path: root/openai_rev/quora/
diff options
authornoptuno <>2023-04-28 02:40:47 +0200
committernoptuno <>2023-04-28 02:40:47 +0200
commit6f6a73987201c9c303047c61389b82ad98b15597 (patch)
treebf67eb590d49979d6740bc1e94b4018df48bce98 /openai_rev/quora/
parentResolved merge conflicts and merged pr_218 into STREAMLIT_CHAT_IMPLEMENTATION (diff)
parentMerging PR_218 openai_rev package with new streamlit chat app (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'openai_rev/quora/')
1 files changed, 545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openai_rev/quora/ b/openai_rev/quora/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42814f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openai_rev/quora/
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+# This file was taken from the repository poe-api and is unmodified
+# This file is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 and written by @ading2210
+# license:
+# ading2210/poe-api: a reverse engineered Python API wrapepr for Quora's Poe
+# Copyright (C) 2023 ading2210
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import hashlib
+import json
+import logging
+import queue
+import random
+import re
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+from pathlib import Path
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import requests
+import requests.adapters
+import websocket
+parent_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
+queries_path = parent_path / "graphql"
+queries = {}
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0"
+def load_queries():
+ for path in queries_path.iterdir():
+ if path.suffix != ".graphql":
+ continue
+ with open(path) as f:
+ queries[path.stem] =
+def generate_payload(query_name, variables):
+ return {"query": queries[query_name], "variables": variables}
+def request_with_retries(method, *args, **kwargs):
+ attempts = kwargs.get("attempts") or 10
+ url = args[0]
+ for i in range(attempts):
+ r = method(*args, **kwargs)
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ return r
+ logger.warn(
+ f"Server returned a status code of {r.status_code} while downloading {url}. Retrying ({i + 1}/{attempts})..."
+ )
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to download {url} too many times.")
+class Client:
+ gql_url = ""
+ gql_recv_url = ""
+ home_url = ""
+ settings_url = ""
+ def __init__(self, token, proxy=None):
+ self.proxy = proxy
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ self.adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100)
+ self.session.mount("http://", self.adapter)
+ self.session.mount("https://", self.adapter)
+ if proxy:
+ self.session.proxies = {"http": self.proxy, "https": self.proxy}
+"Proxy enabled: {self.proxy}")
+ self.active_messages = {}
+ self.message_queues = {}
+ self.session.cookies.set("p-b", token, domain="")
+ self.headers = {
+ "User-Agent": user_agent,
+ "Referrer": "",
+ "Origin": "",
+ }
+ self.session.headers.update(self.headers)
+ self.setup_connection()
+ self.connect_ws()
+ def setup_connection(self):
+ self.ws_domain = f"tch{random.randint(1, 1e6)}"
+ self.next_data = self.get_next_data(overwrite_vars=True)
+ = self.get_channel_data()
+ self.bots = self.get_bots(download_next_data=False)
+ self.bot_names = self.get_bot_names()
+ self.gql_headers = {
+ "poe-formkey": self.formkey,
+ "poe-tchannel":["channel"],
+ }
+ self.gql_headers = {**self.gql_headers, **self.headers}
+ self.subscribe()
+ def extract_formkey(self, html):
+ script_regex = r"<script>if\(.+\)throw new Error;(.+)</script>"
+ script_text =, html).group(1)
+ key_regex = r'var .="([0-9a-f]+)",'
+ key_text =, script_text).group(1)
+ cipher_regex = r".\[(\d+)\]=.\[(\d+)\]"
+ cipher_pairs = re.findall(cipher_regex, script_text)
+ formkey_list = [""] * len(cipher_pairs)
+ for pair in cipher_pairs:
+ formkey_index, key_index = map(int, pair)
+ formkey_list[formkey_index] = key_text[key_index]
+ formkey = "".join(formkey_list)
+ return formkey
+ def get_next_data(self, overwrite_vars=False):
+"Downloading next_data...")
