path: root/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_IntersectionContext.mel
blob: 54561ffc1a62cacdc9e00eb2167989e102a105cd (plain) (tree)

// Copyright (C) 2001 Radical Entertainment Ltd.  All rights reserved.
// te_IntersectionContext.mel
// Description: Defines all the scripts required by the IntersectionContext tool
//              As a convention all Terrain Editor global procedures 
//              and global variables are prefixed with "te_".  All commands 
//              exposed through TE plugins are prefixed with "TE_".
//              MCB = Menu Call Back
//              BCB = Button Call Back
// Modification History:
//  + Created -- CBrisebois

//This is the global instance of the bv context tool.

global proc te_MCB_StartIntersection()
    //Start the Intersection context...
    if ( ! `contextInfo -exists IntersectionCtx` ) 
        IntersectionContext IntersectionCtx;

    setToolTo IntersectionCtx;

global string   $gSelectedIntersection = "";
global int      $gIntersectionSelectionCallbackID = 0;
global string   $gSelectedName;
global string   $gTypeField;
global string   $gIntersectionTypes[] = { "NoStop", "NWay", "FourWay", "NoStopN", "NWayN" };

global proc te_MCB_EditIntersection()
    global string   $gSelectedName;
    global int      $gIntersectionSelectionCallbackID;
    global string   $gIntersectionTypes[];
    global string   $gTypeField;

    if ( `window -exists TE_InteresctionEditor` )
        deleteUI -window TE_IntersectionEditor;

    window -rtf true -title "TE Road / Intersection Editor" TE_IntersectionEditor;

    columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;

        $gSelectedName = `textField -editable false -text "" -width 170`;
        $gTypeField = `optionMenu -label "Type" -width 170 -changeCommand ("te_MCB_IntersectionTypeChange( \"#1\" )")`;

        int $index;
        int $size = size($gIntersectionTypes);
        for ( $index = 0; $index < $size; $index++ )
            menuItem -label $gIntersectionTypes[ $index ];
            setParent ..;

        button -label "Create Road" -command ( "te_MCB_CreateRoadFromSelected()" );
        button -label "Show Whole Road" -command ( "te_MCB_ShowRoadFromSelected()" );
        button -label "Destroy Road" -command ( "te_MCB_DestroyRoadFromSelected()" );
        button -label "Set Intersection Start" -command ( "te_MCB_AddSelectedIntersectionToRoad( 0 )" );
        button -label "Set Intersection End" -command ( "te_MCB_AddSelectedIntersectionToRoad( 1 )" );
        button -label "Create Intersections" -command "te_MCB_StartIntersection()";

    setParent ..;


    //Create the selection change callback.
    $gIntersectionSelectionCallbackID = `scriptJob -parent "TE_IntersectionEditor" -event "SelectionChanged" "te_UpdateIntersectionEditor()"`;


global proc te_MCB_IntersectionTypeChange( string $value )
    global string $gSelectedIntersection;

    if ( $gSelectedIntersection != "" )
        setAttr ( $gSelectedIntersection + ".IntersectionType" )  -type "string" $value;

global proc te_CloseIntersectionEditorWindow()
    global int $gIntersectionSelectionCallbackID;

    if ( `window -exists TE_InteresctionEditor` )
        deleteUI -window TE_IntersectionEditor;

    $gIntersectionSelectionCallbackID = 0;

global proc te_UpdateIntersectionEditor()
    global string   $gSelectedIntersection;
    global string   $gSelectedName;
    global string   $gTypeField;
    global string   $gIntersectionTypes[];

	string $selectedObjects[] = `ls -sl -dag`;
	string $selectedObjectName = $selectedObjects[0];
    string $selectedNodeType;

    if ( $selectedObjectName != "" )
        //There is something selected

        $selectedNodeType = `nodeType $selectedObjectName `;
        if ( $selectedNodeType == "transform" )
            //We don't want the transform, we want the child node.
            string $children[] = `listRelatives -c $selectedObjectName`;
            $selectedObjectName = $children[0];

        if ( $selectedObjectName != "" )
	        $selectedNodeType = `nodeType $selectedObjectName `;

            if ( $selectedNodeType == "IntersectionLocatorNode" )
                //We're in business
                textField -edit -text $selectedObjectName $gSelectedName;

                string $value = `getAttr ( $selectedObjectName + ".IntersectionType" )`;

                //Which index is this string?
                int $size = size( $gIntersectionTypes );
                int $index;

                for ( $index = 0; $index < $size; $index++ )
                    if ( $gIntersectionTypes[ $index ] == $value )
                        optionMenu -edit -sl ($index + 1) $gTypeField;

                if ( $index == $size )
                    //This node had no proper setting.  Resetting it.
                    warning "Node had invalid type setting.  Correcting to default type";

                    optionMenu -edit -sl 1 $gTypeField;
                    setAttr ( $selectedObjectName + ".IntersectionType" ) -type "string" $gIntersectionTypes[ 0 ];

                $gSelectedIntersection = $selectedObjectName;
            else if ( $selectedNodeType == "mesh" )
                //This is for adding road to the selected intersection.  Do not unselect the intersection.
		        string $whichRoad[] = `listAttr -st teWhichRoad $selectedObjectName`;

                if ( size( $whichRoad ) )

    textField -edit -text "" $gSelectedName;
    $gSelectedIntersection = "";


global proc te_MCB_CreateRoadFromSelected()

global proc te_MCB_ShowRoadFromSelected()

global proc te_MCB_DestroyRoadFromSelected()

global proc te_MCB_AddSelectedIntersectionToRoad( int $isEnd )
    global string $gSelectedIntersection;

    TE_AddIntersectionToRoad( $gSelectedIntersection, $isEnd );   

global proc te_Delete_IntersectionContext()
    if ( `contextInfo -exists IntersectionCtx` )
        deleteUI -toolContext IntersectionCtx;