path: root/MCServer/Plugins/NetworkTest/NetworkTest.lua
diff options
authorMattes D <>2015-09-06 10:05:18 +0200
committerMattes D <>2015-09-06 10:05:18 +0200
commit7da79fdc19a9825b29cda58a698da1fa3cfb8e57 (patch)
treeec17a9703fe734956e4f151cb5306befc4fd7571 /MCServer/Plugins/NetworkTest/NetworkTest.lua
parentMerge pull request #2459 from cuberite/fixes (diff)
parentRenamed output directory to Server (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'MCServer/Plugins/NetworkTest/NetworkTest.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 503 deletions
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/NetworkTest/NetworkTest.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/NetworkTest/NetworkTest.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 22056d4e9..000000000
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/NetworkTest/NetworkTest.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
--- NetworkTest.lua
--- Implements a few tests for the cNetwork API
---- Map of all servers currently open
--- g_Servers[PortNum] = cServerHandle
-local g_Servers = {}
---- Map of all UDP endpoints currently open
--- g_UDPEndpoints[PortNum] = cUDPEndpoint
-local g_UDPEndpoints = {}
---- List of fortune messages for the fortune server
--- A random message is chosen for each incoming connection
--- The contents are loaded from the splashes.txt file on plugin startup
-local g_Fortunes =
- "Empty splashes.txt",
--- HTTPS certificate to be used for the SSL server:
-local g_HTTPSCert = [[
-local g_HTTPSPrivKey = [[
------END PRIVATE KEY-----
---- Map of all services that can be run as servers
--- g_Services[ServiceName] = function() -> accept-callbacks
-local g_Services =
- -- Echo service: each connection echoes back what has been sent to it
- echo = function (a_Port)
- return
- {
- -- A new connection has come, give it new link-callbacks:
- OnIncomingConnection = function (a_RemoteIP, a_RemotePort)
- return
- {
- OnError = function (a_Link, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("EchoServer(" .. a_Port .. ": Connection to " .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ":" .. a_Link:GetRemotePort() .. " failed: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end,
- OnReceivedData = function (a_Link, a_Data)
- -- Echo the received data back to the link:
- a_Link:Send(a_Data)
- end,
- OnRemoteClosed = function (a_Link)
- end
- } -- Link callbacks
- end, -- OnIncomingConnection()
- -- Send a welcome message to newly accepted connections:
- OnAccepted = function (a_Link)
- a_Link:Send("Hello, " .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ", welcome to the echo server @ MCServer-Lua\r\n")
- end, -- OnAccepted()
- -- There was an error listening on the port:
- OnError = function (a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOGINFO("EchoServer(" .. a_Port .. ": Cannot listen: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end, -- OnError()
- } -- Listen callbacks
- end, -- echo
- -- Fortune service: each incoming connection gets a welcome message plus a random fortune text; all communication is ignored afterwards
- fortune = function (a_Port)
- return
- {
- -- A new connection has come, give it new link-callbacks:
- OnIncomingConnection = function (a_RemoteIP, a_RemotePort)
- return
- {
- OnError = function (a_Link, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("FortuneServer(" .. a_Port .. "): Connection to " .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ":" .. a_Link:GetRemotePort() .. " failed: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end,
- OnReceivedData = function (a_Link, a_Data)
- -- Ignore any received data
- end,
- OnRemoteClosed = function (a_Link)
- end
- } -- Link callbacks
- end, -- OnIncomingConnection()
- -- Send a welcome message and the fortune to newly accepted connections:
- OnAccepted = function (a_Link)
- a_Link:Send("Hello, " .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ", welcome to the fortune server @ MCServer-Lua\r\n\r\nYour fortune:\r\n")
- a_Link:Send(g_Fortunes[math.random(#g_Fortunes)] .. "\r\n")
- end, -- OnAccepted()
- -- There was an error listening on the port:
- OnError = function (a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOGINFO("FortuneServer(" .. a_Port .. "): Cannot listen: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end, -- OnError()
- } -- Listen callbacks
- end, -- fortune
- -- HTTPS time - serves current time for each https request received
- httpstime = function (a_Port)
- return
- {
- -- A new connection has come, give it new link-callbacks:
- OnIncomingConnection = function (a_RemoteIP, a_RemotePort)
- local IncomingData = "" -- accumulator for the incoming data, until processed by the http
- return
- {
- OnError = function (a_Link, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("https-time server(" .. a_Port .. "): Connection to " .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ":" .. a_Link:GetRemotePort() .. " failed: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end,
- OnReceivedData = function (a_Link, a_Data)
- IncomingData = IncomingData .. a_Data
- if (IncomingData:find("\r\n\r\n")) then
- -- We have received the entire request headers, just send the response and shutdown the link:
- local Content =
- a_Link:Send("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\nContent-length: " .. #Content .. "\r\n\r\n" .. Content)
- a_Link:Shutdown()
- end
- end,
- OnRemoteClosed = function (a_Link)
- LOG("httpstime: link closed by remote")
- end
- } -- Link callbacks
- end, -- OnIncomingConnection()
- -- Start TLS on the new link:
- OnAccepted = function (a_Link)
- local res, msg = a_Link:StartTLSServer(g_HTTPSCert, g_HTTPSPrivKey, "")
- if not(res) then
- LOG("https-time server(" .. a_Port .. "): Cannot start TLS server: " .. msg)
- a_Link:Close()
- end
- end, -- OnAccepted()
- -- There was an error listening on the port:
- OnError = function (a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOGINFO("https-time server(" .. a_Port .. "): Cannot listen: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end, -- OnError()
- } -- Listen callbacks
- end, -- httpstime
- -- TODO: Other services (daytime, ...)