+ r = request_with_retries(self.session.get, self.home_url)
+ json_regex = r'<script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application\/json">(.+?)</script>'
+ json_text =, r.text).group(1)
+ next_data = json.loads(json_text)
+ if overwrite_vars:
+ self.formkey = self.extract_formkey(r.text)
+ self.viewer = next_data["props"]["pageProps"]["payload"]["viewer"]
+ self.next_data = next_data
+ return next_data
+ def get_bot(self, display_name):
+ url = f'{self.next_data["buildId"]}/{display_name}.json'
+ r = request_with_retries(self.session.get, url)
+ chat_data = r.json()["pageProps"]["payload"]["chatOfBotDisplayName"]
+ return chat_data
+ def get_bots(self, download_next_data=True):
+"Downloading all bots...")
+ if download_next_data:
+ next_data = self.get_next_data(overwrite_vars=True)
+ else:
+ next_data = self.next_data
+ if not "availableBots" in self.viewer:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid token or no bots are available.")
+ bot_list = self.viewer["availableBots"]
+ threads = []
+ bots = {}
+ def get_bot_thread(bot):
+ chat_data = self.get_bot(bot["displayName"])
+ bots[chat_data["defaultBotObject"]["nickname"]] = chat_data
+ for bot in bot_list:
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=get_bot_thread, args=(bot,), daemon=True)
+ threads.append(thread)
+ for thread in threads:
+ thread.start()
+ for thread in threads:
+ thread.join()
+ self.bots = bots
+ self.bot_names = self.get_bot_names()
+ return bots
+ def get_bot_names(self):
+ bot_names = {}
+ for bot_nickname in self.bots:
+ bot_obj = self.bots[bot_nickname]["defaultBotObject"]
+ bot_names[bot_nickname] = bot_obj["displayName"]
+ return bot_names
+ def get_remaining_messages(self, chatbot):
+ chat_data = self.get_bot(self.bot_names[chatbot])
+ return chat_data["defaultBotObject"]["messageLimit"]["numMessagesRemaining"]
+ def get_channel_data(self, channel=None):
+"Downloading channel data...")
+ r = request_with_retries(self.session.get, self.settings_url)
+ data = r.json()
+ return data["tchannelData"]
+ def get_websocket_url(self, channel=None):
+ if channel is None:
+ channel =
+ query = f'?min_seq={channel["minSeq"]}&channel={channel["channel"]}&hash={channel["channelHash"]}'
+ return f'wss://{self.ws_domain}.tch.{channel["baseHost"]}/up/{channel["boxName"]}/updates' + query
+ def send_query(self, query_name, variables):
+ for i in range(20):
+ json_data = generate_payload(query_name, variables)
+ payload = json.dumps(json_data, separators=(",", ":"))
+ base_string = payload + self.gql_headers["poe-formkey"] + "WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k"
+ headers = {
+ "content-type": "application/json",
+ "poe-tag-id": hashlib.md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest(),
+ }
+ headers = {**self.gql_headers, **headers}
+ r = request_with_retries(, self.gql_url, data=payload, headers=headers)
+ data = r.json()
+ if data["data"] == None:
+ logger.warn(f'{query_name} returned an error: {data["errors"][0]["message"]} | Retrying ({i + 1}/20)')
+ time.sleep(2)
+ continue
+ return r.json()
+ raise RuntimeError(f"{query_name} failed too many times.")
