path: root/dxsdk/Include/DShowIDL/Segment.idl
diff options
authoraap <>2019-06-02 10:25:55 +0200
committerGitHub <>2019-06-02 10:25:55 +0200
commit9c26e46e17b421288f7653f4c9cff81b4b6cdfb0 (patch)
treec1b34122ddd4be0461a5310c964e8218b9f5781e /dxsdk/Include/DShowIDL/Segment.idl
parentimplemented splashes; fixed zones (diff)
parentMerge branch 'master' into master (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'dxsdk/Include/DShowIDL/Segment.idl')
1 files changed, 1349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dxsdk/Include/DShowIDL/Segment.idl b/dxsdk/Include/DShowIDL/Segment.idl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9895cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dxsdk/Include/DShowIDL/Segment.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,1349 @@
+// Segment.idl : IDL source for devices segments for msvid.dll
+// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
+// produce the type library (msvideo.tlb) and marshalling code.
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2000
+cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows")
+cpp_quote("// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999-2000.")
+cpp_quote("#pragma once")
+#include <olectl.h>
+cpp_quote("#include <olectl.h>")
+#ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS
+import "oaidl.idl";
+import "ocidl.idl";
+import "strmif.idl";
+import "tuner.idl";
+import "tvratings.idl";
+typedef enum {
+} SegDispidList;
+typedef enum {
+} SegEventidList;
+typedef enum {
+ FrameMode,
+ TenthsSecondsMode
+} PositionModeList;
+typedef enum {
+ CONTENT = 0,
+} RecordingType;
+ typedef enum {
+ None,
+ Caption1,
+ Caption2,
+ Text1,
+ Text2,
+} MSVidCCService;
+// interfaces
+// Utility Interfaces
+interface IMSVidRect;
+ uuid(7F5000A6-A440-47ca-8ACC-C0E75531A2C2),
+ helpstring("Automation Compliant GDI Rect with Automatic HWND Scaling"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+interface IMSVidRect : IDispatch {
+ [propget, helpstring("Rectangle Top")] HRESULT Top([out, retval] LONG* TopVal);
+ [propput, helpstring("Rectangle Top")] HRESULT Top([in] LONG TopVal);
+ [propget, helpstring("Rectangle Left")] HRESULT Left([out, retval] LONG* LeftVal);
+ [propput, helpstring("Rectangle Left")] HRESULT Left([in] LONG LeftVal);
+ [propget, helpstring("Rectangle Width")] HRESULT Width([out, retval] LONG* WidthVal);
+ [propput, helpstring("Rectangle Width")] HRESULT Width([in] LONG WidthVal);
+ [propget, helpstring("Rectangle Height")] HRESULT Height([out, retval] LONG* HeightVal);
+ [propput, helpstring("Rectangle Height")] HRESULT Height([in] LONG HeightVal);
+ [propget, helpstring("Coordinates relative to HWnd")] HRESULT HWnd([out, retval] HWND* HWndVal);
+ [propput, helpstring("Coordinates relative to HWnd")] HRESULT HWnd([in] HWND HWndVal);
+ [propput, helpstring("New Rectangle Values")] HRESULT Rect([in] IMSVidRect* RectVal);
+interface IMSVidGraphSegmentContainer;
+interface IMSVidGraphSegment;
+interface IEnumMSVidGraphSegment;
+// Segment Container interface allowing segments to find and access other segments
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // if segments need to change the control state(stop, run, pause, etc) or get any stock
+ // properties that are also made available to clients such as HWND, then they should simply
+ // QI for the main IMSVidCtl interface. there's no reason to implement this stuff twice.
+ [object,
+ uuid(3DD2903D-E0AA-11d2-B63A-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("DShow Graph Segment Container"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidGraphSegmentContainer : IUnknown {
+ [propget, helpstring("Graph")] HRESULT Graph([out] IGraphBuilder **ppGraph);
+ [propget, helpstring("Input Segment")] HRESULT Input([out] IMSVidGraphSegment **pInput);
+ [propget, helpstring("Output Segment")] HRESULT Outputs([out] IEnumMSVidGraphSegment **pOutputs);
+ [propget, helpstring("Video Renderer")] HRESULT VideoRenderer([out] IMSVidGraphSegment **pVR);
+ [propget, helpstring("Audio Renderer")] HRESULT AudioRenderer([out] IMSVidGraphSegment **pAR);
+ [propget, helpstring("Features")] HRESULT Features([out] IEnumMSVidGraphSegment **pOutputs);
+ [propget, helpstring("Composites")] HRESULT Composites([out] IEnumMSVidGraphSegment **pComposites);
+ [propget, helpstring("Container")] HRESULT ParentContainer([out] IUnknown **ppContainer); // this allows the segments to get out and walk the dhtml hierarchy
+ HRESULT Decompose(IMSVidGraphSegment *pSegment);
+ HRESULT IsWindowless(); // the stock hwnd on the main vidctl is only valid if this is set
+ // be very careful using GetFocus(think twice and then don't). it is recommended that systems follow the model
+ // laid out by atvef and smil wherein the convergence of UI and video are implemented by providing the user interface
+ // as standard html/xml, etc with video incorporated as an element of this standard presentation.
+ // however, in the special case of dvd there is a prexisting standard which is conceptually inside out.
+ // that is, the UI is embedded in the video stream rather than the stream being embedded in the UI.
+ // as a consequence, buttons and menus can asynchronously pop up out of the video stream source(dvd navigator)
+ // and, may require the focus. this inside out paradigm is the only situation where
+ // getfocus should be used. otherwise, weird non-standard interactions will result.
