path: root/MCServer/Plugins/InfoDump.lua
diff options
authorMattes D <>2015-09-06 10:05:18 +0200
committerMattes D <>2015-09-06 10:05:18 +0200
commit7da79fdc19a9825b29cda58a698da1fa3cfb8e57 (patch)
treeec17a9703fe734956e4f151cb5306befc4fd7571 /MCServer/Plugins/InfoDump.lua
parentMerge pull request #2459 from cuberite/fixes (diff)
parentRenamed output directory to Server (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'MCServer/Plugins/InfoDump.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 768 deletions
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/InfoDump.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/InfoDump.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c7fff163..000000000
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/InfoDump.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,768 +0,0 @@
--- InfoDump.lua
-Loads plugins' Info.lua and dumps its g_PluginInfo into various text formats
-This is used for generating plugin documentation for the forum and for GitHub's files
-This script can be used in two ways:
-Executing "lua InfoDump.lua" will go through all subfolders and dump each Info.lua file it can find
- Note that this mode of operation requires LuaRocks with LFS installed; instructions are printed
- when the prerequisites are not met.
-Executing "lua InfoDump.lua PluginName" will load the Info.lua file from PluginName's folder and dump
-only that one plugin's documentation. This mode of operation doesn't require LuaRocks
--- If this file is called using the loadfile function the arg variable isn't filled. We have to do it manualy then.
-local arg = arg or {...}
--- Check Lua version. We use 5.1-specific construct when loading the plugin info, 5.2 is not compatible!
-if (_VERSION ~= "Lua 5.1") then
- print("Unsupported Lua version. This script requires Lua version 5.1, this Lua is version " .. (_VERSION or "<nil>"))
- return
---- Replaces generic formatting with forum-specific formatting
--- Also removes the single line-ends
-local function ForumizeString(a_Str)
- assert(type(a_Str) == "string")
- -- Remove the indentation, unless in the code tag:
- -- Only one code or /code tag per line is supported!
- local IsInCode = false
- local function RemoveIndentIfNotInCode(s)
- if (IsInCode) then
- -- we're in code section, check if this line terminates it
- IsInCode = (s:find("{%%/code}") ~= nil)
- return s .. "\n"
- else
- -- we're not in code section, check if this line starts it
- IsInCode = (s:find("{%%code}") ~= nil)
- return s:gsub("^%s*", "") .. "\n"
- end
- end
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("(.-)\n", RemoveIndentIfNotInCode)
- -- Replace multiple line ends with {%p} and single line ends with a space,
- -- so that manual word-wrap in the Info.lua file doesn't wrap in the forum.
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("\n\n", "{%%p}")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("\n", " ")
- -- Replace the generic formatting:
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%p}", "\n\n")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%b}", "[b]"):gsub("{%%/b}", "[/b]")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%i}", "[i]"):gsub("{%%/i}", "[/i]")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%list}", "\n[list]"):gsub("{%%/list}", "[/list]")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%li}", "\n[*]"):gsub("{%%/li}", "\n")
- -- Process links: {%a LinkDestination}LinkText{%/a}
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%a%s([^}]*)}([^{]*){%%/a}", "[url=%1]%2[/url]")
- -- TODO: Other formatting
- return a_Str
---- Replaces generic formatting with forum-specific formatting
--- Also removes the single line-ends
-local function GithubizeString(a_Str)
- assert(type(a_Str) == "string")
- -- Remove the indentation, unless in the code tag:
- -- Only one code or /code tag per line is supported!
- local IsInCode = false
- local function RemoveIndentIfNotInCode(s)
- if (IsInCode) then
- -- we're in code section, check if this line terminates it
- IsInCode = (s:find("{%%/code}") ~= nil)
- return s .. "\n"
- else
- -- we're not in code section, check if this line starts it
- IsInCode = (s:find("{%%code}") ~= nil)
- return s:gsub("^%s*", "") .. "\n"
- end
- end
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("(.-)\n", RemoveIndentIfNotInCode)
- -- Replace multiple line ends with {%p} and single line ends with a space,
- -- so that manual word-wrap in the Info.lua file doesn't wrap in the forum.
