+ mant_lo |= (mant_hi << 29);
+ mant_hi >>= 3;
+ mant_hi |= 0xe0000000;
+ mant_lo >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = (mant_lo & 0xff);
+ mant_lo >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = (mant_lo & 0xff);
+ mant_lo >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = (mant_lo & 0xff);
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ mant_hi >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ mant_hi >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ mant_hi >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ }
+ if (FPtype == M80R) {
+ if ((valPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0xff;
+ } else {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0x7f;
+ }
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0xff;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 9) = (mant_lo & 0xff);
+ mant_lo >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 8) = (mant_lo & 0xff);
+ mant_lo >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = (mant_lo & 0xff);
+ mant_lo >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = (mant_lo & 0xff);
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ mant_hi >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ mant_hi >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ mant_hi >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = (mant_hi & 0xff);
+ }
+LOCAL VOID WriteZeroToIntel IFN2(VOID *, memPtr, IU16, negZero)
+ if (FPtype == M32R) {
+ if (negZero == 0) {
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = 0x00000000;
+ } else {
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = 0x80000000;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (FPtype == M80R) {
+ if (negZero == 0) {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0;
+ } else {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0x80;
+ }
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 8) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 9) = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (negZero == 0) {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0;
+ } else {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0x80;
+ }
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL VOID SetIntelStatusWord IFN1(IU32, new_stat)
+ TOSPtr = &FPUStackBase[(new_stat >> 11) & 0x7];
+ NpxStatus = new_stat;
+LOCAL VOID AdjustOverflowResponse IFN0()
+LOCAL VOID AdjustUnderflowResponse IFN0()
+LOCAL VOID WriteIndefiniteToIntel IFN1(VOID *, memPtr)
+ switch (FPtype) {
+ case M32R : *(IU32 *)memPtr = 0xffc00000;
+ break;
+ case M64R : *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0xff;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0xf8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ break;
+ case M80R : *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0xff;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0xff;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0xc0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 8) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 9) = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+LOCAL VOID SignalDivideByZero IFN1(FPSTACKENTRY *, stackPtr)
+ /* Raise divide by zero */
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ZE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_ZM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+ stackPtr->tagvalue = TAG_INFINITY_MASK + (tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+LOCAL VOID SetPrecisionBit IFN0()
+ NpxStatus |= SW_PE_MASK;
+ if (npxRounding == ROUND_POS_INFINITY) {
+ FlagC1(1);
+ } else {
+ FlagC1(0);
+ }
+LOCAL VOID GetIntelTagword IFN1(IU32 *, current_tag)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *tagPtr = &FPUStackBase[7];
+ IU8 counter = 0;
+ *current_tag = 0;
+ while (counter++ < 8) {
+ TestUneval(tagPtr);
+ *current_tag <<= 2;
+ if ((tagPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ *current_tag |= 3;
+ } else {
+ if ((tagPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ *current_tag |= 1;
+ } else {
+ if ((tagPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ *current_tag |= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tagPtr--;
+ }
+/* These functions write host format quantities out to the (bigendian
+organised) intel memory. This requires that we define an ordering between the
+two. The values in HOST_xxx are dependent upon the endian-ness of the port */
+/* According to this organisation, HOST_nnn_BYTE_0 is the offset to the most
+significant byte in the representation of this format, and so on. */
+LOCAL VOID WriteFP32ToIntel IFN2(VOID *, destPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, srcPtr)
+ *(IU32 *)destPtr = *(IU32 *)srcPtr;
+LOCAL VOID WriteFP64ToIntel IFN2(VOID *, destPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, srcPtr)
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 0) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_0);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 1) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_1);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 2) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_2);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 3) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_3);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 4) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_4);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 5) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_5);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 6) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_6);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 7) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_7);
+LOCAL VOID WriteFP80ToIntel IFN2(VOID *, destPtr, FPSTACKENTRY *, srcPtr)
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 0) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_0);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 1) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_1);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 2) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_2);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 3) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_3);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 4) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_4);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 5) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_5);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 6) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_6);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 7) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_7);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 8) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_8);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + 9) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_9);
+LOCAL VOID Mul64Bit8Bit IFN2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, mul_count)
+ CVTI64FPH(as64);
+ FPRes *= (FPH)mul_count;
+ CVTFPHI64(as64, &FPRes);
+ (VOID)memcpy((VOID *)dest_addr, (VOID *)src_addr, sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ NpxStatus &= ~SW_SF_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ srcPtr->tagvalue ^= TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+ ((IU32 *)&(srcPtr->fpvalue))[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] |= 0x40000000;
+ }
+LOCAL VOID WriteBiggestNaN IFN3(IU16, destInd, FPSTACKENTRY *, val1Ptr, FPSTACKENTRY *, val2Ptr)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *destPtr = StackEntryByIndex(destInd);
+ /* We explicitely and deliberately store NaNs as two 32-bit values high word then low word */
+ if (((IU32 *)&(val1Ptr->fpvalue))[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] == ((IU32 *)&(val2Ptr->fpvalue))[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS]) {
+ if (((IU32 *)&(val1Ptr->fpvalue))[NPX_LOW_32_BITS] >= ((IU32 *)&(val2Ptr->fpvalue))[NPX_LOW_32_BITS]) {
+ /* It's val1 */
+ CopyFP(destPtr, val1Ptr);
+ } else {
+ CopyFP(destPtr, val2Ptr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (((IU32 *)&(val1Ptr->fpvalue))[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] > ((IU32 *)&(val2Ptr->fpvalue))[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS]) {
+ /* It's val1 */
+ CopyFP(destPtr, val1Ptr);
+ } else {
+ CopyFP(destPtr, val2Ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Always make it a quiet NaN */
+ ((IU32 *)&(destPtr->fpvalue))[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] |= 0x40000000;
+ destPtr->tagvalue &= ~TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+LOCAL VOID Sub64Bit64Bit IFN2(FPU_I64 *, as64a, FPU_I64 *, as64b)
+ FPH FPlocal;
+ CVTI64FPH(as64b);
+ FPlocal = FPRes;
+ CVTI64FPH(as64a);
+ FPRes -= FPlocal;
+ CVTFPHI64(as64a, &FPRes);
+ IU32 munger;
+ IU16 bitleft;
+ /* First, copy the sign bit */
+ ((FPHOST *)&(destPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = ((FP80 *)&(srcPtr->fpvalue))->sign_exp.sign;
+ /* Then, copy the modified exponent */
+ munger = (IU32)((FP80 *)&(srcPtr->fpvalue))->sign_exp.exp;
+ munger -= (16383 - HOST_BIAS);
+ ((FPHOST *)&(destPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp = munger;
+ /* Finally, the mantissa */
+ munger = (IU32)((FP80 *)&(srcPtr->fpvalue))->mant_hi;
+ munger <<= 1;
+ ((FPHOST *)&(destPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.mant_hi = (munger >> 12);
+ munger <<= 20;
+ munger |= ((FP80 *)&(srcPtr->fpvalue))->mant_lo >> 11;
+ bitleft = ((FP80 *)&(srcPtr->fpvalue))->mant_lo & 0x7ff;
+ if (bitleft != 0) {
+ switch (NpxControl & ROUND_ZERO) {
+ if (bitleft > 0x3ff) {
+ munger += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (((FPHOST *)&(destPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 1) {
+ munger += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (((FPHOST *)&(destPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 0) {
+ munger += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROUND_ZERO :
+ /* Do nothing */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ((FPHOST *)&(destPtr->fpvalue))->mant_lo = munger;
+LOCAL BOOL Cmp64BitGTE IFN2(FPU_I64 *, as64a, FPU_I64 *, as64b)
+ FPH FPlocal;
+ CVTI64FPH(as64b);
+ FPlocal = FPRes;
+ CVTI64FPH(as64a);
+ return(FPRes >= FPlocal);
+LOCAL VOID CopyR32 IFN2(FPSTACKENTRY *, destPtr, VOID *, srcPtr)
+ *(IU32 *)destPtr = *(IU32 *)srcPtr;
+ FPRes = (FPH)as64->high_word * 4294967296.0 + (FPH)as64->low_word;
+ IU32 high32 = 0;
+ IU32 low32 = 0;
+ IS32 exp;
+ IU32 holder;
+ IU32 signbit = 0;
+ exp = ((FPHOST *)FPPtr)->hiword.exp;
+ if (exp != 0) {
+ high32 = ((FPHOST *)FPPtr)->hiword.mant_hi;
+ low32 = ((FPHOST *)FPPtr)->mant_lo;
+ /* Now stick a 1 at the top of the mantissa */
+ /* Calculate where this is */
+ holder = HOST_MAX_EXP+1;
+ signbit = 1;
+ while (holder >>= 1) {
+ signbit += 1;
+ }
+ high32 |= (1 << (32-signbit));
+ exp -= HOST_BIAS;
+ exp -= (64-signbit);
+ signbit = ((FPHOST *)FPPtr)->hiword.sign;
+ /* high32 and low32 are (mantissa)*(2^52 )
+ * exp is (true exponent-52) = number of bit positions to shift
+ * +ve implies shift left, -ve implies shift right
+ */
+ if (exp > 0) {
+ if (exp >= 32) {
+ high32 = low32 << ( exp - 32 ) ;
+ low32 = 0;
+ } else {
+ high32 = high32 << exp ;
+ holder = low32 >> ( 32 -exp ) ;
+ high32 = high32 | holder ;
+ low32 = low32 << exp ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( exp < 0) {
+ exp = -exp;
+ if ( exp >= 32 ) {
+ low32 = high32 >> ( exp - 32 ) ;
+ high32 = 0 ;
+ } else {
+ low32 = low32 >> exp ;
+ holder = high32 << ( 32 -exp ) ;
+ low32 = low32 | holder ;
+ high32 = high32 >> exp ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (signbit != 0) {
+ /* Make it negative */
+ high32 ^= 0xffffffff;
+ low32 ^= 0xffffffff;
+ low32 += 1;
+ if (low32 == 0) {
+ high32 += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ as64->high_word = high32;
+ as64->low_word = low32;
+LOCAL VOID Add64Bit8Bit IFN2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, small_val)
+ CVTI64FPH(as64);
+ FPRes += (FPH)small_val;
+ CVTFPHI64(as64, &FPRes);
+LOCAL VOID CopyR64 IFN2(FPSTACKENTRY *, destPtr, VOID *, srcPtr)
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_0) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 0);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_1) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 1);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_2) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 2);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_3) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 3);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_4) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 4);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_5) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 5);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_6) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 6);
+ *((IU8 *)destPtr + HOST_R64_BYTE_7) = *((IU8 *)srcPtr + 7);
+ * CopyR80 is different from the above as it is called to copy
+ * between FPSTACKENTRYs. Copy straight through.
+ */
+LOCAL VOID CopyR80 IFN2(FPSTACKENTRY *, destPtr, VOID *, srcPtr)
+ *(FP80 *)destPtr = *(FP80 *)srcPtr;
+ IU32 munger;
+ /* First, copy the sign bit */
+ ((FP80 *)&(FPTemp.fpvalue))->sign_exp.sign = ((FPHOST *)&(memPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign;
+ /* Then, copy the modified exponent */
+ munger = (IU32)((FPHOST *)&(memPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp;
+ munger += (16383 - HOST_BIAS);
+ ((FP80 *)&(FPTemp.fpvalue))->sign_exp.exp = munger;
+ /* Finally, the mantissa */
+ munger = (IU32)((FPHOST *)&(memPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.mant_hi;
+ munger <<= 11;
+ munger |= 0x80000000;
+ ((FP80 *)&(FPTemp.fpvalue))->mant_hi = munger | (((FPHOST *)&(memPtr->fpvalue))->mant_lo >> 21);
+ ((FP80 *)&(FPTemp.fpvalue))->mant_lo = ((((FPHOST *)&(memPtr->fpvalue))->mant_lo) << 11);
+LOCAL VOID WriteInfinityToIntel IFN2(VOID *, memPtr, IU16, neg_val)
+ if (FPtype == M32R) {
+ if (neg_val == 0) {
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = 0x7f800000;
+ } else {
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = 0xff800000;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (FPtype == M80R) {
+ if (neg_val == 0) {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0x7f;
+ } else {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0xff;
+ }
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0xff;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0x80;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 8) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 9) = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (neg_val == 0) {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0x7f;
+ } else {
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0xff;
+ }
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0xf0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Mark current TOS as free */
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ DoAPop = FALSE;
+LOCAL VOID CPY64BIT8BIT IFN2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8 *, as8)
+ *as8 = (as64->low_word & 0xff);
+LOCAL VOID WriteIntegerIndefinite IFN1(VOID *, memPtr)
+ switch (FPtype) {
+ case M16I : *((IU32 *)memPtr) = 0x8000;
+ break;
+ case M32I : *((IU32 *)memPtr) = 0x80000000;
+ break;
+ case M64I : *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0x80;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+Name : SignalStackOverflow
+Function : To set the required bits in the status word following
+ a stack overflow exception, and to issue the required
+ response.