+ HRESULT GetFocus();
+ };
+// Direct Show Segment extension interfaces
+ typedef enum MSVidSegmentType {
+ } MSVidSegmentType;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object,
+ uuid(1C15D482-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("DShow Graph Segment Builder Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidGraphSegment : IPersist {
+ // note: we separate init and load(via put_Container) because we want to associate device object
+ // with their device moniker at creation time. but, we don't want to take the
+ // hit of loading their filters until we're ready to build the graph because this segment may not get used
+ [propget] HRESULT Init([out, retval] IUnknown **pInit);
+ [propput] HRESULT Init([in] IUnknown *pInit);
+ HRESULT EnumFilters([out] IEnumFilters **pNewEnum); //filters in seg
+ [propget, helpstring("Graph that contains this segment")] HRESULT Container([out, retval] IMSVidGraphSegmentContainer **ppCtl);
+ [propput, helpstring("Graph that contains this segment")] HRESULT Container([in] IMSVidGraphSegmentContainer *pCtl);
+ [propget, helpstring("Type of Segment")] HRESULT Type([out, retval] MSVidSegmentType *pType);
+ [propget, helpstring("Category this segment is for")] HRESULT Category([out, retval] GUID *pGuid);
+ HRESULT Build(); // used to notify non-composition segment that the build/composition phase is about to start
+ HRESULT PreRun(); // used to notify segments that the graph is built and about to be started
+ HRESULT PostRun(); // called after graph is running
+ HRESULT PreStop(); // used to notify segments that the graph about to be stopped
+ HRESULT PostStop();// called after graph is stopped
+ HRESULT OnEventNotify(LONG lEventCode, LONG_PTR lEventParm1, LONG_PTR lEventParm2); //DShow events
+ HRESULT Decompose();
+ };
+ enum {
+ // button state
+ // shift state
+ MSVIDCTL_CTRL =0x0002,
+ MSVIDCTL_ALT =0x0004,
+ };
+ [object,
+ uuid(301C060E-20D9-4587-9B03-F82ED9A9943C),
+ helpstring("DShow Graph Segment Input Events"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ // this should only be implemented used by input(source) devices with ui in the video
+ // stream(specifically dvd). see discussion of getfocus above
+ interface IMSVidGraphSegmentUserInput : IUnknown {
+ HRESULT Click();
+ HRESULT DblClick();
+ HRESULT KeyDown(short* KeyCode, short ShiftState);
+ HRESULT KeyPress(short* KeyAscii);
+ HRESULT KeyUp(short* KeyCode, short ShiftState);
+ HRESULT MouseDown(short ButtonState, short ShiftState, OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y);
+ HRESULT MouseMove(short ButtonState, short ShiftState, OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y);
+ HRESULT MouseUp(short ButtonState, short ShiftState, OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object,
+ uuid(1C15D483-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("DShow Graph Segment Composition Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidCompositionSegment : IMSVidGraphSegment {
+ HRESULT Compose([in] IMSVidGraphSegment *upstream, [in] IMSVidGraphSegment *downstream);
+ [propget, helpstring("The upstream segment being composed by this composition segment")] HRESULT Up([out] IMSVidGraphSegment **upstream);
+ [propget, helpstring("The downstream segment being composed by this composition segment")] HRESULT Down([out] IMSVidGraphSegment **downstream);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object,
+ uuid(3DD2903E-E0AA-11d2-B63A-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("DShow Graph Segment Enumerator"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IEnumMSVidGraphSegment : IUnknown {
+ HRESULT Next([in] ULONG celt, [out] IMSVidGraphSegment ** rgelt, [out] ULONG * pceltFetched);
+ HRESULT Skip([in] ULONG celt);
+ HRESULT Reset(void);
+ HRESULT Clone([out] IEnumMSVidGraphSegment** ppenum);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object,
+ uuid(DD47DE3F-9874-4f7b-8B22-7CB2688461E7),
+ helpstring("DShow Video Renderer Graph Segment Builder Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidVRGraphSegment : IMSVidGraphSegment {
+ // NOTE: because of the way ActiveX controls work there is a tight coupling
+ // between the video control itself and the video renderer device segment
+ // as a consequence there are important interfaces such as positioning that
+ // come through the control via the various ole interfaces which we need to
+ // pass to the video renderer but we don't want script to access directly
+ // there are also stock properties such as refresh and autosize that must also be
+ // implemented directly on the video control and passed through to the video renderer
+ // from ole interfaces
+ [hidden, restricted, propput] HRESULT _VMRendererMode([in] LONG dwMode);
+ [hidden, restricted, propput] HRESULT Owner([in] HWND Window);
+ [hidden, restricted, propget] HRESULT Owner([out, retval] HWND* Window);
+ // from ole interfaces
+ [hidden, restricted, propget] HRESULT UseOverlay([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *UseOverlayVal);
+ [hidden, restricted, propput] HRESULT UseOverlay([in] VARIANT_BOOL UseOverlayVal);
+ // from top-level control visibility state
+ [hidden, restricted, propget] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Visible);
+ [hidden, restricted, propput] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL Visible);
+ // clients must go through top-level vidctl interfaces to access this. since vidctl's ondraw
+ // actually paints this, it needs to know about it.
+ [propget, hidden, restricted] HRESULT ColorKey([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ColorKey);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted] HRESULT ColorKey([in] OLE_COLOR ColorKey);
+ // from ole interfaces and window msgs
+ [propget, hidden, restricted] HRESULT Source([out, retval] LPRECT r);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted] HRESULT Source([in] RECT r);
+ // from ole interfaces and window msgs
+ [propget, hidden, restricted] HRESULT Destination([out, retval] LPRECT r);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted] HRESULT Destination([in] RECT r);
+ [propget, hidden, restricted] HRESULT NativeSize([out] LPSIZE sizeval, [out] LPSIZE aspectratio);
+ // letterboxing color if we're using
+ [propget, hidden, restricted] HRESULT BorderColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* color);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted] HRESULT BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR color);
+ // letterbox or stretch
+ [propget, hidden, restricted] HRESULT MaintainAspectRatio([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *fMaintain);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted] HRESULT MaintainAspectRatio([in] VARIANT_BOOL fMaintain);
+ // from top-level control refresh method
+ [hidden, restricted] HRESULT Refresh();
+ [hidden, restricted] HRESULT DisplayChange();
+ [hidden, restricted] HRESULT RePaint([in] HDC hdc);
+ };
+// Automation compliant device object interfaces for bpc video control
+// input devices
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(1C15D47C-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidDevice : IDispatch {
+ // base device properties
+ [propget, id(dispidName)] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *Name);
+ [propget, id(dispidStatus)] HRESULT Status([out, retval] long *Status);
+ [propput, id(dispidDevPower)] HRESULT Power([in] VARIANT_BOOL Power);
+ [propget, id(dispidDevPower)] HRESULT Power([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *Power);
+ // DShow Associated properties
+ // note: filter can be retrieved by QIing for IMSVidGraphSegment and enumerating
+ [propget, id(dispidKSCat)] HRESULT Category([out, retval] BSTR *Guid);
+ [propget, id(dispidCLSID)] HRESULT ClassID([out, retval] BSTR *Clsid);
+ [propget, id(dispid_KSCat), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _Category([out, retval] GUID* Guid);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CLSID), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _ClassID([out, retval] GUID* Clsid);
+ [id(dispid_IsEqualDevice), helpstring("does the passed in device represent the same underlying hardware")] HRESULT IsEqualDevice([in] IMSVidDevice* Device, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* IsEqual);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(37B0353D-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Input Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidInputDevice : IMSVidDevice {
+ [id(dispidViewable)]HRESULT IsViewable([in] VARIANT* v, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfViewable); // can this device view this item?
+ [id(dispidDevView)]HRESULT View([in] VARIANT* v); // set this device to view this item
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation,
+ uuid(1C15D480-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidDeviceEvent : IDispatch {
+ [id(eventidStateChange)] HRESULT StateChange([in] IMSVidDevice *lpd, [in] long oldState, [in] long newState);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation,
+ uuid(37B0353E-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Input Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidInputDeviceEvent : IDispatch {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(1C15D47F-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Video Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidVideoInputDevice : IMSVidInputDevice {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(37B03538-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Playback Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidPlayback : IMSVidInputDevice {
+ // note: the following methods control the playback device *NOT* the graph.
+ // if the underlying source filter only supports these functions via
+ // imediacontrol on the graph then this device segment object should return E_NOTIMPL.
