path: root/private/mvdm/wow16/write/insertco.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/mvdm/wow16/write/insertco.c')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/mvdm/wow16/write/insertco.c b/private/mvdm/wow16/write/insertco.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ab3a06e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/wow16/write/insertco.c
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+/* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */
+#define NOCTLMGR
+#define NOMENUS
+#define NOGDI
+#define NOHDC
+#define NOGDI
+#define NOCOLOR
+#define NOATOM
+#define NOBITMAP
+#define NOICON
+#define NOBRUSH
+#define NOMB
+#define NOFONT
+#define NOMSG
+#define NOPEN
+#define NOPOINT
+#define NORECT
+#define NOREGION
+#define NOSCROLL
+#define NOSOUND
+#define NOWH
+#define NOCOMM
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "mw.h"
+#include "cmddefs.h"
+#define NOKCCODES
+#include "ch.h"
+#include "docdefs.h"
+#include "prmdefs.h"
+#include "propdefs.h"
+#include "filedefs.h"
+#include "stcdefs.h"
+#include "fkpdefs.h"
+#include "editdefs.h"
+#include "wwdefs.h"
+#include "dispdefs.h"
+/* E X T E R N A L S */
+extern struct WWD rgwwd[];
+extern int docCur;
+extern struct CHP vchpFetch;
+extern struct CHP vchpInsert;
+extern struct CHP vchpSel;
+extern struct CHP vchpNormal;
+extern struct FKPD vfkpdParaIns;
+extern typeFC fcMacPapIns;
+extern struct PAP *vppapNormal;
+extern struct PAP vpapPrevIns;
+extern struct FCB (**hpfnfcb)[];
+extern struct BPS *mpibpbps;
+extern CHAR (*rgbp)[cbSector];
+extern typePN PnAlloc();
+InsertRgch(doc, cp, rgch, cch, pchp, ppap)
+int doc, cch;
+typeCP cp;
+CHAR rgch[];
+struct CHP *pchp;
+struct PAP *ppap;
+{ /* Insert cch characters from rgch into doc before cp */
+ typeFC fc;
+ struct CHP chp;
+ /* First finish off the previous CHAR run if necessary */
+ if (pchp == 0)
+ { /* Make looks be those of PREVIOUS character */
+ CachePara(doc,cp);
+ FetchCp(doc, CpMax(cp0, cp - 1), 0, fcmProps);
+ blt(&vchpFetch, &chp, cwCHP);
+ chp.fSpecial = false;
+ pchp = &chp;
+ }
+ NewChpIns(pchp);
+ /* Now write the characters to the scratch file */
+ fc = FcWScratch(rgch, cch);
+ /* Now insert a paragraph run if we inserted an EOL */
+ if (ppap != 0)
+ { /* Inserting EOL--must be last character of rgch */
+ AddRunScratch(&vfkpdParaIns, ppap, vppapNormal,
+ FParaEq(ppap, &vpapPrevIns) &&
+ vfkpdParaIns.brun != 0 ? -cchPAP : cchPAP,
+ fcMacPapIns = (**hpfnfcb)[fnScratch].fcMac);
+ blt(ppap, &vpapPrevIns, cwPAP);
+ }
+ /* Finally, insert the piece into the document */
+ Replace(doc, cp, cp0, fnScratch, fc, (typeFC) cch);
+int doc;
+typeCP cp;
+struct PAP papT;
+struct CHP chpT;
+CHAR rgch[2];
+/* (MEMO) Here's the problem: When we insert or paste into a running head or