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("\n\n", "{%%p}")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("\n", " ")
- -- Replace the generic formatting:
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%p}", "\n\n")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%b}", "**"):gsub("{%%/b}", "**")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%i}", "*"):gsub("{%%/i}", "*")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%list}", "\n"):gsub("{%%/list}", "\n")
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%li}", "\n - "):gsub("{%%/li}", "")
- -- Process links: {%a LinkDestination}LinkText{%/a}
- a_Str = a_Str:gsub("{%%a%s([^}]*)}([^{]*){%%/a}", "[%2](%1)")
- -- TODO: Other formatting
- return a_Str
---- Builds an array of categories, each containing all the commands belonging to the category,
--- and the category description, if available.
--- Returns the array table, each item has the following format:
--- { Name = "CategoryName", Description = "CategoryDescription", Commands = {{CommandString = "/cmd verb", Info = {...}}, ...}}
-local function BuildCategories(a_PluginInfo)
- -- The returned result
- -- This will contain both an array and a dict of the categories, to allow fast search
- local res = {}
- -- For each command add a reference to it into all of its categories:
- local function AddCommands(a_CmdPrefix, a_Commands)
- for cmd, info in pairs(a_Commands or {}) do
- local NewCmd =
- {
- CommandString = a_CmdPrefix .. cmd,
- Info = info,
- }
- if ((info.HelpString ~= nil) and (info.HelpString ~= "")) then
- -- Add to each specified category:
- local Category = info.Category
- if (type(Category) == "string") then
- Category = {Category}
- end
- for idx, cat in ipairs(Category or {""}) do
- local CatEntry = res[cat]
- if (CatEntry == nil) then
- -- First time we came across this category, create it:
- local NewCat = {Name = cat, Description = "", Commands = {NewCmd}}
- table.insert(res, NewCat)
- res[cat] = NewCat
- else
- -- We already have this category, just add the command to its list of commands:
- table.insert(CatEntry.Commands, NewCmd)
- end
- end -- for idx, cat - Category[]
- end -- if (HelpString valid)
- -- Recurse all subcommands:
- if (info.Subcommands ~= nil) then
- AddCommands(a_CmdPrefix .. cmd .. " ", info.Subcommands)
- end
- end -- for cmd, info - a_Commands[]
- end -- AddCommands()
- AddCommands("", a_PluginInfo.Commands)
- -- Assign descriptions to categories:
- for name, desc in pairs(a_PluginInfo.Categories or {}) do
- local CatEntry = res[name]
- if (CatEntry ~= nil) then
- -- The result has this category, add the description:
- CatEntry.Description = desc.Description
- end
- end
- -- Alpha-sort each category's command list:
- for idx, cat in ipairs(res) do
- table.sort(cat.Commands,
- function (cmd1, cmd2)
- return (string.lower(cmd1.CommandString) < string.lower(cmd2.CommandString))
- end
- )
- end
- return res
---- Returns a string specifying the command.
--- If a_Command is a simple string, returns a_Command colorized to blue
--- If a_Command is a table, expects members Name (full command name) and Params (command parameters),
--- colorizes command name blue and params green
-local function GetCommandRefForum(a_Command)
- if (type(a_Command) == "string") then
- return "[color=blue]" .. a_Command .. "[/color]"
- end
- return "[color=blue]" .. a_Command.Name .. "[/color] [color=green]" .. (a_Command.Params or "") .. "[/color]"
---- Returns a string specifying the command.