+ [propget, id(dispid_EnableResetOnStop), helpstring("EnableResetOnStop")] HRESULT EnableResetOnStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispid_EnableResetOnStop), helpstring("EnableResetOnStop")] HRESULT EnableResetOnStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
+ [id(dispidDevRun)] HRESULT Run();
+ [id(dispidDevPause)] HRESULT Pause();
+ [id(dispidDevStop)] HRESULT Stop();
+ [propget, id(dispidDevCanStep)] HRESULT CanStep([in] VARIANT_BOOL fBackwards, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfCan);
+ [id(dispidDevStep)] HRESULT Step([in] long lStep);
+ [propput, id(dispidrate), helpstring("Rate")] HRESULT Rate([in] double plRate);
+ [propget, id(dispidrate), helpstring("Rate")] HRESULT Rate([out,retval]double *plRate);
+ [propput, id(dispidposition), helpstring("Position")] HRESULT CurrentPosition([in] long lPosition);
+ [propget, id(dispidposition), helpstring("Position")] HRESULT CurrentPosition([out, retval] long* lPosition);
+ [propput, id(dispidpositionmode), helpstring("PositionMode")] HRESULT PositionMode([in] PositionModeList lPositionMode);
+ [propget, id(dispidpositionmode), helpstring("PositionMode")] HRESULT PositionMode([out, retval] PositionModeList* lPositionMode);
+ [propget, id(dispidlength), helpstring("Length")] HRESULT Length([out, retval] long *lLength);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation,
+ uuid(37B0353B-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Playback Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidPlaybackEvent : IMSVidInputDeviceEvent {
+ [id(eventidEndOfMedia)] HRESULT EndOfMedia([in] IMSVidPlayback *lpd);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(1C15D47D-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Tuner Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidTuner : IMSVidVideoInputDevice {
+ [propget, id(dispidTune)] HRESULT Tune([out, retval] ITuneRequest **ppTR);
+ [propput, id(dispidTune)] HRESULT Tune([in] ITuneRequest *pTR);
+ [propget, id(dispidTS)] HRESULT TuningSpace([out, retval] ITuningSpace **plTS);
+ [hidden, restricted, propput, id(dispidTS)] HRESULT TuningSpace([in] ITuningSpace* plTS);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(1C15D485-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Tuner Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidTunerEvent : IMSVidInputDeviceEvent {
+ [id(eventidOnTuneChanged)] HRESULT TuneChanged([in] IMSVidTuner *lpd);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(1C15D47E-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video TV Tuner Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidAnalogTuner : IMSVidTuner {
+ [propget, id(dispidTuneChan)] HRESULT Channel([out, retval] long *Channel);
+ [propput, id(dispidTuneChan)] HRESULT Channel([in] long Channel);
+ [propget, id(dispidDevVideoFrequency)] HRESULT VideoFrequency([retval, out] long *lcc);
+ [propget, id(dispidDevAudioFrequency)] HRESULT AudioFrequency([retval, out] long *lcc);
+ // note: this is not LCID, this is physical location of device using
+ // international dialing code value
+ [propget, id(dispidDevCountryCode)] HRESULT CountryCode([retval, out] long *lcc);
+ [propput, id(dispidDevCountryCode)] HRESULT CountryCode([in] long lcc);
+ // analog specific shortcut to enabling a different audio component
+ [propget, id(dispidDevSAP)] HRESULT SAP([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfSapOn);
+ [propput, id(dispidDevSAP)] HRESULT SAP([in] VARIANT_BOOL fSapOn);
+ // methods
+ [id(dispidChannelAvailable)] HRESULT ChannelAvailable([in] long nChannel, [out] long *SignalStrength, [retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *fSignalPresent);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation,
+ uuid(1C15D486-911D-11d2-B632-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control TV Tuner Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidAnalogTunerEvent : IMSVidTunerEvent {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(37B03539-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control File Playback Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidFilePlayback : IMSVidPlayback {
+ [propget, id(dispidDevFileName)] HRESULT FileName([out, retval] BSTR *FileName);
+ [propput, id(dispidDevFileName)] HRESULT FileName([in] BSTR FileName);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(37B0353A-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control File Playback Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidFilePlaybackEvent : IMSVidPlaybackEvent {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ dvdMenu_Title = 2,
+ dvdMenu_Root = dvdMenu_Title + 1,
+ dvdMenu_Subpicture = dvdMenu_Root + 1,
+ dvdMenu_Audio = dvdMenu_Subpicture + 1,
+ dvdMenu_Angle = dvdMenu_Audio + 1,
+ dvdMenu_Chapter = dvdMenu_Angle + 1
+ } DVDMenuIDConstants;
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ dvdState_Undefined = -2,
+ dvdState_Unitialized = dvdState_Undefined + 1,
+ dvdState_Stopped = dvdState_Unitialized + 1,
+ dvdState_Paused = dvdState_Stopped + 1,
+ dvdState_Running = dvdState_Paused + 1
+ } DVDFilterState;
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ dvdStruct_Volume = 0x1,
+ dvdStruct_Title = 0x2,
+ dvdStruct_ParentalID = 0x3,
+ dvdStruct_PartOfTitle = 0x4,
+ dvdStruct_Cell = 0x5,
+ dvdStream_Audio = 0x10,
+ dvdStream_Subpicture = 0x11,
+ dvdStream_Angle = 0x12,
+ dvdChannel_Audio = 0x20,
+ dvdGeneral_Name = 0x30,
+ dvdGeneral_Comments = 0x31,
+ dvdTitle_Series = 0x38,
+ dvdTitle_Movie = 0x39,
+ dvdTitle_Video = 0x3a,
+ dvdTitle_Album = 0x3b,
+ dvdTitle_Song = 0x3c,
+ dvdTitle_Other = 0x3f,
+ dvdTitle_Sub_Series = 0x40,
+ dvdTitle_Sub_Movie = 0x41,
+ dvdTitle_Sub_Video = 0x42,
+ dvdTitle_Sub_Album = 0x43,
+ dvdTitle_Sub_Song = 0x44,
+ dvdTitle_Sub_Other = 0x47,
+ dvdTitle_Orig_Series = 0x48,
+ dvdTitle_Orig_Movie = 0x49,
+ dvdTitle_Orig_Video = 0x4a,
+ dvdTitle_Orig_Album = 0x4b,
+ dvdTitle_Orig_Song = 0x4c,
+ dvdTitle_Orig_Other = 0x4f,
+ dvdOther_Scene = 0x50,
+ dvdOther_Cut = 0x51,
+ dvdOther_Take = 0x52
+ } DVDTextStringType;
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ dvdSPExt_NotSpecified = 0,
+ dvdSPExt_Caption_Normal = 1,
+ dvdSPExt_Caption_Big = 2,
+ dvdSPExt_Caption_Children = 3,
+ dvdSPExt_CC_Normal = 5,
+ dvdSPExt_CC_Big = 6,
+ dvdSPExt_CC_Children = 7,
+ dvdSPExt_Forced = 9,
+ dvdSPExt_DirectorComments_Normal = 13,
+ dvdSPExt_DirectorComments_Big = 14,
+ dvdSPExt_DirectorComments_Children = 15
+ } DVDSPExt;
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(CF45F88B-AC56-4EE2-A73A-ED04E2885D3C),
+ helpstring("IMSVidWebDVD Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidWebDVD : IMSVidPlayback {
+ HRESULT OnDVDEvent([in]long lEvent, [in]LONG_PTR lParam1, [in]LONG_PTR lParam2);
+ [id(dispid_playtitle), helpstring("method PlayTitle")] HRESULT PlayTitle([in] long lTitle);
+ [id(dispid_playchapterintitle), helpstring("method PlayChapterInTitle")] HRESULT PlayChapterInTitle([in] long lTitle, [in] long lChapter);
+ [id(dispid_playchapter), helpstring("method PlayChapter")] HRESULT PlayChapter([in] long lChapter);
+ [id(dispid_playchaptersautostop), helpstring("method PlayChaptersAutoStop")] HRESULT PlayChaptersAutoStop([in] long lTitle, [in] long lstrChapter, [in] long lChapterCount);