-function Initialize(a_Plugin)
- -- Load the splashes.txt file into g_Fortunes, overwriting current content:
- local idx = 1
- for line in io.lines(a_Plugin:GetLocalFolder() .. "/splashes.txt") do
- g_Fortunes[idx] = line
- idx = idx + 1
- end
- -- Use the InfoReg shared library to process the Info.lua file:
- dofile(cPluginManager:GetPluginsPath() .. "/InfoReg.lua")
- RegisterPluginInfoCommands()
- RegisterPluginInfoConsoleCommands()
- -- Seed the random generator:
- math.randomseed(os.time())
- return true
-function HandleConsoleNetClient(a_Split)
- -- Get the address to connect to:
- local Host = a_Split[3] or ""
- local Port = a_Split[4] or 80
- -- Create the callbacks "personalised" for the address:
- local Callbacks =
- {
- OnConnected = function (a_Link)
- LOG("Connected to " .. Host .. ":" .. Port .. ".")
- LOG("Connection stats: Remote address: " .. a_Link:GetRemoteIP() .. ":" .. a_Link:GetRemotePort() .. ", Local address: " .. a_Link:GetLocalIP() .. ":" .. a_Link:GetLocalPort())
- LOG("Sending HTTP request for front page.")
- a_Link:Send("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " .. Host .. "\r\n\r\n")
- end,
- OnError = function (a_Link, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("Connection to " .. Host .. ":" .. Port .. " failed: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end,
- OnReceivedData = function (a_Link, a_Data)
- LOG("Received data from " .. Host .. ":" .. Port .. ":\r\n" .. a_Data)
- end,
- OnRemoteClosed = function (a_Link)
- LOG("Connection to " .. Host .. ":" .. Port .. " was closed by the remote peer.")
- end
- }
- -- Queue a connect request:
- local res = cNetwork:Connect(Host, Port, Callbacks)
- if not(res) then
- LOGWARNING("cNetwork:Connect call failed immediately")
- return true
- end
- return true, "Client connection request queued."
-function HandleConsoleNetClose(a_Split)
- -- Get the port to close:
- local Port = tonumber(a_Split[3] or 1024)
- if not(Port) then
- return true, "Bad port number: \"" .. a_Split[3] .. "\"."
- end
- -- Close the server, if there is one:
- if not(g_Servers[Port]) then
- return true, "There is no server currently listening on port " .. Port .. "."
- end
- g_Servers[Port]:Close()
- g_Servers[Port] = nil
- return true, "Port " .. Port .. " closed."
-function HandleConsoleNetIps(a_Split)
- local Addresses = cNetwork:EnumLocalIPAddresses()
- LOG("IP addresses enumerated, " .. #Addresses .. " found")
- for idx, addr in ipairs(Addresses) do
- LOG(" IP #" .. idx .. ": " .. addr)
- end
- return true
-function HandleConsoleNetLookup(a_Split)
- -- Get the name to look up:
- local Addr = a_Split[3] or ""
- -- Create the callbacks "personalised" for the host:
- local Callbacks =
- {
- OnNameResolved = function (a_Hostname, a_IP)
- LOG(a_Hostname .. " resolves to " .. a_IP)
- end,
- OnError = function (a_Query, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("Failed to retrieve information for " .. a_Query .. ": " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- assert(a_Query == Addr)
- end,
- OnFinished = function (a_Query)
- LOG("Resolving " .. a_Query .. " has finished.")
