path: root/private/mvdm/
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/mvdm/')
1 files changed, 817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/mvdm/ b/private/mvdm/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79a8204ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+ -----------------------------
+MODULE NAME : 'Lower layer' of Expanded Memory Manager
+DATE : April '88
+PURPOSE : NT specific code for EMS LIM rev 4.0
+ implementation.
+The Following Routines are defined:
+ 1. host_initialise_EM()
+ 2. host_deinitialise_EM()
+ 3. host_allocate_storage()
+ 4. host_free_storage()
+ 5. host_reallocate_storage()
+ 6. host_map_page()
+ 7. host_unmap_page()
+ 8. host_alloc_page()
+ 9. host_free_page()
+ 10. host_copy_con_to_con()
+ 11. host_copy_con_to_EM()
+ 12. host_copy_EM_to_con()
+ 13. host_copy_EM_to_EM()
+ 14. host_exchg_con_to_con()
+ 15. host_exchg_con_to_EM()
+ 16. host_exchg_EM_to_EM()
+ 17. host_get_access_key()
+#include <nt.h>
+#include <ntrtl.h>
+#include <nturtl.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "insignia.h"
+#include "host_def.h"
+#ifdef LIM
+#ifndef MONITOR
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "timeval.h"
+#include "xt.h"
+#include "emm.h"
+#include "sas.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "umb.h"
+#include "host_emm.h"
+#include "nt_mem.h"
+/* Global Variables */
+/* Forward Declarations */
+/* ExternalDeclarations */
+/* Local Variables */
+UTINY *EM_pagemap_address = 0; /* address of start of pagemap */
+sys_addr EM_base_address; /* EM base intel address */
+host_addr EM_host_base_address = 0; /* EM base host address */
+LOCAL LONG EM_size = 0;
+ sys_addr emm_start;
+ unsigned int emm_len;
+unsigned short EM_starting_page_no;
+Support for backwards LIM to speed up backwards M ports
+Defines are:
+ EM_host_address(offset), returns host address of offset bytes
+ into the LIM memory area
+ EM_loads(from, to, length), copies length bytes from intel 24 bit
+ address from, to host 32 bit address to
+ EM_stores(to, from, length), copies length bytes from host 32 bit
+ address from to intel 24 bit address to
+ EM_moves(from, to, length), copies length bytes from intel 24 bit
+ address from to intel 24 bit address to
+ EM_memcpy(to, from, length), copies length bytes from host 32 bit
+ address from to host 32 bit address to
+ EM_pointer(ptr, length), returns a forwards or backwards type
+ pointer to ptr for a buffer of size length
+#define unix_memmove(dst,src,len) memmove((dst),(src),(len))
+#ifdef BACK_M
+#define EM_host_address(offset) (EM_host_base_address + EM_size - offset)
+#define EM_loads(from, to, length) memcpy(to - (length) + 1, get_byte_addr(from) - (length) + 1, length)
+#define EM_stores(to, from, length) \
+ sas_overwrite_memory(to, length); \
+ CopyMemory(get_byte_addr(to) - (length) + 1, from - (length) + 1, length)
+#define EM_moves(from,to,length) \
+ sas_overwrite_memory(to, length); \
+ MoveMemory(get_byte_addr(to) - (length) + 1, get_byte_addr(from) - (length) + 1, length)
+#define EM_memcpy(to, from, length) \
+ MoveMemory((to) - (length) + 1, (from) - (length) + 1, length)
+#define EM_pointer(ptr, length) (ptr + length - 1)
+#define EM_host_address(offset) (EM_host_base_address + offset)
+#define EM_loads(from, to, length) memcpy(to, get_byte_addr(from), length)
+#define EM_stores(to, from, length) \
+ sas_overwrite_memory(to, length); \
+ CopyMemory(get_byte_addr(to), from, length)
+#define EM_moves(from,to,length) \
+ sas_overwrite_memory(to, length); \
+ MoveMemory(get_byte_addr(to), get_byte_addr(from), length)
+#define EM_memcpy(to, from, length) \
+ MoveMemory(to, from, length)
+#define EM_pointer(ptr, length) (ptr)
+#define EM_PAGE_ADDRESS(page_no) (EM_base_address + page_no * EMM_PAGE_SIZE)
+FUNCTION : host_initialise_EM
+PURPOSE : allocates the area of memory that is used for
+ expanded memory and sets up an area of memory to be used
+ for the logical pagemap allocation table.