+ foot, we expect all paras to have a non-0 rhc. This gets called from
+ Replace to put in an Eol when we are inserting or pasting in front of
+ a picture. It needs, therefore, to have running head properties when
+ appropriate. In a future world, cpMinDocument, cpMinHeader, cpMacHeader,
+ cpMinFooter, and cpMacFooter will be document attributes instead of
+ globals, and will be duly adjusted by AdjustCp. Then, we can trash the
+ somewhat kludgy check for doc==docCur and editing header/footer,
+ and instead check for cp within header/footer bounds for doc. */
+papT = *vppapNormal;
+if (doc==docCur)
+ if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader)
+ papT.rhc = RHC_fOdd + RHC_fEven;
+ else if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter)
+ papT.rhc = RHC_fBottom + RHC_fOdd + RHC_fEven;
+#ifdef CRLF
+ rgch[0] = chReturn;
+ rgch[1] = chEol;
+ chpT = vchpSel;
+ chpT.fSpecial = fFalse;
+ InsertRgch(doc, cp, rgch, 2, &chpT, &papT);
+ rgch[0] = chEol;
+ chpT = vchpSel;
+ chpT.fSpecial = fFalse;
+ InsertRgch(doc, cp, rgch, 1, &chpT, &papT);
+InsertEolPap(doc, cp, ppap)
+int doc;
+typeCP cp;
+struct PAP *ppap;
+extern struct CHP vchpAbs;
+struct CHP chpT;
+#ifdef CRLF
+CHAR rgch [2];
+CHAR rgch [1];
+ /* We must get props here instead of using vchpNormal because of the
+ "10-point kludge". We don't want to change the default font
+ just because we have to insert a new pap */
+FetchCp( doc, cp, 0, fcmProps );
+chpT = vchpAbs;
+chpT.fSpecial = fFalse;
+#ifdef CRLF
+rgch [0] = chReturn;
+rgch [1] = chEol;
+InsertRgch(doc, cp, rgch, 2, &chpT, ppap);
+InsertRgch(doc, cp, rgch, 1, &chpT, ppap);
+AddRunScratch(pfkpd, pchProp, pchStd, cchProp, fcLim)
+struct FKPD *pfkpd;
+CHAR *pchProp, *pchStd;
+int cchProp;
+typeFC fcLim;
+{ /* Add a CHAR or para run to the scratch file FKP (see FAddRun) */
+struct FKP *pfkp;
+CHAR *pchFprop;
+struct RUN *prun;
+int ibp;
+pfkp = (struct FKP *) rgbp[ibp = IbpEnsureValid(fnScratch, pfkpd->pn)];
+pchFprop = &pfkp->rgb[pfkpd->bchFprop];
+prun = (struct RUN *) &pfkp->rgb[pfkpd->brun];
+while (!FAddRun(fnScratch, pfkp, &pchFprop, &prun, pchProp, pchStd, cchProp,
+ fcLim))
+ { /* Go to a new page; didn't fit. */
+ int ibte = pfkpd->ibteMac;
+ struct BTE (**hgbte)[] = pfkpd->hgbte;
+ /* Create new entry in bin table for filled page */
+ if (!FChngSizeH(hgbte, ((pfkpd->ibteMac = ibte + 1) * sizeof (struct BTE)) / sizeof (int),
+ false))
+ return;
+ (**hgbte)[ibte].fcLim = (prun - 1)->fcLim;
+ (**hgbte)[ibte].pn = pfkpd->pn;
+ /* Allocate new page */
+ pfkpd->pn = PnAlloc(fnScratch);
+ pfkpd->brun = 0;
+ pfkpd->bchFprop = cbFkp;
+ if (cchProp < 0) /* New page, so force output of fprop */
+ cchProp = -cchProp;
+ /* Reset pointers and fill in fcFirst */
+ pfkp = (struct FKP *) rgbp[ibp = IbpEnsureValid(fnScratch, pfkpd->pn)];