+LOCAL VOID SignalStackOverflow IFN1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr)
+ NpxStatus |= (SW_IE_MASK | SW_SF_MASK);
+ FlagC1(1);
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ DoAPop=FALSE; /* Just in case it was set */
+ } else {
+ WriteIndefinite(StackPtr);
+ }
+LOCAL VOID Set64Bit IFN2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, small_val)
+ as64->high_word = 0;
+ as64->low_word = small_val;
+LOCAL VOID Sub64Bit8Bit IFN2(FPU_I64 *, as64, IU8, small_val)
+ CVTI64FPH(as64);
+ FPRes -= (FPH)small_val;
+ CVTFPHI64(as64, &FPRes);
+LOCAL VOID SignalBCDIndefinite IFN1(IU8 *, memPtr)
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0xff;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0xff;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0xc0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 8) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 9) = 0;
+/* Called from cpu_init and cpu_reset */
+GLOBAL VOID InitNpx IFN1(IBOOL, disabled)
+ IU16 i;
+ IU8 *bottom_ptr;
+ IU16 stackPtr = 0;
+ /* Set up a couple of control type things */
+ NpxException = FALSE;
+ if (first)
+ {
+ /* Get the required memory */
+#ifndef SFELLOW
+ check_malloc(FPUStackBase, 8, FPSTACKENTRY);
+#endif /* SFELLOW */
+ first = FALSE;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ (FPUStackBase+i)->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ }
+ TOSPtr = FPUStackBase;
+ DoAPop = FALSE;
+ i=0;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_zero;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_pi_by_four;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_three_pi_by_four;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi_by_two;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_pi_by_four;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = npx_minus_three_pi_by_four;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i++] = NULL;
+ FpatanTable[i] = NULL;
+ /* Finally, the rest of the FINIT functionality */
+ NpxDisabled = disabled; /* If disabled via the UIF we must ignore FSTSW/FSTCW */
+ NpxControl = 0x037f;
+ npxRounding = ROUND_NEAREST;
+ NpxStatus = 0;
+ NpxLastSel=0;
+ NpxLastOff=0;
+ NpxFEA=0;
+ NpxFDS=0;
+ NpxFIP=0;
+ NpxFOP=0;
+ NpxFCS=0;
+Name : LoadValue
+Function : Load up the value for any flavour of operand.
+ This is ALWAYS inlined.
+LOCAL VOID LoadValue IFN2(VOID *, SrcOp, IU16 *, IndexVal)
+ if (FPtype == FPSTACK) {
+ *IndexVal = *(IU16 *)SrcOp;
+ } else {
+ switch (FPtype) {
+ case M16I: Loadi16ToFP(&FPTemp, SrcOp);
+ break;
+ case M32I: Loadi32ToFP(&FPTemp, SrcOp);
+ break;
+ case M64I: Loadi64ToFP(&FPTemp, SrcOp);
+ break;
+ case M32R: Loadr32ToFP(&FPTemp, SrcOp, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case M64R: Loadr64ToFP(&FPTemp, SrcOp, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case M80R: Loadr80ToFP(&FPTemp, SrcOp);
+ break;
+ }
+ *IndexVal = FPTEMP_INDEX;
+ }
+Name : Loadi16ToFP
+Function : Load a 16-bit value from intel memory and convert it
+ to FPH
+ IS16 asint;
+ asint = (IS16)*((IU32 *)memPtr); /* High byte */
+ if (asint == 0) {
+ /* Fast pass through */
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = (FPH)asint;
+ if (asint < 0) {
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = 0;
+ }
+ }
+Name : Loadi32ToFP
+Function : Load a 32-bit value from intel memory and convert it
+ to FPH
+ IS32 asint;
+ asint = *((IS32 *)memPtr);
+ if (asint == 0) {
+ /* Fast pass through */
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = (FPH)asint;
+ if (asint < 0) {
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = 0;
+ }
+ }
+Name : Loadi64ToFP
+Function : Load a 64-bit value from intel memory and convert it
+ to FPH
+ IS32 asint_hi;
+ IU32 asint_lo;
+ asint_hi = *((IS8 *)memPtr + 0);
+ asint_hi <<= 8;
+ asint_hi += *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1);
+ asint_hi <<= 8;
+ asint_hi += *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2);
+ asint_hi <<= 8;
+ asint_hi += *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3);
+ asint_lo = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4);
+ asint_lo <<= 8;
+ asint_lo += *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5);
+ asint_lo <<= 8;
+ asint_lo += *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6);
+ asint_lo <<= 8;
+ asint_lo += *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7);
+ if ((asint_hi | asint_lo) == 0) {
+ /* Fast pass through */
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = (FPH)asint_hi*4294967296.0 + (FPH)asint_lo;
+ if (asint_hi < 0) {
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = 0;
+ }
+ }
+Name : Loadr32ToFP
+Function : Load a 32-bit real value from intel memory and convert
+ it to FPH
+ IU16 localtag;
+ IS32 mantissa;
+ /* Note that this, being a 32-bit quantity, is loaded with correct
+ host endianness */
+ if (((FP32 *)memPtr)->sign == 1) {
+ localtag = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ localtag = 0;
+ }
+ /* Now check the exponent... */
+ if (((FP32 *)memPtr)->exp == 0) {
+ /* It's either zero or denormal */
+ mantissa = ((FP32 *)memPtr)->mant;
+ if (mantissa == 0x0) {
+ /* It's zero */
+ localtag |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ } else {
+ /* It's a denormal */
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ if (setTOS)
+ TOSPtr = FPPtr;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = (FPH)(*(float *)memPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (((FP32 *)memPtr)->exp == 255) {
+ /* It's either infinity or a NaN */
+ mantissa = ((FP32 *)memPtr)->mant;
+ if (mantissa == 0x0) {
+ /* It's infinity */
+ localtag |= TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ localtag |= TAG_NAN_MASK;
+ /* Is it quiet or signalling? */
+ if ((mantissa & 0x400000) == 0) {
+ /* It's a signalling NaN */
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Must load up the mantissa of the NaN */
+ ((IU32 *)FPPtr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] = ((mantissa << 8) | 0x80000000);
+ ((IU32 *)FPPtr)[NPX_LOW_32_BITS] = 0;
+ if ((mantissa & 0x400000) == 0) {
+ if (setTOS)
+ ((IS32 *)FPPtr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] |= 0x40000000;
+ else
+ localtag |= TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* It's a boring ordinary number */
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = (FPH)(*(float *)memPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = localtag;
+Name : Loadr64ToFP
+Function : Load a 64-bit real value from intel memory and convert
+ it to FPH
+ IU16 localtag;
+ IS32 mantissa_lo;
+ IS32 mantissa_hi;
+ CopyR64(FPUpload, memPtr);
+ if (((FP64 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->hiword.sign != 0) {
+ localtag = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ localtag = 0;
+ }
+ /* Now check the exponent... */
+ if (((FP64 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->hiword.exp == 0) {
+ /* It's either zero or denormal */
+ mantissa_lo = ((FP64 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->mant_lo;
+ mantissa_hi = ((FP64 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->hiword.mant_hi;
+ if ((mantissa_lo | mantissa_hi) == 0) {
+ /* It's zero */
+ localtag |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ } else {
+ /* It's a denormal */
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ if (setTOS)
+ TOSPtr = FPPtr;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = (FPH)(*(DOUBLE *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue));
+ /* Really need a sort of host denormal detection */
+ /* localtag |= TAG_DENORMAL_MASK; */
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (((FP64 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->hiword.exp == 2047) {
+ /* It's either infinity or a NaN */
+ mantissa_lo = ((FP64 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->mant_lo;
+ mantissa_hi = ((FP64 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->hiword.mant_hi;
+ if ((mantissa_lo | mantissa_hi) == 0) {
+ /* It's infinity */
+ localtag |= TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ localtag |= TAG_NAN_MASK;
+ /* Is it quiet or signalling? */
+ if ((mantissa_hi & 0x80000) == 0) {
+ /* It's a signalling NaN */
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Must load up the mantissa of the NaN */
+ ((IS32 *)FPPtr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] = ((mantissa_hi << 11) | 0x80000000);
+ ((IS32 *)FPPtr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] |= ((IU32)mantissa_lo >> 21);
+ ((IS32 *)FPPtr)[NPX_LOW_32_BITS] = (mantissa_lo << 11);
+ if ((mantissa_hi & 0x80000) == 0) {
+ if (setTOS)
+ ((IS32 *)FPPtr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] |= 0x40000000;
+ else
+ localtag |= TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* It's a boring ordinary number */
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = (FPH)(*(DOUBLE *)FPUpload);
+ }
+ }
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = localtag;
+Name : LoadrTByteToFP
+Function : Load a 80-bit real value from intel memory and convert
+ it to FPH
+ * The R80 representation is { IU64 mant; IU16 signexp }
+ * in order to be compatible with the Acpu representation of things.
+ */
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_0) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_1) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_2) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_3) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_4) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_5) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_6) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_7) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_8) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 8);
+ *((IU8 *)FPPtr + HOST_R80_BYTE_9) = *((IU8 *)memPtr + 9);
+Name : Loadr80ToFP
+Function : Load a 80-bit real value from intel memory
+ LoadTByteToFP(FPPtr, memPtr);
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = TAG_R80_MASK;
+IU32 mantissa_hi;
+IU32 mantissa_lo;
+IU16 exp_value;
+ CopyR80(FPUpload, (VOID *)&(memPtr->fpvalue));
+ if (((FP80 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->sign_exp.sign != 0) {
+ memPtr->tagvalue = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ memPtr->tagvalue = 0;
+ }
+ exp_value = ((FP80 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->sign_exp.exp;
+ mantissa_hi = ((FP80 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->mant_hi;
+ mantissa_lo = ((FP80 *)&(FPUpload->fpvalue))->mant_lo;
+ /* Now check the exponent... */
+ if ((exp_value >= (16383-HOST_BIAS)) && (exp_value <= (16383+HOST_BIAS))) {
+ /* It's a boring ordinary number */
+ /* But let's check that it isn't an unnormal */
+ if ((mantissa_hi & 0x80000000) == 0) {
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK;
+ } else {
+ CVTR80FPH(memPtr, FPUpload);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (exp_value == 0) {
+ /* It's either zero or denormal */
+ /* It's only meaningful to check for a denorm if HOST_BIAS
+ is equal to or greater than 16383. Otherwise we can do
+ nothing except set the thing to zero.
+ */
+#if (HOST_BIAS >= 16383)
+ if ((mantissa_hi | mantissa_lo) == 0) {
+ /* It's zero */
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ } else {
+ /* It's a denormal */
+ /* First, check it isn't a pseudodenorm */
+ if ((mantissa_hi & 0x80000000) != 0) {
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK;
+ } else {
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_DENORMAL_MASK;
+ CVTR80FPH(memPtr, FPUpload);
+ }
+ }
+ /* It's zero either way */
+ if ((mantissa_hi | mantissa_lo) != 0) {
+ /* It's a denormal */
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_DENORMAL_MASK;
+ }
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ } else {
+ if ((mantissa_hi & 0x80000000) == 0) {
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK;
+ } else {
+ if (exp_value == 32767) {
+ /* It's either infinity or a NaN */
+ if ((mantissa_hi == 0x80000000) && mantissa_lo == 0) {
+ /* It's infinity */
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_NAN_MASK;
+ /* Is it quiet or signalling? */
+ if ((mantissa_hi & 0x40000000) == 0) {
+ /* It's a signalling NaN */
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+ }
+ /* Must load up the mantissa of the NaN */
+ ((IU32 *)memPtr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS] = mantissa_hi;
+ ((IU32 *)memPtr)[NPX_LOW_32_BITS] = mantissa_lo;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (exp_value > 16384) {
+ /* Default to infinity */
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ /* Default to zero */
+ memPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Name : PostCheckOUP
+Function : This generator is associated with the result of an
+ instruction emulation whose result, an FPH, is to
+ be written out to the stack. We check for O, U anf
+ P exceptions here, but we make no attempt to write out
+ the result. This is because the writing of the result
+ is independent of these exceptions, since for results
+ being written to the stack, delivery of the result
+ cannot be prevented even where these exceptions are
+ unmasked.
+ if (HostGetOverflowException() != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_OE_MASK; /* Set the overflow bit */
+ /* For the masked overflow case, the result delivered by */
+ /* the host will be correct, provided it is IEEE compliant. */
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_OM_MASK) == 0) {
+ AdjustOverflowResponse();
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Overflow and underflow being mutually exclusive... */
+ if (HostGetUnderflowException() != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_UE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_UM_MASK) == 0) {
+ AdjustUnderflowResponse();
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (HostGetPrecisionException() != 0) {
+ SetPrecisionBit();
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_PM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+Name : CalcTagword
+Function : To calculate the tagword associated with a value
+ and write out the result where appropriate.
+ IU16 tagword;
+ FPPtr->fpvalue = FPRes;
+ if (((FPHOST *)&(FPPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign == 1) {
+ tagword = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ tagword = 0;
+ }
+ if (((FPHOST *)&(FPPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp == 0) {
+ /* It's either a zero or a denorm */
+ if (FPPtr->fpvalue == 0.0) {
+ /* It's a zero */
+ tagword |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+#if (HOST_BIAS >= 16383)
+ } else {
+ /* It's a denorm */
+ tagword |= TAG_DENORMAL_MASK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (((FPHOST *)&(FPPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp == HOST_MAX_EXP) {
+ /* It MUST be infinity as we can't generate NaNs */
+ tagword |= TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ FPPtr->tagvalue = tagword;
+ if (NpxException) {
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+Name : SignalStackUnderflow
+Function : To set the required bits in the status word following
+ a stack underflow exception, and to issue the required
+ response.
+LOCAL VOID SignalStackUnderflow IFN1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr)
+ NpxStatus |= (SW_IE_MASK | SW_SF_MASK);
+ FlagC1(0);
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ DoAPop=FALSE; /* Just in case it was set */
+ } else {
+ WriteIndefinite(StackPtr);
+ }
+Name : SignalSNaN
+Function : To set the required bits in the status word following
+ detection of a signalling NaN.