+RETURNED STATUS : SUCCESS - memory allocated successfully
+ FAILURE - unable to allocate required space
+int host_initialise_EM(short size)
+/* IN short size size of area required in megabytes */
+ long *pagemap_ptr; /* temp ptr. to logical pagemap */
+ short i; /* loop counter */
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ status = VdmAllocateVirtualMemory(&EM_base_address, size * 0x100000, FALSE);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
+#ifdef EMM_DEBUG
+ printf("Couldn't allocate virtual memory for EMM, error code = %lx\n",
+ status);
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+#ifdef EMM_DEBUG
+ printf("EMM base address = %lx\n", ((sys_addr)EM_base_address);
+ /* pagemap requires 1 bit per 16K page - i.e. 8 bytes per meg */
+ if((EM_pagemap_address = (byte *)host_malloc(size * 8)) == (byte *)0)
+ return(FAILURE);
+ /* initialise pagemap to 0's */
+ pagemap_ptr = (long *)EM_pagemap_address;
+ for(i = 0; i < size * 2; i++)
+ *pagemap_ptr++ = 0;
+ EM_size = ((long) size) * 0x100000;
+ EM_starting_page_no = (unsigned short)(EM_base_address / INTEL_PAGE_SIZE);
+ EM_host_base_address = get_byte_addr((sys_addr)EM_base_address);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+FUNCTION : host_deinitialise_EM
+PURPOSE : frees the area of memory that was used for
+ expanded memory and memory used
+ for the logical pagemap allocation table.
+RETURNED STATUS : SUCCESS - memory freed successfully
+ FAILURE - error ocurred in freeing memory
+int host_deinitialise_EM()
+ if(EM_base_address != 0)
+ VdmFreeVirtualMemory(EM_base_address);
+ if(EM_pagemap_address != (UTINY *)0)
+ free(EM_pagemap_address);
+ EM_size = 0;
+ return(SUCCESS);
+FUNCTION : host_allocate_storage
+PURPOSE : allocates an area of memory of requested size, to be
+ used as a general data storage area. The area is
+ to zeros.
+RETURNED STATUS : storage_ID - (in this case a pointer)
+ NULL - failure to allocate enough space.
+DESCRIPTION : calloc is similar to malloc but returns memory
+ initialised to zeros.
+ The storage ID returned is a value used to later reference
+ the storage area allocated. The macro USEBLOCK in
+ "host_emm.h" is used by the manager routines to convert
+ this ID into a char pointer
+long host_allocate_storage(int no_bytes)
+/* IN int no_bytes no. of bytes required */
+ return ((long)calloc(1, no_bytes));
+FUNCTION : host_free_storage
+PURPOSE : frees the area of memory that was used for
+ data storage
+RETURNED STATUS : SUCCESS - memory freed successfully
+ FAILURE - error ocurred in freeing memory
+DESCRIPTION : In this implementation storage_ID is simply a pointer
+int host_free_storage(long storage_ID)
+/* IN long storage_ID ptr to area of memory */
+ if(storage_ID != (long) 0)
+ free((char *)storage_ID);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+FUNCTION : host_reallocate_storage
+PURPOSE : increases the size of memory allocated, maintaining the
+ contents of the original memory block
+RETURNED STATUS : storage_ID - memory reallocated successfully
+ NULL - error ocurred in reallocating memory
+DESCRIPTION : In this implementation storage_ID is simply a pointer
+ Note the value of storage_ID returned may or may not be the
+ same as the value given