+ [id(dispid_playattime), helpstring("method PlayAtTime")] HRESULT PlayAtTime([in] BSTR strTime);
+ [id(dispid_playattimeintitle), helpstring("method PlayAtTimeInTitle")] HRESULT PlayAtTimeInTitle([in] long lTitle, [in] BSTR strTime);
+ [id(dispid_playperiodintitleautostop), helpstring("method PlayPeriodInTitleAutoStop")] HRESULT PlayPeriodInTitleAutoStop([in] long lTitle, [in] BSTR strStartTime, [in] BSTR strEndTime);
+ [id(dispid_replaychapter), helpstring("method ReplayChapter")] HRESULT ReplayChapter();
+ [id(dispid_playprevchapter), helpstring("method PlayPrevChapter")] HRESULT PlayPrevChapter();
+ [id(dispid_playnextchapter), helpstring("method PlayNextChapter")] HRESULT PlayNextChapter();
+ [id(dispid_stilloff), helpstring("method StillOff")] HRESULT StillOff();
+ [propget, id(dispid_audiolanguage), helpstring("AudioLanguage")] HRESULT AudioLanguage([in] long lStream, [in, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL fFormat, [out, retval] BSTR* strAudioLang);
+ [id(dispid_showmenu), helpstring("method ShowMenu")] HRESULT ShowMenu([in] DVDMenuIDConstants MenuID);
+ [id(dispid_resume), helpstring("method Resume")] HRESULT Resume();
+ [id(dispid_returnfromsubmenu), helpstring("method ReturnFromSubmenu")] HRESULT ReturnFromSubmenu();
+ [propget,id(dispid_buttonsavailable), helpstring("ButtonsAvailable")] HRESULT ButtonsAvailable([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget,id(dispid_currentbutton), helpstring("CurrentButton")] HRESULT CurrentButton([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [id(dispid_SelectAndActivateButton), helpstring("method SelectAndActivateButton")] HRESULT SelectAndActivateButton([in] long lButton);
+ [id(dispid_ActivateButton), helpstring("method ActivateButton")] HRESULT ActivateButton();
+ [id(dispid_SelectRightButton), helpstring("method SelectRightButton")] HRESULT SelectRightButton();
+ [id(dispid_SelectLeftButton), helpstring("method SelectLeftButton")] HRESULT SelectLeftButton();
+ [id(dispid_SelectLowerButton), helpstring("method SelectLowerButton")] HRESULT SelectLowerButton();
+ [id(dispid_SelectUpperButton), helpstring("method SelectUpperButton")] HRESULT SelectUpperButton();
+ [id(dispid_ActivateAtPosition), helpstring("method ActivateAtPosition")] HRESULT ActivateAtPosition([in] long xPos, [in] long yPos);
+ [id(dispid_SelectAtPosition), helpstring("method SelectAtPosition")] HRESULT SelectAtPosition([in] long xPos, [in] long yPos);
+ [propget, id(dispid_ButtonAtPosition), helpstring("ButtonAtPosition")] HRESULT ButtonAtPosition([in] long xPos, [in] long yPos, [out, retval] long* plButton);
+ [propget, id(dispid_NumberOfChapters), helpstring("NumberOfChapters")] HRESULT NumberOfChapters([in] long lTitle, [out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_TotalTitleTime), helpstring("TotalTitleTime")] HRESULT TotalTitleTime([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_TitlesAvailable), helpstring("TitlesAvailable")] HRESULT TitlesAvailable([out, retval] long* pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_VolumesAvailable), helpstring("VolumesAvailable")] HRESULT VolumesAvailable([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentVolume), helpstring("CurrentVolume")] HRESULT CurrentVolume([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentDiscSide), helpstring("CurrentDiscSide")] HRESULT CurrentDiscSide([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentDomain), helpstring("CurrentDomain")] HRESULT CurrentDomain([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentChapter), helpstring("CurrentChapter")] HRESULT CurrentChapter([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentTitle), helpstring("CurrentTitle")] HRESULT CurrentTitle([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentTime), helpstring("CurrentTime")] HRESULT CurrentTime([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
+ [id(dispid_DVDTimeCode2bstr), helpstring("method DVDTimeCode2bstr")] HRESULT DVDTimeCode2bstr([in] long timeCode, [out, retval] BSTR *pTimeStr);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDDirectory), helpstring("DVDDirectory")] HRESULT DVDDirectory([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispid_DVDDirectory), helpstring("DVDDirectory")] HRESULT DVDDirectory([in] BSTR newVal);
+ [id(dispid_IsSubpictureStreamEnabled), helpstring("method IsSubpictureStreamEnabled")] HRESULT IsSubpictureStreamEnabled([in] long lstream, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *fEnabled);
+ [id(dispid_IsAudioStreamEnabled), helpstring("method IsAudioStreamEnabled")] HRESULT IsAudioStreamEnabled([in] long lstream, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *fEnabled);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentSubpictureStream), helpstring("CurrentSubpictureStream")] HRESULT CurrentSubpictureStream([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispid_CurrentSubpictureStream), helpstring("CurrentSubpictureStream")] HRESULT CurrentSubpictureStream([in] long newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_SubpictureLanguage), helpstring("SubpictureLanguage")] HRESULT SubpictureLanguage(long lStream, [out, retval] BSTR* strLanguage);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentAudioStream), helpstring("CurrentAudioStream")] HRESULT CurrentAudioStream([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispid_CurrentAudioStream), helpstring("CurrentAudioStream")] HRESULT CurrentAudioStream([in] long newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_AudioStreamsAvailable), helpstring("AudioStreamsAvailable")] HRESULT AudioStreamsAvailable([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_AnglesAvailable), helpstring("AnglesAvailable")] HRESULT AnglesAvailable([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_CurrentAngle), helpstring("CurrentAngle")] HRESULT CurrentAngle([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispid_CurrentAngle), helpstring("CurrentAngle")] HRESULT CurrentAngle([in] long newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_SubpictureStreamsAvailable), helpstring("SubpictureStreamsAvailable")] HRESULT SubpictureStreamsAvailable([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_SubpictureOn), helpstring("SubpictureOn")] HRESULT SubpictureOn([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispid_SubpictureOn), helpstring("SubpictureOn")] HRESULT SubpictureOn([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDUniqueID), helpstring("DVDUniqueID")] HRESULT DVDUniqueID([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
+ [id(dispid_AcceptParentalLevelChange), helpstring("method AcceptParentalLevelChange")] HRESULT AcceptParentalLevelChange([in] VARIANT_BOOL fAccept, [in] BSTR strUserName, [in] BSTR strPassword);
+ [id(dispid_NotifyParentalLevelChange), helpstring("method NotifyParentalLevelChange")] HRESULT NotifyParentalLevelChange([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
+ [id(dispid_SelectParentalCountry), helpstring("method SelectParentalCountry")] HRESULT SelectParentalCountry([in] long lCountry, [in] BSTR strUserName, [in] BSTR strPassword);
+ [id(dispid_SelectParentalLevel), helpstring("method SelectParentalLevel")] HRESULT SelectParentalLevel([in] long lParentalLevel, [in] BSTR strUserName, [in] BSTR strPassword);