+ def subscribe(self):
+"Subscribing to mutations")
+ result = self.send_query(
+ "SubscriptionsMutation",
+ {
+ "subscriptions": [
+ {
+ "subscriptionName": "messageAdded",
+ "query": queries["MessageAddedSubscription"],
+ },
+ {
+ "subscriptionName": "viewerStateUpdated",
+ "query": queries["ViewerStateUpdatedSubscription"],
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ def ws_run_thread(self):
+ kwargs = {}
+ if self.proxy:
+ proxy_parsed = urlparse(self.proxy)
+ kwargs = {
+ "proxy_type": proxy_parsed.scheme,
+ "http_proxy_host": proxy_parsed.hostname,
+ "http_proxy_port": proxy_parsed.port,
+ }
+ def connect_ws(self):
+ self.ws_connected = False
+ = websocket.WebSocketApp(
+ self.get_websocket_url(),
+ header={"User-Agent": user_agent},
+ on_message=self.on_message,
+ on_open=self.on_ws_connect,
+ on_error=self.on_ws_error,
+ on_close=self.on_ws_close,
+ )
+ t = threading.Thread(target=self.ws_run_thread, daemon=True)
+ t.start()
+ while not self.ws_connected:
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ def disconnect_ws(self):
+ if
+ self.ws_connected = False
+ def on_ws_connect(self, ws):
+ self.ws_connected = True
+ def on_ws_close(self, ws, close_status_code, close_message):
+ self.ws_connected = False
+ logger.warn(f"Websocket closed with status {close_status_code}: {close_message}")
+ def on_ws_error(self, ws, error):
+ self.disconnect_ws()
+ self.connect_ws()
+ def on_message(self, ws, msg):
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(msg)
+ if not "messages" in data:
+ return
+ for message_str in data["messages"]:
+ message_data = json.loads(message_str)
+ if message_data["message_type"] != "subscriptionUpdate":
+ continue
+ message = message_data["payload"]["data"]["messageAdded"]
+ copied_dict = self.active_messages.copy()
+ for key, value in copied_dict.items():
+ # add the message to the appropriate queue
+ if value == message["messageId"] and key in self.message_queues:
+ self.message_queues[key].put(message)
+ return
+ # indicate that the response id is tied to the human message id
+ elif key != "pending" and value == None and message["state"] != "complete":
+ self.active_messages[key] = message["messageId"]
+ self.message_queues[key].put(message)
+ return
+ except Exception:
+ logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ self.disconnect_ws()
+ self.connect_ws()
+ def send_message(self, chatbot, message, with_chat_break=False, timeout=20):
+ # if there is another active message, wait until it has finished sending
+ while None in self.active_messages.values():
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # None indicates that a message is still in progress
+ self.active_messages["pending"] = None
+"Sending message to {chatbot}: {message}")
+ # reconnect websocket
+ if not self.ws_connected:
+ self.disconnect_ws()
+ self.setup_connection()
+ self.connect_ws()
+ message_data = self.send_query(
+ "SendMessageMutation",
+ {
+ "bot": chatbot,
+ "query": message,
+ "chatId": self.bots[chatbot]["chatId"],
+ "source": None,
+ "withChatBreak": with_chat_break,
+ },
+ )
+ del self.active_messages["pending"]
+ if not message_data["data"]["messageEdgeCreate"]["message"]:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Daily limit reached for {chatbot}.")
+ try:
+ human_message = message_data["data"]["messageEdgeCreate"]["message"]
+ human_message_id = human_message["node"]["messageId"]
+ except TypeError:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"An unknown error occurred. Raw response data: {message_data}")
+ # indicate that the current message is waiting for a response
+ self.active_messages[human_message_id] = None
+ self.message_queues[human_message_id] = queue.Queue()
+ last_text = ""
+ message_id = None
+ while True:
+ try:
+ message = self.message_queues[human_message_id].get(timeout=timeout)
+ except queue.Empty:
+ del self.active_messages[human_message_id]
+ del self.message_queues[human_message_id]
+ raise RuntimeError("Response timed out.")