+long host_reallocate_storage(long storage_ID, int size, int new_size)
+/* IN
+long storage_ID ptr to area of memory
+int size original size - not used in this version
+ new_size new size required
+ return((long)realloc((char *)storage_ID, new_size));
+FUNCTION : host_map_page
+PURPOSE : produces mapping from an Expanded Memory page to a
+ page in Intel physical address space
+RETURNED STATUS : SUCCESS - mapping completed succesfully
+ FAILURE - error ocurred in mapping
+DESCRIPTION : Mapping achieved by simply copying data from the
+ expanded memory to Intel memory
+int host_map_page(short EM_page_no, unsigned short segment)
+/* IN
+short EM_page_no; Expanded Memory page to be mapped in
+unsigned short segment; segment in physical address space to
+ map into
+ ULONG DosIntelPageNo, VdmIntelPageNo;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ DosIntelPageNo = SEGMENT_TO_INTEL_PAGE(segment);
+ VdmIntelPageNo = EMM_PAGE_TO_INTEL_PAGE(EM_page_no) +
+ EM_starting_page_no;
+ note_trace2(LIM_VERBOSE,"map page %d to segment 0x%4x", EM_page_no, segment);
+ Status = VdmMapDosMemory(DosIntelPageNo,
+ VdmIntelPageNo,
+ );
+#ifdef EMM_DEBUG
+ printf("host_map_page, segment=%x, EMpage=%x, Dospage=%x, VdmPage=%x\n",
+ segment, EM_page_no, DosIntelPageNo, VdmIntelPageNo);
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ return(SUCCESS);
+ }
+ else
+ return(FAILURE);
+FUNCTION : host_unmap_page
+PURPOSE :unmaps pages from Intel physical address space to an
+ Expanded Memory page
+RETURNED STATUS : SUCCESS - unmapping completed succesfully
+ FAILURE - error ocurred in mapping
+DESCRIPTION : Unmapping achieved by simply copying data from Intel
+ memory to expanded memory
+int host_unmap_page(unsigned short segment, short EM_page_no)
+/* IN
+unsigned short segment segment in physical address space to
+ unmap
+short EM_page_no Expanded Memory page currently
+ mapped in
+ ULONG DosIntelPageNo, VdmIntelPageNo;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ DosIntelPageNo = SEGMENT_TO_INTEL_PAGE(segment);
+ VdmIntelPageNo = EMM_PAGE_TO_INTEL_PAGE(EM_page_no) +
+ EM_starting_page_no;
+#ifdef EMM_DEBUG
+ printf("host_unmap_page, segment=%x, EMpage=%x, Dospage=%x, VdmPage=%x\n",
+ segment, EM_page_no, DosIntelPageNo, VdmIntelPageNo);
+ Status = VdmUnmapDosMemory(DosIntelPageNo,
+ );
+ note_trace2(LIM_VERBOSE,"unmap page %d from segment 0x%.4x\n",EM_page_no,segment);
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+ return (SUCCESS);
+ else
+ return(FAILURE);
+FUNCTION : host_alloc_page
+PURPOSE : searches the pagemap looking for a free page, allocates
+ that page and returns the EM page no.
+ SUCCESS - Always see note below
+DESCRIPTION : Steps through the Expanded memory Pagemap looking for
+ a clear bit, which indicates a free page. When found,
+ sets that bit and returns the page number.
+ For access purposes the pagemap is divided into long
+ word(32bit) sections
+NOTE : The middle layer calling routine (alloc_page()) checks
+ that all pages have not been allocated and therefore in
+ this implementation the returned status will always be
+ However alloc_page still checks for a return status of
+ SUCCESS, as some implementations may wish to allocate pages
+ dynamically and that may fail.
