path: root/private/mvdm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'private/mvdm/')
1 files changed, 442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/mvdm/ b/private/mvdm/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84371ef2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+Code to read the relevant data fields from a Windows Program
+Information File for use with the SoftPC / NT configuration
+Andrew Watson 31/1/92
+This line causes this file to be build with a checkin of NT_PIF.H
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "insignia.h"
+#include "host_def.h"
+#include <pif.h>
+#include "nt_pif.h"
+#include "nt_reset.h"
+#include <oemuni.h>
+#include "error.h"
+ //
+ // holds config.sys and autoexec name from pif file
+ // if none specifed, then NULL.
+ //
+static char *pchConfigFile=NULL;
+static char *pchAutoexecFile=NULL;
+VOID GetPIFConfigFiles(BOOL bConfig, char *pchFileName);
+DWORD dwWNTPifFlags;
+UCHAR WNTPifFgPr = 100;
+UCHAR WNTPifBgPr = 100;
+char achSlash[] ="\\";
+char achConfigNT[] ="config.nt";
+char achAutoexecNT[]="autoexec.nt";
+/* GetPIFConfigFile
+ *
+ * Copies PIF file specified name of config.sys\autoexec.bat
+ * to be used if none specified then uses
+ * "WindowsDir\config.nt" or "WindowsDir\autoexec.nt"
+ *
+ * ENTRY: BOOLEAN bConfig - TRUE retrieve config.sys
+ * FALSE retrieve autoexec.bat
+ *
+ * char *pchFile - destination for path\file name
+ *
+ * The input buffer must be at least MAX_PATH + 8.3 BaseName in len
+ *
+ * This routine cannot fail, but it may return a bad file name!
+ */
+VOID GetPIFConfigFiles(BOOL bConfig, char *pchFileName)
+ DWORD dw;
+ char **ppch;
+ ppch = bConfig ? &pchConfigFile : &pchAutoexecFile;
+ if (!*ppch)
+ {
+ dw = GetSystemDirectory(pchFileName, MAX_PATH);
+ if (!dw || *(pchFileName+dw-1) != achSlash[0])
+ strcat(pchFileName, achSlash);
+ strcat(pchFileName, bConfig ? achConfigNT : achAutoexecNT);
+ }
+ else {
+ dw = ExpandEnvironmentStringsOem(*ppch, pchFileName, MAX_PATH+12);
+ if (!dw || dw > MAX_PATH+12) {
+ *pchFileName = '\0';
+ }
+ free(*ppch);
+ *ppch = NULL;
+ }
+void SetPifDefaults(PIF_DATA *);
+Function: GetPIFData()
+Purpose: This function gets the PIF data from the PIF file
+ associated with the executable that SoftPC is trying
+ to run.
+Input: FullyQualified PifFileName,
+ if none supplied _default.pif will be used
+Output: A structure containing data that config needs.
+Returns: TRUE if the data has been gleaned successfully, FALSE
+ if not.
+BOOL GetPIFData(PIF_DATA * pd, char *PifName)
+ DWORD dw;
+ CHAR achDef[]="\\_default.pif";
+ PIFEXTHDR exthdr;
+ STDPIF pif286;
+ W386PIF30 ext386;
+ W286PIF30 ext286;
+ WNTPIF31 extWNT;
+ WENHPIF40 extWin95;
+ HFILE filehandle;
+ char pathBuff[MAX_PATH*2];
+ BOOL bGot386, bGotWin95;
+ int index;
+ char *CmdLine;
+ WORD IdleSensitivity;
+ CmdLine = NULL;
+ dwWNTPifFlags = 0;
+ //
+ // set the defaults in case of error or in case we can't find
+ // all of the pif settings information now for easy error exit
+ //
+ SetPifDefaults(pd);
+ // if no PifName, use %windir%\_default.pif
+ if (!*PifName) {
+ dw = GetWindowsDirectory(pathBuff, sizeof(pathBuff) - sizeof(achDef));
+ if (!dw || dw > sizeof(pathBuff) - sizeof(achDef)) {
+ return FALSE; // give it up... use default settings
+ }
+ strcat(pathBuff, achDef);
+ PifName = pathBuff;
+ }
+Open the file whose name was passed as a parameter to GetPIFData()
+and if an invalid handle to the file is returned (-1), then quit.
+The file specified is opened for reading only.
+if((filehandle=_lopen(PifName,OF_READ)) == (HFILE) -1)
+ {
+ /* must be an invalid handle ! */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+Get the main block of data from the PIF file.
+/* Read in the main block of file data into the structure */
+if(_llseek(filehandle,0,0) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+if(_lread(filehandle,(LPSTR)&pif286,sizeof(pif286)) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+Go to the PIF extension signature area and try to read the
+header in.