--- If a_CommandParams is nil, returns a_CommandName apostrophed
--- If a_CommandParams is a string, apostrophes a_CommandName with a_CommandParams
-local function GetCommandRefGithub(a_CommandName, a_CommandParams)
- assert(type(a_CommandName) == "string")
- if (a_CommandParams == nil) then
- return "`" .. a_CommandName .. "`"
- end
- assert(type(a_CommandParams) == "table")
- if ((a_CommandParams.Params == nil) or (a_CommandParams.Params == "")) then
- return "`" .. a_CommandName .. "`"
- end
- assert(type(a_CommandParams.Params) == "string")
- return "`" .. a_CommandName .. " " .. a_CommandParams.Params .. "`"
---- Writes the specified command detailed help array to the output file, in the forum dump format
-local function WriteCommandParameterCombinationsForum(a_CmdString, a_ParameterCombinations, f)
- assert(type(a_CmdString) == "string")
- assert(type(a_ParameterCombinations) == "table")
- assert(f ~= nil)
- if (#a_ParameterCombinations == 0) then
- -- No explicit parameter combinations to write
- return
- end
- f:write("The following parameter combinations are recognized:\n")
- for idx, combination in ipairs(a_ParameterCombinations) do
- f:write("[color=blue]", a_CmdString, "[/color] [color=green]", combination.Params or "", "[/color]")
- if (combination.Help ~= nil) then
- f:write(" - ", ForumizeString(combination.Help))
- end
- if (combination.Permission ~= nil) then
- f:write(" (Requires permission '[color=red]", combination.Permission, "[/color]')")
- end
- f:write("\n")
- end
---- Writes the specified command detailed help array to the output file, in the forum dump format
-local function WriteCommandParameterCombinationsGithub(a_CmdString, a_ParameterCombinations, f)
- assert(type(a_CmdString) == "string")
- assert(type(a_ParameterCombinations) == "table")
- assert(f ~= nil)
- if (#a_ParameterCombinations == 0) then
- -- No explicit parameter combinations to write
- return
- end
- f:write("The following parameter combinations are recognized:\n\n")
- for idx, combination in ipairs(a_ParameterCombinations) do
- f:write(GetCommandRefGithub(a_CmdString, combination))
- if (combination.Help ~= nil) then
- f:write(" - ", GithubizeString(combination.Help))
- end
- if (combination.Permission ~= nil) then
- f:write(" (Requires permission '**", combination.Permission, "**')")
- end
- f:write("\n")
- end
---- Writes all commands in the specified category to the output file, in the forum dump format
-local function WriteCommandsCategoryForum(a_Category, f)
- -- Write category name:
- local CategoryName = a_Category.Name
- if (CategoryName == "") then
- CategoryName = "General"
- end
- f:write("\n[size=Large]", ForumizeString(a_Category.DisplayName or CategoryName), "[/size]\n")
- -- Write description:
- if (a_Category.Description ~= "") then
- f:write(ForumizeString(a_Category.Description), "\n")
- end
- -- Write commands:
- f:write("\n[list]")
- for idx2, cmd in ipairs(a_Category.Commands) do
- f:write("\n[b]", cmd.CommandString, "[/b] - ", ForumizeString(cmd.Info.HelpString or "UNDOCUMENTED"), "\n")
- if (cmd.Info.Permission ~= nil) then
- f:write("Permission required: [color=red]", cmd.Info.Permission, "[/color]\n")
- end
- if (cmd.Info.DetailedDescription ~= nil) then
- f:write(ForumizeString(cmd.Info.DetailedDescription))
- end
- if (cmd.Info.ParameterCombinations ~= nil) then
- WriteCommandParameterCombinationsForum(cmd.CommandString, cmd.Info.ParameterCombinations, f)
- end
- end
- f:write("[/list]\n\n")
---- Writes all commands in the specified category to the output file, in the Github dump format
-local function WriteCommandsCategoryGithub(a_Category, f)
- -- Write category name:
- local CategoryName = a_Category.Name
- if (CategoryName == "") then
- CategoryName = "General"
- end
- f:write("\n### ", GithubizeString(a_Category.DisplayName or CategoryName), "\n")
- -- Write description:
- if (a_Category.Description ~= "") then
- f:write(GithubizeString(a_Category.Description), "\n\n")
- end
- f:write("| Command | Permission | Description |\n")
- f:write("| ------- | ---------- | ----------- |\n")
- -- Write commands:
- for idx2, cmd in ipairs(a_Category.Commands) do