- assert(a_Query == Addr)
- end,
- }
- -- Queue both name and IP DNS queries;
- -- we don't distinguish between an IP and a hostname in this command so we don't know which one to use:
- local res = cNetwork:HostnameToIP(Addr, Callbacks)
- if not(res) then
- LOGWARNING("cNetwork:HostnameToIP call failed immediately")
- return true
- end
- res = cNetwork:IPToHostname(Addr, Callbacks)
- if not(res) then
- LOGWARNING("cNetwork:IPToHostname call failed immediately")
- return true
- end
- return true, "DNS query has been queued."
-function HandleConsoleNetListen(a_Split)
- -- Get the params:
- local Port = tonumber(a_Split[3] or 1024)
- if not(Port) then
- return true, "Invalid port: \"" .. a_Split[3] .. "\"."
- end
- local Service = string.lower(a_Split[4] or "echo")
- -- Create the callbacks specific for the service:
- if (g_Services[Service] == nil) then
- return true, "No such service: " .. Service
- end
- local Callbacks = g_Services[Service](Port)
- -- Start the server:
- local srv = cNetwork:Listen(Port, Callbacks)
- if not(srv:IsListening()) then
- -- The error message has already been printed in the Callbacks.OnError()
- return true
- end
- g_Servers[Port] = srv
- return true, Service .. " server started on port " .. Port
-function HandleConsoleNetUdpClose(a_Split)
- -- Get the port to close:
- local Port = tonumber(a_Split[4] or 1024)
- if not(Port) then
- return true, "Bad port number: \"" .. a_Split[4] .. "\"."
- end
- -- Close the server, if there is one:
- if not(g_UDPEndpoints[Port]) then
- return true, "There is no UDP endpoint currently listening on port " .. Port .. "."
- end
- g_UDPEndpoints[Port]:Close()
- g_UDPEndpoints[Port] = nil
- return true, "UDP Port " .. Port .. " closed."
-function HandleConsoleNetUdpListen(a_Split)
- -- Get the params:
- local Port = tonumber(a_Split[4] or 1024)
- if not(Port) then
- return true, "Invalid port: \"" .. a_Split[4] .. "\"."
- end
- local Callbacks =
- {
- OnReceivedData = function (a_Endpoint, a_Data, a_RemotePeer, a_RemotePort)
- LOG("Incoming UDP datagram from " .. a_RemotePeer .. " port " .. a_RemotePort .. ":\r\n" .. a_Data)
- end,
- OnError = function (a_Endpoint, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("Error in UDP endpoint: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end,
- }
- g_UDPEndpoints[Port] = cNetwork:CreateUDPEndpoint(Port, Callbacks)
- return true, "UDP listener on port " .. Port .. " started."
-function HandleConsoleNetUdpSend(a_Split)
- -- Get the params:
- local Host = a_Split[4] or "localhost"
- local Port = tonumber(a_Split[5] or 1024)
- if not(Port) then
- return true, "Invalid port: \"" .. a_Split[5] .. "\"."
- end
- local Message
- if (a_Split[6]) then
- Message = table.concat(a_Split, " ", 6)
- else
- Message = "hello"
- end
- -- Define minimum callbacks for the UDP endpoint:
- local Callbacks =
- {
- OnError = function (a_Endpoint, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("Error in UDP datagram sending: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end,
- OnReceivedData = function ()
- -- ignore
- end,
- }
- -- Send the data:
- local Endpoint = cNetwork:CreateUDPEndpoint(0, Callbacks)
- Endpoint:EnableBroadcasts()
- if not(Endpoint:Send(Message, Host, Port)) then
- Endpoint:Close()
- return true, "Sending UDP datagram failed"
- end
- Endpoint:Close()
- return true, "UDP datagram sent"
-function HandleConsoleNetWasc(a_Split)
- local Callbacks =
- {
- OnConnected = function (a_Link)
- LOG("Connected to webadmin, starting TLS...")
- local res, msg = a_Link:StartTLSClient("", "", "")
- if not(res) then
- LOG("Failed to start TLS client: " .. msg)
- return
- end
- -- We need to send a keep-alive due to #1737
- a_Link:Send("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: localhost\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n")
- end,
- OnError = function (a_Link, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg)
- LOG("Connection to webadmin failed: " .. a_ErrorCode .. " (" .. a_ErrorMsg .. ")")
- end,
- OnReceivedData = function (a_Link, a_Data)
- LOG("Received data from webadmin:\r\n" .. a_Data)
- -- Close the link once all the data is received:
- if (a_Data == "0\r\n\r\n") then -- Poor man's end-of-data detection; works on localhost
- -- TODO: The Close() method is not yet exported to Lua
- -- a_Link:Close()
- end
- end,
- OnRemoteClosed = function (a_Link)
- LOG("Connection to webadmin was closed")
- end,
- }
- if not(cNetwork:Connect("localhost", "8080", Callbacks)) then
- LOG("Canot connect to webadmin")
- end
- return true