+if (_lread(filehandle,(LPSTR)&exthdr,sizeof(exthdr)) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // do we have any extended headers ?
+if (!strcmp(exthdr.extsig, STDHDRSIG))
+ {
+ bGot386 = FALSE;
+ bGotWin95 = FALSE;
+ while (exthdr.extnxthdrfloff != LASTHEADER)
+ {
+ //
+ // move to next extended header and read it in
+ //
+ if (_llseek(filehandle,exthdr.extnxthdrfloff,0) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (_lread(filehandle,(LPSTR)&exthdr,sizeof(exthdr)) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get 286 extensions, note that 386 extensions take precedence
+ //
+ if (!strcmp(exthdr.extsig, W286HDRSIG) && !bGot386)
+ {
+ if(_llseek(filehandle, exthdr.extfileoffset, 0) == -1 ||
+ _lread(filehandle,(LPSTR)&ext286,sizeof(ext286)) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pd->xmsdes =ext286.PfMaxXmsK;
+ pd->xmsreq =ext286.PfMinXmsK;
+ pd->reskey =ext286.PfW286Flags & 3;
+ pd->reskey |= (ext286.PfW286Flags << 2) & 0x70;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get 386 extensions
+ //
+ else if (!strcmp(exthdr.extsig, W386HDRSIG30))
+ {
+ if(_llseek(filehandle, exthdr.extfileoffset, 0) == -1 ||
+ _lread(filehandle,(LPSTR)&ext386,sizeof(ext386)) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ bGot386 = TRUE;
+ pd->emsdes=ext386.PfMaxEMMK;
+ pd->emsreq=ext386.PfMinEMMK;
+ pd->xmsdes=ext386.PfMaxXmsK;
+ pd->xmsreq=ext386.PfMinXmsK;
+ if (!bGotWin95 && ext386.PfFPriority < 100) {
+ WNTPifFgPr = (UCHAR)ext386.PfFPriority; // Foreground priority
+ }
+ if (!bGotWin95 && ext386.PfBPriority < 50) {
+ WNTPifBgPr = (UCHAR)ext386.PfBPriority; // Background priority
+ WNTPifBgPr <<= 1; // set def 50 to 100
+ }
+ pd->reskey = (char)((ext386.PfW386Flags >> 5) & 0x7f); // bits 5 - 11 are reskeys
+ pd->menuclose = (char)(ext386.PfW386Flags & 1); // bottom bit sensitive
+ pd->ShortScan = ext386.PfHotKeyScan; // scan code of shortcut key
+ pd->ShortMod = ext386.PfHotKeyShVal; // modifier code of shortcut key
+ if (!bGotWin95)
+ pd->idledetect = (char)((ext386.PfW386Flags >> 12) & 1);
+ pd->fullorwin = (WORD)((ext386.PfW386Flags & fFullScreen) >> 3);
+ bPifFastPaste = (ext386.PfW386Flags & fINT16Paste) != 0;
+ CmdLine = ext386.PfW386params;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get Windows Nt extensions
+ //
+ else if (!strcmp(exthdr.extsig, WNTEXTSIG))
+ {
+ if(_llseek(filehandle, exthdr.extfileoffset, 0) == -1 ||
+ _lread(filehandle,(LPSTR)&extWNT, sizeof(extWNT)) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dwWNTPifFlags = extWNT.nt31Prop.dwWNTFlags;
+ pd->SubSysId = (char) (dwWNTPifFlags & NTPIF_SUBSYSMASK);
+ /* take autoexec.nt and config.nt from .pif file
+ only if we are running on a new console or it is from
+ forcedos/wow
+ */
+ if (!pd->IgnoreConfigAutoexec)
+ {
+ pchConfigFile = ch_malloc(PIFDEFPATHSIZE);
+ extWNT.nt31Prop.achConfigFile[PIFDEFPATHSIZE-1] = '\0';
+ if (pchConfigFile) {
+ strcpy(pchConfigFile, extWNT.nt31Prop.achConfigFile);
+ }
+ pchAutoexecFile = ch_malloc(PIFDEFPATHSIZE);
+ extWNT.nt31Prop.achAutoexecFile[PIFDEFPATHSIZE-1] = '\0';
+ if (pchAutoexecFile) {
+ strcpy(pchAutoexecFile, extWNT.nt31Prop.achAutoexecFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Get Win95 extenstion
+ //
+ else if (!strcmp(exthdr.extsig, WENHHDRSIG40))
+ {
+ bGotWin95 = TRUE;
+ if(_llseek(filehandle, exthdr.extfileoffset, 0) == -1 ||
+ _lread(filehandle,(LPSTR)&extWin95, sizeof(extWin95)) == -1)
+ {
+ _lclose(filehandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ IdleSensitivity = extWin95.tskProp.wIdleSensitivity;
+ if (IdleSensitivity < 10) {
+ // disable idle detection completely
+ pd->idledetect = 0;
+ }
+ else if (IdleSensitivity > 50 && IdleSensitivity <= 100) {
+ //
+ // 10 <= priority <= 100 (yeild rate = 90% ~ 0%)
+ //
+ WNTPifFgPr =
+ WNTPifBgPr = 10 + (100 - IdleSensitivity) * 9 / 5;
+ }
+ else {
+ WNTPifFgPr =
+ WNTPifBgPr = 100;
+ }
+ // TSK_BACKGROUND means "do not suspend the application
+ // when it is running in background"
+ if (!(extWin95.tskProp.flTsk & TSK_BACKGROUND)) {
+ WNTPifBgPr = 10;
+ }
+ }
+ } // while !lastheader
+ /* pif file handling strategies on NT:
+ (1). application was launched from a new created console
+ Take everything from the pif file.