+ # only break when the message is marked as complete
+ if message["state"] == "complete":
+ if last_text and message["messageId"] == message_id:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ # update info about response
+ message["text_new"] = message["text"][len(last_text) :]
+ last_text = message["text"]
+ message_id = message["messageId"]
+ yield message
+ del self.active_messages[human_message_id]
+ del self.message_queues[human_message_id]
+ def send_chat_break(self, chatbot):
+"Sending chat break to {chatbot}")
+ result = self.send_query("AddMessageBreakMutation", {"chatId": self.bots[chatbot]["chatId"]})
+ return result["data"]["messageBreakCreate"]["message"]
+ def get_message_history(self, chatbot, count=25, cursor=None):
+"Downloading {count} messages from {chatbot}")
+ messages = []
+ if cursor == None:
+ chat_data = self.get_bot(self.bot_names[chatbot])
+ if not chat_data["messagesConnection"]["edges"]:
+ return []
+ messages = chat_data["messagesConnection"]["edges"][:count]
+ cursor = chat_data["messagesConnection"]["pageInfo"]["startCursor"]
+ count -= len(messages)
+ cursor = str(cursor)
+ if count > 50:
+ messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, count=50, cursor=cursor) + messages
+ while count > 0:
+ count -= 50
+ new_cursor = messages[0]["cursor"]
+ new_messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, min(50, count), cursor=new_cursor)
+ messages = new_messages + messages
+ return messages
+ elif count <= 0:
+ return messages
+ result = self.send_query(
+ "ChatListPaginationQuery",
+ {"count": count, "cursor": cursor, "id": self.bots[chatbot]["id"]},
+ )
+ query_messages = result["data"]["node"]["messagesConnection"]["edges"]
+ messages = query_messages + messages
+ return messages
+ def delete_message(self, message_ids):
+"Deleting messages: {message_ids}")
+ if not type(message_ids) is list:
+ message_ids = [int(message_ids)]
+ result = self.send_query("DeleteMessageMutation", {"messageIds": message_ids})
+ def purge_conversation(self, chatbot, count=-1):
+"Purging messages from {chatbot}")
+ last_messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, count=50)[::-1]
+ while last_messages:
+ message_ids = []
+ for message in last_messages:
+ if count == 0:
+ break
+ count -= 1
+ message_ids.append(message["node"]["messageId"])
+ self.delete_message(message_ids)
+ if count == 0:
+ return
+ last_messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, count=50)[::-1]
+"No more messages left to delete.")
+ def create_bot(
+ self,
+ handle,
+ prompt="",
+ base_model="chinchilla",
+ description="",
+ intro_message="",
+ api_key=None,
+ api_bot=False,
+ api_url=None,
+ prompt_public=True,
+ pfp_url=None,
+ linkification=False,
+ markdown_rendering=True,
+ suggested_replies=False,
+ private=False,
+ ):
+ result = self.send_query(
+ "PoeBotCreateMutation",
+ {
+ "model": base_model,
+ "handle": handle,
+ "prompt": prompt,
+ "isPromptPublic": prompt_public,
+ "introduction": intro_message,
+ "description": description,
+ "profilePictureUrl": pfp_url,
+ "apiUrl": api_url,
+ "apiKey": api_key,
+ "isApiBot": api_bot,
+ "hasLinkification": linkification,
+ "hasMarkdownRendering": markdown_rendering,
+ "hasSuggestedReplies": suggested_replies,
+ "isPrivateBot": private,
+ },
+ )
+ data = result["data"]["poeBotCreate"]
+ if data["status"] != "success":
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Poe returned an error while trying to create a bot: {data['status']}")
+ self.get_bots()
+ return data
+ def edit_bot(
+ self,
+ bot_id,
+ handle,
+ prompt="",
+ base_model="chinchilla",
+ description="",
+ intro_message="",
+ api_key=None,
+ api_url=None,
+ private=False,
+ prompt_public=True,
+ pfp_url=None,
+ linkification=False,
+ markdown_rendering=True,
+ suggested_replies=False,
+ ):
+ result = self.send_query(
+ "PoeBotEditMutation",
+ {
+ "baseBot": base_model,
+ "botId": bot_id,
+ "handle": handle,
+ "prompt": prompt,
+ "isPromptPublic": prompt_public,
+ "introduction": intro_message,
+ "description": description,
+ "profilePictureUrl": pfp_url,
+ "apiUrl": api_url,
+ "apiKey": api_key,
+ "hasLinkification": linkification,
+ "hasMarkdownRendering": markdown_rendering,
+ "hasSuggestedReplies": suggested_replies,
+ "isPrivateBot": private,
+ },
+ )
+ data = result["data"]["poeBotEdit"]
+ if data["status"] != "success":
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Poe returned an error while trying to edit a bot: {data['status']}")
+ self.get_bots()
+ return data