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ NpxStatus &= ~SW_SF_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+Name : SignalInvalid
+Function : To set the required bits in the status word following
+ any standard "invalid" exception
+LOCAL VOID SignalIndefinite IFN1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr)
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ NpxStatus &= ~SW_SF_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ WriteIndefinite(StackPtr);
+ }
+LOCAL VOID SignalInvalid IFN0()
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ NpxStatus &= ~SW_SF_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+Name : WriteIndefinite
+Function : Write the value "indefinite" into the location
+LOCAL VOID WriteIndefinite IFN1(FPSTACKENTRY *, StackPtr)
+ StackPtr->tagvalue = (TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_NAN_MASK);
+ (((IU32 *)StackPtr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS]) = 0xc0000000;
+ (((IU32 *)StackPtr)[NPX_LOW_32_BITS]) = 0;
+/* This generator should always be inlined. */
+LOCAL VOID Test2NaN IFN3(IU16, destIndex, FPSTACKENTRY *, src1_addr, FPSTACKENTRY *, src2_addr)
+ /* Are they both NaNs? */
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_NAN_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* Yes, they are. */
+ WriteBiggestNaN(destIndex, src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* No, only one NaN. */
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_NAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* It was src1. */
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ CopyFP(src2_addr, src1_addr);
+ if ((src2_addr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ src2_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+ SignalInvalid();
+ (((IU32 *)src2_addr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS]) |= 0x40000000;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* It was src2. */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ CopyFP(src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+ SignalInvalid();
+ (((IU32 *)src1_addr)[NPX_HIGH_32_BITS]) |= 0x40000000;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Name : F2XM1
+Function : Compute 2**x - 1
+Operation : ST <- (2**ST - 1)
+Flags : C1 set as per table 15-1
+Exceptions : P, U, D, I, IS
+Valid range : -1 < ST < +1
+Notes : If ST is outside the required range, the result is
+ undefined.
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ /* Check if a real value... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = pow(2.0, TOSPtr->fpvalue) - 1.0;
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* This could return anything really.... */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Some funny bit was set. Check for the possibilities */
+ /* We begin with the most obvious cases... */
+ /* Response to zero is to return zero with same sign */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ return; /* The required result! */
+ }
+ /* We do denorm checking and bit setting ourselves because this */
+ /* reduces the overhead if the thing is masked. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = pow(2.0, TOSPtr->fpvalue) - 1.0;
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Could return a denorm, zero, real, infinity... */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If -infinity, return -1. If +infinity, return that */
+ /* Sensible enough really, I suppose */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ memset((char*)TOSPtr,0,sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+ TOSPtr->fpvalue = -1.0;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ MakeNaNQuiet(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Name : FABS
+Function : Make the value absolute
+Operation : sign bit of ST <- 0
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes : Note that only the IS exception can be flagged. All
+ other error conditions are ignored, even a signalling
+ NaN! We ALWAYS attempt to make the value positive.
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* Now clear the negative bit. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ /* If the value is real or denormal, we'll want to change the MSB */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) == 0) {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ }
+Name : FADD
+Function : Add two numbers together
+Operation : Dest <- Src1 + Src2
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes : Note the dependence on the rounding mode when
+ calculating the sign of zero for situations
+ where two zeroes of different sign are input.
+GLOBAL VOID FADD IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2)
+ IU16 src2Index;
+ LoadValue(src2, &src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ DoAPop=TRUE;
+ }
+ GenericAdd(destIndex, src1Index, src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ if (DoAPop) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+Name : GenericAdd
+Function : To return dest <- src1+src2
+LOCAL VOID GenericAdd IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src1_addr;
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src2_addr;
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src1Index);
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src2Index);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ /* If the only tagword bits set are negative or denormal then just proceed */
+ TestUneval(src1_addr);
+ TestUneval(src2_addr);
+ tag_or = (src1_addr->tagvalue | src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ if ((tag_or & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = src1_addr->fpvalue + src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Could return virtually anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Some funny bit was set. Check for the possibilities */
+ /* The odds on an 'empty', 'unsupported' or 'nan' must be low... */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalStackUnderflow(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* It must be a NaN type thing. */
+ /* Calculate the xor of the tagwords. */
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(destIndex, src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check for the denorm case...I think the odds on it are low, however */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* First, make sure that we don't have any zeros or */
+ /* infinities lurking around... */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_DENORMAL_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = src1_addr->fpvalue + src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Could return anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If there were zeros or infinities then we go on to the */
+ /* appropriate code */
+ }
+ }
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* Check for the case of zero... This is very likely */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* Only one zero. */
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ CopyFP(src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ } else {
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ CopyFP(src2_addr, src1_addr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Both are zeros. Do they have the same sign? */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* No, they don't */
+ if (npxRounding == ROUND_NEG_INFINITY) {
+ src1_addr->tagvalue = (TAG_ZERO_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+ } else {
+ src1_addr->tagvalue = TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The only funny bit left is infinity */
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* They are both infinity. */
+ /* If they are the same sign, copy either */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ src1_addr->tagvalue = tag_or;
+ } else {
+ /* If opposite signed, raise Invalid */
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Only one is infinity. That is the result. */
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = src1_addr->tagvalue;
+ } else {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ src1_addr->tagvalue = src2_addr->tagvalue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* AddBCDByte(). This generator should be inlined.
+ This generator add in a BCD byte to a grand total.
+LOCAL VOID AddBCDByte IFN2(FPU_I64 *, total, IU8, byte_val)
+ Add64Bit8Bit(total, byte_val);
+ if (byte_val >= 0x10) { /* Odds ought to be 16 to 1 on. */
+ /* We've added in 16 times the high BCD digit, */
+ /* so we need to subtract off 6 times that amount. */
+ byte_val &= 0xf0; /* Isolate the high digit */
+ byte_val >>= 2; /* This is now four times the high digit */
+ Sub64Bit8Bit(total, byte_val);
+ byte_val >>= 1; /* This is twice the high digit */
+ Sub64Bit8Bit(total, byte_val);
+ }
+/* FBLD: Load BCD value from intel memory.
+ The alorithm used here is identical to that in the generic NPX.
+ We take each BCD digit and multiply it up by an appropriate amount
+ (1, 10, 100, 1000 etc) in order to create two nine digit 32-bit binary
+ values. We then convert the word with the high digits (d17-d9) into
+ floating point format and multiply by the representation of the value
+ for 10**9. This is then stored away (in FPTEMP) and the word with the
+ low digits (d8-d0) is converted to floating point format and added to
+ the value in FPTEMP. This is then the final binary representation of
+ the original BCD value that can be stored at TOS. */
+Name : FBLD
+Function : Load the BCD value in intel memory onto TOS
+Operation : ST <- Convert to FPH(memPtr);
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : IS
+Valid range : -999999999999999999 to 999999999999999999
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ /* All we shall do is load it up without consideration */
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) { /* Highly unlikely, see notes. */
+ SignalStackOverflow(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* We just copy the bytes directly */
+ LoadTByteToFP(TOSPtr, memPtr);
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_BCD_MASK;
+ }
+ IU8 *memPtr = (IU8 *)&(bcdPtr->fpvalue);
+ FPU_I64 total;
+ Set64Bit(&total, 0);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_1]); /* Get d17d16 */
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_2]);
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_3]);
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_4]);
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_5]);
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_6]);
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_7]);
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_8]);
+ Mul64Bit8Bit(&total, 100);
+ AddBCDByte(&total, memPtr[HOST_R80_BYTE_9]);
+ CVTI64FPH(&total);
+ if ((*(memPtr + 0) & 0x80) != 0) {
+ FPRes = -FPRes; /* Make it negative! */
+ }
+ CalcTagword(bcdPtr); /* can only be negative */
+ /* or zero. */
+/* FBSTP: Store binary coded decimal and pop.
+This uses much the same algorithm as before, but reversed. You begin
+by checking that the value at TOS is real, then compare it against the
+maximum possible value (having first forced the sign bit to be zero).
+If it's OK, then turn it into a 64 bit integer and perform the
+required repeated subtractions to calculate each of the BCD digits. */
+ FPH local_fp;
+ IS8 nibble_num;
+ IU8 byte_val;
+ FPU_I64 as64bit;
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & UNEVALMASK) != 0) {
+ switch (TOSPtr->tagvalue & UNEVALMASK) {
+ case TAG_BCD_MASK: /* We just copy the bytes directly */
+ WriteFP80ToIntel(memPtr, TOSPtr);
+ PopStack();
+ return;
+ break;
+ case TAG_R80_MASK: ConvertR80(TOSPtr);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~(TAG_DENORMAL_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* We're OK. Let's do some checking... */
+ if (fabs(TOSPtr->fpvalue) >= MaxBCDValue) {
+ /* It's all gone horribly wrong */
+ SignalInvalid();
+ SignalBCDIndefinite((IU8 *)memPtr);
+ PopStack();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The value is OK. Do the conversion. */
+ local_fp = npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ ((FPHOST *)&local_fp)->hiword.sign = 0; /* Force it to be positive */
+ CVTFPHI64(&as64bit, &local_fp);
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[0])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[0]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[0])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[0]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 1) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[1])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[1]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[1])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[1]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 2) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[2])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[2]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[2])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[2]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 3) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[3])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[3]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[3])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[3]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 4) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[4])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[4]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[4])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[4]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 5) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[5])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[5]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[5])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[5]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 6) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[6])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[6]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[6])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[6]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 7) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[7])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[7]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[7])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[7]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 8) = byte_val;
+ byte_val = 0;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[8])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDHighNibble[8]);
+ }
+ byte_val <<= 4;
+ while (Cmp64BitGTE(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[8])) {
+ byte_val += 1;
+ Sub64Bit64Bit(&as64bit, &BCDLowNibble[8]);
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 9) = byte_val;
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ *(memPtr + 0) = 0x80;
+ ((FPHOST *)&local_fp)->hiword.sign = 1;
+ } else {
+ *(memPtr + 0) = 0;
+ }
+ /* Can't prevent delivery of result with unmasked precision
+ exception... */
+ if (local_fp != TOSPtr->fpvalue) {
+ SetPrecisionBit();
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_PM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ PopStack();
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* Anything else: Infinity, NaN or whatever... */
+ SignalInvalid();
+ SignalBCDIndefinite((IU8 *)memPtr);
+ PopStack();
+ return;
+ }
+ *(memPtr + 3) = (IU8)0;
+ *(memPtr + 4) = (IU8)0;
+ *(memPtr + 5) = (IU8)0;
+ *(memPtr + 6) = (IU8)0;
+ *(memPtr + 7) = (IU8)0;
+ *(memPtr + 8) = (IU8)0;
+ *(memPtr + 9) = (IU8)0;
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) == 0) { /* Again, to check what top bytes should be. */
+ *(memPtr + 0) = (IU8)0xff; /* Not the zero case...It must be indefinite */
+ *(memPtr + 1) = (IU8)0xff;
+ *(memPtr + 2) = (IU8)0xc0;
+ } else {
+ *(memPtr + 1) = (IU8)0;
+ *(memPtr + 2) = (IU8)0;
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ *(memPtr + 0) = 0x80;
+ } else {
+ *(memPtr + 0) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PopStack();
+Name : FCHS
+Function : Change the sign of the value at TOS
+Operation : ST <- Change sign (ST)
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : IS
+Valid range : Any
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* That is the only exception condition possible. FCHS always */
+ /* succeeds! What a strange instruction! */
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK; /* Twiddle the tagword bit */
+ /* We only twiddle the sign bit in numbers that are really */
+ /* being represented. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~(TAG_DENORMAL_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign ^= 1;
+ }
+Name : FCLEX
+Function : Clear the exception flags, exception status flag
+ and busy flag in the FPU status word.
+Operation : SW[0..7]<-0; SW[15]<-0
+Flags : C0, C1, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : Any
+ NpxStatus &= FCLEX_MASK;
+/* Comparision opcodes: The following opcodes are all taken care of
+in this routine: FCOM m32r, FCOM m64r, FCOM ST(i), FCOM, FCOMP m32real,
+FCOMP m64real, FCOMP ST(i), FCOMP, FCOMPP, FICOM m16i, FICOM m32i,
+FICOMP m16i, FICOMP m32i.
+The method is simple: In every case, one of the two operands for which
+comparison is to occur is ST. The second operand is either one of the
+four memory operand types specified, or another stack element, ST(i).
+There are, in addition, two possible control variables - POPST and
+DOUBLEPOP, which set appropriate values in global variables.
