path: root/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_PPContext.mel
blob: a8cc63fd090b4e4824b53b9b25d3d46bbac6df33 (plain) (tree)

// Copyright (C) 2001 Radical Entertainment Ltd.  All rights reserved.
// te_PPContext.mel
// Description: Defines all the scripts required by the PPContext tool
//              As a convention all Terrain Editor global procedures 
//              and global variables are prefixed with "te_".  All commands 
//              exposed through TE plugins are prefixed with "TE_".
//              MCB = Menu Call Back
//              BCB = Button Call Back
// Modification History:
//  + Created -- CBrisebois

//This is the global instance of the bv context tool.

global proc te_MCB_StartPPLoop()
    //Start the PP context...
    if ( ! `contextInfo -exists PPCtx` ) 
        PPContext PPCtx;

    setToolTo PPCtx;

global proc te_MCB_SplitSelectedPP()
    //Call the API function.

global proc te_Delete_PPContext()
    if ( `contextInfo -exists PPCtx` )
        deleteUI -toolContext PPCtx;