+short host_alloc_page()
+ short EM_page_no; /* page number returned */
+ long *ptr; /* ptr to 32 bit sections in */
+ /* pagemap */
+ short i; /* index into 32 bit section */
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ ptr = (long *)EM_pagemap_address;
+ i =0;
+ EM_page_no = 0;
+ while(*ptr & (MSB >> i++))
+ {
+ EM_page_no++;
+ if(i == 32)
+ /*
+ * start on next section
+ */
+ {
+ ptr++;
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set bit to show that page is allocated
+ */
+ *ptr = *ptr | (MSB >> --i);
+ /* commit memory to the page */
+ status = VdmCommitVirtualMemory(EM_PAGE_ADDRESS(EM_page_no),
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+ return FAILURE;
+ return(EM_page_no);
+FUNCTION : host_free_page
+PURPOSE : marks the page indicated as being free for further
+ allocation
+ SUCCESS - Always - see note below
+DESCRIPTION : clears the relevent bit in the pagemap.
+ For access purposes the pagemap is divided into long
+ word(32bit) sections.
+NOTE : The middle layer calling routine (free_page()) always
+ checks for invalid page numbers so in this implementation
+ the routine will always return SUCCESS.
+ However free_page() still checks for a return of SUCCESS
+ as other implementations may wish to use it.
+int host_free_page(short EM_page_no)
+/* IN short EM_page_no page number to be cleared */
+ long *ptr; /* ptr to 32 bit sections in */
+ /* pagemap */
+ short i; /* index into 32 bit section */
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ status = VdmDeCommitVirtualMemory(EM_PAGE_ADDRESS(EM_page_no),
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+ return FAILURE;
+ /*
+ * Set pointer to correct 32 bit section and index to correct bit
+ */
+ ptr = (long *)EM_pagemap_address;
+ ptr += (EM_page_no / 32);
+ i = EM_page_no % 32;
+ /*
+ * clear bit
+ */
+ *ptr = *ptr & ~(MSB >> i);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+FUNCTION : host_copy routines
+ host_copy_con_to_con()
+ host_copy_con_to_EM()
+ host_copy_EM_to_con()
+ host_copy_EM_to_EM()
+PURPOSE : copies between conventional and expanded memory
+ SUCCESS - Always - see note below
+ The middle layer calling routine always checks for a
+ return of SUCCESS as other implementations may
+ return FAILURE.
+int host_copy_con_to_con(int length, unsigned short src_seg,
+ unsigned short src_off, unsigned short dst_seg,
+ unsigned short dst_off)
+/* IN
+int length number of bytes to copy
+unsigned short src_seg source segment address
+ src_off source offset address
+ dst_seg destination segment address
+ dst_off destination offset address
+ sys_addr from, to; /* pointers used for copying */
+ from = effective_addr(src_seg, src_off);
+ to = effective_addr(dst_seg, dst_off);
+ EM_moves(from, to, length);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+int host_copy_con_to_EM(int length, unsigned short src_seg,
+ unsigned short src_off, unsigned short dst_page,
+ unsigned short dst_off)
+/* IN
+int length number of bytes to copy
+unsigned short src_seg source segment address
+ src_off source offset address
+ dst_page destination page number
+ dst_off destination offset within page
+ unsigned char *to; /* pointers used for copying */
+ sys_addr from;
+ from = effective_addr(src_seg, src_off);
+ to = EM_host_address(dst_page * EMM_PAGE_SIZE + dst_off);
+ EM_loads(from, to, length);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+int host_copy_EM_to_con(int length, unsigned short src_page,
+ unsigned short src_off, unsigned short dst_seg,
+ unsigned short dst_off)
+/* IN
+int length number of bytes to copy
+unsigned short src_page source page number
+ src_off source offset within page
+ dst_seg destination segment address
+ dst_off destination offset address
+ unsigned char *from; /* pointers used for copying */
+ sys_addr to;
+ from = EM_host_address(src_page * EMM_PAGE_SIZE + src_off);
+ to = effective_addr(dst_seg, dst_off);
+ EM_stores(to, from, length);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+int host_copy_EM_to_EM(int length, unsigned short src_page,