+ IU16 src2Index;
+ LoadValue(src2, &src2Index);
+ DoAPop=TRUE;
+ }
+ GenericCompare(src2Index);
+ if (DoAPop) {
+ PopStack();
+ if (DOUBLEPOP) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL VOID GenericCompare IFN1(IU16, src2Index)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src2_addr;
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src2Index);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ TestUneval(src2_addr);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* If the only tagword bit set is negative then just proceed */
+ if ((tag_or & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus &= C3C2C0MASK; /* Clear those bits */
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue > src2_addr->fpvalue) {
+ NpxStatus |= INTEL_COMP_GT;
+ } else {
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue < src2_addr->fpvalue) {
+ NpxStatus |= INTEL_COMP_LT;
+ } else {
+ NpxStatus |= INTEL_COMP_EQ;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Everything was not sweetness and light... */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* It must be a NaN. Just set the "not comparable" result */
+ if (UNORDERED) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NpxStatus &= C3C2C0MASK;
+ NpxStatus |= INTEL_COMP_NC;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* We can do it now, providing we've got no zeros or infinities */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus &= C3C2C0MASK; /* Clear those bits */
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue > src2_addr->fpvalue) {
+ NpxStatus |= INTEL_COMP_GT;
+ } else {
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue < src2_addr->fpvalue) {
+ NpxStatus |= INTEL_COMP_LT;
+ } else {
+ NpxStatus |= INTEL_COMP_EQ;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* We can calculate the result immediately based on any combination */
+ /* of zero, infinity and negative bits. These are the only bits left. */
+ /* We will calculate the result using a little table */
+ /* First, get the index: */
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue & 0x7);
+ tag_or <<= 3;
+ tag_or |= (src2_addr->tagvalue & 0x7);
+ /* This table looks as shown below: */
+ /* TOSPtr Other Value Result */
+ /* 0 0 0 0 1 0 COMP_GT */
+ /* 0 0 0 0 1 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 0 0 0 1 0 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 0 0 0 1 0 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 0 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 0 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 1 0 COMP_EQ */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 1 1 COMP_EQ */
+ /* 0 1 0 1 0 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 0 1 0 1 0 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 0 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 0 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 1 0 COMP_EQ */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 1 1 COMP_EQ */
+ /* 0 1 1 1 0 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 0 1 1 1 0 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 0 0 COMP_GT */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 0 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 1 0 COMP_GT */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 1 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 1 0 0 1 0 0 COMP_EQ */
+ /* 1 0 0 1 0 1 COMP_GT */
+ /* 1 0 1 0 0 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 1 0 1 0 0 1 COMP_LT */
+ /* 1 0 1 0 1 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 1 0 1 0 1 1 COMP_LT */
+ /* 1 0 1 1 0 0 COMP_LT */
+ /* 1 0 1 1 0 1 COMP_EQ */
+ /* */
+ /* All other values are not possible. */
+ NpxStatus &= C3C2C0MASK;
+ NpxStatus |= CompZeroTable[tag_or];
+ return;
+ }
+Name : FCOS
+Function : Calculate the cosine of ST
+Operation : ST <- COSINE(ST)
+Flags : C1, C2 as per table 15-2. C0 and C3 undefined.
+Exceptions : P. U, D, I, IS
+Valid range : |ST| < 2**63.
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ /* Clear C2 */
+ FlagC2(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = cos(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* The return value must be in the range -1 to +1. */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Lets do the most probable cases first... */
+ /* Response to either zero is to return +1 */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ memset((char*)TOSPtr,0,sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+ TOSPtr->fpvalue = 1.0;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Lets check for a denormal */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = cos(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* The return value must be in the range -1 to +1 */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Or it could possibly be infinity... */
+ /* For this, the C2 bit is set and the result remains */
+ /* unchanged. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC2(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* It was one of the really wacky bits... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ MakeNaNQuiet(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Function : Subtract one from the TOS
+Operation : if (ST != 0) { ST <- ST-1 else { ST <- 7 }
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined.
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : N/A
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+Name : FDIV
+Function : Divide the two numbers
+Operation : Dest <- Src1 / Src2 or Dest <- Src2 / Src1
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : P, U, O, Z, D, I, IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes : The REVERSE control variable determines which of the
+ two forms of the operation is used. Popping after a
+ successful execution is controlled by POPST.
+GLOBAL VOID FDIV IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2)
+ IU16 src2Index;
+ LoadValue(src2, &src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ DoAPop=TRUE;
+ }
+ GenericDivide(destIndex, REVERSE?src2Index:src1Index, REVERSE?src1Index:src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ if (DoAPop) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+Name : GenericDivide
+Function : To return dest <- src1/src2
+LOCAL VOID GenericDivide IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src1_addr;
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src2_addr;
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src1Index);
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src2Index);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(src1_addr);
+ TestUneval(src2_addr);
+ tag_or = (src1_addr->tagvalue | src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* If the only tagword bit set is negative then just proceed */
+ if ((tag_or & (~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = src1_addr->fpvalue/src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Value could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Some funny bit was set. Check for the possibilities */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalStackUnderflow(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Well, I suppose it has to be the NaN case... */
+ /* Calculate the xor of the tagwords */
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(destIndex, src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ DoAPop = FALSE;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* OK to proceed */
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = src1_addr->fpvalue/src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Value could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* Check for infinity as it has higher precendence than zero. */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* They are both infinity. This is invalid. */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Only one is infinity. If src1 in infinity, then so */
+ /* is the result (even if src2 is zero). */
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ } else {
+ tag_or = TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ }
+ tag_or |= (tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = tag_or;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The only funny bit left is zero */
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* Only one zero. */
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* Src2 is zero. Raise divide by zero */
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ZE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_ZM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Unmasked. Infinity with xor of signs. */
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Src1 is zero. The result is zero with */
+ /* the xor of the sign bits. */
+ tag_or = TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ }
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ tag_or |= (tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+ src1_addr->tagvalue = tag_or;
+ } else {
+ /* Both are zeros. This is an invalid operation */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ }
+ }
+Name : FFREE
+Function : Set the 'empty' tagword bit in the destination
+Operation : Tag(dest) <- 'empty'
+Flags : All undefined
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : Any
+Notes :
+ FPSTACKENTRY *dest_addr;
+ dest_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ dest_addr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ if (POPST) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+Name : FILD
+Function : Push the memory integer onto the stack
+Operation : Decrement TOS; ST(0) <- SRC.
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. Others undefined.
+Exceptions : IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes : FLD Instruction only: source operand is denormal.
+ Masked response: No special action, load as usual.
+ fld gives an Invalid exception if the stack is full. Unmasked
+ Invalid exceptions leave the stack unchanged. Neither the MIPS
+ nor the 68k code notice stack full, so it is probably safe to
+ assume that it rarely happens, and optimise for the case where
+ there is no exception.
+ fld does not generate an Invalid exception if the ST is a NaN.
+ When loading a Short real or Long real NaN, fld extends the
+ significand by adding zeros at the least significant end.
+ Load operations raise denormal as an "after" exception: the
+ register stack is already updated when the exception is raised
+ fld produces a denormal result only when loading from memory:
+ using fld to transfer a denormal value between registers has
+ no effect.
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src_addr;
+ IU16 IndexVal;
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ src_addr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+ if ((src_addr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) { /* Highly unlikely, see notes. */
+ NpxStatus |= (SW_IE_MASK | SW_SF_MASK);
+ FlagC1(1);
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ TOSPtr = src_addr;
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (FPtype == FPSTACK) {
+ IndexVal = *(IU16 *)memPtr;
+ src_addr = StackEntryByIndex(IndexVal);
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+ CopyFP(TOSPtr, src_addr);
+ } else {
+ switch (FPtype) {
+ case M16I : TOSPtr = src_addr;
+ Loadi16ToFP(TOSPtr, memPtr);
+ break;
+ case M32I : TOSPtr = src_addr;
+ Loadi32ToFP(TOSPtr, memPtr);
+ break;
+ case M64I : TOSPtr = src_addr;
+ Loadi64ToFP(TOSPtr, memPtr);
+ break;
+ case M32R : Loadr32ToFP(src_addr, memPtr, TRUE);
+ TOSPtr = src_addr;
+ break;
+ case M64R : Loadr64ToFP(src_addr, memPtr, TRUE);
+ TOSPtr = src_addr;
+ break;
+ case M80R : TOSPtr = src_addr;
+ Loadr80ToFP(TOSPtr, memPtr);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Function : Add one to the TOS
+Operation : if (ST != 7) { ST <- ST+1 else { ST <- 0 ENDif
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined.
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : N/A
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+Name : FINIT
+Function : Initialise the floating point unit
+Operation : CW<-037F; SW<-0; TW<-FFFFH; FEA<-0; FDS<-0;
+ FIP<-0; FOP<-0; FCS<-0;
+Flags : All reset
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : N/A
+ IU8 counter;
+ NpxControl = 0x037f;
+ npxRounding = ROUND_NEAREST;
+ NpxStatus = 0;
+ NpxLastSel=0;
+ NpxLastOff=0;
+ NpxFEA=0;
+ NpxFDS=0;
+ NpxFIP=0;
+ NpxFOP=0;
+ NpxFCS=0;
+ TOSPtr = FPUStackBase;
+ counter=0;
+ while (counter++ < 8) {
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr++;
+ }
+ TOSPtr = FPUStackBase;
+Name : FIST(P)
+Function : Store integer from top of stack to memory
+Operation : [mem] <- (I)ST
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. All other underfined.
+Exceptions : P, I, IS
+Valid range : N/A
+Notes : FIST (integer store) rounds the content of the stack top to an
+ integer according to the RC field of the control word and transfers
+ the result to the destination. The destination may define a word or
+ short integer variable. Negative zero is stored in the same encoding
+ as positive zero: 0000..00.
+ Where the source register is empty, a NaN, denormal, unsupported,
+ infinity, or exceeds the representable range of destination, the
+ Masked Response: Store integer indefinite.
+ IS16 exp_value;
+ IS32 res_out;
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ if (POPST) {
+ DoAPop = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* If anything other than the negative bit is set then we should deal */
+ /* with it here... */
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & (~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) != 0) { /* Must be unlikely */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) { /* But this is the most likely of them */
+ switch (FPtype) {
+ case M16I :
+ case M32I : *((IS32 *)memPtr) = 0;
+ break;
+ case M64I : *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = 0;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_SF_MASK;
+ }
+ FlagC1(0);
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ if (POPST) {
+ DoAPop=FALSE; /* Unset it - we won't be popping. */
+ }
+ } else {
+ WriteIntegerIndefinite(memPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ exp_value = 0;
+ /* The result of conversion is written out */
+ /* to FPTemp? */
+ switch (FPtype) {
+ case M16I : *(IS16 *)&FPTemp = (IS16)npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ /* Check for overflow */
+ if ((FPH)(*(IS16 *)&FPTemp) != npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue)) {
+ exp_value = 1; /* flag exception */
+ }
+ break;
+ case M32I : *(IS32 *)&FPTemp = (IS32)npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ /* Check for overflow */
+ if ((FPH)(*(IS32 *)&FPTemp) != npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue)) {
+ exp_value = 1; /* flag exception */
+ }
+ break;
+ case M64I : CVTFPHI64((FPU_I64 *)&FPTemp, &(TOSPtr->fpvalue)); /* Must be writing the result to FPTemp as well... */
+ CVTI64FPH((FPU_I64 *)&FPTemp); /* Result in FPRes */
+ /* Check for overflow */
+ if (FPRes != npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue)) {
+ exp_value = 1; /* flag exception */
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (exp_value == 1) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK; /* Set the invalid bit */
+ /* For the masked overflow case, the result delivered by */
+ /* the host will be correct, provided it is IEEE compliant. */
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ DoAPop = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ WriteIntegerIndefinite(memPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (exp_value == 0) {
+ switch (FPtype) {
+ case M16I : res_out = *(IS16 *)&FPTemp;
+ *((IU32 *)memPtr) = (IU32)res_out;
+ break;
+ case M32I : res_out = *(IS32 *)&FPTemp;
+ *((IS32 *)memPtr) = (IS32)res_out;
+ break;
+ case M64I : res_out = ((FPU_I64 *)&FPTemp)->high_word;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 3) = res_out & 0xff;
+ res_out >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 2) = res_out & 0xff;
+ res_out >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 1) = res_out & 0xff;
+ res_out >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 0) = res_out & 0xff;
+ res_out = ((FPU_I64 *)&FPTemp)->low_word;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 7) = res_out & 0xff;
+ res_out >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 6) = res_out & 0xff;
+ res_out >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 5) = res_out & 0xff;
+ res_out >>= 8;
+ *((IU8 *)memPtr + 4) = res_out & 0xff;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check for precision */
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue != npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue)) {
+ SetPrecisionBit();
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_PM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ if (POPST) {
+ if (DoAPop) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (POPST) {
+ if (DoAPop) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+Name : FLDconstant
+Function : Load constant value to TOS
+Operation : Push ST: ST(0) <- constant
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. All other underfined.
+Exceptions : IS
+Valid range : N/A
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {
+ SignalStackOverflow(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ memset((char*)TOSPtr,0,sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+ TOSPtr->fpvalue = ConstTable[const_index].fpvalue;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = ConstTable[const_index].tagvalue;
+ }
+Name : FLDCW
+Function : Replace the current value of the FPU control word with
+ the value in the specified memory location.
+Operation : CW <- SRC.
+Flags : All undefined.
+Exceptions : None - but unmasking previously masked exceptions will
+ cause the unmasked exception to be triggered if the
+ matching bit is set in the status word.
+Valid range : N/A
+ IU32 result;
+This function has to modify things. The control word contains the
+following information:
+Precision control - not implemented.
+Rounding control - implemented.
+Exception masks - implemented.
+Thus when we read in a value for the control word, we have to update
+the host's rounding mode and also the exception masks.
+ /* First, set the rounding mode */
+ result = *(IU32 *)memPtr;
+ NpxControl = (IU16)result;
+ npxRounding = (NpxControl & 0xc00);
+ switch (npxRounding) {
+ case ROUND_NEAREST : HostSetRoundToNearest();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_NEG_INFINITY : HostSetRoundDown();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_POS_INFINITY : HostSetRoundUp();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_ZERO : HostSetRoundToZero();
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Now adjust the exceptions. If an exception is unmasked, then the */
+ /* bit value in NpxControl in '0'. If the exception has been */
+ /* triggered then the corresponding bit in NpxStatus is '1'.Thus, */
+ /* the expression ~NpxControl(5..0) | NpxStatus(5..0) will be */
+ /* non-zero when we have unmasked exceptions that were previously */
+ /* masked. */
+ if (((~(NpxControl & 0x3f)) & (NpxStatus & 0x3f)) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+This function has to modify things. The control word contains the
+following information:
+Precision control - not implemented.