+ (2). application was launched from an existing console
+ if (ForceDos pif file)
+ take everything
+ else
+ only take softpc stuff and ignore every name strings in the
+ pif file such as
+ * wintitle
+ * startup directory
+ * optional parameters
+ * startup file
+ * autoexec.nt
+ * config.nt and
+ some softpc setting:
+ * close on exit.
+ * full screen and windowed mode
+ Every name strings in a pif file is in OEM character set.
+ */
+ if (DosSessionId ||
+ (pfdata.AppHasPIFFile && pd->SubSysId == SUBSYS_DOS))
+ {
+ if (pif286.appname[0] && !pd->IgnoreTitleInPIF) {
+ /* grab wintitle from the pif file. Note that the title
+ in the pif file is not a NULL terminated string. It always
+ starts from a non-white character then the real
+ title(can have white characters between words) and finally
+ append with SPACE characters. The total length is 30 characters.
+ */
+ for (index = 29; index >= 0; index-- )
+ if (pif286.appname[index] != ' ')
+ break;
+ if (index >= 0 && (pd->WinTitle = ch_malloc(MAX_PATH + 1))) {
+ RtlMoveMemory(pd->WinTitle, pif286.appname, index + 1);
+ pd->WinTitle[index + 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ if (pif286.defpath[0] && !pd->IgnoreStartDirInPIF &&
+ (pd->StartDir = ch_malloc(MAX_PATH + 1)))
+ strcpy(pd->StartDir, pif286.defpath);
+ if (!pd->IgnoreCmdLineInPIF) {
+ CmdLine = (CmdLine) ? CmdLine : pif286.params;
+ if (CmdLine && *CmdLine && (pd->CmdLine = ch_malloc(MAX_PATH + 1)))
+ strcpy(pd->CmdLine, CmdLine);
+ }
+ if (DosSessionId)
+ pd->CloseOnExit = (pif286.MSflags & 0x10) ? 1 : 0;
+ /* if the app has a pif file, grab the program name.
+ This can be discarded if it turns out the application itself
+ is not a pif file.
+ */
+ if (pd->AppHasPIFFile) {
+ pd->StartFile = ch_malloc(MAX_PATH + 1);
+ if (pd->StartFile)
+ strcpy(pd->StartFile, pif286.startfile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+return TRUE;
+Function to set up the default options for memory state.
+The default options are defined in nt_pif.h
+void SetPifDefaults(PIF_DATA *pd)
+ pd->memreq = DEFAULTMEMREQ;
+ pd->memdes = DEFAULTMEMDES;
+ pd->emsreq = DEFAULTEMSREQ;
+ pd->emsdes = DEFAULTEMSLMT;
+ pd->xmsreq = DEFAULTXMSREQ;
+ pd->xmsdes = DEFAULTXMSLMT;
+ pd->graphicsortext = DEFAULTVIDMEM;
+ pd->fullorwin = DEFAULTDISPUS;
+ pd->menuclose = 1;
+ pd->idledetect = 1;
+ pd->ShortMod = 0; // No shortcut keys
+ pd->ShortScan = 0;
+ pd->reskey = 0; // No reserve keys
+ pd->CloseOnExit = 1;
+ pd->WinTitle = NULL;
+ pd->CmdLine = NULL;
+ pd->StartFile = NULL;
+ pd->StartDir = NULL;
+ pd->SubSysId = SUBSYS_DEFAULT;
+ * Allocate NumBytes memory and exit cleanly on failure.
+ */
+void *ch_malloc(unsigned int NumBytes)
+ unsigned char *p = NULL;
+ while ((p = malloc(NumBytes)) == NULL) {
+ if(RcMessageBox(EG_MALLOC_FAILURE, "", "",
+ break;
+ }
+ return(p);