- f:write("|", cmd.CommandString, " | ", cmd.Info.Permission or "", " | ", GithubizeString(cmd.Info.HelpString or "UNDOCUMENTED"), "|\n")
- end
- f:write("\n\n")
-local function DumpCommandsForum(a_PluginInfo, f)
- -- Copy all Categories from a dictionary into an array:
- local Categories = BuildCategories(a_PluginInfo)
- -- Sort the categories by name:
- table.sort(Categories,
- function(cat1, cat2)
- return (string.lower(cat1.Name) < string.lower(cat2.Name))
- end
- )
- if (#Categories == 0) then
- return
- end
- f:write("\n[size=X-Large]Commands[/size]\n")
- -- Dump per-category commands:
- for idx, cat in ipairs(Categories) do
- WriteCommandsCategoryForum(cat, f)
- end
-local function DumpCommandsGithub(a_PluginInfo, f)
- -- Copy all Categories from a dictionary into an array:
- local Categories = BuildCategories(a_PluginInfo)
- -- Sort the categories by name:
- table.sort(Categories,
- function(cat1, cat2)
- return (string.lower(cat1.Name) < string.lower(cat2.Name))
- end
- )
- if (#Categories == 0) then
- return
- end
- f:write("\n# Commands\n")
- -- Dump per-category commands:
- for idx, cat in ipairs(Categories) do
- WriteCommandsCategoryGithub(cat, f)
- end
-local function DumpAdditionalInfoForum(a_PluginInfo, f)
- local AInfo = a_PluginInfo.AdditionalInfo
- if (type(AInfo) ~= "table") then
- -- There is no AdditionalInfo in a_PluginInfo
- return
- end
- for idx, info in ipairs(a_PluginInfo.AdditionalInfo) do
- if ((info.Title ~= nil) and (info.Contents ~= nil)) then
- f:write("\n[size=X-Large]", ForumizeString(info.Title), "[/size]\n")
- f:write(ForumizeString(info.Contents), "\n")
- end
- end
-local function DumpAdditionalInfoGithub(a_PluginInfo, f)
- local AInfo = a_PluginInfo.AdditionalInfo
- if (type(AInfo) ~= "table") then
- -- There is no AdditionalInfo in a_PluginInfo
- return
- end
- for idx, info in ipairs(a_PluginInfo.AdditionalInfo) do
- if ((info.Title ~= nil) and (info.Contents ~= nil)) then
- f:write("\n# ", GithubizeString(info.Title), "\n")
- f:write(GithubizeString(info.Contents), "\n")
- end
- end
---- Collects all permissions mentioned in the info, returns them as a sorted array
--- Each array item is {Name = "PermissionName", Info = { PermissionInfo }}
-local function BuildPermissions(a_PluginInfo)
- -- Collect all used permissions from Commands, reference the commands that use the permission:
- local Permissions = a_PluginInfo.Permissions or {}
- local function CollectPermissions(a_CmdPrefix, a_Commands)
- for cmd, info in pairs(a_Commands or {}) do
- CommandString = a_CmdPrefix .. cmd
- if ((info.Permission ~= nil) and (info.Permission ~= "")) then
- -- Add the permission to the list of permissions:
- local Permission = Permissions[info.Permission] or {}
- Permissions[info.Permission] = Permission
- -- Add the command to the list of commands using this permission:
- Permission.CommandsAffected = Permission.CommandsAffected or {}
- -- First, make sure that we don't already have this command in the list,
- -- it may have already been present in a_PluginInfo
- local NewCommand = true
- for _, existCmd in ipairs(Permission.CommandsAffected) do
- if CommandString == existCmd then
- NewCommand = false
- break
- end
- end
- if NewCommand then
- table.insert(Permission.CommandsAffected, CommandString)
- end
- end
- -- Process the command param combinations for permissions:
- local ParamCombinations = info.ParameterCombinations or {}
- for idx, comb in ipairs(ParamCombinations) do
- if ((comb.Permission ~= nil) and (comb.Permission ~= "")) then
- -- Add the permission to the list of permissions:
- local Permission = Permissions[comb.Permission] or {}
- Permissions[info.Permission] = Permission
- -- Add the command to the list of commands using this permission:
- Permission.CommandsAffected = Permission.CommandsAffected or {}
- table.insert(Permission.CommandsAffected, {Name = CommandString, Params = comb.Params})
- end
- end
- -- Process subcommands:
- if (info.Subcommands ~= nil) then
- CollectPermissions(CommandString .. " ", info.Subcommands)
- end
- end
- end
- CollectPermissions("", a_PluginInfo.Commands)
- -- Copy the list of permissions to an array:
- local PermArray = {}
- for name, perm in pairs(Permissions) do