+Rounding control - implemented.
+Exception masks - implemented.
+Thus when we read in a value for the control word, we have to update
+the host's rounding mode and also the exception masks.
+ /* First, set the rounding mode */
+ NpxControl = *(IU16 *)memPtr;
+ npxRounding = (NpxControl & 0xc00);
+ switch (npxRounding) {
+ case ROUND_NEAREST : HostSetRoundToNearest();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_NEG_INFINITY : HostSetRoundDown();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_POS_INFINITY : HostSetRoundUp();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_ZERO : HostSetRoundToZero();
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Now adjust the exceptions. If an exception is unmasked, then the */
+ /* bit value in NpxControl in '0'. If the exception has been */
+ /* triggered then the corresponding bit in NpxStatus is '1'.Thus, */
+ /* the expression ~NpxControl(5..0) | NpxStatus(5..0) will be */
+ /* non-zero when we have unmasked exceptions that were previously */
+ /* masked. */
+ if (((~(NpxControl & 0x3f)) & (NpxStatus & 0x3f)) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+Name : FLDENV
+Function : Reload the FPU state from memory.
+Operation : FPU state <- SRC
+Flags : As loaded.
+Exceptions : None - but unmasking previously masked exceptions will
+ cause the unmasked exception to be triggered if the
+ matching bit is set in the status word.
+Valid range : N/A
+ /* First. load the control, status, tagword regs. etc. */
+ OpFpuRestoreFpuState(memPtr, 0);
+ /* Finally, check to see if any previously unmasked exceptions */
+ /* are now needed to go off. Do this by anding the "triggered" bits in */
+ /* NpxStatus with the one's complement of the "masked" bits in NpxControl. */
+ if (((NpxStatus & 0x3f) & (~(NpxControl & 0x3f))) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+/* This generator is used to write out the 14/28 bytes stored by FSTENV,
+and FSAVE. */
+LOCAL VOID OpFpuStoreFpuState IFN2(VOID *, memPtr, IU32, fsave_offset)
+ IU32 result;
+ /* how the copy takes place depends on the addressing mode */
+ /* NPX_ADDRESS_SIZE_32 and NPX_PROT_MODE settings */
+ /*************************************************************** */
+ /* Need to do similar thing to strings to check that space */
+ /* is available and that there is not paging fault!!!! */
+ /*************************************************************** */
+ /* The operation should store the control word, tag word */
+ /* and status word, so these need to be calculated. It also */
+ /* stores the last instruction and data pointers and the opcode */
+ /* (if in real mode) */
+ /* The offsets from memPtr look strange. Remember that we are going to*/
+ /* write this data using the "write bytes" function. This assumes that*/
+ /* the data is stored bigendian and writes it out back to front for */
+ /* the little-endian intel, as it were. Are you with me? */
+ /* fsave offset is required since if we are asked to do an "fsave" */
+ /* (as opposed to an fstenv), then the "string" that we are going to */
+ /* write will be even bigger, and this stuff must be at the top end */
+ /* of it. Horrible but logical */
+ if (NPX_PROT_MODE) {
+ if (NPX_ADDRESS_SIZE_32) {
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+24+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxControl);
+ GetIntelStatusWord();
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+20+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxStatus);
+ GetIntelTagword(&result);
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+16+fsave_offset), (IU32)result);
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+12+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxFIP);
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+8+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxFCS);
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+4+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxFEA);
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+0+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxFDS);
+ } else {
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+12+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxControl);
+ GetIntelStatusWord();
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+10+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxStatus);
+ GetIntelTagword(&result);
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+8+fsave_offset), (IU16)result);
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+6+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxFIP);
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+4+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxFCS);
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+2+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxFEA);
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+0+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxFDS);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (NPX_ADDRESS_SIZE_32) {
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+24+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxControl);
+ GetIntelStatusWord();
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+20+fsave_offset), (IU32)NpxStatus);
+ GetIntelTagword(&result);
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+16+fsave_offset), (IU32)result);
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+12+fsave_offset), (IU32)((NpxFIP+(NpxFCS<<4)) & 0xffff));
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+8+fsave_offset), (IU32)((((NpxFIP+(NpxFCS<<4)) & 0xffff0000) >> 4) | ((IU32)(NpxFOP & 0x7ff))));
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+4+fsave_offset), (IU32)((NpxFEA+(NpxFDS<<4)) & 0xffff));
+ WriteI32ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+0+fsave_offset), (IU32)(((NpxFEA+(NpxFDS<<4)) & 0xffff0000) >> 4));
+ } else {
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+12+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxControl);
+ GetIntelStatusWord();
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+10+fsave_offset), (IU16)NpxStatus);
+ GetIntelTagword(&result);
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+8+fsave_offset), (IU16)result);
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+6+fsave_offset), (IU16)((NpxFIP+(NpxFCS<<4)) & 0xffff));
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+4+fsave_offset), (IU16)((((NpxFIP+(NpxFCS<<4)) & 0xffff0000) >> 4) | ((IU16)(NpxFOP & 0x7ff))));
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+2+fsave_offset), (IU16)(((NpxFDS<<4)+NpxFEA) & 0xffff));
+ WriteI16ToIntel(((IU8 *)memPtr+0+fsave_offset), (IU16)(((NpxFEA+(NpxFDS<<4)) & 0xffff0000) >> 4));
+ }
+ }
+/* This generator is called by FLDENV and FRSTOR, to load up the 14/28
+byte block. */
+LOCAL VOID OpFpuRestoreFpuState IFN2(VOID *, memPtr, IU32, frstor_offset)
+ IU32 result;
+ /* how the copy takes place depends on the addressing mode */
+ /* NPX_ADDRESS_SIZE_32 and NPX_PROT_MODE settings */
+ /*************************************************************** */
+ /* Need to do similar thing to strings to check that space */
+ /* is available and that there is not paging fault!!!! */
+ /************************************************************** */
+ /* The operation should restore the control word, tag word */
+ /* and status word, so these need to be translated. It also */
+ /* restores the last instruction and data pointers and the opcode */
+ /* (if in real mode) */
+ /* get the rest of the data, instruction and data pointers */
+ if ( NPX_PROT_MODE ) {
+ if (NPX_ADDRESS_SIZE_32) {
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+24+frstor_offset));
+ FLDCW((VOID *)&result);
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+20+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelStatusWord(result);
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+16+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelTagword(result);
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&NpxFIP, ((IU8 *)memPtr+12+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&NpxFCS, ((IU8 *)memPtr+8+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&NpxFEA, ((IU8 *)memPtr+4+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&NpxFDS, ((IU8 *)memPtr+0+frstor_offset));
+ } else {
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+12+frstor_offset));
+ /* Note this is a 32-bit result ! */
+ FLDCW((VOID *)&result);
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+10+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelStatusWord(result);
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+8+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelTagword(result);
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&NpxFIP, ((IU8 *)memPtr+6+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&NpxFCS, ((IU8 *)memPtr+4+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&NpxFEA, ((IU8 *)memPtr+2+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&NpxFDS, ((IU8 *)memPtr+0+frstor_offset));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (NPX_ADDRESS_SIZE_32) {
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+24+frstor_offset));
+ FLDCW((VOID *)&result);
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+20+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelStatusWord(result);
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+16+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelTagword(result);
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&NpxFIP, ((IU8 *)memPtr+12+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFIP &= 0xffff;
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+8+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFIP |= ((result & 0x0ffff000) << 4);
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&NpxFOP, ((IU8 *)memPtr+8+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFOP &= 0x7ff;
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&NpxFEA, ((IU8 *)memPtr+4+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFEA &= 0xffff;
+ ReadI32FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+0+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFEA |= ((result & 0x0ffff000) << 4);
+ } else {
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+12+frstor_offset));
+ FLDCW((VOID *)&result);
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+10+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelStatusWord(result);
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+8+frstor_offset));
+ SetIntelTagword(result);
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&NpxFIP, ((IU8 *)memPtr+6+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+4+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFIP |= ((result & 0xf000) << 4);
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&NpxFOP, ((IU8 *)memPtr+4+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFOP &= 0x7ff;
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&NpxFEA, ((IU8 *)memPtr+2+frstor_offset));
+ ReadI16FromIntel(&result, ((IU8 *)memPtr+0+frstor_offset));
+ NpxFEA |= (IU32)((result & 0xf000) << 4);
+ }
+ }
+Name : FMUL
+Function : Multiply two numbers together
+Operation : Dest <- Src1 * Src2
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : P, U, O, D, I, IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes :
+GLOBAL VOID FMUL IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2)
+ IU16 src2Index;
+ LoadValue(src2, &src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ DoAPop=TRUE;
+ }
+ GenericMultiply(destIndex, src1Index, src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ if (DoAPop) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL VOID GenericMultiply IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src1_addr;
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src2_addr;
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src1Index);
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src2Index);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(src1_addr);
+ TestUneval(src2_addr);
+ tag_or = (src1_addr->tagvalue | src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* If the only tagword bits set are negative or denormal then just proceed */
+ if ((tag_or & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = src1_addr->fpvalue * src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Value could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Some funny bit was set. Check for the possibilities */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalStackUnderflow(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* It must be NaN */
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(destIndex, src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check for the denorm case... */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ DoAPop=FALSE; /* Just in case */
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Proceed if we've no zeroes or infinities. */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_DENORMAL_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = src1_addr->fpvalue * src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Value could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* For zero or infinity operands we will have the result */
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* Multiplying zero by infinity yields zero with the xor of the signs */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(src2_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Zero by anything else is zero with sign equal */
+ /* to the xor of the signs of the two sources. */
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = (TAG_ZERO_MASK | (tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The only funny bit left is infinity. The result is going */
+ /* to be infinity with sign equal to the xor of the signs of */
+ /* the sources. */
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = TAG_INFINITY_MASK | (tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+ }
+/* The FNOP operation doesn't do anything, it just does the normal
+checks for exceptions. */
+/* FPATAN: This generator returns the value ARCTAN(ST(1)/ST) to ST(1)
+then pops the stack. Its response to zeros and infinities is rather
++-0 / +X = 0 with sign of original zero
++-0 / -X = pi with sign of original zero
++-X /+-0 = pi/2 with sign of original X
++-0 / +0 = 0 with sign of original zero
++-0 / -0 = pi with sign of original zero
++inf / +-0 = +pi/2
+-inf / +-0 = -pi/2
++-0 / +inf = 0 with sign of original zero
++-0 / -inf = pi with sign of original zero
++-inf / +-X = pi/2 with sign of original infinity
++-Y / +inf = 0 with sign of original Y
++-Y / -inf = pi with sign of original Y
++-inf / +inf = pi/4 with sign of original inf
++-inf / -inf = 3*pi/4 with sign of original inf
+Otherwise, we just take the two operands from the stack and call the
+appropriate EDL to do the instruction.
+The use of an invalid operand with masked exception set causes
+the pop to go off, cruds up the contents of the stack and doesn't set
+the invalid exception, although if the invalid is infinity or NaN,
+overflow and precision exceptions are also generated, while if it is
+a denorm, underflow and precision exceptions are generated.
+With unmasked exceptions, exactly the same chain of events occurs.
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ /* If only the negative bit is set, just proceed.... */
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ TestUneval(st1_addr);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ if ((tag_or & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = atan2(st1_addr->fpvalue, TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* The retrun value has to be in the range -pi to +pi */
+ CalcTagword(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Some funny bit set.... */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* It must be a NaN. */
+ tag_xor = (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(0, TOSPtr, st1_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ PopStack();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ PopStack();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Proceed if we've no zeroes or infinities. */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_DENORMAL_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = atan2(st1_addr->fpvalue, TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* The return value is -pi to +pi */
+ CalcTagword(st1_addr);
+ PopStack();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* It must have been a zero or an infinity. As can be seen */
+ /* from the table above, there is a complicated interaction */
+ /* between the result for each type and its option. */
+ /* Let's simplify it by use of a little table. */
+ /* ST ST(1) Result */
+ /* Z I S Z I S */
+ /* 0 0 0 0 1 0 pi/2 */
+ /* 0 0 0 0 1 1 -pi/2 */
+ /* 0 0 0 1 0 0 +0 */
+ /* 0 0 0 1 0 1 -0 */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 1 0 pi/4 */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 1 1 3*pi/4 */
+ /* 0 1 0 1 0 0 pi/2 */
+ /* 0 1 0 1 0 1 pi/2 */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 1 0 -pi/4 */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 1 1 -3*pi/4 */
+ /* 0 1 1 1 0 0 -pi/2 */
+ /* 0 1 1 1 0 1 -pi/2 */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 1 0 +0 */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 1 1 pi */
+ /* 1 0 0 1 0 0 +0 */
+ /* 1 0 0 1 0 1 pi */
+ /* 1 0 1 0 1 0 -0 */
+ /* 1 0 1 0 1 1 -pi */
+ /* 1 0 1 1 0 0 -0 */
+ /* 1 0 1 1 0 1 -pi */
+ /* */
+ /* All other combinations are invalid, as they would involve */
+ /* a tagword having both infinity and zero bits set. */
+ tag_xor = (st1_addr->tagvalue & 7);
+ tag_xor <<= 3;
+ tag_xor |= (TOSPtr->tagvalue & 7);
+ CopyFP(st1_addr, FpatanTable[tag_xor]);
+ }
+ /* No matter what has happened... We ALWAYS pop on FPATAN!!! */
+ PopStack();
+/* FPREM: This is the same function as implemented on the 80287. It is
+NOT the same as the IEEE required REM function, this is now supplied as
+FPREM1. FPREM predates the final draft of IEEE 754 and is maintained for
+the purpose of backward compatibility.