+ [propget, id(dispid_TitleParentalLevels), helpstring("TitleParentalLevels")] HRESULT TitleParentalLevels([in] long lTitle, [out, retval] long* plParentalLevels);
+ [propget, id(dispid_PlayerParentalCountry), helpstring("PlayerParentalCountry")] HRESULT PlayerParentalCountry([out, retval] long* plCountryCode);
+ [propget, id(dispid_PlayerParentalLevel), helpstring("PlayerParentalLevel")] HRESULT PlayerParentalLevel([out, retval] long* plParentalLevel);
+ [id(dispid_Eject), helpstring("method Eject")] HRESULT Eject();
+ [id(dispid_UOPValid), helpstring("method UOPValid")] HRESULT UOPValid([in] long lUOP, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfValid);
+ [propget, id(dispid_SPRM), helpstring("SPRM")] HRESULT SPRM([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] short *psSPRM);
+ [propget, id(dispid_GPRM), helpstring("GPRM")] HRESULT GPRM([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] short *psSPRM);
+ [propput, id(dispid_GPRM), helpstring("GPRM")] HRESULT GPRM([in] long lIndex, [in] short sValue);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDTextStringType), helpstring("DVDTextStringType")] HRESULT DVDTextStringType([in] long lLangIndex, [in] long lStringIndex, [out, retval] DVDTextStringType* pType);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDTextString), helpstring("DVDTextString")] HRESULT DVDTextString([in] long lLangIndex, [in] long lStringIndex, [out, retval] BSTR* pstrText);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDTextNumberOfStrings), helpstring("DVDTextNumberOfStrings")] HRESULT DVDTextNumberOfStrings([in] long lLangIndex, [out, retval] long* plNumOfStrings);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDTextNumberOfLanguages), helpstring("DVDTextNumberOfLanguages")] HRESULT DVDTextNumberOfLanguages([out, retval] long* plNumOfLangs);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDTextLanguageLCID), helpstring("DVDTextLanguageLCID")] HRESULT DVDTextLanguageLCID([in] long lLangIndex, [out, retval] long* lcid);
+ [id(dispid_RegionChange), helpstring("method RegionChange")] HRESULT RegionChange();
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDAdm), helpstring("DVDAdm")] HRESULT DVDAdm([out, retval] IDispatch* *pVal);
+ [id(dispid_DeleteBookmark), helpstring("method DeleteBookmark")] HRESULT DeleteBookmark();
+ [id(dispid_RestoreBookmark), helpstring("method RestoreBookmark")] HRESULT RestoreBookmark();
+ [id(dispid_SaveBookmark), helpstring("method SaveBookmark")] HRESULT SaveBookmark();
+ [id(dispid_SelectDefaultAudioLanguage), helpstring("method SelectDefaultAudioLanguage")] HRESULT SelectDefaultAudioLanguage([in] long lang, [in] long ext);
+ [id(dispid_SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage), helpstring("method SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage")] HRESULT SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage([in] long lang, [in] DVDSPExt ext);
+ [propget, id(dispid_PreferredSubpictureStream), helpstring("PreferredSubpictureStream")] HRESULT PreferredSubpictureStream([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DefaultMenuLanguage), helpstring("DefaultMenuLanguage")] HRESULT DefaultMenuLanguage([out, retval] long* lang);
+ [propput, id(dispid_DefaultMenuLanguage), helpstring("DefaultMenuLanguage")] HRESULT DefaultMenuLanguage([in] long lang);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DefaultSubpictureLanguage), helpstring("DefaultSubpictureLanguage")] HRESULT DefaultSubpictureLanguage([out, retval] long* lang);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DefaultAudioLanguage), helpstring("DefaultAudioLanguage")] HRESULT DefaultAudioLanguage([out, retval] long *lang);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DefaultSubpictureLanguageExt), helpstring("DefaultSubpictureLanguageExt")] HRESULT DefaultSubpictureLanguageExt([out, retval] DVDSPExt* ext);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DefaultAudioLanguageExt), helpstring("DefaultAudioLanguageExt")] HRESULT DefaultAudioLanguageExt([out, retval] long *ext);
+ [propget, id(dispid_LanguageFromLCID), helpstring("LanguageFromLCID")] HRESULT LanguageFromLCID([in] long lcid, [out, retval] BSTR* lang);
+ [propget, id(dispid_KaraokeAudioPresentationMode), helpstring("KaraokeAudioPresentationMode")] HRESULT KaraokeAudioPresentationMode([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispid_KaraokeAudioPresentationMode), helpstring("KaraokeAudioPresentationMode")] HRESULT KaraokeAudioPresentationMode([in] long newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_KaraokeChannelContent), helpstring("KaraokeChannelContent")] HRESULT KaraokeChannelContent([in] long lStream, [in] long lChan, [out, retval] long* lContent);
+ [propget, id(dispid_KaraokeChannelAssignment), helpstring("KaraokeChannelAssignment")] HRESULT KaraokeChannelAssignment([in] long lStream, [out, retval] long *lChannelAssignment);
+ [id(dispid_RestorePreferredSettings), helpstring("method RestorePreferredSettings")] HRESULT RestorePreferredSettings();
+ [propget, id(dispid_ButtonRect), helpstring("ButtonRect")] HRESULT ButtonRect([in] long lButton, [out, retval] IMSVidRect** pRect);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DVDScreenInMouseCoordinates), helpstring("DVDScreenInMouseCoordinates")] HRESULT DVDScreenInMouseCoordinates([out, retval] IMSVidRect** ppRect);
+ [propput, id(dispid_DVDScreenInMouseCoordinates), helpstring("DVDScreenInMouseCoordinates")] HRESULT DVDScreenInMouseCoordinates([in] IMSVidRect* pRect);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(B4F7A674-9B83-49cb-A357-C63B871BE958),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control File Playback Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidWebDVDEvent : IMSVidPlaybackEvent {
+ [id(eventidDVDNotify), helpstring("Notifies the client about DVD Code")] HRESULT DVDNotify([in]long lEventCode, [in]VARIANT lParam1, [in]VARIANT lParam2);
+ [id(eventidPlayForwards), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayForwards([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayBackwards), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayBackwards([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidShowMenu), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ShowMenu([in]DVDMenuIDConstants, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidResume), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT Resume([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidSelectOrActivateButton), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT SelectOrActivateButton([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidStillOff), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT