path: root/private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16')
2 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16/fax16.asm b/private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16/fax16.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d8a6d86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16/fax16.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+ name faxdrv
+ title 'FAX16 - Stub driver for Application based intercept under NT'
+; fax16.asm: This is a very simple DOS stub device driver for NTVDM.
+; It shows how to use application based intercept services
+; provided by NTVDM. FAX32.dll is its DLL which will be loaded
+; in the NTVDM process by this stub device driver.
+; This driver only has meaningful code for init,read and write.
+; Rest all command codes always succeed. We are assuming here
+; that the 16 bit fax application for this stub device driver
+; opens this device and just make read and write calls. The
+; meaning of read is to get a fax message and write means
+; send a message
+_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+ assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_TEXT,es:NOTHING
+ org 0
+ include
+MaxCmd equ 24 ; Maximum allowed command
+; VDD Command codes
+OpGet equ 1 ; Read a FAX
+OpSend equ 2 ; Send a FAX
+Header: ; Fax Device Header
+ DD -1
+ DW 0c840h
+ DW FaxStrat
+ DW FaxIntr
+RHPtr DD ? ; Pointer to Request Header
+Dispatch: ; Interrupt routine command code
+ DW Init
+ DW MediaChk
+ DW BuildBPB
+ DW IoctlRd
+ DW Read
+ DW NdRead
+ DW InpStat
+ DW InpFlush
+ DW Write
+ DW WriteVfy
+ DW OutStat
+ DW OutFlush
+ DW IoctlWt
+ DW DevOpen
+ DW DevClose
+ DW RemMedia
+ DW OutBusy
+ DW Error
+ DW Error
+ DW Error
+ DW Error
+ DW Error
+ DW GetLogDev
+ DW SetLogDev
+DllName DB "FAX32.DLL",0
+InitFunc DB "FAXVDDRegisterInit",0
+DispFunc DB "FAXVDDDispatch",0
+F32Mes DB "We are called from 32 staff", 10, 13, "$"
+hVDD DW ?
+FaxStrat proc far ; Strategy Routine
+ mov word ptr cs:[RhPtr],bx
+ mov word ptr cs:[RhPtr+2],es
+ ret
+FaxStrat endp
+FaxIntr proc far ; INterrupt routine
+ push ax ; Save registers
+ push bx
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ push ds
+ push es
+ push di
+ push si
+ push bp
+ push cs
+ pop ds ; DS = CS
+ les di,[RHPtr] ; ES:DI = request header
+ mov bl,es:[di+2]
+ xor bh,bh ; BX = command code
+ cmp bx,MaxCmd
+ jle FIntr1
+ call Error ; Unknown command
+ jmp FIntr2
+ shl bx,1
+ call word ptr [bx+Dispatch] ; call command routine
+ les di,[RhPtr] ; ES:DI = request header
+ or ax,0100h ; Set Done bit in the status
+ mov es:[di+3],ax ; Store the status
+ pop bp ; restore registers
+ pop si
+ pop di
+ pop es
+ pop ds
+ pop dx
+ pop cx
+ pop bx
+ pop ax
+ ret
+MediaChk proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+MediaChk endp
+BuildBPB proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+BuildBPB endp
+IoctlRd proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+IoctlRd endp
+Read proc near
+ push es
+ push di ; Save Request Header add
+ mov bx,word ptr es:[di+14] ; buffer offset
+ mov ax,word ptr es:[di+16] ; buffer segment
+ mov cx,word ptr es:[di+18] ; buffer length
+ mov es,ax ; es:bx is the buffer where
+ ; fax has to be read from
+ ; the NT device driver
+ mov ax,word ptr cs:[hVDD] ; VDD handle returned by
+ ; register module
+ mov dx,OpGet ; Read the fax command
+ DispatchCall
+ pop di
+ pop es
+ jnc rOK ; NC -> Success and CX has
+ ; the count read.