+ IS16 exp_diff;
+ IU8 little_rem;
+ FPU_I64 remainder;
+ FPH fprem_val;
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ TestUneval(st1_addr);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* First, check if the values are real. If so, we can proceed. */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* First, check for the denormal possibility... */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make both values positive */
+ ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *)&(st1_addr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ /* Find the difference in exponents... */
+ exp_diff = ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp - ((FPHOST *)&(st1_addr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp;
+ /* If it's more than 63, we can't do it at once... */
+ if (exp_diff >= 64) {
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> hiword.sign = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> hiword.mant_hi = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> mant_lo = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> hiword.exp = (exp_diff - 50) + HOST_BIAS;
+ FlagC2(1); /* This will be incomplete reduction */
+ } else {
+ FlagC2(0); /* This will be complete reduction */
+ }
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ tag_xor = (NpxControl & 0xc00);
+ NpxControl &= 0xf3ff;
+ NpxControl |= ROUND_ZERO;
+ HostSetRoundToZero();
+ /* Unfortunately, because the function isn't the strict */
+ /* IEEE compliant style, if we use an IEEE compliant FREM */
+ /* operation, as like as not we'd get the wrong answer. So */
+ /* we perform the operation by doing the steps given in the */
+ /* page in the instruction set. */
+ FPRes = TOSPtr->fpvalue / st1_addr->fpvalue;
+ if ((NpxStatus & 0x0400) != 0) { /* The incomplete reduction case */
+ FPRes = FPRes / fprem_val;
+ }
+ FPRes = npx_rint(FPRes);
+ /* Calculate the remainder */
+ if ((NpxStatus & 0x0400) == 0) {
+ CVTFPHI64(&remainder, &FPRes);
+ CPY64BIT8BIT(&remainder, &little_rem);
+ }
+ switch (tag_xor) {
+ case ROUND_NEAREST : HostSetRoundToNearest();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_NEG_INFINITY : HostSetRoundDown();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_POS_INFINITY : HostSetRoundUp();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_ZERO : HostSetRoundToZero();
+ break;
+ }
+ NpxControl &= 0xf3ff;
+ NpxControl |= tag_xor;
+ FPRes *= st1_addr->fpvalue;
+ if ((NpxStatus & 0x0400) != 0) { /* The incomplete reduction case */
+ FPRes *= fprem_val;
+ FPRes = TOSPtr->fpvalue - FPRes;
+ } else { /* Complete reduction */
+ FPRes = TOSPtr->fpvalue - FPRes;
+ FlagC0((little_rem&4)?1:0);
+ FlagC3((little_rem&2)?1:0);
+ FlagC1((little_rem&1));
+ }
+ /* Check for an underflow response */
+ if (HostGetUnderflowException() != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_UE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_UM_MASK) == 0) {
+ AdjustUnderflowResponse();
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* But the remainder must have the sign of the original ST! */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(FPRes))->hiword.sign = 1;
+ } else {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(FPRes))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ }
+ /* And restore st1 sign bit if required */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(st1_addr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 1;
+ }
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* We had a funny thing */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* It must be a NaN. */
+ tag_xor = (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(0, TOSPtr, st1_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The logical way to arrange zeroes and infinities is zero first. */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* A zero in ST(1) is ALWAYS invalid... */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ /* The zero must be in ST, the result is what is there... */
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC1(0);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* OK, it HAS to be infinity */
+ /* An infinity at ST is ALWAYS invalid... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ /* An infinity at ST(1) leaves ST untouched */
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC1(0);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ }
+/* FPREM1: This is the IEEE required REM function, this is now supplied as
+FPREM1. FPREM predates the final draft of IEEE 754 and is maintained for
+the purpose of backward compatibility.
+ IS16 exp_diff;
+ IU8 little_rem;
+ FPU_I64 remainder;
+ FPH fprem_val;
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ TestUneval(st1_addr);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* First, check if the values are real. If so, we can proceed. */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* First, check for the denormal possibility... */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make both values positive */
+ ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *)&(st1_addr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ /* Find the difference in exponents... */
+ exp_diff = ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp - ((FPHOST *)&(st1_addr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp;
+ /* If it's more than 63, we can't do it at once... */
+ if (exp_diff >= 64) {
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> hiword.sign = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> hiword.mant_hi = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> mant_lo = 0;
+ ((FPHOST *) &fprem_val) -> hiword.exp = (exp_diff - 50) + HOST_BIAS;
+ FlagC2(1); /* This will be incomplete reduction */
+ } else {
+ FlagC2(0); /* This will be complete reduction */
+ }
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* Note that this is the only difference between FPREM and
+ FPREM1. For the incomplete reduction case we use "round
+ to nearest" rather than "round to zero".
+ */
+ tag_xor = (NpxControl & 0xc00);
+ NpxControl &= 0xf3ff;
+ if ((NpxStatus & 0x0400) == 0) {
+ HostSetRoundToZero();
+ NpxControl |= ROUND_ZERO;
+ } else {
+ HostSetRoundToNearest();
+ NpxControl |= ROUND_NEAREST;
+ }
+ FPRes = TOSPtr->fpvalue / st1_addr->fpvalue;
+ if ((NpxStatus & 0x0400) != 0) { /* The incomplete reduction case */
+ FPRes = FPRes / fprem_val;
+ }
+ FPRes = npx_rint(FPRes);
+ /* Calculate the remainder */
+ if ((NpxStatus & 0x0400) == 0) {
+ CVTFPHI64(&remainder, &FPRes);
+ CPY64BIT8BIT(&remainder, &little_rem);
+ }
+ switch (tag_xor) {
+ case ROUND_NEAREST : HostSetRoundToNearest();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_NEG_INFINITY : HostSetRoundDown();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_POS_INFINITY : HostSetRoundUp();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_ZERO : HostSetRoundToZero();
+ break;
+ }
+ NpxControl &= 0xf3ff;
+ NpxControl |= tag_xor;
+ FPRes = st1_addr->fpvalue * FPRes;
+ if ((NpxStatus & 0x0400) != 0) { /* The incomplete reduction case */
+ FPRes = FPRes * fprem_val;
+ FPRes = TOSPtr->fpvalue - FPRes;
+ } else { /* Complete reduction */
+ FPRes = TOSPtr->fpvalue - FPRes;
+ FlagC0((little_rem&4)?1:0);
+ FlagC3((little_rem&2)?1:0);
+ FlagC1(little_rem&1);
+ }
+ /* Check for an underflow response */
+ if (HostGetUnderflowException() != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_UE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_UM_MASK) == 0) {
+ AdjustUnderflowResponse();
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* But the remainder must have the sign of the original ST! */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(FPRes))->hiword.sign = 1;
+ } else {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(FPRes))->hiword.sign = 0;
+ }
+ /* And restore st1 sign bit if required */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ ((FPHOST *)&(st1_addr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign = 1;
+ }
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* We had a funny thing */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* It must be a NaN. */
+ tag_xor = (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(0, TOSPtr, st1_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The logical way to arrange zeroes and infinities is zero first. */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* A zero in ST(1) is ALWAYS invalid... */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ /* The zero must be in ST, the result is what is there... */
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC1(0);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* OK, it HAS to be infinity */
+ /* An infinity at ST is ALWAYS invalid... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ /* An infinity at ST(1) leaves ST untouched */
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC1(0);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ }
+ * Name : FPTAN
+ * Operation : Compute the value of TAN(ST)
+ * Flags : C1 as per table 15-1, others undefined.
+ * Exceptions : P, U, D, I, IS
+ * Valid range : |ST| < 2**63
+ * Notes : This function has been substantially overhauled
+ since the 80287. It now has a much wider range
+ (it previously had to be 0<ST<(PI/4). In addition,
+ the return value is now really the tan of ST, with
+ a 1 pushed above it on the stack to maintain
+ compatibility with the 8087/80287. Previously the
+ result was a ratio of two values, neither of which
+ could be guaranteed.
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ /* Set C2 to zero */
+ FlagC2(0);
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+ /* Make sure that the stack element is free */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ SignalStackOverflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ /* Check if a real value...We won't bother with limit checking */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = tan(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* The return value could be absolutely anything */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ CopyFP(TOSPtr, npx_one);
+ } else {
+ /* Some funny bit was set. Check for the possibilities */
+ /* We begin with the most obvious cases... */
+ /* Response to zero is to return zero with same sign */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ CopyFP(TOSPtr, npx_one);
+ return; /* The required result! */
+ }
+ /* We do denorm checking and bit setting ourselves because this */
+ /* reduces the overhead if the thing is masked. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = tan(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* The return value could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ CopyFP(TOSPtr, npx_one);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If the value is outside the acceptable range (including */
+ /* infinity) then we set the C2 flag and leave everything */
+ /* unchanged. */
+ /* Sensible enough really, I suppose */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC2(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ MakeNaNQuiet(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ * Name : FRNDINT
+ * Operation : ST <- rounded ST
+ * Flags : C1 as per table 15-1, others undefined.
+ * Exceptions : P, U, D, I, IS
+ * Valid range : All
+ * Notes : On the 80287, a precision exception would be
+ raised if the operand wasn't an integer.
+ I begin by ASSUMING that on the 486 the response
+ is IEEE compliant so no OUP exceptions.
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = npx_rint(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ if (FPRes != TOSPtr->fpvalue) {
+ SetPrecisionBit();
+ /* If the rounding mode is "round to nearest" and we've
+ rounded up then we'll set C1 */
+ if (npxRounding == ROUND_NEAREST) {
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue < FPRes) {
+ FlagC1(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_PM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* It was a real before, it still must be one now. It could */
+ /* be zero possibly. */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* Lets do the most probable cases first... */
+ /* If it's a zero or infinity, we do nothing. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & (TAG_ZERO_MASK | TAG_INFINITY_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* Lets check for a denormal */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ SetPrecisionBit();
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ /* The result of rounding a denorm is dependent on */
+ /* its sign and the prevailing rounding mode */
+ switch (npxRounding) {
+ case ROUND_ZERO :
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue &= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ break;
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ memset((char*)TOSPtr,0,sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+ TOSPtr->fpvalue = -1.0;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue &= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ }
+ break;
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ memset((char*)TOSPtr,0,sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+ TOSPtr->fpvalue = 1.0;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = 0;
+ } else {
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue &= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue |= TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* It was one of the really wacky bits... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ MakeNaNQuiet(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Name : FSTCW
+Function : Write the FPU control word to memory
+Operation : DEST <- Cw
+Flags : All undefined.
+Exceptions : None - but unmasking previously masked exceptions will
+ cause the unmasked exception to be triggered if the
+ matching bit is set in the status word.
+Valid range : N/A
+ if (NpxDisabled)
+ {
+ /* UIF has told us to pretend we do not have an NPX */
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = (IU16)0xFFFF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = (IU16)NpxControl;
+ }
+Name : FRSTOR
+Function : Reload the FPU state from memory.
+Operation : FPU state <- SRC
+Flags : As loaded.
+Exceptions : None - but unmasking previously masked exceptions will
+ cause the unmasked exception to be triggered if the
+ matching bit is set in the status word.
+Valid range : N/A
+ IU8 *FPPtr;
+ IU32 i;
+ /* First. load the control, status, tagword regs. etc. */
+ OpFpuRestoreFpuState(memPtr, 80);
+ FPPtr = (IU8 *)((IU8 *)memPtr+70);
+ FPtype = M80R;
+ for ( i=8; i--; )
+ {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* We have to do a bit of fiddling to make FLD happy */
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ FLD(FPPtr);
+ }
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ FPPtr -= 10;
+ }
+ /* Finally, check to see if any previously unmasked exceptions */
+ /* are now needed to go off. Do this by anding the "triggered" bits in */
+ /* NpxStatus with the one's complement of the "masked" bits in NpxControl. */
+ if (((NpxStatus & 0x3f) & (~(NpxControl & 0x3f))) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+Name : FSAVE
+Function : Write the FPU state to memory.
+Operation : DEST <- FPU STATE
+Flags : All cleared.
+Exceptions : None.
+Valid range : N/A
+ IU8 *FPPtr;
+ IU32 i;
+ OpFpuStoreFpuState(memPtr, 80);
+ FPPtr = (IU8 *)((IU8 *)memPtr+70);
+ /* Now store out the eight values... */
+ FPtype = M80R;
+ FST(FPPtr);
+ for ( i=7; i--; )
+ {
+ FPPtr -= 10; /* Go back to the next entry */
+ TOSPtr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ FST(FPPtr);
+ }
+ /* Finally, reset the FPU... */
+ FINIT();
+Name : FSCALE
+Function : Scale up ST by a factor involving ST(1)
+Operation : ST <- ST * 2**ST(1)
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. Others undefined.