+ unsigned short src_off, unsigned short dst_page,
+ unsigned short dst_off)
+/* IN
+int length number of bytes to copy
+unsigned short src_page source page number
+ src_off source offset within page
+ dst_page destination page number
+ dst_off destination offset within page
+ unsigned char *from, *to; /* pointers used for copying */
+ from = EM_host_address(src_page * EMM_PAGE_SIZE + src_off);
+ to = EM_host_address(dst_page * EMM_PAGE_SIZE + dst_off);
+ EM_memcpy(to, from, length);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+FUNCTION : host_exchange routines
+ host_exchg_con_to_con()
+ host_exchg_con_to_EM()
+ host_exchg_EM_to_EM()
+PURPOSE : exchanges data between conventional and expanded memory
+ SUCCESS - Everything ok
+ FAILURE - Memory allocation failure
+int host_exchg_con_to_con(int length, unsigned short src_seg,
+ unsigned short src_off, unsigned short dst_seg,
+ unsigned short dst_off)
+/* IN
+int length number of bytes to copy
+unsigned short src_seg source segment address
+ src_off source offset address
+ dst_seg destination segment address
+ dst_off destination offset address
+ unsigned char *temp, *pointer;/* pointers used for copying */
+ sys_addr to, from;
+ if ((temp = (unsigned char *)host_malloc(length)) == (unsigned char *)0)
+ return(FAILURE);
+ pointer = EM_pointer(temp, length);
+ from = effective_addr(src_seg, src_off);
+ to = effective_addr(dst_seg, dst_off);
+ EM_loads(from, pointer, length); /* source -> temp */
+ EM_moves(to, from, length); /* dst -> source */
+ EM_stores(to, pointer, length); /* temp -> dst */
+ free(temp);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+int host_exchg_con_to_EM(int length, unsigned short src_seg,
+ unsigned short src_off, unsigned short dst_page,
+ unsigned short dst_off)
+/* IN
+int length number of bytes to copy
+unsigned short src_seg source segment address
+ src_off source offset address
+ dst_page destination page number
+ dst_off destination offset within page
+ unsigned char *to, *temp, *pointer;/* pointers used for copying */
+ sys_addr from;
+ if ((temp = (unsigned char *)host_malloc(length)) == (unsigned char *)0)
+ return(FAILURE);
+ pointer = EM_pointer(temp, length);
+ from = effective_addr(src_seg, src_off);
+ to = EM_host_address(dst_page * EMM_PAGE_SIZE + dst_off);
+ EM_loads(from, pointer, length);
+ EM_stores(from, to, length);
+ EM_memcpy(to, pointer, length);
+ free(temp);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+int host_exchg_EM_to_EM(int length, unsigned short src_page,
+ unsigned short src_off, unsigned short dst_page,
+ unsigned short dst_off)
+/* IN
+int length number of bytes to copy
+unsigned short src_page source page number
+ src_off source offset within page
+ dst_page destination page number
+ dst_off destination offset within page
+ unsigned char *from, *to, *temp, *pointer;
+ /* pointers used for copying */
+ if ((temp = (unsigned char *)host_malloc(length)) == (unsigned char *)0)
+ return(FAILURE);
+ pointer = EM_pointer(temp, length);
+ from = EM_host_address(src_page * EMM_PAGE_SIZE + src_off);
+ to = EM_host_address(dst_page * EMM_PAGE_SIZE + dst_off);
+ EM_memcpy(pointer, from, length);
+ EM_memcpy(from, to, length);
+ EM_memcpy(to, pointer, length);
+ free(temp);
+ return(SUCCESS);
+FUNCTION : host_get_access_key
+PURPOSE : produces a random access key for use with LIM function 30
+ 'Enable/Disable OS/E Function Set Functions'
+DESCRIPTION : Two 16 bit random values are required for the 'access key'
+ We use the microsecond field from the get time of day routine
+ to provide this.
+void host_get_access_key(unsigned short access_key[2])
+/* OUT unsigned short access_key[2] source segment address */
+ struct host_timeval time; /* structure for holding time */
+ host_GetSysTime(&time);
+ access_key[0] = time.tv_usec & 0xffff;
+ access_key[1] = (time.tv_usec >> 3) & 0xffff;
+ return;
+#endif /* MONITOR */
+#endif /* LIM */