path: root/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes
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authorHowaner <>2015-03-10 20:05:46 +0100
committerHowaner <>2015-03-10 20:05:46 +0100
commitab420f6cfc8519fb2ec0caa7fb242517244ffcea (patch)
treec31c3538db081516d81959ed8ad00259175441a9 /MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes
parentChanged return type from AbsorbWater() to void. (diff)
parentFixed client kick/crash if many block changes happend (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes/Network.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes/Network.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..797788661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/Classes/Network.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+-- Network.lua
+-- Defines the documentation for the cNetwork-related classes
+ cNetwork =
+ {
+ Desc =
+ [[
+ This is the namespace for high-level network-related operations. Allows plugins to make TCP
+ connections to the outside world using a callback-based API.</p>
+ <p>
+ All functions in this namespace are static, they should be called on the cNetwork class itself:
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+local Server = cNetwork:Listen(1024, ListenCallbacks);
+ ]],
+ AdditionalInfo =
+ {
+ {
+ Header = "Using callbacks",
+ Contents =
+ [[
+ The entire Networking API is callback-based. Whenever an event happens on the network object, a
+ specific plugin-provided function is called. The callbacks are stored in tables which are passed
+ to the API functions, each table contains multiple callbacks for the various situations.</p>
+ <p>
+ There are four different callback variants used: LinkCallbacks, LookupCallbacks, ListenCallbacks
+ and UDPCallbacks. Each is used in the situation appropriate by its name - LinkCallbacks are used
+ for handling the traffic on a single network link (plus additionally creation of such link when
+ connecting as a client), LookupCallbacks are used when doing DNS and reverse-DNS lookups,
+ ListenCallbacks are used for handling incoming connections as a server and UDPCallbacks are used
+ for incoming UDP datagrams.</p>
+ <p>
+ LinkCallbacks have the following structure:<br/>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+local LinkCallbacks =
+ OnConnected = function ({{cTCPLink|a_TCPLink}})
+ -- The specified {{cTCPLink|link}} has succeeded in connecting to the remote server.
+ -- Only called if the link is being connected as a client (using cNetwork:Connect() )
+ -- Not used for incoming server links
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnError = function ({{cTCPLink|a_TCPLink}}, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
+ -- The specified error has occured on the {{cTCPLink|link}}
+ -- No other callback will be called for this link from now on
+ -- For a client link being connected, this reports a connection error (destination unreachable etc.)
+ -- It is an Undefined Behavior to send data to a_TCPLink in or after this callback
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnReceivedData = function ({{cTCPLink|a_TCPLink}}, a_Data)
+ -- Data has been received on the {{cTCPLink|link}}
+ -- Will get called whenever there's new data on the {{cTCPLink|link}}
+ -- a_Data contains the raw received data, as a string
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnRemoteClosed = function ({{cTCPLink|a_TCPLink}})
+ -- The remote peer has closed the {{cTCPLink|link}}
+ -- The link is already closed, any data sent to it now will be lost
+ -- No other callback will be called for this link from now on
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ <p>
+ LookupCallbacks have the following structure:<br/>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+local LookupCallbacks =
+ OnError = function (a_Query, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
+ -- The specified error has occured while doing the lookup
+ -- a_Query is the hostname or IP being looked up
+ -- No other callback will be called for this lookup from now on
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnFinished = function (a_Query)
+ -- There are no more DNS records for this query
+ -- a_Query is the hostname or IP being looked up
+ -- No other callback will be called for this lookup from now on
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnNameResolved = function (a_Hostname, a_IP)
+ -- A DNS record has been found, the specified hostname resolves to the IP
+ -- Called for both Hostname -&gt; IP and IP -&gt; Hostname lookups
+ -- May be called multiple times if a hostname resolves to multiple IPs
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ <p>
+ ListenCallbacks have the following structure:<br/>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+local ListenCallbacks =
+ OnAccepted = function ({{cTCPLink|a_TCPLink}})