+Exceptions : P, U, O, D, I, IS
+Valid range : Any
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ TestUneval(st1_addr);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* First, check if the values are real. If so, we can proceed. */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* First, check for the denormal case. */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* OK. ST(1) has to be rounded to an integer. */
+ /* We want a 'chop' function */
+ if (st1_addr->fpvalue > 0.0) {
+ FPRes = floor(st1_addr->fpvalue);
+ } else {
+ FPRes = ceil(st1_addr->fpvalue);
+ }
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = pow(2.0, FPRes);
+ FPRes = TOSPtr->fpvalue * FPRes;
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Return value could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* A funny thing happened on the way to the answer */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* It must be a NaN. */
+ tag_xor = (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(0, TOSPtr, st1_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The rules for scaling combinations of zeroes, reals and infinities, both */
+ /* positive and negative, are so complex that I don't intend to do lots of */
+ /* logic to figure them out. Basically, there are six options: */
+ /* 1. Leave the TOS alone */
+ /* 2. +Infinity */
+ /* 3. +0 */
+ /* 4. -Infinity */
+ /* 5. -0 */
+ /* 6. Raise Invalid operation exception */
+ /* */
+ /* TOS ST(1) RESULT */
+ /* I S Z I S Z */
+ /* 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 */
+ /* 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 */
+ /* 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 */
+ /* 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 */
+ /* 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 */
+ /* 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 */
+ /* 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 */
+ /* 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 */
+ /* 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 */
+ /* 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 */
+ /* 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 */
+ /* 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 */
+ /* 0 1 0 1 1 0 5 */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 */
+ /* 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 */
+ /* 0 1 1 1 0 0 6 */
+ /* 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 */
+ /* 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 */
+ /* 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 */
+ /* 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 */
+ /* 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 */
+ /* 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 */
+ /* 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 */
+ /* 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 */
+ /* 1 1 0 1 1 0 6 */
+ /* */
+ /* All other combinations are impossible. This can be done as a look up */
+ /* table with an enumerated type. */
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue & 7);
+ tag_or <<= 3;
+ tag_or |= (st1_addr->tagvalue & 7);
+ tag_or = FscaleTable[tag_or];
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_FSCALE_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = tag_or;
+ }
+ }
+Name : FSIN
+Function : Calculate the sine of ST
+Operation : ST <- SINE(ST)
+Flags : C1, C2 as per table 15-2. C0 and C3 undefined.
+Exceptions : P. U, D, I, IS
+Valid range : |ST| < 2**63.
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ /* Clear C2 */
+ FlagC2(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = sin(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Return value must be in the range -1 to +1 */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* Lets do the most probable cases first... */
+ /* A zero returns exactly the same thing */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Lets check for a denormal */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = sin(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Return value must be in the range -1 to +1 */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Or it could possibly be infinity... */
+ /* For this, the C2 bit is set and the result remains */
+ /* unchanged. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC2(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* It was one of the really wacky bits... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ MakeNaNQuiet(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Function : Calculate the sine and cosine of ST
+Operation : TEMP <-COSINE(ST); ST <- SINE(ST); PUSH; ST <- TEMP
+Flags : C1, C2 as per table 15-2. C0 and C3 undefined.
+Exceptions : P. U, D, I, IS
+Valid range : |ST| < 2**63.
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ /* Clear C2 */
+ FlagC2(0);
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+ /* First, check that this one is empty. */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ SignalStackOverflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = cos(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ /* The range for a cosine is -1 through to +1. */
+ CalcTagword(st1_addr);
+ /* I can write out the SINE myself, since as we are */
+ /* writing to the stack, even an unmasked U or P */
+ /* cannot stop delivery of the result. */
+ /* The range for a sine is -1 through to +1. */
+ FPRes = sin(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Lets do the most probable cases first... */
+ /* A zero returns exactly the same thing */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* The sine of zero is zero so just push the stack */
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ /* Now write out plus one */
+ CopyFP(TOSPtr, npx_one);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Lets check for a denormal */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = cos(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ /* The range for a cos is -1 through to +1 */
+ CalcTagword(st1_addr);
+ /* I can write out the SINE myself, since as we are */
+ /* writing to the stack, even an unmasked U or P */
+ /* cannot stop delivery of the result. */
+ /* The range for a sine is -1 through to +1 */
+ FPRes = sin(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Or it could possibly be infinity... */
+ /* For this, the C2 bit is set and the result remains */
+ /* unchanged. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC2(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* It was one of the really wacky bits... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ MakeNaNQuiet(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Name : FSQRT
+Function : Calculate the square root of ST
+Operation : ST <- SQRT(ST)
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. Others undefined.
+Exceptions : P. D, I, IS
+Valid range : ST >= -0.0
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if (TOSPtr->tagvalue == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* We can just write the value straight out */
+ FPRes = sqrt(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ TOSPtr->fpvalue = FPRes;
+ /* The tagword can't have changed! */
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* Lets do the most probable cases first... */
+ /* A zero returns exactly the same thing */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ MakeNaNQuiet(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Having taken care of that case, lets check for negative... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Lets check for a denormal */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes = sqrt(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* It might not be a denorm anymore */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Or it could possibly be infinity...This just returns. */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* It was one of the really wacky bits... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+/* CheckOUPForIntel: This is a special version of the PostCheckOUP
+routine that is designed for use in situations where the result
+is to be written to intel memory space. It just looks at the
+excpetions bits and sets the appropriate bits, it doesn't write
+the value back or anything like that. */
+ tag_or=0; /* Prime tag_or */
+ if (HostGetOverflowException() != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_OE_MASK; /* Set the overflow bit */
+ /* For the masked overflow case, the result delivered by */
+ /* the host will be correct, provided it is IEEE compliant. */
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_OM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ tag_or = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Overflow and underflow being mutually exclusive... */
+ if (HostGetUnderflowException() != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_UE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_UM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ tag_or=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (HostGetPrecisionException() != 0) {
+ SetPrecisionBit();
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_PM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ NpxException = TRUE;
+ /* An unmasked precision exception cannot prevent
+ delivery of the result */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Only call for overflow or underflow */
+ if (NpxException && (tag_or == 1)) {
+ NpxException = FALSE;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+Name : FST{P}
+Function : Copy ST to the specified location
+Operation : DEST <- ST(0); if FSTP { pop ST FI;
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. Others undefined.
+Exceptions : For stack or extended-real, IS.
+ For single or double-real P. U, O, D, I, IS
+Valid range : N/A
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ if (POPST) {
+ DoAPop=TRUE;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & UNEVALMASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_BCD_MASK) != 0) {
+ ConvertBCD(TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ /* Doesn't apply for FPStack or M80R types */
+ if ((FPtype == M32R) || (FPtype == M64R)) {
+ ConvertR80(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_R80_MASK) != 0)
+ || ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0)
+ || (FPtype == FPSTACK)) {
+ if (FPtype == FPSTACK) {
+ /* check for empty here */
+ if (TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK|SW_SF_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ WriteIndefinite(StackEntryByIndex(*(IU16 *)memPtr));
+ } else
+ /* The invalid operation doesn't apply to non-empty */
+ /* stack locations. We carry on regardless. */
+ CopyFP(StackEntryByIndex(*(IU16 *)memPtr), TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ if (FPtype == M80R) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_R80_MASK) == 0) {
+ WriteFP80ToIntel(memPtr, &FPTemp);
+ } else {
+ WriteFP80ToIntel(memPtr, TOSPtr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* First, check for the denormal case... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ /* The result of the conversion should be written to FPTemp. */
+ if (FPtype == M32R) {
+ *(float *)&(FPTemp.fpvalue) = (float)TOSPtr->fpvalue;
+ /* Our host MUST have double precision, so we will have to */
+ /* test for problems caused by the conversion... */
+ CheckOUPForIntel();
+ if (tag_or == 0) {
+ WriteFP32ToIntel(memPtr, &FPTemp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (FPtype == M64R) {
+ *(DOUBLE *)&(FPTemp.fpvalue) = (DOUBLE)TOSPtr->fpvalue;
+ /* If we are dealing with a 64-bit host, then the J-code for */
+ /* the above is nothing at all, and we don't need to do any */
+ /* testing, but if the host precision is, say 80-bit, then */
+ /* we do! Note that this doesn't use the @if format in order */
+ /* to avoid generating different J-code for different hosts... */
+ CheckOUPForIntel();
+ if (tag_or == 0) {
+ WriteFP64ToIntel(memPtr, &FPTemp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Test for funny values */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* In this case, we'll allow the casting to be done for us! */
+ WriteZeroToIntel(memPtr, TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+ } else if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((FPtype == M32R) || (FPtype == M64R)) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_OE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_OM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ WriteInfinityToIntel(memPtr, TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+ } else if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* Signal invalid for sNaN */
+ if (((FPtype == M32R) || (FPtype == M64R))) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WriteNaNToIntel(memPtr, TOSPtr);
+ } else if ( (TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0 ) {
+ NpxStatus |= (SW_IE_MASK | SW_SF_MASK);
+ FlagC1(0);
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ WriteIndefiniteToIntel(memPtr);
+ } else { /* Must be unsupported. */
+ if (FPtype == M80R) {
+ /* unsupported: Write back the unresolved string */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ ((FP80 *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->sign_exp.sign = 1;
+ } else {
+ ((FP80 *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->sign_exp.sign = 0;
+ }
+ WriteFP80ToIntel(memPtr, TOSPtr);
+ } else {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ WriteIndefiniteToIntel(memPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (POPST) {
+ if (DoAPop == TRUE) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for the case of an unmasked precision exception */
+ if (NpxException) {
+ NpxException = FALSE;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+Name : FSTENV
+Function : Store the FPU environment
+Operation : DEST <- FPU environment
+Flags : All undefined.
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : N/A
+ /* First. load the control, status, tagword regs. etc. */
+ OpFpuStoreFpuState(memPtr,0);
+ /* Then set all the exceptions to be masked */
+ NpxControl |= 0x0000003f;
+Name : FSTSW
+Function : Write the FPU status word to memory
+Operation : DEST <- SW
+Flags : All undefined.
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : N/A
+ GetIntelStatusWord();
+ if (NpxDisabled)
+ {
+ /* UIF has told us to pretend we do not have an NPX */
+ if (toAX) {
+ *(IU16 *)memPtr = 0xFFFF;
+ } else {
+ /* Write it out host format */
+ *(IU16 *)memPtr = (IU16)NpxStatus;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (toAX) {
+ *(IU16 *)memPtr = (IU16)NpxStatus;
+ } else {
+ *(IU32 *)memPtr = (IU32)NpxStatus;
+ }
+ }
+Name : FSUB
+Function : Subtract one number from the other
+Operation : Dest <- Src1 - Src2 or Dest <- Src2 - Src1
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 undefined
+Exceptions : P, U, O, D, I, IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes : The REVERSE control variable determines which of the
+ two forms of the operation is used. Popping after a
+ successful execution is controlled by POPST.
+GLOBAL VOID FSUB IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, VOID *, src2)
+ IU16 src2Index;
+ LoadValue(src2, &src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ DoAPop=TRUE;
+ }
+ GenericSubtract(destIndex, REVERSE?src2Index:src1Index, REVERSE?src1Index:src2Index);
+ if (POPST) {
+ if (DoAPop) {
+ PopStack();
+ }
+ }
+Name : GenericSubtract
+Function : To return dest <- src1-src2
+LOCAL VOID GenericSubtract IFN3(IU16, destIndex, IU16, src1Index, IU16, src2Index)
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src1_addr;
+ FPSTACKENTRY *src2_addr;
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src1Index);
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(src2Index);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(src1_addr);
+ TestUneval(src2_addr);
+ tag_or = (src1_addr->tagvalue | src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* If the only tagword bit set is negative then just proceed */
+ if ((tag_or & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes=src1_addr->fpvalue - src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Some funny bit was set. Check for the possibilities */
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalStackUnderflow(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Well, I suppose it has to be the NaN case... */
+ /* Calculate the xor of the tagwords */
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(destIndex, src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ DoAPop = FALSE;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* OK to proceed */
+ HostClearExceptions();
+ FPRes=src1_addr->fpvalue - src2_addr->fpvalue;
+ /* Reuse one of the above to calculate the destination */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(src1_addr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tag_xor = (src1_addr->tagvalue ^ src2_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* Check for infinity as it has higher precendence than zero. */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* Have they the same sign? */
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* They are both the same sign infinity. This is invalid. */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ SignalIndefinite(src1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* If of different sign then src1 is the answer */
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = src1_addr->tagvalue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Only one is infinity. If src1 in infinity, then the result */
+ /* is the same. If src2 is infinity, then the result is an */
+ /* infinity of opposite sign. */
+ tag_or = src2_addr->tagvalue;
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = src1_addr->tagvalue;
+ } else {
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = tag_or ^ TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check for the case of zero... This is very likely */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* Only one zero. */
+ if ((src1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* If src1 is zero, -src2 is result */
+ src1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ CopyFP(src1_addr, src2_addr);
+ src1_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ ((FPHOST *)&(src1_addr->fpvalue))->hiword.sign ^= 1;
+ } else {
+ /* If src2 is zero, src1 is result. */
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ CopyFP(src2_addr, src1_addr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Both are zeros. Do they have the same sign? */
+ src2_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ if ((tag_xor & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* No, they don't - the result is src1 */
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = src1_addr->tagvalue;
+ } else {
+ /* Yes, they do... */
+ if (npxRounding == ROUND_NEG_INFINITY) {
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = (TAG_ZERO_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK);
+ } else {
+ src2_addr->tagvalue = TAG_ZERO_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Name : FTST
+Function : Compare ST against 0.0
+Operation : Set C023 on result of comparison
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. C0, C2 and C3 as result of comparison.