- table.insert(PermArray, {Name = name, Info = perm})
- end
- -- Sort the permissions array:
- table.sort(PermArray,
- function(p1, p2)
- return (p1.Name < p2.Name)
- end
- )
- return PermArray
-local function DumpPermissionsForum(a_PluginInfo, f)
- -- Get the processed sorted array of permissions:
- local Permissions = BuildPermissions(a_PluginInfo)
- if ((Permissions == nil) or (#Permissions <= 0)) then
- return
- end
- -- Dump the permissions:
- f:write("\n[size=X-Large]Permissions[/size]\n[list]\n")
- for idx, perm in ipairs(Permissions) do
- f:write(" - [color=red]", perm.Name, "[/color] - ")
- f:write(ForumizeString(perm.Info.Description or ""))
- local CommandsAffected = perm.Info.CommandsAffected or {}
- if (#CommandsAffected > 0) then
- f:write("\n[list] Commands affected:\n- ")
- local Affects = {}
- for idx2, cmd in ipairs(CommandsAffected) do
- table.insert(Affects, GetCommandRefForum(cmd))
- end
- f:write(table.concat(Affects, "\n - "))
- f:write("\n[/list]")
- end
- if (perm.Info.RecommendedGroups ~= nil) then
- f:write("\n[list] Recommended groups: ", perm.Info.RecommendedGroups, "[/list]")
- end
- f:write("\n")
- end
- f:write("[/list]")
-local function DumpPermissionsGithub(a_PluginInfo, f)
- -- Get the processed sorted array of permissions:
- local Permissions = BuildPermissions(a_PluginInfo)
- if ((Permissions == nil) or (#Permissions <= 0)) then
- return
- end
- -- Dump the permissions:
- f:write("\n# Permissions\n")
- f:write("| Permissions | Description | Commands | Recommended groups |\n")
- f:write("| ----------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n")
- for idx, perm in ipairs(Permissions) do
- f:write("| ", perm.Name, " | ")
- f:write(GithubizeString(perm.Info.Description or ""), " | ")
- local CommandsAffected = perm.Info.CommandsAffected or {}
- if (#CommandsAffected > 0) then
- local Affects = {}
- for idx2, cmd in ipairs(CommandsAffected) do
- if (type(cmd) == "string") then
- table.insert(Affects, GetCommandRefGithub(cmd))
- else
- table.insert(Affects, GetCommandRefGithub(cmd.Name, cmd))
- end
- end
- f:write(table.concat(Affects, ", "))
- end
- f:write(" | ")
- if (perm.Info.RecommendedGroups ~= nil) then
- f:write(perm.Info.RecommendedGroups)
- end
- f:write(" |\n")
- end
---- Dumps the forum-format info for the plugin
--- Returns true on success, nil and error message on failure
-local function DumpPluginInfoForum(a_PluginFolder, a_PluginInfo)
- -- Open the output file:
- local f, msg = .. "/forum_info.txt", "w")
- if (f == nil) then
- return nil, msg
- end
- -- Write the description:
- f:write(ForumizeString(a_PluginInfo.Description), "\n")
- DumpAdditionalInfoForum(a_PluginInfo, f)
- DumpCommandsForum(a_PluginInfo, f)
- DumpPermissionsForum(a_PluginInfo, f)
- if (a_PluginInfo.SourceLocation ~= nil) then
- f:write("\n[b]Source[/b]: ", a_PluginInfo.SourceLocation, "\n")
- end
- if (a_PluginInfo.DownloadLocation ~= nil) then
- f:write("[b]Download[/b]: ", a_PluginInfo.DownloadLocation)
- end
- f:close()
- return true
---- Dumps the file into the plugin's folder with the GitHub Markdown format
--- Returns true on success, nil and error message on failure
-local function DumpPluginInfoGithub(a_PluginFolder, a_PluginInfo)
- -- Check the params:
- assert(type(a_PluginFolder) == "string")
- assert(type(a_PluginInfo) == "table")
- -- Open the output file:
- local f, msg = .. "/", "w")
- if (f == nil) then
- print("\tCannot dump github info for plugin " .. a_PluginFolder .. ": " .. msg)
- return nil, msg
- end
- -- Write the description:
- f:write(GithubizeString(a_PluginInfo.Description), "\n")
- DumpAdditionalInfoGithub(a_PluginInfo, f)
- DumpCommandsGithub(a_PluginInfo, f)
- DumpPermissionsGithub(a_PluginInfo, f)
- f:close()
- return true
---- Tries to load the g_PluginInfo from the plugin's Info.lua file
--- Returns the g_PluginInfo table on success, or nil and error message on failure
-local function LoadPluginInfo(a_FolderName)
- -- Load and compile the Info file:
- local cfg, err = loadfile(a_FolderName .. "/Info.lua")
- if (cfg == nil) then
- return nil, "Cannot open 'Info.lua': " .. err
- end
- -- Execute the loaded file in a sandbox:
- -- This is Lua-5.1-specific and won't work in Lua 5.2!