+ -- A new connection has been accepted and a {{cTCPLink|Link}} for it created
+ -- It is safe to send data to the link now
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnError = function (a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
+ -- The specified error has occured while trying to listen
+ -- No other callback will be called for this server handle from now on
+ -- This callback is called before the cNetwork:Listen() call returns
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnIncomingConnection = function (a_RemoteIP, a_RemotePort, a_LocalPort)
+ -- A new connection is being accepted, from the specified remote peer
+ -- This function needs to return either nil to drop the connection,
+ -- or valid LinkCallbacks to use for the new connection's {{cTCPLink|TCPLink}} object
+ return SomeLinkCallbacks
+ end,
+ <p>
+ UDPCallbacks have the following structure:<br/>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+local UDPCallbacks =
+ OnError = function (a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
+ -- The specified error has occured when trying to listen for incoming UDP datagrams
+ -- No other callback will be called for this endpoint from now on
+ -- This callback is called before the cNetwork:CreateUDPEndpoint() call returns
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ OnReceivedData = function ({{cUDPEndpoint|a_UDPEndpoint}}, a_Data, a_RemotePeer, a_RemotePort)
+ -- A datagram has been received on the {{cUDPEndpoint|endpoint}} from the specified remote peer
+ -- a_Data contains the raw received data, as a string
+ -- All returned values are ignored
+ end,
+ ]],
+ },
+ {
+ Header = "Example client connection",
+ Contents =
+ [[
+ The following example, adapted from the NetworkTest plugin, shows a simple example of a client
+ connection using the cNetwork API. It connects to on port 80 (http) and sends a http
+ request for the front page. It dumps the received data to the console.</p>
+ <p>
+ First, the callbacks are defined in a table. The OnConnected() callback takes care of sending the http
+ request once the socket is connected. The OnReceivedData() callback sends all data to the console. The
+ OnError() callback logs any errors. Then, the connection is initiated using the cNetwork::Connect() API
+ function.</p>
+ <p>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+-- Define the callbacks to use for the client connection:
+local ConnectCallbacks =
+ OnConnected = function (a_Link)
+ -- Connection succeeded, send the http request:
+ a_Link:Send("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n")
+ end,
+ OnError = function (a_Link, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
+ -- Log the error to console:
+ LOG("An error has occurred while talking to " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
+ end,
+ OnReceivedData = function (a_Link, a_Data)
+ -- Log the received data to console:
+ LOG("Incoming http data:\r\n" .. a_Data)
+ end,
+ OnRemoteClosed = function (a_Link)
+ -- Log the event into the console:
+ LOG("Connection to closed")
+ end,
+-- Connect:
+if not(cNetwork:Connect("", 80, ConnectCallbacks)) then
+ -- Highly unlikely, but better check for errors
+ LOG("Cannot queue connection to")
+-- Note that the connection is being made on the background,
+-- there's no guarantee that it's already connected at this point in code
+ ]],
+ },
+ {
+ Header = "Example server implementation",
+ Contents =
+ [[
+ The following example, adapted from the NetworkTest plugin, shows a simple example of creating a
+ server listening on a TCP port using the cNetwork API. The server listens on port 9876 and for
+ each incoming connection it sends a welcome message and then echoes back whatever the client has
+ sent ("echo server").</p>
+ <p>
+ First, the callbacks for the listening server are defined. The most important of those is the
+ OnIncomingConnection() callback that must return the LinkCallbacks that will be used for the new
+ connection. In our simple scenario each connection uses the same callbacks, so a predefined
+ callbacks table is returned; it is, however, possible to define different callbacks for each
+ connection. This allows the callbacks to be "personalised", for example by the remote IP or the
+ time of connection. The OnAccepted() and OnError() callbacks only log that they occurred, there's
+ no processing needed for them.</p>
+ <p>
+ Finally, the cNetwork:Listen() API function is used to create the listening server. The status of
+ the server is checked and if it is successfully listening, it is stored in a global variable, so
+ that Lua doesn't garbage-collect it until we actually want the server closed.</p>
+ <p>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+-- Define the callbacks used for the incoming connections:
+local EchoLinkCallbacks =
+ OnConnected = function (a_Link)
+ -- This will not be called for a server connection, ever