+Exceptions : D, I, IS
+Valid range : Any
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ /* First, check for the denormal case... */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* ST is less than zero */
+ FlagC0(1);
+ } else {
+ /* ST is greater than zero */
+ FlagC0(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(1);
+ } else {
+ /* For anything else the result is "unordered" */
+ FlagC0(1);
+ FlagC2(1);
+ FlagC3(1);
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Name : FXAM
+Function : Report on the type of object in ST
+Operation : Set C0123 on result of comparison
+Flags : C0, C1, C2 and C3 as required.
+Exceptions : None
+Valid range : Any
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ tag_or = TOSPtr->tagvalue;
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ FlagC1(0);
+ } else {
+ FlagC1(1);
+ tag_or &= ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ tag_or &= ~TAG_SNAN_MASK;
+ /* This gets rid of all the confusing bits... */
+ /* There is now only one bit set or none at all... */
+ if (tag_or == 0) {
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC2(1);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC0(1);
+ FlagC2(1);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC2(1);
+ FlagC3(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_NAN_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC0(1);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ FlagC0(0);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* MUST be empty */
+ FlagC0(1);
+ FlagC2(0);
+ FlagC3(1);
+Name : FXCH
+Function : Swap the contents of two stack registers.
+Operation : TEMP <- ST; ST <- DEST; DEST <- TEMP
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. Others undefined
+Exceptions : IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes : If either of the registers is tagged empty then it is
+ loaded with indefinite and the exchange performed.
+ FPSTACKENTRY *dest_addr;
+ dest_addr = StackEntryByIndex(destIndex);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | dest_addr->tagvalue);
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ if ((dest_addr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ WriteIndefinite(dest_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ CopyFP(&FPTemp, TOSPtr);
+ CopyFP(TOSPtr, dest_addr);
+ CopyFP(dest_addr, &FPTemp);
+Function : Split the value in ST into its exponent and significand
+Operation : TEMP<-sig(ST); ST<-exp(ST); Dec ST; ST<-TEMP
+Flags : C1 as per table 15-1. Others undefined
+Exceptions : Z, D, I, IS
+Valid range : Any
+Notes : If the original operand is zero, result is ST(1) is -infinity
+ and ST is the original zero. The zero divide exception is also
+ raised. If the original operand is infinity, ST(1) is +infinity
+ and ST is the original infinity. If ST(7) is not empty, the
+ invalid operation exception is raised.
+ FPSTACKENTRY *dest_addr;
+ IS16 exp_val;
+ dest_addr = StackEntryByIndex(7);
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ if ((dest_addr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ NpxStatus &= ~SW_SF_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr=dest_addr;
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* It won't be a denormal after we've finished */
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue ^= TAG_DENORMAL_MASK;
+ }
+ /* It is entirely valid */
+ exp_val = ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp-HOST_BIAS;
+ ((FPHOST *)&(TOSPtr->fpvalue))->hiword.exp=HOST_BIAS;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue &= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ CopyFP(dest_addr, TOSPtr);
+ FPRes = (FPH)exp_val;
+ /* This MUST be a real number, it could be negative. */
+ CalcTagword(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = dest_addr;
+ } else {
+ /* Check if it was a zero */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ dest_addr->tagvalue = TOSPtr->tagvalue;
+ TOSPtr = dest_addr;
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ZE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_ZM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if it was an infinity */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ dest_addr->tagvalue = TOSPtr->tagvalue;
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = dest_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* There was something funny...Was it empty or unsupported? */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & (TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK)) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_IE_MASK;
+ NpxStatus &= ~SW_SF_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_IM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ } else {
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr=dest_addr;
+ WriteIndefinite(TOSPtr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ CopyFP(dest_addr, TOSPtr);
+ TOSPtr = dest_addr;
+ }
+FYL2X (Y log base 2 of X) calculates the function Z=Y*LOG2(X). X is
+taken from ST(0) and Y is taken from ST(1). The operands must be in
+the range 0 < X < +inf and -inf < Y < +inf. The instruction pops the
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ TestUneval(st1_addr);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* First, check if the values are real. If so, we can proceed. */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_DENORMAL_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* Check for the denorm case... */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ /* We ALWAYS pop!!! */
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for the case of a negative in ST */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* OK, we can do the operation ... */
+ FPRes = st1_addr->fpvalue * host_log2(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* Tgis is just a multiplication, result could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Well, I suppose it has to be the NaN case... */
+ /* Calculate the xor of the tagwords */
+ tag_xor = (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(1, TOSPtr, st1_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The only possibilities left are infinity and zero.. */
+ /* Let's begin with the zeroes case.. */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* ST is zero. Can have two possibilities */
+ /* if ST(1) is zero, raise invalid */
+ /* Otherwise raise divide by zero */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) == 0) {
+ /* Calculate the xor of the tagwords */
+ tag_xor = (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ SignalDivideByZero(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* ST(1) must be zero */
+ /* We already know that TOSPtr isn't zero. */
+ /* There are three possibilities again. */
+ /* If TOSPtr is infinity, raise invalid exception. */
+ /* If TOSPtr < 1.0 then the result is zero with the */
+ /* complement of the sign of ST(1) */
+ /* If TOSPtr >= 1.0 then the result is ST(1) */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue < 1.0) {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The only thing left is infinity... */
+ /* If ST is infinity then there are two possibilities... */
+ /* If it is +infinity the result is infinity with sign of ST(1) */
+ /* If it is -infinity the result is an invalid operation */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) == 0) {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue &= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ st1_addr->tagvalue |= TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* ST(1) MUST be infinity (and ST is real). */
+ /* There are three possibilities: */
+ /* If ST is exactly 1.0 then raise Invalid */
+ /* If ST is less than 1.0 then the result is the */
+ /* infinity with the complement of its sign. */
+ /* If ST is greater than 1.0 the result is the infinity. */
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue == 1.0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue < 1.0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+FYL2XP1 (Y log base 2 of (X+1)) calculates the function Z=Y*LOG2(X+1). X is
+taken from ST(0) and Y is taken from ST(1). The operands must be in
+the range 0 < X < +inf and -inf < Y < +inf. The instruction pops the
+TOS value. This is better than FYL2X when X is very small, since more significant
+digits can be retained for 1+X than can be for X alone.
+ FPSTACKENTRY *st1_addr;
+ /* Clear C1 */
+ FlagC1(0);
+ st1_addr = StackEntryByIndex(1);
+ TestUneval(TOSPtr);
+ TestUneval(st1_addr);
+ tag_or = (TOSPtr->tagvalue | st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ /* First, check if the values are real. If so, we can proceed. */
+ if ((tag_or & ~(TAG_DENORMAL_MASK | TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK)) == 0) {
+ /* Check for the denorm case... */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_DENORMAL_MASK) != 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_DE_MASK;
+ if ((NpxControl & CW_DM_MASK) == 0) {
+ NpxStatus |= SW_ES_MASK;
+ DoNpxException();
+ /* We ALWAYS pop!!! */
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for the case of a value less than -1 */
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue <= -1.0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* OK, we can do the operation ... */
+ FPRes = st1_addr->fpvalue * host_log1p(TOSPtr->fpvalue);
+ PostCheckOUP();
+ /* This is just a numtiplication - result could be anything */
+ CalcTagword(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & ((TAG_EMPTY_MASK | TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) | TAG_NAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalStackUnderflow(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_UNSUPPORTED_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ /* Well, I suppose it has to be the NaN case... */
+ /* Calculate the xor of the tagwords */
+ tag_xor = (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ st1_addr->tagvalue);
+ Test2NaN(1, TOSPtr, st1_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The only possibilities left are infinity and zero.. */
+ /* Let's begin with the zeroes case.. */
+ if ((tag_or & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ /* ST is zero. Can have two possibilities */
+ /* if ST(1) is positive, result is ST */
+ /* if ST(1) is negative, result is -ST */
+ if ((st1_addr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue = (TAG_ZERO_MASK | (TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK));
+ } else {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue = (TAG_ZERO_MASK | (TOSPtr->tagvalue ^ TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK));
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* ST(1) must be zero */
+ /* We already know that TOSPtr isn't zero. */
+ /* There are three possibilities again. */
+ /* If TOSPtr is infinity, raise invalid exception. */
+ /* If TOSPtr < 0 then the result is zero with the */
+ /* complement of the sign of ST(1) */
+ /* If TOSPtr >= 0 then the result is ST(1) */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* The only thing left is infinity... */
+ /* If ST is infinity then there are two possibilities... */
+ /* If it is +infinity the result is infinity with sign of ST(1) */
+ /* If it is -infinity the result is an invalid operation */
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((TOSPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue &= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ st1_addr->tagvalue |= TAG_INFINITY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* ST(1) MUST be infinity (and ST is non-zero). */
+ /* There are three possibilities: */
+ /* If ST is exactly 1.0 then raise Invalid */
+ /* If ST is less than 0.0 then the result is the */
+ /* infinity with the complement of its sign. */
+ /* If ST is greater than 0.0 the result is the infinity. */
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue == 1.0) {
+ SignalIndefinite(st1_addr);
+ } else {
+ if (TOSPtr->fpvalue < 0.0) {
+ st1_addr->tagvalue ^= TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TOSPtr->tagvalue = TAG_EMPTY_MASK;
+ TOSPtr = st1_addr;
+/* These functions are provided in order to facilitate pigging */
+#ifndef PIG
+/* copied here from FmNpx.c */
+GLOBAL void NpxStackRegAsString IFN3(FPSTACKENTRY *, fpStPtr, char *, buf, IU32, prec)
+ /* The overwhelmingly most likely option is empty. */
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ strcpy(buf, "empty");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & ~(TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK | TAG_DENORMAL_MASK)) == 0) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%.*g", prec, fpStPtr->fpvalue);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* OK, one of the funny bits was set. But which? */
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ strcpy(buf, "-0");
+ } else {
+ strcpy(buf, "0");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & UNEVALMASK) != 0) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%04x %08x%08x",
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->sign_exp,
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_hi,
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_lo);
+ strcat(buf, " uneval");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & TAG_INFINITY_MASK) != 0) {
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ strcpy(buf, "minus infinity");
+ } else {
+ strcpy(buf, "infinity");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((fpStPtr->tagvalue & (TAG_NAN_MASK|TAG_SNAN_MASK)) != 0) {
+ if ( ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_lo == 0
+ && ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_hi == 0xC0000000
+ && *(IU16*)&((FP80*)fpStPtr)->sign_exp == 0xFFFF )
+ strcpy(buf, "indefinite");
+ else
+ sprintf(buf, "%08x%08x %s %sNan",
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_hi,
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_lo,
+ (fpStPtr->tagvalue & TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) ? "negative" : "",
+ (fpStPtr->tagvalue & TAG_SNAN_MASK) ? "S" : "");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* It MUST be unsupported */
+ sprintf(buf, "%04 %08x%08x unsupported",
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->sign_exp,
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_hi,
+ ((FP80*)fpStPtr)->mant_lo);
+ return;
+/* this one is only ever used in trace.c and only if pure CCPU */
+GLOBAL char * getNpxStackReg IFN2(IU32, reg_num, char *, buffer)
+ reg_num += TOSPtr - FPUStackBase;
+ NpxStackRegAsString (&FPUStackBase[reg_num&7], buffer, 12);
+ return buffer;
+#endif /* !PIG */
+GLOBAL IU32 getNpxControlReg IFN0()
+ return(NpxControl);
+GLOBAL VOID setNpxControlReg IFN1(IU32, newControl)
+ NpxControl = newControl;
+ npxRounding = (NpxControl & 0xc00);
+ switch (npxRounding) {
+ case ROUND_NEAREST : HostSetRoundToNearest();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_NEG_INFINITY : HostSetRoundDown();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_POS_INFINITY : HostSetRoundUp();
+ break;
+ case ROUND_ZERO : HostSetRoundToZero();
+ break;
+ }
+GLOBAL IU32 getNpxStatusReg IFN0()
+ GetIntelStatusWord();
+ return(NpxStatus);
+GLOBAL VOID setNpxStatusReg IFN1( IU32, newStatus)
+ TOSPtr = FPUStackBase + ((newStatus >> 11) & 7);
+ NpxStatus = newStatus;
+GLOBAL IU32 getNpxTagwordReg IFN0()
+ IU32 result;
+ FPSTACKENTRY *tagPtr = &FPUStackBase[7];
+ IU8 counter = 0;
+ result = 0;
+ while (counter++ < 8) {
+ result <<= 2;
+ if ((tagPtr->tagvalue & TAG_EMPTY_MASK) != 0) {
+ result |= 3;
+ } else {
+ if ((tagPtr->tagvalue & TAG_ZERO_MASK) != 0) {
+ result |= 1;
+ } else {
+ if ((tagPtr->tagvalue & ~TAG_NEGATIVE_MASK) != 0) {
+ result |= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tagPtr--;
+ }
+ return(result);
+GLOBAL VOID setNpxTagwordReg IFN1(IU32, newTag)
+ /* Don't do it!! It fucks you up!! */
+ /* SetIntelTagword(newTag); */
+GLOBAL void getNpxStackRegs IFN1(FPSTACKENTRY *, dumpPtr)
+ memcpy((char *)dumpPtr, (char *)FPUStackBase, 8 * sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+GLOBAL void setNpxStackRegs IFN1(FPSTACKENTRY *, loadPtr)
+ memcpy((char *)FPUStackBase, (char *)loadPtr, 8 * sizeof(FPSTACKENTRY));
+/* And finally some stubs */
+GLOBAL void initialise_npx IFN0()
+GLOBAL void npx_reset IFN0()