StillOff([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPauseOn), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PauseOn([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidChangeCurrentAudioStream), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ChangeCurrentAudioStream([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidChangeCurrentSubpictureStream), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ChangeCurrentSubpictureStream([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidChangeCurrentAngle), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ChangeCurrentAngle([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayAtTimeInTitle), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayAtTimeInTitle([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayAtTime), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayAtTime([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayChapterInTitle), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayChapterInTitle([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayChapter), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayChapter([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidReplayChapter), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ReplayChapter([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayNextChapter), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayNextChapter([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidStop), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT Stop([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidReturnFromSubmenu), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ReturnFromSubmenu([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayTitle), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayTitle([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidPlayPrevChapter), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT PlayPrevChapter([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidChangeKaraokePresMode), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ChangeKaraokePresMode([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ [id(eventidChangeVideoPresMode), helpstring("Notifies the client")] HRESULT ChangeVideoPresMode([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled);
+ };
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(B8BE681A-EB2C-47f0-B415-94D5452F0E05),
+ helpstring("IMSVidWebDVDAdm Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidWebDVDAdm : IDispatch
+ {
+ [id(dispidChangePassword), helpstring("method ChangePassword")] HRESULT ChangePassword([in]BSTR strUserName, [in]BSTR strOld, [in]BSTR strNew);
+ [id(dispidSaveParentalLevel), helpstring("method SaveParentalLevel")] HRESULT SaveParentalLevel([in]long level,[in]BSTR strUserName, [in]BSTR strPassword);
+ [id(dispidSaveParentalCountry), helpstring("method SaveParentalCountry")] HRESULT SaveParentalCountry([in]long country,[in]BSTR strUserName, [in]BSTR strPassword);
+ [id(dispidConfirmPassword), hidden, restricted, helpstring("method ConfirmPassword")] HRESULT ConfirmPassword([in]BSTR strUserName, [in]BSTR strPassword, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
+ [id(dispidGetParentalLevel), helpstring("method GetParentalLevel")] HRESULT GetParentalLevel([out, retval] long *lLevel);
+ [id(dispidGetParentalCountry), helpstring("method GetParentalCountry")] HRESULT GetParentalCountry([out, retval] long *lCountry);
+ [propget, id(dispidDefaultAudioLCID), helpstring("property DefaultAudioLCID")] HRESULT DefaultAudioLCID([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispidDefaultAudioLCID), helpstring("property DefaultAudioLCID")] HRESULT DefaultAudioLCID([in] long newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispidDefaultSubpictureLCID), helpstring("property DefaultSubpictureLCID")] HRESULT DefaultSubpictureLCID([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispidDefaultSubpictureLCID), helpstring("property DefaultSubpictureLCID")] HRESULT DefaultSubpictureLCID([in] long newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispidDefaultMenuLCID), helpstring("property DefaultMenuLCID")] HRESULT DefaultMenuLCID([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispidDefaultMenuLCID), helpstring("property DefaultMenuLCID")] HRESULT DefaultMenuLCID([in] long newVal);
+ [propget, id(dispidBookmarkOnStop), helpstring("property BookmarkOnStop")] HRESULT BookmarkOnStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
+ [propput, id(dispidBookmarkOnStop), helpstring("property BookmarkOnStop")] HRESULT BookmarkOnStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
+ };
+// output devices
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(37B03546-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Output Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidOutputDevice : IMSVidDevice {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation,
+ uuid(2E6A14E2-571C-11d3-B652-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Output Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidOutputDeviceEvent : IMSVidDeviceEvent {
+ };
+// features
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(37B03547-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Feature Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidFeature : IMSVidDevice {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation,
+ uuid(3DD2903C-E0AA-11d2-B63A-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Feature Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidFeatureEvent : IMSVidDeviceEvent {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(C0020FD4-BEE7-43d9-A495-9F213117103D),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Encoder Feature Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidEncoder : IMSVidFeature {
+ [propget, id(dispid_videoencoderint)] HRESULT VideoEncoderInterface([out, retval] IUnknown **ppEncInt);
+ [propget, id(dispid_audioencoderint)] HRESULT AudioEncoderInterface([out, retval] IUnknown **ppEncInt);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation,
+ uuid(11EBC158-E712-4d1f-8BB3-01ED5274C4CE),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control XDS Feature Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidXDS : IMSVidFeature {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(334125C1-77E5-11d3-B653-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Data Services Feature Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidDataServices : IMSVidFeature {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(334125C2-77E5-11d3-B653-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Data Services Feature Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidDataServicesEvent : IMSVidDeviceEvent {
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(99652EA1-C1F7-414f-BB7B-1C967DE75983),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Closed Captioning Feature Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidClosedCaptioning : IMSVidFeature {
+ [propget, id(dispidCCEnable)] HRESULT Enable([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *On);
+ [propput, id(dispidCCEnable)] HRESULT Enable([in] VARIANT_BOOL On);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(E00CB864-A029-4310-9987-A873F5887D97),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Closed Captioning Feature Interface 2"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidClosedCaptioning2 : IMSVidClosedCaptioning{
+ [propget, id(dispidService)] HRESULT Service([out, retval] MSVidCCService *On);
+ [propput, id(dispidService)] HRESULT Service([in] MSVidCCService On);
+ };
+// video renderer
+// need to add msvidvidoerenderer2 that has allocator prestenter stuff...