+ assert(false, "Unexpected Connect callback call")
+ end,
+ OnError = function (a_Link, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
+ -- Log the error to console:
+ local RemoteName = "'" .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ":" .. a_Link:GetRemotePort() .. "'"
+ LOG("An error has occurred while talking to " .. RemoteName .. ": " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
+ end,
+ OnReceivedData = function (a_Link, a_Data)
+ -- Send the received data back to the remote peer
+ a_Link:Send(Data)
+ end,
+ OnRemoteClosed = function (a_Link)
+ -- Log the event into the console:
+ local RemoteName = "'" .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ":" .. a_Link:GetRemotePort() .. "'"
+ LOG("Connection to '" .. RemoteName .. "' closed")
+ end,
+-- Define the callbacks used by the server:
+local ListenCallbacks =
+ OnAccepted = function (a_Link)
+ -- No processing needed, just log that this happened:
+ LOG("OnAccepted callback called")
+ end,
+ OnError = function (a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
+ -- An error has occured while listening for incoming connections, log it:
+ LOG("Cannot listen, error " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")"
+ end,
+ OnIncomingConnection = function (a_RemoteIP, a_RemotePort, a_LocalPort)
+ -- A new connection is being accepted, give it the EchoCallbacks
+ return EchoLinkCallbacks
+ end,
+-- Start the server:
+local Server = cNetwork:Listen(9876, ListenCallbacks)
+if not(Server:IsListening()) then
+ -- The error has been already printed in the OnError() callbacks
+ -- Just bail out
+ return;
+-- Store the server globally, so that it stays open:
+g_Server = Server
+-- Elsewhere in the code, when terminating:
+-- Close the server and let it be garbage-collected:
+g_Server = nil
+ ]],
+ },
+ }, -- AdditionalInfo
+ Functions =
+ {
+ Connect = { Params = "Host, Port, LinkCallbacks", Return = "bool", Notes = "(STATIC) Begins establishing a (client) TCP connection to the specified host. Uses the LinkCallbacks table to report progress, success, errors and incoming data. Returns false if it fails immediately (bad port value, bad hostname format), true otherwise. Host can be either an IP address or a hostname." },
+ CreateUDPEndpoint = { Params = "Port, UDPCallbacks", Return = "{{cUDPEndpoint|UDPEndpoint}}", Notes = "(STATIC) Creates a UDP endpoint that listens for incoming datagrams on the specified port, and can be used to send or broadcast datagrams. Uses the UDPCallbacks to report incoming datagrams or errors. If the endpoint cannot be created, the OnError callback is called with the error details and the returned endpoint will report IsOpen() == false. The plugin needs to store the returned endpoint object for as long as it needs the UDP port open; if the endpoint is garbage-collected by Lua, the socket will be closed and no more incoming data will be reported.<br>If the Port is zero, the OS chooses an available UDP port for the endpoint; use {{cUDPEndpoint}}:GetPort() to query the port number in such case." },
+ HostnameToIP = { Params = "Host, LookupCallbacks", Return = "bool", Notes = "(STATIC) Begins a DNS lookup to find the IP address(es) for the specified host. Uses the LookupCallbacks table to report progress, success or errors. Returns false if it fails immediately (bad hostname format), true if the lookup started successfully. Host can be either a hostname or an IP address." },
+ IPToHostname = { Params = "Address, LookupCallbacks", Return = "bool", Notes = "(STATIC) Begins a reverse-DNS lookup to find out the hostname for the specified IP address. Uses the LookupCallbacks table to report progress, success or errors. Returns false if it fails immediately (bad address format), true if the lookup started successfully." },
+ Listen = { Params = "Port, ListenCallbacks", Return = "{{cServerHandle|ServerHandle}}", Notes = "(STATIC) Starts listening on the specified port. Uses the ListenCallbacks to report incoming connections or errors. Returns a {{cServerHandle}} object representing the server. If the listen operation failed, the OnError callback is called with the error details and the returned server handle will report IsListening() == false. The plugin needs to store the server handle object for as long as it needs the server running, if the server handle is garbage-collected by Lua, the listening socket will be closed and all current connections dropped." },
+ },
+ }, -- cNetwork
+ cServerHandle =
+ {
+ Desc =
+ [[
+ This class provides an interface for TCP sockets listening for a connection. In order to listen, the
+ plugin needs to use the {{cNetwork}}:Listen() function to create the listening socket.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that when Lua garbage-collects this class, the listening socket is closed. Therefore the plugin
+ should keep it referenced in a global variable for as long as it wants the server running.