- local Sandbox = {}
- setfenv(cfg, Sandbox)
- local isSuccess, errMsg = pcall(cfg)
- if not(isSuccess) then
- return nil, "Cannot load Info.lua: " .. (errMsg or "<unknown error>")
- end
- if (Sandbox.g_PluginInfo == nil) then
- return nil, "Info.lua doesn't contain the g_PluginInfo declaration"
- end
- return Sandbox.g_PluginInfo
---- Processes the info for one plugin
--- Returns true on success, nil and error message on failure
-local function ProcessPluginFolder(a_FolderName)
- -- Load the plugin info:
- local PluginInfo, Msg = LoadPluginInfo(a_FolderName)
- if (PluginInfo == nil) then
- return nil, "Cannot load info for plugin " .. a_FolderName .. ": " .. (Msg or "<unknown error>")
- end
- -- Dump the forum format:
- local isSuccess
- isSuccess, Msg = DumpPluginInfoForum(a_FolderName, PluginInfo)
- if not(isSuccess) then
- return nil, "Cannot dump forum info for plugin " .. a_FolderName .. ": " .. (Msg or "<unknown error>")
- end
- -- Dump the GitHub format:
- isSuccess, Msg = DumpPluginInfoGithub(a_FolderName, PluginInfo)
- if not(isSuccess) then
- return nil, "Cannot dump GitHub info for plugin " .. a_FolderName .. ": " .. (Msg or "<unknown error>")
- end
- -- All OK, return success
- return true
---- Tries to load LFS through LuaRocks, returns the LFS instance, or nil on error
-local function LoadLFS()
- -- Try to load lfs, do not abort if not found ...
- local lfs, err = pcall(
- function()
- return require("lfs")
- end
- )
- -- ... rather, print a nice message with instructions:
- if not(lfs) then
- print([[
- Cannot load LuaFileSystem
- Install it through luarocks by executing the following command:
- luarocks install luafilesystem (Windows)
- sudo luarocks install luafilesystem (*nix)
- If you don't have luarocks installed, you need to install them using your OS's package manager, usually:
- sudo apt-get install luarocks (Ubuntu / Debian)
- On windows, a binary distribution can be downloaded from the LuaRocks homepage,
- ]])
- print("Original error text: ", err)
- return nil
- end
- -- We now know that LFS is present, get it normally:
- return require("lfs")
-local Arg1 = arg[1]
-if ((Arg1 ~= nil) and (Arg1 ~= "")) then
- -- Called with a plugin folder name, export only that one
- local isSuccess, msg = ProcessPluginFolder(Arg1)
- if not(isSuccess) then
- print(msg or "<unknown error>")
- end
- -- Called without any arguments, process all subfolders:
- local lfs = LoadLFS()
- if (lfs == nil) then
- -- LFS not loaded, error has already been printed, just bail out
- return
- end
- print("Processing plugin subfolders:")
- for fnam in lfs.dir(".") do
- if ((fnam ~= ".") and (fnam ~= "..")) then
- local Attributes = lfs.attributes(fnam)
- if (Attributes ~= nil) then
- if (Attributes.mode == "directory") then
- print(fnam)
- local isSuccess, msg = ProcessPluginFolder(fnam)
- if not(isSuccess) then
- print(" " .. (msg or "<unknown error>"))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end