+ typedef enum {
+ sslFullSize,
+ sslClipByOverScan,
+ sslClipByClipRect,
+ } SourceSizeList;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(37B03540-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Video Renderer Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidVideoRenderer : IMSVidOutputDevice {
+ // Properties
+ [propget, id(dispidCustomCompositorClass)] HRESULT CustomCompositorClass([out, retval] BSTR *CompositorCLSID);
+ [propput, id(dispidCustomCompositorClass)] HRESULT CustomCompositorClass([in] BSTR CompositorCLSID);
+ [propget, hidden, restricted, id(dispid_CustomCompositorClass)] HRESULT _CustomCompositorClass([out, retval] GUID* CompositorCLSID);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted, id(dispid_CustomCompositorClass)] HRESULT _CustomCompositorClass([in] REFCLSID CompositorCLSID);
+ [propget, hidden, restricted, id(dispid_CustomCompositor)] HRESULT _CustomCompositor([out, retval] IVMRImageCompositor** Compositor);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted, id(dispid_CustomCompositor)] HRESULT _CustomCompositor([in] IVMRImageCompositor* Compositor);
+ //
+ [propget, id(dispidMixerBitmap)] HRESULT MixerBitmap([out,retval] IPictureDisp** MixerPictureDisp);
+ [propget, hidden, restricted, id(dispid_MixerBitmap)] HRESULT _MixerBitmap([out, retval] IVMRMixerBitmap ** MixerPicture);
+ [propput, id(dispidMixerBitmap)] HRESULT MixerBitmap([in] IPictureDisp* MixerPictureDisp);
+ [propput, hidden, restricted, id(dispid_MixerBitmap)] HRESULT _MixerBitmap([in] VMRALPHABITMAP * MixerPicture);
+ [propget, id(dispidMixerBitmapRect)] HRESULT MixerBitmapPositionRect([out,retval] IMSVidRect **rDest);
+ [propput, id(dispidMixerBitmapRect)] HRESULT MixerBitmapPositionRect([in] IMSVidRect *rDest);
+ [propget, id(dispidMixerBitmapOpacity)] HRESULT MixerBitmapOpacity([out,retval]int *opacity);
+ [propput, id(dispidMixerBitmapOpacity)] HRESULT MixerBitmapOpacity([in]int opacity);
+ [id(dispidSetupMixerBitmap)] HRESULT SetupMixerBitmap([in] IPictureDisp * MixerPictureDisp, [in] long Opacity, [in] IMSVidRect *rDest);
+ // display surface control
+ [propget, id(dispidSourceSize)] HRESULT SourceSize([retval, out] SourceSizeList *CurrentSize);
+ [propput, id(dispidSourceSize)] HRESULT SourceSize([in] SourceSizeList NewSize);
+ [propget, id(dispidDevOverScan), helpstring("trim each source edge by this amount(in hundredths of percent, e.g. 1.75% == 175)")] HRESULT OverScan([retval, out] long *plPercent);
+ [propput, id(dispidDevOverScan), helpstring("trim each source edge by this amount(in hundredths of percent, e.g. 1.75% == 175)")] HRESULT OverScan([in] long lPercent);
+ [propget, id(dispidAvailableSourceRect)] HRESULT AvailableSourceRect([out, retval] IMSVidRect **pRect);
+ [propget, id(dispidMaxVidRect)] HRESULT MaxVidRect([out, retval] IMSVidRect **ppVidRect);
+ [propget, id(dispidMinVidRect)] HRESULT MinVidRect([out, retval] IMSVidRect **ppVidRect);
+ [propget, id(dispidClippedSourceRect)] HRESULT ClippedSourceRect([out, retval] IMSVidRect **pRect);
+ [propput, id(dispidClippedSourceRect)] HRESULT ClippedSourceRect([in] IMSVidRect *pRect);
+ [propget, id(dispidUsingOverlay)] HRESULT UsingOverlay([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *UseOverlayVal);
+ [propput, id(dispidUsingOverlay)] HRESULT UsingOverlay([in] VARIANT_BOOL UseOverlayVal);
+ [id(dispidCapture)] HRESULT Capture([out, retval] IPictureDisp **currentImage);
+ [propget, id(dispid_FramesPerSecond), helpstring("FramesPerSecond")] HRESULT FramesPerSecond([out, retval] long *pVal);
+ [propget, id(dispid_DecimateInput), helpstring("DecimateInput")] HRESULT DecimateInput([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pDeci);
+ [propput, id(dispid_DecimateInput), helpstring("DecimateInput")] HRESULT DecimateInput([in] VARIANT_BOOL pDeci);
+ // Methods
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(37B03545-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Video Renderer Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidVideoRendererEvent : IMSVidOutputDeviceEvent {
+ [id(eventidOverlayUnavailable), helpstring("HW Overlay surface in use or not present")] HRESULT OverlayUnavailable();
+ };
+// Stream Buffer
+// Sink and Source
+// Stream Buffer Recording Control Object
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [
+ object,
+ dual,
+ oleautomation,
+ hidden,
+ nonextensible,
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ uuid(160621AA-BBBC-4326-A824-C395AEBC6E74),
+ helpstring("IMSVidStreamBufferRecordingControl Interface"),
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidStreamBufferRecordingControl : IDispatch {
+ [propget, id(dispidstarttime), helpstring("method StartTime, values in milliseconds")]HRESULT StartTime ([out, retval] long *rtStart) ;
+ [propput, id(dispidstarttime), helpstring("method StartTime, values in milliseconds")]HRESULT StartTime ([in] long rtStart) ;
+ [propget, id(dispidstoptime), helpstring("method StopTime, values in milliseconds")]HRESULT StopTime ([out, retval] long *rtStop) ;
+ [propput, id(dispidstoptime), helpstring("method StopTime, values in milliseconds")]HRESULT StopTime ([in] long rtStop) ;
+ [propget, id(dispidrecordingstopped), helpstring("method RecordingStopped")]HRESULT RecordingStopped ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* phResult) ;
+ [propget, id(dispidrecordingstarted), helpstring("method RecordingStarted")]HRESULT RecordingStarted ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* phResult);
+ [propget, id(dispidrecordingtype), helpstring("property returns type of recording object")] HRESULT RecordingType ([out, retval] RecordingType *dwType);
+ [propget, id(dispidRecordingAttribute), helpstring("get Recording Attribute interface")] HRESULT RecordingAttribute ([out, retval] IUnknown **pRecordingAttribute);
+ };
+ // Sink
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(159DBB45-CD1B-4dab-83EA-5CB1F4F21D07),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Stream Buffer Sink Output Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidStreamBufferSink : IMSVidOutputDevice {
+ [propget, id(dispidStreamBufferContentRecording), helpstring("New Recording Object")] HRESULT ContentRecorder([in]BSTR pszFilename, [retval, out] IMSVidStreamBufferRecordingControl ** pRecordingIUnknown ) ;
+ [propget, id(dispidStreamBufferReferenceRecording), helpstring("New Recording Object")] HRESULT ReferenceRecorder([in]BSTR pszFilename, [retval, out] IMSVidStreamBufferRecordingControl ** pRecordingIUnknown ) ;
+ [propget, id(dispidStreamBufferSinkName), helpstring("Sink Name")] HRESULT SinkName([retval, out] BSTR* pName);
+ [propput, id(dispidStreamBufferSinkName), helpstring("Sink Name")] HRESULT SinkName([in] BSTR Name);
+ [id(dispidNameSetLock), helpstring("Name Set Lock")] HRESULT NameSetLock();
+ [propget, id(dispidSBEConfigure), helpstring("SBE Sink Interface")] HRESULT SBESink([retval, out] IUnknown** sbeConfig);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(F798A36B-B05B-4bbe-9703-EAEA7D61CD51),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Stream Buffer Sink Output Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidStreamBufferSinkEvent : IMSVidOutputDeviceEvent {
+ [id(eventidSinkCertificateFailure), helpstring("Sink Certificate Failure")] HRESULT CertificateFailure();
+ [id(eventidSinkCertificateSuccess), helpstring("Sink Certificate Success")] HRESULT CertificateSuccess();
+ [id(eventidWriteFailure), helpstring("Sink Write Failure")] HRESULT WriteFailure();
+ };
+// SBE Source Playback
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(EB0C8CF9-6950-4772-87B1-47D11CF3A02F),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Stream Buffer Source Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidStreamBufferSource : IMSVidFilePlayback {