+ pfkp->fcFirst = (prun - 1)->fcLim;
+ pchFprop = &pfkp->rgb[pfkpd->bchFprop];
+ prun = (struct RUN *) &pfkp->rgb[pfkpd->brun];
+ }
+mpibpbps[ibp].fDirty = true;
+pfkpd->brun = (CHAR *) prun - &pfkp->rgb[0];
+pfkpd->bchFprop = pchFprop - &pfkp->rgb[0];
+int FAddRun(fn, pfkp, ppchFprop, pprun, pchProp, pchStd, cchProp, fcLim)
+int fn, cchProp;
+struct FKP *pfkp;
+CHAR **ppchFprop, *pchProp, *pchStd;
+struct RUN **pprun;
+typeFC fcLim;
+{ /* Add a run and FCHP/FPAP to the current FKP. */
+ /* Make a new page if it won't fit. */
+ /* If cchProp < 0, don't make new fprop if page not full */
+int cch;
+/* If there's not even enough room for a run, force new fprop */
+if (cchProp < 0 && (CHAR *) (*pprun + 1) > *ppchFprop)
+ cchProp = -cchProp;
+if (cchProp > 0)
+ { /* Make a new fprop */
+ /* Compute length of FPAP/FCHP */
+ if (cchProp == cchPAP)
+ {
+/* compute difference from vppapNormal */
+ if (((struct PAP *)pchProp)->rgtbd[0].dxa != 0)
+ {
+ int itbd;
+/* find end of tab table */
+ for (itbd = 1; itbd < itbdMax; itbd++)
+ if (((struct PAP *)pchProp)->rgtbd[itbd].dxa == 0)
+ {
+ cch = cwPAPBase * cchINT + (itbd + 1) * cchTBD;
+ goto HaveCch;
+ }
+ }
+ cchProp = cwPAPBase * cchINT;
+ }
+ cch = CchDiffer(pchProp, pchStd, cchProp);
+ if (cch > 0)
+ ++cch;
+ /* Determine whether info will fit on this page */
+ if ((CHAR *) (*pprun + 1) > *ppchFprop - cch)
+ { /* Go to new page; this one is full */
+ if (fn == fnScratch)
+ return false; /* Let AddRunScratch handle this */
+ WriteRgch(fn, pfkp, cbSector);
+ pfkp->fcFirst = (*pprun - 1)->fcLim;
+ *ppchFprop = &pfkp->rgb[cbFkp];
+ *pprun = (struct RUN *) pfkp->rgb;
+ }
+ /* If new FPAP is needed, make it */
+ if (cch > 0)
+ {
+ (*pprun)->b = (*ppchFprop -= cch) - pfkp->rgb;
+ **ppchFprop = --cch;
+ bltbyte(pchProp, *ppchFprop + 1, cch);
+ }
+ else /* Use standard props */
+ (*pprun)->b = bNil;
+ }
+else /* Point to previous fprop */
+ (*pprun)->b = (*pprun - 1)->b;
+ /* Replaced old sequence (see below) */
+(*pprun)->fcLim = fcLim;
+pfkp->crun = ++(*pprun) - (struct RUN *) pfkp->rgb;
+/* Used to be like this, but CMERGE -Oa (assume no aliasing)
+ option made it not work -- "*pprun" is an alias for the
+ postincremented value of *pprun */
+/*(*pprun)++->fcLim = fcLim;
+pfkp->crun = *pprun - (struct RUN *) pfkp->rgb; */
+return true;
+/* F P A R A E Q */
+/* compares two PAP structures. Problem: tab tables are not fixed length
+but are terminated by 0 dxa. */
+FParaEq(ppap1, ppap2)
+struct PAP *ppap1, *ppap2;
+ {
+ struct TBD *ptbd1 = ppap1->rgtbd, *ptbd2 = ppap2->rgtbd;
+ while (ptbd1->dxa == ptbd2->dxa)
+ {
+ if (ptbd1->dxa == 0)
+ return CchDiffer(ppap1, ppap2, cchPAP) == 0;
+ if (*(long *)ptbd1 != *(long *)ptbd2) break;
+ ptbd1++; ptbd2++;
+ }
+ return fFalse;
+ }