+ ]],
+ Functions =
+ {
+ Close = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Closes the listening socket. No more connections will be accepted, and all current connections will be closed." },
+ IsListening = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the socket is listening." },
+ },
+ }, -- cServerHandle
+ cTCPLink =
+ {
+ Desc =
+ [[
+ This class wraps a single TCP connection, that has been established. Plugins can create these by
+ calling {{cNetwork}}:Connect() to connect to a remote server, or by listening using
+ {{cNetwork}}:Listen() and accepting incoming connections. The links are callback-based - when an event
+ such as incoming data or remote disconnect happens on the link, a specific callback is called. See the
+ additional information in {{cNetwork}} documentation for details.</p>
+ <p>
+ The link can also optionally perform TLS encryption. Plugins can use the StartTLSClient() function to
+ start the TLS handshake as the client side. Since that call, the OnReceivedData() callback is
+ overridden internally so that the data is first routed through the TLS decryptor, and the plugin's
+ callback is only called for the decrypted data, once it starts arriving. The Send function changes its
+ behavior so that the data written by the plugin is first encrypted and only then sent over the
+ network. Note that calling Send() before the TLS handshake finishes is supported, but the data is
+ queued internally and only sent once the TLS handshake is completed.
+ ]],
+ Functions =
+ {
+ Close = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Closes the link forcefully (TCP RST). There's no guarantee that the last sent data is even being delivered. See also the Shutdown() method." },
+ GetLocalIP = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the IP address of the local endpoint of the TCP connection." },
+ GetLocalPort = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the port of the local endpoint of the TCP connection." },
+ GetRemoteIP = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the IP address of the remote endpoint of the TCP connection." },
+ GetRemotePort = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the port of the remote endpoint of the TCP connection." },
+ Send = { Params = "Data", Return = "", Notes = "Sends the data (raw string) to the remote peer. The data is sent asynchronously and there is no report on the success of the send operation, other than the connection being closed or reset by the underlying OS." },
+ Shutdown = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Shuts the socket down for sending data. Notifies the remote peer that there will be no more data coming from us (TCP FIN). The data that is in flight will still be delivered. The underlying socket will be closed when the remote end shuts down as well, or after a timeout." },
+ StartTLSClient = { Params = "OwnCert, OwnPrivateKey, OwnPrivateKeyPassword", Return = "", Notes = "Starts a TLS handshake on the link, as a client side of the TLS. The Own___ parameters specify the client certificate and its corresponding private key and password; all three parameters are optional and no client certificate is presented to the remote peer if they are not used or all empty. Once the TLS handshake is started by this call, all incoming data is first decrypted before being sent to the OnReceivedData callback, and all outgoing data is queued until the TLS handshake completes, and then sent encrypted over the link." },
+ StartTLSServer = { Params = "Certificate, PrivateKey, PrivateKeyPassword, StartTLSData", Return = "", Notes = "Starts a TLS handshake on the link, as a server side of the TLS. The plugin needs to specify the server certificate and its corresponding private key and password. The StartTLSData can contain data that the link has already reported as received but it should be used as part of the TLS handshake. Once the TLS handshake is started by this call, all incoming data is first decrypted before being sent to the OnReceivedData callback, and all outgoing data is queued until the TLS handshake completes, and then sent encrypted over the link." },
+ },
+ }, -- cTCPLink
+ cUDPEndpoint =
+ {
+ Desc =
+ [[
+ Represents a UDP socket that is listening for incoming datagrams on a UDP port and can send or broadcast datagrams to other peers on the network. Plugins can create an instance of the endpoint by calling {{cNetwork}}:CreateUDPEndpoint(). The endpoints are callback-based - when a datagram is read from the network, the OnRececeivedData() callback is called with details about the datagram. See the additional information in {{cNetwork}} documentation for details.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that when Lua garbage-collects this class, the listening socket is closed. Therefore the plugin should keep this object referenced in a global variable for as long as it wants the endpoint open.
+ ]],
+ Functions =
+ {
+ Close = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Closes the UDP endpoint. No more datagrams will be reported through the callbacks, the UDP port will be closed." },
+ EnableBroadcasts = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Some OSes need this call before they allow UDP broadcasts on an endpoint." },
+ GetPort = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the local port number of the UDP endpoint listening for incoming datagrams. Especially useful if the UDP endpoint was created with auto-assign port (0)." },
+ IsOpen = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the UDP endpoint is listening for incoming datagrams." },
+ Send = { Params = "RawData, RemoteHost, RemotePort", Return = "bool", Notes = "Sends the specified raw data (string) to the specified remote host. The RemoteHost can be either a hostname or an IP address; if it is a hostname, the endpoint will queue a DNS lookup first, if it is an IP address, the send operation is executed immediately. Returns true if there was no immediate error, false on any failure. Note that the return value needn't represent whether the packet was actually sent, only if it was successfully queued." },
+ },
+ }, -- cUDPEndpoint