+ [propget, id(dispidstart), helpstring("Start")] HRESULT Start([out, retval] long *lStart);
+ [propget, id(dispid_RecordingAttribute), helpstring("get Recording Attribute interface")] HRESULT RecordingAttribute ([out, retval] IUnknown **pRecordingAttribute);
+ [id(dispid_CurrentRatings), helpstring("Current Ratings for SBE playback")] HRESULT CurrentRatings([out] EnTvRat_System *pEnSystem, [out] EnTvRat_GenericLevel *pEnRating, [out] LONG *pBfEnAttr); // attrs are bitfields of BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes
+ [id(dispid_MaxRatingsLevel), helpstring("Maximum Ratings Level for SBE playback")] HRESULT MaxRatingsLevel([in] EnTvRat_System enSystem, [in] EnTvRat_GenericLevel enRating, [in] LONG lbfEnAttr);
+ [propput, id(dispid_BlockUnrated), helpstring("Block unrated content")] HRESULT BlockUnrated([in] VARIANT_BOOL bBlock);
+ [propput, id(dispid_UnratedDelay), helpstring("Maximum Ratings Level for SBE playback")] HRESULT UnratedDelay([in] long dwDelay);
+ [propget, id(dispidsbesource), helpstring("Stream Buffer Source Interface")] HRESULT SBESource([out, retval] IUnknown **sbeFilter);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(50CE8A7D-9C28-4DA8-9042-CDFA7116F979),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Stream Buffer Source Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidStreamBufferSourceEvent : IMSVidFilePlaybackEvent {
+ [id(eventidSourceCertificateFailure), helpstring("Source Certificate Failure")] HRESULT CertificateFailure();
+ [id(eventidSourceCertificateSuccess), helpstring("Source Certificate Success")] HRESULT CertificateSuccess();
+ [id(eventidRatingsBlocked), helpstring("Ratings Blocked")] HRESULT RatingsBlocked();
+ [id(eventidRatingsUnlocked), helpstring("Ratings Unblocked")] HRESULT RatingsUnblocked();
+ [id(eventidRatingsChanged), helpstring("Ratings Changed")] HRESULT RatingsChanged();
+ [id(eventidTimeHole), helpstring("Source Time Hole")] HRESULT TimeHole([in] long StreamOffsetMS, [in] long SizeMS);
+ [id(eventidStaleDataRead), helpstring("Source Stale Data Read")] HRESULT StaleDataRead();
+ [id(eventidContentBecomingStale), helpstring("Source Content Becoming Stale")] HRESULT ContentBecomingStale();
+ [id(eventidStaleFileDeleted), helpstring("Source Stale File Deleted")] HRESULT StaleFileDeleted();
+ };
+// video renderer II
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(6BDD5C1E-2810-4159-94BC-05511AE8549B),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Video Renderer Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidVideoRenderer2 : IMSVidVideoRenderer {
+ // Properties
+ [propget, id(dispidAlloctor)] HRESULT Allocator([out, retval] IUnknown ** AllocPresent);
+ [propget, id(dispid_Allocator), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _Allocator([out, retval] IVMRSurfaceAllocator ** AllocPresent);
+ // Quick Notes on ID's
+ // 1. default id is the lower 32 bits of the IUnknown pointer for the Vidctl
+ // 2. if the id is not yet set get_Allocator_ID will return -1
+ [propget, id(dispidAllocPresentID)] HRESULT Allocator_ID([out, retval] long *ID);
+ [id(dispidSetAllocator)] HRESULT SetAllocator([in] IUnknown* AllocPresent, [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long ID);
+ [id(dispid_SetAllocator), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _SetAllocator([in] IVMRSurfaceAllocator* AllocPresent, [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long ID);
+ [propput, id(dispid_SuppressEffects)] HRESULT SuppressEffects( [in] VARIANT_BOOL bSuppress);
+ [propget, id(dispid_SuppressEffects)] HRESULT SuppressEffects( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *bSuppress);
+ // display surface control
+ // Methods
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(7145ED66-4730-4fdb-8A53-FDE7508D3E5E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Video Renderer Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidVideoRendererEvent2 : IMSVidOutputDeviceEvent {
+ [id(eventidOverlayUnavailable), helpstring("HW Overlay surface in use or not present")] HRESULT OverlayUnavailable();
+ };
+// audio renderer
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(37B0353F-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Audio Renderer Device Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidAudioRenderer : IMSVidOutputDevice {
+ [propput, id(dispidDevVolume)] HRESULT Volume([in] long lVol);
+ [propget, id(dispidDevVolume)] HRESULT Volume([retval, out] long *lVol);
+ [propput, id(dispidDevBalance)] HRESULT Balance([in] long lBal);
+ [propget, id(dispidDevBalance)] HRESULT Balance([retval, out] long *lBal);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [object, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(37B03541-A4C8-11d2-B634-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Audio Renderer Device Event Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidAudioRendererEvent : IMSVidOutputDeviceEvent {
+ };
+// device collection
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(C5702CD1-9B79-11d3-B654-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Input Device Writable Collection Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidInputDevices : IDispatch {
+ [propget, id(dispidCount)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *lCount);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **pD);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT v, [out, retval] IMSVidInputDevice **pDB);
+ [id(DISPID_ADDITEM)] HRESULT Add([in] IMSVidInputDevice *pDB);
+ };
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(C5702CD2-9B79-11d3-B654-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Output Device Writable Collection Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidOutputDevices : IDispatch {
+ [propget, id(dispidCount)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *lCount);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **pD);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT v, [out, retval] IMSVidOutputDevice **pDB);
+ [id(DISPID_ADDITEM)] HRESULT Add([in] IMSVidOutputDevice *pDB);
+ };
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(C5702CD3-9B79-11d3-B654-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Video Renderer Device Writable Collection Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidVideoRendererDevices : IDispatch {
+ [propget, id(dispidCount)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *lCount);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **pD);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT v, [out, retval] IMSVidVideoRenderer **pDB);
+ [id(DISPID_ADDITEM)] HRESULT Add([in] IMSVidVideoRenderer *pDB);
+ };
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(C5702CD4-9B79-11d3-B654-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Audio Renderer Device Writable Collection Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidAudioRendererDevices : IDispatch {
+ [propget, id(dispidCount)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *lCount);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **pD);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT v, [out, retval] IMSVidAudioRenderer **pDB);
+ [id(DISPID_ADDITEM)] HRESULT Add([in] IMSVidAudioRenderer *pDB);
+ };
+ [object, dual, oleautomation, hidden,
+ uuid(C5702CD5-9B79-11d3-B654-00C04F79498E),
+ helpstring("MS Video Control Features Writable Collection Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique)
+ ]
+ interface IMSVidFeatures: IDispatch {
+ [propget, id(dispidCount)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *lCount);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **pD);
+ [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT v, [out, retval] IMSVidFeature **pDB);
+ [id(DISPID_ADDITEM)] HRESULT Add([in] IMSVidFeature *pDB);
+ };
+// end of file segment.idl