+ call Error ; Operation Failed
+ ret
+ mov word ptr es:[di+12],cx ; return in header how much
+ ; was read
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+Read endp
+NdRead proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+NdRead endp
+InpStat proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+InpStat endp
+InpFlush proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+InpFlush endp
+Write proc near
+ push es
+ push di ; Save Request Header add
+ mov bx,word ptr es:[di+14] ; buffer offset
+ mov ax,word ptr es:[di+16] ; buffer segment
+ mov cx,word ptr es:[di+18] ; buffer length
+ mov es,ax ; es:bx is the FAX message where
+ ; to be send by NT device
+ ; driver
+ mov ax,word ptr cs:[hVDD] ; VDD handle returned by
+ ; register module
+ mov dx,OpSend ; Send the fax command
+ DispatchCall
+ pop di
+ pop es
+ jnc wOK ; NC -> Success and CX has
+ ; the count read.
+ call Error ; Operation Failed
+ ret
+ mov word ptr es:[di+12],cx ; return in header how much
+ ; was actually written
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+Write endp
+WriteVfy proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+WriteVfy endp
+OutStat proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+OutStat endp
+OutFlush proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+OutFlush endp
+IoctlWt proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+IoctlWt endp
+DevOpen proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+DevOpen endp
+DevClose proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+DevClose endp
+RemMedia proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+RemMedia endp
+OutBusy proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+OutBusy endp
+GenIOCTL proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+GenIOCTL endp
+GetLogDev proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+GetLogDev endp
+SetLogDev proc near
+ xor ax,ax
+ ret
+SetLogDev endp
+Error proc near
+ mov ax,8003h ; Bad Command Code
+ ret
+Error endp
+; This function is a sample sub that calling from 32-bits part of VDD
+From32Sub proc near
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov dx, offset F32mes
+ mov ah, 09h
+ int 21h
+ VDDUnSimulate16
+ ret
+From32Sub endp
+Init proc near
+ push es
+ push di ; Save Request Header add
+ push ds
+ pop es
+ ; Load fax32.dll
+ mov si, offset DllName ; ds:si = fax32.dll
+ mov di, offset InitFunc ; es:di = init routine
+ mov bx, offset DispFunc ; ds:bx = dispatch routine
+ mov ax, offset From32Sub ; ds:ax = From32Sub
+ RegisterModule
+ jnc saveHVDD ; NC -> Success
+ call Error ; Indicate failure
+ pop di
+ pop es
+ mov byte ptr es:[di+13],0 ; unit supported 0
+ mov word ptr es:[di+14],offset Header ; Unload this device
+ mov word ptr es:[di+16],cs
+ mov si, offset Header
+ and [si+4],8FFFh ; clear bit 15 for failure
+ ret
+ mov [hVDD],ax
+ pop di
+ pop es
+ mov word ptr es:[di+14],offset Init ; Free Memory address
+ mov word ptr es:[di+16],cs
+ xor ax,ax ; return success
+ ret
+Init endp
+FaxIntr endp
+_TEXT ends
+ end
diff --git a/private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16/makefile b/private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..640ae45d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/vdd/samples/sample1/fax16/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Makefile for fax16 stub device driver
+########## Path definition so we find 16 bit tools ##########
+# Also works around stupid bug in RC 3.1 that doesn't allow rcpp.err to be
+# in a directory that is greater than 128 chars down the path, even if
+# rc 3.1 is running as an OS/2 app.
+PATH = $(_NTBINDIR)\private\mvdm\tools16;$(PATH)
+.SUFFIXES: .c .obj .lst .exe .exc .exs .com .sal .cod .sil .inc .skl .cla .cl1 .ctl .asm .idx .msg
+MAKE =nmake
+asm =masm
+awarn =-W1
+aflags =-Mx -t $(awarn) $(extasw)
+ainc =-I. -I$(_NTBINDIR)\public\sdk\inc
+ $(asm) $(ainc) $(aflags) $*.asm;
+ $(asm) -l $(ainc) $(aflags) $*.asm;
+all: fax16.sys
+ if exist *.obj del *.obj
+ if exist *.exe del *.exe
+ if exist *.map del *.map
+ if exist *.sym del *.sym
+ if exist *.sys del *.sys
+fax16.sys: fax16.obj
+ link16 fax16;
+ exe2bin fax16.exe fax16.sys